The Columbia spy. and literary register. (Columbia, Pa.) 1848-1848, July 01, 1848, Image 4
R. TOWNSEND'S QAILS APARIIII! Wonder and blessing of the age—The most oxtraordniaty medicine in the woad. This Extract to put up to quirt boiVes 11 IP ?lii tunes cheaper. pleasanter. and warranted Superior to coy said. it cures disease's without VOMitlllg, pargi.g • sickening. 41 debilitating the patient Thesteal. beauty and rimerlority of this Sarsaparilla nitek all other remedies Is. w hole it eradicates disease, it Invigorates the body. It la 011.1 ad' the very best SPRINU AND sUADIER MEDIcINF.B Ever known: it not only purifies the while system and strengthtnn the person, but it creates new, pure, and etch MIRO: a power possessed by no at het medicine and In thin lien the great secret of tin wonderful success lye. Townsend - if Sarsaparilla torigorawe the whole system permanently. To those erten have Inst teem mus cular eerier by tile effects of medicine or indiscretions rommit led in Toddle, or the excessive indulgence of the passions, and brought on a genuine prostration of the nervous e) stem, lassitude, want of antbitiod, fainting sensateons, premature decay and decline, hastening towards that fatal disease, Cone wean, can be entirely restored by this pleasant remedy. The {menthe only Bold by ft, WIMLIANIS, Front. st. roluintlia, Pa. Ap29'49-tf REIBCOVILL. THE 11?iDERSIGNED takes this medium to in forms his friends and the public 'bathe has removed his TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT, to within one boas ov xtra CONNart of Locesr Sratatr, and having reCo vered his lambs so as to be able to attend to business wonid respectfully invite his customers to give him a call, feeling, well assured from the liberal patronage that he has heretofore received, that he wilt be able to give satin. taction to all who may feel disposed to give him their work. lie would not say that he is the only One in the place who can make good work, not wisitinK thus to puff himself fie notice but would assure the public that work entrusted to hint shall be executed in a neat fashionable and substantial mannet. Ile keeps constantly on hand a fine assortment of Cloths, Cassimercs & Vesttngs, which will be sold at very smelt advances. J. W. FISHER. N. 13. I have a large stock of ready made CLOTHING which I will sell at prime cost. .1. W. F. April 22, 1649. B.EVLOVILTs. TILE Taioring Establishment of B. Young has 1. been moved up stairs in the Barbershop, opposite the Washington Hotel, at which place he may be found at all times, ready to do work in the neatest and best style for all who inay . give him a call, as he intends to devote his whole attention to dressing the community in the most perfect style of the day. Having received allthe different reports, he flatters himself he is the only one in the place able to do so. B. YOUNG. P. S. He will at all times be prepared to give instruc tions in cutting garments to any of the trade. so much in rear that may disable them to come op to the age, and stands open ngainst!all publishers of systems for investiga tion. No more, but hope to got a spat. B. YOUNG, of Columbia, S S. RArIIVON, of Marietta. Columbia, April P, late -ti ! ILEIWZOITAL ! ! W. SPENGLER, bating betome Proprietor 11. the Book & Stationary Store, late of the firm of Westbrook & Spangler, has removed his establishment to the house lately occupied by Mr. Mall) on Front Street. a tew doors north front the Corner of Locust, and next door to %Pm, A Leader's Drug store,—v, here he will continue the former business in all its branches. Having enlarged his stocks he is prepared to tarnish every at ttele 01 the Book and stationary line, at the very lowest rates; School Books of every kind, Blank Brinks, Fools Cap and Letter Paper by the wholesale or retail. Pocket Knives , Razors, Goias rims, Pocket Books, Combs, Hair. Tooth, and Cloth Brushes—Razor Strops, Soup, Brushes, Sc, Ink Stands, ink by the Bottle—Dommoes. Chess filen. Dice. A splen did lot of Silk, Steel Beads, Clasps mid Tassels, (or purses, Gold and Silver Bullion—tor Working Slippers, eec. And a most superior lot of fancy stationery for the Ladies.— Don't forget the Cheap Depot, at W. 11. SPA:sIGLER'S, Next Door to W. A. Leaflets Drug Store. MORE BARGAINS. The subscribers have, during the past week, made a large addition to their former stock of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, Which, for elegance and cheapness, cannot be surpassed. Among which is a very large assortment of PRINTS, at 4 cts, 6/ cts, 8 cts ' 10 cts, and 12/- cts per yard. DRESS H GINGAMS as low as 121 cts, ID cts, and 25 cm. Al pacas acid Linens, Lustre, A general assortment of FURNISHING GOODS, Such as 4-1,54, 6.4, and 10-1 Blenched and Brown Sheet tags. Tie/rings, Checks, Crash, Linen and Cotton, Brown and Bleached, Table Diapers, tee. GENTLEMEN'S DRESS GOODS Sup. Blue and Bluck French Clothe; sup. Blue, Block Prawn,. and Olive English Cloths; ?Sam ural Fumy Cas Ftmeres, Satinets, Vesungs, &c. CHINA, Glass, and Queenssvere; Fresh Family Gin. eeries, selected with very great care, among which are New Crop Sugars—Loaf, Pulverised and Crushed Sugars. Coffees, Spices, the Superior Teas of the New York Canton Tea Company, Oils, Fish, Ac. all of which they are determined to sell tic tow as the tors LOWEST, for cash or country produce. Thankful for past favors, they respectfully solicit a continuance of the patronage heretofore bestowed upon them. J. D. & .1. WRIGHT, Locust St., 2 doors below Second St. Columbia, March 25, 12.1.v—tf NEW STAND AND NEW GOODS. The subscriber takes this method of tnforming his friends and COSIOM<TS that he has rented the New Siore Room known as Haldeman's New Corner, being on the South West corner of Front and Locust Street, where he intends to keep constantly on hand a good supply of READY MADE CLOTHING, SHOES AND BOOTS. and a general assortment of Family Groceries ; together with Hoar and other Meal ; Oats. Corn, and Chop for horses. Also, Liquors of till kinds, including Wlnes and Cordials. All of which I pledge myself to sell as cheap for cash as possibly can be afforded. Please call and ex amine both the goods and prices. N. 8,--A dwelling and front shop adjoining, to rent on accommodating terms. Myself and Son would like to board with the family. ELIJAH BARRATT. Columbia, March 25, SPILXIWG GOODS. The public, is respectfully invited to call and examine a fresh assortment of - FASHIONABLE GOODS, pat received and for sale at prices which cannot Mil to suit purchneers, at J. D. & J. WRIGHT'S. Columbia, March 18, 1518.—tf 111=13.111341Z OIL of the very best quality, with an assort moot of I.AMI'S for burning the Raw. always on hand ht I D & WRIGHT'S Columbia, March F =a ARTICLE Boat Stott. We would call the nitennon of Boatmen to ri new article of boat Stove made andselapied expressly fist their convenience To be seen and had of II rrmii.rtt te CO. March 11, Itaddf NEW GOODS. THE subscribers, thankful for past favors, take this method of Mlorming their friends that they have 'ttt received, in addlaoa to their former stock. a GENERAL. ASSoRTM ENT OF STAPI.E-IND FANCY' GOODS, which hwve been s.elected web great DIM and oltention und wia t r :DAM CIII:AP CALL AND Sli.T rnn,r AT SPANW.EIi*S. Columbia. rebr.mry 19, 113—tt CIUMIS. LTERIt'S Celebrated Lowden Fifth Chains, Tea ccs, long and short, double and single Link, breast, coursing and hither Munn, all of which ice oiler at man- Olken:us rumen. 11,csirta h Jima. STOVES. TEE Subscribers have constantly on hand a full &moment of wood, coal, and cooking Stoves of every pies and description, cannon stoves. Also. Head .,..nburg,s patent Air-Tight Pastor Stoves, which has given full satisfaction in all ea-Cr The puldio sic f o o t le d t o Call end eiaminn for themselves, at the ti o ,t woro store of HUMPLE & lIESS. VALI% AND SUSQ I7II 734ITIVA. RAIL ROAD.—FARE REDUCED.—The Pas senger Train, runs daily as follows below : Leaves Baltimore at ti o'clock A. M , sod ar rives at (;1 o'clock, P. M. lumbia Arrive• at o'clock. York a P. l2 o ' clock o' P. M . , and leaves for Co t 9 Columbia at 2 o'clock P. M., and leaves York for Baltimore at 3 o'clock P. M. . .. .. . . Fare from Baltimore to York, $1 50 - Wrightsville, - - 200 • Columbia, - - - - 2 121 The Train connects at York with Stage., for Harrisburg, GruysburvChambersburg. Pittsburg nod York Springs. FARE COT GETTYSBURG AND HARRISBURG. The company is authorixed by the proprietors of the Stage Linea to receive the fare through from Echimorc to Gettysburg and Harrisburg. BALTIXOtt To Ili ETTTSRCIM /1 Sl> lIARR4cHr&O. Fare through to either place. $3 00 li C. If. 13ORDLEY. Supert. Slay 9. 194% —0 Ticket Office. 63 North at . Belt NEW STORE TIM Subscribers Respectfully inform their _L metals and the putflic, that they have taken the Store formerly occupied by S. 13. Bootle & Co., Corner of Locust and Front Street, and arc now opening on entire new Stock of Goods, purchased at the present Very low prices. anionic which arc FRENCH, ENGLISH & AMERICAN BLACK CUYPHS. Olive, Brown, and Blue Cloths; French. English, and American lilacs and Blue-Black Cassimeres; striped, Plaid, and Figured Cassimeres, Satinets, Summer Cloths, Gambroons ; Low priced Summer Stuffs, Cords atukßea vermeils, &e. LAMES , DRESS GOODS. Grettaittlies, Organdies, Pnwtins, Barege, Silk Tissue. Lawns, Grughanis, and Mack and Blue-Black Geo de Rhumb, Plaid awl timpe.l Black Sal., Futtey Ores', New Style Chuntelies. ASIA, Calicoes, Muslins, Checks, G m gh tutt s. 'lacking, Chatnimey se, Linen and Cotton Table Diaper, Napkins, Cloves, Cotton, Alpaca, and Silk Hose, New Style Bonnet Tr 1111 l &c.. &e. ALSO. GLASSWARE & QUEELSWARE—G ROCERIES Sugars, Coffees, Tess, Mackerel, Herring, Molasses, Fish and Sperm Oils, Soaps, Candles, Spices. &C., &C., &c. Our g oods are all NEW and selected with great care, and we hope by strict attention to business, to receive share of custom of our friends and the public. All kinds of Country Produce taken in at the highest prices. ROUT. CIIALFANA PETER iIALDE.MAN, Jr. Coltunbla, Marchtl.'s, 1949.-ti CO7AUNLYDI. IRON FOUNDRY'. TIM undersigned, hereby tender their sincere acknowledgments to their customers, and the pub lic generally, for the very liberal patronage that has at tended their efforts to please. and would intorm them that it will be their . reatest pleaSure,as heretofore, to conduct their business in such a manner as to merit their continu ed approbation , and support. We continue to make all kind, of Castings, viz :- 1 MILL GEARING, SPUR, BEVEL, MITRE mid MOR TICE COG-WHEELS, CAST SHAFTS for water wheels, &c. Also, CAR WHEELS and other Car Castings to gether with all kinds of Rail Road Castings, for which unexceptionable reference can be given for superiority and avalibaity, We have quite a variety of PATTERNS for making Hot Blast Pipes, for Blast Furnaces, and for Water Pipes. and, being well prepared for Casting Pipes, it will cer tainly be an advantage to those in want, to call and ex amine for themselves, as we can manufacture as cheap. or cheaper, than any other establishment in this section of country. We have different kinds of Patterns for Steam Engines, Threshing Machines. Ploughs, Common Stoves, Stove Plates, Stove Cylinder. , and Grates, and many other things in our line of business, being the making and col lecting together of the past eleven years. Having the best of mechanics employed at Pattern making, &c., we are prepared to make any thing in our line of business at the shortest notice, and lacing favorably situated at the Caned Basiti, gis - es us the advantage of manufacturing I and forward,' g Casting, to ally point with despatch and at the lowest rates. GEORGE WOLF, SAMUEL TRUSCOTT. Pealing under the firm of Geo. Wolf & Co. Columbia. Pa. March 4, la4B.—tf. p ..r. 4~IA r 1 1 11 E Franklin Fire Insurance Company of i r L . PIIILADELPIDA,—OFFICE,No. 14i3 CtiEtiNUT titrect, near Filth street. DIRECTORS. CHARLES N. BANCKER, GEORGE W. RICHARDS, THOMAS lIAIIT, MORDECAI D. LEWIS, TOBIAS WAGNER, ADOLPH% B. Liam, SAMUEL G RA:ST , DAVID S. BROWN, JACOB R. SMITH, MORRIS PATTERSON. Continue to make insurance, perpetual or limited, on every description of property in town and country, at rates as low as are consistent with security. The Company have reserved a large Contingent Fund. which, with their Capital and Premiums, safely invested, affords ample protection to the assured. The assets of the Company, on January Ist, 1849, as published agreeably to an Act of Assemmbly, were as follows, viz: Mortgages, FE00,859 65 Real Estate, 100,353 00 Temporary Loans, 1.24,459 02 Stocks, 54,563 25 Cash, lie., 45,157 07 $1,tr20,097 67 Since their incorporation, a period of eighteen years, they have paid upwards of one malign, two hundred thou sand dollars, losses by fire, thereby affording evidence of the advantages of insurance, na well as the ability and disposition to meet with promptness, all liabilities. CHARLES N. BANCKER, President. CnaaLEs G. 11.trmaan, Secretary. THOMAS LLOYD, of Columbia, Agent for Yorl• and Lancaster Counties. Feb. 12, 1645-Iy. ILEILXI rrifiS ATTNETITELY! Doctor Hofland's Cele prated GERMAN BITTERS, Will effectually cure the Liver Complaint, Jaundice. Dys pepsia, Clacanc_o* Nest tJus Debility, Indigemiati , Flatu lence, Asthma, Diabetes, Disease of the Kidneys, Pulmo nary Affections, (ansing from disease of the stomach and liver,) and all diseases arising from a weak or disordered stomach in both Male and Female, such as Female Weak ness, Dizziness, Fullness or Blood to the Head, Inward Piles, Fluttering_ of the Heart, Difficulty el Breathing, Constant Imaginings of Evil, Great Depression of Spirits, Dimness of Vision, Pain in the Side, Back, Breast, or Limbs, Cold Feet, &c. They remove all acidity, and give tone and action to the stomach, and assist digestion ; they contain no alco holic stimulant. and can be taken by the most delicate stomach. and will in every case entirely destroy Costive ness, and reties ate the whole system. removing all tin purities from the body, runt remnants of previous thbense, and glve health aml vigor to the whole frame, thereby preventing frightful dreams, walking* white asleep, (C, which often result in accident. The funcuons of the stomach are of the inmost impor tance to every one, communing the source and fountam of life, which is nutrition No organ possesses such re• markal?le sympathies. none such remarkable power in modnylna every part of the CI stein A greater manlier of persons fall .[mums. to the harmssing it: riiiismotium and Dyspepsia, and more or ••,,e disease ;m u ., in the digestive system. than gin other tii.eases evil vs,' The many thousands who di. with Yellow 1 , 0, 1„ nix; .. Influenza, and other cr idemies. 0wi..4 •.• of rangement there. II the digestive s) stein 1• In r , • health, the nervous system and the circulatios blood will be also, as upon it t`ley detren.l, then epicl2nl-.. I loose all their terror Those living in. or visumg district. l.asrais,l F.E.V.CR AND AGril annually, fo id that t , y the timely use of one or two boulcs to renovate and lure: 4 .4:lmo the system, no sues o: will accumulate, and they will not in any one instance take the disease. Preven tion is far better than cure. • The rare success In treating dieeases of the stomach successfully, has not been so much a want of paiholov cal knowledge of its functions, as the preparation of suit able Vegetable compounds. so as to obtain not only their whole power, Lut as they would be most effectual and grateful. NVe are all aware that too many prepare:Mils have been, and are now before the public, that act only as pan atives, and some that change the locality of the disease, or prevent it for a short period, then it returns more for midable tban in the first instance Stich preparations have destroyed the public confidence, This article stand ing alone in its number of cures, and unrivalled, as tbou• sands of our citizens can attest who have tested its vir tues, can always be depended upon for the above mimed diseases. Is will; cure any case that can be. cured by medicine, no matter who, or what else has failed; it will perfectly restore the diseased organic functions of the Stomach, Intestines, Respiration, Circulation, ke. These Bitters. and the Spikenard Ointment will cure any case of Inward Piles; it is a rare occurrence to re quire more than one bottle of each for the w•orat cases For sale at the GERMAN MEDICINE OFFICE, No, Srd, Race Street. one door above Eighth, south side, Phila delphia In Lancaster, by John F. Long :in Harrisburg. by Daniel NV. Gross; in Pittsburg, by Wm. Thorn—and, Ls • dcalers generally throughout the United States. IFY - Pamphlets containing cures and descriptions of dis vase.. gratis. Also for stile, his celebrated VEGETABLE RHEU MATIC PILLS, for the cure of Gout, Rheumatism, Drop sy, and severe Nervous Adections; SPIKENARD OINT MENT, for the cure of Piles, Tether, Ringworms, ace., dm, he. marchlS,leSE-Ont, TO SPOB.TSDIMGDI. PRE undersigned have just received the best and most complete assortment of English and Ger man stub and twist and patent breech DOUBLE BAR RELED GUNS, which have ever been offered in this market at such pnees that will suit all. Alm, six Barrel ed Revolving and seitlemking PISTOLS. Call and ex amine for yourselves, at the cheap blar,dware Store of RUMPLE et IlEss. Columbia, August 1 1. •:e , 7‘V44 #j•il maßaltimore & Satqattanna Rail Road. The Morning PASSENCEIt TRAIN will run from Baltimore regularly, hereafter, on Sun day, nt 9 o'clock A. M., and Returning will start from Co lumbia at 1/ P. M., Wrightsville 2 I'. M., and front York at 3 o'clock, P. 31., as on other days of the week. The mail between Baltimore and York will be carried by this tram. No other train will run on Sunday. D. C. A. BORDLEY, 0ct.27, 11347. Superintendent of Transportation. Morzitiormega TILAXCir ALMALtrf. Between York, Wrightsville and Co ...=Tatts,tt h‘mhia.—The President and Directors' of ••••• • Btiore Susehanna olut Company having the con al ven m ted to and contmu qu e the MORN I NG 'TRAIN between the above places. fl 'The Car will leave Columbia DAILY, [Sundays ex cepted] at 61 o'clock, A. M., and the Train will leave Wrightsville at 6.5 o'clock. Returning, the Train will leave York at 9 o'clock, A M. Apr,l 17. IEI7 COMPOUND EXTRACT OF SARSAPARILLA. This Extract is put up in QUART norrtam--it is six times cheaper, pleasanter, and warranted superior to any sold. It cures diseases without vomiting, purging, sickness, or debilitating the patient, and is particularly adapted for a FALL AND WINTER MEDICINE. The great beauty and superiority of this Sarsaparilla, over all oilier remedies is, whilst n eradicates disease. It invigorates The body. CONSUMPTION CURED. lironeluti.., Consumption, Liver Complaint. Colds, Coughs, Catarah, Asthma, Spitting of Blood. Soreness in the Chest, Hectic Plush, Night Sweats, Difficult or Profuse Expectoration, and Pain in the Side, kc., have and can be cured. Probably there never was a remedy that has been so successful in desperate cases of consumption as this; it cleanses and strengthens the system, and appears to heal the ulcers on the lungs, and the patients gradually re gain their usual health and strength. CURIOUS CASE OF CONSUMTTION. There Is scarcely a day passes but there are a number of cases of Consumption reported as cured by the use of Dr. Townsend's Sarsaparilla. The following was recently received: Dr. Townsend—Hear Sir : For the last three years I have been afflicted with general debility, and nervous con sumption of the last stage, anti did not expect to ever gain my health at all. Atter going through a course of medi cine under the care of some of the most distinguished re gular physicians and members of the board of Health in New York and elsewhere, and spending mostof my earn ings, in attempting to regain my health, and after reading sit some . parier of your Sarsaparilla, I resolved to try iL-- Atter using six bottles I found it done me great . good and failed to see you at your office; with your advice I kept on, and do moat heartily thank you for your advice. I per severed in taking the Sarsaparffla, and have been able to attend to my usual labors for the last four mouths, and hope by the blessings of God and your Sarsaparilla to con tinue my health. It helped me beyond the expected*ns of all who knew my case. CHARLES Qcostisr. Orange. Essex Co., N J., August 2, 1947. State of New Jersey, F.,sex County, ss : Charles Quimby being duly sworn according to law, on his oath snub, that the foregoing statement is true accord ing to the best of his knowledge and belief. CHARLES Qvrlin r. Sworn and subscribed to before me at Orange. the 3rd August, 1847. CYRUS BALDWIN', Justice of the ranee Read the folio., tug, and say that Consumption is lace Table if you can: . . Now York, April ert, 1847. Dr. Townsend-1 verily believe that your Sarsaparilla has been the rowans, through Providence, of saving my life. I have for several years bad a bad cough. It lie came worse and worse. At last I raised large yuantiues of blood, had night assents, mid was greatly oebilitated and reduced, and did not expect to live I have only used your Sarsaparilla bat a short time, and there ban a WOll - change been wrought in me. I am now able to walk all over the city. I raise no blood, nod my cough has leg site. You can well imagine that lam thanktut for these results. Your obedient servant. Dasscilx, 111, Catharine at. Very few families indeed—an fact we have not heard of one—that used Dr. Townsend's Sarsaparilla in time lost any children the past summer, while those that did not sickened and died. The certificate we publish below is conclusive evidence of its value, and is only another in stance of its saving the lives of the children: D. Townsend—Dear Sir: I had two children cured lay your Sarsaparilla of the slimmer complaint and dysentery; one was only 15 months old, and the other 3 years. They were very much reduced, and we expected they would die; they were given up by two respectable physicians. When the doctor informed us that w•e must lose them. we resolved to try your Sarsaparilla we had heard so match of, but had but little confidence, there being so much stuff advertised that is worthless; but see arc very thank. ful that we did, for it undoubtedly saved the lives of both. 1 write this that others mny be induced to use it. Yours, respeetfally, Joita Ntimsox, Jo. Myrtle-Avenue, Brooklyn, Sept. 151647. LUNATIC ASYLUM. James Cummings, Esq., one of the assistants in dm Lit natie Asylum, 33Iani:we/I's Island. iy the gentleman spok en of in the following letter : This is only onr of More than :four thousand cases of rheumatism that Dr. Townswend's Sarsaparilla has cured. The most severe and chrome cases are weekly eradicated by its extraordinary virtues : Ik.seawrax.'s !scions Sept. 14, 1d47. Da. ToressFau—Dear Sir : I have suffered terribly for nine years with rheumatism; considerable of the time I could not eat. sleep or work ; I had the most distressing pains. red my limbs were terribly swollen. I have used tour bottles of your sarsaparilla, and they have done me more than one thousand dollars' worth of good-1 am so much better. Indeed. I ain entirely relieved. Von are at liberty to me this for the benefit of the afflicted Yours,Raspecfully. JA3IM CVMMINGS. DR TOWNSEND'S SARSAPARILLA is a favorite of the Ladies It relieves them of a great amount of sulfur ing, and gives them fine complexions, and buoyant:Tints. Mrs. Parker kindly sent us the following: Son7o Daoosuvx, Aug., 17,1517. I On TowssnyD—Sir : It gives me pleasure to testify to the beneficial effects I have experienced from the use of •our Sarsaparilin. My system was very much reduced y nervousness mid general debility, and with a variety of binule complaints. I read your advectisement, and war I nduced to try the diem of your remedy. It restored me o a better state of health, 1 bad not enjoyed for several years previous to taking It; and I do most cheerfully re •orninend tt us a valuable racewitm to all why are alliscied as I have been The iollowing is from a very respectable farmer resid ing at ilennipstead : Da.'rowsse:fir—Derir Sir: My wile has been:suffering severely trent the Dyspepsia and general derangement et the ,ysteni, that we supposed she must die. The Phy sicians coi.:(1 not resist the disease, and she would have beyond doubt if we had not given her your Sarsapa nl' it - unveil Tier life certainly. She is almost tu nic ly rcl,e is gaining strength and health. She si.:l P the 11, of th. Vro iTS respectfully, ELIZA ABRANI. r:Ew YOUR, StPT. it, 1947. DR Towx.sexn :—Dear Sir—l am constrained, as an net of 3nstice, to publicly acknowledge thereat benefits received from the use of your Sarsaparilla. being in town about two years since 111 a very weak and debilitated state. My disease was a chronic inflammation of the li ver and stomach. and, us many thought consumption; I was so reduced that I had very little hope of recovery. blearing and reading considerably of the effects of your medicine, I resolved to try it, though I entertained a preju eicc against advertised remedies. I had taken the medi cine but a short time, and begun to recover gradually and continued to get better, arid ran now well. Indeed I am so much unproved that my friends scarcely recognized me when I returned to the city. You are at liberty to publish this if you think it will extend the use of your excelleZ remedy. T. Tawina. One thousand or inore additional agences, for the ROC of Dr. Townsend's Sarsaparilla, will be established in such places where an agency is not already appointed, in the Slates of Pennsylvanta. New Jersey, Delftware, Ma -1 ryiand, 'Virginia, and other Southern and Western States. The terms of agency to be complied with will be as fol lows; Not more than once person will have the appoint. ment in a place, who wall be advertised as such an one or more papers published at such place, or the nearest paper to the place. The wall also he furnashad with el and hanalhills setting forth the virtues of the medicine, with their names printed as the Agents, for circulation. A het of all such names wilt be regularladished DYOT7.3 ORACLE OF HEALTH; copies p or d all such will be furnished them for circulation gratis, u tin splen did ahowbills of Dr- Townsend's entire establishment. For all these advantages, the payment for a supply of ' the Sarsapirila will he requiredwhen ordered, and stony time when the Agency is relinquashed, if any of the Med acine should remain unsold, it will be taken back at the price paid for it. Persons who may wish the sale of this valuable medi cine on the terms above specified, will address, by letter, or apply at the Principal office and sole agency or T. W. DYOTI' 4. SONS, 120 North Second street, Phila. And at the same time they wilf mention the names of any newspapers published in or near the place in which they reside. AN. B. Wtth the above advantages, the price of the Sarsaparilla will be 52 per dozen. packed in bozos of doz. each—less than a bok will not be furnished. Principal Office,l26 Fulton street, New York. Sole agents for Pluladelphin, On. T. W. DYOTT SONS. Columbian College, In North SECOND street • also for sale by Frederick Brown, corner of Chestnut and Filth streets; Lancaster, fleintish and Son : Wilmington Edward Drinkhurst ; York. Morns at Co.' Carlisle, it El liott; Harrisburg. Dr. McPherson; S. S. Hance. Balti more: and by the principal Druggists throughout the Uni ted States, ',Vest Indies and Canada. None genuine, unless put am in large square bottles, which contain a quart. and signed With the winter, sag. nature of 5. P. Townsend, and his name blown on the glass. N. D.—Persona inquiring for this medicine should not be induced to take any other. Druggists put up sa t ... harities, anal of course prefer selling their own ; others ave purchased that put ita small bottles, and because they make a greater profit, recommend them. Do not be deceived by any—turpure for Dr. Townsend'a, and take no other. (Wu' Remember the genuine 'Townrend's S.arsaparillar sold only by the Sole Agents, T. W. oyarr & SONS, No. 111 North SECOND Street. Each bottle is always enveloped or accompanied with a eopyof "Dyott's Oracle of Health." W. A. LEADWini . or Columbi a a:2IM. VW • -a I) C. If. BOB.BLEY, 5,1;11.1.1 DB.. TOWNS3I:IIaI43 CLEANSE AND STRENGTHEN CUNSUNMION CAN DE CURED SPITTIIs;G "BLOOD. = RHEALLNIATISM. To Tun LADIES l'Anitr.n. BIIIIIC Ft , South Brooklyn LADY sA:s;ED Livra COAIPLAINT. CIRCULAR **, 4 4 r,e, . •aAa CI-D. AT ILTIVOXIWZION IN PRICES of Dry Goods. IVho are to be bene fi ted by this remarkable change? THEPEOPLE! Why? Let them call at the BEE HIVE STORE, North Queen street, and s ee ; lucre they cat: buy as much for el 00, as they a short time ago would have to pay Sul 00 for. This then is a radical change for the express benefit of the peo ple. Let them call early and see the LARGE LOTS of cheap and beautiful Goods just opening: foe Revolu tions now-s-days are remarkable for their =LEVITY. Splendid Lawns, fast colors, cents 3d inch Mushns, heavy and fine, for ri.; cents 1115.5 1111 LAINES A good article of Plain Modes and Blk. only 121 cents A good article, Highly Cruncleon. MOURNING DRESS GOODS Ladies can he supplied with every article for mourning. Good plain Dlk. Chintzes, only 121 cents do do Lawns, in, 18, and 25 cents Mazatlan., Bareges and Silk Tissues. LADIES' GLOVES: Lisle thread, Silk and Kid; Misses Gloves in vanety, A:r TIM Ilae. Hum, CHAS. EAVENTZ &I3lto. GINGHAM'S opened,4 cages of splendid French, Scotch, and Englibh Dress Hinchrans, New patterns and very cheap—nt THE BEE HIVE, North Queen street. LADIES' SIMMER DRESSES The greatest variety of the most splendid styles, just received—among the newest styles are : Mazatltuts, - - Magnificent. Zephrines, - - Beautiful. Zephry• Tissues, - - Lovely. Pompadours, - - - - Fascinating. &e., Sm., perfectly exhaustless, at the BEE HIVE," North Queen Street. CHAS. E. WENTZ & BRO. BON ET RIBBONS: lust opening, the newest styles for Spring and Semmes, the greatest variety ever seen in Lancaster. Great care Las been taken to the selection of styles and colors. at the BEE HIVE. EMBROIDERIES French N. W. tw, n.n. do do do Collnrx do do d.; Edging and Inserting. Embroidered Swio,iidies. for Dresses. At the DEE UWE, North Queen at Lancaster. April I. 1,946.—ti DRUGS! DRUGS!! DRUGS !! ! WTM. A. LEADER, WHOLESALE and RETAIL unucKat.,:r, woatti respectfully inform his corner out trends of coluraltin and its vicinity that he has just returned from New York and Philadelphia with a splendid assortment of all articles belonging to the mum IIUtINIPAS. Vi,: . _ . . . IMLUGS, MEDICINES, PATEN^I" MEAICINES. PER FUM FRY, TOIIATI'S. FANCY SOAPS, PAINTS, 011.5, (l nyr. STUFFS,.'kc., &c. Tozether 'silk a surertor lot and style of lIAIR and charm: IMUSIIES that took the Medal in the Me chanic's Institute of New York. Also a constant supply of Camphene and Eethereal Oil Lamps. with a Pala and good Material to burn in them. Country Merchant., Druggists Physicians, Bakers, Store Keepers, Pullers, Dyers, and dealers in general will find it to their advantage to call at the GOLDEN MOR TAR DRUG STORE, Columbia, before purchasing else where. \V Ai. A. LEADER. Columbia, March 25, li-TIS.-tf, rs.ratc DRUGS AND MEDICINES. The subscriber sincerely returns thanks for the very liberal en couragement be has received, and flatters himself that by strict attention to business, to continue to merit a share of public patronage, His stock of Drugs aud Medi cines is of the very Lest selection, nod as complete as any in the place. nIS Variety of goods in connection with the Drug Business is very extensive. The following list includes only a small part of his stock : DRUGS. MEDICINES, PATENT MEDICINES Paints and Oils, ready mixed Paints, Camplienc or Pine Oil, Ethereal Oil, Dye Stuns, Window Glass, Putty, Shop Furniture Bottles, Porter Bottles, Vials—a full assortment —Perfumery, Colognes. Florida Water, Bay Rum, Po made Philocome, Beef Morrow, Antique Oil. Extracts for the Handkerchief, Toilet Powder, I Powder, Hair Dyes, Depilatory Power, Pomade Devine. Highly :Per fumed Soaps of eveiy kind. Medicated Soaps, Jones's Chemical Italian, I tattle's:Nymph, Itousell's Circassian, Radway's Chinese Ai.e. Hair Restoratives, Haule's can Lustral.Javne'sTonie, Jones's. Coral, Oldrtges's Balm of Columbia, Hair Curling Ligmd, Robey's Mouth Aromas, Lip Salve. Bnnrloliue, S r. STEEL. BEADS, RINGS AND TASSELS, Rings, Tassels, Clasps, Silk Twist, Steel Purses and Rags. Also. a general variety of other Purses, Crochet, Hooks. and Paton N. IL—The subscriber tins also a large ass.orttnent of Comstock & Co's •and Comstock & Tyler's Patent Medi cines on hand which he obtained directly from the pro prietors for CASH, which will enable hint to sell them trom 20 to 50 per cont. lower than their agents—warrant ed genuine. It. WILLIAMS. Colunditm March :33, lel .—tf Front Street. DR. 3,23.A11CV.11 PA1.5.0141,, T im only radical cure for Consumption ! ! It also removes and permanently cures all diseases arising from an impure state of the blood, viz: Scrofula or Ring's Ertl Rheumatism, Obstinate Cuta neous Li:nations, Pimples or Pestules on the face, Blotches. Biles. Chrome Sorc Eyes, Ring Worm or Tot ter. Scald fiend, Lnlargement and Pain of the Bones and Joints, Stubborn Ineers, Syphilitic Symptoms, Sciatica or Lumbago, Diseases arising front an Injurious use of l'iler eury, Dropsy, Exposure or Imprudence in life. Also, Chronic Constitutional Disorders. In this medicine several innocent but very potent arti cles of the vegetable kingdom are united, forming a com pound entirely different in its character and properties from any other preparation. and unrivalled in its operation on the system when laboring under disease. It should be in the hands of every person. who by business, or general course of life. is predisposed to the very many [OUR/CMS that render life a curse, instead of a blessing, and so often result in death. CONSUMPTION. The following testimony is from an able practitioner o this city: PIIILADELPITTA, December 14, 1947. Dear Sir reply to your question respecting the use of Dr. Drake's Panacea, I will say that although a perfect disbeliever or the existence of a Panacea, or cure for all diseases, however valuable it may be in certain condi tions of the system. still I have believed that a cure for Consumption would be discovered sooner or later, and ucos led to try your medicine to two very inveterate cases. They were pronounced by the attending physicians to be Pubs:oil/my CoNsc:urriox, and abandoned by them as in curable. One of the persons had been under the treat ment of several very able practitioners for n number of years, and they said she hid " old fashioned Consumption combined with Scrofula and that she might linger for somehow:, but (mold not be permanently relieved. In both eases the effect of the Panacea has beets most gratifying. Only four or five bottles \veto used by one of the persons before she began to improve rapidly. The other took about ten. They are both well. I will only add, that (a ntler as I am with Consumption by inheritance and by extensive observation as a study, and knowing also the injurious effects its nine cases out of ten of tar, bonesct, and other vegetable tonics, as well as of many of the ex pectorants and scdatives,l should never have recommend .' the use of Drake's Panacea if I had not been acquaint ed whit the ingredients. Suffice it to say these arc re commended by our most popular and scientific physi emits, and its their present combined state, form probably the best alterative that has ever been made. The care is in accordance with a theory of Consumption broached in Prance a few years ago, by one of her most eminent writers on medicine, and now established by facts which admit of no dispute. Very Respectfully Yours, 1.. C . GUNN, Corner Chest. and 1 , 11111 st. LIVER COMPLAINT AND DYSPEPSIA Anton Liking cure of Liver Complaint nod Dyspesia, in comiectlon with General Debility of the whole sytern: I'IIILADELPIZIA. March 7 1813. Mews. Storrs & Co.--ftentlemen :—My wife has been for several years afflicted with a pain through her right side and shoulder, accompanied with chills through her whole system, and almost constantly a sick stomach, at tended with pain, invariably after eating or drinking; so much so as to deprive her of all satisfaction in attempting to eat, even if she had a desire for food, which was not often the case, as her appetite was completely gone. A friend persuaded her to give DR. DRAKE'S I'ANACEA n trial and I 'am now happy to say the first bottle gave her relief. Our family physician examined the Panacea, and approved of her using it. She has taken three bottles since, and is greatly bcnefitted. She bas nosy a good ap petite, mid can eat her meals with satisfaction. The chills, pm, and sick stomach have entirely left her, and we feel confident that the Panacea has affected a contple cure of her difficulties, and would recommend to all who are af flicted as she has been to try Dr. Drake's Panacea. WILLIAM ASHMAN; 'No. 324, North Third. Street. The above are but a few of the numerous testimonials we are constantly receiving, of the wonderful efficacy of Dr. Drake's Panacea. It is a pleasant. yet most search ing remedy;and the first trial will prove its power. Its reputation as increased since its introduction to a degree hitherto unknown in all medical discoveries. With the firm conviction that no other remedy, so called, of the present age, in equal to this, rind that the theory upon which it is compounded is too firmly e s tabl is h e d to he overthrown, the proprietors solicit a trial of Dr. Drake's Panacea. willing to stand or fall upon its own merits, well satisfied it will sustain the reputation it has already acquired. sr CAUTION.—The genuine DR DRAKE'S PANA CEA is put tie in large square bottles—it has the signa ture of Geo.} Storrs on the wrapper—and also the name "Dr. Drake's Panacea, Phila." blown in the glass. prepared only by Storm 8 Co., Druggists, N 0.21 North Sixth Street, Philadelphia. Aorters.-11. WILLIAMS, Columbia; Ileinitsh & Son, Lancaster; C. A. Morris, k Co . York. April 15. 1014.-1 tin~►,~~~~n~nr,~ri]~~:~~~u~.~:~~~i~~~u.~ TESTED BS THOUSANDS 1 Wright's ladian Vegetable Pills. Scarcely have ten short years elapsed since an bumble attertpt wasmede to combine, in a suitable medi cal preparation, a few of the herbs of the Indian. All was dark at the time as to the result. The most that could be estimated was, that the principles adopted as the basis to build upon were sound. So much reliance was placed upon calomel and the lancet, that the ill success of the new eXperiment would have tended to confirm that reli ance, while it shook the purpose of the proprietor. Now, however, all doubt and difficulty is at an end.-- Everywhere this medicine has been greeted with wel come; everywhere has its use been attended with the roost gratifying success. Front small beginnings its sales are no counted BY MILLIONS! and it is held in higher estimation at the present time than when it was originally introduced, FEI Ea 9 Fevers, like every other form of disease, are only an akin of nataire to expel front the body something that is opposed to health; tt is merely a. struggle between the good and bad humors for supremacy, and the commotion which ensues is culled Fever. The usual symptoms of a Fever are heaviness languor, anxiety, sighing sod yawn ing, with alternate fits of cold and heat, after which the patient complains of pain In the head and back, thirst, difL ficulty of breathing, pain in the limbs, a sense of fullness about the region of the stomach, nausea and sickness, with sometimes a vomiting of bilious matter. Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills will be found peculiar ly adapted to the cure of Au. suns OF sEvss, because they not only thoroughly cleanse the stomach and bowels from all bilious humors, but they open those excretory vessels which emptyinto the bowels; and consequently, the impurity contained in the circulation (which is the cause of all disordered motions of the blood, called Fe vers,) is thrown into the bowels, from whence it is car ried off by tin iegislar alvine discharges. In using Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills for Fevers, the only care necessnry is, to have the medicine operate COPIOUSLY 1W THE BOWLI.S. lithe symptoms are urgent, from four to eight pills should be taken, night and morning, until the fever has subsided; after which smaller doses, once in twenty-four hours, will be sufficient to re store the body to a sound state of health. The following highly respectable Storekeepers have been duly appointed agents for the sale of this Celebrated Medicine, in Lancaster county: Marvin°, Reuben Wealth:. Bainbridge, John F. Beecher. Bird-in-Band, Jacob Bruner. Burt Township, Wm. W. Passtnore. 13elleview, Buyers & Kennedy. Conestop Centre ' John H. Harman Church fawn, L.& E. Rogers. Coopersville, E. Lewis. Columbia, Fry & Spangler. Cherry Hal, Isaac S. Webster. Drumore, John A. Boyd. Earl Township, George Buchman. do do Weaver & Stauffer do do Davis 'Wallace. Elizabethtown, John Lynch. Ephrata, 0. P. Gross. do 'Martin Weidman. Fulton Rouse . , Fulton tp., L. P. 'Wilkinson Ilempfielii, Ruigivalt & Martin. Intercourse, J. G. & S. 1.. Robinson. Leacock township, Frederick Swope. Lautheter Square, J. F. & D. H. Herr. Lithe, Nathaniel S. Walley. Lancaster, John Zimmerman. Mount Joy, Witmer & Cassel. Mountrille. John Devlin. Marietta, W. A. & B. Spangler. Mount Joy Township, H. G. Clark & Co. Maytown, John Reinhold. do Slaymaker & Co. Mount Pleasant, Samuel Kepner. Mill Creek, Henry Stauffer. New Holland, Brubaker & Co. New Providence, Hildebrandt At Meyer. Poplar Grove, E. 11. Paxson. Peach Bottom, S. W. P. Boyd. Paradise, A. It. & A. L. Winner. Peach Bottom, Wm. Arnold. Rawlinseille John Rawlins. Safe Harbor. Herr & Son. Strausbur'-, g Witt. Spencer. Salsbury, Freeland. Washington, John A. Brash. fl_ollices devoted exclusively to the sale of Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills, wholesale and retail, 169 Raea street, Philadelphia; 233 Greenwich street, New York; and I:3S 7'l'olllolli street, Boston, June 0,15.13.—tapW.19 NEW VOLLIIVIE rip GRAHAM'S MAGAZINE. Beyond all question the most elegant and popular—the ablest and best. JULY, IS4b.—Editors, Geo. R, GRAHAM &R. T. CONRAD. 'Graham' its now universally acknowledged to surpass, in the excellence and variety of its contents, and the style of its execution any periodical ever published in America, and it is questionable whether any magazine in the world —not excepting even Illackwood's—ever presented an array of contributors of equal reputation. Its circulation to about one-third larger than that of any other !mildly in the English language. Among the attractions of the thirty-third volume will be several TALES by Messrs. Cooper, Grattan, Hoffman, Willis, Mancur, Herbert. ' Mary Clovers,' Mrs. Embury, Mrs. Eliot, and Mrs, Stephens; POEMS by Messrs. Bry ant, Dana, Longfellow, btrcet, Mrs. Seba Smith, Mrs. Os good, and Mrs. Sigourney ; ESSAYS by Messrs. Tay, Jones, Tuckerman, Poe, etc. [Here follows an array of the most popular authors known, to the length of half a column, which we arc obliged to omit for want of room. —Ed Spy.) ESSLIELISILAIENTS.—In the course of the succeeding vol umes many important new features will be introduced.— Startain, the celebrated Mezzotint Engraver, will con tintue to furnish his exquisite productions ; and Rawdon, Wright & Hatch, G. Parker. A. L. Dick, Gimbrede, Jack man, Jones, and others of New York, and Cheney. Dod son, Welsh & Walters, Tucker, and others of Philadel phia—all among the most eminent Line Engravers of the present century. have been engaged to furnish a succes sion of highly finished Steel Engravings. Among the pictures that will be engraved for the new volume, are a series of ORIGINAL PAINTINGS, exquisitely engraved, representing the most conspicuous "Men and Battles of the present War," An additional feature of value to a Magazine of high character, we propose to furnish our readers with portraits and sketches of the moat distinguished ac tors i n the pass. ing events of continenal Europe, thus rendering the work a reflex of the spirit of the age in which we live. We will commence this series by a spirited and splendid steel engraving, by Sartain. of LAmARTrss. FASHION PLATE-S.—Three exquisite creations of taste and skill we have engaged exclusively, from the pub lisher of 'Le Follet,' and all other efforts to get them have failed. ORIGINAL AND SELECTED Mom, by the best composers, will be given periodically. TERMS - - For Three Dollars in advance, (par money in the State from which it is remitted,) One Copy of Graham for One Year, and Mezzotint Portraits, on proof sheets, of Gene. Taylor. Butler, Scott. Worth, and Capt. Walker. For Five Dollars, Two Copies Yearly, and a set of the Portraits above named, to each subscriber. For Ten Dollars. Five Copies Yearly, and n set of the Portraits to each subscriber. and a copy of the Magazine to the Postmaster or others forming the club. For Twenty Dollars, Twelve Copies Yearly, and a set of the 'Portraits to each subscriber. . . . . [Er Poetage of all letters to be prepaid Address, GEO, R. GRAHAM & Co. 99, Cbestnut Street, Philadelphia, CLOWBXLWO. GENTLEMEN Visiting the City, and wishing to supply themselves with CHEAP AND FASHIONABLE READY-MADE CLOTHING, find rt LARGE, COMPLETE, AND CHOICE ASSORTMENT, At the lowest possible prices, for C A 9 11, Manufactured of the best and most durable materials, and of the latest and most approved styles and pacerns, for Men a nd Hors, of AMERICAN, ENGLISH, FRENCH, AND GERMAN CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, SATINETTS, sxa DOESKINS, TOGETHER WITH A SPLENDID VATHETY op SILK, SATIN, VELVET, AND CASHMERE VESTINGS; Also a great variety of BOYS' CLOTHING; :AT THE sorrimAsT CORNER OP SECOND ANU MARKET STREETS, PI lILADELPHIA, AT PRICES AS LOW As any other establishment in the United States Err Southeast corner of SECOND AND MARKET. Phtla., April 8, 19-18.--ly GEO. CULIN t • ,-r,s TILINDS. B. J. IVILLUM.S, No. 12, North Six th jj street Phila., Venitian Blind Manufacturer, has now on hand, the largest, and most fashionable assortment of narrow slat, and other Venitian Blinds, of any other es. tablistunent in the United States. Comprising entire new styles, Triramit,a, and colors, which will be sold at the lowest prices, wholesale and retail. Old Bhnds painted and trimmed to look email to new. The c,lizetts of Lan caster county and staining districts are respectfully in vited to call and examine his assortment before purchas ing, elsewhere, feeling confident of pleasing and giving satisfaction to all who may favor him with a call Philadelphia. April P, BENJAMIN J. WILLIAMS, tesq-arn No 12, N 6th at PELADFURI. ADIERTISEMATS. GWELAN NATIONAL WORK. A History of the Revolution and lives of the Heroes of the War of Independence, by Charles J. Peterson. An elegant volume with Site steel plates, and nearly 200 beautiful wood engravings. "This is a splendid book, A valuable addition to the Historic Literature of our country. We arc much mista ken if it does not take rank with the works of levutg and Prescott;"--[Praultford 'Herald. "It surpasses any similar work yet offered to the Amer ican public."--INeal's Gazette. "It may be properly considered a popularised Military History of the Revolution, extremely well and judicious written."—[North American. "The present work on the Revolution and its Heroes, is superior, both in extent and design to any that has heretofore come under our notice."—{lnquirer. "A well cotmccted History of that eventful period."— [Ledger. "Decidedly the best popular History of the War of the Revolution and its Heroes, that has yet been given to the country."--(Saturday Evening Post. AGENTS WANTED to canvass for the above elegant work, in every county town in the United States,to whom the most liberal inducements will be offered. Prier only $3. Address (post paid.) WM. A. LEARY, No. 158, North Second st.., Philadelphia. Philadelphia, June 3. 1843.-3 mo. THE CELELELPES 1 1% AND only place at which the greatest variety of STOVES can be had, Manufactured of the best refi ned Iron, is at HILL & CLINE'S Wholesole and Retell Stove Manufactory, No. North Second street, above Vine, and 55 Callowhill st., above Second, Philadelphia, who offer for safe, a v erryy superior assortment, consisting of the improved Air-Tight com plete, the latest improvement of the celebrated Empire Cook, Leibrandt's Ole Bull Cook, Philadelphia Air-Tight, and many others, of the best standard Stoves in the mar ket. Call and examine our stock before pnrchasing, as we will sell CHEAP. Dealers will promote their inter est by BUYING OF US. Philadelphia, May 20, 1848.—1 y. ATWOOD'S EIIIPIRE COOKING STOVE. In again calling at tention to this unegalled STOVE, the proprietor has the pleasure to inform the public that (externally) it has undergone an entire change—the pipe and hearth placed opposite each other, and a SUMMER HEARTH AND BROILING APPARATUS, being added, thus rendering it faultless, and unless there is another faultless Stove itt the market, this is unques tionably the best, as it now embraces every valuable im provement possessed by any other Stove in addition to some peculiar to itself, secured by Letters Patent. The snccess of this Stove, since its introduction, is un equalled. Nothing has ever been offered for culinary pur poses, that has given such general satisfaction. Stoves have been copied after its form; some dealers have even used its fundameriml principles, but the proportions were so unlike the original, that they bear the relative value, that a counterfeit does to flimflam° coin. Complete COOK and other COOK STOVES, in great variety. P. R. GILBERT, No. 412, Market st. Girard Row, below Twelfth Street, PHILADELPHIA. Stoves purchased at THIS STORE will be de• livered in Columbia, free of charge. ap20 , 42-1 y "0 TEIVIPORIL! 0 IVIORESI" finTlOlsi TO TIE PUBLIC—The only genuine "DR. WISTAR'S BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY," has the written signature of the General Agent, W. M. SPEAR, on the out side wrapper surrounding each bottle; this is believed to be the only article, bearing the above title, as eminating from the Doctor. The virtues of Wild Cherry, for relieving affections of the Lungs, and that all important organ, the Liver, has long enjoyed the confi dence of domestic practice. . . City of Philadelphia, so—William M. Spear, of the city of Philadelphia, being duly sworn according to law, de poses and says that he is to the possession of the original recipe for preparing , a Balsam of Wild Cherry, for affec tions of the Lungs, which was given to him by Dr. Wistar, a regularly educated Physician, and that he believes it to be the only one in possession of any person except the said Dr. IVistar himself. W. hi. SPEAR. Sworn and subvertbed before me, and city seal affixed, on the first day of Now nber, A. D. 1847. (L. S.) JOLLY SWIFT, Mayor. A copyright fur the Balsam is secured. Absurd as it may appear in the face of the above unde niable proof, an individual from Boston, Mass., recently applied to the United States District Court of Pennsylva inn for an injunction on the General Agent for the United States and the British Provinces, to prevent said Agent from selling the only genuine Dr. Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry, (said individual claiming the right.) Oi course the lion. Judge of said Court promptly refused it. The Balsam is not one of the quack nostrums of the day, claiming to cure persons whose cases are beyond the reach of 'medicine, (or restoring others to life i) it only claims, and has proved in thousands of cases, to be the Sent, most efficacious, and only genuine preparation of Wild Cherry of the nineteenth century, for affections of the Lunge, liver, and Kidneys, frequently terminating in consump tion, ever offered to the public. A liberal discount to druggists and country dealers. NOTICE. TO TI I E PUBLIC.-1 have this day appointed T. W. IWOT'l' & SONS, No. 132, North Second street. Philadelphia. Wholesale Varnishing Agents for the only genuine) DR: WISTAR'S BALSAM OF WILD CHER RY, for the following States. viz: New York, New Eng land States, New Jersey, Delaware, :Maryland, District of Columbia, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia. Also. for the interior of Pennsylvania. All orders for the 13alsam svihl hereafter be addressed to them. Attio far sato, wholesale and retail, by WILLIAM M. SPEAR., I\o. 145, Vine street. below Fifth street, Philadel phia, General Agent for the United States and the British Provinces, for the (only genuine) Dr. Ulster's Balsam of Wtid,chelry. WM. M. SPEAR. Philadelphia, lit arch 27,1949 _ AGENTS,—J. & W. Penfold & Co., New York ; A. Mc- Clure & Co., Dr. Herrick Co. ' Albany, N. Y.; John F. Prescott. Troy, N. ; Charles Dyer, Jr., Providence, R. I.; Redding& Co.. Mrs. E. Kidder, Boston, Mass.; James Green, U. Scott, Jr. & Co., Worcester, Mass.; H. & J. Brewer, Springfield, Mass.; G. W. Welsh, & Co., Han ford, Ct. ' • J. Om it & Co., Lancaster. Pa.; C. A. Morris & Co., and Dr. A. H. Baeeitz, York, Pa.; Reynolds & Co., Leeksville. N C.; John L Kidwell, Georgetown, D. C. ; Alex. Duval, Richmond, Va.; W. A. LEADEft, Columbia, Pa Price. $1 Ivor houle ; six tottles for $5. Ap1512-1y DYOTT,ZI OLIVER EVAN'S SALAIIIINDER, Fire and Thief Proof Iron Chats, Warranted equalto any other make, and have never been Marred by Fire or Burglars, tit a single instance. He also keeps on band a full supply of Common Chests, made of lighter iron, at lower prices. Letter Copying Presses and Books. Trucks for Stores, Factories, Its. Druggists' Presses. Eagle Glass Paper. Portable Shower Baths, &e. Packing Levers, Rousting Machines. Refrigerators and %Yates Filters. OLIVER rA'AisiS, Ca South Second St., below Chesnut, Philadelphia. IMPRIGLWATORS for cooling and preserving Meet, Butter, Milk, and all uncles Intended for culinary pur poses. WATER FILTERS.—OIiver Evans , Celebrated Wa ter Paters, for Purifying Water that is brackish or mud dy, whether by rains, minerals. or otherwise can be bad of all sizes and prices, at the Warcroorns, No. GI South Second Street, two doors below Chesnut St., Philad. Philadelphia, October Sit, 1E47. AFFLICTED ItiE43). ACerlain Disease Cured in TWO DAYS.--The MOST SPEEDY RMY FOR PAINS IN THE loins, recent and chronic a ffe ct s on,' of the kidneys, dis ease of the bladder. gravel, seminal weakness. &c. Per sons who, by indulging In a secret habit, have entailed on themselves constitutional debility, should apply lin- Imediately to DR. KINKELIN, of the Philadelphia Medi cal hours, the oldest institution of the kind In the cty. Office. N. W. corner of THIRD and UNION Ste. be tween Spruce aid Pine, II squares from the Exchange. This .Medical House woe established by Dr. K. fifteen years ago, for the suppression of quackery, there being so many personsZwithnut knowledge, name or character, who put advertisements in thetpublle papers, that an in stliutlonof this kind was highly necessary to prevent the afflicted. especially stranger/, from falling into the hands of same unskillful wretch, who. Instead of curing, might send his victim to an untimely grave. Therefore. the afflicted sb (mid shun the numerous pretended physlciens who know nothing of the practice of medicine, but con sult Dr Kinkelin. whocures .9 Certain Disease In two or three days,according to thestate of the patient, without the use of mercury. No mercurial remedies are used by Dr. Kinkelin ; his medicines are palatable and harmless. and all his patients are honorably shielded. from even the possibility of being discovered. He who plates him self under the care of Dr. K., may religiously sangria In hie honor as a gentleman. tied confidently rely upon his skill as a physician. and if he is not speedily relieved no remuneration will be demanded. Strictures, one of the most troublesome and dangenurs affections, which often end in gravel, Mean:lotion, weak ness, &c . Dr. Kinkelin guaranties to remove speedily: as also, swellings, diseased prostrate gland. dre. Stric tures have ruined many who had no knowledge or their existence. Take Pcirticallar Natitt.—Young men who have Injured themselves by a certain practice indulged in—a habit frequently teamed from evil companions. a r at school— the effects of which are nightly felt, even when asleep, and destroy both mind and body, should apply imme diately. Weakness sud constitutional debility IMMO- Mutely cured and full vigor restored. All letters post paid. Mar Angie., —Dr. Kinkello has had greater practice in the above affections than any physician in the United States. He also possesses an advantage over all from the het of his having studieJ In the great hospitals of &nape. Thousands In Philadelphia can testify that he cured them aft yother means has felled. Sepa rate rooms for private consultation. Open till d. P. M. Trawl/ere supplied at a moment's notice, with the re quiem, useetctese to CUM themselves privately. Packages of medicines sent to any part of the U. S. More particulars in the Spirit of the Times 0r6,87.1y 011161