THE SPY & REGISTER SATURDAY MORNING, July I. 1848. AGENCIES V. B. PALMFA is duly authorised to rareive Fubserip ttons and adverusetnents for this paper. In the clues of Plltulelphia, New York, Baltimore, arid Lkiston, and receipt therefor. E. W. Cann, Philadelphia JACOB M. WAtrIOAEFFAR. Lancaster ray. WILLIA.M A. l'zchec, 'rrovelhoe Arent. GEORGE Ptuerr, No. WI, N0..1111 Street, New York. ---- See Business Directory in another column 10" An apprentice wanted at this race immedi ately. CoRRLSrONDENCE.—Tho favor of A. J. n. was received too late for this week. It will appear in our next. ZZEZ= FOURTH OP JULY. ---This national anniversary gala day is near at hand, and as yet we have not heard of any preparation, of a general character, towards its due celebration. Only three thiya in tervene between this and the ever memorable Fourth—yet, we doubt not, that if the public com posing this community, and that portion of it in particular whogenerally lead of in matters of this kind, would take hold of it. in the right spirit, we could have quite en agrecabto celebration—one front which all political 'and sectarian speeches and sentiments would be excluded; and one that the entire people could unite together cordially and har moniously in reviewing the history of our country's long and arduous struggles for the glorious consti tutional liberty we now enjoy. A proper observance of this day will be calcu lated to inspire animation into the drooping and de clining patriotism which has reigned over portions of the country fur some years past ; and revive that common spirit of nationality which suirers dirnrninution every year by party and sectional an imosities. We love to sec a whole community meet together at one festive board, without dis tinction of party, sect or creed, and enjoy them selves right heartily. But let nut that day be ileac crated by dissipation. Order and decorum should mark every feature of it; and no one, we aro per suaded, who lays any claim to reason and good sense would be guilty of violating it. By reference to our advertising columns it will be seen that a number of our merchants have Itgrec,! to stop alt business, and give an opportunity to those employed by them to celebrate this day us each one thinks best. IVe hope that trot only those who have agreed, by their card, to smtpond all business on this day, but that the whole commu nity will unite with one voice in proclaiming it a general holliday. ==== Gusnr.—The natural vied %vith the political ele ments, on Wednesday afternoon last. A very ir regular game of cross purposes was played by se veral distinguished- performers, among whom we recognized Miss Zephyr, in a bustle, Aeolus in a bust, and Berens, blustering as usual. The con test. continued until the lady—seconded by her gentle neighbor Camilla, adopted the de, ;tier rem! of her sex, a copious shower of tears, which decided the victory in her favor, and rime clused the day in brightness and beauty, regardless of the grumbling of her discomfited rivals; and we would fain be lieve that the tempest which is "playing lu.b" over the country now, w ill leave as smiling and peaceful state of affairs " when the wind goes down," as did the storm we chronicle. C=l DROWNED:A German boy, ten or twelve years old, was drowned in the Susquehanna, nt thia place, on the afternoon of Thursday last. Ile was the son of a Mr. Feltzinger, resident on Tow Hill. An inquest was held by Coroner Moore which rendered a verdict of accidental drowning. This should be another warning to boys who cannot swim, to keep away from the voter, unless accompanied by some ono who can take care of them. Will it be heeded? GaAnass's MscaziNe.—This superb Magazine for July has been received, and contains a large number of original papers, by the best authors in the country. The ernbclishin ents are, Ornitholo goi, one of Tuckers most exquisite pictures, de. signed to illustrate a poem of very high merit, by Legare; Lamartine, a splendid engraving by Sar. Caine, and said to be a capital likeness of the great French Statesman and Patriot; the Paris Fashions, a beautiful plate, designed, engraved, and colored in l'aris expressly for Graham ; music, the Last of the Bourbons, &c. $3 per annum, in advance, Geo. R. Graham & Co. 98, Chestnut street Phila. delphia. I=l=l ALLENTOWN, Pa.—The lust number of the Al. letdown Democrat says: For the information of all who may feel any interest in the matter, we would state that the Odd Fellows' hull Associa tion of this place, resign all claims upon any moneys that nifty be raised by collection among the citizens for the relief of the sufferers by the late tire. No part of the said fund, therefore, will be appropriated to the re-building of the Phil, or to the restoration of the stuck to its original =l= FATAL ACM/EXT.—The York PITOS Bays Mr. James Stover of Fairview township, York county, came to his death very suddenly, on Friday morn. ing the IGth inst. Ile was employed on a road near his residence, in company with a number of men, and in the act of stooping to catch and turn over the scraper, preparatory to filling it, it caught a root, flew up and struck him on the side of the neck with such violence that ho expired in about five minutes afterwards. TIFI6 COLUMICIAN MAcAziar. for July is received. It contains a variety of original papers by some of the most popular writers, ctigravinga of Zitlima, Tambourina, music, S 3 per annum, in ed. vance, T. S. Taylor, 151 Nassau btreet, New York. THE HOME Jounvsf..—The first nornher of a new volume of this splendid nzwspaper is received. Fur particulars see adverti,ment in another col. tun". THE DEMOCRATIC UNm of weds... Any /as brings the pleasing intelligence of the improved health of his Exey,Goo.Shunk. WASBINGTON HAMMOND, son of the laic lamented Gen. Hammond, of Milton, is also dcsd OF FREEDOM—ULTRA MOVRACY— FRFF Sort.—Tlae most unobservant must be struck with the (act, that power, whose origin is in the people, is fast getting back into the hands of those • from whom it emanates. Delegates Lace, in these latter times, but little discretionary power, and are expected to carry out the will of their constituents, and to go no farther. Follow instructions or re sign, is the doctrine ; and the curious spectacle of bolters from both the great particsof the day, meet ing thr middle ground, and uniting the forces which have been so long opposed, in the common support of a common ides, has ceased to be a novelty. Among the seceders from established usages, none seem more earnesi,than the advocates of Free Soil. Several presses have already been established for the enlightenment of the world, upon the rights of cach of God's creatures, to a share of the soil, sufficient to supply his wants, and to afford him can ploy ment. An Industrial Congress, havisg, this as the basis of its organization, has just adjourned at Philadelphia, after having erected as platform upon which to stand, and nominated for President, and Vice President, Gerrit Smith of New York. and Wm. S. Wait of Illinois. The Spirit of Freedom is the title of a neatly printed and ably conducted weekly paper, devoted tu the dissemination of the doctrines embodied in the f illuwing pledges : Pt.rocc.—We, the undersigned, !tetchy unite as a party of progress. Such a party, however, to Le consistent with it. self must adopt (below which it cannot go,) certain groat fundamental principles, such as the full re cognition of all of man's natural rights—his tights to the clement% Homes for nil is the end. Freedom of the pub. lie lands in limited quantities to actual settlers ; the exemption of the Homestead front mortgage or execution ; the limitation of the quantity of land that any one may hereafter come into posbession of are the measures, and the ballot the useans. And while we 'sledge onrselves to require nothing less than the above of any member, or of any candidate for whom we vote, we do not pledge ourselves to ask no more. Terms, one dollar ; address, with cash, Scofield & Brown, Cleveland, Ohio. The 'Return of our Volunteers is anxiously awaited. Arrangements arc in progress at the dif. ferent towns and cities where any considerable number of these bravo soldiers. who have escaped the ravages of war and climate, arc expected to ar rive, for receiving them with every demonstration of gratin& and joy. As to the time of their departure, their arrival, &c., the editor of the Pennsylvanian says he re• CCIVVII a letter front Mexico, which states that the volunteers under Major General Patterson, arrived at Jalapa, on the Gth of June. As threr.fourths of the distance between the. city of Mexico and Vera Cruz—ono hundred and eighty miles—loud been marched over, ut the above date, by our troops in the short space of one week, it is probable that they reached Vera Cu uz by the 9th or 10th, and that they sailed from Vera Cruz on the 12th. Wo may therefore anticipate the arrival of the voluntors at Philadelphia about the 10th of July. Apropos to the suoject, we subjoin the following ldrited Song from the. Frankford Herald. It hien. titled 'TIE VOLUNTEERS' WELCOME lOM ! A A Life nu the Orrin A ueleonie ammo to the brave, .‘ hook: iit coon.ry dean, Where Freedom', 1114 dull, out.• , l'or Fr,ctlotu% home it here 1,0,e :on eagle from hi , . height Oit the Aztec' , moitittion .hor+•, thing toll ',l.:mid the fight ; the Cain:oll . i roar. A !Lome home to the lons, A homeward now 11W1 till., t• iconic home to tile bra, lVlat oar titan y hag have borne um the hoot •tott ocelot wave ' -Ntol .thmt of MIT 11.1.1, •'tall I l'or the bold anti ettllaatt hand Who Ihtvc hurtle the 11.14 of the n• e-- l'or Vat ',mot of our amtve 1:11111 A w..leolac home to the thave, St A Peer.—The Washington correspondent of the Phan Sun says, blood has again been spilled in the Diytrict—human blood—government blood—blood that behmgvd to a young gentleman in love, and I consequently mad blood. I am nut permitted to , divulge names ; but it appears the fracas began and ended in this wise: Mr. W. was in the habit of paying his addresses to a certain young lady in town, but was immoderately annoyed by the con. stout attendance of a rival. Therefore, in order to get rid of the latter—who, by the by, accrued to obtain the greater scare of the lady's affections— he addressed to him a letter under the signature of the "Sweetheart," requesting that in future ho would absent himself from her father's domicil, and other gratuitous verbiage which it is nut ne. cessary to repeat. Cursing the coquetry of women kind, tho beau betook himself off; but by hook or crook, he shortly gained an lidding of the trick which had been played upon him, and appealed for explanation to the parties accordingly. 'As may be supposed a general blow-np was the result ; and an exchange of cards shortly succeeded. The gerenb , , after nursing their vengeance over night, met yesterday, near 131adeastung, at a place called thc "Commons," and the challenger for his temeri ty, received a ball through his arm at the second fire. The affray then terminated : lut I mint in formed a second meeting will take place on Mon day or Tuesday next. It would be a pity 10 Steil the fun, but the police may step in and pm a veto to further proceedings. CUM I`I.I3IENT TO AMERICAN ART.—The Prussian Minister at NVashington, has applied to one of our American architects for the model of a hilt t o h e constructed fur the use of nine hundred .11)epuliert, engaged in preparing it. The comfort of desks is of course excluded from each a phut. =2:21E1 The lightning struck the , 'Ore of the Grace • I nitiveli, New York, on Monday night, during the • storm, splitting the perpendicular of the cross on its spec, so that it is only hold together by the lightning rod. TIIANIVIGIViNG ron Puce.-The Bishop or Pennsylvania has act forth a form off' thanksgiving fur peace, in accordance with Canon xivii of 1632, to be used in the churches of that diocese during the present month. For C.,htmLia "BEIIIND TIIE AGE•" MIL EDITOR: You will oblige many by- giving this a pis.ce in your valuable paper. 'Tho custom existing in our town of keeping open places of bus iness until a late hour. at- night, presses so hard upon many, that a very just cause of complaint has arisen. Li Lancaster, York, Harrisburg, and other places, stores are closed at 8 o'clock in the evening. We wick a similar arrangement, to af. turd to young men some time for relaxation and mental culture. We do not ask to have a ten hour system adopted, but feel it too oppressive to endure the present seventeen or eighteen hour system, whisk would be better suited to some iron coneti. Union than to persons mostly of delicate physical powers'. We can see no disadvantage that would accrue to employers from adopting the above named hour for closing the stores in our town, as persons once knowing it to be a general rule to close at 8 o'clock, would supply themselves before that time; and be a means of enabling young men to be more active and energetic for their em ployers good during business hours. Such a change would be hailed with the most lively satisfaction, as the dawn of a new and better era by many who know how to appreciate any amelioration of their condition. Submitting the matter to employers, we respectfully ask for it it favorable consideration. Columbia, July let 18 IS. For Ore Co Fourth of July Excursion. Ma. Micron: The 72d anniversary of American Independence is fast approaching, and it is essen tially necessary that the day should be properly and pleasantly enjoyed, in order to keep the importance of the day fresh in uur minds.; and as several Bach. chic pie nics are lu come MT on the Fourth, we, the worshippers, or at least the appreciators of female worth and beauty, propose to have a Steam Boat Erruision up the Sonamelianna river, to start from Grubb's Steam lio.rt \\'hurf up to Codorus creek, a distance of about six miles, where we will encamp and spend the rest of the day in Dancing, Fishing, Hunting and all the t tule , but romantic sports that that heart titidly mon:dubious section affords, and return in the evening. by the steamer "Clodorns." A Concert Band will accompany the excursion to enliven the company with its harmonious strains. It is to he erpechal and hoped that the t gentlemen will exert themselves to be present ts some of their fair ones, thereby making the evcur vioO much more pleasara. Truly, Yours, MARIETTA. Marietta, July lot, ISIS. NATURALIZATION.— CODUCSR loin just passed, by nimMininis vote in earl) House, a bill no amend ing, our Naturalization Laws, that any immigrant nho has hid a residence in this eouidry, and user Iwo years past, declared his parposu to become a citizen, shall henceforth be entitled to Naturaliza tion, although he may meantime have been once or many times out or the country. By the law as it has hitherto stood, no man could be legally natu ralized who had not been in the country for the pre ceding live years without interruption, PO t h at a trip to Montreal or even crossing to Table Rock at Niagara Falk, vitiated the whole previous residence, and rendered a five years farther probation neees. sary ; and still the applicant mast be careful not to go out of OM country until the five years has ex. pired. A NOTION OF • REPtinuc.--We find in our French papers an addresss signed by Alexander Dumas, in which be says: " The republic fur us is that which will guarantee property, family and in heritance; which will proclaim liberty before the people, equality be lore the law, fraternity before God ; which will proscribe all terrorism, all rear:. lion, the sceptre and the pike, the ems-option of 1 817 and the guillotine of 1793. The Republic fur LIN, is filially the triumph of mind over :natter, 01 intelligence over ignorance, of light over dark lICSR, of organization over chaos. We hnow not whether sock a government 19 monarchical or de. inucratie. e only believe it according to the in. terests of Immunity and the hest loft 7uJ. That is Tilos,: Tent MiLmovs.—Adviees from Wash ington, according to the N. Y. Tribune, staters that the three millions which are to be paid to 111Lxico have already been remitted and Mr. 1 Valker tins stated to severeral persons that no further loan will be needed. It is also stated, on the authority of Washington lettere, that the disdursing (Akers of the army have in their possession $3,t250,000 of specie, most of which will be returned to the U. S. now that peace is made. =I Ilsecitue or •rue SIRREA MADRE.—WC learn, says the New Orleans Delta, from a gentleman, who arrived on the 15th, its the steamship Portland, from Vera Cruz—one who is well posted up in the matter—that a public declaration was to be tirade on the 13th inst., by the leading- Mexicans of Vera Cruz, in favor of separatir.g, that State from the present Mexican confederacy, in other words, de claring in favor of the conlempared Republic of the Sirrea Madre. Ilo! Eon eCA l'AN.—Tho New Oilcans Delta einyx : We notice flaming placards posted about town, calling oil gallant young fellows to join Iho Battallion of" Prancers of Liberty" now forming. for the purpose of proceeding direct to Yucatan to aid the whites in their struggle against the savage and remorseless Indians. A DiscEnv-sec.—A writer in Hunt's Magazine says, when ho commenced trade in this country many years ago, he sold English Chintz prints for 75 rents a yard, and a servant girl teceived for wages fifty cents per week, and paid $4 fur a dress pattern; now a girl gets $1 to $ per week, and yet can purchase a first rate article for a dress at eighteen cents per yard. °avows ♦ND New Mexico,--Oregcn is said to contain 218,536,320 acres; California and New Mexico contain 500,000 square miles. These and the other territories of the Union equal at least 1,.. 600.000 square miles, or 260,000,000 square acres. Plenty of room for the Land Reformers to vote themselves fur some time to conic. TIN tibtlb broab. SEVEN DAYS LATER FROM EUROPE. from 3likkorA Model American Conner Ily the arrival of the Britannia, we have seven days later news from abroad. It is important, as exhibiting the steady progression of 'events to wards ultimate political freedom throughout Eu rope, but it indicates, as has all previous intelli gence, that this progression is to be through tierce convulsions, bloodshed, and distressing anarchy. The wild passions of the Irish have cooled off in some degree since the* departure of Mr. Mitchel ; but they still use strong language, and express a determination to have a repeal at any cost.. The Repeal Association and Orange Confede. ration have at last fraternised. A new society to be composed of the members of both those bodies is to be formed. It is to assume the style and title of the Irish League. It is to be managed by a committee chosen from the members of both the late societies, and to agitate the question of repeal by constitutional means alone. Doubts are entertained by many whether such materials as the proposed league will contain, can work harmoniously together fur any length of time. The government have not yet made any move to reindict Mr. Smith O'Brien and Mr. Meagher. Sympathy for Mrs. Mitchel and her children is still repressed, and the funds collecting in their behalf arc daily increasing. The Irish Confederation have issued a very strong, and, to any the truth, disaffected address to the people of Ireland. The following arc among the morn important passages. The address is signed by Smith O'Brien. "We will not carmen! from the Government that nothing but the most strenuous exertions of our counsel prevents the outbreak of an insurrection. Last week thousands of brave men had resolved that Jahn Mitchel should not leave the Irish shores, except across their dead bodice, "We do not InCall to conceal from you that the recent indignation otfered to the Irish nation has generally tended to remove from our minds the hope which we have hitherto designed to cherish, that the question at issue between Englund and Ireland will Inn settled by amicable adjmtment. We feel bound to tell you, without disguise, that the , c indignities and wrongs are rapidly bringing 119 to that period when armed resistance will be. come a salved obligation, enforced by the highest sanction of public duty. "Wu cannot shrink from the responsibility of advising you to prepare at once to preserve your invaded liberties, by the love which you bear your country and your kind attachment to your homes, by your regard for your children's weld, by your thirst tor honorable thine, let no fictions strife pede the execntion of your designs. Learn to contemplate calmly and firmly the chance of a final woggle, and prepare for that struggle by fur. tusking yourselves with all such resources as may enable you to command success.•, Thu sale of Mr. Mitchel's furniture took place on the 5111 inst., and attracted an immense attend. ance, and many persons came front forty to fifty miles in order to purchase some relic. The fern]. ture sold at extremely high prices, especially tho small articles, such as books, china, glass, &c.— The hooks, with Mr. Mitchel's autograph, brought in many instances 100 times their original cost. The pike and tun swords, whirls cost but a few shillings each, sold at a guinea cacti. l'he conviction of Mitchel has not quieted the strong, spirit 4,f disaffection which prevails in Ireland. excitement created by his hard sen tence and entbareation has been seized upon and converted into a fres% engine of agitation. On the 'ld inst. a inn iiifest was issued by the Council of the Irish confederation and the Irish people, sip,ned by W. S. O'Brien, couched in terms no less defiant of the law than the effusion of Mr. The London pipers give a lengthened account of the arrest and examination of three of the chartist leaders. Their names arc Joseph Wllliamg, Jo. seph Hessen and Ernest Charles Junes. The latter is a barrister of the Jewish temple. Trade has Leen slightly depressed during the last week, owing to the revival of political agi. lotion Loth in England and Ireland, and u less fa vorable tendency of the continental advicos. The produce markets have been less buoyant; holders are rather unvioug la realize and purchase, cause. (lucidly a declining tendency. There is also a further decline in the value of cotton, and the sales are limited. The present aspect of commercial affairs on Ow continent continues clotl and unsatisfactory, but, in sonic respects, a alight improvement is perceptible. Thera is a further increase in the supply of money, and the rate of interest tends downward. FRANCK-11 Vlt CONSTITUTION.—FratICC is, how ever, still the theatre of considerable confusion. , A report was spread in the course of the sitting' of the National Assembly on rho Silt ultimo, that the police were in search of a high personage, who arrived that morning at Paris by the diligence from London. From information believed to be correct this personage has been arrested. The personage here alluded to is the Prince de Joinville. Prince Louis Napoleon is understood to be in for Paris. Re will probably obtain three returns I besides that at the capital. The government of course will not dare to molest hint. The European Times states that "the resigna• tion of Lamartine and Ledru Rollin was openly talked of in Paris, and suspicions are expressed that Lamartine was a party to tho movement of the 15th of May. Caussidierc, late Prefect of the Police, charges Lamartine with having supplied tho arms to Soubriore, which enabled him to get up the conspiracy. Lantartine's friends all allege that his elm was by making a popular demonstra. lion to avoid a collision in the streets of Paris. M. There is reported as not unlikely to supplant Lamartine in authority. The returns fur the eleven vacancies in the depu. tetiun of Paris were proclaimed un the 9th inst. al the llotel do Vine. The following is tho lint of the successful candidates: Caussidiere, Moreau, Goudchamp, Bliangarinier, Thiers, Pierre Leroux, Victor Hugo, Louis Bonaparte, Lagrange, Boissel, Proudhom. Afters stormy debate in the National Assembly, a decree for preventing tumultuous assemblies in tho streets, was carriod•by 478 against 82. Several additional regiments am expected imme• (hate.) , in Paris. Paris was tranquil, but the groups of mit ar seMbled at the Porte St. Penis and the Porte St. Martin, haring become more numerous on Monday afternoon than heretofore, a strong detachment of troops of the line was despatched to disperse them as. they refused to retire. After having been three time sum moned to do sit,the soldiers charged with fixed bayonets. A number of persons were arre.ited, but afterwards set at liberty. The Constitution of Prance.—The Presse states that the Commission on the Constitution has de cided on the following important point:—The ' political constitution of France shall be a Demo cratic Republic—one and indivisible. This propo sition was adopted unanitnously. The project of the constitution is to be preceded by a declaration, admitting, besides the rights already enjoyed by the people, those of gratuitous education, employ. ment and assistance. A greet alarm is expected by the approaching monster banquet to he held on Monday under the walls of the fortress of Vincennes. The subrcrip• lion had been raised to 10 sons a head, and the party who has organized announces that there are already 100,000 subscribers. The latest accounts slate that the banquet has been postponed. A us.rn lA.—We have accounts from Vienna to the f2d instant. The conduct of the Emperor is cnn sidcrcd must extraordinary. A deputation of ladies to present a petition, requesting his slajesty to re turn to his capital, had been treated with marked rudeness. At lospruelc, the Emperor took the petition from the ladies, and, without saying a word, turned on his heel and walked away. The city was quiet, but distrust continued to prevail between the peo ple and time noblesse. Muny of the latter class were leaving to join the Court, or to retire to Ba den Ischel. Nearly all the foreign Ambassadors were at !Ambling in the vicinity. The bankers Rothschilds, stud and eseales, had lett the city. Time general wish was felt that the Emperor might sous return. IrAt.v.—lt is issid that Pope Pins had recovered all his popularity, and un the feast of St. Philip, the population made a brilliant manifestation in his favor. Advices from Turin to the Ist have brought the important intelligence that the Peschiara had cur renderul, end was in the hands of the troops of Charles Albert, end that an engagement had taken phice at the same moment at G u th,. between 30,000 Austrians, who last marched from Vienne, and 15,000 Peidmontdse The result of which was that the Ibriner were completely routed, and being pur sue,/ by the cavalry, were dying in confusion. A great portion were cut to pieces. The King and the Duke of Satoy were personally engaged in this combat. The former received a slight contusion of the ear from a cannon ball that passed near him, and the latter was slightly wounded by a musket ball. SPMN—RUSSIA.—The despatches of the Belgian Minister are to the Bth. Then uthorities of Cadiz have compelled all the British residents to furnish securities for their conduct. Arrests arc daily taking place in Madrid. The cholera is again making sad havoc in Russia. According to the Berlin papers, there were 755 cases in Moscow-57 of which terminated fatally. "Toe Asni.o.S.Axos."—lt is a fact well worthy of notice, that '• The Angio•Saxon," the Phone. typic newspaper published in this city by Andrews and Boyle, has attained the extraordinary circu lation of six thousand, weekly, in little more than one year since its establishment. This is certainly one of the boldest attempts at innovation on a large scale that we have ever known, and is, so far, decidedly one of the most successful. Phone typy and Phonography together, constitute what is known as "the Language Reform," ur "the Writing and Spelling Retbrtnstion." We have licrendi.rc spoken approvingly of the principle which lies at the bottom of thin movement ; but, apart from its merits, the fact that a family news paper in the English language, printed in en en. tircly new system of spelling words, with an alpha bet of flo-ty tiro letters, instead or the tweety.six old stagers which have served our forefathers, is liberally sustained, and that its circulation is rapid ly increasing, is indisputably one of the must striking and singular phenomena of the nineteenth century. The sheet itself is one of the "curiosi ties of literature." To the uninformed eye, it may seem the absurdest thing imaginable; but the reputation of its conductors fur scholarship, the fact that their labors are not only approved and sanctioned, but warmly advocated, by some of the most learned societies and individuals in the country, mud by many or those most interested its education, together with the success which accom panies the undertaking, should at least render those who have not thoroughly studied its princi. pies and understood its advantages, somewhat modest in condemning it. Phonography, a kind of rapid and scientific short hand, is rapidly coming into use for verbatim reporting, and even for letter.writing. It is un doubtedly the most perfect system of writing ever invented. The most obvious and immediate use of ' Plionotypy, is its influence in correcting false Ihabits of pronunciation. A year's reading of "The Anglo. Saxon," for this purpose only, must be worth far more, as a means of family edema lion. than its subscription price of tiro dollars, I anti even More than years of systematic study de voted to pronouncing dictionaries. Children read the paper at once, prompted by mere curiosity at its novelty ; and incidentally they learn the true pronunciation of every word in the language— Plionotypy being un exact representation of speech. Wu wish the enterprising editors and conductors of "The Anglo-Saxon" even more triumphant success in future.—N. Y. Evening Post. I= A We:int:arm. PII ENoStr.NON.—A singular phe nomenon was brought to light a week ago yester• day, in the township of Greenfield, about eight miles from this city. The facts arc very nearly as follows. The Messrs. Grangers in boring to find water to supply their saw null, sunk a four inch hole to the depth or 71) feat, when they struck a vein, or cavity. As they withdrew the augur from the hole, to their great surprise, it was follow. ed by a violent current of air, that threw up stones as large as lien's eggs, teal or fifteen feet high. Tor a few moments, when the hole was first opened, the air was accompanied by a stream of water, which was thrown ten or twelve feet high. The water, however, soon ceased coining, and the air gushed out with such force that the roar could be distinctly heard fifty or sixty rods distant. On touching fire to the air, it. caught, and the flames flashed twenty feet high, and came near burning the building, covering the suachinery in which it is located. They finally succeeded with considerable diffi culty in stopping it, by forcing down blankets, and driving a spite into this hole, which was their only " mans L A stopping the air or gas, and extinguish. ing the flames. For sevcrai moments alter the bolo was stopped, the earth trembled and shook for some distance around, as though an eruption was about to take place. The people, who by this ;time had gathered to the number of aboui a hundred, were greatly ohirined at these symp. toms and scattered with all possible rapidity, sup posing that "Millerism" was about coming to a locus. or that they were about to be blown up sky high by an earthquake. From the time it was opened till it was thus closed, was about six hours, and the air gushed out all the time with unabated violence. . has been opened several times since with the same effect- The, power and force of the air does not seem to diminish in the least. The Messrs. It:rangers arc proposing to secure it with apparatus so as to shut it off end let it out at leisure, and test its real qualities. The people in that vicinity arc all confident now, that it can he conveyed here in pipes, and successfully used for lighting the city with gas, from this great natu ral, underground Gasometer. We learn that sev eral scientific gentlemen of lhis city intend visit. ing it soon.—Detroit Daily Advertiser. =I The Siamese Twins, for the last eight or ten years residing on a farm in North Carolina, pur pose to make another tour of the Southern and Western States the cooling Fall, for exhibition. They will start from home in October. They have wives and three children each—a fact which has given the husbands additional interest, and go where they may, especially if their wives accom pany them, we predict more crowded houses than ever before. IM=121:1= SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTE.--TllO length of the Smithsonian Institute is fimr hundred and filly feet, Its breadth at the towers is one hundred and fitly feet ; its general breadth fifty.four feet. The Eastern wing will be finished, and put in order for the occupation of the Secretary, and fur the immo. diMe purposes of the board. Ml= Fourth of July Celebration. The Sunday School of the M. E. Church will celebrate the fourth of July at the Camp Springs one mile from Columbia. The citizens and parents of the children are requested to participate. Teachers and children arc requested to meet at tho Church at 9 o'clock to proceed to the groin]. Oration by the Rev. Mr. Bell of the Baltimoro Conference. By order or the Managers (171)c Ilictrkets. Columbia Retail Market Flour, by the quarter at the rate of $6.2.5 a 6.50 per barrel; Itecf,ti a Sc per lb.; Veal, 5 a 61e per lb.; Hums, 7a Sc per lb; Dried Beef, 1521 t a 1 , 1 ; Butter, 11 a 18c per lb ; Eggs, 124 e per dozen New Potatoes, 91.525 a 1.50 per bushel. Jot., .111, Flour is inactive, with sales at $5.25 a 5.37 for. common Penna ; extra, $5l aG. Corn Meal, $2.37 Rye Flour, $3.50 a 3.SG. Wheat, prime while, $l.- 27 a 1.30 ; red, $1.23 a 1.25. Rye, 70c per bushel. Corn, Southern yellow, 51e, weight. lumber.—Thc supplies arc on the increase. Cargo sales of yellow pine boards at $l3. a 17. per M. ; Susquehanna, $ll, a IS. Howard street flour, $5.62,1 ; City Mills, $5,7.5. \Client, red, $1.05 a 1.07; choice, 91.16. Corn, white, 39 u 40e; yellow,-17. Oats, 41. llye 65. Fourth of July — () , t this day of fodis it y nod joy, as Iwo We ale all prone it, indiiNe ill the good Ilunga of Ow . lite, and not tinirequently to exe,,s. let 14 ttol forget ulna ellO 111111'4 the In. either with Ibod or drink. eupe mall) at •0:1 , 0110I the year. t4OllOll attend.] asitli Yoe uu..t ,•••riote, eousecpienee.. It any. however, should taadverteally to. er.tep the boned, ofprialenee, they -.hold,' beat in mend ili.d Indent l'egetalde PM, re eel 01111111 prevent all evil a ,111% hiPIII impropriety of diet; heellth, they 1110r011•Ally eh..ttt,e• the slutnarh and bowel., from thaw lola.. and corrupt huatora whielt are the etltlie of elate patio, eholera niorbto, and tither of the bowel. WI.; Indian \'en.•l a hi, Pill, al-o and nod improve dace-non. :wd thoteloru give health and vigor to the lisle frame, an well a. drive th,ense 01 every kuid Iron, the Logy llinVA in: or COL NM:I - Errs AND NIT —Remem h er. that the origioal nail only pelitline Inchon Ycgetulle Ptil, has a the %, Colon nlynal urr of Vi ILLiam WRIMIT oil the lop label of each hog. r - y• The getntint, for .ale I v PRY & whu nrt Ib. oilly autbormnl A, , ,e10g for Colombia. Also, by wren!, nllverip.,l 1:1 :1110ther hi:Jew:ll 01 Lee, 169. Strect,ladelphm A gentleman from Vermont writes as follows: Carol/mitre, Vt , Jinti• 1,71 f/ Mr. Seth W. Fowle—Deur For several years past, my usitul goon! health Me; been °era-mutiny Inter rupt.' try spell., cif coneldne, Produced by colds a year lieu last winter 1 semi,. brought In the verge of 1111, g 3111,1, IN a very severe rough. aecompanted ss ith pawls in troth 1,1:1),011 the shoulders fie., %Ouch, with brag con tained night 5W1,111.1. 411111 oilier Mai - none symptoms. re duced me so low.that 111) friends despaired of my recov ery. I consulted plty,,cians and tried the various reme dms of the doe. hut tunic of Mem cured me. At last procured Dr. Wistar'b Ilalsarn of Wild Cherry, rind it crave lay He; I have out enjoyed Ironer health fur many year.; therefore I recommend others who need it. to. trut. SAMUEL BENTLEY. • .. , . None titile4s ..itmed I. BUTTS on the wrapper %ale be $l7lll Getwral Et e, Wel-Itinglon Street. Bo,toli; For bale by R. WlLLiaws, Tront Street Colombia, Pa. = Members of Congress. Clergymen. 'Lawyer., Sena -10,, Judges. Foreign COII.IIIS. and In (net, all classes of the community, have given in their testimonials in favor of the soperior AnpOnaCCOll9 qualities of ILA DWAN"S CHINESE AIEDICATEI) SOAP% Itt* fact the superior qualitie, Mans delirious Soap are co much in advance of all others, [hut every indivolnal who tries it once, be comes mdonisheil :11 its effect upon the Guile:ll, and are so highly pleased SA Ith Its extremely bland, soothing, and poritying effects in curing nll excrescences of the cuticle, extemuuwting Pimples. 13loteliec, Yu,udes, Triter, &c., at the same time imparting to the complexion a healthy TOSente hue, and pure, sweet. mad clean skin, that test, unasked lot, are presented to us every day. For Shaving. this sinip superior to creams mid other 90tinr, a produce. a rich unit copious lather, notions the beard. and renders the skin smooth and pliable. For 4:leaning Itailway's 501.1, may truly lie said to pos se..., wonderful inern—it makes the leeti, white and boantinil, milers the breath sweet. and keeps the gums free 1 - 1 . 0111 scurf. For the Toilet, it is superior to all im ported soaps, hying ,aitirely IMO from all poisonous ad- IlliAtures, it mill not Ift unite or inflame We skin. TESTI3TONIAI.S. From the Rev J N. MalEtt. 31, - m.. J. &R. Ittuturtay—Gent,-1 take great plea .an• m recoil iiiii oulmg to tee.• ptthhe ‘sorthy of notice, yoe l dchrtnu. Chinese Netlimited Soap. .%4 n Toilet nett bat ing 'Soap it is the hest I have towil , for Chapped Fleeh mail Tender Skim I contitler IL a great dotidera tem. Rc+peettllfly yours. J. N. Al-Area. Gents you have the goodite=s to send, by express, thirty dozen of your Chine, Medieuted Snap, at sells be yond anytime; of the kind I have ever 1010. —it really dm, po•-s.. the meni stint It you repre.ent, the ladies of llochesier will not he xellhOlif u. Truly yours, 11. SCHANTLIAL • • • - Mr. Led Cooly of New York, trays: "'A yountr Melt of this place ling glittered very severely. front Salt Rheum..o much so, 111111 he could not sleep at night, lie hcnrd of Railwny's soap, washed himself from hend to foot. used six rakes. and is now enjoying goof health,— Ife also pronotices It the heett SilliValt% Soap hr has ever ilied. LEVI COOLY, 1 . 1”1141 , UOZII. Each cake. to the genuine. MOO be Ahmed IT 0. Rad way .1. & It. G. 11ADWAY, Y Comrtand St , N. Y Sold in Columbia by It. WILLIAMS. and Wm. A tainnrit, and in Lancamer by A. Jackson. p.d7'.12-1m =l3l= Philadelphia Dagnereotype Establishment son. 3d store, Rooms 23-27.—D aguereotype por traits of all sizes, either singly elfin fa mily groups, col ored or without colors, are taken every day, m any wee nier. Copies of Daguerreotypes. Oil I'a intings, Statuary, die , may also he procured. Ladies and Gentlemen arc requested to examine specimen.. W.& F. LANGENHEIM. II I=
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers