For the Columbia Spy LINES ON THE DEATH OF MRS. C. M. SCOTT The Lord gave—the Lord bath taken away—blessed be the name of the Lord." °ecru), calm thy troubled bosom; Solemn:sepulture afford ; She, the cherish(' form we yield thee, Was a martyr for the Lord. Lisridng to the call of Jesus, Strong in faith and warm in zeal, kindred, friends, and country• leaving, Firm she mark'd the parting keel. Lab'ring long amid the heathen, Spending youth, and health, and life, Still the keenest pang was waiting For the Man= and the Imes- Iligh to the last her sense of duty, "All for Christ," her watchword still, She could rend the strongest fetters, Nature throws around the will. Shall we grieve for the departed? All her suttrings now are eer, Care harrassing, wasting sickness, Here shall never pain her more. .No—we mourn for the bereaved,— Lonely pilgrim who can tell, When the w•ith'ring tidings reach thee, Pangs thy smitten heart shall swell' I.llll'd beneath the mighty billow. Calm and sweet shall be thy sleep; Till th , archangel's trump resoundlng, Calls the slumb'rers from the deep. Then, 0 then, how blest the meeting! Matchless Love and boundless Grace, Tees andrutvE a theme affording, Through eternity to trace. Tim FREEPORT Actozoocr.—The aqueduct at Freeport, Pa., which was burned down a month ago, is already rebuilt, and navigation has again been resumed. The Pittsburg Gazette says : The new aqueduct is a handsome structure, and sub stantially built of the best materials. It is 810 feet long and 17 feet in width. It has six spans, and is suspended 37 feet above the level of the river. There has been about 500 feet of new cut stone work done, and a good deal of rebuilding of old stone work. Some 25 tons of iron have been consumed for bolts, spikes, etc., in its erection.— The cost of its construction is estimated at $30,000; which, considering the haste the work was done in, is quite low. 1 - )e Markets. Columbia Retail Market. Flour, by the quarter at the rate of 86.25 a 6.50 per barrel; Beef, 6 a 8c per lb.; Veal, 5 a 63c per lb.; llama, 7a 8c per lb ; Dried Beef, 123 al4 ; Butter, 14 a IBe per lb ; Eggs, 124 c per dozen ; New Potatoes, $1.25 a 1.50 per bushel. PHILADELPHIA, June 7.1849 Flour is inactive, with sales at $5.25 a 5.37 for common Penne ; extra, $54 a 6. anil Meal, $2.37. Rye Flour, $3.50 a 3.56. Wheat, prime white, $l.- 27 a 1.30 ; red, $1.23 a 1.25. Rye, 70e per bushel. Corn, Southern ycllow,slc, weight. Lumber.—The supplies are on the increase. Cargo sales of yellow pine boards at $l3. a 17. per M.; Susquehanna, $ll, a 15. 13A I.MIORE, June 7, 1648. Howard street flour, $5.623 1 ; City Mills, $.5,75. Wheat, red, $1.05 a 1.07; choice, $1.16. Corn, white, 39 a 40c; yellow, 47. Oats, 41. Rye 65. Prom the Old Dominion. —lVayneshorough, Augusta county, Va., March 19, IS37.—Dr. Fowls—Sir: During the past year, my daughter was sick with a fever about two or three months; this left her in a low and feeble state, she then vats attacked with a most violent and severe cough. raised tinily large quantities of very bad corrupted minter, accompanied ‘vith considerable blood. She was afflicted with great pain in the side and breast-11Ms continued for several months, until she was reduced almost to a skeleton. During the time site was under the care of good and skillful physicians. who done their best. but did not 'move the symptoms which ap peared to be fatal Consumption. end which threatened every day to carry her oat. At last. n friend who had heen afflicted with a very bail cough tar seventh years, told me he was effectually cured with Dr. Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry, and recommended my daughter to try it.— She did so, and when she had taken n single bottle, she began to improve. I then told her physician that my daughter was using IVistar's Balsam. He replied very well I think it a good preparation—keep on. it will not hurt 11er—she continued to use it unid she was restored to good health. I believe it saved my daughter's life. and do not hesitate to recommend others who are afflicted as my daughter was, to try it. /INWARD TERREL. 5.13. Let those who have nay doubts about the merits of this popular medicine, go to their own neighbors for proof of its efficacy. le - 13eware of the Syrups. and all other preparations of Wild Cherry. Buy none but the genuine Dr. Wistar's Balsam. • None genuine, unless signed I. BUTTS on the wrapper. For sale by SETH W. FOWLS, General Agent, 199, Washington Street. Boston; Aslo. For sale by R. WILLIAMS, Front Street Columbia, Pa. b u n ge e : i on , WEAK. NERVES, DowyEss or Smarrs Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills arc a natural, and there fore a certain cure for all kinds of nervous diseases; be cause they completely cleanse the stomach and bowels of those bilious and corrupt humors which not only para lyze and weaken the digestive organs, but are the cause of weak nerves, low spirits Ike. Wright's Indian Vegeta ble Pills are also a direct purifier of the blood, and there fore not only impart health and cheerfulness to the mind, but also give new life and vigor to the whole frame. BEWARE Or CODNTERFEWS AND IMITA7IONS.—RCMCM her, that the original and only genuine Indian Vegetable Pills have the written signature of Wilx.utts IVntour on the top label of each box. . E 7 The genuine for sale by FRY & SPANGLER, Who are the only authorized Agents for Columbia.. Also, by agents advertised in another column. Principal Oftice,loo, Race Street, Philadelphia. Most Extraordinary Work—The Married Wee man's PRIVATE MEDICAL. COMPANION, by Dr. A. M. MAURICEAU, Professor of Diseases of Woman, Sixth Edition. 18mo. pp. 250. Price $l. 25,000 copies sold in three months! Years of suffering, of physical and mental anguish to many an affectionate wife, and pecuninnry difficulty to the husband, might have been spared by a timely posses sion of this work. It is intended especially for the married. or those con templating marriage. asit di selores important secrets which should be known to them particularly. Truly, knowledge is power. his health, happiness, af fluence.: The revelations contained in its pages have proved a blessing to thousands, as the iminincrablc letters to the author will attest. Here, also, every female—the wife, the mother. the one either budding into womanhood or the one in the decline of years in whom nature contemplates an important change— can discover the cause, symptoms, and the most efficient remedies, and most certain mode of cure, in every complaint to which her sex is subject. COPIES WILL BE SENT BY MAIL FREE OF POSTAGE TO THE PURCHASER.. Over ten thoneand copies have been sent by mail within three months, with perfect safety and certamtv. On the receipt of one Dollar, the Married Woman's private Medical Companion" will be sent (mailed free)to any part of the United States. All letters must be poet-paid )except those containing a remittance) and addressed to Dr. A. M. Manriceau, Box 1224, New York City. Publish ing office, 129, Liberty-at., New-York. The "Mamed Woman's Private Medical Companion" is sold by Booksellers throughout the United States. New-York, May 20, 18.48-4 m Philadelphia Daguereotvpo Establishment —Exerts:wig, 3d story, Rooms 25-27.—Daguereotype Por tnuts of all sizes, either singly or in family groups, col ored or without colors, are taken every day, in any wea ther. Copies of Daguerreotypes, Oil Painungs, Statuary, &e., may also be procured. Ladies and Gentlemen are requested to examine specimens. apt.s'4B-ty W. & F. LANGENHEng. Dr. Swayne in the NOtlitho—The following letter just come to hand. and will be rood with interest. The patient suffered intolerably, and could find no relief unfit he used DR. WAYNE'S COMPOUND SYRUP OF WILD CRERRY. It is certainly the most wonderful cure on record Read it: Wilmington, N. C., Inn. 12, 1647 Dr. Svvayne—Dear Sir :—llaving been almost miracu lously cured by your valuable medicine, I think it not more than common gratitude in me to make one addition to the long list of certificates which you have received of remarkable cures by your medicine. During the two years preceeding last August. I was very much distressed by a very bad cold and Racking Cough, and during the latter part of the time, it continued to grow worse, and in deed in July my friends gave tie over, having tried all kinds of medicine, said to be good for such diseases, without the least good effect. I was reduced almost to a perfect corpse, and had scarcely any flesh upon my body, and for a long time never thought to rise from my bed again. A friend one day asked me if I had tried_Dr. Swayne's Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry, and adviced me to do so at once, as lie heard that it had worked a great many wonderful cures. I took his advice, and alter using up several bottles of it, I grew so much better that I vas enabled to leave my bed, and afterwards to walk about the house, and go out into the street. I was encouraged by this, and continued the use of your medicine, and now, by means of its wonderful curative powers, I ern perfect ly well, and enjoying the use of all my faculties, just as much us if I had never been afflicted in the way I have desenbed to you. Ihave written this, not thinking that it will at all interest you, but humbly hoping that it will have its mite of influence in causing your valuable medi cine to lie spread among mankind. and in assisting to raise you to that station which you richly deserve, for your persevering efforts for the public good. Respectfully your friend and admirer, JAMES R. MAISELAND. - - - . BEWARE or Istrosrriost.—Attemps have often been made by unprincipled individuals to impose upon the com munity a spurious article, stealing nearly the whole of the name of my preparation. To hilly guard agnisist such base and palpable imposition, the public should shun all preparations purporting to contain Wild Cherry., except that bearing the signature of Or. If. Swayne on each bot tle. Beware of the worthless 13alsnms." Bitters."- -' Syrups," &c., asihry contain none of the virtues of the original preparation. . The (original nod only) genuine article is prepared by DR. SIVA 1 NF, earner in Eighth and Race sts., Phila delphia, and for sale by agents ta all parts of the United States, and some parts of Europe. Sold by WU. A. LEADER, Columbia, and Dr. A. 11. DARN PI Z, York, Pa. June 10, 1.n.18..t. NUUULIED At Carlisle, on the 4th inst.. by the Rev. J. C. Wing, Miss CATHARIXE EL/ZABILT/I CLAWGIN4 of Philadelphia, nod Mr. WILLIANI CALVIN JOIINNTON, of Springfield, llti nois. DIVIDEND. THE President nud Directors of the Columbia k Washington Turnpike Road Company have this day declared a dividend of eighty cents on each share of stock. payable to the stockholders or their legal represen tatives on demund. J. W. corn - mu., Treasurer. jyE'lS•lm ly 3, 1.4. LBETTs , s cIENTINEItero-Abdominal Supporters, Recom mended be Physienans of the highest standing in all parts of the United States. Also in Philadelphia. by Prof. Jackson., mid Prof. Hornier, of the University of Penn sylt ulna; Prof. Joseph Puncoust and Prof. J. K. Mitchell, oldie Jefferson Medical College; Prof. NVuldnonk, of Ilan Pennsylvania Medical College; Willinm Harris, M. I), Lecturer on Mndwnfery; and many others of high ' , tannin:lg. Tins invention Inns been before the public over twelve years, and is the most successful instrument of it.. class. Sold in Columbia. by IL WILLIAMS, July 8. 1845. Agent. VANILLA BEAN. 1 - UST received a fresh and superior article of Vanilla Bean—very cheap, For 13 ale by July e. ILLIAMS. NZIV2" PERFUMES. EXTRACT De JENNY LIND, for the Handier duet: For sale by R. WILLIAMS. Columbia, July S. POMADE - p IGEN 11%, for the growth and preservation of J_U the Hair. For gale. by R. WILLIAMS. Columbia. July P. I,IP. POMADE{ DE JENNY LIND, for beautifying the BR &c. Fur pule by R. WILLIAMS. Columbia, 9.1.945. 13,111LD Tills LETTER. Who will be without a beau and hem! °I flair, when they can have one for three sialliagel Twenty years' loss of hat; mat wonderful restoration' Baltimore. July 17, 1 t 7 Dear Sir—The powerful effects of Jones. Coral Hair Restorative has been so decisively demonstrated in the cases of several respectable eitmcns of the town, who, on account of ) our selling three shilling bottles, try it without fear. One instance, which hos attracted particular atten tion. is the ease of a gentleman Wilo had little or no hair for meaty years; lie hail tried numerous preparations in vain, and ultimately hind his head shaved stud wore a wig. At my"recommendation. he tried the Restorative, and after using it, according to the direction. for a short time, the }ming haw appeared, and lie has now us fine a head of hair as any person in Baltimore. Yours, &c. JOHN KILVINGTON. For sale by R. Williains. agent for Columbia. NOTICE A AIEETING of the Creditors of Augustus M. Ihnne., of the Borough of Columbia, will be held at D. Herr', Washington Hotel, on this (Saturday. July S.) afternoon, at 4 o'clock, when )ou ore particularly re quested to attend. JOHN LIST, Columbia, July P, 1843. Ansigneo of A. M. Haines. NOTICE IS hereby given that citizens of Lancaster county intend to make application to the Legislature of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, at the next session thereof, for the incorporation of it company tinder the name and style, or Intended none and style of "The Columbia. Savings Institution, - designed as an office of drscount and deposit. with a capital not exceeding one hun dred thousand dollars. nnd to be located in the borough of Colombia. Lancaster county, Pa. George Wolt; 11. B. Atkins. Peter I foldeinan, henry I foldemon. R. Chalfont. John A. Hook, Peter iluldeman, Jr, D. Cranston, R. E. Cochran, Daniel Herr. Reuben Mullkon, Samuel Brooks, John 1.. Wright, Philip Gossler. John Barr, Columbia, July I, 15.1.9.--Com NOTICE. T HE Columbia Bank and Bridge Company in. tend to make application to the Legislature of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, at their next session. for the renewal, extension, and continuance of the bank ing. discounting. and other privileges they possess under existing laws. The Company to be continued by the name, style. and title of the Columbia Bank and Bridge Company, in the borougl . of Columbia, in the county of Lancaster, and state of erinsylvanin. By order of the Board. SAMUEL SIIOCH, Cashier. Columbia June 24, 1648. Julyl'4B-6m NOTICE IN pursuance of the provisions of the act l_en titled, "An Act to prescribe the manner of giving notice of applications for Banks," and in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution of Pennsylvania, the President, Directors, and Stockholders of the Lancaster Bank, hereby give public notice, that they intend making application to the Legislature of Pennsylvania, at the session to commence on the first Tuesday of Janunry next, A. D. 1e.49, for the renewal and extension of their present Charter and Act of Incorporation, with banking end discounting privileges, for the term of ten years from the first Wednesday in May, A. D. IEISI. The date last mentioned, being the time to which their present Charter is extended. The said Corporation isto be continued by the name and atyle of the Lancaster Bank, and with the same powers and privileges which are now enjoyed Under its present Charter and Act of Incorporation, and is to be located in the City of Lancaster. The capital stock of said bunk, as uuthorlred by law wan six hundred thousand dollars; the amount of cnpital subscribed seas three hundred and three thousand nnie hundred dollars; and the amount paid in three hundred thousand and thirty dollars The legis lature will not be asked for an increase of capital or ex tension of privileges. By order of the Board of BACHMAN, Directors, • CHRIST lAN Casier. City of Lancaster, June 2G, lilt. ju1y1,49-6ni N 0 117.033. AIIGUSTIJS N. Kos, Car Builder, of the 30- Tough of Columbia, has assigned, by deed of volun tary assignment, all hie property. real and personal, to the subscriber for the benefit of his creditors. All per sons indebted to the said A. M. Haines arc requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims against him are requested to present the same properly authenticated for settlement, to the undersigned, residing in the Borough of Columbia. July 1,1.84 d.-St JOHN LIST. NOTZCZ. A LL persons indebted to the subscriber for Newspaper subscriptions are requested to make pay ment to Geo. W. Schroyer, who is duly authorized to re ceive the same and receipt therefor. Columbia, July 1,11841 C, WESTBROOK. Etzsitteso Mitertorn. TERMS OF TIE DIRECTORY. To persons advertising in the SPY by the year, there will be co extra charge. Subscribers can have the Spy and their card inserted for one year by paying $1.50 in advance, or if they have paid for the paper, 50 ets. for the card. Those who arc not subscribers we will charge el for inserting their card one year. JOHN F. HOUSTON, Attorney. Locust Street, between Front and Second Sts PHILIP GOSSLER, Attorney. Walnut St., between Front and Second WILLIAM S. IIIcCORIELE, rhysteian, corner of Locust and Second street.: T. TYRRELL, DENTIST. Nov. 3 S 4. Walnut street, above Barr's Hotel D. & J. WRIGHT, Dry Goods Merchants . Locust st, 3rd door below f2tut st FRY & SPANG.LER, Dry Goods Merebants,Locust street, below the Bonk • Dry Goods Merchants, S. D. corner of Locust & Front at CHA.LFANT & HALDEMAN. Dry Goods Merchants. N. W. comer of Looms & Front, st . r. a . . . JOHN JORDAN k CO. il r lull . t•• I • st IV lin JAMES L. PRETSMAN, Clothing Merchant. No. 42. Front street 'WILLIAM A. LEADER, Druggist, Front Street, between Locust and Walinit Sin. R. WILLIAMS, Druggist, Front st, between Locust and Walnut sic G. L. NYERS, !Druggist. Schrciners Row, Front street LEWIS TREOENICK .Sr, CO., i Inners, Front Street, a few doors below Herr'. I WM. TED.W.LE. HATTER, No. 2, Schreiner's Row, Front st. JAMES JORDAN, BOOT AND SIIOE MatioNeturer. Locust street. opposite Haldeman'. Store C. GROVE., Boot and Shoe NTainnfacturer, adlowinq I 'err', I lotul • • Alunufueturer, Second, between Loenqt awl Walnut a. J. M. WATTS, BOOT AD SHOE Manufacturer. From bt, het,* cell Igtott..t and Walnut . S. GROVE, Boot and Shoe Manutitcturer. Front, Lcicu• Locn , l ct J. H. HUNTER, Unt, Boot mid Shoe Store. N0..10. Front Ft F. X. ZEIGLER, VItRIETY AND Shoe-Finding Store, LocuNt atrect, above Front t ree JOHN SLACK, Voriety Store. No 41. Front st t WM. MATH lOT, vnr,m, Store. Front bell\ .4,1 Log:n.4 rthel Wnlnut Rt Ir •it SAMUEL EVANS, Lumber Merchant and Master Budder. Locust street H. SIUYDA3I, PAINTER, GLAZIER, Paper Itanger.&e.. Second. between Cherry S, Caton ,t MARTIN (: KELLING, I leib Doctors, Front Street, next door to Ito) le', I DISSO.LU'ZIOIV of Partnership . The firm heretofore consisting of Geo. N. Eckert, Dome! Stine. and Jam., Myers, trialtinr under the firm of Eckert. Stine & M)etri., has this (21th of June, I-t.,) day berm ilmsolved by mutual consent The firm will lierenfter rom,mt of (Mo. V. Eckert and Daniel Stmt'. milling tinder the firm of Eckert & Stine. GEO. N. ECKEICI'.. DANIEL STINE. .TAMES MYERS. Colutnbin, June 21, lELIQ. Judy lb 1,-.1,1-'ll 80 1 80 ! VOU'RE Getting Bald, are Ton' Well, that is a misfortune and not a cruse, but to remota bald, when ho fine an opportunity niTer4 to restore Is faithful and liberal n=e. ut inyne's Ilair Tonic. is but lit tle short of crime. This valuable preparation excite= the scalp to a nets , and healthy action, ClerlIMSI it from scarf and dandruff, prevents the hair from falling Mr. cures those eruptive diseases vu Melt often appear upon the head. and in a majority of eases n floe growth of new hair. It ohm gives the hair a rich mid beatuind appear ance. For sale at W. A. LEADER'S .44 I. 1 , 1-11' (nd‘ten Nhirliir Drug Store. ILEDICOVAL CL. KELLING, Herb 'Doctor, late of Marietta, Legg leave to inform Lt, friends and the public gcn• entity. that he has removed to the 'mow ofllenly next door to Boyles Ilmcl. Prot strict Col un Pa. Whikt he returns In.,inceor thanks tor the cry liberal encouragement hitherto tecct veil in the practice of lui protession. be respectfully acquaints them dint lie con tinues its usual the PIiACIICI: OPMEDICINE, in all its various broaches. and will attend, either by day or night all those who inay have occusion for hits cervices. Columbia, July 1, 1...4.4.--11 rimovic THE FERE DOCTOR, Front Street, Columbia, to the j_ SICK AND AFFI.ICTED EVERY WI 111E1:-- Every one of you ore sw called upon to ,isit the herb Doctor—he Ittos n medicine enlled the Indian speci fic. It in in the unman impoinnice that you should all lake a supply with) ou to the different section of country to which you belong. You well know what scourges the Dysentery, Bloody Flax. Sommer Complaint, Cholera Illorbus, Cholera linantuni. or other disorders of the bowels are. If you desire that none should die of these complaints: if )on wish to be a ble• sing to )our neigh bors. to keep death out of your own wittily and thousands of families around you—if you Gee a philanthropist, come. I charge you, come, get the .herb Doctor's Indian Specific. Do you mk the question, all this Medicine cure these diseases? I tell you ealithilly,—it hits lie, er failed ' Never! Never: lit the most hopeless, despuir- Mg cases, after physicians hai e e•lintisted every means known to them, tiller patients have buil wee 1.. when there was no prospect 0111 core, and the disease laid tab en that fearful min, consumption of the hovels: then. at this critical period. this wonderful medicine this gill of Hod, ions used, and health again wove obluilietl. The Ilerb Doctor feels constrained to urge it maxi you, it you si lull to have an easy conscience to rest upon your bell at night. feeling you have done good, not to neglect when- ever you visit Columbia, to still before you leave and get this medicine. If you neglect it. coal 3011 see this disease again making its ravages amongst yen, how ii Myra, feel! It win collie to yOUr 11111 l 111111111. %Veil, I could hits c pre vented this, I could have saved my child, I could have saved my wife. You will think of thin many of you, when you are dying. The Herb Doctor is determined to leave no stone un turned—to use every exertion to cure, if possible, all that is curable, and that too by the simple Herb Medichas.— Ile believes the day is not far distant, when the gifts of God, the blessed healing herbs, will be more priced— when they will be all that are looked to as medicine— when the giver of poisons will he ashamed to show his worse than guillotine head—when man will he more ex empt from disease—whim his days will number at least fourscore, and he will stand erect, of manly site. full of nerve, a being of health; when pail faces and palsied limbs arc nowhere to bo found. It should be had 111 every family; every house far and near, should have it, and Wally person, young or old, has tiny derangement in the bowels. immediately use it. it Is only prepared for discuses of the bowels, and fur diem it is an absolute specific. It was among the Indians the remedy was first discovered; from them the recipe was obtained. It is my wish that the bills et : mortality 01101111 be considerably lessened this summer; and to aid Inc in this good work I call upon every well-, miler. We lime large quantities prepared. and are ready to fill nll orders from every section. As soon as you rend this notice, come, or it it be impossible to 1,10 so immediately. then make a note of it in your memorandum book. anal as .0011 us convenient cull nt mARTIN & Medical dispensary . , Front street. Columbia, July 1, 131.-Im sunrnerma COMPLAINT. This disease now prevails to an alarming egtent, and thousands of helpless children will be carried oil' by it unless timely relief be afforded them. This relief may alwa) sbe had by epplyingto that most certain and pleasant remedy. Jnyne's Carminative Balsam. which never fails. It has frequently made cures of Summer Complaint after physicians of the highest standing have pronounced the child as actually in Me struggles of death. Try it if you have any love or compassion, or even mercy, for your helpless children Why will you let them cite ! when a CCrl2lll remedy may be had by calling at W. A.I.I:ADM'S Golden Mortar Drag Store, Front street Columbia, July 1, 14S-tf FZ7r:7.7MM"'"7VM AT PRIVATE SALE. The subscriber offers for sale, the ONE STORY HOUSE AND LOT, situate in Walnut street, between Front and Second streets, and adjoining properties of Mathiot and Comp• bell, and Robert nonillion. JAMES BARBER. Columbia, June 24,1245.—n. 410:11•Al.rtear.111 A . Fresh supply of those justly celebrated TEAS just received by FRY & SPAN:CLEWS, Sole Agents for Columbia. febl9l9-If COUCTIKCI3IA BANE AND BUDGE CONANT, May 18,1848. The Directors of the Columbia Dank and Loidge Com pany, desirous of atTording to persons who axe disposed to deposit money for definite periods, at a moderate rate ofl interest, have determined to allow interest for the same at the following rates, viz: For all deposits to remain 12 months, 4 per ct. per annum. ' do do do 8 do 3 do do do do do 3 do 2 do do The sums so deposited to be payable without interest at any intermediate time, at the option of the depositor.' The interest to cease at die end of the period for which Ow' deposit was made, unless the same llfrived for farther period. SANTU OCII, Jane 10, 1242.--3ns Casket.. aTONES'SI ITALIAN Chemical Soap cures Pimples, Blotches, Salt Rheum, Scurvy, Erysipelas, Scorch:Beads, Old Sores. Sore Beard and Barbers Itch, Chapped and tender Flesh. Freckles. Tan. Sunburn, and changing Dark, Sun burnt or Yellow Skin to a pure clear white, us smooth and soft as an infant's. And, in fact, every kind of erup tion mid disfigurement. Read these certificates From the N. 0. Sentinel, Oct., 1841. One of our subscriber, Mr. If. Leonard, informs us that he has been cared of old, scaly Salt Rheum, of eighteen year's standing, on his head, fingers and hands. by a cake of an article much advertised lately—we speak of Jones's Italian Chemical Soap. He also informs us that he has tried its effects on his female slave Rose, much marked with sun spots. and he found in two weeks her skin much clearer and whiter. James Elthnrit. a planter in Jersey City, was cured of carbuncle, and pimples, which he was afflicted with for ninny years, by a part of a cake of Jones's Italian Chemi cal Soap. . - Persons in this must always ask for Jones's ITALIAN CHEMICAL SOAP,—and perhaps, as many who have been cheated with the counterfeits, will he too touch discouraged to try the genuine, we say to such, try thin once—you will not regret it; but always see that the 'mine of T. Jones is on the Wrapper. Sold nt 812. Chatham st., New York, and by It. WILL IAMS, Agent for Columbia. m2118.43m GZULTAD rraams RAY Heads, Red Heads, and all with Bad Hair, Rend! Mr. .ABRAIIAM VANDLIZBEEK, of Ja Avenue 0.. Kew York. certifies that his head was entirely bald on the top, and by the use of two as. bottles of Jones's Coral Ilair Restorative, lie has a good crop of hair, and will soon have it long and thick. Mr. William Jackson, of ,0 Liberty street. Pittsburgh s i Pri.„ certifies: Ott the ad of February, 1,17, that Mr, Thomas Jackson's heed, on the top, Wars entirely bald ler 15 years. and that by using two bottles of Jose's Coral Bair Restorative. the hair is growing fast and thick, :mil will coon be entirely restored. Gray I fends! Cray Ileads ! Rest]-1 hereby certify that rip hair nas turning gray. and that blare I have used Joass's Coral Hair Restorative it ha. entirely ceased aMt is growing fast. and has a fine du rk look. Before used Coal Flair Ile.dorative I combed out hand tolls of hair daily. W. Tom ea INN ' 92 Ring st., N. Y. Mr. Power. a grocer, of Hilton ht.. ha, his lour choked Up with dandrutT and Jones's Coral Hair Restorative nicely cared Do you want to dress, beautify. and make your hair soft and fine. Beal—l. Henry E. Cullen, late barber on board the steamboat South America, do certify that Jones's Coral Hair Restorative ts the best article 1 ever used for dressing, softening, cleansing, and keeping the hair a long time Is order; all my customers preferred it ‘0 any thing else. Sold only in N. York ut S 2 Chatham street : and by R. WILLI.% MS. Agent for Columbia. 1e,21,19-dm SOAP TONES'S Italian Chemical Soap is called by the t) :%lediettl Bonet} of Pork, a run title and a wonder," to Core eruption, cli.,figAirerricitt ordincolora lIOa ol the skin. It cure,' ;maple.. blotches. freckle;, a.ll actin], ..curvy. Sore head, tan. sunburn, niorplicw. and II chance,. the color 01 dark. ) ellomv or ninibliritt skin, to a fine healthy cleaners. Vur Nale by It. WILLIA.NIS t Agent for Co lumbia 1 efl 4 '1% 4 - n n 107.1141 S I WILE! TlEundersigned hereby informs his friends :aid the public generally, that he M ill supply them with NEW CRP; A.M AND ;11ILIC direct from the Spring' Holm. and warranted to be the real Sittio.l Puns:. It will be furnished twice a tiny. A sluice of public patronage is ristpectfully solicited. Jinn. CYRUS STRICKLER. DISSOLU'I'IOIVI TIIE co-partnership heretofore existing between the undersigned. trading under the lines of Goodman. Garber, h Co.. sit Pike Mills. Potter county, and Bruner, Herber k. Co., Columbia, Pn., .Vll% dissolved by mutual content on the third day of :Way. All peri.ons indebted to ..niZt firms v. ill :nal, payment at )UW1111:1111 13rmler• 111 . Ontat 1: (_;)°,1,2.”, who 00- Iliorved to settle llie business of tln• . vt i f t". • 1 All 1:$ liAlitil;11. ()WEN: G 1.;0011:11 . AN. Columbia, 'Atay 3 1•31=. !MATS AND CAPS T EWIS TREDENICK & Co., late from Philadel- J _, phin. dealers m HATS and C_YPS. worth! most res pectfully beg leave to inflirin the eitirelle of Columbia and itc vicinity, that they Loco purchased the old rind brown Hat Manufacturing Establishment by .fatty VACGIIEN for Irma) )ear- next door to J. Felix's Jra dlry Stare. Front Street, Coltunbse. I'a., where they mend to spare tat pains and means to earry . oll the 1160,, Imp-mess in all ate various I.ranchei. Their stock con sits in part of line :Hole Skin. Heaver. Nutria. arid Cas tor ii.vrs. Al-o. a splendid as.ortmein of Pearl arid Braid Slimmer HATS of the late-t 61 , 11i0n and sty le. to golber o nib it good ipp.oriment f (*APS of every site. price. rind quality. New style Silk Hat, which lent have Just received front Philadelphia, and witch eve will sell at city prices. With the confidence reiulting from an experience of a number of year, with tale, of the first hatters in Philudcl phia, will guarantee it, in saying:_ that for faeluri, cent. mess. durability. and CHEAPNESS. we cannot be our pu,6ed by any establishment la the 1. - nion. LEWIS TM:M.:NICK & Co. Columhin. June a. IP.IS NOTICE NOTICE is hereav given that the law prohibit tug the •tetung ott of FIRE-CRACEENS, he., within the boutit4 of the Borough of Columbia, null be strictly VII. forced. to every instance of detect it to. .1 ANI ES JORDAN, Colombia, Jima. 21, Chief Burgess. Lku. t OF the best, the cheapest, and the most elegant ly printed l'AquA NEWArApicR of the age. THU HOME JOURNAL. Edited by Geo. I'. Morris and N. P. Willis. Published every Saturday in the City of New York, at the very low price of TWO DOLLARS a year inn advance. Tine first number of a new volume 01 this wide-spread, popular. and valuable Faintly New-paper. will Inc issued on the first day of July next The rapidly inesensing cir culation of the Home Journal has enabled the Proprietors to enrich its broad and ample cohnucs w inks the tree]neat prodeetionH of n number of the Most brllliala, sparkling, piquant, and original ‘Yrilers of the age. Those who wish to receive the sew Volume claim will be enabled to do so by sending thew name to the ed, lots wilbOut delay Address MORRIS Sc. IIA Juno In, 1133. 1117. Fallon Pt. Y. le **.l*) , 4.7- 1 1 t - 14EWA110. The above reward will be paid for the apprehension and conviction of any person Who shall Inalictously injure or destroy any of the Foos, Wires. Caps. Classes, or other fixtures. of the COLUM BIA AND LAIN:CASTER MAGNI:7IC TELEGRAPH COMPANY. I3y order of the I3oard, 11 E. ATKINS, Columbia, Tune 1.1.4 P —gime Secretary, TEN DAYS 1.111.T.E1L. 11Y OVER MD EXPRESS, Important News from the East. great decline in DR\ GOODS. We have Just received a large and iendid assortment of SUMNIEIt. GOO DS, NEW STYLES and much below the usual prices. A splendid assortment of DRESS GOODS, suitable for the season. Call anti ex anunc. W. & S. PATTON. Columbia. May 20. IS.P.—tf EL NEW ELItIUVAL OF READY MADE CLOTHING. JOILN 800 & Co. in returning their sincere thanks to thesciii rens of Columbia rind the public in general for the kind flattering patronage which, they have bestowed upon them, would most respectfidly call their attention to the >WAN' STOCK Or GOODS which they hove mat received, and which cannot he beaten, 119 to quality and cheapness. as they are determined not to be undersold in the county. Their stock coniprires all none of garments: Superfine BLACK DRESS AND FROCK COATS, Habit Cloth, Cnshmerets, Tweeds, Alpaca Lustre. Croton. Linen. plain Linen Sucks & Contoes, Riding Coats, Sexi ness Coats in profuse variety. Alao, a very fill(' assortment of Boys' Clothing, all of which will be sold extremely low for cash. rants and Vests of all Fifes and prices, from fifty cents up to ea 00. Buyers are solicited to call whether wishing to purchase at the time or not. They have only to oall to be convinced. They have on hand a fine assortment of Cloths, Catesi mere.. Cashmerets ' Drillings, Summer Cloths, &e. Also, Vest Patterns, all o f which will be made up at extremely low prices. Also, Shirts, Shams, Suspenders, Hose, Drawers, Cra vats, Carpet Bag., Umbrelins,Collars, Roundabouts, Over alls, Gumelitstic Coats, Clove*, ac. J. JORDAN & Co. A few doors below Ilerr's Washington Hotel Front Street Columbia. Pm. Coluradin. May ve,le49—vr DR. W. S. INIEVORICLE. OFFICE --South East corner of Locust and Sec ond street. Bonatonio Horse—with Mrs. lErwartz. 2 doors below Ids Into resideoce. April 7, 1.847.—tf SA= RESTORAVIVE. Jones's Coral Hair Restorative Will FORCE the Hair to grow on the head or face. Fly using a 3s. bottle the whiskers and beard may be cultiva ted to any reasonable extent. Sold only mN. York, at 82 Chatham street, and by R. -- Anat for Columbia. . je24,44-6m rfti2l2lLlr MCS. just received and for sale at the UNION LINE WAREHOUSE, Columbia, June to, 1513-41 Canal Basin. SWAIM CANE to the residence of the subscriber, in We " liempfida townshiP. Lancaster county•, on the 10th mstunt. a BROWN MARE. The owner is requested to conic forward and prove property. pay charges. and take it away. CURISTILN STONER. West Ilernpficld, June 20, 1919. je24,19,4t. ;I r.) .0111 TEE subscriber took up two stray Mares on Friday, the oth inst., in the borough of Marietta. The owner or owners are requested to come forward and prove properly, pay charges and take them away. June 10, ISts—ljull7 JACOB S. CANAL BOAT. WILL Itsold bl at e , ;. privatesal or e , further psixtrolßot.t, rury in quire of WM. A. LEADER, Columbia, Pa. Mumma, June 3, 18,1.1. PARASOLS, • pAILISOLETS and Sunshades, Fashionable and Plain nt reduced prices, at M 2.0. I:?l,2—tf w. &S. PATTON'S. T3USSES. JUST Received a new supply of loth single and double Trusses, at LEAGLIt. S Golden Alortur Drug Store, Columbia, Pa. DAY RUM. ASuperior article of Ray Rum, for sale at LEADER'S Drag Store. Colmola°. Pa. C.A.SILIVIERETS OF different shades and quality at • %V & S. PATTON'S TRIDTIVIINGS OF Every description, suitable for dresses, now opeuing ut w. Yc S PATTOY*. May 20, 1b48.-If BRAG.S.INS. AUCTION GOODS from the N. York and Phila delphia Markets, lower titan ever &Terrell an Co ltmanlna, at \V. h S. PATTON'S. CARPETS, 1/FATTING, and Window Shades, good styles and low at W. & rarroys. Ainy 20, 949.-ir re..s.uxoNs! rasprzaras!! rr RESubscriber has just received the Spring and Summer Fashions—direct from London, togeth er with the New York and Philadelphia reports, nod is thereibre preparedto make up clothing, m tip top style. .1. %V. FISHER Columbia, April 22,1549. CLOTHS AND Cassimeres at the lowest prices, at W. & S. PAT lON'S EULDICS AB Bacon of the best quality at ra2' 11?-ti W. S. PATTON'S PAPER H ANGINGS, Parlor,llol, Chamber, and Ceiling Papers and Borders, Firebords &c., of the newest styles. always on hand at inanutheturers` 'lmes. at J. D. & J. WRIGHT'S. Columbia. March ^_s, lel7—t( I"); 3-rLI,"I PRINTS. Purple Prints, one yard wide, only coots, with a good assortment of other low priced Calicoes at PRY Si SPANGLER'S. TO ZOATIVIEN. POPPER and Tin Pumps---a good supply of Pomp% always on hand, and 'nude to order, of the .Itorteqt notice by 11. PFAIILER Y CO. :March 11, 1,4,-ti itosnextar AND (I LOVES. An extensive assortment of llosieries, at tcduced MIN', at writ FRY t sPANGLE:rrs. 11170LXNS, ~IDSLI\S. Bleached and nb i leti xi l , le t d Muslim ; feb10"1"-tf FRY L SPA:CULL:WS. ECONZIV AND Molasses. Sovering's celebrated steam Syrup Molasses. a delis. -us article for table use.— AI so, new crop RONEY feliff4.4l FRI SPANGLER'S. LIGICT! lIIGIET ! ! VRESII Camphene or Pine, and Ethereal 011 s arc rout wilt be constantly kept for snle by R. WILLIAMS.' Columbia. March 25, 1 ,. .7 1 .1..-1( Prom Street. ETUEREAL - MIGHT HAWKS always on hand and for sale _L . ' by 11. PFAHLER & CO. March 11. TEE SERB DOCTOR, 110 h been performing suclderful cures, at Marietul L„mdtLT St ree t , Columbia, Pa, where. from the increased numbers that flock to him for relief, he has been compelled to fit up a commodious establishment. l'hcti. if you are sick. no matter whin may be your disease, the Herb Doctor's Dis pensary you can obtain the appropriate remedy. Pc; vote rooms for consultation. rh mat he is the only person hs Thc section, who derived his medical kerel.- edge from the Herb Doetor at Philadelphia, and has stu died his mu). celebrated "Medical Practice." The GEN UINE Indian Medicines, which have cured so many where every oilier remedy and every other doctor has failed, can only be obtained at this establishment. The Herb Doctor has practiced his system for some time, during which he believes lie has rendered general and entire sa tisfaction: out of the hundreds that he has treated. he has heard of no person being injured by . his medicines. He professes not to cure all disease, with one remedy, but repares . rt. difleretn medicine for ench of Me numerous rills which flesh is heir to.'—which are compounded from roots, herbs. barks. flowers, kc.. which. while they possess great comas.. powers, al-o strengthen the sys tem as they remove the disense. Hence they cannot in jure the weakest constitinton, but are good in every case. as hundred. who have been rescued by them mom the grave. can'testity. flaring n knowledge of several plants unknown to any other person iii this part of the country., be uses no limier:A or chemical poisons ill his prepara tions. They may be taken without regard to diet—fur ther than the stomach directs, and will not interfere unit the patients customary vocation. The afflicted, particu larly those laboring under DISEASE OF LONG STANDING. are cordially invited to come and make a trial of these medicines, or at least have a talk wah the Doctor. who charges nothing for advice. The Herb Doctor is content if he gets only the cases that have been given up as incurable by the old school or other doctors. for the numerous cases of this kind which be hos cured, are sure evidences that if there be hope 'let, it Is in his medicines. Mothers, Fathers! by the dour tie that binds you to your little ones,' try the Herb Doctor, before giving them up! To you my dear female friends, who have been neglec ted or worse , to you who soder most. and who have not heretofore been properly treated, I offer a remedy Putted to your delicate constitimons, and adapted to the dieemes to which you are liable. Within the past few year. ' ma ny, too malty, of . your number hare been removed from the sphere of their affections and of their usefulness; but do not despair, but call at the Herb Doctors Dispensary, Front street, Columbia, where he will furnish you a mut able remedy. if you cannot call, cnoloseTwo Dollars in a letter, post paid, containing a statement of your situa tion, and you will receive medicines, with fall directions. Persons wishing attendance at their houses, will state their residenee at the Herb Doctor's Dispensary, sleet door west of Mr. Boyle's tavern, Front street, Columbia, Lancaster county, Pennsylvania. Office Hours, from 7 in the morning till 9 to tba even. trig Closed on the evening of the Sabbrah Columbia, June 3, IP.-IQ —lv. PMEEMELPHIA ADVERTLSEMITS. PHILADELPHIA ADVYJITLCEVENTS. TENNENT'S WASHINGTON Gallery of Daguerreotypes, No. 234 North Second Street, N. W. corner of Callow. hill street, Philadelphia. The Likenesses taken and beautifully colored at this well known establishment, for ONE, DOLLAR, are am versally conceded to be tquar. in every respect to ANY in the city. Pictures taken equally well in cloudy and clear weather. A large assortment of MEDALLIONS and LOCKETS on hand, at from e 2 to 85, including the pic tures. The subscribers respectfully invite the citizens of Lan. caster county, to colt nod examine specimens of the latest improvements in the art of Daguerreotyping, which will be exhibited cheerfully and witlhout charge. T. & J. C. TENNENT. Philadelphia, July I. 1543—tim EMqqq7l7qtlq.tAtlgzlPTlPP' xvzoirELtri= READ this attentively. Dr. HEELER'S CORDIAL mai CAR3IINATIV.E, for the speedy and permanent cure of DIARRIICEA. DYSENTERY. cuoLEßAmonuus, SLIMMER COMPLAINT. CHOLIC, CHOLERA INFANTLIM, FLATULENCY, At., titc.; and for MI the derangements of the Stomach and Bowels from TEETHING. - . ET:TENs oa 1 . /FM:SANDS die anniadly from diseases of the Stomach and Bowels. In the face of this alarming mortality, the best impulses of our nature are enlisted in mitigating suffering we cannot prevent. Afore than Pita THOLSAND persons to our knoveledge were cured during the past summer; and we unheSitatnigly say, that tfnetZ nine out of every hundred are speedily cured. There is no mistake about this fact, and ns a test of our sincerity and assentost. as a medical mid responsible individual, ve promise to refund the arnouutpitid in'every well au thenticated case where it falls. Will you suffer. will you let your little ones suffer when you have at hand a reme dy like this..., potent in subduing disease. To doubting ones Ire -Read what phtsiciams, the preas,and others say DJ the Cordial. [Extract of n letter front the Rev. Dr. Earle.] -llnvisvillc, Ile county, August 25, 1817. Dear Sir :—I sin nowprepured to recommend your Cor dial from having used it with success in several instances ,• and I ant now trying your Panacea in arose of protracted debility. encoded with cough, apparently produced in the young lady by her out-growiug her strength," to use a common phrase. Yours, &c., AteanD , l.s.abs, la. D. ll:glutei of a letter from Elienezel: Cook.) New York City, July 20, 1847. Dr. Reeler :Sir—l have used in my faultily all of the Cor dial which you left with me last summer except two bot tles which I persuaded a customer of mine to try, and having proved very beneficial, lie has recommended it to some of In, friends, who wish to have some of it, I there tore wish sou ‘tould send me some by . express. Imu satisfied from nip own experience that it is thtbest medi• elite for children TIMETHING and Smaxma COMPLAINTS that is offered to the public, and all that is necessary , for a recommendation is to try it. Very respectfully, EffENEZER Coox. 284, Grand st., cor. of Alley. This is to Certify, that I have used Dr. Reeler's Cordial, and have found it a valuable medicine in diarrhcsia, dys entery and all derangemeits of the stomach and bowels, caused by Teething. and is particularly adapted to all diet cases of those organs caused by acid fruits or the deba te:ling effects of season and climate. . D. N. Atmsotr, D. D., Plum st., Phila. Dr.Keeler's Cordial.—We would call the attention of our renders to thin invaluable medicine, which will be found advertised at length in our columes. As a correc• live in cases of Diarrhoea, a disease very prevalent at the prcsenttime, it is highly spoken of by all who have used it. It is perfectly safe in its nature, and speak experi mentally, when we say that it affords immediate relief.— [Nears Saturday Gazette ofAugust 28, 1847. Dr. Keeler's Cordial and Carminative.—This article is advertised in another part of our paper, it is warmly re commended by farad te, who have tried it. It is especi ally useful among children. and has effected hundreds of cures. The doctor is abundantly supplied I.vith testimony upon the subject, sonic of which is very strong. The Cordial is not n quack nostrum, but carefully prepared' medicine, and perfectly free from any thing injurious.— [Pennsylvanian of September 1, 1617. Dr. Keeler.—Dear Sir—As it Is our duty to use every hottest menus to promote the happinees of oar fellow creatures, I take great pleasure in stating to you the ad vantage I received from your valuable Cordial and Car minattve. Lust autumn I was attacked with Diarrhina, which debilitated my system very much; for nearly three weeks I tried many remedies. hut found little or no bane 'fit, when my daughter Informed me of your Cordial. I bought a bottle, and lied not taken but two doses before I obtained relief. I was entirely recovered before I used the wliplc of it: and have remained hearty over since. Respectfully. yours, S. Bono. It. D. Piepared and sold. wholesale and retail. N. IV. comer of Tittrit and South et., Philadelphia. Sold wholesale by Dr. McPherson, Harrisharg; G. W. Miller, Lancaster : and retailed by IL WILLIAMS, Columbia, and bydrag gists and others throiighout the country. Price 2t els. per, bottle. IV.See pamphlets: jai ALSO, Dr. REELED'S PANACE.I.,-the most offs-' carious remedy yet known, for all diseases arising from t unpurities of she of habit of the body. - .Ladling of delicate constitutions will - f/rd it admirably adapted-to their cases. Medicine furnishes nothing superior to it for chronic maladies, syphilitic disorders, akin affections in debilitated patients, attended with loss of oppenie and imperfect digestion. Price Sl. See pamphlets for pats oculars. For sale only by R. WILMIAMS, Agent for Columbia. • Philadelphia. June 10. 1:3.19.-1y • 7ENOViT ALL MEN TWAT - RLINNET & CO. have REMOVED from 192 Market r3trert, to thew Mew. F.plendld, and Immense Estab- IL,liment to be known acute TOWER. HALI. CLOTHING BAZAAR. No. IF.d Market Stect, between Fifth and Sixth, Pialade! plan. The Proprietors feel a reluctance in promulgating what ally way might appear like the usual Itombastic ex• aggeranon of some of the trade. but will beg leave to quote the following nonce from one of our city papers: "One of the greatest curiosities that our City affords to the stranger. is 131,1NNOV & CO'S great Clothing Store, No. Iv Market Street, between Fifth and .Sixth. which has Leen styled " Tower I from the peculiar finish of the front. The building is an immensa one, contammg seven capacious rooms. all of which are stocked with et , ery variety of seasonable gartnents, arranged in the most perfect order and regulanty. The proprietors take great plenSure in showing their building and contents to the ci ti7ellS, particularly strangers, and to those coming from the country—use know of no place more worthy of a visit." Phil'a. Ma EBEIZI . ujr,l WARDROBE Clothing Emporium, No, 105, Chesnut Street, between Third end Fcturth, North nnle, Philadelphin. TO MERCHANTS AND OTHERS VSMTINO THE ats2 At tlki.establi.liment may always be found a fall assort. alma of Gent:merits Clothing, to sal: nit tastes and at such reasonable prices as will astonish al:. 1 publish no list of prices. but will guarantee to sell as low, if not lower than those who make mere prctcntions. Myare all purchased at low prices, and rirds •t2:x,Ajiglf ti fll it min be found in the cy. A A one is free to all. chasing elsewhere. n-• - erurPERRY R. McNEILLE,. No. 105 Chesnut Street, Philadelphia. . B. A large stock of piece goods on hand. Garments made to order at the shortest notice. Philadelphia, May 20. 1212 --data. MOOTS AND SHOES. • NES JORDAN, Fashionable Boot and flSho j e l maker, respectfully informs his friends and the public. that he has opened a BOOT AND :MOE EsTAßLierimiST, immediately opposite Peter Haldeman's 8:orb. Scherebe is prepared to execute all orders in his hie, with neatness and despatch. lie feels confidentin givmg.satisfaction to all who may favor him with a call. -Members of the 0. U. A. M. arc respectfully invited to give him a call. . Columbia, April t. li.-1..-ly ITIVIVERSAL NTERIIILN DESTROYEL It has long been the V study of kharinacentica to produce a preparation avlii.h would prove a Specific for the dcetrucuon of Rats, 'titer, Roaches. and Chinces, but every effort has been fruitless till the present. Alter much study mid experi ments the proprietor has suceei lied in discovering a pre parnUoll, which he guarantees prove effectual in the enure utimilliatioll 01 the above named vermin. For sale by W3I.A. LEADER. May 20. Front street. AND COPPER BUSINESS. ll..Pfahler & Co., thankful for past encouragement, would announce to the citizens of Columbia and ids vicinity, that they still continue to manufacture Tin and Copper ware of all kinds at their old stand, in Locust street, one door north of the Columbia Bank, and respectfully solicit a continuance of public c re P h B l l l7 l patron e. 14113 4 617 0001)13. WM. & S. PATTON have just received a large and fashionable stork of BRING AND SUMMER DRESS GOODS: Consistingof Ginghams, Lawns, Bareges, Linen and Al paca Lustre., fancy Prints, tit the very lowest prices. SILKS. Plain and changeable Dress Sills, Black and Blue- Black for Manuins, with every style of Dress Goods for the season. Please coil and examine our stock. Columbia. April 22, IM9—tf W. AL S. PATTON. AM CROSS-CUT SAWS, of Roland's best. For sale at manufactures prices, by Apnl tat; ---tt RUMPLIZ & iir4.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers