The Columbia spy. and literary register. (Columbia, Pa.) 1848-1848, June 24, 1848, Image 3

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    laughteos ;Directory.
To persons advertising in the SPY by the year, there
will be no extra charge. Subscribers can have the Spy
and their card inserted for one year by paying 51.50 in
advance, or if they Lave paid for the paper, 50 cis. for the
cord. Those who arc not subscribers we will charge St
for inserting their card one year. •
Attorney. Locust Street, between Front and Second Sts
sleian, corner of Locust and Second streets
Nos a & 4, Walnut street, above Barr's Hotel
J. D. dr. J. WRIGHT,
Dry Goods Merchants, Locust et , 2rd door below 2nd si
Dry Goods Merchants, Locust street, below the Bank
Dry Goods Merchants. S. E. corner of Locust & Front st
Dry Goods Merchants. N. W. corncr of Loeuts Sr. Front, st
Merchant Tailor, Front street, 2d door above Locust st
Clothing' Merchant, N+3. 49, Front street
Druggist, Front Street, between Locust mut 'Walnut Sts
:Druggist, Sehreiners Row, Front street.
Hatters, Front Strut, a few doors below Herr's Hotel
No. 2, Schreiner's Row, Front %t.
Manufacturer. Locust street. opposite Haldeman's Store
Boot and Slum Manufacturer. adjoining. Derr's Hotel
Manufacturer, Second. between Locust and %Valnut sr.
Nranutiteturer, Front st, between Locust and Walnut sr
Boot and Shoe Manufacturer. Front, below Locust at.
ffah Boot and Shoe Store. No. 40, Front at
Shoe-Finding Store, Locust street, above Front street
Variety Store, No. 41, Front at
Vnriety More, Front st, between Locust and 'Walnut st
Book antler and Stationer, Front tn.rld door above I.cuat
Lumber Merchant and Master Builder, Locust street
Paper Hanger, &e.. Second. between Cherry & Union at
Herb Doctors, Front Street, next door to Boyle's Hotel
THOUSANDS! Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills.
Scarcely have test short years elapsed Sallee an
!suable attempt wasmade to combine, in a suitable medi
cal preparation, a few of the herbs of the Indian. All was
dark at the time as to the result. The most that could be
estimated was, that the principles adopted as the basis to
build upon were sound. So much reliance was placed
upon calomel arid the lancet, that the ill success of the
new experiment would have tended to confirm that reli
ance, while it shook the purpose of the proprietor.
Now, however, all doubt and difficulty is at an end
EN erywhere this medicine has been greeted with wel
come ; everywhere tins its use been attended with the
most gratifying. success. From small beginnings its sales
ore no counted
MI It to held in higher estimation at the present tune
ian when it was originally introduced,
revers, like every other form of disease. are only an
eflort anat..; to expel from the body sometlung that is
opposed to Health; it is merely a struggle between the
good and bad humors tor supremacy, and the commotion
ostrich ensues is called Fever. The usual symptoms of a
Fever are heaviness languor, anxiety, sighing and yawn
ing. with alternate fits of cold and heat, filler Windt the
bluetit complains of pninits the bead and back, thirst, dif
logilly Of breathing, pain in the limbs, a sell,. of fullness
:Mont the regions of the stomach, nausea and sickness,
, Onletinies a vomiting of bilious matter.
I% rag lit's Indian Vegetable Pills will be found peculiar
ly adapted to the cure of ALL. KINDS or Ft. Van, because
lacy not only thoroughly demise the stomach and bowels
omit all bilious humors, but they open those excretory
tie which
which empty into the bowels; and einiSequently,
the ttimunty columned in the cumulation (which is the
, nose Mali disordered 1110110ns of the blood. called Fe
ver..) no thrown into the bowels, from u hence it is car
elf by the regular nl vine discharges,
Ini using Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills for Fevers.
tle. only care necessary is. to have the medicine operate
I . I)PlOusix BY THE BOWELS. If the symptoms are
urgent, from four to can,* pills should be taken, slight and
morning, until the fever liaSsilbsided ; rifler whielt smaller
doses, once in twenty-four hours, will be satbelent to re
-tore the body to a sound state of health.
The following highly respectable Storekeepers have
helm daily appointed agents tor the sale of this Celebrated
1b divine, in Lancaster county
Bearville, Reuben Wendler.
Bainbridge, Joins P. Beecher.
Bird-m-Hand. Jacob Bruner
Bart Township, Win W. Passmore
Belleview, Buyers & Kennedy.
Conestog,a. Centre, John IL Hannan
Church Town, L.& E. Rogers
Coopersville, E. Lewis.
Coltinthm, Fry & Spangler.
Cherry Hill, Isaac S, Webster.
Dinsmore, John A. Boyd.
Earl Township. George Bachman
do do Weaver & Smart
do do Davis Wallace
Elimbethlown, John lynch.
Ephrata, 0. P. Gross.
do Martin 'Weidman
Fulton House, Fulton tp.„ L. P. Walk isimil
liempfield, Ringwalt & Martin.
Intercourse, J. G. & S. L. Robinson.
Leacock township, Frederick Swope
Lampeter Square, J. F. & D. H Herr
Linz, Nathaniel S. %Volley.
Lancaster, John Zimmerman.
Mount Joy, Witmer & Cassel.
Nlountville, John Devlin.
Marietta, W. A. & B. Spangler.
Mount Joy Township, H. 0. Clark Sr. Co
Nlaytown, Johns Reinhold.
do Slaymaker & Co.
Mount Pleasant, Samuel Kepner
Mill Creek, Henry Stauffer.
New Holland, Brubaker & Co.
Ness Providence. Hildebrandt & Meyer
Poplar Grove, E. H. Paxson
Peach Bottom. S. W. P. Boyd.
Paradise A. R. & A. L. Witmer
Peach B ottom, "Wm. Arnold.
Rawlmsville, John Rawlins.
Safe llarbor, John Herr & Sou.
Fgrausburg, Wm. Spencer.
Salsbury, 11. Freeland.
%Vashington, John A. Brush.
11...T'Offices devoted exclusively to the sale of NVright's
Indian Vegetable Pills, wholesale and retail,. lens Roca
greet. Philadelphia; SOmens, ielk street. New York;
and 193 Tremont Street. Boston.
June 24. IB4B.—tapW49
PIIE co-partnership heretofore existing between
1 the unuersigned, trading under the firms oi Goodman,
Whet. & Co.. at Pike Mills, Potter county, and Bruner.
lather & Co., Columbia, Pa., was dissolved by mutual
wisest' on the third day of May. ISIS.
All persons indebted to said firms will make payment
o Abraham Bruner, or Owen B. Goodman, who are au
kort7ed to settle Ole business of the same.
Columbia, May 3,15.15. J0.0'4..4431
IF the best, the cheapest, and the most elegant
ly prune)
JOAPERURNAL. or ille age.
Edgial by Geo. P. Morris and N. P. Willis. Published
•very Saturday in the City of New York, at the very•
inw price of TWO DOLLARS a year in advance.
first number of a new volume at this wide-spread,
Popular, and valuable Family Newspaper, will be issued
on the first day of July next. The rapidly inesensing cir
culation of the Home Journal has enabled the Pmpnetors
to enrich Its broad and ample columes with the frequent
Productions of a number of the most brilliant, sparkling,
piquant, and original Writers of the age.
Those who wish to receive the New Volume entire,
will be enabled to do so by sending their name to the edi-
Toisonthout delay. Address MORRIS A. WILLIS,
June 110, 1849. 107, Fulton st., N. Y.
p iz
- R EWARD. The above reward will be paid for
the apprehension and conviction of
'hall maliciously or destroy an y f.posm
I,oerfixtures, of the COLJM.
C OMPANY. By order of the Board.
rionnibia. June 3, 154. , —Ur Secretary
LANDS. A tract of 3,300 acres, Lyeomiug coun
ty, Pa., with original patents to Charles Carroll, of
Carrolton, well timbered and near the Susquehanna river
on Pine creek—believed to contain coal.
Another of 407, Fox township. Lycoming county.
Also a tract of 21,600 acres, Nieholas county, Virg,nna.
Title indisputable and lax., paid.
NVill be sold at public auction, at the Merchant's Ex
change, New York. July 3rd, by
June 24, 1849.-It
NEW V01417116=
(- I v GRAHAM'S MAGAZINE. Beyond all question
the most elegant and popular—Me ablest and best.
'Graham' is now universally acknowledged to surpass,
in the excellence and variety arts contents ' and the style
of its execution any periodical ever published in America.
and it is questionable whether any magazine in the world
—not excepting even Blackwood's—ever presented on
array of contributors of equal reputation. Its circulation
is about one-third larger than that of any other inutility in
the English language.
Among the auracticns of the thirty-third volume will
be several TALES by Messrs. Cooper, Grattan, Hoffman.
Mancur, Herbert. • Mary Clavers,' Mrs. ErninirYi
Mrs. Willis, llet, and Mrs, Stephens; POEMS by Messrs. Bry
ant, Dana, Longfellow, Street. Mrs. Scha Smith, Mrs. Os
good, and Mrs. Sigonrney ; ESSA VS by Messrs. Fay.
Jones, 'ruckermatt, Poe, etc. ttfere follows an array of
the most popular authors known, to the length of half a
hteli we are obliged to omit tar want of room.
—Ed Spy.]
EMBELISIIMENTS.-111 the course of the succeeding vol
umes many unportant new features will be introduced.—
Startant, the celebrated Mcsvotint Engraver, will con
mune to furnish his exquisite productions; and Rawdon.
Wright & Hatch, G. Parker, A. 1.. Lick, Gunbrede, Jack
man, Jones, and other[ of New York, and Cheney. Dod
son, Welsh & Walters, Tucker, and others of Philadel
phia—all among the must eminent Line Engravers of the
present century, have been engaged to furnish a succes
sion of highly finished Steel Engravings. Among the
pictures that Will be engraved for the new volume, are a
series of ORIGINAL PAINTINGS, exquisitely engraved,
representing the most conspicuous " Men and Battles of
the present \Var.'
An additional feature of value to a rffrig,tviiie of high
character, we propose to land our renders with portraits
and sketches of the most distinguished actors in the pass
ing events of continental Europe, thus rendering the work
a reflex of the spirit of the age in which we live. We
will commence this series by a spirited nod splendid steel
engraving, by Sartain, of ',AMAMI:N,
nunnos Pr.srs..—These exquisite creations of taste
and skill we have engaged exclusively, from the pub
lisher of ' Le Follet,' and all other efforts to get them
have failed.
ORIGINAL AND SELECTED i♦ICFIC I by the best C01111105C13
will be gIVCII perhxlically.
For Three Dollars in advance, (par money in the State
from which it is remitted,) One Copy of Graham for One
Year, and Mezzotint Portraits, on proof sheets, of Gens.
Taylor, Butler, scow. Worth, and Capt. Walker.
For Five Dollars, Two Copies Yearly, and a set of the
Portraits above named, to ouch subscriber.
For Ten Dollars. Five Copies Yearly. and a set of the
Portraits to each subscriber, and a copy of the Magazine
to the Postmaster or others forming the Club.
For Twenty Dollars, Twelve Copies Yearly, and ft set
of the Portraits to each subscriber.
. . .
117 - Postage of all letters to be prepaid
Address, (EO. R. GRAHAM & Co.
je2l'4B 98, Chestnut Street, Philadelphia
EMEMTMEntIq qqtlqPqqzlql
READ this attentively. Dr. REELER'S CORDIAL
and CARAIINATIvr., for the speedy and permanent
Cite of
and for all the derangements of the Stomach and Bowelq
ErPTENS OF THOUSANDS die annually from diseases of
the Stomach and Bowels. In the face of this alarming
mortality, the best impulses of our nature are enlisted in
mitigating suffering we cannot prevent. More than FIVE
THOUSAND persons to our knowledge were cored during
the past summer; mut we unhesitatingly say, that ninety
nine out of every hundred are speedily cured. There is
no mistake about this fact, and as a test of our sincerity
and assertion, as a medical and responsible individual,
we promise to refund the amount paid in every well am
themicated case where it fails. % ill you suffer, will you
let your little ones suffer when you have at hand a reme
dy like this, so potent in subduing disease. To doubting
ones fp-Read what physicians, tine press, and others
say of the Cordial. .
(Extract of a letter from the Rev. Dr. Earle.]
Bueks county, August 2.5, 1847.
Dear Sir am now prepared to recommend your Cor
dial from having used it with success in severalinstances;
and I am now trying your rallaCeallt nests of protracted
debiltly, attended wall cough, apparently produced in the
young lady by her out-growing her strength." to use a
common phrase, Yours, e., ALFUED FatIlLE, NS. D.
[Extract of a letter from Ebenezer Cook.]
Tety York City, July 20. 1817.
Dr. Keeler Sir—l have used in my family all of the Cor
dial w loch you led with use last summer except twobot
WIOCII I persuaded u customer of Home to try, and
having proved very beneficial. he has recommended it to
some of his friends, who wish to have some of it. I there
fore wish you would send me some by express. I ant
satisfied front my own experience that it is the best medi
cine for children TnErrnixo and SUMMER Comm - dims
thnt is offered to the patite, and nil that is necessary for a
recommendation is to try it. Very respectfully,
EBENEZER COOK, 284, Grand st., cor. of Alley.
Tins is to Certify, that I have used Dr. Keeler's Cordial,
and have sound it a valuable medicine in diarrhea°, dys
entery and all derangenichts of the stomach rind bowels,
caused by Teething, and is particularly adapted to all dis
eases of those organs caused by acid fruits or the debili
tating effects of season and climate.
D. M., at. a., Plasm st , Phila.
Dr. Keeler's Cordial.—We would call the attention of
our readers to this invaluable medicine. which will be
found advertised at length 111 our eolumes. As a correc
tive in cases of Diarrhea, a disease very prevalent at the
present tune. it is highly spoken of by all who have used
it. It is perfectly safe in us nature, and speak experi
mentally, when we my that it affords immediate relief.—
[Nears aaturday Gazette of August 2S, te.l7.
Dr. Heeler's Cordial and Carminative —This article is
advertised in another part of our paper, IL is warmly re
commended by families who have tried it. It is espeet
ally useful among children, and has effected hundreds of
cores. The doctor is abundantly supplied with testimony
upon the suluect. some of which is very strong. The
Cordial is not a quack nostrum, but carefully prepared
medicine, and perfectly free from any thing injurious
(Pennsylvanian of September 1, 1' , 417.
Dr. heeler:—Dear Sir—As it is our duty to use every
honest menus to promote the happiness of our fellow'
creatures, I take great pleasure in stnung to you the ad
vantage I received front your valuable Cordial and Car
minative. Last autumn I was attacked with Diarrluen,
which debilitated my system very much; for nearly three
weeks I tried many remedies, but found little or no bene
fit, when my daughter informed me of your Cordial. I
bought a bottle, and had not taken but two doses before
I obtained relief I was entirely recovered before I used
the whole of it ; and have remained hearty ever since.
Respectfully. yours, S. Beau, D. ti.
Prepared and sold. wholesale and retail, N. W. corner
of Third and South st.. Pliandelphin. Sold wholesale by
Pr. McPherson, Harrisburg; G. W. Miller, Lancaster;
and retailed by R. WILLIAMS, Columbia, and by drug
gists and others throughout the country. Price 25 eta. per
bottle. [l:7 - See panaphlets.
Ire - ALso. Dr. KEEL R'S PANACEA, the most effi
cacious remedy yet known, for all diseases arising from
impurities of the Burton, or habit of the body. Ladies of
delicate constitutions will find it admirably adapted to
their eases. Medicine furnishes nothing superior to it for
chronic maladies, syphilitic disorders, skin affections in
debilitated patients, attended ss ith loss of appetite and
imperfect digestion. Price $l. Sec pamphlets for par
ticulars. For sale only by R. WILMIAMS, Agent for
Philadelphia, June 10. 1842.-1 y
NATIONAL WORK. A History of the Revolution
and lives of the Heroes of the War of Independence,
by Charles J. Peterson. All elegant volume with IS fine
steel plates, and nearly 200 beautiful wood engravings.
-This is a splendid book. A valuable addition to the
Ilistone Literature of our country. NVe arc much mista
ken if it does not take rank with the works of Irving and
Presemt, - --(Frank ford Herald.
-It surpasses ally similar work yet offered to the Amer
ican pubic:' - -[Neal's Gazette.
"It may be property considered a popularised Military
-History of the Revolution, extremely well arid judicious
written. "—[North AllleTlCall.
"The present work CM the Revolution and its Ileroes,
is superior, both in extent and design to any that has
heretofore come under our notiee."—ilnquirer.
"A well connected History of that eventful period. - -
'Decidedly the best popular History of the War of the
Revolution and its Heroes, that has yet been given to the
country."—(Saturday Evening Post.
AGENTS IVANTED to canvass for the above elegant
work, in every county town in the United States, to whom
the most liberal inducements will be offered. Price only
S 3. Address (post paid.) A. LEARY,
No. 158, North Second et, Philadelphia.
Philadelphia, June 3,18-12.--3 mo.
TONES'S Italian Chemical Soap is called by the
Medical Society of Pans, " a blessing, a miracle and
a wonder," to cure eruption, disfigurement or discolora
tion of the skin.
It cures' pimples, blotches, freckles, salt rheum, scurvy,
sore heads, tan, sumbum, morphew, and it changes the
color of dark, yellow or sunburnt skins, to a fine healthy
clearness. For sale by R WILLIAMS. Agent for Co
lumbia 1e214?•6ni
ROTEL, No. 288, Market at., Philadelphia. The
proprietor of this well known and long established
HOTEL, with its extensive stabling, o ff ers by private
sale (for cash) the entire furniture andfiXtUreti. and an =-
expired term of a kase of five years front the first of last
September, of this Hotel and Refectory. doing at present
n full business, and the location one of the hest in the
city, until well known to the travelling community; at
present in good order, having undergone tunny improve
ments, and kept by the present proprietor for the last ten
Philadelphia. Tune 10, 1S1?.-2w
Vol] SUFFER. Thousands of bottles of the
AMERICAN COMPOUND has been sold during
the past year. and was never known to fail of curing, n
a new days, the most eases of a certain delicate disease.
Simian] weakness and all diseases of the Urinary organs.
Persons afflicted using thin pleasant and popular remedy,
deed fear no exposure, a= it leaves no odor on the breath,
requires no restrictions in diet or business—contains no
!Mercury or noxious drug., injurious to the system. and is
adapted to every age, sex. and condition. it is also the
best remedy known for Fluor Albite. or \Slates, (female
contplaints) with v. Inch thousands suffer. without the
knowledge of a remedy. This celebrated remedy has
long been used in the private practice of a physician with
unerring success, radically curing ninety-mne of the Mtn
tired cases in a tete days. Around cacti bottle are plant
and full directlons.
- .
11:7= - CAUTION.—Ask for the AMERICAN COMPOUND, and
purchase only of the agent. Price $1 a bottle. Sold by
June y. It. WILLIAMS.
- FOR SALE at the sign of the "Red Curtain,"
_u und Market Street, Platatletaltia.
0. NVIIRELOCKS, raornu
Caters:—Fruit. Sponge. Pound, Iced. Spiced, Queen
Cakes, Scotch Cakes, Lemon Cakes, Short Cakes, C.heebe
Cakes, Rusk, Apples, Jumbles, Spice Nuts, and Ginger
PIES :—Strawerry. Ilartleberry, Blackberry, Currant.
Cherry, Plain, Cranberry, Egg Custard, Cheese Custard.
Apple. Peach, Miller, and Rheabarb Pies pouring to hot
from the oven at all hour:, of the day.
CHEESE :—Tnnothy Jackson's. Ne Plus Ultra Medal
Cheese, (very superior.) Pine Apply Cheese ,and a glean
variety of the Cheese, both new and old.
N. B. Some of the Cheese sold at this e..ialili.lanent is
equal no the beet l t.glish Cheese.
ID -- TEMPERANCE DRlNlCSi—always roll—Boa.
sell's Mineral Water, Lemonade. Beer, Mead, Milk, &e.
Philadelphia, June It),
CAN save from 14 to 211 ‘ . per cent. by purcbas
-log their OIL CLOTII:S direct from the MUlRlilletll
ParTER Zr CA ENTICILkEL have opened a Ware
house, No. MS North Third Street above nave, second
door South of the Eagle Hotel, PIIILADELPLIA, where
they will always keep on hand a complete its.rtment of
ZS, 36. 40, 46, 42, and 54, inches wide. Figured. Painted,
and Plain, on the inside, on Muslin Drilling and Linen.
TABLE OIL CLOTHS of the most desirable patterns, 36 : 40,
46, and 54 inches wide. Pixton Ora CLorns, front 2S ni
ches to 21 feet sside well seasoned, and the newest style
of patterns, all of their otsu inainifitettne. Transparent
Window Shades. Carpets, Sc. All goods warranted.
Philadelphia, May tr—.lnt
pENNET & CO. have REMOVED from 192 Market
Street. to their Mew. Splendid, and Inunetete Etda
In•lnnent to be known te. the
No. IrT . 2:llarket Sreet, between Fifth and Sixth, Phan(lel
The Proprietors feel a reluctance in promulgating what
ha any way might appear like the usual Bombastic ex
aggeration of some of the trade, but will beg leave to
quote the following notice from one of our city wipes,:
" One of tine greatest curiosities that enr City affords to
the. stranger. is 13F,NNET dr. CO'S great Clothing Store,
No. Ih2 Market Street, between Filth and Sixth. which
has been styled " Tower Hall," from the peculiar finish of
the front. The building is 1111 immense one, containing
seven capacious rootaF, nil of which are stocked with ev
ery variety of seasonablogarments, arranged 111 the most
perfect order and regularity. The proprietors take great
pleasure in showing their building and ColllCale to the
titeus. particularly strangers, and to those coming from
the country—we know of no place inure worthy of u
Phira. May
WARDROBE Clothing Emporium, No. 105,
Chesnut Street, between Third and Fourth. North
side, Phitadelphiu.
At this establishment may altvin•s be found it full a,sort•
meta of Gentlentens Clothing, to site. all tastes and at such
reasonable prices as will astonish n 1:. I publish no list
of prices. but will guarantee to sell as lots. if not lower
than those who make mere pretentious. My goods are
all purchased at low prices. and made in as good style us
can he found inn the city. A call is solicited before par
chnsmg elsewhere, as the Wardrobe Is tree to all
No. 103 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia.
N. T 1 A large stock of piece good+ ott baud Gartnents
made to order at the shortest notice.
Philadelphia. May 20. 154..?.-311to.
GENTLEMEN Visiting the City, and wishing to
supply themselves with
Will Sad a
At the lowest poscible prieet,, for
Manufactured of the hest and m,+l dorat,k, mote... t at, * t o
or the latest and MOO ItliprOVCd .1) les Wad patents. tor
Men and Hot a. Or
Alao a great Variety of
As any other establatlnuent in the United States.
Southrust corner of
Plain.. April S. 151t+.—Iy GEO. CCLIN
YODEL American Courier. Conducted by An
drew Nl'Makin, editor of the lute Saturday Courier.
assisted bya gentleman universally acknowledged tisane
of the most talented and popular writers of the age.
Too FARMER'S DerAumnFr of the American Courier
will be edited by the most distinguished Agriculturist in
the United Stales, the Founder of "The Turf Register,"
"American Farmer," and editor of " The Farmer's Li
brary," JulIN S. SKINNER, Esq. Of course. under his di
rection, the Farmer's Department will immediately take
and maintain an originality and value not approachable
by that in any family journal in the land, and each num
ber of the American Courier will be worth, to every
practical fanner, the, price of a year's subscription'
Toe GENERAL CoNTENrs —The Literary, Biographical,
Critical. News. Artistic. Pictorial rind Miscellaneous De
partments, will be furnished by the best talent of the day,
in their respective branches of Literature and An, lead
ing off with a new series of "Washington Legend.," by
George Lippard, Esq.. the " Portrait Gallery: , of Poets
and their Poetry—each Biographically illustrated.
Tim AMERICAN COURIER will contain the =own or
eight more columns of matter that did the -Saturday
Courier," and as it will be conducted strictly on the cash
principle, will, with all its Artistic and Literary iinprore
itients, be offered at a much reduced price to "clubs.'
TER_Nis OF NUR AMERICAN Couittga..—Although the Amer
ican Courier is much larger, the paper much finer, and
the matter more costly and valuable than ordinary, the
terms for a single copy will be the price usual for papers
of the first class: Two Dollars per annum! But, in or
der to raise at once in increased circulation, the publish
er proposes to clubs of companies the following (for par
money) terms never offered Lenore! payable invanably
in advance.
• •
Four copies of the American Courier, 8.5 ; full price, 458
Eight copies, (and one for the agent,) 10, " " 18
Thirteen copies. (and 1. for the agent.) 15, " "
Twenty copies, (and one for the agent.) " " 42
In answer to numerous enquiries whether fragments of
clubs can be added to previous clubs, we would announce
that additions of five may be made to previous clubs tor
the American Courier, at the same price—Sl per year, or
51.25, as the case may be.
Clubs are sent to different Post Offices without extra
The American Courier will be issued in Philadelphia
every Saturday morning, on which day it may also be
had of the Agents in New York, Boston, Baltimore, and
All communications must be addressed, post said, to
No 141 Chesnut Street, opposite Custom House
BRIDGE COMPANY; May 18, 1848.
The Directors of the Colombia Bank and Ridge Com
pany. desirous of affording to persons who are disposed to
deposit money for definite periods, at a moderate rate of
interest. have determined to allow interest for the same
al the following rates, viv:
For all deposits to remain 12 months, 4 per et. per annum.
do do do 8 do 3 do do
do do do 3 do 2 do do
The sums so deposited to be payable without IlltereSt at
ally intermediate time. at the option of the depositor.' 'The
interest to cease at the end of the period for winch the
deposit was :nude, unless the same be renewed for a
further period. SAMUEL SIIOCII,
June 10. 1848.-3111 Cosner.
T EWIS TREUENICK & Co., late from Philadel
-I_, phut, dealers in HATS and CAPS, would most res
• pectfully beg leave to inform the citizens of Columbia
and its vicinity, that they have purchased the old and
well known Hat Manufacturing Establishment kept, by
Jontv VAUGUEN for many years, next door to J. Felix's
Jewelry Store, Front Street, Columbia, Pa., where they
intend to spare no pains and means to carryon the above
business In all its various branches. Their stock con
sits in part of fine Mole Skin, Beaver, Nutria, and Cas
tor HATS. Also. a splendid assortment of Pearl and
Braid Summer HATS of the latest fashion and style, to
gether with a good assortment of CAPS of every size,
price, and quality. New style Silk Hats which we have
just received from Philadelphia, and which we will sell
at city prices.
With the confidence resulting from an experience of a
number of years with one of the first hatters in Philadel
phia, will guarantee us in saying, that for fashion, neat
ness, durability, and CHEAPNESS, we cannot be sur
passed by any establishment in the Union.
- - - -
Colaambita. Jame 3. 161.3
QAFE! Always Effectual ! Are you a sufferer
from Fever and Ague' Are you afflicted with the
periodical return of that cold and formal visitor, the chill,
followed by its faithful attendants. the burning fever and
drenching p_erspiration? Lobe no ume, then, in procuring
a bottle of Dr. Osgood's India Cholagogue. You will have
but one chill ut most oiler you commence it and probably
none at all. Your neighbor who has used the medicine
will assure you of this. It is but the promise of a result
which thousands have already realized, and which your
own experience will most fully prove. For sale by
June :1, IR. IS. WM% A. LEADER.
Also for sale by S. M. Smith, Wrightsville.
NOTICE is hereby given, that I have eonstitut
cd John Cassel, of the Borough of Columbia, y
agent, by power of Attorney, recorded in the Recorder 's
(Mice of Lancaster county, for the selling or disposing of
Wines. Liquors, Oils. Am.; and to do all other acts neces
sary in the management of said business. save the con
tracting of debts in my name, which said Cassel is spe
cialty prohibited from doing by said power of attorney,
unless my written assent to do the same.
Columbia, June 3, 1:,46.. JOHN 11. BROOKS.
OF John Evans, a lunatic. The undersigned,
Auditor appointed by the court of Common Plena of
Lancaster county, to adjust and distribute among the
creditors of said John Evans, of the borough of Colum
bia, the balmier of his estate remaining in the hands of
his committee, Evan Green, hereby notifies the said cred
itors that lie will attend Icy adtournment for the purpose
of his appointment, oil Tuesday, the 27th instant, at .2
o'clock, P. N., at the public house, of Lewis Sprecher, in
End King street, Lancaster. C. CA RPE:s:TER,
June 3, te4B.-td. Auditor.
ASuperior article of Bay Rum, for sale at
LEADER'S Drag Store, Columbia, Pa.
r M 7:T n F' l
& Co. in returning their sincere thanks to the citi
zens of and the public in general for the kind
fluttering patronage winch they have bestowed upon them,
would most respectfully call their attention to the NEW
STOCK OF GOODS which they have Just received, and
winch cannot be beaten, us to quality and cheapness, as
they are determined not to be undersold in the county.
Their stock comprises all sorts -of garments: Superfine
Habit Cloth, Cashmerets, Tweeds, Alpaca Lustre, Croton,
Linen, plain Linen Sacks & Coutees, Riding Coats, Busi
ness Coats m profuse 1. ariety.
Also. a very hue assortment of Boys' Clothing, all of
which will lie sold extremely low for cash.
Pouts and Vest., of all sizes and prices, from fitly cents
up to W . Buyers are solicited to call whether wishing
to purchase at the Mlle or not. They have only to cull to
he convinced.
They have on halal a fine assortment of Cloths, Cossi
meres. Cashmerets, Drillings. .Summer Cloths, &c. Also,
Vest Patterns, all of which will be made up at extremely
low prices.
Also. Shirts, Slums, Suspenders. Hose, Drawers, Cra
vats, Carpet Hags, Umbrellus.Collars, Roundabouts, Over
alls, lit:inelastic Coats, Gloves, &c.
A few doors below Herr's Washington Hotel Front
Street Colambiu Pa.
Col 11.1io. Mn)' 20, Is
ATER:IIIN DESTROYER. It has long been the
study of Pharmaceutics to produce n preparation
which would prove a Specific for the destruction of Rats,
Mice, Roaches, and (Minces, but every effort has been
irunless till the present. Mier much htudy and expert
nwnts the proprietor has succeeded, in discovering a pre
paratton, which he guarantees will prove effectual in the
entire annihilation of the above named 'vermin.
For sale by WM. A. LEADER.
May t2O Front street.
1300'143 AND SZIOES.
ii I
cho J e A rn iME k. S er. J r o e ß v D e il i F y a i s i ti r o , n r. abl
his e fr il m o i l L t s a a u n d a
Wk. the public. that lie has opened a
immediately opposite Peter llableman's Store. where he is
prepared to execute all orders in his line, with neatness
and despatch. lie feels confident in giving satisfaction to
all ,N Ito um) favor lion with a call. Members of the 0
l'. A. M.. are respectfully invited to give him a call.
Columbia. Apill.. 1',41..-ly
\ V &S. PATTON have just reeeived a large
v V nod insloonuttle stock of
Consistii:g - Of Ginnhatim, Lawns, Bureges, Linen and Al
pucu (nary Priatv! the very lowest prices.
Plain and changeable Dress Silks, Black and Bloc-
Black for Mannlas, unit every style of Drcas Goods for
the season. Please colt am! examine our stock.
Columbia. April :2'2. W. & S. PATTON.
VA TllO has been performing such wonderful
r cures, at Marietta, has removed to rrtoyr Street,
Columbia,Pa., where, trout the increased numbers that
dock to h im for relief, he has been compelled to iit up a
commodious estobli,hinent. Then. if you are sick. no
matter what may be your disease, the Herb Doctor's Dis
pensary you can obtain the appropriate remedy. Pri
vate moms for consultation.
The Herb Doctor informs the public, that he is the only
person in this section ' who denved his medical knowl
edge from the Herb Dornor at Philadelphia, and has gid
died his justly celebrated Madical Practice." The GEN-
Lim , : Indian Medicines, which have cured so many where
every other remedy and every other doctor has failed,
riot only be obtained nt this establishment. The Herb
Doctor has practiced his system for some time, during
which he believes he has rendered general and entire sa
tisfaction : out of the hundreds that he has treated, he has
Beard of no person bein injured b y . his medicines. He
professes not to cure all - disease, with one remedy, but
prepares a different medicine for each of the numerous
which flesh_ is heir to,"—which are compounded
from roots, herbs, barks, flowers, which, while they
possess great curative powers, also strengthen the aye
win as they remove the disease. Hence they cannot in
jure the weakest constitution, but are good in every case.
as hundreds who have been rescued by them trom the
grave,can testily. Having a knowledge of several plants
unknown to any other person in this part of the country,
he uses no mineral or chemical poisons in his prepara
tions. They may be taken without regard to diet—fur
ther than the stomach directs, and will not interfere with
the patients customary vocation. The afflicted, particu
larly those laboring under
ere cordially invited to come and make a trial of these
medicines, or at least have a talk with the Doctor, who
charges nothing for advice.
The Herb Doctor is content if he gets only the cases
that have been given up as incurable by the old school or
o il i er doctors, for the numerous eases of this kind which
he has cured, are sure evidences that if there be hope
yet. it Is in his medicines.
Mothers, Fathers! by the dear tie that binds you to
your little ones, try the Herb Doctor, before giving them
To you my dear female friends, who have been neglec
ted or worse ; to you who suffer most. and who have not
heretofore been properly treated. I offer a remedy suited
to your delicate constitutions, and adapted to the diseases
to which you are liable.. Within the past few years, ma
ny, too many, of your number have been removed from
the sphere of their affections and of their usefulness; but
do not despair, but call at the Herb Doctors Dispensary,
Front street, Columbia, where he will furnish you a suit
able remedy. If you cannot call, enclose Two Dollars in
a letter, post paid - , containing a statement of your situa
tion, and you will receive medicines, with full directions.
Persons wishing attendance at their houses, will state
their residence at the Herb Doctor's Dispensary, nest
door west of Mr. Boyle's tavern, Front street, Columbia,
Lancaster county, Pennsylvania.
Office Hours, trom 7 in the morning till 9 in the even
ing. Closed on the evening of the Sabbath.
f•edurribia, June 3, 1%9.-Iy.
ATTORNEY AT LAW, Columbia, Lancaster Co.,
Pa., will practice in the several Courts of Lancas
ter and York counties.
Oraic-E-1n Walnut street, adjoining Ihe Washington
Hotel. - March 6, 1847.
DR. W. S. 111Z'CO3LICLE.
OFFICE—South East corner of Locust and Sec
ond Street. 13osnor90 llovsE--with Mrs. Swart?. 2
doors below his kite residence. April 7, 1847.—tf
FAMILY HAMS just received and for sale at the
Columbia, June 10, lel —it Canal Basin.
TILE subscriber took up two stray Mares on
Friday, the Uth inst., in the itorough of Marietta. The
owner or owuers are requested to come forward and
prove property, pay charges and take them away.
June 10, JACOB 8. RICH.
WILL be sold at private sale, a sixty ton Boat,
on reasonable terms. For further particulars in
quire of VM. A. LEADER, Columbia, Pa.
Marietta, June 3, 184.9.
- -
12 lIOCSE Carpenters. None but good Me
chanic's aced apply.
Columbia, May 00. SAMUEL. EVANS.
ARASOLETS and Sunshades, Fashionable and
Plain at reduced prices, at
May i. 10,1845-11 W. & S. PATTON'S.
JUST Received a new supply of both single and
double Trusses, at LEADER'S Golden .3fortur Drug
Store, Columbia, Pa.
OF different shades and quality at
mb20.1.9-u W.& $. PATTON'S
OF Every description, suitable for dresses, now
°petting at W. & S PATTON'S.
May 20, 1542.-ti
QR Sweet Oil. Just received a most splendid
whole of Sweet Oil, without the least lunch, put up
in black bottles warranted pure. For sale by
lday WM. A. LEADER.
AUCTION GOODS from the N. York and Phila
delphia Markets, lower than ever offerred in Co
manta, at W. & S. PATTON'S.
NIATTING, and lirindow Shades, good styles and
!ow at W. & PATTON'S.
May 20. lt4S.-tf
SARSAPARILLA. Just received another supply
of Townsend's Sarsaparilla. For particulars reMr
to long advertisement. For sale by
May 20. AVM. A. LEADER.
MULLISON'S, Smith's, Reyle's, Roberts's, Irvin's,
AM Armstrong's. he. For sale by
Columbia, April D, I S4B.—tf R. WILLIAMS.
VIS'S Vegetable Pain Killer. For sale by
I_,/ap29'4d-ti It. WILLIAMS.
rrlfE Subscriber has just received the Spring
1. and Summer Fashions—direct (ram London, togeth
er with the New York and Philadelphia reports, and is
therefore prepareilto nwko up clothing, in tip top style.
Columbia, April ik.l, IW.
CURE. The justly celebrated American Com
pound. For nitlC by IL. WILLIANIS.
S . UPERIOR article of Common Potash for ntk
inqq Soap. For sale by R. WILLIANIS.
ala) 4d-t( Front Street, Columbta, Pa.
Ice Cream Saloons, Take Notice that the sub•
scriber has Just received a fresh supply of Vanilla
Beans and Oil of Leruon at very• low prices.
Columbia, April .29, 1.649.-if R. WILLIAMS
AND Cassimeres at the lowest prices, at
ap2-218-if W. te S. PATTON'S
AB Bacon of the best quality at
ape"-o&[i W. fr.. S. PATTON'S
HANGINGS. Parlor, Hall, Chamber, and Ceiling
Papers and Iknders, Firehords &c., of the newest
si) les, always on hand at manufacturers' prices, at
.1. D. & .1. ‘VRIG/11"'S.
Columbia, March 25, 1 6.17.—if
14: or_v•
PRINTS. Purple Prints, one yard wide, only
I 2 c.. 15, with a good assortment of other low priced
Calicoes at FRY & SPANGLER'S!,
COPPER and Tin Pumps.--a good supply of
Pumps always on hand, and made murder. at the
shortest noucc by 11. PF.A.IILER & CO.
March 11, 1844-tf
GLOVES. Ln extensive assortment of Hosieries,
Gloves, &c., at reduced prices, at
fedl9l9-ti" FRY & SPANGLER'S.
NEW Crop New Orleans Sugars and Molasses at
febl.9%k-tf FRY & SPANGLER'S.
MUSLINS. Bleached and unbleached Mus li n ;
a large assortment VERY CHEAP at
tebl9'49-11 FRY & SPANGLER'S.
; ; F r
AFresh supply_ of those justly celebrated
TEAS just received by
Sole Agents for Columbia.
An Molasses. Bowfin's celebrated steam
Syrup Molasses, a delicious article for table use.—
Also, new crop HONEY at
PSH Camphene or Pine, and Ethereal Oils are
rid wil! Se coastaatly kept for sale by
Front Street.
Columbia, March 25, 1848.—tf
NIGHT EMU always on
P h F and and for sale
by 11.AHLEIt
March 11, 18413-if -
AND CROSS-CUT SAWS, of Roland's best. For
sale at manufactures prices, by
April 7, 1547.--11 Rrwrim
rt. thankful for past encouragement, would announce
to the citizens of Columbia and its vicinity, that they still
continue to manufacture Tin and Copper ware of allkinds
at their old stand, in Locust street, one door north of the
Columbia Bank, and respectfully solicit a continuance of
public Patrotolfe•
March 11, 1E.49-11
street Phila., Venitian Blind Manufacturer, has now
on hand, the largest, and most fashionable assortment of
narrow slat, and other Venitian Blinds, of any other es.
tablishment in the United States. Comprising entire new
styles, Trimmings, and colors, which will be sold at the
lowest prices. wholesale and retail. Old Blinds painted
and trimmed to look equal to new. The citizens of Lan
caster county and , adjoining districts are respectfully in.
vited to call and examine his assortment before mochas.
ing elsewhere, feeling confident of pleasing and giving
satisfaction to all who may favor hint with a call.
Philadelphia, April 8,1949-3 m No. 12. N oth st.
kf Street, PHILADELPHIA, has for sale the following
'PEAS, viz :
300 halt - chests Young Yyoou Teas
I I 100 do Gunpowder, do
150 do Imperial, do
10 do Ifyson do
1000 do Powehonm do
200 do Ningyoni Soueliong
100 do Oolong, du
chests Padre Souchong.
45 do Black lea Pekoe
25 halt - chests. do do.
2.. i do Orange do.
1000 mutts Caggin.
These Titan comprise the best chops imported in ships
Sea Witch, Rainbow. Tonquin, Inca. and Huntress, nad
are equal to any teas Mut have been offered in this market
Plidadelphin. May G,
EMPIRE COOKE% STOVE. In again calling at
tention to tins uneqalled STOVE, the proprietor has
the pleasure to inform the public that (externally) it has
undergone en entire change—the pipe and hearth placed
opposue each other, and a
being added. thus rendering it faultless, and unless there
is another faultless Stove In the market, this is unques
tionably the best, as it now embraces every valuable im
provement possessed by any other Stove in addition to
some peculiar to itself, secured by Letters Patent.
The success of this Stove, since its introduction, is un
equalled. Nothing has ever been offered for culinary pur
poses, that has given such general satisfaction. Stoves
have been copied niter its form; some dealers have even
used its funduinental principles, but the proportions were
so unlike the original. that they bear the relative value,
that a counterfeit does to a genuine coin.
Complete COOK, and other COOK STOVES. in great
variety. P. IL GILBERT, No. 412, Market at.
Girard Raw, b Twelilk Street, PHILADELPHIA.
EIZi"AII Stoves purchased at THOS STORE v iU bt dc
livered in Columbia, free of charge
p291:3-1 y
HOW many die a most horrible death without
the simple cause being suspected. Some linger for
years, as they suppose, from dispepsia, when is is worms,
which causes most diseases. There has come under
our notice several cases of supposed dispepsia, of several
years' standing, when we have recommended the Syrup,
which has entirely restored them to health. We would
say to AULTS when they are afflicted with Sour Stomach,
! Sick Head Ache, Pits, a frequent deceive to make Stools,
Leanness, Bloated Stomach, Nervousness, Sickness alter
eating, Sensation of rising in the throat after eating, &c..
be assured it is simply worms. and it needs but a trial of
to satisfy you it is so, and if you have any of the above
symptoms and the Syrup tails to cure, the agent will re
fund the money. TO PARENTS we would say, that the
greatest sin you are convicted of, is to let your children
suffer and die, when there is a simple pleasant Vegetable
remedy at hand. It is said by our oldest Physicians, that
Worms cause more deaths yearly, than all the other dis
eases the human family are subject to. Then, how im
portant it is to have a safe and pleasant remedy at hand.
Parents, when your children have sore or inflamed eyes,
you may rest satisfied that it is caused by worms, and
you will do well to call on the storekeepers of
. your
neighborhood and get a Book of Hobenssek's, containing
certificates of cures and the symptoms of worms. Ai
ways keep a Bottle of Hobensack's Worm Syrup on hand,
it is a friend in need.
Muses lloaasasca—Gentlemen : I take greatplensure
to informing you of the great efficacy of your Worm Sy
rnp ; having been afflicted for five years, and wasted
away to a mere skeleton. without reeteving any benefit
from various medicine:a, I was induced by Jesse Roberta
to try your Worm Syrup, as he informed me it had brought
worms from him; alto, of Swum A Tomlinson, of Baas
county. a man over fitly years old, whom I am welt at
quautted with. I then commenced taking your Syrup,
and it tirough; a very large quantity of worms, some ten
inches in length, and entirely restored me to health, and,
I must say I feel like a new man.
Yours, truly, JOHN HART, Phil's co.
Mr. J. Hart is a gentleman thirty•three years of age,
living five miles out of the city, back of Second at. road,
and is only one amongst the hundred grown persons that
have been saved by lIOBENSACK'S WORM SYRUP.
Messrs. Bobensace
I have been looking for some of your Worm Syrup
for some time ; 7 have hold all hut one bottle ; I wish you
to send me two dozen immediately. I believe it to be a
good medicine ; I have seen it tried to my satisfaction.
I have known one dose to bring from a child three worms,
ten inches long, and from another twenty worms, eight
inches long in one day. I have sold different Worm :ties
dkines for a number of, years, but never sold any that
gave such universal satisfaction.
Respectfully, ycurr, WM. BROOKFIELD,
Bridgeton, New Jersey
Pant.anttastrx. May 25, 1247.
Messrs. J N. S . . C. S. llobensack—Cientlemen—l have
been for some tante using, your Vennituge" in my prac
tice, and I am happy to say that in my hands it has sue
carded in it./ intention, so as fully to justify my confidence
in its use. I think at among the very beet preparations in
use. C. W. APPLErox, as. a., No. 40, South at,
Prepared only by I N. & 0. S. HORENSACK, 2.1
and Coates street, Philadelphia, and for aide by all re.
spetable Storekeepers ni this and adjoining counties,
whom we authorize to give back the money in every case
it fails to give sausfuettou. Price 25 cents.
Also Holiensack's Hyena Tooth Ache Drops. Price
121 cents, a certain cure for Tooth Ache.
llobensael's Rheumatic Liniment. Price 25 cents.
do Catcall Salve Price la cents, for weak
backs, sprains, fresh and old sores, burns, ow.
Hobensack's Totter and Ringworm Ointment. Price
25 cents, warranted to cure all irruptions of the skin—
tor sale as above.
Philadelphia May 27,—tno 1949.
AGIII4 Vietorione. Rowand & Walton, Pi ila.
to you as well as a duty
1 owe to the public. I feel constrained to furnish a short
statement of the wonderful sufferings of my son William,
and many who read this testimonial will be surprised to
find that he is still living'. and still more so, when th ey
learn that he has entirely recovered from the dreadful
Scrofala with which he has so, long suffered.
It is now MOM` then four years ainee the disease first
made his appearance on one of his legs. in deep and run
ning ulcers. These continued more than two years, con
fining luta to his bed, during which several pieces of the
zone came from the ann also. In this time (two years and
six months,) he was under the treatment of several of our
best physician", end (took some thirty or more bottles of
Sanaperilla and lodine) and was pronounced by the Doc
tors, INCURABLE. He was then, upon the recommen
dation of Mr. Hazlelturst, taken to ••• WilPs Hospital,"
where be continued under the care of Dr. Parish, three
months. He was then, sent borne as incurable. In a few
months the other leg broke out in open ulcers. Spirits of
Tar was recommended by a friend—be took this about
four months, without benefit—indeed he got worse, when
I must say. I gave up all hopes of his ever getting well ,
at this stage of the disease, I was advised by the Rev.
A. D. Gillette. to try your medicine, I had very little
faith in it, I confess, (having teed so many medicines
without benefit.) He, However. commenced taking the
PANACEA on the first of March, Id4lo, and has been using
it ten months. Three months after he began the use of
the Panacea, an ulcer made its appearance upon his neck,
above the collar bone. This continued open until about
three weeks since, when it healed 11. is now sound, and
In the enjoyment of perfect health. I gratefully add my
testimenial to the meaty already in your possession. of the
wonderfnl efficacy of your •• DR. CULLEN'S INDIAN
Respectfully yours. H. a DARKER.
(Late of Philadelphia,) now Brainard Street, Mount
Holly, New Jersey. January 1, 1>47.
Out this sixteenth day , of March. ISM before me, the
subscr. an Alderman ill and for the city of Pluladel
phia.„ personally came Harriet D. Barker, who being duly
sworn according to law, doth depose and say, that the
facts set forth in the above stetement ere Hue.
Sworn and subscribed before me.
Wholesale and Retail, by Roomed & Walton, N 0.376,
Market Street, above Emerenth, Philaditphia ; WM. A.
LEADER. Columbia, Pa. ; J. T Anderson, Marietta, Pa.
George Roo , . I:llrabeihtown, Ps ab22l9Auly4
AND only place at which the greatest variety of
STOVES can be had, Manufactured of the best refi
ned Iron, twat
Wholesale and. Retail Stove 11.1 antrfactory. No. 2, North
Second street. above Vine. and 55 Callowhill st., above
Second. Philadelphia, who offer kir sale, a very superior
assortinent. consi.oing of the improved Air-Tight com
plete, the latest improvement of the celebrated. Empire
Cook, Leibrandt's Ole Ball Cook, Philadelphia Air-Tight,
and many other, of the best standard Stoves in the mar
ket. Call and examine one. stock before purchasing, as
we will sell CHEAP. Dealers will promote. their inter
est by BUYING OF tit•
Philadelplna, May lb. 1e4..--ty.
P. B. G