The Columbia spy. and literary register. (Columbia, Pa.) 1848-1848, July 08, 1848, Image 4

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qAESAPARTI LA I Wonder and blessing of the
age--The most extraordinary medicine in the world.
This Extract is put up in quart bottle. It is six vines
cheaper, pleasanter, and warranted superior to any sold.
It, Aural diseases without vomiting, purging. sickening.
ot-debllltatlng the patient.
The great beauty and superiority of this Sereaparilla
Ziinver another remedies is, while It eradicate. dtsease, It
Invigorates the body. It is ono of the very beat
Ever known ; it not only purities the whole system and
strengthens the person, but It creates new, pure, and
rich blood; a power possessed by no other medicine.—
' And in this lies the great series of its wonderful success.
De. Townsend's Sarsaparilla invigorates the whole
system permanently. To those who have loot their mus
eular energy by the effects of medicine or indiscretions
committed to youth. or the excessive indulgence of the
Passions, and brought on a general pntatratton of the
nervous system, lassitude, want of ambition. feinting
seusations, premature decay and decline, hastening
towards that fatal diseafte. Consumption, call be entirely
restored by this pleasant remedy.
The geeuilin only sold by It. W1:111.1aMS Front. M.
Columbia, Pa. Ap29,16-11
TIE UNDERSIGNED takes this medium to in
forms his friends and the public fiat he lists removed
ZOOM OSETHE CORNAH of LOCT( 101 . 1 lot Ting reco
vered his berths so as t b ee
able to attend to business
wonid respectfully invite his customers to give him a call.
feeling well assured from the liberal patronage that he
has heretofore received, that lie will be able to give sank.
faction to all who may feel disposed to give hint their
work. He would not say that he is the only one iii the
place who can make good stork, not wishing thus to puff
himself ito notice but would assure the public that tt ork
entrusted to him shall be executed itt a neat lasltionable
and substantial manner. Ile keeps constantly on hand a
fine assortment of Cloths, Cassimcres Sc. Vesting's, which
will be sold at very small advances.
.1. W. FISHER.
N. B. Ileave a three stock of ready made CLOTIIING
which I wilt sell at prime cost. I. W. F.
April tIX,
THE Taioring Establishment of B. Young has
been moved up stairs in the Barbershop. opposite the
Washington Hotel, at which place he may be found at all
times, ready to do work in the neatest and best style for
all who may give him a call, so he intends to devote his
whole attention to dressing the community in the trod
perfect style of the day. !laving received allthe different
reports ' lie flatters himself he is the only one hi the place
able to do so. B. 1 OUN G.
l'. S. He will at all times be prepared to give instruc
tions in eatttng garments to any of the trade. so much in
rear that may disable them to come up to the age. and
stands open againsfall publishers of systems for investiga
tion. No more, but hopeto get n spat.
13. YOUNG. of Columbia,
S. S. 11.A.THVON, of Marietta
Columbia, April P,
W. IL SPANGLE% having become Proprietor
of the Book Si Stationary Store, hate of the firma
'Westbrook do Spangler, has removed his establishment to
the house lately occupied by Mr. Raub on i'ront Street. a
few doors north from the Corner of Locust, and neat door
to WICI. A Leader's Drug ctore,—where he will continue
the former business mMa its branches. Havmg enlarged
his stocks he is prepared to furnish e). cry article in the
Book and stationer) Intent the s cry lowest rates: School
Books of every kind. Blank Books. Fools Cap alai Letter
Paper by the wholesale or retail. Pocket Knives, Rainer..
Goth Peas. Pocket Books, Combs, Heir. Tooth. and Cloth
Brushes—Razor Strops, Soap, Brushes. Ac. Ink Stands,
Ink by the Bottle—Dominoes. Chess Men. Dice. A splen
did lot of Silk, Steel Beads. Clasps and Tunnels, for purses.
Gold and Silver Bullion—tor Working Slippers, Sc. And
a most superior lot of fancy stationery tor die Ladies.—
Don't forget the Cheap Depot, at
Nest Door to W. A. Leader's Drug Store.
BARGAINS. The subscribers have, dada; the
past week, made a large addition to their former
stock of
which, for elegance and cheapness. cannot be surpassed.
Among which is a very large assortment of PRINTS. at
4 eta, cts. d cis. 10 CIS, mid t 9 cts per yard. DRESS
GINGHAMS as low as 124 el, 19 eta. and 05 eta. Al
pacas and Linens, Lustre., A general assortment of
Such as 4-4,54, 0-4. and 104 Jileachud and Brown Sheet
inge' Ticl4ings, (Med,. Crash, Lineal and COI/011, Brown
aratllleached, Tablc Mapers, &c.
_ . .
. _
Bur. Blue and Block French Cloth.. ; sup. Blue. Blnek,
Brown, aucl titive I:nuitt;ll Cloths; null; outi I . :me)" Crts
fe.neres, SuUuuts, Veaungs. &e.
Glaser. and Queensware ; Fresh Family Gro
ceries. selected with very :trent core. nntontr which are
NeW Crop Suiturs--Loaf, Pulverised and Crushed Strear,
Coffees ' Spices, the St/per:or Teas of the New V o lt
Canton Ten Company. Oil, Fish, Sr-.
All of they are deo:ran/11 , A to sell as cow as the
vats cowEsr. for suet or count r) prod/Ice.
Thar/hint for post favors. they respeetthlly solicit it
etellielleee 01 patronage hereto:ore bestowed upon
theta. J. D. A: J. AV 111G1 rr.
Locti,l St., 2 doors belotv Sccond St.
Co:urnbia. March
\ D NEW GOODS, The subscriber tubes this
rl - method of informing his ft lends and costumer: that
he has rented the New Sore Room known as I tuition:lW,,
New Corner. being on the South %Vent corner of I 'rant
and Locust Street, where !I:tune:l,k to keep constantly oat
hand a rood so ply of
nod a general 1.1.440111111,11 of Faintly Groceries ; together
malt Flour and other Meal ; Oat.. corn. and Chop ior
horses. Also. Liquors ot all knit', incl,tling Wine. nod
Cordials. All of which I pledge myself to sell as cheap
for cash as posoldy elm he a:Corded. I'leat.e call and ex
amine both the goods and peaces.
N. 13.—A dwelling and trout shop adjoining. to rent on
aceotnruodating teams. 313 >elf told Son would like to
board salt the ftusidy. DLLIA II 13A utt.vr.r.
Columbia. March 25. DA!. —tf
aOODS. The public is respectfully hailed to
cull umil.cuitnion. u cre..ll titeortment of
just received and fur bale at prier - which cunnot fail to
Buis purchasers, n t J. D. Z.' J. WRIGHT'S..
Columbia. 3lnoch 19.1.1-1(
OIL of the very best quality, with au assort
ment of LAMPS for burning. the same. always on
band at - J. 1). tt J. WRIGI
Columbia, Man, 5t1.4..1.!,,.
I. i...i...4
ARTICLE Boat Store. We would can th.
anent ion of Boatmen ton 1,1,V article of Lout Slave
snade and adapted emnes.aly for their convenience. To
Le seen and had of tc CU
March It, I3IS-1f
TN 'subscribers, thankful for past favors, take
dna method of informing their frie tivit they has e
"" recrivrrl. is
" 1 4. 1 fi r al t UTT I (fF T ; r r s Z14 ' ..1; n A ND
which have been selected _with grearrchre and attention.
and will be sold CIMAP. CALL AND SEA' THEM AT
Columbia. February ID, IE43.—W
ITEM'S Celebrated Lowden Fifth Chains, TM.
con, long and short. dotitile and single Link, breast,
carrying and hotter Clino,.allof Much we offer in man.
ufactures prices. up7—tf Re:.n•t.r
Subscribers have constantly on hand a
full assortnent of wood, coal, and cooking Stoves or
o v a ry size and de.cription. cannon stoves. Also, !lead
enhurg's pats= Air-I'l4bl Parlor atoces, which has given
full satisfaction•irtnf Ca.e. The public are invited to
call and email:was-for nt the Hardware store
of Octfi—lf &
BALM Aril) 81713Q173MazrzrA.
senger Trains runs daily ns follows below :
Leaves Baltimore at 0 o'clock A. M , and ar
rives at 04 o'clock, P. 31 .
Arrives at York at 12 o'clock P. NI., and leaves for Co;
lumbis at Lt. e r lot k, T. M.
jb,..,... s Columbia at 2 o'clock P. NI, and leaves York
for Baltimore at 3 o'clock I'. 31.
Fare from Baltimore to York, PI 50
Wrightsville, - - • 2 On
Columbia, - - - - 2 121
TheTralo connects at York watt Stages for Harrisburg,
Genyeburs, Chambersburg. Pittsburg and York Spring,
- - - - .
The company is authorised by the proprietors of the
Sums Lines to recetve the fare•through trotu Baltimore to
Gettysburg and Harrisburg.
1.1.1-71310 RE TO GiTruisms .aten Flattamarad.
Fare through to either place, 83 00
D C. U. BORDLET. Snpert.
May A. 1687 —tf Ticket Otter. 63 North st Balt
THE snbseriliers -Respectfully inform their
friends and the public, that they have taken the Store
formerly occupied by S. B. Boude & Co., Corner of Locust
nod Front Street, and are now opening an entire new
Stock of Goods, purchased atthe present very low prices.
among: . which are
Olive,. Brown, and Blue Cloths; French, English, and
Amcnctut Black and Blue-Black Cassimeres; Striped,
Plaid, and Figured Cassimeres, Saunets,Surnmer Cloths,
Gambroons ; Low priced Summer Stuffs, Cords and-Bea-,
verteens, &c.
Grenadines, Organdies, Passlins, Basege. Silk Tissue,
Lawns, Ginghams, and Black and Blue-Black Gro de
Rhines, i'laid mid Striped Black Silks; Fancy Dress Silks,
New Style Charnelies. ASLO, Calicoes, Muslim Checks,
Gl:iglu:fins, Ticking. Cliambreyse, Linen and Cotton Table
Diaper, Napkins, Gloves, Cotton, Alpaca, and Silk Hose,
New Style Bonnet 'Trimmings, &c., &e. - ALSO,
Sugars, Coffees, Teas, Mackerel, Herring, Molasses, Fish
an, Sperm-Oils, Soaps Candles, Spices. an.. &c., &c.
Our good. are all NEW and selected with great care,
and we hope by strict attention to business, to receive a
share of CIISIDIII of our friends and the public. All kinds
of Country Produce taken it at the highest prices.
Columbia, March 9.5, 1549.—tf
THE undersigned, hereby tender their sincere
acknowledgments to their customers, and the pub
lic generally, for the very liberal patronage that has at
tended their efforts to please, rend would inform them that
tt will be their greatest pleasure. as heretofore, to conduct
their business in such a manlier as to instil their continu
ed approbation and support.
We continue to make all kinds of Castings. viz
TICIi COG-WHEELS, CA ST SHAFTS for water s‘ heels.
he. Also, CAR WHEELS and other Car Castings, to
gether with all kinds of Rail Road Castings, for which
unc.xceptimtable reference can be given for superiority
and Ewalt batty.
We have quite a variety of P-4.TTERNS for making
Plot Blast Pipes. for Blast Furnaces, and for Water Pipes.
and, being well prepared for Casting Plpen, tt will err
111/Illy be an advantage to those nil want. to cull and ex
amine for themselves, as we can manwiteture as
or cheaper, than any other establishment in this section
of country _
e have different hinds of Patterns for Steam Engines,
Threshing Machines. Ploughs. COMIIIOII Stoves. t 4 IONC
Plates,. Stove Cylinder , mud Grates, and many other
Rungs in our lute of business, being the malting and col
lecting together of the past cloven years. Having the
best of mechanics employed at Pattern making, &e., we
tire prepared to snake arty thing in our line of basin.s at
this shortest Italica. and being tavorably situated at the
Canal 13asits, gives us the advantage of manufacturing
and forwarding Castings to any point with despatch and
at the 10, ett rutt,s. GEORGE WOL.F,
5A.314:1.1. TRUSCOTT.
Dealing tinder the firm of Geo. Wolf & Co.
Columbia, Pa. March 4, le4d—tf.
'FIE Franklin Firc Insurance Company of
Street. near Platt street.
CIIARLES N. Bt..xcxEn,
Continue to oafs insurance, perpetual or limited, on
ever) description of property in town and counts, ut
rated as low as arc consistent with security.
. . .
The Company have reserved a large Contingent Fund.
which. wall their Capital and Premiums, safely untested,
affords ample protection to the assu red.
'Fire assets of the Company, on January Ist, ISSS, ns
published agreeably to an Act of Assenuubly, stem us
follows, viz:
Mortgages, 5500.5.".13 65
Real Estate. 1th3.3,58. 90
Temporary Loans, 124,459 00
Stocks, 5a,50:1 2.;
Cush, Sic., 43,137 a 7
Since their incorporation. a period of eighteen years,
they have paid upwards of one million, two handrail thou
sand dollars, losses by fire, thereby affording evidence
of the advantages of ilLsurance, as well as the ability and
disposition to meet with promptness, all liabilities.
Cu:mum G. Hascasn, Secretary.
THOMAS LLOYD, of Columbia,
Agent for Yogic and Lancaster COMILICI.
Feb. 12, is 15-Iy.
TIEIS ATTNETITELY: Doctor liofland's Cele
_L braved
Gr rMIN flirfEns,
. .
Will effectually cure tie, Liver Conlrdlunt, Jaundice. Dy.-
p-p-ta (Anon.. or Nervous Debility, linliae..iton, Flatu
lence. A...thin:lL, Diabetes, Disease of the Kidney-, Ptihno•
miry Affection,. (arising from thsenw of the ..,toinneli and
liver.) nod all di-eases arising front a weak or di%ordenul
stomach in Loth Male and Female, smelt as Female %Yeah
ne..s, Dames.. Fulint,s m Blood to die Brad. Inward
Plutteiwg . of the !kart. of ßleathintr.
Constant Ininenntig,s of livtl, Great Depression of Spirits,
Dunne, 01 Vi-ion. Pain in tho Side, Buck, Breast. or
Lambs. Cold Fret. Se.
They remove all acidity, and give tone and acttort to
the stomach, nod as•tst digestion; they contain no alco
holic stimulant. and can be taken by the most delicate
!Hi:11110,in 1111 d tt 11l in every cone entirely tiertroy Costive
ness, and renovate the whole system. removing rill in:-
purities from the hotly, and TCMIMIIt, or previous disease.
and give health a n d vigor to the whole frame. therein;
preventing night:al dreams, walking whale asleep, &e
which 0i1... n•-ntlt 151 aCtllit2tlt.
The R111(4101, 01 the t.tottittelt are of the utmost impor
tance to erer!. 011, ent,tittsimg tile sourer' :tad bunion
stitch 11111111/0:1. No Orrin
Mark:WC none such mount ',able goner in
moan) mg every putt of the sy,..tern. A greater number
of per-on, Call vietnn., to the It:ma...lig of Coustmanon
and Dv-p,p-ta, :out More commencmg .
to the tipze...tve by.tem, than all roller dt en-e, coutl•tned.
The many 1 1 1011,alid ho tile v.1:11 Yellow Fe vet. Cholera.
Influenza. and other eptdentse, is owing to or de
rtingement there. It the unge.ttve Syrianln m perfect
Leapt. the sy.tem and the circulation of tile
blood will Le rico, as upon It they depend, then epidemics
loose all their terror.
Tho , e In me in. or visiting. districts harrussed with
FEVER AND AGUE annually, toll fad that by the
timely use of one or two hot] les to renovate and strengthen
the system, no excess at bile will accumulate, and they
will not in any one Insvmee take the disease. Preven
tion is tar better than cure.
'1 he rare success in treating diseases of the stomach
successfully. lens not been so much a want of pathologi
cal km:At . ..due of ate functions, as the preparation of suit
able Vegetadc compounds, co as to obtain :lot only their
St hole pun er : but us lacy would be most e :factual and
We are all aware that ton many preparations have
been, and are now before the public, that net only asp:lll
ative.. and some that change the locality of the disease,
orprevent at for a.uhort period, then it returns more for
midable than lit the first instance. :Inch preparations
have destroy ed the public confidence. This article Malla-
Mg alone ill its number of cares, and unrivalled. 119 thou
sands of our citizens con attest who have tested its vir
tues, can always be depended upon for the above named
diseases. It wall: cure any ease that can tie cured by
medicine, no matter who, or what else has faded; tt trill
the diseased OVZIOIIe functions of the
These U:tierc,
LUIS case of Lywnrd Piles; it is a rare occurrence to re
quire more than one bottle of each for the worst eases.
27.2, Race. Street, one door shove Eighth, south side, Phila.
delplna In Lancaster, by John F. Long; in Harrisburg.
by Daniel NV. Gross; lit Pittsburg. in. Thorn—and
by dealers generally throughout the tithed States.
frs•Paintilalets containing cures and descriptions of dIS-
Case, grant.
Also for sale. his eelebroted VEGETABLE: RHEU
MATIC PILLS. for the cure of Gout. Rheumatism, Drop
sy. mill severe Nervous Affections; SPIKENARD OINT
MENT, fur the cure of Piles, Tetter, Ringtvorm‘, &c.,
&0., &e. nurrchlS,l.i442-9m
THE undersigned have just received the best
and most complete assortment of I:nnlish and Ger
man stub and twist and patent breech ticlumr. run-
RELED GUNS, whirl, have over lice,, offered in this
market at such pr ace 4 that Will colt all. Also. e.ix Barrel
eil Revolving and tell-reeking PISTOLS. Call and ex
!Mille for yoursel,szat the cheap Hardware Store of
Columbia, August 21, 19. V. RUMPLE A. 11L'53.
SUNDAY mesLamy.
Baltimore & Suovehanna Rail Road.
The Morning PASSE. "GLIE TRAIN will run
from Baltimore regularly, hereafter. on Sun-
day. at 9 o'clock A. M.. and Returning will start from Co
lumbia at 1-YP. M., Wrightsville I? P. M.. and from York
at 3 o'clock, P. M., as on other days of the week. The
mail between Baltimore and York will be carried by this
train. No other tram will run on Sunday.
D. C. H. 13ORDLEY,
Superintendent ofTraneportation.
0ct.27. 1647.
Between York, Wrightsville and Co•
3 lumbia.—The President and Directors of
the 13altimore and Susquehanna Rail Road
Company having consented to continue the
TRAIN between the above places.
IrrThe Car w il l leore Columbia DAILY. [Sundays ex
cepted] at Of o'clock. A. M., and, the Tram will leave
ITnghtsvalle at Of o'clock Renaming, the Train will
leave York at •S' o'cioeir. A M
April 11'.1S-1:
1,/ Extract is put up in prism kormss—it is six times
cheaper, pleasanter, and warranted superior tunny sold.
It cures diseases without vomiting, purging, sickness, or
debilitating the patient, and is particularly adapted Mr a
The great beauty and superiority of this Sarsaparilla.
over all oilier remedies is, whilst it eradicates
disease. it invigorates the body.
Bronchitis, nmption,Liver Complaint. Colds, Cough.,
Caturalt. Asthma, Spitting of Blood. Soreness in the
Chest, Hectic Plush. Night Sweats, Difficult or Profuse
Expectoration, and Pain in the Side, Se., have and can
be cured.
Probablytrt . s never was a remedy that bas been so
successful in' espemte cases of consumption as this; it
cleanses and strengthens the system, and appears to heal
the ulcers on the lungs ' and the patients gradually re
gain their usual health and strength.
- - - - - - - - - - -
There is scarcely a day passes but there area number
of cases of Consumption reported as cured by the use of
Dr. Townsend's Sarsaparilla. The followiag was recently
Dr. Townsend—Dear Sir Tor the last three years I
have been afflicted with general debility, and nervous con
sumption of the last stage, and did not expect to ever gain
my health at all. Alter gomg., through a course of medi
cine under the care of some of the most distinguished re
gular physicians and members of the Board of health in
New York and elsewhere, and spending mostof my earn
ings, in attempting, to regam my health, and after reading
in some paper of your Sarsaparilla, 1 resolved to try it.—
After listing six bottles I found it done me great good and
milled to see you at your office: with your advice I kept
on, and do most heartily thank a ou for your advice. I per
severed is taking the Sarsaparilla, and have been able to
attend to my usual labors for Ills last tour months, and I
hope by the blessings of God olid ) on r Sarsaparilla to con
tinue my health. It helped me beyond the expectations
of all who Anew my case. QVINIBV.
Orange, Essex Co., N. J., August 2, .1817.
Slate of New Jersey,EsstX County, ss
Charles Quimby being duly sworn according to law, on
his oath ennui, that the foregoing statement is true accord
ing to the best of his knowledge and belief.
CtikllLTl4 QUI:11111 - :
Sworn and subscribed to before Mt, at orilllr ,, , the :MI
August, 1e47. CYRUS 13ALDIN
Justice of tins Peace.
Read the following, and say that Consumption is incu
rable if you can:
New York, April f!:3,
Dr. Townsend-1 verily believe that your Sarsaparilla
has beau the means, through Pros Wallet., of savmg my
life. 1 have for several }ears had a bad cough. It be-
CMlte worse and worse. At last I rased large tlureitaiss
of blood, bad night sweats, and was greatly celablated
and reduced, and did not expert to live I have only used
your Sarsaparilla bat a short tints. :tad there ins a won
derful chaage been wrought in me. I as now able in
walk all over the city. I raise 110 blood, nod toy cough
bus left me. You can ,cll imagine that 1 utn thankful
for these rehabs Your obedient 50111:0111.
Very few families indeed—in fuel o e have not heard of
one—that use d Dr. TOWlLselltr.S 1,11,11,1%113 111 tittle lust
oily children the past summer. while those that did 1101
blacilett and died. The certificate w e publoh below is
cOliC111,1,• esiattlett 0i its vain, and n WO) another in
stance of il. saving the lives of the children •
D. TOWn,ol..l—Dear Issir: I had two children cured by
your Sarsaparilla of the ...mintier complaint and dysentery:
one was only 15 InOlinis old. and the other years. They
were very much reduced, and we expected they would
die; they were coven up by too rc.peciable phy
When the doctor informed n. Mat we 11111,1 10., Wein. We
resolved to try your Sarsaparilla ye had !merit so Mich
of, but had but little confidence. there being .so much
stuff advertised that is worthless; but we are 1. cry thank
ful that we did. him it undoubtedly saved tlid het, of both.
I write this that others Inlay be induced to use u.
Yours. respectfully, Jour
Myrtic,tvenue, Brooklyn. Sept. 15 1S•17.
limiter. NV. RICHARDS,
7.llononcAl 11,
JIIITIC9 one of the assistants in 010 Ln
ntltte loin. Ittoelin elf t) the
to of in the tolloning letter
This is only one of more than :ionr thousand ens, of
rheumatism that Dr. Townsn•cud's :mars:iv:n.lll4 lins
cured. The most severe and chronic cases al.: V 1 eci.:y
erudicaled by its extraordinary
11r.Acksr1a.a.'n 1,1,\D. Sept-11,1-17.
Sir • 1 . 1111‘ , utf,re.lterrioly for
nine yearn Ivith rloaninati-ni : considerable of the tone 1
could tan at. o°oll Or work ; 1 hat{ the 11101,1
pains, rod ray litobe wt.-re terribly 'troller.. 1 c-cd
lour Lattice olynor sar.aparilla. and tie y hove don, •Ile
:nore than one thou-aml s; orth 01 good-1 001 -•
much better indeed, I 11111 tollllolo 1.01.•:•• r:
liberty to ri ,c a. for 1110 benefit Of the
DII. TO V 7 a favorite of
the Lathes. It relieve, them of a %rent tononat of -ode,
nitr, and glee, them fine e 01111,1•110011,1110111110) nut sptnr.
Mrs. Parker landly bent un the lotion ing
1.01 - Tll /1110011LN', Aug . ..17.1 = 17.
Dn. TOWNSEN - D—Sir : It gives me plemmre to testify to
the beneficial effects I have experienced from the use of
your I . r.tar•iiparilla. My SyNICIO wilt- very much lodured
by rIeSVOUSIIekSand general debility. mid n ith a s Ur 11.1,1, of
female complainni. I rend your ads rrunemcut. 100 Sr 101
Illtllleed to 11T the eileel of your remedy. It restored
10 a flutter state of health. 1 had not en.itied for , enral
years prey:um:to taking . it; and I do moat eheerftill)
commend it as cm Vllllllllll.l 111elheille to nil o.llu ore OW/CPA
as I have been.
The iollowing is from a very respectable (armor resid
ing ut Ileanip.dead :
I.3tc. 'Vow MLND—Dear Sir: 'l , 4y aitc lin. been sulii.rnic
so eeveiely from the ll), and general derangement
of the syetem. Mat tee supposed site Mll=l die. Tit, Phy
wcuuis could rest the disease. and she would Lava
died beyond doubt it lee had not given her your Sur,apa
nlla. It has saved her hie certainly. She is almost en
fuel), relieved, rind ie gaining strength and health. she
still continues the 01 it.
Yours, respectfully, Euz.A ABRAM.
NSW VOUS. Seer. 0, r'l7.
On. Towxsrvu :—Lear nut constrained. as no
act of Justice, to publicly acknowledge the great benefits
received from the use of ) our Sarsapardla, being in town
about two years since in a very weak and debilitated
state. 3ly th,ease IVOs a chrome inthunmanon of the li
ver and stomach. and. as many thought consumption; I
rifts so reduced that I Lad Ner) little hope of recovery.
Hearing and reading consulernbly of the SITSCIA of your
medicine, I resolved to try it, though I entertained a prem.
ewe ugninst advertised remedies. I had taken the Meth-
Cute hut a short tune, and begun to meec or gradually and
continued to get bent r, and tun now well. Indeed I am
so much unproved that tiny friends srercely recognired me
when I returned to the city. Von are at itherty to publivh
this if you think it will extend the use of your excelle=
One thousand or more additional agences, for the sale
of Or. Townsend's Sarsaparilla. will lie estaldished in
• roar, Witrre agency is BM nlrcadv appointed, 111
the Sintesof Pennsylvania. :s:ew Jersey, Delimare. Ma
ryland, Virginia, and other Southern and Wester. States.
The terms of agency to be complied with will be as fol
lows; Not snore Mon once person \via have the appoint
ment in a Owe, who will he advertised as such in one
or more papers published nt such ' , UWE`, or the imarest
paper to the place. The will also lie furnishod with el
and handbills wiling, forth the sirtuec of the medicine,
with their names printed us the Agents, for eireid a ti nth
A list of nll such amines wdl bv regularly published in
DYOTT'S ORACLE OF HEALTH; copies 01 all iic.ll
will be furnished them for circulation gratis, sours splen
did showbills of Dr- Townsend's entire establishment,
roe all these advantages. the payment for a supply .1
the San:merlin will be required when ordered, am' any
time when the Agency is relinquislied,if any of the Med
icine should remain unsold, it will be taken hat Ii at the
price paid for it.
- -
Persons who rimy 'wish the sale of this valuable meda
erne on the terms above specified, wall address. by letter,
or apply at the Principal office Rani sole agency of
T. W. iworr & SONS.
132 North Second street. Paula.
And at the some time they waif mention the naines of
any newspapers published in or near the plaice in st hada
they reside.
With the above advantages, the price of the
Sarsnpraralla will be on per dozen' packed in bozos of 2
dot. each—lese than n box will not be furnished.
Principal OlTiee. 120 Fulton street, :1. - AT Yoik.
Sole agents for Phtladelphm, Dr. T. W. DYOTF &
SONS. Columbian College, rhl North SECOND street
also sow •ttle by Frederick 13rown. corner of Chestnut and
Fifth streets : Lancaster, Ileintith and Son : Wilmington
Edward Broil:burst : York, Morris & Co.; Carlisle, ts. 12- I
hots; Harrisburg. Dr McPherson; S. S. Hance, Bono
more ; mid by the princapal Druggists throughout the Uni
ted States. West indies and Canada.
None genuine, unless put up in large square bottles.
which contain a quart. rind signed with the written sig
nature of S. P. Townsend, and his name blown on the
N. B.—Persons inquiring for this medicine should not
be induced to take any other. Druggists pat up Sarsa.
parallae. and of COM'se prefer selling their own ; others
have purchased that put in email bottles, and because
they make a greater profit, recommend them. Do not be
deceased by any—acquire for Dr. 'Townsend'e, and take
no other.
Remember the genuine 'Townsend'. Snrsaparilla:'
sold only by the Sole Agents,'T. W. DYOTT & SONS,
No. ra North SECOND Street.
Each bottle is always enveloped or accompanied with
a copyof *Dyott's Oracle of Health.*
W. A. LEADE4 i. AEnt ,or Columbia
11'n: EvistLL, 65,-Catharinc
TWO citii.nrtrzc sAvED
Mut, I'Arn].B,l3ultic st , South Brool.lyn
CIRCL I. 'llt
' V•:.; • *.4,
0.13.31,9,2 BISVOLIIRMON
IN PRICES of Dry Goods. Who are to be benefited
by this remarkable change? THE PEOPLE: Why !
Let them call at the BEE HIVE STORE, North Queen
street, and see ; here they con buy as much for St 00, as
they a short time ago would have to pay SU 00 for. This
then is a radical change for the express benefit of the peo
ple. Let theta call early and ace the LARGE LOTS of
cheap and beautiful Goods Just opening: for Revolu
tions now-a-days are remarkable for their BREVITY.
Splendid Lawns, fast colors, 14. cents
3s inch Muslins, heavy and fine, for tit. cents
A good article of Plain Modes and 111 k. only 12,', cents
A good article, Highly Cainelean.
Ladies can he supplied with every article for mourning.
Good plain 131 k. Chintzes, only 12 cents
do do Lawns, lin. 19, and 35 cents
Mnzatlans. Bareges and Silk Tissues.
Lisle thread, Silk and Kid; Misses Gloves in variety,
LNGIIAMS :—List opened, 4 cases of splendid French.
Scotch, and English Dress GinFlauns, New patterns and
very cheap—at TIIEBEE JIB North Queen street.
The greatest variety of the most splendid styles, just
received—among the newest styles arc :
Nin7nilml4, • • - Magnificent.
Zephrii - - Beautiful.
Zephry Tlssues, - Lovely.
Pompadours, Fascinating.
&c., perfectly exhaustless, at the
BCC HIVE, North Queen Street,
J a't opmting, the newest styles for Spring and Summer,
the greatest t ariety ever seen in Laneanter. Great care
line been taken in the selection of styles and color., at the
French N. W. Lace Copes.
do do do Collars.
do do do Ild:zing: and laser:log
nbroidered Soles Mobilo.. for 1)mo:es.
At the IMF; HIVE, North Queen at
Lunenner, April 15, lt.l4.F.—ti"
Dilr(scusT, s °um inf... his nuiner
k:- ou. friends of Columbia Ulla vidinity that he
has Ju=t vaunted from New York and Philadelphia with
a , plenthil to:tonna:in 0: till articles belonging; to the
Ton.v:rs. FANCY SOAPS, PAIN' l's,
OILS, 0 L.C•S, DYE STUFFS, Se.. &e.
To,.,ther with o. supetior lot tool ~tyle of 11.1.112 • 0 0l
CIAPIII RI I USJIES ihnt took tho Medal in the Me
chanic's lasomte of New York.
Also a constant cupply of Campbelle and Kethereal Oil
Nt irk a and awed llaterial to burn in theta.
Cemt.try Nlerebunt,, Draggi,t, l'hy,..icittas, Raiser.,
Store Keeper,. Fallen, D) r, and dealer-in general will
lit it to 11,- mit outa ' ge to call ut the GOLDEN MOH,
TAR DRUG STORE,Cultuntltu, before ei,C.
Columbia, :NTorelt —lf.
ve sincerely retort, thanks Ibr the very liberal en
comagernent be has received, and flatters hull self
that by strict attention, to birsines.,, to csotrarre to merit a
2.11 a, 0(1110)110 patronage• Ills stock of Drugs and Medi
cine. is of the very best scleetton.and tie complete as nay
is the place. 111 s variety or goods lit connection wail
the llr.i•y Mosinee. , eery esten-,c, roliolA mg list
only a stoall purl of In-
1)111.5th , . N11:1)ICIN ES. P.VVEN'r MEDICINES.
Paints and ON , r , ndy mixed Patin, Campllene or 1.1110
011, I:thert ()ii. 11s, Stllir. \Vinci°, Putty. Shop
farnittint Bottle, Porto, Bottle-. Viak—a lull :1•,41111,11t.
—Pcritiniery, Colngno.t. Florida AN'ater. Hay Men, l'o
made. Plillocota , .. IleeiMitrrow, Amiga., OA. Extracts for
the 11rntdkereltlei; Tot!et Powder. Pearl Powder, Itair
Oyes. Depilatory Pots or. Poinatl.• Des it,. Highly :Per
fato..dkind, Aledwar.,l soap, JOOO. - ,
cioooaoa to
J PM., 4 C0r.t.1.(61,40., Ifahtt nt
c,,litnitna, (lair C. , rlynt .1701:1.1,
Lip ~alve.
STI;E1.111:111:- 11.1N,;S AND TASSELS.
••./ Pt , •
AI-0. is ~,,,,,, or: t; of ri•e!,
t.:1 , 1 Patty, 1:no
•Al,u 11, , ortotcla of
Coin-tt..l; ,S.Co'. :11,1 Conigoek. TylcC., Palvtit Myth
-0.1 h I to,l f,om t.':, pro h AO, him to :c:1 Leta
from tiJ to SO ;,cr c,lll. knn r k :1, .ir —,urrvz.t
-ctl „ .!.1 I%IS.
.n. 11 eet.
TILE only rndienl cure for Consumption I It
also and permanent!) ctn., all tlizeases
aroitiff. blood. .
. .
Or RI•1111M11.1.
1,011. I :TUI/110 , ..... PM.] fit PC-udcr 011 the Lice,
11 , .0 . .p!04. t' nook :rtio A . 1N" on, or• el
-1 T. Secl I I !outl. l'..tlarg "I 1.1 .11 , 1 Pohl of the ..tiollF•s and
St:111'10111 11.1, 1 1:V., or
1, 11.11 ( 111... 11 ., 1 no tv , unott. u-e• of :Nier
cur)•. l',pcl•ar, or impr.,:cucc ANo.
Coronic Constittmouni
In lint Inedtol.l.: o ,v^ral knot., at but very potent
011 , , VeV•1:11)10 k1m. , ..c10n, urn nniled, fornung,.n cola
pound entireldifferent to 11%e!ntractr.r and rOtlerill, irnm
any °tip, preps rtu i o n. (1.1 111,1,d1Cli la 1 operation on
Cie .Istein when lal orimr and, disca..e. It should be in
the hands of every per.un. who by ho.itte..., or general
course of pretll-14,...t1 Io the very ninny min:l.4ll:
that render lit n curse. instead uf a bleqztag, and su often
vont! tlt 1100111
Th. , lb:lowing tv•lntiony 1. aunt an able practitioner or
PtuLtun :tie, December 11, 1•?1:.
Dear reply to Nollr question respecting the use
of Dr. Drake's Panacea. 1 twit soy that although n perfect
dislielieler In the OXI•Iellec of a l'unacca. or cure for till
disenst.s. however valtinble it limy be in certain condi
tions of the s) stein, still 1 have believed that n cure for
Consumption NO ould be di-cot wed sooner or later. anal
was led to try your meillellll.llllwo very inveterate cases.
They were pronounced I.) the attending ply lentos to be
rI"LOIONART (.. 7 0,InrStrl rind abandoned by them as in
curable. One o f the persons html been tinder the treat
ment of several very this practitioners fur n number of
years. and they said she had •• old fashioned Consumption
combined with . zieroftilii." mid tlint she :night linger for
sometime. lint could not be permanently relitived. tin both
c os, the elderl of the Panneca has been nio-d gratifying.
Only four or five bottles so ere used by one of the persons
before she began to improve rapidly. The other took
about ten. They are both well. I will only add, that fa
miliar as I am with Consumption by inlieritnnee mid by
extensive obsin, atom us It study, and knowing also the
itqunons effeel, in all, eases OM of ten of tar, lionebet,
and other vegetable tonics. as ‘‘ VII an of Melly aline ex
perforates and sedatives, 1 slimild never have recommend
ed the use of Drake's Panacea if I had nut been aeguniit
cd line ingT01111•111s. Sidi., it to Stir these are re
commended by our 1110 st pnpnlnr [lnd scientific physi
elites, mid 111 there pre,ll/ Colllblllell state, form probably
the 1,- , 1 alterative that has ever been tonic. The cure is
in Ileel/rdnllee WWI n theory of Consumption broached an
France a new years ago, - by one of her most eminent
writers no medicine, and now eqtaibli.hed by theta which
admit of no dispute. Very Respectfully Yours,
1. C. GUNN, Corner Chest. and Mali et.
Amu:m.lling . cure of Liver Complaint mid Dyspesm, in
, connection w ith General Dublin) of the whole 5) tem;
Pinf.suctiquA, March 7.
Messrs. Storrs & Co —Gentlemen :--My wife has been
for several years afflicted with a pain through her right
stile mid shoulder, accompanied wall chills through her
whole system, and almost constantly a sick stomach, at
tended with pain, invanably after rating ordrinKitir ; so
tnuch so as to deprive her of all satisfaction in attempting,
to cat, even if sine had a desire for food. which was not
often the ease, as her appetite was completely gone. A
friend persuaded her to give DR. DRAKE'S P.I.NACEA.
a trial and I am now happy to say the first bottle gave
her relief. Our family physician examined the Panacea,
and approved of her acing it. She has taken three bottles
since. and is greatly benefitted. She tins now in good ap
petite, and can cat her meals with satisfaction. The chills,
pain, and sick stomach have entirely left tier, mid we feel
confident that the Panacea has affected a comple cure of
her difficulties, and would recommend to all who are af
flicted as she has been to try Dr. Drake's Panacea.
• No. all, North Third Street.
The above RTC but a few of the numerous testimonials
we are constantly receiving, of the wonderial efficacy of
Dr. Drake's Panacea. It is a pleasant, yet most search
ing remedy ; and the first trial will prove its power. Its
reputation has increased since its mtroducuon to a degree
hitherto unknown in all medical discoveries.
With the firm conviction that no other remedy, so called,
of the present age, is equal to this, and that the theory
upon which it is compounded is too firmly established to
be overthrown, the propnetors solicit a trial of Dr.
Drake's Panacea. willing to stand or fall upon its own
merits, well satisfied it will sustain the reputation it has
already acquired.
pW'r - •CAUPION.—The genuine DR. DRAKE'S PANA
CEA is put up in large square bottles—it has the signa
ture of Ueo. F Storrs on the wrapper—end also the name
"Dr. Drake's Panacea. Phila. , ' blown in the gill..
prepared only by Storrs & Co., Druggists, ?Jo. 21 North
Sixth Street, Philadelphia.
Actasria—R.IVILLIAMS, Columbia; Fleinitsh & Son:
Lancaster; C. A. Morris. k en . York.
A pril 15. intß...l,
TETERS remaining in the Post Office at
Columbia, Ju ly
Persons inquiring for adiertiseil letters will please
mention it.
Aitren James
Atlee Samuel Kauffman Henry
Bencinn Mr Keller Andrew A
Baker Samuel - King Catharine
Badger Elizabeth Kenabrew Jordan
Bruner .Toha Kiehl Heinrich 2
Bugler Henry 0 King & Judson
Baldwin JAI Kelley L J
Billings John Krusin H
Bruck hart John Kauffman Catharine
Barnhiesel Wm Lepart Michael
Bond John Luring \Vilhemina
Cowlwell Sitidey Lighuier Adam
Criswell Wm Moore Sarah
Clark S M Massey Edmond
Conklin John M ' McCardle Peter
Conklin Mary A Metter Christian
Caine John Mirrich Henry
Clinton John Mieller Patntz
Cupplis Ann Murray Jacob
Cook Eliza MeClury Robert
Coley Elizabeth Mann Samuel
Caldwell Amos • Maloney J
Cheesepo Chs A Miller Peter
Case Wilhelm Murphy John, .
Diryer James Miller John A
Dillinger John S one of the McMullin Patrick 4
B'Hoys of Col. Noah John Peter
Daily Peter Oswald Wm
Devenport Charles Owen Joseph 2
Dougherty Samuel Orh David
Dunham Sidney Prentiff Robert B 2
Drake Fred Pearson James
Drutn Robert Paster Lewis
Enny John Peterman Elizabeth
Evary Erastus - Peterman George
Feltenberger Joseph Rork William
Flower Benjamin Rice James
Funnier John; Rosh Frank
Foley John Sinton John M
Farnum Wm A Smith Joseph
Minn Edward Snyder Isaac
°mister Joseph Shelley Henry W
Gregg Franklin S Smith Achy A
Gossel Ferdinand Swales P W
Gales Elizabeth Sayler Peter 2
Gaudier Jacob Jr Shaler Augustus
Glitter Mrs Sultana Shartzer Samuel
Geuther Geo G Schlott Samuel
Green John 2 Seichrish Adam
Gardner Mr Sruvely George 3
ir; ray bill Arind Shires Jacob
Gamble Mrs 0 B 2 Shuman at. Liphart
Goehlteim Anton Trollinger Peter
Gete Samuel Tochheim Anton
Oise Jonas Thomas Samuel II
(lumber Jacob Teagu George
C room Thomas Vincent John
llama Ntrin Watehson Charles
IBM! Washington Wharfe James
Heller J M Heirs ot' Whitson Isaac
Iroot. Joseph Woods Sagan Jane
I loosen air 'Willer John
Hartsler J B Wenchel Abraham
flour James Walter George
Handy Caleb Wnra L A De
Herr 13anjamin B Youst Ann
Hohnen Lee Young Hiram
1 'ear David Zublin David
llo;,k John II
Columbia, July 1, 18114.--31
THOUSANDS Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills.
Scarcely have ten short years elapsed since an
humble attempt was made to combine, in a suitable medi
cal preparation, a few of the herbs of the Indian. All was
dark at the tune us to the result. The moat that could be
csuniated NI as, that the principles adopted as the basis to
build upon were sound. So much reliance was placed
upon calomel and the lancet, that the ill success of the
mar experiment would have tended to confirm that reli
ance, while it shook the purpose of the proprietor.
Now. however, all doubt nod difficulty is at an end.—
livery there this medicine has been greeted with wel
come , everywhere has its use been attended with the
tined gr.:allying success. From small beginnings its sales
are no counted
rind it is held in higher esiimation at the present time
than when it vas originally introduced,
revers. like every other form of disease, are only an
I effort of nature to expel from the body something that is
!opposed to health; it is merely a struggle between the
good mid had humors for supremacy, and the commotion
ii-ties is culled Fever. The usual symptoms of
Fever are heaviness languor, anxiety, sighing and yawn
unr, with alternate fits of cold and heat, oiler which the
imitent complains of pain in the head and back, thirst, dif
ficulty of breathing, pain in the limbs, a sense of fullness
about the region 01 1110 stomach, iiti•ea and sickness.
with •outefitnes ts vomiting of bilious matter.
Wright*. Indian Vegetable Pills will be found peculiar
ly adapted to the cure of ALL KINDS OF rEven, because
they nut only thoroughly cleanse the stomach and bowels
from ml bilious humors, but they open those excretory
s es•els which empty into the bowels; and consequently,
the impurity contained in the circulation (which is the
cause of all disordered motions of the blood, called Fo
s ers.) is thrown into the bowels, from NVIICIICC it is car
ried off by the regular :dente discharges.
In using Wright's. Indian Vegetable Pills for Fevers,
the on' v care necessary is, to have the medicine operate
COPIOrSLY BY TILL BOWELS. lithe symptoms are
into four to eight pills should be taken, night and
morning. mail the fever hassubsided ; after which smaller
dii•e.s. One.' w twenty-four hours, will be sufficient to re
stuns; the body to a sound state of health.
The following, highly respectable Storekeepers have
been duly oppointml ag,ents for the stile of this Celebrated
Meslimite.lll Lancaster county:
Binrville. Reuben \Yeutter.
Bittabridge. John F. Beecher.
Bird-iii-lland. Jacob Bruner.
Bat t 'rownship, Wm. W. Pnssmore.
Beres less . , Buyers & Kennedy.
Conestoga Centre, John 11. Harman.
Church I'own. L. & E. Rogers.
Coopers% ills. E. Lewis.
Columbia. Fry & Spangler.
Cherry Ilill, Isaac S. Webster.
Druntore, John A. Boyd.
Earl Township, George Duchinan.
do do Weaver & Stouffer.
do do Davis Wallace.
Elirabetlitown, John Lynch.
Ephrata, 0. P. Gross.
do Martin Weidman.
Fulton House, Fulton tp., L. P. Wilkinson.
Ringsvalt & Martin.
Intercourse, J. G. & S. L. Robinson.
Leacoek township, Frederick Swope.
Lampeter Square, J. F. & D. H. Herr.
Liti/. Nathaniel S. Walley.
Lancaster, John Zimmerman.
Mniuut Joy, Witmer & Cassel.
:Slountville, John Devlin.
Marietta, W. A. & B. Spangler.
Mount Joy Township H. G. Clark & Co.
Maytown, John Reinhold.
do Slaymaker & Co.
Mount Pleasant, Samuel Kepner.
Mill Creek. Henry Stauffer,
New Holland, Brubaker & Co.
New Providence, Hildebrandt & Meyer.
Poplar Grove, E. H. Paxson.
Peach Bottom, S. W. P. Boyd.
Paradise A. R. &A. L. 'Witmer.
Peach Bottom, Win. Arnold.
Rawlinsville, John Rawlins.
Safe Harbor, John Ilea & Son.
Strausburg, Wm. Spencer.
Salsbury, H. Freeland.
Washington, John A. Brush.
11.7 . 0f6ees devoted exclusively to the sale of IVrighrs
Indian Vegetable Pills, wholesale and retail 169 Roca
street. Philadelphia: .2,6 Greenwich street, New York
and IL9 Tremont street. Boston.
June 24, lis.4B.—tarr.W49
GENTLEMEN Visiting the City, and wishing to
supply thein4cl,e4 wtth
Will find a
At the lovrc,t ponxiblo prices, for
Manutbetured of the best and most durable materials, and
of the latest and most approved styles and paterns, for
Men nod Boys, of
Also a great variety of
:AT TriE
As any other establishment in . the United &mei.
117 - Southeast corner of
Phller. A pril P. IPlq y GEO cruNT
Jones Suson
gliinoiniuml pi:4moimmak4
NATIONAL WORK. A History of the Revolution
and lives of the Heroes-of the War of Independence,
by Charles J. Peterson. An elegant volume with 18 fine
steel plates, and nearly 200 beautiful wood engravings.
"This i 4 a splendid book. A valuable addition to the
Historic Literature of our country. We are much mista
ken if it does not take rank with the works of Irving and
Prescott;'—Wrankford Herald.
"It surpasses any sandar work yet offered to the Amer
ican public."—[Neaps Gazette.
"It may he properly considered a popularised Military
History of the Revolution, extremely well and - judicious
written."--[North American.
"The present work on the Revolution and its Heroes,
is superior, both in extent' and. design to any that has
heretofore tome under our notice.-Inquirer.
"A well connected History of that eventful period."—
•Decidedly the best popular History of the War of the
Revolution and its Heroes, that has yet been given to the
comer}"—!Saturday Evening Post.
AGENTS WANTED to canvass for the above elegant
work, in every county town in the United States, to whom
the most liberal inducements will be offered. Price only
S 3. Address (postpaid.! WM. A. LEARY,
No. 158, North Second st., Philadelphia.
Philadelphia, June 3,1848.-3 mo.
AIM only place at which the greatest variety of
STOVES can be bad, Manufactured of the best refi
ned Iron, is at
- - -
Wholesale and Retail Stove Manufactory. No.MCI, North
Second street. above Vine, and 55 Callowhill st.., above
Second, Philadelphia, who offer for sale, a very superior
assortment, consisting of the improved Air-Tight com
plete, the latest improvement of the celebrated Empire
Cook, Leibrandt's Ole Bull Cook, Philadelphia Air-Tight,
and many others, of the best standard Stoves in the mar
ket. Call and examine our stock before purchasing, a,
we will sell CHEAP. Dealers will promote their inter
Pinladelphm, May SO, 1819.-Iy.
EMPIRE COKING STOVE. In again calling at
twition to this unrolled STOVE, the proprietor has
the pleasure to inform the public That (externally) it has
undergone an entire change—the pipe and hearth placed
opposite each other, and a
being added, thus rendering it faultless, and unless there
is another faultless Stove to the market, this is unques
tionably the best, as it now embraces every valuable im
provement possessed by any other Stove in addition to
some peculiar to itself, secured by Letters Patent.
The success of this Stove, since its introduction, is un
equalled. Nothing has ever been offered for culinary pur
poses, dint has given such general satisfaction. Stoves
have been copied after its form; some theaters have even
used its fundamental principles, but the proportions were
so unlike the original. that they bear the relative value,
that a counterfeit daes to a genuine coin.
Complete COOK and other COOK STOVES, in great
variety. P. It. GILBERT, No. 4td, Market at.
Girard Row, below Twelfth Street. PHILADELPHIA.
Me'All Stoves purchased at THIS STORE will be de
livered in Columbia, free of charge
has the written signature of the General Agent, W. M.
SPEAR. on the out side wrapper surrounding each bottle;
this is believed to be the only article, bearing the above
title, as eminating from the Doctor. The virtues of Wild
Cherry, for relieving affections of the Longs, awl that all
important organ. the Liver, has long enjoyed the confi
dence of domestic practice.
City of Philadelphia, so—William M. Spear, of the city
of Philadelphia, being duly sworn according to law, de
poses and says that lie is in the possession of the original
recipe for preparing a Balsam of Wild Cherry, for affec
tions of the Lungs, whirl, was given to him by Dr. Wistar,
a regularly educated Physician. and that he believes it to
be the only, one in possession of any person except the
said Dr. Wistnr himself. W. M. SPEAR.
Sworn and subscribed before me, and city seal affixed,
on the first day of November, A. D. 1847.
(L. S.) JOHN swim, Mayor.
A copyright for the Balsam is secured.
Absurd as it may appear in the face of the above unde
niable proof, an individual from Boston, Mass., recently
applied to the United States District Court of Pennsylva
nia for an injunction on the General Agent for the United
States and the British Provinces. to prevent said Agent
from selling, the only genuine Dr. Wistar's Balsatn of
Wild Chet ry, lentil null% ideal cluiining the right.)Oi
course the Iton. Judge of .0 Court promptly refused it.
'The Balsam is not one of the quack nostrums of the day,
claiming to cure persons whose wises are beyond the reach
of medicine, (or restoring others to life it only claims,
and has proved in thousands of cases. to be the first. most
efficacious. and only gelatine preparation oil% ild Cherry
of the nineteenth century, for affections of the Lungs,
Liver, and Kidneys. frequently terminating in consump
lion, ever offered to tine public.
A liberal disconnt to druggists find country dealers.
NOTICE TO 'CUE PUBLIC.—I have this clay appointed
T. W. DYOTT & SONS. No. 1.312, North Second street,
Philudelphin, Wholesale Furnishing Agents for the (only
RY. for the following, States, viz: New York, New Eng
land States. New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, District of
Columbia, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and
Also, for the Interior of Pennsylvania. All orders for
the Buts= will hereafter be addressed to them.
- -
Also for sale, wholesale mid retail, by WILLIAM M.
SPEAR, No. 145, Vine street. below Fifth street, Philadel
phia, General Agent for the. United States and the British
Provinces. for the (only genuine) Dr. Wistar's Balsam of
Wild Cherr. WM. M. SPEAR.
Philadelphia,March 27, 1249,
AGENTS,—r. & W. Peofold & Co., New York; A. 11Ics
Clare & Co., Dr. Herrick Co.. Albany, N. Y.; John P.
Prescott, Troy. N. Y.; Charles Dy er, Jr.. Pros idence, R.
I.; Redding & Co.. Sirs. E. Kidder, Boston, Mass.; James
Green, D. Scott. Jr. h Co., Worcester. Mass.; 11. & J.
Brewer. Springfield, Muse. ; G. W. tVelsh, & Co., Hart
ford, Ct.; J. Oish & CO., Lancaster. Pa.; C. A. Alorrisl&
Co., and Dr. A. H. Baron", York. Pa.; Reynolds & Co.,
Leeksville. N C.; John L. Kidwell, Georgetown, D. C.;
Alex. Duval, Richmond, Va.; W. A. Lnacisn, Columbia,
Price El per bottle; six bottles for $5.1.718-11 ,
QALAIIII?iDER, Fire and Thief Proof Iron Chests,
Warranted equal to ally other snake, and have never
been injured by Fire or Burglars, in a single instance. Ile
alr,o keeps on hand a full supply of Common Diming,
made of lighter iron, at lower prices.
Letter Copying Presses and Books.
Trucks for Stores, Factories, &c.
Druggists' Presses.
F.agle Glass Paper.
Portable Shower Baths. &c.
Packing Levers ' Hoisting Machines.
Refrigerators and Writes Filters.
Gl South Second St., below Chesnut, Philadelphia.
REFRIGERATORS for cooling mid preserving Ment,
Butter, Milk, and all articles intended shr culinary pur
WATER FILTERS.—OIiver Evans' Celebrated Ne
ter Filters. for Purdynig Water that is brackish or mud
dy, whether by rains, minerals, or otherwise can be had
of all sizes and prices, at the Wareroorms, :No. 61 South
Second Street, two doors below Chesnut St., naiad.
Philadelphia, October 2(1,1817. •
ACertain Disease Cured in TWO DAYS.--The
loin., recent and chronic affections of the kidneys. dig
ease of the bladder. gravel, seminal weakness. &c. Per
sona who, by Indulging in a secret habit, have entailed
on themselves constitutional debility, should apply lin
,' Imediately to DR. KINKELIN, of the Philadelphia Medi
cal House. the oldest institution of the kind in the ety.
Office, N. W. corner of THIRD and UNION Sts. be
tween Spruce ai d Pine, I i squares from the Exchange.
This .31edical Mouse was established by Dr. K. fifteen
years ago, for the suppression of quackery, there being
so many persons,:without knowledge, name or character,
who put advertisements In the.public papers, that an in-
Stitilllollof thie kind wets highly necessary to prevent the
afflicted, especially stranger., fron, falling Into the handle
of some unskillful wretch, why. Instead of coring, might
send his victim to an untimely grave. Therefore, the
afflicted eh °aid shun the numerous pretended physicians
who know nothing of the practice of medicine, bet con
sult Dr Kinkelin who cures 4 Certain Defecate in two or
three dam according to the stale of the patient, without
the use of mercury. No mercurial remedies are used by
Dr. Kinkel'', ; his medicines are palatable and harmless,.
and alt his patients are honorably shielded, from even
the possibility of being discovered. Ile who places him
self under time care of Dr. It., may religiously sontide In
his honor as a gentleman, and confidently rely upon his
skill as a physician. and Hite is not speedily relieved no
remuneration wilt be demanded.
Strictures, one of the most troublesome and dangeon is
affections, which often end In gravel, inflamation. weak
ness, &c , Dr. Kinkelle guaranties to remove speedily;
as also, swellings, diseased prostrate gland, ice. Stric-'
tures have rained many who had no knowledge of their
Take Particular Xotke.—Young men who haVe Injured
themaelves by n certain practice indulged in—a habit
frequently learned from evil companions, or all rielmor+-
the effects of which are nightly felt, Oven When asleep,
end destroy both mind and body, should apply Intel*.
diately. Weakness awl ennstkutronal debility imam
dlately cured and full vigor restored. All letterspoilpaid.
Tyke Notice —Dr. Kinkelin has had greater practice In
the above affections than any ittlYelcilth in the United
S •Ha also posserries an advantage over all others,
from the fact of his having studieJ In the great hospitals,-
of Europe. Thousands in Philadelphia can testify that
he cured them aft ry other means has failed. Sepa
rate rooms for private consultation. Open tins. P. at,
Travetiera supplied at • moment's noties,whit the re.
quisite medicines to cure theoureives privately.
Psebytta of Medicines seht to any part of the U. S.
More is
in the Spirit of the Times. oce'47-ly