The Columbia spy. and literary register. (Columbia, Pa.) 1848-1848, July 08, 1848, Image 2

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V. 8. PALM= is duly authorised to receive sobscrip,
sums and advernsements for this paper, in the cities of
Philadelphia, New York, Baltimore, and Boston, and
E. W. CAVA, Philadelphia.
Jacoa M. Wserrnaarrss, Lancaster en y.
Wnsiaat A. Primes, Travelling Agent
GEORGE PRAM No. 151, Nassau Street. New York.
See Business Directory in another column
fir An apprentice wanted at this office immedi
The present is the first number of a new volume
of the Columbia, Spy; and we would remind our
readers of the advantagea to be derived by comply.
ing withlhe terms of paying in ADVANCE. A
majority of our readers do pay in advance when
they are apprized of the expiration of their sub
scription. Hence this notice.
The subscription of those persons who subscribed
to the Covumßutt expired eleven weeks ago, and
would be, according to our terms, responsible for
'0.50, for the ensuing year; but owing to an error
into which they have undoubtedly been led, by the
junction of the two papers, we will ye: extend to
them the advahlages of the advance terms.—
We therefore expect a goodly number of visitors
daring the coming week.
Oust Trans are so low that we are compelled to
make some exertion to increase the circulation of
the Spy, and by that means make it a more useful
'and interesting FAMILY NEWSPAPER There is not
another country paper in the state, the terms of
which are not fifty or one hundred per cent. higher
than those of the Spy. We would, therefore, ask
our friends to lend a helping hand in enabling us
to make the Spy what it should, and what could be.
Ouit MAHAR; end the arrangements of the
Market Place, are subjects of frequent and loud
complaint. The space alloted to purchnsets to pass
and repass, appears to be too small for the number
that attend, often making it difficult for persons to
"cut their way" through the crowd short of half
an hour. If the Borough is too poor to have the
other side of the Market House put in proper repair,
we would suggest that the wagons which are
backed up against the curb-stones, and on one side
of the tables, be removed to the opposite side of the
street, or somewhere else, so that persons going to
Market can pass up and down on either side of the
stands. We do not see any particular object in
having the wagons remain where they do, after
every thing is taken out of them and placed on cr
under the tables. What say the "powers that be ?"
Another subject of complaint is, that if it is wrong
to sell a lump of butter the a pound that does not
weigh a pound, it is equally vrong to sell berries,
beans, peas, cherries, (small) potatoes, &c., Sc.,
measured with a Lloompint (twice full for a quart)
or quart measure, instead of using dry measure
Pints or quarts. Another. If it is unlawful tulidT
or sell before a specified hour, it is equally unlaw
ful to bespeak an article before the market opens.
'We have frequently heard persons say that they
saw whole baskets of butter, untouched of course,
at the ringing of the bell, and on inquiring the price
&c, " all sold," or " promised," would be the only
answer they received.
If farmers who take their marketing to Lanese.
to or other places, were aware of the high prices
they could get, or the rush that would be made for
their butter, (plate in hand) eggs, etc., in Columbia
this last complaint, at least, would be silenced, and
the present "grab game" broken up.
GEN. SAWS HOUSTON, and David I.autlman, M. C.
from Texas, addressed a W.f.°, orderly, and enthu.
siastic meeting at Lancaster on Thursday evening.
The curiosity to see the hero of San Jacinto, the
captor of Santa Anna, and ex.Preaident of Texas,
was so great that a large company, filling two cars,
and accompanied by the Mechanic's Band of Co.
lumbia, attended the almost spontaneous gathering.
Lancaster teemed;with Columbia faces, and every
thing went off smoothly.
The addresses on the occasion were of course in.
tended to counteract the speeches of Hon Messrs.
Strohm and Thompkins. delivered on the Fourth.
FARE REnecto.--Mcssrs. Hall & Co. have
placed on the Phila. and Columbia Railroad, a
large and elegant car, and the fate has consequent
ly been reduced, we believe, to 81,65 for the whole
distance. Cheap enough all conscience.
Tux Fouatir. or JuLY passed off quietly in our
borough. All the places of business were closed,
and a n05......i a l Sabbath reigned throughout the
day•—aave the fire ..---I , cre against which the
boys say there is no law on the c,..._.„.
MAIL MARY DIOLRON Post Mistress, at Laneas.
ter, has, we are pleased to learn, been re-appointed,
for four years from the 4th instant.
a meeting of this Company held on Tuesday, a di.
vidend of eight per cent. for the last six months
was declared.
Bin IN TIM SCISQUESIANNA.—The late rains
bays caused an unusual rise in the Susquehanna,
for this season of the year.
Owent B. Lein, formerly M. C. for Gahm.
bia and Luzerno countief, d%en et Calamine, on
the 17th nit.
treteces Listen AGE.—Tbe first number of
the eighteenth Vol. of this treasury of literature
-ha• been received.
The Philsdelqhia Councils have appropriated the
sum of 11.500, for the reception of the returning
Onto.—Onc &afar notes on the State Muth of
Ohio, altered to tens, have made their appearance
in Cincinnati.
A public meeting tom been called in Pittsburg,
to aympatflize with Mitchel, the Irish patriot.
report of the Register of the Treasury of the com
merce of the United States for 1847, made last De
cember, has just been published, making a full
year since the closing of the statements, to the 30th
of June last, before they are commto the
public. The contents of th e report
ly interesting, and though some of
have been given before, yet their imp(' war
rants a republication.
The value of domestic exports, i, eexports of
the growth, produce and manufacture of the Unites#
States, was 150,637,464 dollars. Nearly half of
this was for agricultural products, about 7 millions
being for pork, and 57 millions in round numbers,
for breadstufTs. The value of flour alone was 26
millions, wheat 6 millions, and Indian corn and
meal 18 millions ; cotton 53 millions. So that
II breadstuffs and cotton constituted four-6ftbs of the
whole value of exports.
The value of manufactures exported was less
than 10,000,000 of dollars, of which 4,000,0000 was
for manufactures of cotton. The export of fish
amounted to about 800,000, and of oil, whale bone
and candles to upwards of 2,000,000 dollars. Tn
value nearly ball of these exports were to England;
to France 17,000,000 ; Ireland 12,000,000; Br. W.
Indies, 4,000,000; Italy, 1,000,000; Austria, 1,-
000,000 ; Hayti, 1,200,000, St..C.
The value of foreign exports—i. e. exports from
the United States of goods, wares and merchandise
of the growth and manufacture of foreign coon-1
tries—was $8,011,158. More than one-fourth of
these exports were to British American Colonies,
namely 82,165,876. To Cuba about a million;
England, 8800,000; Belgium, 8348,000; Haase
i Towns, 8266,000 ; France, $150,000 ; S. America,
1 8700,000 ; Hayti,sll2,ooo, ,S:c.
Almost all the exports of foreign produce were
from New York and MassachustAts. Including
both foreign and domestic, the exports from New
York were nearly $50,000,000; South Carolina,
$10,000,000 ; Maryland, 89,000,000; Louisiana,
812,000,000; Massachusetts, 811,000,000; Penn
sylvania, $8,000,000, &c. •
The value of imports for the year is $149,544,-
633. Of this amount, 841,172,636 was for articles
admitted free of duty—including neatly 16,500,000
pounds of tea, and 140,000,000 pounds of coffee,
together valued at over $13,000,000 ; and $94,000,-
000 of specie.
Of artistica paying ad valorem duty, the value
was $91,000,000, and of articles paying specific
duty $13,000,000.
WATIMGTON NATION/A. 1.4.0%1351.1MT.--TllO COT.
ncr storm or this oumument to the memory of the
immortal Washington, was laid on Tuesday the 4th
The solemn ceremony was gone through with
accordnig to the established usages of the Masonic
fraternity. A list of the 3articles deposited in it
covered nearly six pages of foolscap, and embraced
all kinds of political and statistical documents run
ning through the entire period from the formation
of tpo government to the present time, portraits of
Washington, magazines, papers, a historpof all
matters cuamected with the Monument Association
up to the time of laying the corner stone, besides
a variety of other documents, &c.
The Tribune gives the following statistics of the
influx of immigrants into New York during the
, last month. Total 23,0/7 passengers, of which
were front Ireland 11,524; Germany 7,289 ; Eng.
land 2,331; Scotland 642 ; France 216; Holland
347; Switzerland 236; Spain /7; Wales 125;
South America 4; Italy 66; West Indies 60; Den.
mark 7; Norway 163; Sweden 11; Poland 9.
The total number of immigrants arrived since the
first of January, 1848,1.85;182 ; 55,924 of which
landed in the months of May and June. The Com
missioners of Immigration have now under their
care about 1,250 persons, of which SOO are at the
Hospital, Staten Island, more or less sick, and 450
destitute, welt or convalescent, at. Ward's Island.
TII6 WATER CORE JOURNAL.—We have received
the first number of the sixth volume of this valua•
blo work. It is the object of this Journal to ex.
plain, in a manner suited to the capacity of the
general reader, the new and celebrated system of
Ifydropathy, or the Water Cure—a system which
is deservedly fast growing in popular favor, and
which, in efficacy to cure and prevent disease, is
unparalleled in the healing art.
This Journal is published monthly, containing
thirty-two pages of the best matter, with reference
to the application of this system, adapted to all
cases, for 31 per annum ini 'advance, by Fowlers &
Wells, Clinton Hall, 131, Nassau street, N. York.
lica.nzw's DOLLAR MAGAZINE. for July COO3CA to
us in an improved form. It is, as it ever bas been,
a publication for all classes. It contains more mat
ter than any other similar publication for the same
• • --Lee eunteina
28 engravings—portraits, wows, scenery, &c.—to
t ,,, a choice collection of original papers.
lje publisher is certainly entitled to ;Freer ....Al.
for the mariner in which he has gut up this maga
' zinc. It is.true the paper and embellishments are
not as fine and tasty as most of the 83 magazines,
but the matter is equally as good. Address Charles
W. Holden, 109, Nassau street, New York.
_...5. Lhck.
THE UNION Maeaztse..—This elegant monthly
under the editorial supervision of the celebrated
Mrs. Kirkland, commences a new volume with the
present month, the number for which is ornament.
ed with a fine mezzotint of the Triumph of Irmo.
ecnce, a steel engraving of the duel between Put.
nam and the British afficer, and a colored plate of
Fashions. The reading matter is of the choicest
character. 0.1 per annum—James L. De Grew,
agent 140 Nassau st. New York.
hirrenzia Bewrata--According to the New
York papers, the brother of Mitchel, the Irish pa
triot, came over in the Britannia.and is now in
New York. The object of his coming is variously
stated. Some assert that ho brings an order from
the British Government, releasing his brother from
confinement, on condition that he settles in Ameri
ca, and that he proceeds immediately to Bermuda
to obtain his release. Another rumor is that he
visits this country on an important mission con.
nected with the Agitation in Ireland.
1.1.0.,1 . /...----
Zlje itiorl4 abroar.
The Canrad steamer Cambria arrived at Boston
:day night, the 30th ult. She loft Liverpool
. S z i'" . 17th nit., and therefore brings one week's
filer dates than those received at New York by the
amsert.—The political world has assumed a
phase. By the latest accounts from Paris, it
would seem, that the hopes of the moderate party
are likely to be defeated, by the revival of the old
Napoleon feeling. A party, sustained by this, and
adopting as its wateh•words memorable names of
the empire, has risen in favor of Prince Louis Na
poleon. Since his triumphant election to the As
sembly, his elevation to imperial authority Ins
been openly spoken of, and it was ascertained that
a movement had been set on foot to effect it. As
soon as the Government had been apprized of this
movement, one hundred thousand troops were con.
centratred by its orders about the capital, Disturb.
ances occurred nightly. On Saturday during one
of the riots, two thousand of the disorderly persons
were hemmed in and taken primmtieli—among
whom were English, Americans, and even women.
In the Assembly tyrants and dictatorships were
reprobated and denounced. The people, however,
appeared divided in sentiment, BEI is usually the
case, when the least influential are the most noisy
cries of Vive la Republic were drowned by those
of Viva Buonaparte. The excitement lied corn.
municated itself to the military, and the clamor was
joined in by portions of more than one regiment.
Lamartine mounted the tribune, pale with excite
ment, and firmly demanded the restoration of the
law of 1532, (time net a exputriatiun) against l.nn.
is Napoleon. While he was speaking time
sion increased. The cries from without'uf Vive
l'Empereur, rose above the din; and Lamartine
took his seat overwhelmed with conflicting emo.
tions. Information was received at this moment
that a National Guard had been shot. I referring
to it he feelingly remarked that this was the first
blood shed in the cause of despotism, and not in
that of republican liberty.
The proposed decree was sanctioned. Despite
of this decision, the emeutiera declared that Louis
Napoleon shall take his seat on Tuesday next.
The excitement continued. Resistance was threat
ened and barricades attempted, but the overwhelm
ing military force, nipped all in the bud.
On the same day the Assembly revoked their
decree and admitted Louis Napoleon to a scat.
It is said that Ledru Rollin immediately resign.
ad, and that. Lamartine would follow his example.
On Wednesday Paris was tranquil and the pop.
&ace were waiting the arrival of Louis Napoleon
from England, which might be the signal fcr re
newed discord.—Presigny, leader of the Buena.
partists had been arrested ; which would promote
of returning confidence in the government to man.
tain themselves and the repnbhe.
In consequence of the great political agitation
six hundred commercial houses of Paris had sue.
At 4miensa proclamation bad been issued, call
ing the people to arms, to place Louis Napoleon on
the throne. Other parts of the country, as far as
heard from, have manifested no predisposition to
the movement.
lact.stm—This country is more tranquil than
it has been since Mitchel's conviction. The frater
nization of Old and Young Ireland (the two sec
time of the Repeal party,) had been postponed for
a fortnight. John O'Connell had protested against
the abandonment of his father's platform of peace
ful agitation. The protest, however, was not re
ceived with much favor, the physical lorcc principle
being uppermost in the hearts of the people.
ENGLAND.—The Chartists' demonstration, on the
12th was considered a failure. It was completely
overawed by the military and police, who dispersed
it without difficulty, before it could be organized.
Illtscect.aseous.—The state of Germany contin
ues very diaeouraging. Berlin letters state that
13,000 persons had left the city. Many house'
and shops were empty, and there was noreat value
for property of any description.
The spirit of reform has showed itself in Egypt.
A largo public meeting was held, and a committee
appointed to wait upon the Pasha, and solicit a re
dress of grievances. The Paella hanged, or rather
bow-strung the whole deputaton.
The London publishers announce a new work in
preparation, from the pen of Charles Dickens.
The grain crops, not only in Great Britain, but
in other countries of Europe, from which accounts
have been received, are ArnusnaiSy promising.
Stu Larratt POSTAGE. —The Postmaster Gene.
rat has issued the following instructions to Deputy
Postmasters and other agents of the Department,
r„, pm-post of carrying out the provisions of
the act of June 28, 1848 :
All letters or other P L A l A.titenutmie, or going
out of the United States to other countries, are rc.
quired to be sent through the post office at.the place
of departure or arrival. The postaocs to be
charged on all letters going out of the United States
to or through the Kingdom of Great Britain or its
colonies, or coming from or through the Kingdom
of Great Britain or its colonies into the United
States, by any foreign packet.ship or other vessel,
will be as follows—the postages on the outgoing
letters and other mailable matter to be pre-paid:
On each letter not exceeding half on ounce in
weight, conveyed between the two countries by a
foreign packet, 24 cents; and for each additional
half ounce or fractionlunder, an additional postage
of 24 cents ; and if conveyed between the two
countries by any foreign private ship or vessel,
when weighing halfan ounce or under, the postage
will be 16 cents ; and foreaeh additional halfounce
or fraction under, an additional postage of 16 eta.
Newspapers will be chargeable with postage of
4 cents each.
Eat!, sheet of other printed nutter will be rated
as 4 newspaper.
One hundred and seventy.five volunteers were
discharged from the service of the United States,
at Newport Barracks, on Saturday last. About
two hundred other. were discharged on Monday.
They are paid in this city. These men were re
cruited to 811 up the ranks of tF.c different volun
teer companies in Mexico, but had never been draft.
ed into their respective companies. They receive
the bounty allowed by the regulations of the ser
vice, and the land bounty voted by Congress.—Oin.
elanati Chronicle. June 28.
For the Columbia Spy
NV Rtoursvux,E, July 5,1848
MR. EDITOR : It is useless for me to enter into
the preliminaries of the arrangements and minu
tia of 4 Pic-nic, as you are, I know, too well
aware of these matters, and I shall not, therefore,
presume too much on your patience, but shall come
to the point at once, and like the wood-chopper,
•Be my own caner and cut my own way."
And should I fail in my description, I trust you
will, at least, extend some sympathy towards me,
and reserve censure or criticism for some more
glaring error of correspondence.
Our company numbered over seventy persons,
and of course the minority was on the gent's side,
for you know, the ladies are always so ambitious
in party matters, at least it was so yesterday ; but
this is evidently a very great compliment, and is
highly creditable to the efforts of our efficient and
gentlemanly managers. We all proceeded to a
grove near Glottz's Ferry, where everything was
prepared to make the party pleasant and agreeable.
I was there, of course, in all my glory ; and I can
assure you I did not enjoy myself a little ; no, in
deed ! for how could it be otherwise, in the midst
of such a host of the more delicate and beautiful
part of nature. Oh, Mr. Editor! if you had been
!hero to hare seen the fairy forms
"Tripping on the light inntnstie toe
In the mazy donee,"
your heart (notwithstanding you are a married
man,) would have fluttered and pounded your very
os sterni into a jelly. There was the Bland Miss
S-t, who is indeed a charming creature ; her
mild avid gentle manners elicited the attention of
almost all, and engaged particularly the attention
of one of our liierati. And juet now, as I write,
the sylph like form of Mind 11-r flits by in all
the mirthful glee of girlhood; she is both happy
and merry, and her very laugh chimes in my ear
yet ; grief and sorrow can never be hers, as smiles
arc never absent from her face. Miss D ris
also of the same disposition, and is quite an en
gaging girl ; but there is a difference,
^ While down her brass'—whose stainless shrine,
()Lunenlied the hue oC the Payout inine,
Her lirtir in glossy ringlets fell.
And Welltolled 011 the balmy swell
Of the cooling wind."
Miss B-r was also there, mingling with the
throng, and particularly in all the amusements,
'though I am sorry to say I left without an intro.
duction, although I vainly attempted one. She is
from Maryland, but fear she does not love any of
Maryland's sons, as she appeared to be so moth
enhanced with a gent. from the Villa, or vice versa.
But Mr. Editor have a little patience with me as I
am so enraptured myaelf; for you know it is the case
with almost all old bachelors, after parties of plea.
sure. And again let me speak of Miss T---a;
'tis true I am not going to describe to you a Bebe,
though what is the difference it I should attempt to
give you a description of one of America's fairest
dsughters, but I must here beg leave to be excused
as I know I would ultimately fail.
Lastly let inc speak of Kate %V. and I will close,
es I fear your patience will be exhausted. I, fur my
part, could write for an age about the tbir sex; but
I am losing my train, end must retrace my steps.
Kate Is decidedly petty, and pudaesses every qua.
ity that can render her a lady and nicks her beloved
by all, and aft refer you to a naiad or a grace, you
see our Kate, and then
touts of th.o.
In 0111+ie8 richest :onu•s of
Uhl; gm:Joule ire.ntlo cr•to
And now let me conclude by telling you that we
passed the day in the " merry dance," we dined
and supped in the grove. Joy nod pleasure spark
led in every eye ; and dusky eve alone found us
wending our way to the Villa.
Yours, &c., DEI.7 A.
ship Edith, which arrived at New Orleans on the
24th ultimo, brought 185 of the Ist Pennsylvania
volunteers. The steamship Eudora had on board
175, and the schooner Sarah Churchman 150, of
the same regiment, making 810 in all, under the
command ofCol. Black, the whole under Col, Wyo.
koop. The last named vessels had just arrived at
New Orleans by last advices. They will probably
take their departure immediately for Philadelphia
in some of the vessels daily leaving that port. Se.
ven companies of the New York regiment arrived
at New Orleans also on the 24th.
that companies arc forming in New Orleans, and
in other places, to speculate on the soldiers, by mis
representing the value of their land warrants, and
by other foul devices. We would earnestly warn
the soldier and his friends not to be taken In by
any such tricks. We understand that land war
rants are now selling in thiscity fromslls tosls2,
and that treasury scrip sells for about $95.
Mr. Harrelson. of Georgia, deserves credit for
looking ahead, and submitting the following rcso
lutinn, which wan adopted:
Resolved, That the Committee on the Judiciary
be instructed to inquire what further legislation is
necessary more effectuany to provide against the
frauds practised upon the soloiers or at...
war end in the benefits of the land
or treasury scrips, to which they arc en
titled; and that said committee report by bill or
otherwise.—Washington Union.
NOVELS AND Isosaarrrv.—The works of final.,
which the press has deluged the country with in
the last few years not only vitiate the taste and cor.
rupt the morals of the young, but an undue in
dulgence in their perusal is productive of insanity.
Dr. Stokes, of Mount Hope Institution for the. In.
sane, says that they have several cases of mural
insanity for which no other cause can be assigned
than excessive novel reading. Anti nothing is
more likely to induce this disease than the education
which fosters sentiment instead of cherishing real
feelings—such as result from the performance of
active benevolence, sacred duty of ordinary life,
and of religious obligations—which awakens and
strengthens the imaginations without warming the
heart ; and to borrow the language of, an ancient
divine, places the individual" upon a romance thea
tre—not upon the duet of mortal life."—Ledger.
ICI The St. Louis Reveille says—" Henry
O'Reilly, Esq., has made en offer to the President
to furnish two battalions for the, Ouvon regiment,
composed of the gallant and hard,, spirits who
have, during the last year, evonecteci the extreme
bounds of the country, by upwards of four thou
sand miles of telegraphic wire. They a,rs the
men for enterprise, and a suggestion of Their
chief will send them to reap honor in any direc
lion. O'Reilly but awaits the clearing of the
trace for him to the Pacific, when
.his efficient
labors will forever keep it open. His plans are
well considered, simple, and will require but
slight assistance from government."
From the New Orleans Delta
An intelligent view of, the condition of Mexico,
her destiny, and the ultimate necessity of annexa-
tion, are strongly set forth in the following letter
from an esteemed correspondent in Mexico:
CITY OP Mexico, June 4,1848
Eds. Delta—The Commissioners, Messrs. Sevier
and Clifford, arrived herefrom Queretaro on the 2d
instant, about ten in the morning, having finally
effected the object of their mission, not, however,
without considerable difficulty and delay. The
Treaty only having been signed at ten at night on
the 30th, and then, as rumor says, with much hesi
tation on the part of the President ad interim, Sc.
nor Pena y Pena. The new Government, with
Herrera at its head, will not, it is said, repose on a
bed of roses, and already feel that it will require
all their talent, influence, and energy to enable
them to mantain their position and ride the storm,
the approach of which is anticipated at no very
distant day. The firm and energetic course pur
sued by the Commissioners, and especially by Mr.
Sevier, is said to have had he effect of overruling
the indecision of Pena y Pena, and of inducing
him finally to put his name to the instrument.
In the ordinary language of diplomacy, the war
is now at an end, and the moat amicable relations
siow exist between the two Governments, so far, at
least, as it concerns °mita:sera that be. I feel well
assured that nearly all the men of property here,
and all the foreign merchants and tradesmen, re-
gret the departure of our troops very deeply. The '
latter express the most unfeigned surprise that ire
should relinquish so magnificent a prize as the
Mexican domain, after having expended so vast a
sum of money, and so many valuable lives. The
United States could doubtless retain the whole
country at a moderate cost, and their rule here
would, in a very short time, be popular with the
mass of the people, based, as it would be, on justice
and moderation, and affording, as it would, full
protection to life and property. At the present
time they hate the Americans, as a body, and it is
very natural they should, but at the same time
they respect us in an equal degree as their superi
ors incomparably in moral excellence, energy,
enterprise and courage.
The return of the Americans to this country, at
no distant day, I regard as a very probable event,
even should all the troops now here leave for the
United states. The military action given to our
Government by the annexation of Texas and the
lute war with Mexico, is yet in its infancy, and will
not be fully developed the some years to come. The
glorious result of the war just ended, has ex
cited in the breasts of the masses a love of glory
and conquest, which must be gmtified. It has in.
fused itself into the whole nines of society. and
will become a formidable element in the body poll.
tic of the United States, requiring to be watched
and dexterously controlled, so as to be productive
of the least amount of injury to our institutions.
The tide of conquest and emigration is setting with
a strung current front the United States to the
Southwest, and will sweep all before it, until it
reaches the Isthmus of Darien. This is the goal
which is to bound, finally, the North American
Confederacy, and its accomplishment will be one of
the great events of the next ten years. It is be.
coining more and more fixed in the minds of the
people of the United States, as the natural destiny
of their country, that it will finally overrun and
overturn the present Mexican Nation, and that
even the whole of the North American Continent
should be covered and protected by the American
Eagle, and constitute one vast and glorious Con.
federaey, with the same laws, the same language,
and the same institutions. This result is inevita.
Me, and will certainly be accomplished by arms,
miless the leaders of the nation shall perceive the
superior advantages of effecting, et a seasonable
tune, by the pacific and more desirable mode of
" annexation."
The peaceable annexation of Mexico, by leav
ing us nothing in that direction to conquer, would
at once repress and subdue that growing love of
military glory, now existing in the people of the
United States to an alarming extent, and which if
tbstered, must, if there is truth in history, exert in
the end a disastrous influence on our institutions.
Let us check this evil tendency by destroying the
food it lives on. Let us annex the whole of Mexi
on, and then we shall have time and leisure and
cool deliberation to revise, amend and perfect our
political machine, according to the lights of wis
dom and past experience, so that we may hope to
perpetuate them to the remotest time. This beset
ran be done while the minds of the people are ex
cited by glory and military renown, and until this
country forms part of the American Union, that
military spirit is destined to exercise an unfavora
ble influence on the peltical institutions ofthe Uni
ted States, leading in the end to those foreign nili•
acmes and entanglements, so much to be dreaded
by every true patriot, and so repugnant. to the
creeds and principles of Washington.
New York Correspondent of the Philadelphia
Ledger gives the following :
A desperate murder was committed in this city
on Wednesday afternoon or evening. The victim
was Mr. D. P. Bremond, of the firm of Dretnond &
Co., gold pen end pencil case manufacturers, 102,
Nassau street, and it appears that the perpetrator
of the crime, was one Mary Ann Stewart, alias
Mrs. Savage, a woman of the town.
have taken some pains to obtain an Sul hentic
account of the affair, and I believe the following
arc the filets as far as known.
About 2 o'clock, in the afternoon, Mr. Bromond's .
partner left the unfortunate man dozing in a chair
in their office, which is on the second floor of the
bufiding.lo2, Nassau street, fronting on the street.
At half-past 6 the partner returned, found the door
locked and went away. A little after 7he returned
again. The door was unlocked, and on passing in
he saw Mr. Bremond lying on the floor with his
head resting in the lap of a female, who was utter , .
ing frantic cries, and rocking herself to and fro as if
distracted. The partner saw at once
thing was wrong, as there was blood on Mr. B.'s
he .d and the girl's hands, and iirsetod in search of
assistance. At tto- is,wcr door lie met an officer
who acenror.oued him upstairs and took thegirl in•
co custody. Mr. Bremond was dead but still warm.
, On looking round the room they found two broken
pitchers covered with blood, and there were marks
of blond on the wall and a number of papers scat
tered over the floor. Some dozen pencil cases and
pens bruised and crushed, a broken hair-comb, two
or three liandsfisll of hair, and the staff of a parasol,
were also found strewed about the room. Every
, thing bore indications of a deadly struggle.
The girl, who protested that the deceased had
fallen against the corner of the safe and killed him-
self, was at once conveyed to the Tombs. I
Some thirty stabs were found upon the body of ,
Mr. Bremond, principally about the head and neck.
A coroner's inquest is being held on the body. I
I learn that the girl Stewart has been persecuting
Mr. Brcmond for the last nine or ten months. It
appears that be became acquainted with her about
a year ago, and after a abort, and of course an im
intimacy, he became anxious to shake her oil;
but she was, or erected to be, deeply enamored of
him, and swore that life was of no value without
him, and that if ho persisted in avoiding her, she
would either kill him, or poison herself or both.
The prisoner is a stout, buxom young woman of
25. Mr. Bremond was a rather slight man, some
26 or 27 years of age.
The probability is that the girl found Mr. Bre
mondasleep, and struck him with one or both the
pitchers, and that he rose, stunned and bleeding, '
and struggled with her at a disadvantage until she'
finished him.
It is a horrible affair, and has oecastioned great
excitement in the city.
DIED—On the 16th of April last. on hoard the ship Glo-
Tinnit, ballad from Calcutta to London, m the 736th year
of her age, Mrs. CitawrtAlsrrn M. Seam, wife of Rey.
James L. Scott, Missionary at Futtehgurh. in Northern
India, and daughter of the late Rev. W. F. Houston of
this place.
Mrs. SCOTT was one of a little band of mission
aries who sailed for Northern India from Philadel
phia, on the 13th of October, 1838, under the direc
tion of the Presbyterian Board of Foreign Mis
sions. Endowed by nature with a mind of vigorous
and superior cast, and great decision of character.
and early devoted to God, she was eminently quali
fied for the arduous sphere she had selected. Long
before her departure for a foreign land, her labors
among the destitute and 'neglected at home, gave
indication of those traits of character which after
wards led her to devote herself to the work of carry
ing the gospel of peace to the Heathen. Many in
cidents will be remembered by those who knew her
well, which foreshadowed the career which she sub
sequently marked out for herself, and which, so long:
as health and strength lasted, she unehrinkingly
Once satisfied of the call of duty, her resolution
was promptly taken. With a faith in thespromisee
of God which knew no wavering, with a resigna
tion to his will which allowed no murmur, with a
Iself devotion to his cause, in which there was ncs
reserve, she entered` upon her course with firmness
and persevered unto the end with unabated zeal.
'rho climate of India, which has proved so fatal.
Ito the energies of so many American radios, did
not for many years impair the vigor of her con
stitution. She was enabled to labor long and earn--
estly in the field she had chosen. In her school, in
her family, which was necessarily large, and in the
assistance she rendered the gentlemen of the Mis
sion in their translations into the language of the
country, which she had speedily acquired, her ener
gy and industry found a boundless sphere of action.
But there is a limit to the power of physical endu
rance which no zeal can extend; and in the winter
' of 1846-7 the effect of overtusked energies mani
fested itself in disease of the lungs,
Her physician prescribed an immediate change
of climate as absolutely necessary, prohibiting a
longer residence in the plains of India as certain
to prove fatal. She accordingly sea out for Simian,
a missionary station on the Southern elope of the
Hunalah mountains, five hundred miles North Wept
' of Futtehgarh in March, 1847, where she spent the
summer. The sacrifice of selfish considerations,
which characterized all her actions is evident in the
leircnmstance that in this journe'y and residence at
Simtah she refused to draw her husband away
from his labors to accompany her. slt is a for
midable journey for a lady to take alone," she
writes to a friend, " but many do it, and why should
not 17 Some of our brethren arc disposed to
blame Mr, Scott for allowing me to go alone; but I
think in this they forget their calling. Mr. Scott
is in excellent health, and has a most important
field of labor k and just because it would save us
the trial of parting and be more pleasant to go as
a family, where we could all enjoy the fine moun
tain air, is it his duty to desert his post? We think
not." An examination of her lungs at Simlali by a
distinguished physician confirmed the opinion pre
viously entertained of pulmonary disease, and, un
der his advice, she reluctantly determined to return
to this country as the only means of prolonging
her life. Her health, however, continued to im
prove under the influence of the bracing air of the
hills, and she returned to Futtegurli in October so
much better that her friends were induced to hope
that she might live fur many years. It was at
first determined that Mr. Scott should accompany
her home; but finding herself so much improved
in health and strength and unwilling to withdraw
her husband front his important pest until a substi
tute could be provided, with that spirit of self sa
craficc, which has been before remarked, she re
solved to make the formidable journey niece. Her
excellent husband writes to a friend:" I commit her
to the the cure of God, who will take better care of
her than I cook! do. I feel confident that he will
raise up friends for her on the way end will bring
her home to you in safety. You mint not think,
however, that I send her unwilling to go. It was
her own proposal and is still her own wish."
She sailed from Calcutta on the 29th of Janua
ry, 1848, in the British ship Mariana for London,
with two of her children, little girls of eight and
six years, and a daughter of the Rev. Mr. Freeman,.
a brother missionary. Up to the time of her sail
ing her symptoms continued to improve, mad it was
supposed that the sea voyage would do much
towards her recovery. Her friends were con.
fident that she would reach this country in the
present month with coufirmed strength ; but the
ineidiuus disease which was preying upon her, and
which appears to delight in deluding the hopes of
its victims, and those to whom they are dear, was
working steadily, though unseen. On the 25th of
March the vessel arrived at the Capo of Good Hope,
where she landed and spent a few days on shore.
From some cause, not known, her disease which,
previously, had been remarkably quiescent, devel
oped itself with fearful activity, and on the 19th of
April she kept ben bed never more to rise from it.
Site gradually sank away without pain and calmly
breathed her last on the evening of the 16th of
o t a s e rn lk S da e a n d t b yo i b e
a w d d t h ie fi iracmihilisdiehnre
wanhce fa ,
t i s t h i
m l o a fa v i r e n i
ye b
er w l 5 . dh as
In n,
shetil haabdselinvceed
d b c u
r r i e n a g v
l a i r: e p a a bs rtn e e n r ee , in a a t
I m et o te m r e t n o ta a tl f i r e ie w nd o , rd w e r o i f tt h e e n r
Simlats will not be inappropriate. " I do nut fear
for her. She will not he afraid to look death in the
face when he does meet her. Hers is a hope that
will not forsake her in the dark hour of trial. Her
piety has ever been of that sober consistent kind
which is founded on principle and I know it will
stand the test."
So died one who sacrificed everything which the
heart holds dear upon the altar of a bublime
Afar from the home of her birth, from the compan
ions of her childhood, from the friends of her riper
years, from kindred, from the partner of her toile
and sacrifices, the Ocean received her remains
there to repose until "the sea shall give up her
Earth has her lieroes, whom with pompand show
she leads in noisy triumph, or to whose memory
she rears the towering marble; but there are those
of whom she takes no note whose fame is reserved
for a more enduring country, whose triumphant
march shall be over the streets of the New Jerusa
lem and whose crown of glory shall be eternal.
Columbia, July 7, 11348.