The Columbia spy. and literary register. (Columbia, Pa.) 1848-1848, July 01, 1848, Image 1

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NEW SERIES, VOL. 1, NO, 52.3
CEO. W. SCHROYER, Editor and Pubisher.
Office---Pront Street, three doors above Locust.
'retina. —The CoI.UMnSL Ser is published every
Saturday morning at the low price of ONE DOLLAR A
YEAR IN ADVANCE, or one dollar nod fifty cents,'
not paid within one month of the time of subscribing.
Single copies, THREE CENTS.
TERMS or ADVERTlSlNG—Advertisements not exceed
ing a square three times for el. and 25 cents for each
additional insertion. 7 hose of a greater length In pro
portion. t5-A. liberal discount made to yearly adver
Jon Marino Stich as Iland-bills, Posting-bills
Cards, Labels, Pamphlets, Blanks of every description
Circulars, etc. etc.,
executed with neatnessand despatch
and on reasonableterms.
VOU SUFFER. Thousands of bottles of the
AMERICAN COMPOUND has been sold daring
the past year and was never known to fail of curing, in
a few days, the most cases of a certain delicate disease.
Siminal weakness nnd all diseases of the Urinary organs.
Persons afflicted using this pleasant and popular remedy,
need fear no exposure, as it leaves no odor on the breath,
requires no restrictions in diet or business—contains no
Mercury or noxious drugs, injurious to the system, and is
adapted to every age, sex, and condition. It is also the
best remedy known for Fluor Albus or Whites, (female
complaints) with which thousands suffer, without the
knowledge of a remedy. This celebrated remedy has
long been used in the private practice of a physician with
unerring success, radically curing ninety-nine of the hitm
dred cases in a few days. Around each bottle are plain
and full directions.
purchase only of the agent. Price $1 a bottle. Sold by
June 3, 1846.-Iy. R. WILLIAMS.
roil SALE at the sign of the "Red Curtain,"
Fourth and Market Street, Philadelphia.
CAKES:—Fruit, Sponge, Pound, Iced, Spiced, Queen
Cakes, Scotch Cakes, Lemon Cakes, Short Cakes, Cheese
Cakes, Rusk, Apples, Jumbles, Spice Nuts, and Ginger
Nuts. -
PIES e—Strawberry, Burtleberry, Blackberry, Currant.
Cherry, Plum, Cranberry, Egg Custard, Cheese Custard,
Apple, Peach, Mince, mod Rheubarb Pica pouring in hot
from the oven at all hours of the day.
CHEESE :—Timothy Jackson's, lie Plus Ultra Medal
Cheese, (very superior,) Pine Apple Cheese, and a great
variety of the Cheese,both new and old.
N. B. Some of the Cheese sold at this establishment is
equal to the best English Cheese.
ire- TEMPERANCE DRlNKS—always cold—Rou
sell's Mineral Water, Lemonade, Beer, Mead, Milk, dcc.
Philadelphia, June 10,184.9.-9 m
'PAN save from 16 to 26 per cent. by purchas
ing their OIL CLOTHS direct from the manufuctu-
POTTER & CARMICHAEL have opened a Ware
house, No. 135 North Third Street above Race, second
door South of the Eagle Hotel, PIIILADELPLIA, where
they will always keep on hand a complete assortment of
28, 36, 40.46, 48, and 54, inches wide. Figured, Painted,
and Plain, on the inside, on Muslin Drilling and Linen.
TABLE Om CLorits of the most desirable patterns, 36, 40,
46, and 54 inches wide. Fimon Om CLOTHS, from 28 in
ches to 21 feet wide well seasoned, and the newest style
of patterns, all of their own manufacture. Transparent
Window Shades, Carpets, &c. All goods warranted.
Philadelphia, May 27-3 m
Street, PHILADELPHIA, has for sale the following
TEAS, viz:
300 half chests Young.Yyson Teas.
100 do Gunpowder, do.
150 do Imperial,do.
10 do Dyson do.
1000 do Powchong, do.
200 do Ningyong Souchong
1.00 do Oolong, do.
75 chests Padre Souchong.
45 do Black leaf Pekoe.
25 half chests, do do.
25 do Orange do.
1000 matte Cassia.
These Tens comprise the best chops imported m ships
Sea Witch, Rainbow. Tonquin, Inca, and Huntress, and
are equal to any teas that have been offered to this market.
Philadelphia, May 6,1519.-3 m
HOW many die a most horrible death without
the simple cause being suspected. Some linger for
years, as they suppose, froin dispepsia, when it is worms,
which causes most diseases. There has come under
our notice several cases of supposed dispcpsin, of several
years , standing, when we have recommended the Syrup,
which has entirely restored them to health. We would
say to AULTS when they are afflicted with Sour Stomach.
Sick Head Ache, Fits, a frequent deceive to make Stools,
Leanness, Bloated Stomach, Nervousness, Sickness after
eating, Sensation of rising in the throat after eating, &c.,
be assured it is simply worms, and it needs but a trial of
to satisfy you it is so, and if you have any of the above
symptoms and the Syrup tails to cure, the agent will re
fund the money. TO PARENTS we would say, that the
greatest sin you are convicted of, is to let your children
suffer and die, when there is a simple pleasant Vegetable
remedy at band. his said by our oldest Physicians, that
Worms cause more deaths yearly, than all the other dis
eases the human family are subject to. Then, how im
portant it is to have a safe and pleasant remedy at hand.
Parents, when your children have sore or inflamed eyes,
you may rest satisfied that it is caused by worms, and
you will do well to call on the storekeepers of your
neighborhood and get a 'look of Hobensack's, containing
certificates of cures and the symptoms of worms. Al
ways kecpn Bottle of flohensack's Worm Syrup on lintid,
it in a friend in need.
Iffessns Honassses—Gentlemen : I take great pleasure
in informing yon of the great efficacy of your Worm Sy
rup ; having been afflicted for five years, and wasted
away to a mere skeleton, without rccreving any benefff
from various medicines, I was induced by Jesse Roberts
to try your Worm Syrup, as he informed me it had brought
worms from him; also, of Squire A. Tomlinson,of Ducks
county, a man over fifty years old, whom I am well ac
quainted with. I then commenced taking your Syrup,
and it brought a very large quantity of worms, some ten
tnches in length. and entirely restored me to health, and,
I must say I feel like a new man,
Yours, truly, JOHN HART, Phil'a co.
Mr. J. Hart is a gentleman thirty-three years of age,
living five miles out of the city, back of Second at. road,
and is only one amongst the hundred grown persons that
have been saved by HODUNSACK'S WORM SYRUP.
Messrs. Hobensack
I have been looking for some of your Worm Syrup
for sonic time ; I have sold all but one. bottle ; I wish you
to send me two dozen immediately. I believe it to he a
good medicine ; I have seen it tried tc my satisfaction.
I have Itnown one dose to bring from a child three worms,
ten inohes long, and from another twenty worms, eight
inches long in one day. I have sold different Worm Me
dicines for a number of years, but never sold any that
gave such universal satisfaction.
Respectfully, yours, WM. BROOKFIELD,
Bridgeton, New Jersey
PIULADELPTHA, May 25, 18 . 17 .
Messrs. J. N & G. S. Hobensack--Gentlemen-1 have
been for some time using your 4 . Verrnifugen in my prac
tice, and I am happy to say that in my bands it has sue
eceded in its intention, so as fully to justify my confidence
in its use. I think it among the very bestpreparauons in
use. C. W. Arrseros, 34. 0., N o. 46, South st
Prepared only by J. N. & G. S. 110BENSACK, ed
and Coates street, Philadelphia, and for sale by all re
sPetable Storekeepers M this and adjoining counties,
whom we authorize to give back the money in every case
it fails to give satisfaction. Price 25 cents.
Also Hobensack's Hyena Tooth Ache Drops. Price
Ili cents, a certain cure (or Tooth Ache.
Hobensack's Rheumatic Liniment. Price 25 cents.
do Cureall Salve. Price 121 cents, for weak
backs, sprains, fresh and old gores, burns, etc.
Ilobensadk's Totter and Ringworm Ointment. Price
25 cents, warranted to cure all irruptions of the skin—
tor sale as above.
Philadelphia May .17,—tno 1846.
anga..0.12211 og. SON, I.IWEBI
48 Commerce Street Wharf, Baltimore, Will receive
and sell Floor, Grain Iron, and all kinds of country pro
N. B.—Particular attention given to the sale of LVITSMS
and cash ADVANCES made on a consignment when re•
quired 'Waren 2.5, IPla 41m
From the New Orleans Delta
Looking over some poetry which I had selected
from the papers, I was struck with the peculiar ap
positeness of one piece to the present state of Eu
rope. It was written some years since, by Mrs.
Volney E. Howard, and published in one of the
Northern papers:
All ye who have romance within your souls,
Nor weigh in veracity's scale
Each beautiful phantom that brightens life,
Haste, haste to our fancy sale!
Oh—h—h yes! in Almanzor's palace of truth,
For sale—or else to let,
A thousand wild Vißiolls of the olden time,
Parted from with regret.
The rock where a Mermaid was wont to sing,
A grave where the Dryads met ;
A Naiad's well, and a fairy ring,
To let, oh yes ! to be let!
A hall where a spectre was wont to roam,
O'er floors with his blood once wet,
A headless horse and a black phantom dog,
To sell—oh yes or to let.
A piece of new music received to-day,
Sung by a siren coquette,
Writ by a Fay with a bumming-bird's
To sell, but mrr to let!
In the Bartz wild mountains a country scat,
Built by n Gnome in a pet,
When he chose from the lower world to retreat,
To sell, oh yes! or to let.
Some ancient thrones, with sceptres and crowns,
They are not quite vacant Ter!
But the race of Kings is vanishing fast—
They'll soon be to sell or to let!
From Chambers' Edinburgh Journul.
[The Original of Fielding'', Squire Al[worthy.)
It was in the early part of the last century,
when the mail was transmitted from the principal
towns of England in charge of a mounted post
man, with holster-pistols and saddle-bags, and car
ried from the smaller ones by poor boys,
who re
ceived a halfpenny a mile for serving the Post
Office in all weathers, that the Postmaster of Bath
informed all whom it might concern, by a printed
bill in the window, that a. smart active lad of fif
teen or thereby was required to carry the mail be
tween that town and Marlborough, at the above.
mentioned rate of wages.
The road was long and rough; and three days
had already passed, during which the mail was
carried by the Postmaster's own good boy, and
man-of-all-work, much to Iris discomfort, and the
manifest dissatisfaction of the good people of
Marlborough, to whom their letters came several
hours too late; but no candidate for the situotics,
had yet presented himself. At length, on the
fourth morning, which was that of a Sultry July
day, a thin, muscular, intelligent-looking boy,
dressed in the habiliments of earlier years, which
be had evidently outgrown, made his appearance,
cap in hand, before Mr. Burton the senior clerk,
and inquired, "Sir, if you ;della° ' would I be old
enough to carry tho Marlborough bag? I'm only
fourteen yet, but I'll always be growing older and
wiser I hope."
"And may be worse!" muttered the clerk, who
happened to be out of temper that morning. "But
step in here," he continued, pointing to another
room, .‘ and Mr. Leathetn will see what you're fit
Mr. Leathern was a quiet elderly gentleman,
who had kept the Post Office for several years in
the rich and gay City of Bath, which was, at the
time of our story, the resort of all the fashionables
of Britain, especially in the summer season, re.
ambling, in that respect, what Brighton has since
become. Ho spoke to the boy more civilly than
his clerk had done; said he considered him tall
enough for the business; and then ho inquired
what was his name, where his parents lived,land if
ho knew any respectable person who would give
him a character for honesty and sobriety, as with.
out such a certificate the Pust Office could not
employ him 7 The boy answered that his name
was Ralph Allen; that his father had been a poor
tradesman, but iw, was dead, and his mother sup.
ported herself by taking in washing; and " 1
wasn't brought up here, sir ; but my mother came
in hopes of getting fine work from the gentry;
and here's a certificate from a kind gentleman,
the vicar of our parish : I used to run errands for
him, and he said it might be useful to roe :"
"This is to certify that Ralph Allen is a sensi.
ble, honest, industrious boy, and I hope will con.
tinue to be so.
said the Postmaster, reading loud. 4. Well, that's
a good certificate, though the writer is unknown
to me; but wo will let it pass for this time, and
take you on trial."
After several exhortations to be careful of the
mail, and walk fast, that he might arrive in time,
Ralph Allen was duly equipped with a leathern
bag, suspended by a strap over his shoulder, con.
taining all the letters and newspapers in those
days transmitted to Marlborough, and sent forth
to earn the halfpenny per mile.
Day after day he performed that appointed jour
ney, through sun and shower, going and coming
to the entire satisfaction of the Postmasters of
Bath and Marlborough. Roads were not then so
convenient fur travelers, nor time so precious with
the public, as at present; but Ralph was never
known to loiter by the way, nor arrive an hour too
late, which could seldom be said of other postboys.
Travellers between the towns soon began to know
him on the road, and remarked from stage-coach,
wagon or saddle—the only modes of conveyance
in those days—that his conduct was always care.
ful and steady; and people who did not travel
trusted him with small messages in consequence
of their reports. If a lady wanted a fashionable
cap from Bath, or a notable housekeeper some
trifle which could be bought cheaper in Martha.
rough, Ralph Allen was known to be a sober and
less exhorbitant carrier than either the coachmen
or wagoner, and be was preferred accordingly.
This was a source of additional gain, which In
creased every day, till the boy generally reached
his destination in either town laden with parcels of
all sorts and sizes, for the carriage of which he re.
ceived from twopence to a farthing, as the case
might be, or the liberality of his employers dictated.
How the short tiime allowed between the close of
his daily duty and his nightly rest was usually
spent in his mother's poor bat clean garret, nobody
could tell; till Mr. Leathern, who had by this time
a very high opinion of his pootboy for general
good condnet and correctness in his station, in
quired one morning, while Ralph was waiting for
the mail, what book was that protruding from his
.s'tiert Zale.
"It's tho ' Universal Spelling Book,' sir," said
Ralph, reddening as lie pulled out the well-worn
volume. " I try to learn at home in the little time
I have, and can now nearly read."
" That's well, my boy," said Mr. Leathem : " I
wish the rest of our boys would spend their leisure
time so."
"And, sir," continued Ralph, now encouraged
to speak out, " I'm trying to write, too, and have
got the master of the Blue Coat School to give me
a lesson sometimes for doing his messages, air."
"You'll be a clerk yet, Ralph," said the Post
master laughing. "Bat it is a good endeavor, and
I hope you'll succeed: but mind be careful of the
His employer's words turned out true, though
spoken half in jest. Ralph continued to earn, by
every honest though small way within his reach:
_earnings were saved to purchase an old book
when he could not borrow it, or supply himself
pens, ink, and paper, by which he at once amused
and improved his few leisure hours in reading, or
even spelling, to his mother, when her day's toil
was also done, and practicing the chance lessons
he could obtain from the schoolmaster. Reading
woe at that period a rare thing in his class, and
cheap books of instruction were equally so; but
from the Spelling Book, Ralph Allen advanced to
the Dictionary and Grammar; from strokes,' to
writing a good fair hand. His savings also in
creased by slow degrees, for both he and his
mother were prudent ; and Ralph only wished for
the time when he might aspire to some better situ
ation and be enabled to add to her rest and com.
fort. Five years had thus passed away ; Ralph
Allen had grown almost a man, when all the mes
sage-senders of Bath, among whom he was well
known, rejoiced, even amid their regrets that they
must look out for another carrier, to hear that
Ralph Allen had been promoted, through the kind.
ness of Mr. Leathern, to a clerkship in the Bath
Post Office, and was actually seen in a new suit
of clothes performing his new duties at the Post
Office window. After this his mother washed
nothing but lace and cambric, and Ralph was as
steady and obliging in the Post Office us he bad
been with the mail on his back. His salary was
comparatively small,but his prudence was great,
and in another year or two, people discovered that
Ralph had something in the bank. His habits of
reading and thought also gave him en ability to
invent needful improvements in the Post Office,
which was then very imperfectly managed. These
were modestly proposed; and as their necessity
was seen, they soon obtained the sanction of the
superior authorities, and raised the young clerk,
not only in their estimation, but in office also, as in
three years after his entrance lie succeeded the
senior clerk, Mr. Burton, by whom his application
for the carriage of the Marlborough bag had been
so ungraciously received, and who now retired to
a small property he had purchased in the country.
Two years more, and Ralph himself began to
think of purchasing property also. There was a
large sterile farm called Comma Down, in the neigh.
borhood of the city, which the last three tenants
had successively 101 l in disgust and weariness, de.
daring that their labor and money were both lost
on such an unprofitable spot, and the landlord offer
ecl it for sheep-grazing on the very lowest terms.
Great was the astonishment of all who knew him,
when Ralph Allen became the purchaser of these
poor and barren acres. Some said the young
roan's brains were turned with the books he read,
and even his mother shook her head, and hoped it
would turn out for the best; but Ralph gave up
his situation at the Post Office, collected round him
workmen and tools, and commenced, not without
creating much wonder and many surmises, to
break up the ground in all directions, as if in
search of IA mine.
..Dicighbor, do you expect to find a pot of gold
in that farm 7" said an old farmer to him over the
fence one morning, where lie and his men were
delving at a rocky spot that never could be culti
"No," sold Ralph ; "but I expected, and thank
Providence, I have found a good stone quarry,
which will repay me, and be useful to von good
town ;" and he pointed to the spires of Bath.
"My stars!" cried the farmer, " he's not mad
after all 1" And so thought all Ralph's neighbors,
when buyers came and workmen thronged to the
now quarry; and scarcely a gentleman's house or
public building of any dessiription could be com
menced in Bath without a supply of stone from
Mr. Allen, us the Bath post-boy was now deservedly
Mrs. Allen bad long given up washing, and gone
to reside in a neat cottage with her son built out
of Die first produce of his quarry ; and many of
her former employers saluted the good woman as
she passed to St. Mary's church in her black sar-
Benet sack, high.heeled shoes, and velvet hood, like
a respectable old lady of the period, About this
time the works of the great Doctor Warburton were
attracting public attention, and much talked of in
the best society of Bath. Ralph Allen brought the
latest published volume home one day, and found
his mother sealed in the small parlor with his old
.friend Mr. Leathern, who was about to retire from
public business and had called to see him. " What
books you do buy, Ralph 1" said the old woman,
who had always a suspicion of her son's extrava
gance on this point ; and she pointed to a largo
bookcase, where Dryden, Tillotson, and all the bent
authors of the preceding age might be seen in
their works closely ranged together. "It was only
last week," continued the good dame, "that you
brought home that book about Fame, written by
one Mr. Pope."
"And don't you know, mother, who is the wri
ter of this volume 7" said Ralph. "Don't you re
memeber Mr. Warburton, the Parson of our own
Greasley, in Nottinghamshire, who gave me the
certificate which I presented to you, Mr. Leathern,
ten years ago, when I wished to be post•boy to
Marlborough 7"
This was true• ' the vicar of Greasley became
the celebrated Dr. Warburton, afterward Bishop
of Gloucester; and it was said Mr. Leathern's
family kept that certificate like a sort of relic.
"Ralph Allen's making his fortune„' was the
usual remark of everybody about Bath when the
quarry was mentioned ; and it had now grown an
important matter, as the whole property of Came
Down, which so many farmers had called a dead
labs, was found to be one vast bed of the best build.
ing stone.
Ralph was making money fast, and his deposits
in the Bank increased every year; but his aims did
not end there—the experience of Lis former situa.
lion in the Post Office was at length employed to
some purpose. Sundry useful arrangement. and
inventions had lung ago made his name and abilities
known to the authorities of that Department. At
the period of our story, the Post Office in almost
every county was farmed by some wealthy or
enterprising person, who took its whole revenue
and expenses in his own hands, paying to the Go.
vernment a certain sum annually, according to his
contract. Ralph. who had acquired a considerable
acquaintance with all the details of the business,
and bad, beside the good opinion"of the most in
fluential functionaries, proposed to vest the small
fortune already gained by the Come Down quarry
in a Post Office contract for all England • and his
proposal was accepted. From this period the ca.
rear of Ralph Allen was one of uninterrupted pros.
perity. Under his administration the Post Office
revenue, even at that age of comparatively little
letter-writing, was almost doubled in a few years,
owing to the better arrangergents introduced by
him in the transmission of mails, and various post
age regulations, which have made his name cele
brated as one of the few who have conferred bene
fits of a lasting kind on their native country. But
Ralph Allen was destined to become, if possible,
still more honorably known to fame. From his
earliest youth he had cultivated his mind, as well
as improved his fortune; as without the former
endeavor, the latter would have been but half suc
cess, though wealth had been gathered like the
sand. His Post Office contract in a short time re- •
alized such an Income *swede the proprietor one of
richest men in the neighborhood of Bath.
Mrs. Allen had lived to see her son's prudent
conduct and persevcrence rewarded to an extent of
which she had never dreamed; and the good dame
closed her days in peace and comfort in the pleas ,
ant cottage at Coome Down, having nothing to re
gret, and no annoyance, but a shadowy fear,
which at times slightly agitated the calm current
of her latter-day thoughts, that Ralph was buying
too many books. But having gained the summit
of lois early ambition—a well and honorably-won
fortune—he determined to enjoy it agreeably to
his refined taste, in the munificent encouragement
of Arts and Literature. He had acquired general
respect as well as riches ; and his fortune raised
him gradually in the scale of society, bad won the
esteem, and formed the acquaintance of men cele
brated for their talents, and still famous through
their works. Pope, Fielding, Swift, and Goldsmith
were among the number of his friends ; and the
titled and fashionable paid a natural tribute to merit
and success, by including Mr. Allen in their most
select society.
The country around Bath is one of the finest
districts in England, being diversified with beauti
ful wood.crowned hills and broad green meadows.
One property, in particular, popularly called Prior
Park, had long attracted Ralph Allen's eye from
the barren slopes of Coome Down, and there, he
often said, he should wish, i f fortune permitted him,
to build a mansion worthy of the scene. This
project was at lust put in execution. The posses
sor of the estate ruined his affairs by carelessness
and extravagance in London ; it was In cense.
queue; offered for sale,
and Ralph Allen, Esq., be
came the purchaser of Prior Park. Here, on the
slope of one of those wood.corered hills which ho
had often admired, a splendid mansion was erect
ed under his own superintendence, whose beautiful
Corinthian portrico and tasteful ecorations were
the theme of praise amen all the lovers of art;
floe former especially being still regarded as unri
valled in English architecture. Here Ralph re
tired about middle life, leaving the field of active
industry to younger and more needy aspirants;
here, also, he gathered around him the most polish.
ed society of that fashionable neighborhood, and
many of the authors the purchase of whose works
had once astonished his mother.* Mr. Allen is
well known to all conversant with the literatute of
these times, as its judicions and munificent patron,
and, in particular, as the attached friend of the
somewhat irritable poet, Alexander Pope, and the
philosophic Bishop Warburton.
The facts of his slaty, through not so generally
known, belong to real life, and are verified by his
cotemporarics. Prior Park has now become a
Catholic College ; • but its romantic situation and
fine Corinthian columns are still reckoned among
the attractions of the district; and they offer a lea.
son of how much may be achieved by a well di
reeled energy and persevering prudence
• Prior Park looks down a Leautiful valley, with the
City of Bath reposing on the lower ground and rising
slopes. On the right hand elope, (in Bathwich, if we re
member rightly.) stands a very handsome house of the
style of the seventeenth century, with tall rails and gate
enclosing the front garden, and looking toward the noble
mansion of Prior Park. Enjoying the scenery there one
day with a clerical friend, he insermed us that in that
house Fielding wrote his celebrated novel, "Tom Jones,
and that the character of " Squire Allworthr was no
other than his friend Mr. Allen.
[Ens. Lwearoot. MERCMI4.
(Prior Park was the reardence. thirty years ago, of John
Thomas, a wealthy, public-slowed Quaker...4Ln. N. Y
It is the duty of mothers to sustain the reverses
of fortune. Frequent and sudden as they have
been to our own country, it is importaut that young
females should possess some employment by which
they might obtain a livelihood, in case they should
be reduced to the necessity of supporting themselves.
When families are unexpectedly reduced from at.
fluence to poverty, how pittifully contemptible is it
to see the mother desponding or hopeless, and per.
mining her danghtera to embarrass those whom it
is their duty to assist and cheer.
have lost my whole fortune,"said a merchant,
as ho returned one evening to his home ; we can
no longer keep our carriage. We must leave this
largo house. The children can no longer go to ex
pensive schools. Yesterday 1 was a rich man; to.
day there is nothing I ran call my own."
"Dear husband, said the wife, "we are still
rich in each other and our children. Money may
pass away, but God has given us a better treasure
in those active hands and loving hearts."
"Dear father," said the children, "do not look
so sober. We will help you to get a living."
"What can you do, poor things?" said lie.
" You shall see, you shall ace," answered seve
ral cheerful voices. "ILis a pity if we have been
to school for nothing. How can the father of eight
children be poor. We shall work and make you
rich again."
"I shall help," said the youngest girl, hardly
four years old. "I will not have any new things
bought, and I shall sell my great doll."
The heart of the husband and father, which had
sunk within his bosom like a stone, was lifted up.
The sweet enthusiasm of the scene cheered hint,
and hie nightly prayer was like a song of praise.
They lea this stately house. Tho servants were
dismissed. Pictures and plate, rich carpet and fur
niture were sold, and she who had so long been
the mistress of the mansion, shed no leer. "Pay
every debt," said she," let no one suffer through
us, and we may yet be happy."
Ho rented a neat cottage and a small piece of
ground a few miles from the city. With the aid
of his sons he cultivated vegetables for the market.
He viewed with delight and astonishment the econ
omy of his wife, nurtured a■ she had been, in
wealth, and the efficiency which his daughters
soon acquired under her training.
The eldest one assisted her in t h e work of the
housel,old,and also instructed the younger children.
Besides, they executed various works, which they
had learned as accomplishments, but which they
found could be disposed of to advantage. They
embroidered with taste some of the ornamental
parts of female apparel, which were readily sold to
a merchant in the city.
They cultivated flowers, and sent baguets to
market in the cart that conveyed the vegetables ;
they platted straw, they painted maps. they exe
cuted plain needle-work. Seery one was at her
post, busy and cheerful. The cottage was like n
"I never enjoyed such health before," said the
And I never was s° happy before," said the mo
"We never knew how many thin gs we could do,
when we lived in the great house,' said the child
ren," and we love each other a great deal better
here. You call us your little bees."
" Yes," replied the father, " and you make. just
such honey as the heart likes to feed on."
Economy, as well as industry, was strictly ob
served, nothing was wasted. Nothing unnecessary
was purchased. The eldest daughter became as
sistant teacher in a distinguished female seminary,
and the second took her place as instructress to the
-The little dwelling which had always been-kept
neat, they were soon able to beautify. Its eon.
Direction was improved, and the vines and flower.
ing trees were replanted around it. The merchant
was happier under his woodbine covered porch, in
a summer's evening, than he had been in his showy
dressing room.
" We are now thriving and prosperous," said he,
"shall we return to the city 7"
"Oh, no, no," was the unanimous reply.
" Let us remain," said the wife,
found health and contentment."
" Father," said the youngest, "all we children
hope you are not going to be rich again ; for then,"
she added, "we little ones were shut in the nursery,
and did not see much of you or mother. Now we
all live together, and sister who loves us, teaches
us, and we learn to be industrious and useful. We
were none of us happy when we were rich and
did not work. So, father, please not be a rich man
any more."
A ludricous scene occurred the other day in An.
thony street, near where the new theatre is in
course of construction, which, if a brief description
may convey an adequate impression of it, is well
worth telling.
One of the laborers growing thirsty under the
influence of a hot sun, went hastily over to tile
nearest hydrant for a drink, and clapping his ca
pacious mouth to the spout, imbibed the Croton
just as it came, in the most forcible and plentious
manner imaginable. Hardly had poor Paddy,
however tasted the gushing flood that distended his
cheeks, when he bolted upright, and, with a look of
agonized horror, commenced a series of pantomi.
rnic contortions which were absolutely painful to
"OW—ow—ugh l" lie groaned convulsively, at
the same time clawing at his throat in a frenzied
manner, while ho spirted the water forth again
with the energy of a wounded whale ; then sudden
ly recovering the use of his speech, he shouted
" Och, murther but be's gone; it's all over wid
me now !"
"What's gone 1" exclaimed the crowd that had
gathered around him. What's gone?"
4. I've swallowed him! Oh, howly St. Patrick
I've swallowed him !"
"And what the deuce is% yet c swallowed ?"
" A snake, a murtheting snake, olt, howly Pat
rick protect me!"
" Sure then ye've made a saving ta' yer dinner!"
said a fellow laborer, more alive to fun than sym
pathy; while a shout of mingled laughter and in
credulity followed, in which the poor sufferer
could hardly refrain from joining.
" But was it alive, man ?" inquired a sympa.
thizing individual when the confusion subsided.
" Alive, did ye say ? By the blessed powers, ye
didn't think I'd Le after sting him dead? Alive IS
it! and didn't he jump down my throat in spite o'
any teeth r —Then clapping his hands to his stom
ach, he exclaimed, "Och hone, he's squirming now!
Oh, howly St. Patrick ! 0 why didn't yo do per
work entirely, and kill the snakes In this murthcr.
lug country, too ? Help! he'll bite the insides ov
me ! 0, howly Moses! help! murther, fire ?" and
poor Pat, distracted by fear, cut more capers than
a Comanche at a war dance.
"Tut, tut, tat! be quiet man!•' returned another
"bow dayou know it was a snake?"
"How does I know, is it? Didn't I (ale him
wriggling his tail? 0, howly St. Patrick deliver
me 7"
A benevolent looking gentleman here suggested
that it might possibly be a fish, or perhaps en eel;
and remarked that there ought to ben filter attached
to every hydrant in the city, as the water was full
of all sorts of animalculte, &c.
"It's an ail! it's an ail!" shouted a hodman,
catching at the idea, "Mike, it's an oil! Run for
a phalter, and ye'll catch the rascal prisintly."
" A filter, a filter," war the general cry.—" Run
for a filter, Mike 7" Without pausing to inquire
into the feasibility of using the article in question
for the purpose desired, the poor distracted son of
Erin started with the speed of a race horse for the
office in Broadway where thefigure of Hobe stand
ing in the window "pours her never ceasing fount."
"A what do ye call 'ens ?" cried he, ruaking
frantically into the establishment. "A snake
catcher, for the love of —; A snake catcher!
Oh, !lowly St. Patrick !" he continued, snatching
up a filter and applying it energetically to.his lips.
"Come out wid ye, ye thief o' the world!"
"My good fellow" said the asotnisbed knight of
Diaphragms, "what's the matter with you f"
"Matter, is it? isn't everything the matter? a
snake is the matter ! I've got an ail in my belly !
Och, bullaboo ! hullaboo !"
"An eel! how came an eel in your stomach ?"
"And didn't the varmint jump into my mouth
without saying "by yer leave ?" said the bewildered
sufferer, endeavoring to screw the filter into his
" But my man, that won't do any good now. It
should have bean attached to the hydrant, and then
you might !lilac drank with perfect safety.',
" And wont it catch him now 7" asked Mike, in
a piteous tone, turning aghast as he dropped the
instrument in despair.
"Of course not, bow should it?"
"Och, murther! what will become of me I" ex.
claimed Mike, with an agony truly painful to be.
" Get a sockdologer fish hook !" shouted a wag
from the crowd.
"Run for a doctor," ■aid another, •• and get a
stomach pump." •
This suggestion was immediately followed, and
lie started for a drug store near by. The spotlit..
carp, however, applied an emetic instead of the
pump. and the poor fellow, after a violent retain,
ejected a lively black eel, about six inches long.
"Oh, hewly St. Patrick !" lie exclaimed, expert.
encing immediate relief, " why didn't yo m a k e
clean work of it, and kill the ails as well 1 sore
and their first cousin to the wicked serpents. Di.
oil a drop of water will I ever drink again in this
blessed country, without a snake-catcher in my
And, with sundry other meolutions which would
have shocked the ears of a temperance man,
Mike pale end trembling wtth exheustation, re•
turned to his work.— N. V. Spirit of the rimro.
"To Mass Burrox.—Deranshire-Street. Febru
ary 14, 1834 :—We yesterday dined at Ham
House, to meet the Rothschild, ' and very amusing
It was. He (Rothschild) told us his life and ad
ventures. He was the third son of the banker at
Frankfort. There was not.' he said, 'room
enough for us all in that city. 1 dealt in English
goods. One great trader came there, who had the
market to himself: he was quite the great man,
and he did us a favor if he sold as goods. Some.
how I offended him, and ho refused to show ma
his patterns. This was on a Tuesday. I said to
my father, will go to England' I could speak
nothing but German. Oa the Thursday I started.
The nearer I got to England, the cheaper goods
were. As soon as I got to Manchester,l laid out
all my money—things were so cheap; and I made
good profit. I soon found that there were three
profits—the raw material, the dyeing, and the
manufacturing. I said to the manufacturer,
will supply you with the material and dye, and
you supply me with manufactured goods.' So I
got three profits instead of one, and I could sell
goods cheaper than anybody. In a short time, I
made my twenty thousand pounds into sixty. My
success all turned on one maxim. I said, I can
do what another man can; and so I sin a match
for the man a ith the patterns, and for all the rest
of them. Another advantage I had. I was an
offhand man. I made a bargain at once. When
I was settled in London, the East India Company
• had eight hundred thousand pounds of gold to
sell. I went to the sale, and bought it all. I knew
the Duke of Wellington must have it. I had
bought a great many of his bills at a discount.
The government sent for me, and said they must
have it. When they had got it, they did not
know how to get it to Portugal. I undertook all
that; and I sent it through France: and that was
the best business I ever did.' Another maxim on
which he seemed to place great reliance was,
never to -.have anything to do with an unlucky
place, or an unlucky man. I have seen,' said
lie, ' many clever men—very clever men—who
had not shoes to their feet. I never act with
them. Their advice sounds very well, but fate is
against them ; they cannot get on themselves: and
if they cannot do good to themselves, how can
they du good for me 1' By - aid of these maxims
he has acquired three millions of money. I
hope,' said that your children are not too
fond of money and business, to the exclusion of
more important things. lam sure you would not
wish that ?' ' I am sure I should wish that,' said
Rothschild. 'I wish them to give mind, and soul,
and heart, and body, and everything, to business;
that is the way to be happy. It requires a great
deal of boldness, and a great deal of caution, to
make a great fortune; and when you have got it,
it requires ten times as much wit to keep it. If
I were to listen to all the projects proposed to
me, I should ruin myself very soon. Stick to ono
business, young man,' said tic, to Edward; 'stick
to . your brewery, and you may be the great brewer
of London. Be a brewer, and a banker, and a
merchant, and a manufacturer, and you will soon
bo in the Gazette. One of my neighbors is a very
ill.tempered matt: he tries to vex me, and has
built a great place for swine close to my walk.
So, when I go out, I hear first grunt, grunt,
squeak, squeak; but this does me no harm. lam
always in good limner. Sometimes, to amuse my
self, I give a beggar a guinea. He thinks it is a
mistake, and, for fear I should find it out, off ha
runs as hard as he can. I advise you to give a
beggar a guinea sometimes—it is very amusing.' "
(The above is extracted from the recently published
biography of the late Sir T. F. Buxton. Tire letter
was written by that gentleman.]
"where we have
At a time when the gentlemen of the Republic
of France were asserting the "Rights of Man" no
wonder the ladies arc protesting against the
" Wrongs of Woman." Amongst the many Clubs,
which the temporary triumph of Club-law has en
gendered in Paris, there was lately opened a "Club
des Femmes." At its first sitting much confusion
was created by the criticisms of a number of the
Lords of the Creation, who had intruded them
selves upon the assemblage. This is unfair. What
would be the result if a corps of ladies was let
loose to criticise the House of Commons? The
Club des Femmes." has promulgated the following
Code of Rights.-1. Woman naturally is superi
or to man. The rule of the husband by the wife
is in the order of nature.
- -
2. The wifo is the natural guardian of her hue
band's secrets.
3. To the wife belongs the absolute control of
ter own milliners' bills.
4. The extreme age of woman is thirty years.
Sho may be be!ow this ago, but cannot pass beyond
S. Woman has a right to her opinions. It is en
odious tyranny which enforces the reasons of them.
Code of Duties.-1.. It is the duty of the wo
man to insist on her own way. This duty is para
mount. The end justifies the moans.
2. It is the duty of the wife to love and honor
her husband. The word "obey" is abolished except
as a duty of husbands.
3. It is the duty of every woman to set off those
advantages with which nature has provided her.
Dress is thus invested with the sanctity of a reli.
gious observance.
4. The human species is the only one which
clothes itself, amuses itself and cook■ its food.
Woman as the highest being in the scale of the I'u•
Man species, has exclusive sovereignty in the three
domains of—the Table, the Toilet, and Society.
Project of Laws.-11..- A. law rendering it penal
in husbands to grumble at cold meat.
2. A law imposing various terms of imprison•
ment on the husband who complains of a deficiency
of shirt buttons, struggles for the last word, or ex
hibits impatience while hie wife is dressing.
3. A. law to constitute and punish the offence of
lece.martioge, or conjugal treason--of which
shall be adjudged guilty,
a. Every husband found in the possession of a
latch-key, without written permission of his wife!
b. Every husband bringing home friends to din
ner, without a notice of at least twenty-four hours,
and en adjudication thereon by the proper author'
c. Every husband paying attention to any other
woman in the presence of his wife:
d. Every husband convicted of smoking, unless
when the wife solstitial also.
INTo mu.—" How far have you studied in Lat
in, Georg 7" inquired a rung lady of a school.
"I'm in Cnrderii, mita," anowered the lad.
"Oh !" observed she, "that's not as far as our
John we. when he gave it up; ho had got into
" But it seems," said the boy, • Virgil could not
get into John.
The " Model Artiste*" having sued a Western
editor fors libel. that gentleman expresses a hope
that they will gain their Suit, Co they certainty
nerd one among them.