The Columbia spy. and literary register. (Columbia, Pa.) 1848-1848, June 24, 1848, Image 4

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SARSAPARILLA! Wonder and blessing of the
kJ age—The most ortraordinary inedieme In the world.
This Extract Is put up us quart bottle , It :4 etx lane,
hbeaper, pleasanter. and warranted sniperging sic rim . to ctkiy
n so d.
It cures diseases without vomiting, pu.
or debilitating the patient •
The great beauty and superiority of this Sarsaparilla
beer all other remedies . hil it eradicates disease, it
Invigorates the body. It ls• ls w one e
of the very hest
Ever known; it not only purifies the whole system and
strengthens the person, but it creates new, pure, and
tick blood; a power possessed by no of hpt tinolichs e.—
And In this lies the great secret of its wonderful success.
Dr. Townnend's Sarsaparilla invigoriites the whole .
system permanently. To those who have lost their Inas
eular energy by the effects of medicine or indiscretions
committed In youth, or the excessive indulgenre of the
passions. and brought on a want ral pmbition.owtration
of the
nervous cynical, lassitude, of a
sensations, ature decay and decline. hastening
towards that faint disease, Consumption. tan be enurely
tutored by this pleasant remedy.
The geeuitte only sold by R WIMLIAMS, Front. at.
Columbia. Pa. A p211 , 19-t f
publiThis medium toremoin-
forms his friends and the c, that he has ed
veOCRA OF THE CORN= of LCST STRF.M. rind having reco
red his heel no as to be able to mould to business
wonid respectfully invite his customers to give him a call,
feeling well assured from the liberal patronage that he
has heretofore received, that he will by able 10 pia e -mos.
faction to all who may feel disposed to give lam their
work. Be would not say that he is the only one in the
plaoo who Call make good work, MA wishing thus to puff
himself no notice but NVollid tv...ur , the public that work
entrusted to him shall be executed iii a neat fashionable
and substnntial manner. Ile keeps constantly on hand a
fine rissortment of Cloths. Cussimeres fi Ve.ungs, which
vrili be sold at vrry small advances.
N. H. I have a large stock of read : made CLOTHING
Wilieh I will sell at prime cost. .1 W
April 2.2, 1r4,.
rrn Taioring Establishment of B. Young - has
1 been moved up stairs in the Barbershop. opposite the
Washington Hotel, at which place he may be round at all
times, ready to do work in the neatest nod best style for
all who may give him a call. as he intends to devote his
whole attention to dressing the eoan❑uutl in 111 e most
perfect style of the day. Mao. mg reel is ed n lithe .litferent
reports, he flatters /1111/51 . 11 he In the only one in the place
ale to do SO. °LING.
T. S. Ile will at all titers be prepared to gist instruc
tions in cutting garments to nay of the trade. 1.0 much in
rear that may disable them to come up to the age, and
stands open again ot!all publishers of systems for nivesttgas
hon. No more, but hope t Y o get a spat.
13. OUNG. nt Columbia.
S. S. 1 LAT rIVON. of Marietta.
.Colutain, April S. 1E13..-tf
W. 11. SPANGLER, having become Proprietor
of the Book & Stationary Store. late of the thin ot
Westbrook & Spangler, has removed his e.E11111•11111C11 1 to
the house lately occupied by Mr. Raid, on Front Street. a
tow doors north from the Corner ni Locust. nod next dour
to Win. A Leader's Drily, store,—where hew udl continue
the former business in nll its branches. iineing enlarged
his stocks he is prepsred to iiirti,ll evert :truck in the
Book and sunionnry line at the very butost rates. School
Books of every kind. Blank Books. Fools Cap and Letter
Paper by the whole,ile or retail. Pocket Knives, Razor..
(101.0 P ENS. Pocket Books. Combs. Nom Tooth, nod Cloth
Brushes—Razor Strops.. Soap. Broslie, bib Stands.
Ink by the Bottle—Do nee, Clinss Alen. Dice. A splen
did lot of Silk. Steel Beads. and for pnrses,
Gold and Silver Bullion—for Working Slippers. lie. A id
a most superior lot of limey stationery tor the Ladle,—
Don't forget the Cheap Depot, at
Next Door to W. A. Lt.a.lee, Drug I,tore
BARGAINS, The subscribers have, during the
past week. made a large addition to their foram,
stock of
which, tar elegance and chenpne.., cannot be qiirtnis-e.l.
Among which is a very large as-ortinent PRIN'FS. at
4 cts, ti 3 eta, Sets. In etc. mid id eta per yard DRESS
GINGIIAMS as lose ns 1:21 cts. 19 c 9. and 2.1 ct-. Al
pacas and Linens. Imstres. A general assortment of
Such as 4-4,5-1, c-1. and 10-1 111..ne19 , ,1 and Drown
tags. Pickings. Cheeks. Crank. Linen mid Cotton, Ilrosoi
and Bleached, Table Diapers,
Sep. flue awl Bleck French Cloth.. ,np. 1110, 11look
Brown. and Olive EnellAll (let ; Puun uud Julie) Co,
simeres, Saunets. ye-tuegs.
CIUNJt. (la .and (ineenstvarr . Fresh Fatally (tro..
canes. •eleeted tt oh very areat en re natooa ttich no.
New Crop Sugars—Loaf. Pattertsea tont t•
Coffees, Spins, the Sala c u r 'I in. of Ike Nett. York
Canton Ten Company. Oils, Fish. ke.
All or ANlfich they are tlet,mtntol to tell 0 , the
VERY LONE-CT, tor C. 1,11 or country prothico.
Thankful tor past :UWE', they re•p•etrully .ohen a
continuance of the patronage her. Inane 1111011
the m. .1. WI2IOIIT.
Loan. 4 St.. Sreoll , l St
Calllll/11, 51nrch
AND NEW GOODS. The subscriber takes this ,
method of informing his friends ensminers that
he has rented the New Store Room known as I lableman's '
New Corner. being on the South West corner no Front
and Locust Street, mlicre he intends to Lee,' cieistantly On
hand a good supply of
.ith.Ava atAtnt:tAiisrstrvrt. isircor:m AND BOOTis
and a general assortment of Faintly Cruet ries , together
with Flour and other Meal : Oats. Cont. and Chop 'or
horses. Also. Liquors of all kinds. including Wines and
Cordials. All of which I pledge myself to sell at cheap
for cash as possibly can be :aortic& Meuse call and ea.
amine both the goods and prices.
N. B.—A dwelling and court shop adjoining, to rent On
accommodating terms. :%1)., If and Son mould like to
board with the timid., DAI-111.k Tr.
Columba, March 1.5,17-1.. —ll
ARTICLE Boat Stove. We would cull the
attention of Boatmen to n new article oi boat Stove
made and adapted exprei.l) tor their CAM% einem:, To
be teen and lied ot 11 . 1 / 4 . CO.
March 11. 1.-4‘-tt
TILE subscribers, thankful for past favors, take
1 this method of informing then trantil. that the) hai r
just received, in addition to ineir tomer
ur.snitAL Atisoirrm T 11F ',TA I-4 ,1; AND
FA NrY 1:001):
which have been arlerted ulth gnat rare and attention
and will be sold CHEM'. CALL. ANI , 11, 111 FM Al
T Columbia, February W. 154?
the extensive Machine 'Shop lately orcupo•tt by Mr
Thomas Cox, on the canal basin at this pito, t. Pr'Tareti
to fit up and build new ears in the most durable. and
neatest manner. He is also prepared to do oil Lind, 01
repining. both of wood and smith work, in a woo to give
Columbia, January 15, ISl9.—tf
N. ll A good second hand Steam Engine of four horse
power, for sole by A. M. Ilsines, ns above.
BY their own Cars in charge of messengers, and
under lock, DAILY between Philadelphia, Lafleur-.
ter, Columbia, WTIOII,III, Vork, Gettydthii rg. BaltiMore.
IVoi.blasion, South. Wr.t. North nod Etint, hV livEs
iNG ...%1 Tli INS
h Co are now prepared to forward in their Can.
Packages. Parcel.. Bundle.. light Ca.c.. and dexertp
lions of goods nod nterelfondire Specie. Bank
Notes. Draft.. Mils or collection. order, A e .to nay of
the above named placcit by ringseng. r trainc and mail
speed. Being de,rofo infording every facility for the
prompt and economic:ll trific.action of now 0R1M1 ,, 11311
ritrUSted TO them, they reap, ettolly .iolteit the patronage
of all to their line
• •
AB goads or parkage• mit.4 he markt d '• By 31,11er AE.
Co's Express." I) Agent.
:11111, & pre., Colotmlon.
OTFTCLS —Corner of Third Mut Chr,olll rlrret. Phila
delphia; Chas Normon. I.anensi, r. It York:
Museum BuildinEs, !Whom,. 4:a% S. Co or %%all and
Broadway. N. 1.: Guy & Cu. `rimy Wart.-
trtgion, li C.; ftlettniond. Vrt to L. Ito, Vt.. Potc.
burgh. PR : Getty-burg. rtN It 1 , -1: —ti
ITERR'S Celebrated Lowden Fifth Chains, Tea
cc.. long and short. di, and
coming and Chriliii.,.ll;l., wh ../1 sic oil, T n: sarili
ritacturvi pores. lit &
THE Subscribers hare constantly on hand a
lull assortnrnt of wood, Coal. and t Slave' of
every sire and desenmion, cannon n,„d,
•onburg's paicrn .lu -Tight Parlor Smote... hirh has
lull saminionon in all en.e• The lathiar are
tuvit^A to
and ...Tamilna tor th,,,•'‘ , . tta-
TlfE Subscribers Respectfully iliforni their
J friends and the public, that they have taken the Store
ibrmcrly ace spied by S.B. Boucle & Co . Corner of Locust
and Front Street. and arc now opening, an entire new
Stock of Goods. purchased at the presents cry low prices.
among which tire
Olive. Brown. and Blue Cloths; French. English, and
American Black and Blue-Black Cassimeres; Striped.
Pluld, and Figured Cassimeres. Satinets. Summer Cloths,
Gembroons ; Losv priced Summer Stuffs, Cords l
verteens, te.
Grenadines, Organdies.. Passllns, Brircge, Silk Tissue.
Lawns, C.:night:ants. end Black and Blue-Black (Ho do
Manes. Plaid and Stinted Black Silks, Fancy Dress Silks, '
New Style Chnmelies. ASLO, Calicoes, M s. Checks,
Gnighturis. Ticking. Chuml.reyse, Linen and Cotton Table
Diaper, Napkins, Gloves, Cotton, Alpaca. and Silk Hose,
New Style Bonnet Trimmings, &c., &e. ALSO.
Sugar.., Coffees. Teas. Mackerel. Bening, Molasses, Fish
.na Sperm Oils, Soaps. Candles, Spices. &c.. &c., &c.
Our goods are all NEM and selected with great care,
and we hope by strict attention to business, to receive a
share of custom of our mends and the public. All kinds
of Country Produce taken in at the highest prices.
Columbia, March2s,lB4s.—ti
THE undersigned, hereby tender their sincere
no,nowied g ni.nts to their customers, and the pub
lic generally. for the very liberal patronage that has at
tended their efforts to please. and would inform them that
it Ns ill be their greatest pleasure, as Inert conduct
their business in such u manner as to merit their comma
ed approbation and support.
NN e ...Mtn.: to make all kinds of Castings. 1:17 :-
1 MIA. GnAlusa. , sru R. REVEL, MITRE and AIOR•
1 *MCI:COG-WHEELS. CAST SHAFTS form ater , heels,
Sic. Also. CAR WHEELS and other Car Castings, to
gether with all kinds of Bail Road Castings, for which
unexceptionable reference can be given or superiority
and neulilillity.
We bare unite a variety of PATTEIIIS for making
I lint Blast Ittin,s, for Blast Furnaces , and tor %Vater Pipes.
and, being well prepared for Casting Pipes, it will ci r-
Tandy be an advantage to those in main, to call and ex
nrnine fur themselves. us we can Manufacture ns cheap.
or cheaper, than any other establishment in this section
to country.
ll'e Inner I lefil•rrnt kinds of Patterns for Strain Engines.
Threshing Machines. Ploughs, Common Stases. Stove
Plates, Stove Cylinders and Crates, rind many tither
things in one line of linsinests, being the making and col
lecting together at the past eleven years I laving the
' best of mechanics employed at Pattern making. Se . we
, are prepared to make nay thing in our line of business nt
the shortest notice. mid being tavorably situated at the
entail Bast', glees us the ad manage of inn nallte luring
and forwmdirg Castings to any point with despatch and
at the lowest rates. riIIORGE I VOI,P.
Dealing under the firm of Geo. NN'olf .X. Co
Columbia, Pa. March 4, l a th—tt.
THE Franklin Fire Insurance Company of
P1111.2k1)El.P111A.-01T1C11,No. lutt CitEsNt T
Street, near l'ittli street
CIIARLF.., N. lisscntit, (lr.onGr: NV. IlretTAnn , ,
Tawas., llwirr. 110 mo-cm 1) 1.1..tvt.,
.....,11..11. (iRANT, DAVID S 111tOWN,
.1.“. on It. San rii. Moans l'ArrrtsoN.
Continue to male tusiirance. perpetual or limited. on
et, er) det.cription of property in to, it and country, at
rate.: a, lose a, are consistent ‘sith sorority.
The Coitiptian hese re..ers ed a large Contingent Fund.
m loch. Nt ith their Capital and Prennuni+, sately in% e,ietl,
ntlbrd• ample protection to the assured.
The 0.4n013 01 the Culilp:111), oil January Ist. I-1.. an
published agreeably to an Act of Assei utibly. score as
tol/own, VIE:
Mortgagee. Sifto.ss9 6.5
Real Etdate. 10-.35, tilt
Temporars Loan., 121.159 (Si
•duels. 55,5(13 Ti
Ca+ll, ..s.c. , 45.15; -,7
Since their tneorporanon. n period of Lighe
they ha, c paid opts ard4 Cl unit million, Ira hundred hail
so ad dollars. lease-. by lire, thereby allording es tdenee
lit the advantages. of Insnranee. rl9 still a , the
abiAq• dud
d19,0b11101110 no t still. pronytne.s,
CHARM'S N. 13ANCKER. Preildent
Canni.t , G. li.vscr,ca. Secretary.
TIIONIAS LLOYD. of Collard..
Agent for Vail, and Lanca,ter C 0111114.4
THE undersigned have just received the best
and roDIDIDI•• DI Ent;11•11IIIIII Jet-
Dm. cull, and 1,1.4 alai patent Ideeelt 111,1;
(11'N S., m.lttell have eter been DII , D•cI In thik
market at soch 'naves that will suit all. Alba. in Harrel
I.d ReS nh tog and .ell-roolong l'1:,1'01.S Call and
tt x
aune air yoarselvcs, nt the cheap Iron . ..score of
111;:111'Ll: S 111:rtt ,
Colarnbia..kagal , t 21.1-17
TIIE subscriber is now manufacturing Printing
INK of a superior quality. and oiler. It .ttre
large or small r uuuunrs, upon aceominotlatt= lernts.
an t. instance where the ink sent shall not atc.wer the ds
scripoon. it teal be exchanged or the pt., re:muted
A liberal discount mat be made upon large purchases
ior en , h.
The Net Ink is pmt up in keg , of 12. 211, :?.i, ail. :.1)
and 100 lb,
Book Ink , . , in small kegs and in lb. enne..tor.
Colored 111 k.. al.° in lb. ennukter,
ID" .2111 Ib ke n of 111 e l,r.t nro Ink NVIII I.r mrnt to
nny pOllll 01 the P.0111*(t InlVCOVelltello. at In} rink 10 , rd
Clinige. ripen receipt Of 51
COPAL VAIINII , II to litirrel, kr g., n td rnbi.irr
J 11 :\1111 , 1.1N:
Coltnninn. Mny 20. I°l7 —lf
GOODS, The public is respeetfnlly invited to
no! and XIMIIII O n t'resh n.,ornuent
Jii.t received and for sale price.. which cannot furl Sc,
quit piitchacer, at J I) A.J NVItIGHT'N
Columbia. March 1‘2., —lf
PREMIUM PLITES for th e subscribers In the
Colinnbian Magrame Scut 1,1 total to nay part on
I:mtril States, free ot postage
The Colombian Magartne. tor Isl , -. , dnied by John In
man and Rob,* A %‘ est A reposiim, on lbi• ehntee-,t
Amerncan literature. entirely ortginial..ea ii the taunt
enstly orignital embellshment ,
The Columbia NI agartne enter• upon n new year w nth
prospects increasingly bight and pioninsing. It has at
tain. d a proud ponitton in the public estimation. The
pre-s universally, and synth a generous kindness whieli
the Proprietor gratetully aelinow ledges. has borne testi.
tunny to the superiority of its Merman , and the protasion
turd chignn , ot its embellishments IA lute it, immense
and roust:only increasing csrculatton, shows that the
press ha- but uttered the general set atment. and affords
such agreeable evidence dint it has tai t the expectation
of nll. that it seems Yo the Publlsher almost unnecessary
in speak of the future.
It cannot be necessary to say much nt the cnnduct of 1
the literary department of the Columbian The gentlemen
who have vie lone and satisfactorily ili-charg, il thni duty,
continue their efficient services, and the Publisher is hop.
py to announce that he has made arrangements with
several of the least dint ingiii , lned minter. in the country,
whose regular contrilnitions will enrich the Magaritte ,
while. as helehtlefe, the merit of an article. quite as much
as the tame of its writer, will he the passport to its pages.
rilcvnted sentiment and pure morality will distinguish all
the Intern:me of the Columbian Niagara,
The paper on winch the Columbuiti will hereafter be
prlnted, is manufactured expressly for the purpose, lip one
at the largest and moat linglilv esteemed makers nil the
Union. and the typography will be of proportionate neat
ness and eleganCe.
The Publisher respectfully solicits from :unborn, artists
soh-critters and agent, a continuance of the confidence
hitherto so generously nwarded the Magazine As an
earnest of the liberality with which he intends to conduct
that department of the work. he has prepared, at n large
outilq. a magmlieent full length Portrait in M'a.lungton.
price two dollars. in stipple and met/omit. whieli mill be
presented, gouts, tree of postage. to every yearly sub
scriber to the Columbinn Magazine, who will send to the
Publisher tia in advance. postage paid. It is an engine
log of such superior 111,11. and the subject 19 of such
profound and aballug interest. that he cannot doubt that
the gift will highly gratify the receiver, and largely swell
the list of his stihsenbers. lie annexes. also. the tollow
mg unusually liberal terms ot publication, it being under
stood that the subscription. lure in cash •
For ...a, the Magazine and Engraving of NWnshington.
For 55, two copies iii the Magazine, and the Ilngrav
ing is nth each.
171 - The great National Ptctureof the Declaration of
Independence...lust published. This picture. which was
painted by Col Trumbull for the Rotunda at NN aslungton.
and originallv engraved on copper by Mr. Dura nd.has been
r , -engraved "on steel. and In the result of two years' labor.
1 It continue pitmans of nll the signers, and should be the
Repoblienn Emblem in the home of every American
coven The 1.1/e of tine engraving is ill by al inches .it
" pa n ted on the best plate paper.: by at , inches Price.
Ksery person who will seed to the Publisher of the
I. ..lutouttio SI, post paid. shall receive a copy of this
Engin...lie: and a copy 01 the .Niflaricme for one year,—
the carman❑ tree at postage. i'or Si. the Magazine,
Wro-hirgton. and Declaration of indepen
MIN S TAYLOR Pnbhaher.
I cI Nn••nn Atrcet. New York
NEW Crop New Oilcan% Snafus and Molasses at
bin 1 - It 110. VS.Y.;T
THIS ATTNETIVELY! Doctor llofland's Cele
Will effectually cure the Liver Complaint, Jaundice, Dys
pepsia, Chronic or Nervous Debility. Indigestion, Flatu
lence, Asthma, Diabetes, Disease of the Kidneys, Pulmo
nary Affections, (arising from disease of the stomach and
liver.) and all diseases arising from a w yak or disordered
stomach in both:Slate and Female. such as Female N
ness, Dl7.lllesS, Fullness or Blood to the Bead, Inward
Piles, Fluttering of the Ileart, Difficulty of Breathing,
Constant Imaginings of Evil, Great D.pression of Spirits,
Dimness of Vision. Pain in the Side, Diick, Breast, or
Limbs, Cold Feet. Sie.
They remove till acidtty. and give tone and action to'
Ale stomach, and ussist digestion ; they' contain no alco
holic stimulant. and eat be taken by the toast delimit,:
stomach and will in every ease entirely destroy Costive
ness. and renovate the w hole system, lentos-nes all nu
purities from the body, and remnants of pm, ions diseuse.
and give health mid vigor to the whole frame, thereby
preventing frightful dreLllnS, walking while asleep, Sr ,
which often result in accident.
The functions of the sainineli arc of the utmost iMpOT
tallee to every one, constituting the :tenter and 1011111111 n
Of life, ',Odell is 11111TItiOn. No organ possesses such re-
I markable sympathies, none such rentarllhblc post cr in
modifying every part of tine system. A greater number
of yeri.olls vicunalo the Matas,:lg, of Constipation
and Dy:•pepSia. and more organic diseases commencing
in the digestive system, than all other diseases combined
The many thousands who die with Yellow Fever, Cholera.
I iiimenza, and other epidemics. is owing to disease or de
ratigement there. It the dig waive system is in perfect
health. the nersous system and the circulation of the
blood will be also, as upon it they depend ; then epidemics
loose all their tin TOT.
'Chose lis mg in. or visiting ithdrirts harrassed with
FEVER AND AGUE annually, will find that by the
timely title oi one or two/intik, to renovate and strengthen
the systimi, uo excess of Mk will neeilliltilnie, they
will not in any one imstatice lithe the disonSe. BreVell
tioll is tar Letter than cure.
The rare success in treating diseases of tine stomach
has not been so much a yearn of patliologi
mil Knowledge 01 /Is Illortions. ins she preparation of suit
able Vegetable compounds. so as to obtain not only their
whole power. but as they st unlit he nowt effectual and
We arc all aware that too 1111111 y preparations have
been, and are now limo, the politic, that net ooh its puli
anieS, and senile 111:11 Change the loraii], on the disease,
or tires cut it nor a short perlOcl. then it rettli ins mare for
midable Omit in the first instance. Swell preparetions
have destroyed d
tar public roilitilt_nec This mock httliid
wg .1011, eines Lind 1111r1Viillecl. :tit thou
sands Ul our ruvru, citil 1.11,1 who lease tested its s m
utes. run iths ays be dryer:de:l upon for the :Wu% e mated
1.11,0-es 11 St ill emu nil) ens,. that Call be ,tired Inv
till dielne• 110 mailer who, or what else has tailed ; it m
perfectly restore tine organic Junctions of the
Stomach, Intestine, Ilesptintion Cirettlntion,
These Bitters. mod the rinkennTil (Mll3llOOl Will cure
non' rase, of low and Piles; it is a rate OVellTrelive m re
quire more than 011 e hold , of each for the worst ruses
For sale at the GEll3l_ N EDlcl NE OFFICE. No
Race Street. one door alios e south -oho.
doto. In Ltinenster. John 1' 1.10 MT: Ilan
h) Da n iel W' Cross: in Pittsburg, Ls Win Thorn—and
by dealer- generally thronehout the rimed Simi...
117"Pitioplilets containing cures and ovum, of di -
rases. glans.
Also Inc sale, his eelebrilleil 121I1:15-
NIA'Ple PILLS tor the rune u 1 Coot, lihrusnonsui. D ro p_
'v. :mil yes ere Nervous SPIKENARD OINT
MENT, for the core Ul irk -, Ta n,r. Ringworms. 1e .
&e., Sc. eitiretil's.l- train
pUBLISIIED every Saturday.--. Terms 12 1-2enits
a number, or dollar- , a) . eat. In tole:owe
work is conducted ta the •Ifiro of IfittelPt. Miewuni 01
Foreign Literal are, Its inch eta. IllsOnlbly ',ells ell 1.)
Incthe p6bhr• th e It t 'l I ‘‘ el l t Y )car,.) Litt a , It It It, nC at
Inice. and appear, so often, we not old) et troll .lard and
fretlnie.. to it by 1111.111 V 111111,, , ss 1111 h 04.0 1 \elllll. d by a
inotith ' i delay, but while tints extending our tinge fund
gall ion nig a greater and more Ittlruclit, vatted). are able
to to ineref..e tilt .old and kith:Annual pal: 01 0111 liter
ary. Instorterkl and political liarvei. u. fully to • air-Il'
the want , or the American r. adtr
The elaborate and .trite!) of the F..lialurg Qua,
terly, and oilier diet row , -, and ffluektvooT. noble ern,.
corms en Poetry. Into keen polmrnl Coulon 'mu
wrought 'Pale., and vtstd de.ei 'piton of rural Mai
15111 hl•••/1..r) ,1111/ the I'o/011111111M, In 14111,1'M,, Mole
ry. and (wanton late. by the vagaviiiii, Spy etatur the
.parkling 1 - ..stinitner, the fitilivion- the butt
and utdu , ll m.r 1.i.1 cry Gat, tie, tilt teieulfle and i•oill
preliCll.4iVe 111 11111111111. the tot., and te -peciable Chris.
man Obsert rt . . the. , are lifterauved w hit the Altlitai
I and Naval remein.cencekot the United Sect ICe. .0,111 St 1111 I
the 1,1,1 articles of the Dublin Cuivi rsity. New Nlfititlily :
f•r,,ter . : A111 4 ,V1,1111 4 4. !lend'. 111141 4,1 t Iminber.
I admirable .lournal NVe Ito not C 011.1.1- rit 1,111,111 0111
dtenits In borrow wit :nal tvi.doin trian Pnnr6, and.
thud., it goad enough. make 10, oI 1111.1 1111111111 , r
Of for The T1111(1, Vl 4 Shall 1111•0'11-, our Varlet) In' im
portation. from die eolloll4`lll et 1:11 10;11'. nllll 110111 the
nett . craw. th ot the
:1111.IIIP 1.11111:flit Europe. .in and ,fruit ;
mut our th ichoot hood: :11111 well 1;0 :lily multiply chair j
eonneetione Ilerehmit., 'Priic it •r. and Politietan..
Vllll 1111 part, of tin, tvtirld to that more than i•tf r
It trots 1,,, ern, . et i ry lie Hefei) t .1111. neon to be inform
ed cif the condition and ehanci 11/1 I'olllll
1111. 11111 41111, IWO:110,01 the. wirer ectiontetion oltb out
sek.e.. Intl In etinw lite carton to eta.. lo br itt,lttli:
through a rapid tat.ef eliange to -owe 114 W 4 , 11111• 111
1 11111'1 , 4.1 , 4 Wllll'll the Olen I> polint•al prophet :1111101 elllll.
1,111 , Of lore.. e.
I:cograpl4lral Ih.rnn rte., the pro,frek. (olont/nuou.
(whlel , I. eNletitling Sect tIli• St 11111 e AOl 111,/ 111111 Cos
and Travel., will be favorite waiter Inc our .rireuou
and, in general. 1, 4• •111111 es ' , tent:4lo,oy 11,111 Vt. 11 tally
acquaint our render. 1.11111 tin' !Trent dernirtment ol For
vigil w Minn; entire, negleetnig out own.
10 tnal.e the lavtint Ace itei.trable In
all who v.l.h to keep theatteltf , iiitmaieft nt the rapid
procteie. Cl toot t-eitestrion, Ikt
erk. and 1'1 . 1) - ot - 1:tn.—to Iwo of I:1ot,, nod tot, nI
ler.toot—st 11. t.troot., r oho el to make tt attrnettve
1 and nwittl to an tr t, es tend eloldrnn Vt . t• brhtvttllll
we ean thuu ila tome fr0...1 in our ,lay and generation.
j and hope to make the wet I, little-petoalde ill es el')
Itil - ortned fat ail). •11)' th.,
day id eheap literature It It not pre. , ible to cont.! again-t
the minx fit what I.nd ut taste and vafiont in morals,
tit any 011141 way than l's larni.hinc ..uiletritt
of n healthy character. The ntemal and
crust be graldied
We hope that. by• Juno, ing • w heat from the
, chair." by piftvidinc alinieltintly t.IT the imagination
I ht - n large collection of Licuir - ipbv. \'nt ages and Travels.
History and 11110 Te 1 4 01111 matter, Ste may produce a tt ork
which he popular. whole at the 44/11111.1 111110 a will
litpire to rat., Lie .funiflard lit rtublie taste.
Trust , —Tls- latulg Age , published every Sabuntat.
by I: Luirrl.t..., corn, r i.t 'nemont and Itro.ntiet.l
sts Boston—Pr., 14 rents n tminbf r. or slxvlollar. a
)ear in advance 11,111111 n,, for any period %, 01 Inc
thankiall;, recened a.nd prosaptl rits•ntled to. 11 - r* To
nymre v•galarttv is Innintig time ,s orh. orders ,h 0,11,1 Lr
achllessed to tin. outer of puHiratil in. a, abov.•
Chit), 111,, ance. ‘,lll he .01 , 010,1 a.
follows •---
I'ool - r $1:'0 0.1
NllO- ••
T~ecicc'• - - - i 001)
Complrtr ...rt., in bit. rn volume, to the end
hand..ornely bound. rind packed 111 inlet Loxes, iirr nor
•oh' at thirty dolln,
Any ,Atilne may be Ind separately at tw•o dollars,
hound, or a dollar and n halt in ountlwrs.
Ann number nay be had tor 121 erots; and it tnay he
♦vnrth while tor so!,,rtherg nod pureha•era m COnlillete
any broken %ohm., they may have, and Coos gtestly
enhance their value
O IL of the very best quality, with an assort
meta of 1..'011'," lur banana me F.:11 11e. always cal
Land at J WILK; irrs.
Colkunlaa,:%lnrell 1-.19.1 4 —tf
• _,.Between York, Wrightsville and Co
rlerambp.. —The Pre.rderit rind Ihreetm, of
the lin/Innnre and , nstin , banna Ifnit nom!
Company having conc,nted to Colllllllo. thin :MORNING
TRAIN between the above rlares
. .
LE.'The Car will leave Colombia DAILY. [Sundays ex
cepted) at t 4 o'clock. A. M.. and the T r am trill lcnvr
Wrightsville at 61 o'clock. Itciiirmic.r the Train will
leave. York at t, o'clock. A. M.
April 17. 1.17
senger Trstalt , run. tlail) s below :
Leaves Baltimore at !Pat hn k A. M., and at
rives at 01 o'clock, P. M.
Arrives nt York at 12 o'clock P. V , and leaves for Co
lombia tit 1.; o'clock, P M.
Leave.. Colombia at 2 o'clock P. :11 , and leaves York
for Baltimore at a o'clock P. M.
Fare from Baltimore to York, SI 50
Columbia. . 2 121
The Train connect , at York with Stages for Harrisburg,
Graysburg. Chouther.turg. Pittsburg and York Spnng,
R 6 I'O 01.7111 - itt: IV; AND II All RI sli1:116.
The company I< nnthori•ed by the proprietor< of the
Stage Liner to receive the tare throuch from Ikilitmore to
fict”.<litirg and I larrichurg
tin LTINTORF no (iI,TTTNDI'IIO AND ll•tatrv:ca...
Fare through to either pine.•. (111
D C. If 11011DT.1:V 4 4nper'1.
May .9, 1-17 —tf Ticket Mee. ( • 3 Non h at_ Unit.
Agaßaltimore & Susquehanna Rail Road.
The siormog TRAIN vL ill run
fr o m Balumurr. regulArly.ll. realler. Oil Sun
day. at 9 o'clock A. 31.. and Rtturinng tt dt ..t.irt from Co
lumhtn I'. 31 . Wright..etilv 9 P. 31.. and from York
nt 3 o'clock. I'. 31. as on other da)p. of the week. The
mall between Baltimore and 'Vora \t,ll he corned by t hi s
train. No other teem t. tlt Tull en Sundae
rii 14CITZT)T,T,y,
, per dit , ..1•111 0111 In port:ll)cm
r.5711 - 211rEllIs
D C. 11 130111)1.FX.
I:~uact is put up in QUAUT BOTTLES—it i, !•1:( MIK;
chedper, plea..anter, and warrtutted superior to an) sold.
It cures diseases without vomiting, purging, sickness, or
debilitaung the patient, turd Is particularly adapted for tl
The great beauty and superiority of this Sarsaparilla.
~t et all mlier remedies i w host it eradicates
dis - Ciwe. it Invigorates the Ludy.
Bronchnet, Consumption, Liver Complaint. Colds,
As Coug
th hs,
Catania. Asthma. Spitting of Blood, ene in e
Chest, Ilectic Flush. Night Sweats, Difficult or Profuse
Expectoration, and Pain in the Side. &c., leu.e and can
be cured.
Probably there never was a setnedy that has been so
succestul in desperate cases of a onsumption us this; it
cleanses and strength.. the SySielll, alai appears to heal
the ulcers on the lunge, and the patients gradually ro
gues their usual health add strength.
There is scarcely a day paShi!, but there are a number
of ruses or Consumpuon reported as cured by the use of
Dr. Tou nsesurs Sarsaparilla The followiag wus recently
rem. ed
Dr Townsend—Dear Sir: Fns the last three years I
have been alllicted with general delnlity, and nervous con
sumptton of the lust stage, and did nut expect to ever gain
to) health at all. Atter going through a course of meth
eine under the rare of sLlli, of the most disti,,guiehed re
gular steirtns anal member, of the Board of Ilealth in
New York and elsewhere. and e:tiding mostof my Cain
mg, w attemptem to tegain my health, and after reading
some paper of 5011 r Sarsaparilla. I resolved to try it.—
moat six bottles I found it done me great good mid
r illicit w *we lOU at 3 our office with your advice I kept
und do most heartily thank - 5 ott for your advise. I per
t.evered m taking the sai•apanlla, and have heels able to
titicint to the usual labors tor the last four months. and I
hope by the blessing, of Cod and VIM,' S(11,111 1 E1E1118 m 1 . 011-
1111Un my health. It helped MC beyond the expeetatlottb
of all who knew 111 V case. ClIA111.1:S 1./L . 15111V.
Urallaa, F.t , eX Cu., N. J., Auguq 9, 1,47.
State of New Jersey, Como, st, :
Charles Quimby being dui) sworn accordmg to law, on
• his oath said,. that the 101,,aolag tut. accord
ing to the best us his knowledge and 1.11.4 . .
CHARLES Qs rally.
Swarms and subscribed to before ti , at Oranee.l he 31,1
Aug nu. 1,17 BALDWIN.
diet sec of the Petwe
Real the collie, uhtl einFtitutpuoti I> incu
rable it y ou call •
Ni•%% York, April .2:1, 14.17.
Dr TOWIII , CIIII-1 verily Lel uw e your Sarioiparilln
Ims I.ett the memo , through rotyttlettee• of sarlug my
life. I 111,1 e air i-i•velol yeti t 4 hull a 'mil rough. It lie
calve worse tuna woliie. At Iti•I I rni,ed !ur n ., quaniatt,
of bail 111141 vi•atly or Ldo:uoil
and rellaco: nod dal 1101 ehl/1 . C4 to la, e 1 have only used
your bat a shut time, and tilt le bah a won
der:al cl uuier here vitote,lit 111 toe 1 :on hrov able to
t :ilk nil utt r thr t fly I rll-1• 110 140011. flout my cough
has 101 l 111 , 1 . 011 4 . 1111 well 111111011 , 11111 t 1 11111 111,1110111
1441 . 11/1 4 , 4 • n"1111,. 10111 VI 4,11. 4 111 4,1,11111.
\rm itt 1.1, 15. Catharow st.
TN\ tt 1'1111.111:EN S.ll. 1:1).
Yery faintlo, niched—in not 550 have not heard of
our—tutu litrnil lit. TOWilt.•llll't SiirtOlifiTlllll in Mile loot
any clidthen the post ,nonner, that did not
...Atoned and 41..1 The col titivate tee indil,h 1.1
cone hi ,fie as Orrice td only another in
ktance the live. , of the c liddren:
it. To - mu:Alia— U. ar Sir • I hod too children cured by
OM' :sal roe Mill dy teal, y,
one IA a: Old) 1 i uundh , OM, Mol the other :1 5 ear,. y
tt Cr.' srry touch iedurt ii. and is.: ea peered they N) 0111t1
die ; He, Wein L;IVoli Op by (WO jt ph) tieltills.
When du doetor inlet en 1111- 111;11scrollist 10, them .as in
Icool On Oar 'stir-tip:lrina Mil had //MIMI to murL
ut. Lot /Mil lilt 111110 their being no notch
study that it ss 011111 c— . but l‘eart thank
nil tint are dui. t, it undoubtedly , aced the lives id both
I Sr Inv tin: that other. tuna 10 lit, it
Jolty Wit qol.
Sopl 151,17.
1:•11.(..• ut the the 1.1,
lout. itiack‘,..ll' , l , l:kiol n the ge1111 , 111:iii
ini kilt, :
Tilts 14 ooly mor of more Man :four ilmucnnd CaSCR of
rheum:to-to that Dr To. : , nr.npurilla The oto.d ere ood murmur elm,. are ,deekly
d e‘trmatiodo ‘llll‘,
I.I.AND. Sept. 11.1.-17.
1/11. Sir: 410,, S. 111111•41 terribly tor
mite ear-. itittit the time 1
ciuilil 1101 4111. .•14441, ur settri.: I Ititil the
pim-. toil hii limb.: were ti I hi, e 11,11
mir brittle, ul your tar.upunlla, rind they have thew lite
more 01011 IMP 1111811040 I/111131 grititl-1 tint
rtitteli better littleeil, I al:1,111,1s c 11.., ell. V(111814' 01
11i84(1V to 1P,4 118-101 111, 484114111 tit the ullhcm il
1)11 TOWNSEND:, SAN , .% PA HIM—% I>n 1:1,1111.• Of
lilt' A:11 , 9. It rLaeve. them OE a 11111011111 01 Miller
imz.. mnl .ovo4 them lin.. and 61111) 11111 ti:11 11,
MIA Vol ker kind!, seno 119 111, 144111,•111g:
:%01_11: Aug., 17,1,17.
I)tx Tiwv . ..:4::Yo-1..1. It give . - nit 11/010/1111• 10
11112 L. 11411110 flirt I lint I•Xpr, WIWI,/ 11.1/1 1/ 01 -
N our it ...).4..111)), Yr) Ind 11 t dlyred
nervowd......ana .1.4.10.i/1111 tt nll 11%111tely i• 1
I. loale doopldot . r.. I 1 dd )011r 1111‘1,11 , /,111 . 111, :11111 tn.
111/1110 /110 11% Ille I :Wel 1•1 jour rdo..dy. It 1...10rdl
to o ly I r h. :dill. I hail 111)1 cop)) (•41
owl 1,1.. In I.4Llth,u, nd I 110 1110•1 111,11 . 11/1> re
1 :11 a • 11111111/11! 1111,(111 . 1114 . 10 1111 who meauhrnd
ry , . I 1..1).. I:: en
NIB, VA Bnlne st • South Brooklyn
111 0 1.11 . 0), /` ClOlll a VI) 10-111 vtal.le farmer rev.ii)-
' 1) '-' is t . Sir My v. lire
ere)) iron) the ,relic rd
0/ 1110 SI , 11`111.1/1111 tsr.lll/110 , e11 411' 11111 , 1 dle. The Pll5
m. 0.311, void.) unit r lit the 11.111 0111/I 1121,•
du .i lies and dottta It sir had out given nit your
billa It 11», ,•
rd tier vert.iiiils. alnit)..) en
tirelyiini.l in :mil health
,111 COIIIIIIII, 1/11 % use 0/ li.
11 01114. rt 1:1.IZA
(.9):UPT.A 1 Vr.
». Ninth. SEPT. 9. 1 , 17
Pr Tott'SsENP :-I) rllll rillt-tialltPit. a , :111
Pei lii )11 , 111,, to publtely auknom.l.alge the peat 1.1,111,
0 1, I iid 10ou the ,rt Sat -aparalla. L, Illcm 10,1 i
111.0111 1,0 tent= ..snee to •1. Pr, 111, 11111.1111.11..11
NI) tip..p,r• :1 1•111.0.10 111011111111:111011 01 the 11-
SPr :ma qoutnelt. am!. too man) thought colv-tooptton I 1
I.alured that 1 had SPY) little, hogv 1)1 Termer)
I lent mg and 1 1-vini)g eo nsnirra 1)1Nof the efiert. ) too
rioalo9ne, 1 resols oil to try 11. 'hough I 1,111 111,111,1 11 pl.lll
- iltrlll,4 tokert,efl reuttaliv, 1 had taken the 111,11-
ro,r lull in t•hoot mu, and 1.1.g:111 to rLeover grn.hlslh d ud
rontutued to get 1..11.9., nod 11111 110 W s,1•11. 11141,11 1 :1111
mount 11111,10 Tell that no) mead. ceareely revoguized me
Wlll.ll 11 I turned to the coy. r011:11, :11 11111'11) 10 1.111.11 , 1 i
01- it v)0111111111:: n st 11l e•ale101 1110 11,e 01 s 0111 eNen 111.7.
One thousand or more additional :Irene,. Col the sate
of Dr TownseniCs Sarsaparilla. .sill be Z. - stabil...lied in
earl lances where y:. nut already appointed. in
the States of Peons) Is mini New Jersey. ()elms are. Ma
r Virginia. and Other :•ootherit and We•tetTll
- The tennis or .....eney to he complied IN 1111 Mill he a , 101-
; Not more limo once person will base the appoint.
mem in a pine, who I•rikell as curl. in one
OT morn papers published at sorb place, or the tn•nrest
paper to the place. The will also be furno.liad snub oh
and handbills vetting forth the statues of the t.tedteute.
\still their names printed as the Agents, for circulation.
A list of all curl, names will be regularly published in
DY0f1"1 ORACLE UP /1/:.1.1.111; rOpics nr all such
will be furnished them for rirculatinn gratis. with splen
did showlalls of Dr- Tinvinsend's entire establishnient.
For all these advantages. tine iii meat tor n supply of
die Sarstipirlla ssill be requires:schen ordered. and ninny
time ashen the Agency is rchnonished, if nay of the Med
icine should remain unsold. it will be taken back nt the
price paid for it
Persons WIIO may wish the sale of this valuable merli
rine the terms above specified, will address. by letter.
I or ripply at Me Principal other nail sole novae) of
'l'. . DV( Yl - 1'
North Second street. Phila.
Atal nt the same lune they ollf tnentinn thin Mithe4 of
any , t ew,rarer., publi.hed 111 or near the place in which
they reside.
N. II ll'tth the above advantage, the pm, a t - fine
Snr,apririllit will he SO per dozer•.' packed w box.= of 1
dor. ouch—le.= than a box will not he furnished.
Pro - K.lpol Oilier. 120 Fulton street. Nev Yolk
Sole agent. for Philnclelphia. Dr. T. W. DYOTT
EONS. Colionlitan College. VW North SECOND street ;
nl•o tor •nle by Preileriek Brown. corner ofche..thor nitt i
Fifth streets ; I.naca.ter. and Son Wilnungion
ralwartl Brinkliure.l: York. Morn.: Co.; Carlisle. S. 1:1..
Lon, Darri.litirg. Dr. McPherson: v. S. Hance. Muhl
more: and by the nrtnewnl throughout the rot
ted West untie. run, Canada
None genuine. miles. put up in large square bottles.
which contain n quart. and sign. ii uoh the as Mien t..ic.•
nature of S P. Townsend. and lus name lilnasit on the
N. D—Per,ous inquiring tor this me t h cou , should not
be induced to take any other. Drugge.t, pm op Sarsa
pparilla•. and of COM', peeler selling' their [llan; others
have parehased that put in small I.ttles. and because
they null, a greater profit. recommend them. Do not be
deceived by am —mquire tor Dr nrwmciars. and take
no other
li. m•.mi.'r the genuine •Town.entV, SnrAripanllsE'
:Rohl nnl:t 1., the . ..411e Areilt, T. W. DV(lrl' & SONS,
Ni. I 1 , 2 North .rr•ONlt
I,ttir lk. nhs ay, rnvrlorril nrnccompannrd with
n A tilih..
IlT; e . Acrm rn7umbin
TN PRICES of Dry Goods. Who are to be benefited
by this remarkable chance THE PEOPLE! Why
Let theta call at the HEE HIKE STORE, North Queen
erect. and see ; here they can buy as much for St 00, us
they a short time ago would have to pay gg 00 for. This
then le a radical change for the express benefit of the peo
ple. Lot them cull early apd see the LARGE LOTS of
cheap anti beautiful Goods just opening: for n,VOIU
;m, now-n-days are remarkable for their BUEVITY.•un, I:1St Color, cents '
itch Muslims, heavy end fine, for 01 cents
M 1.7 S Dr. LAINES
A goo.] artielc or Plain Moth, and Blk only 1.:4 cents
A goad article, Highly Canicleon.
can I , r supplied with every article fur mourning.
Good plain MI:. eilllll/CS, only 19.1 cents
do do Lawns, 121, 19, and 25 cents
Maruilarri.l3ltreges and Silk Tissues.
Li,le tbread, Silk and Kid; 111iSSCID Gloves in variety,
(11'N (111 A:VS •—Just opened, 4 cases of splendni French.
Scotch. and Enghsh Dress GinFlani. Nosy patterns and
cry cheap—at THE BED 1111 14. North Queen street.
The greatest variety of the 11101. Splendid styles, just
received—among file ue•w•eSi :
:k .11Tagnifieent.
Zepltrutes. 13ettutintl.
Zephry Tissues, - - - I.ovely.
Pompadours. Faseittuting,
. pt•rieez ly ex haustlees, lit the
BEE HIVE, North Queen Street,
CHAS E. WENTZ & 13120.
jte.l nreeele, the IleWe:AS:sle% for Spring and Summer,
the ereete , t Urlety veer beell m Lancaster. Great care
..... to l.ett nt the selection of sty les and colors. it the
Prrnrli N. W. LIICC Cape,
du 10 do Collars
110 11.1 do Edging - and fitgertilig
.'Altisltits. for Dreqqes
At th.• ligE HIVE Notth Queen st
Lvinen.ter. April 15. 1318.—tf
DIU I al IST, would rebpeetfully 011011.4 1.14
ou. metals of Coltaal.ia and it, vietnity that Ito
has lust returned front New York and Philadelphia, ith
a splendid 11.sorttnent of all athletes belonging to the
\ If
011. S. GLASS. 1)Y1 - : STurrs, e., &e•
Together is tilt it superior lot and le of HAIR and
CLOTHE that took the Medal at the Me
eltattle•• In.titate of New York.
eonstallt ,apply of Cannthene and Eethereal Oil
Lamp-, with u fresh mid rood :Vlaielial to burn it 111 , 111.
roam: ) Druggt:..ta, Bakers,
Suture Ket per.. Fuller:, 1.1) 0r... and dealer. ni will
1111.1 au to their tolvattia:.te to call at the GOI.DE:N MOR
TAR Dart: porchnsilliz vise
%s heir. WM. A. LEADER.
Male It
1 DINTS AND MEDICINES. The subscriber
•Iverel) ietttrns thanks tor the very liberal en
cool wetnetti hr has received, and flatter, himself
that by .artet atteatton to basun.", to eonti 111 l e to 010111 0
ChM; i• of public patronage. I lis stock of Drug, and Medi
-1,1.1 be.l f,elortion, and as complete as any
in the vial,. ID, vitt tety of good., in C 011311,11011 ,1111
:he I l ag Ititsote- is very exten-ive. The tolloming
oteltale , only a -mall pall of hi, 'took .-
1)111'(:$ 1..1)11-17\11S.
. . .
Pane. wady coned Paint.. Compliant. or Pine
Etlion of Ili. \Vital., (this... Potty, Shop
' , ortolan , ;bottle, Porter Bottle,. Voti,—. inll 8...-ollttiellt
—Peri : 4llll,y. c010am..., Florida water. Bay Hum, Po
-111111,1•1•Ilie. MarrOW. 1:).1111e1 , or
do. llntalkereltiet: Toilet Powder. Pearl Powder, Iltor
Iletolatort Po, er, Pomade; Dinnuo. Jto rt hlt :Per
footed Stotp4 of te‘t•ty land. Nletheated Snap , . .lone:.
Clonoteal ltottan. Itott,•ll's
12:141%, 14 , 1ontin 4,111
1.11-.11 . :41. 3.1.)M Jont•.'g Coral. Oldrate , .*4 Ilnlm oi
Cottonton. flair Cotton; Itoptid, Iltalto)%1 Altnith Altana,
I.lp v. ljaittlolote. Ste.
t4Tl'.l:l, HEADS, AND TASSI7,I,,S,
Shiel PurQec and
a general Naridly or other Par.,cs, Cloche:,
I look, and Patcra
N lard,. nci•oittarat of
Comi.tock Patent
vine.. on band which he obtained ihreetly Irian the or,
111010, for which will enable ban to .ell lava,
Italn an to 50 per cent. lower titan their :Ige•lnls—S, arrant
Malch Frunl Siv•et.
only radical cure for Consmnplion ! ! It
riko i•inie, and permanently cures till
1111111 tin 11111111 f, Stale' of the i,lond. vv:
:.:4•101 . 1111I ur Nu t:Cs Olovunate Cola.
neon. I:laption, Pimple. or PESllllea all the fttcc,
Pile, Chronic Sore I:ye s. Ring ll'orin or . 'fet
ter. Scald I lead. Enlargement and Pain of the Bodes and
Joint, stabl , ovil liver.. Syphilitic Sylitptotipa, Sciatica or
Lumbago. Davi-e • trine. all opt nods it-e of Nler
enry. Mona>, rApo-vire or Imprudence in life. Also,
Chi mile f'oe.tittrionint 71t.ordet s.
In Oita medicine several innocent lint a cr y potent arti
cle. tit the vegi•iiible kingdom are united. tarot a Colnry
p.llllll enurelv dttlerent tit it. Mita:icier and properties limn
;oil, other pi, paration. and unrivalled w ita operation on
the when laboring under discus.'. It should he in
the of i ety per•on. who by I:ruler:II
I rout, of lite, I. pred,poked to the very s tnany nannenh,
that lender :Ile a elie.e. instead oh n ble*sing, and .o
death _
• L 06 . 6.0
i:E4A :
6,11tmni...t Ie.:mlou)• Is Irian an able praClllloller oh
till. • u• •
Dear Fir:-1n reply le your macidiott re.-peeting - the ice
of Dr. Dra Pawn ea. 1 sill•iti3 thin altliougli'a perfect
ili•believer in the I...s,tenee of a Panacea. or cure for all
hooves i r valtiuble it lila) lie it certain condi
tions It the y stem. still 1 base belies ell that a cure for
l'o,impinitiould be (he-coserial sooner or later. and
sent led 0,111 3 1011 medicine In two ser3 itivelerate eases.
The) %%ere pi tilloillieksl by the attending ;11)3 swim], to be
Nivi is. and abandoned by theta as M
eer:ooe. llia 01 the persons had be. n under the treat
ment o i sr' erai (CI :tide proctitionel a ti number of
ears. and they said she had old tadditinted Cnnswnpuun
combine .1 33,111 Selonilik," lied that she might linger wr
,onnointe. roold oat be lo,nanendy relies ed. in both
en-es ilit I [lei . * iil the been nand gratify
t rely 1011 r or flee bottles were used Ly uric of Inc person%
lieture :Ale began to improve rapidly. 'Vito °Owl took
about ten The, sire both cell 1 ss 111 unle told. that fa
miliar as I ;On ss oh Cote-tutiptioa by inheritance and liv
Obsert anon Its n sillily, mid knowtni.7 also the
elleels ]ll 11111, ea...._ out of ten at ler, lioni,et.
and other xenetable tomes. an well as of rilell3 . of
the cx
peetnr:nils and nether. es. I bbrileil never have
a it, nee of Drake's Panacea if I had not been :zequatn•-
ed scab the ingreitti tit•. Suffice it to say boor lire re
eorrinielult d li3 our Most popular nconitifie jill)si
clans. and in their ple,elit. C 01111,11 1 ,41 stale. form probably
the hest alterative tale Inns ever been made. Ti' cure in
in accord:tare ss tilt a theory - of Conlimption broached in
Frallee a few 3 r eilis ago. by one of her mom eminent
vk liters on wed:vote, and now a...told:shed Ly fart+ which
admit of no ilnpute. Very Respectfully Your , .
1... C. CIUNN, Corner Chest, and Jolla .
- -
A ktonialimg cure 01 Liver Complamt said o)%pet.ta, is
couneenuit w iii General Deltilny of the whole •ytent:
PHILADELPHIA. r‘laiell 7.1,44
Meows. SIOIIs S CO.—C;DIHICIFICII:—M) Pk lie has been
for several )(tars ntflicte•d with a pain through her right
'ale and shoulder. arromptimed Pitit (11111., through her
whole a),tem. anal alitae.t cone-tautly a sick Atoraneli. at
tended %,ith pain. Invariably after eating or drinking; so
much w tea to demi". her of all catedartion in attempting
in rat, e,en it she had a desire for food. •Yhielt was not
ntn•n the ease.:. was completely gone. A
:rmit per-nailed her to git i• lilt. 1)I1AI,17:5 I'ANACE.I
a inn :nal I am lints happy the fir.: gay('
licr relief Our
nod approsed on her it She Ina. taken three bottles
'litre. and is greall) lameiltied She Iris moo• ti good ap
petite. and can rat tier coral. ouh .11,f:whoa. •I'he chill,
pain. and , tels .tranaeli has C entire!) left her, and we wet
coalident that the l'anneen has ❑denied a comply cure of
In r %SWIM recommend to all lc ho are alt
theta to she ha• been to tr) Dr Drake's Panacea.
No :CM North 79urd Strert
The above ore lust n few of the ntruterowt
no are rout.tanily receit. mg. 01 thew material efficacy of
Dr. Drake's Panacea. It 14 a plea.ani, yet mo.t .carelt
-1217, rcuu•dc ; and the first trial will prove its power. its
rePutation - lias Increased since itsintrodurtion to a degree
hitherto unknown in all medical discoveries.
With the firm conviction 11110 no other retnedy.snealled.
of the present age. is equal to tlits, and that the theory
upon „loch it is compounded is too firmly rsinbh•hed to
he overthroun. the proprietors .olicit a trial of Dr.
Drake's Panacea. uilling to stand or fall upon its own
Int•rit....Avell sott•lied it will sustain the reputation It has
already ocular.,
tEr — CAUTION —The genuine DR. DR.lFili'S
1.1 put up 111 barge 1.411110 . 0 1101111.1 1 1-1 t has the wpm
titre of Oros F. Starr. 011 the wrapper—and also the name
'•Dr. Drake , . Panacea, Philo '• blown in the glass.
Prepared only lit ....toffs it. Co, Drugg,ts, 21 N ort h
Sixth Street. Philadelphia.
Anrs - rc WILMLAMS. Columbia Ilironifth k Son
Lanonger: I' A Ilcom, A. Co • Voris
Npril l'i int. , -I,
scribers are prepared to fortush, at short notice, every
article used in a Printing - Office, and have reduced the
Pries, of Type upwards of 18 per cent. They now
charge for
Pica- 3.2 c 1"
Still. Pica. :11
Lout; Pt ttit,r, 36 "
Determined to spare no expense in making their estah
lislunent us complete as possible, they are getting up a
uniform Series of the celebrated Scorer FACES, which are ,
unequalled for beauty and durnbility, and which they feel
assured swill meet with general approbation. Several
sites ate now retail.
recently visited Europe for the purpose of pro
curing every improvement in their line of business. they
now offer a greater variety of Fancy Type, Borders, Or
naments. die., Sc., than any other establishment in the
United States and their improved methods of casting.. and
of preparing metal, enable them to turmsh orders m a
manlier to ensure satisfaction.
Pruning Presses of every description, Printing Ink,
Chases, Cases, Brass Rue, Furniture, ire., at the lowest
Second-hand Presses and Type which has been used
only in stereotyping, generally on hand.
Books. Pamphlets. 71Iusic. Medicine Directions, Labels,
Cheeks. Drafts, correctly and elegantly stereotyped
as heretofore.
N. H. Specimen Books will be sent to Printers who
wish to make orders. L. JOHNSON & CJ.
Phila., Dec. IC. No. 6, Little George ci.
oLxvr.n EVAN'S
ciLALINDER, Fire and Thief Proof Iron Chestg i
N‘'arranted ettotalto any other make, and have never
linen injured by Fire OT Burglars, iii n singleirtistanci .
nice keeps on Land a fall supply IA; COMMOn 0101451
Minis of lighter iron, at lower prices.
Letter Copying Presses and Books.
Track, for Stores, Factories : &e.
Druggists' Presses.
Eagle Clla,s Paper.
Portable Shower Baths, &c.
Packing Levers, Hoisting Machines.
Refrigerators and IVates Filters.
61 South Second St. Chesnut, Philadelphia
REFRI G EILATORS In cooling 111111 preserving Neat,
Butter, Milk, tied all articles intended for culinary inn•
WAITE FILTEES.—OIiver Evans' Celebrated \\'a•
to Filters, for I'nritl bug Water that is brackish or mud
dy. whether by rains, minerals, or otherwise can be had
of all 1,114, and pnees, at the Warerooms, No. 01 South
Second Street. two doors below Chesnut St., Pintail.
Philadelphia, October 24, Piri.
( 1 11IITLON TO TILE PUOLIC---The only gcnine
v.) •• lilt WISTAR'S BALSAM OF WILD CI lEltli.V."
has the 55 linen signature of the General Agent, W. M
SPI ' ,A It.. on 1110 0111 side wrapper sarrounding r ach bottle,
this is believed to be the only article, bearing the shove
tide. us ,ouitin nag (root the Doctor. The values of Wild
Cherry. tar or lire Lung , . and that all
important organ, the Liver, has long cino)ed fire confi
deliCe of domestic practice.
City of Illtiladelplon, I\l. Spear, of the city
of Philadelphia, beingl, duly sworn according to law, de
po.42, and says that he is in the possession of the original
recipe tor preparing . 11 1301 , 1101 of Wild Cherry, for infec
tions of the laingc. which svuc gi v en to him by Or. Wigter,
a regularly educated Ph) :,14 . 1011, and that he belle Veg a to
br 110 . 0111) cilia m pog..ession of any person oXeepl this
"tart \Vine Illor,elf. W. M. SPEAR.
Sworn tutu Iteloie me. and city ten) affixed,
on the first day of Novcialier, A D. 1 ,17
(I, S.) .10117 . : SWIFT, Mayor
A coo ilOlll tor 1110 1301-ant is secured.
Aleoird as it may appear 11111,e Mee of the 0110)" , Ontle•
viable proof. an individual from Bostoil, iN111014., recently
applied to the Mated Slates Iredriet Cum: of Penns))
lan tor no inpinetion 011 the (3ellerlil Agent for the 11.;:iited
States and the British Provinces. to prevent said Agent
trust •-elling the only genuine Or. \\'istar l .: liidemu of
\l'll,l Cherry, (said stalk Ward Plailiong the right.)
COlll,O the 1 1011 .11111)0 . 01 ., [111/ Court 10 . oniptly rettowil
The Ittilsant IA not one or the .putel. no.triuns of the dny,
elaininig to Mire 100,011 , 1 .1110 , e ease , are heyollll line ranch
of medn ole.(rn• reatoling other' to lit). :1 it only
:std lets pros ed w ilioncunds of Nu , . to be the lust. noel only g,entnne prepli 00001 01 \Vild Cbeny
j of the ilioeteenth century. tor aneetion , of the 1.1111 . 4 . ,
I.leer. aunt N.:Laney, freLillently lellaiillololg 111 Coll,llop
lion. 0:1 , 00I to 1.1101.014 w
A hbeud ili,eololl to .Irugg,O. and country dealer.:
NOTICE 'PO TIM PBBLIC --I have this:lay annotated
'r. xv. It\ °yr & sir:\ S. No. 132, North 140,001 Steer,,
Philadelphia. M 10110 , 01, l'orni , loug, Agents ti,r the (on l y
:001111116 alt. 15 isTArrs B.\ I •S.\ll DP WI 1,1) 1 • 1111:•
1 RV, tut the foll/m nig Stales VI/ Neu Yolk, Nets big
land States. :Saw ,hers}, Del:mare. Maryland. Di..triet of
ColunPny Virginia. North Cawing', South Cowin., awl
.\ Ise, tor the interior of Pe1111 , )1,111111 All mdcrs 1r
the Bakal:I is:II hereafter be adth 11 to them
Also inn sale, whole:ale tool retail. by wit.I.LAAt
SPI:A IL No. 113. Vine sus et. below 1 , 1101 strict, Plulad ,
f lenet a I .Igent tun the I ' llllrd SlllO. , 11103 the 1:011 , 11
I Pro, nwes, tor the (only gel - 01111e) lir. NVistar l, Ital-ant
551111 Cheri . ). \\ M SPEAR
11,1,1 a. Mare
& & Co .N. 'W York ; A Mr-
Clore & Co.. Pr. Ilvrrirk Co., Albnny. N. 1," : John I'
Pre , c,•ll oy. . V.: Cita] l's Th. or. .1 r Pros pleiler, II
I . ('o. \lre 1". Knitter. 110,ton. :\ ; Jong,
(:rren, I). Stmt. Jr. & Co Woreetter, II & J
Bre, or. Spring-field. nee.; G. \V Wyk!, & Co., Hart
lord. rt : 01.11 & Co.. l.ancu , tvr. Pa . Dr. A. 11. Mir
-11111. York. .Reynold. N C. : S a l m
Kitil.‘ ell. (:rot 11. P C. : A RICIIIIIOII II ,
VII.. It W 11.1.11 NW. and W. A I,r.tni.rt, Columbia, Pa
Pr-we:3l per boulc; 'or Apls'4,ly
A Certain Disrage Cared in TWO DAYS.---The
'MOST t•PEI:DI - \II:111" MK PAINS IN 'nil:
Innis, recent and i limner affections of the kidneys, dis
ease of the bladder. once'. scliiind I weakness. &c. Per
sons who. by indulging In a secret habit, have entailed
nn thenruives enlist mahout I debility, should apply im•
imedintely to Int. KIS iil I.IN, ratite Philadelphia Miol
ral the eldest hied it lit WTI of the kind in the cry.
Office, N. W. corner nt I RI) and UN TON
I wq.en, Sinn cc at ii Pine, II squares frnm the Bxchnnae
.Ikj,cat Ilanre was established by Dr. K. fifteen
}ears ago, for the siippies,on of quackery, there being
so ninny knots ledge. name or character,
who put anvertisetnents in the.public papers, that nn hl
NI Itottnnofrh is kind was highly necessary to prevent this
afflicted. especially Pi rangers, front falling into the heath
of some unskillful wre!ch, who. Instead of curing, might
send his victim to an untimely grave. Therelore, On ,
afflicted sh nuld 0111311 Ihr numerous pretended physireits
whin tennis' nothing of the marine of medicine. but C.-
suit Dr Kin ketin iv in cures A Certain Ihrrasr In tun or
thief , ifdys. according lir the slate of the lenient, withal I
the use of mercury. No mercurial remedies are used to
Dr. his medicines Ore palatalite and
nod nll ins patients are hnnnrablr shielded, from even
the possibility of being discovered. • Ile a ho places Mai
sel( under the care of Dr. K., may religiously confide en
Ins tumor as a gentleman. and confidently rely upon
skill as a physician. and if he In not epeedity relieved no
remuneration will he demanded.
eit net tires. nue oft lie most I roublesome and dangenurs
atTert inns, which often end in gravel, Inflomution, weal.•
tires, &c , Dr. K ink elm guaranties to remove speedily;
as also, swelling...illness, d prostrate gland, he.
cores hove ruined amity who had no knowledge of their
'fade Particular Xoticc.—young men who have trip rr,l
themselves by a rert alit practice indulged in—a halo'
frequently learned from evil companions. or at school—
the effeets of which are nightly felt, even when asleep.
and destroy both mind and body. should apply item ,
Weakness and constitutional debility mime
diately r.ireil and full vigor restored. All letters post paid
TriitcaVatirs —Or. It inkelm has had greater practice is
the about, tin:elmna than any physician in the United
Slater. Ile also posseises an advantage over all othes.
from the tact of his having stud.. 1 in ;he great hospital ,
n( Europe. Thousands in Plidadelphis ran testify that
he cured them after e•er) other areans has failed. Sela
rate rooms for private consultation. Open Lull 0, P. M.
Tea tellers tupplied at a moment% ice, with the re•
.11.1 to Medicines to cure themselves privately.
Packages of medicines sent to any part of the IT. S.
More particulars in the Spirit of the Tittles. 0c0'.17.1c
iNo,l2urtl,CltirsnuTth,Strelvt,r,nefew doorsruo below
.. 1! „ 11.
trolok trot! the tethhe to evoeral. tht rei' ; -
to the above e4taltlitthrhent.
Ever) Pal. In at ill thin, taken la render tln ono et
the bent, and, tent it. central situation. • yne 01 na
1110 q ennrentnul 110leig 111 tile city.
11 e- TAW.]: i• litrni then', 011111 time, with the choice , '
fiche:tete.. ni lire sea, et.
lli. WINES 11111 l 1,11/1:011.:4 are not Fiirpas.ed I.) any
other v , tithli,hinent in MI , ea y.
His 5..r,b1111• II re earellii, ltune.t aid obliging.
Term+ of Boarding to suit the
COMM,' :11erclaantA and IThwilie,‘ 'Alen will find the In
canon OE 110: CIII,Ntrr Sr. I toteß, In the mart 111.11 ,,
purl of Philadelphia.
The sishserther pledge,. liiin4elf that every thing in I/1.
110,11. r .hall lII' done to Fit e e.tolluetton to those 'oho 1. ,
Nor hint Nut!' their patronage.
Philadelphia. Sept. 27, y Proprietor
0011311810 N and FORWIDING MERCHANTS, No.
Commerce Street %Wharf. Bulitmore. \\*tamer! ,
and sell Flour. Grump Iron. :and all kinds of country pru
N. B.—Porneolar attention given to the sale of Leurri.
and en , h ADVANCE , moult nn n conargnmentWirCrlr ,
-qinrerl 11nrelitY. I=l
54 cl
bi 4