Most Extraordinary Work—The nlarrh l Wo man's PRIVATE MEDICAL comr.iNioN, by Dr. A. M. -MATIRICEAU, Professor of Dlseaccs of WOlll9ll, Stxth Etliuon. 141 to. pp. - 250 Pride $l. 115,000 copies eolifbi three Alciiith.s Years Of suffering, of phyttteal and mental anguish to many an affectionate %safe, and peettitinitry difficulty to the husband, might have been spared by a timely pobscs :non of fins avork. It 14 Intended mpocially for the married. or those con lesnplatims marrmee. as it tliscloseg important secrets which should Ile known to them particularly Truly, knowledge ts'power. Itis health, happiness, af fluence. The revelations contained in its pages have proved a blessing to thousands, as the innumerable letters to the author will attest. Ilere, ohm, every female—the wife, the mother, the one either budding into womanhood or the one in thin decline of years 111 whotn nature contemplates an important change— can discover the cause, symptoms, and the 111.,1 efficient remedies, and most certain moth: of cure, in every complaint to which her sex is subject COPIES WWI. RE SENT -13 Y 31.111 . . FREE. OF PoSTAGE TO THE PURCHASER. - - Over ton thoneand copies have been sent by mail within three mainline, with perfect safety and certainty. On the receipt of one Dollar, the •' Married Woman's Private Medical Companion" will he sent (mailed free) to ally part of the Dimon! States. All letters must he post-pm id )except lhnse ruulaiumg a remittance) and •addressed to Dr. A. M. Muuriccau, Box /t2l, New York Coy. Publ.!, me office. I:19, Liberty -et.. New-York. The ••Marne' W0111:111'S Private. Medical Companion" is sold by Booksellers throughout the United States, New-York, May 20, 11418—Int letter Dr. Sarayne in the South. — The following jos: come to he ml, and wilt be rend a iii. lillureNt. The patient miThred intolerably, and calla final no relief until he used DM SWAYNE'S COMPOUND SYRUP OF WILD CHERRY. It is certainly the most wonderful cure on record! Real u: Wilmington, N. C., Tan. 12, 1847 - Dr. Swaync—Dear Sir:—!hiving been almost moans. lously cored by your valuable metheine. I think it nor snore than venom's: gratitude in me to make one aildtaion to the long list of cernhcates which you have received of remarkable cures by your medicine. Mallig the-two years preceeding last August, I was very much sh-dre,ed by a very Mal cold and limeking. Cough, and during the lauer part of the mile, it coutinued to grow worse, and in deed in July nay friends gave We over, having tried all kinds of medallic, said to be good for such disiamcs, without the least good effect. I was reduced almost to a perfect corpse, and had scarcely any flech upon my body, and for a toim nine never thought to rice from soy lied again. A friend one tiny asked me if I trail tried Dr. Swayne's Compound Syrup of \VIM Cherry, and advmed ale to do so at once, as he heard that it had worked a great many wonderful cures. I took his advice, and alter using up several bottles of it, I grew so snitch better that I was enabled to leave ray bed, and afterwards to walk about the house, and go out into the street. I was enconraged by this, and continued the use of your medicine, and by means of its wonderful curative powers, 1 am perfect ly welt, and enjoying the use of nil my Mcultses, just as much as if 1 had never been afflicted in the way I have described to you. I have wrstien this, not thmking that it will at all interest you, but humbly hoping that it will lure its mite of influence in causing your valuable medi cine to oe spread among mankind, and in assisting to raise you to that station winch you richly deserve, for your persevering efforts for the public good. Respectfully your friend and admirer, JAMES It. MAISELAND. • _ . BEWATtI: OF IMPOSITION —AMMON Itavo Often been made by unprincipled individuals to impose upon the com munity a spurious artie le, ptealing nearly the whole of the name of my preparation. To tully guard against such base and palpable Imposition, the public should shunt all preparations purportmg to contain Cherry, except that bearing the signature of Dr. If. Swityne on each Lot t le. beware of the worthless Ditters.”— " Syrups,' &c., as they contain none ill the virtues or the original preparation. The (aroma and only) genuine article is prepared by SWAVNE, eut uer an Eighth and 'tart! st.., Phila delphia, and for sale by agents in all parte of the United States ' and some pails opi Europe. Sold by Will. A. LEADER, Columbia, and Dr. A. If. BARNFIV, York. P. June 10. MARRIED. On the 15111 ult., by the Rev. William Barns, Mr. Wm. MYmm, to ANn CAlIOLINI: MARKLEY, 110111 01 On the 29th ult , by the same, Mr .T 0117.7 t^PRING, to MISS MMIDALEN RICAVEUSON, both of Colutubm. DIED. On the 2Olt nit , Ginrox, vounge4 son of the late Geo, Rein, offing borough, nged 1.7 yeurs. NOTICE TS hereby given Hint citizens of Lancaster county intend to make opplantnon to the Legi.lature of the Commonwealth of PentHylvania, at Ike next ses•ICK AND AVFLICTI:D EVI:111' ..Ver) 1,1110 of you are now called upon to visit 110: lien I, / 1 / 1 1,11•1-11t1 has a medicine called the Indian Speci fic. It It of the utitm:t importance that you should all take a supply Si null you to the diflerent section of country to which 3 oii belong. You well know what scourges the 0) sentery, Bloody Flux. Sommer Complaint, Cholera Itlorbus, Cholera Intitutuni or other disorders of the bowels are. If roe desire that none should die of these complaints; of you wish to be it blessing, ho your neigh bor", to keep death out of your Own family tool thousands of tontines around you—if you are it pIiiIIIIIIIIrOpi4t, Collll2. I charge you, come, get the Herb Doctor's Indian Specific. Do you ask the ouentium will this helicons cure these diseases? I tell you canditlly,—it has never failed! Never! Never! In the most hopeless, despair mg cases, after physicians have exhausted every means known to them, oiler patients have laid weeks, xt lien there wasno prospect of a cure, mut the disease littil taken Hunt fearful torn, con.mnplion of the bowels; then, at this critical period, thot wonderful medicine. the gift of tlotb was used, and herd tit again 1/N as obtained. The Ilerb Doctor feels constramcd to tiro: it upon you, if you 55 /ill to have an easy conscience n to rest upon your bed at night. feeling you have done good, not to neglect when ever you volt t7olumbin, to coil before yon leave ninth get this medicine. It you neglect it, and 3011 see this disease again making its ravage., amongst you. how will you feel! It Si nil collie to your mind thus. Well, I could have pre vented this, I could have saved my . child, I could 1111111.1 -aced my You will think of this many of you, lien you are dying, The Herb Doctor is deter:mum] to leave no stone un turned—to use every exertion to cure, if nos-thle, all that to curable, and that too by the simple IMO) Medicines.— He believes the day is nut rar 11/.111111, Is Inca the gifts of (sod, the blessed healing herbs, will he more poled— is lien they will be :Ili that ate looked to 0s 1111,1111,11111 when tile giver of psi sot, will he ...homed to show his worse than hen inan will be more ex etrtpt 11,1111 disease—when his days will number at least fourscore, and he will stand erect, of manly sae, fall of tierce, a being of health; when pail thee, and palsied limbs arc cowl-re lobe tonna. II sitotibi he had in every fatnily ; every house thr mid near, sltotild have it, and f any person, young or aid, 1111 S any derangement in the bowels, innatallotely use it. It Is only prep:nett for diseases of the bowel , , and tor them it is an absolute specific. it was unsung the Indians the remedy was first discovered; from them the recipe was .4n:tilted It is my tt nob that the bills of mortality should lie considerably !concord 1111, ,tinitner; :mil to and me in 11100 good work I call upon every well-wisher. We have lore,: tit-tontines prepated, and arc ready to fill all orders 11,1111 every section. As soon as you rend this nonce, come, o r ii tt l i e impossible to do so tomiediately, then make a note of It 111 your memorandum !took. nudes $OOll Ins Coll, Clllllll/ call at IZTIN ICELLIND'S ilfalicul dispensary, Front street. Columbia, Jitly 1, 1.1- , -Int TETTERS remaining in the Post Office at 4 . Columina. Ju1y . 1.1 , 1-. Persons inquiring tor adt,ertised letters will please mention 11. Akron James Jones SIISOn Atlee. Samuel Kauffinan henry Deneins Mr Keller Andrew A 'taker Samuel King Catharine Pledger Elizabeth Ki.nalirew Jordan pruner John Mehl Heinrich 2 Jingler Ilettry G King F. Jail..un Baldwin J Al Kelley L J Itilliugs John Krusin II Druckhart John Katiffnum Catharine Dumbly:set Wm Lepart 3lichael Dond John Luring NVilliemina Cowlwell Stinky Lightner Adam Criswell \Vin Moore Sarah Clark S M Massey Edmond Conklin John 31 MeCardle Peter Conklin Mary A Metter Clirc.tian Caine John Mirrich Henry Clinton John Mueller Patritz Cuppli+ Anti Murray Jacob Cook Eli ra MeClary Robert Caley El itabeth Mann Samuel Caldwell Amos Maloney J Cheesepo Chs A Miller Peter Case Wilhelm Murphy John Dwyer James Miller John A Ddlinger John S one of the McMullin Patrick I IPlloys of Col. Noah John Peter Daily Peter Oswald Wmi Devenport Charles Owen Joseph 2 Dougherty Samuel Orb David Dualism Sidney Prentiti Robert 13 2 Drake Fred Pearson James Drum Robert Paster Lewis Enny John Peterman I:III:Meth Fvnry Emetus Peterinan George. Feltenlierger Joseph • Rork NVilliain Flower Oemanun !bee James Falkner John: Welt Frank Foley John Simon John 31 Samna Wm A Smith Joseph Flinn Edward Sot der lane Gansu, Joseph Shelley I leliry W Gregg Franklin S Smith Army A Gos-el Ferdinand Sn ales 1' W Gales Eitmitetio Say ler Peter 2 Gmulter Jacob Jr Shaler AH1411.4114 (tuber Ali, Susana Shartzer Samuel Dumber (leo G Schlott Samuel Green John 2 Sinciirisli Adam Gardner Mr Sisively George 3 Gra)bill Aland Shires Jacob Gamble Mrs G II 2 Shuman A. I.ipliart Goeltheim Anton Trollinger Peter Gels &Witte% Toctibeim Anton Oise Jonas Thomas Samuel II G her Jacob Teagu George Groom Thomas Vincent Joha !Weil Wm Watch-son Charles Hall Washington Whack James Heller J Al liters of Whitson loaae Ilook lot,eph Wood: , Same Jane Denson Air Willer John I broiler J 13- Wenches Abraham I Mar James Walter George . limply Caleb Wars L A De ..i Derr 13aimunin 13 Yeast Ann Dolmen Lee Young Mame !leer David Rubin' David Hook Johan Columbia, July I, lt , l•st. ...._2. G CLAIBORNE, P. S. JOHN LIST PROM MHZ LIST or Norxxc.z. A LL persons indebted to the 'subscriber for Is ,, ,,imPersol..erifitions are requested to tuslie pa) - rneut io Geo. W. Sebroyer, vele) is dulynudwnied to re ceive tire .ttine gild receipt therefor. Colunalda, July 1, 1843. C. AVESTCI2.OO StrATETER 11031 PLAINT. ' This disease:now prevails In an ei - tent, and than-ands of Indri . le,4 children 'will be earned off by it mile.% timely roller be niforded them. relief may always be had by tipplerMr te,l/1111 11110 , 1 remain and plczemat remedy. Jayne'. Carminative never fail" It Mi. fremientiv made r•ure. of Sommer Complaint toter ply of the lgbe , t vdatulinc have proll o llllcell 110• child actoally in the ‘„trieccle., of dead). Try lt—try if yon have any love or emilpac,ion,oreve•li mercy. li.r your larlpltrs, children.— Why will you let them do.? Wliell it rennin remedy may be had by ennui!! :0 W. A. LEA DER'S Golden Mortar Drtm Store, Front "Ireet Columbia. Jiily 1, ISIS-tf TO THE LADIES OF the United States. It brie; now conceded that GODEV'S LADV , ii 1100 K etand4 at the head of Amerman Alalfa7llll , It beeooll4 th.• ”111.11+1 , er 10 ~how every 1,1.11 what sitiltallit 01 le:01110!, 111111 I • many a+ehl .•tllLrh®Lment< she will roative lilt three dollitra. lie 110111eeei and by new begbillerS ; 1.1110 1 every thing and perform nothing. Now I. about lint, twason when the country will he deluged by pr04110e11011,5-11111k i11,•• all kinds of proinen:s. .14111) , .. Hook Inn; been paibli,hed by the present proprietor for 18 years—nuil he is well known to the public, and publisher,. throughout the United States. Ills rolllt., are always kept, whirls 1.1 1101 thin ease with al oilier inaga4nie4; for ne , a 111 every number he pahlishes a colored I , ll , ltion idale. mid t, 1;0 pages of reading matter, and soinetaine4 mine There is not another nincatine inildn.h,.ll that .loses ILn— souu•tuues with them tine plate, are e01t11,41. and 11111111 they are 001—c0,10, mout h , tiO paces. and idle,. W. The rt. a-on is obvious , , the enluring of our Fn./sat Plate: alone. we -ay nothing of the Flowers anal Cottage., co-t. us on cr *.j.11110 in one year. 'Po omit this is vertaeilv a ‘lo.ine. hut n. it lust to awn-, is it honorable ' canuui priletive deeelitiOn. %Ye a ere the 111. t give rabltion plates, we Las c 101-t, of 1111111001 s V. 111/ 1,0,1 wonderfolly; are have 110 nerd to np the 1.a,1 own Cook by such mean:. Parie Fashions a. published iu Paris—the ladies of this country asia not wear: they ate altered by one ot our nuts N to Flat the Wore refilled taste of American ',taw..., Compare our re.11{111.4 matter 0 ill, any oilier 111.1t51111 , , •Ce NVIIICII C6111:111. the Illi/rq ,011t1 ,14 it ell plea :tilt reading. Our object is to elevate the leinnlo nowt, tie give it tune, and to elialile NVOlllell 10 take that plat' w the community to which their worth entitle• them. sTEct, AND anwit EMMA VINCiS IN GODPA - $ .1..1.1)1"S BOOK. Two steel engravis in each number, Ili one year, 21 F ng One colored .o.liion plate •: Two pages of original 11111C4IC printed separately, 21 Patterns lot o intlow curtains. and oceasninally rol orril plate of Alodel Cattaire, Model Cottages, exterior and interior, mo engrav ing, in Linen tier, in one) ear, 21 Extra:Fa-anon plate on tinted paper, one in earl, rutin- her, tit one year It? Bonnet, Cheniusette, Calls, and Cuff pattern+, ~.ay 30 and 1 cuts of Horseman.,lup fur Ladies ill cIICII 111111111 1 .11% in one year, 4 -, Crochet work - , Emning, Netting, s.e., say 3 itt smell number, 11l 1/114, 3 car, 30 Engravings of elturehers—about •1 l/1 one year, I I Sere we have iab one year the large latather of two lottotrett awl tweet y-etaltt cog rat. tags. he,ote, extra. that we give °cent:Atte:illy of ally matter that htrikes 114. RILADING m.vrrEit IN CODI:Y'S LADY'S ROOK. The number of NM!, in each No. is Hi in our 3 ear to nine ordinal) sired 1101,1+. Tht• of the hog male and female writer', including 0 111,01 Iq and 41111e14 , out lealth mud the Tie,isury, In- Mrs. Hide. The above neut.. ,epa would cost the all thi , , she o dl also receive for the .tour diner dollins i LADY'S DuLL.tR Nmvsv.kyr,R. A paper or the ordinary ,i/e. published nt one dollar per year. Making three publiteitionA in 011., 11.11111. The I.ndy'a Dollar Newspaper contains the be.t poetry and the best stories, by the best author, Receipts and :111111 , 1 , merits. the latest fashionable tunes from London aid tart t o and a groat variety of other articles. Men" is to oilier tangerine in the us nrld that gives no mach that is good for so small a slim of money. 141 more pages in n year than the New York inavi.rine.i, and more woad nod ornamental engraving. cacti mouth then all the other magatince together. iSSEEM 1 copy one month—nay No. that may be selected, S '25 1 copy tour mouths, 1 Ill) The+e terms are ofrered that ally per. - ml may try the work beibre subscribing liar a year. 1 copy one yearm.hich includes tlfc Lady's Dollar New.paper, 6....1 all 2 copies one year with the paper to each, 5 (Jo 3 coptes • • . 4 without the paper, ii 00 5 copies " " 5 " .• and a copy to the per,oa seteliog the Mal,. 10 00 To insure the Lady'' , Dollar paper with the Lady'. hook, the money must he sent to the 11.111,hor's own oflie, 1.. A CODEY, July T, It?P. 113 Chestnut st . Philadelphia. 4 /th OZ SUL'Ir WE the undersigned Merril:lnk of flit Borough of coofothia, :t r ee to close our resprettec places of Itusittegs on TUE,F.I)II.Y DAY (-)1 , JULY'. I'4 , ', for the purpose of ttlTorihng those le our employ on oppnr uuuty of participating to the eclel•ratioh tit thu ever el. TIOUS a 1101V01 , 0try. & HESS, J .V. CuTTIIIII.I,. J. I), & 1. NVIIIGIIT, JOS. A. 11Altlt., S. PATTON, AV. J. C. TA 1 - I.oli, CIIALCANT ii.krAmmAs. 1.. GANNON. IV. A. I.HADER, .lA'S I. I'ItI7I'S.NI-NN. .10111).N.N. 3 .1. C. IeI'AULT., 1'1•711:1: I.DEMAN, 11. CRAN! , TON, V & SPAN(;I.EII, D. I'. (..;10.1'1 , 1T11. 47011111111 m, Store 91, 1-.19 —9l SOAP. TONES'S Italian Chemical Soap is called by the :Medical Society of Pori, lct,titt. a toil:tele awl tt NA-GTI.T," to cure einption, . gitrcittent or 4.11.,c010ra -11011 011110 shin. • It cure,' ',maples, Hole Lee, freeklu , , snit Ihewn. qclarvv, sore head, tan. in. 1111411/114•W. 111141 11 1.41.11114e5 111 e cuter of Jerk. ellow or 1.111 1 ).11rIll 44,111.. 11l IL 1111. 4 licalthy. clearness. Fur bal..: by li. NVILLIAM:s. lt , r Co lumbia. .111:21'1.444n HOUSE AND LOT T PRIVATE SALE. The subscriber offers for .ele, the ONE STORY DOUSE AND LOT, situate in IValmit street, between Ernst and Second aml propertie, of Almlnot and Camp bell, and Robert Ilaimiton. JAMES BARRER. Columbia, June 21, SONES'S, ITALIAN Chemical Soap cures Pimples, Blotches, Salt Rheum, Scurvy, Ery%melns. Sore 1 lends, Old Sores, Sore Beard and Iturbeio Itch,Clinpped a lid tender Flesh, Freckles, Tan, Sunburn, and changing Dark, Sun burnt or Yellow Skin to a pure clear vi hue. 11. smooth alla soft no nil infant's. And, in tact, every kind of erup tion and disfigurement. Stead Enc.., co.uttlicates : From the N. 0. Sentinel, Oct., I One of our subscriber. Air. 11. Leonard, informs nn that lie has lice.: cured of old, scaly Suit Rhewn, of year's standing, on his head. fingers and by a cake ini article 'flitch nilverteost lately—we speak of Jones's Italian Chemical Soap lie alnn informs us that he has tried its effects on his female slave Hose, much mailed with sou spots, and Ito found in two sleeks her skin much clearer and whiter. James Eltham, a planter in Jersey City, was mired of carbuncles and pimple.. which lie seas nfilicted with for many years, by a part or a cake of Jones's Italian Chemi cal ?Soap. Persons in purchasing this Must nlways ask for Jones's ITALIAN CHEMICAL. SOAP,—and perhaps, ns many who have been cheated with the counterfeits, will be too mush discouraged to try the genuine, we say to curl., try this o nice—you will not regret it; but alien) s we name off'. Jones is oil tire IVrii i .per. Sold at Chatham .1. New York, and by IL WILL IAMS, Agent tor Colunibia. BALED HEADS G RAY Heads, Rod Wads, and all with Bail Irak, Rend! Mr. AltltA HAN VANDERISECK, sit ii- Avenue D., New York. certifies that his head was entirely link] on the top, mid by the use of two as bottles of Jour Coral Hair Restorative, he tins a good crop of lisle, and will soon have it long and thick. %Villinin Jackson, of 'AI Liberty street. Pittsburgh. Pa., certifies On the :1,1 of February, I-17, that 51r. Thomas Jackson's bead, on the top, was entirely 1..11,1 for 1.5 years. and that by using two 30. bottles of Joie's Coral Hair Restorative. the hair is growing fast and thick, avid will soon be entirely) resumed. Gray Heads: Gray ilcads Read—l hereby certify that my hair was turning, gray. and that since 1 have used Jones's Coral l lair Restorative it has entirely emitted falling—is growing fast. nail has a fine dark look - . Before I iised Jones's Coral flair Restorative I combed out hand talk of hair daily. W. Tostrams, tel King +de N. Y. Mr. Power, a grocer. of Fulton at . had his hair choked tip with dandruff, and Jonee's Coral Hair Restorrittve en tirely cured it. Du yon won t toth e ss, beautify. and make vour hair soft and fine. Read—l, Henry Cullen, late buiber on board the steamboat South America, do certifs. that Jonvs's Coral Hair Restorative is the beat article i ever used for dressing, isoftentng, cleansing. and keeping the hall' a long Lana in order 1 all lily Customers preferred It to any thing else. Sold only in N. York at E 2 Chatham street and by R. WILLJANIS, Agent tor Columbia. PHILADELPHIA ADVERTISEMENTS. 1. 1 431.A.063'• , ;14iii--1 AVlPLF 9 , l !ec• G o a ia l j e Uen o t, f N ll P l e c o r r r „ c t lY l i c. c •:.lo h :, ° : 11111 •11,..1r, rblindell4llll. The I,llcenes , ,, taken and Lc:unit - 01y colored at thin well known establi.lnnent. tor ONE nor.t.A It. are er-ally conceded to be 1:QII AL 111 every respect to ANY at 1111. city. Pictures take,, equally well m eIMM% and clear as. a1t0 . ..r. A large tif 4 SMlllielli of All DAI.I.IONS and Lt elt on nt nom itichiding the 'na ture, 'Pint -elt.ctt4terg reqt.tettitlly invite the etti,e; Or a'l , r et , 1311I), 10 call :111.1 I gh g • 11111,111,11111 . 11 a, iu 1110 41 , 11 rd , 44 111:1 1 , 0.) Ping. %% 11.11 Win • eltLerntll) tn.! tt ttbunt latlelphite. July 1. ff iqqrJrdln 't -71 1‘ 4 qqqq"7lnqq IVIOTHERS j.? Elli this allentively. Dr. HEELER'S CORDIAL ~..desioil.N.vrivE. for the.peedy and permanent cure of 131 11ME.%. .1"1 101.1'.17. MORitt's, :•-•l ( 1\1111-:It. tM tI tOI,IIRA 11..V1111.1iNCV.Zke., and for all the d,•roop.:uent+ of the Stotinseh awl = fri - TI . VS op TIIOI . SA Nl/.1110 annually fan ilit.eri-eq of the tstottlaelt and Bowels. In the face of this alarming t aortaliqi tie" best tnail=e , of our nature ;IT, tatitigaiirq suffering we valiant prevent. More than my!: 1 . 1101 , 1rN/11 perions to our knowledge were cured during the parr summer; and we miliesnatiliglysay. that ninety /1111e out or every linintreil are ,peethly cured. There is about this fact. and as a reel Of our -ineelity and ii,:ertion. as a medn al and re Dove, ha- praviere.l ...)>l,:m for e 010 1• tame, during m hale he belie‘e, lie lin.t rendered general imetermare 0111 111 1111 . Iniudreds almi lee Imc trenuah he has heard en no permn being i,gmeJ hy his medicines. He protes , ,; inn to cure nll disc:um...yak one remedy, but Prelmies.a elillereot oteneeine I:,r mall of the numerous ,lieels 11.•-11 is heir to,"--wthth are conipmended Irmo root, het In, hark-. (lower, Se., which. wJetle they po.,:ess great curative powers, al , o strenealieu the sys tem on the) wino, c the Ilenee they mumottee pre 1111 • km.,t eon-Aim:ion, lint lire good in every case, ns litutilredd who have been reseiled them from the grave, van teetify. I la, luga knowledge of - , voral plant. to any other pace. uu in 1116 1 oat of the country, he uses un mineral or chemical poi-taus in In, prepara timi-. They may be ,eileolit regard to duet—for tiler !him the :doomedh dewed.. and , JI taut interfere spill. the patient- emloniary ,location. The afflicted, particu larly t1e0.,“ laboring under InSEASI: OF LONG' STANDING. • -• are erodiall ilea to emote and make a trial of the*. i 0.114 Mrs, or al hen I hats IL tail; +A tth the Doctor, who char a•. notion:4 for t u ts Tile tien, Doctor i. content if he geta only the Caws that have local given op a.. incurable b) the ohl school or other doctor.. tor the noinerott, enses of this kind whirls he ha. con , ' aro stirs us itleaCL, that it tile,: be hOpc at. It 1...1.1 111.,Iteahelile, Joshes, fathers' by the dear tic that Lind. yon n. your little rotes, try the llech Doctor, hefore ,sqvins them lip. roll nt) dear female friend., who have been negloe test in saor-e ; to on who sutler nlO5l. and who have not heretofore hero looperlr treated. I offer a remedy suited to year ii:•ll.rate ran-lilitlinilq.1111:1 adapted TO the tls-eabe. to which yen are lethie. IValtin the past few years, ma ny. too trLitty, of }oar another have been removed front the sphere at thew alfeetion :Ind of 'heir tt-etittne.t.; but .10 :101 11:,..pair. but Vail at the Herb Doctor D:spettiary, he tort,lll 3011 a suit able telliedy. 11 you elli.lOst.:TLLo Dollars in 1,11.,. ilo-1 raid, :t 1:11C111t.1111 of ) olli 01100- non, and 3011 5,111 rer...tro Oloilkolle, will, I.lll.llreCtlollL. 1 4 / l iM~ attend:MC.l at their Will Stale 111,11 re,itletier Di.pL.tisory, ucst door LVei.l Of dl r Doyle's tanerll, Trout street Columbia, I.anea.tei count Pen 11,ylvanta. 011iee !hum. 1101117 to the moratan till II In the even- Clo-ed on the evvotto: of the Sabbath Columbia, June 3, 1•71., , .—1 y. TEN' SAYS MATER. TIY OVER LAND EXPRESS, Important Ncws from _l_, the I•in-t, !trent decline in 1)1t) (t)lilh'. We lint ,. itt , t te,•l, rd :1 Inrrvr , pl , llolltl rt,ortment Of StiNtlll.lll (:001.1S, STYLES . . and inueli below tli, u •u:l pi u•C., •\ .spleiultdaysnrtment of 1)1Z.E..7.7s Om il)S....tiltahlt• ;or ILO ,:t.Oll. Cull and ex amine. W & S. PATTON. Coltlmbi, 'Alcy 20. I= 1.3.—1 f A NEW ARRIVAL 0" 11E,1111 - MAN CLOTHING. JOHN JORDAN Jar, Bona, thra' vnrrrr thank!. to the eal /elis of Coltunliia and puhlie in central for the tint! 1/11 . :, hate 1,1 , 10WelhiP011111eIn• ,1 , 1111! IMP .t ally 11l their attention to the N 1 V s'l'(o - 1; ()I•cooDs th lu, h they has e ieeeiVeth nail which 14111 1111 Ile laailen, to quality runl as tit,. ore lit•it•l 11/01 , 11 unit to bl• 1 1 ',OM ii the caanty. Their stock eampri 4,1 :al Aorta of garments: Superfine 1/1:1•1 , :: ND VIZUCIC COATS 11.11;It CIOOI. La.tre.ernton. 1.084•18, pl. al Lao aSack-. & (oate,., Riding Coata, Ilit4l - to prom-, v. 411. t.. Al-o. a very 101.• .8 •-orlstomt or 11,1%J elathins. all of which rr 111 1..• •rold 6,1,ine1) low (Or 42:1-11, Pam+ not Vest+ of .11 and pu rea. Inln fitly rent.. op to $11)1). 1118)ers ate B.ollemal tueall a hether ow4hing . 10 VW elm., at the 11010 Or not. They have only to call to l‘ 4.081%1e...81. 'Viol . ha ve halal a GOV a...ortateot of 0041 q, CliR•O re, Camillie'reO:, r Chills.. &r. Vest Panel a-, all of ultich %sill he wade op at extremely low Imo., s Sha 881.48e18.14, 4 , 1140,, 1)r:8%1 ors, era - vat.. Carpi 1L.1r.,,.1.14111 ,0 11 18, ..C011ne, nom laboot.,Over- Uuttaelmoic Cum.+, (.18.8,4,., .1. JORDAN & Co. A few doors below Here+ l'a.slangtoit Hotel Front Street eolnnibut. l'.o. Coluonbtb AI Ay su, I-I_—ff vwxyr.usAL ATM - DM DESTROYER. It has long been the , to proditee a vreparatiolt whi,ll Nt "old pr., 4., a:41,4,11e for the thatrite or Hoc'. Meet IN:lnches. and Clatter.. hat every ellen( ilea been trunk' , " till the cnt. Alai( tench dully and expert mema the proprietor late ittleeetaltal to thsetetfering a pre paration. lie etiniatileett will prove Ctleellial to lire. tit Tile :Ile , 4. iintill . ll vermo). sal.. ‘l'3ll. A. I.l:Annn. Aby Front .tret N UT GOODS. AT M. tC S. PATTON have just received a large : , 1:1;s44 AND: 4 I 7 / 1 17%1E1C DIIV.SS GOODS; coa.,tamot Gingisaina, Lawna. !tame,. Liner, and Al paca Last re fancy Print.: ae •at the very' lava cat pm., =Mil Plain moil clinngenl.lo Dreq, NJkt, ittor•lc mtd / 11 "" I:lack for Muutiln... with every xt)le of 7)r...ur Coo& for the Itrtl.oll. VICAR! cult and examiturour stock. Aprtl triti—if W. &F. rxrrav BOOTS .AND SHOES. litjl AIES JORDAN, Fashionable Root nod Si,,,t . 1 iut ll alwr re fol:prol.1 his rriumlu nut Mi. polelie. doll !I. 11114 (1411.1Wil It Le ee i l• A ND S Ili )1: 1:-ST.‘III.Ii...111117,VT, iliunciliqtily ~ 1 4, 0,1 t• I'. I. r 11:d,1.-u, ur- :44,0. t where he I. vorcharc.l ha sNt . l . llll, gill order,. at 1.1. ILO , . w ah manic,.. DWI de-poich. Its tad" eMilgtiCll: in gibing eaahslachoei In all who shay favor until nab a call. AlroilbetA of Ow 0 If A. 111.. arc renpectrally invitedla7;ive him a call. Columbia, Mind 11. li,-/..-I y wirernmsurvs TEIBERRY Tooth Wash, an immaliala and at. • Orr for All t I Tect re, 4:11.• A I.I:ADER •