THE SPY Sz REGISTE H. 8 -SATURDAY MORNING, June 24, 184% AGENCIES V. B PALM.= is duly authorized to receive uh Trip: tons and adverthenienta for thi+ paper. no l.e cam, of 'Philadelphia, Nero York, Italtiniere : and Boston. and receipt therefor. E. W. Cu,a Philadelphia JACOB M. WFZTO.LiPP£R. LOOCagler WILLTAX A. Punter., Travelling Arent. GEORGE PRATT, No. 151, Nassau Street. NCV: Yost:. Ela'St:e Business Directory in another colninn Tnz Aux crown SUPPERERS.—It will be seen, by reference to our advertising columns, that the Chief Burgess has called a meeting of the citizens of our borough and its vicinity, to be hold at the Town Hall, on Monday evening, lime 2titli, for the purpose of taking into consideration the application made by the citizens of Allentown, fo' the relief of the sufferers by the late fire in that place. We hope our citizens will not be behind those of our neighboring towns and cities, in giving of their abundance for the relief of those who have been atript of every thing, except their trust in God :in three short hours. Among the resolutions adopted by the meeting held in Allentown, on Saturday June 3d, 11345, is the following rely judicious one, which will insure an equal and impartial distribution of all moneys collected, to the most destitute: Resolved, That the distribution of the moneys which may be collected for the relief of the suffer. ers, be referred to a committee of Finance, consist. ing of fifteen—no one of whom ;shall reside or own 'property in the burnt district, and who are hereby directed to appropriate the same in such manner as to give the largest portion of the funds to those who arc left most destitute. All remittances to be made to the Treasurer, t 1 D. Eberly:nil, Allentown, Lehigh county, Pa. PAIR WARNING TO Boys.—The Chief Burgess has given notice,that the law relative to the setting off of fire-crackers, within the limits of our borough, will be enforced in every instance of de tection. This, we think, is right; and we hope the officers in charge of the public safety, will en force the law. If boys, large or small, wish to show their patriotism by the firing off of fire-crack :ro, pistols, &c., &c., let them do it in the woods or open fields, where there will be no danger of burn. ing down half of our town ; as in the case of Al 'entown, which is said to have been occasioned by .he setting off of fire-crackers in or near a stable. JUBILEE PICTORIAL PRoTIIER. JONATIIAN.--A grand Jubilee number. The great semi-annual Pictorial Brother Jonathan ftr the 4th of July, has Been sent to us by Wilson & Co., New York. It .s a most gorgeous Pictorial sheet. Annongjifty or sixty other finely executed engravings will be found Mexican Battle Piece covering a surface of nearly !even square feet ; and so life-like and full of spirit s the picture, that the figures seem to move on the 'riper. This Double Mammoth Sheet also contains unong its principal attractions, an engraved rue. simile of the Original Rough Draft of the Declara. ion of Independence—a great curiosity in its way. Use eleven Oriential Designs by Cravarni, the ;rent French artist, illustrating recent scenes in ?aris. The Jubilee Brother Jonathan also contains large number of beautiful Fancy Pictures, well :alculatcd to suit the public taste. A letter direct. dto Wilson 4. Co., Publishers New York, en. dosing a one dollar bill, will bring, by return of nail, ten copies of this most beautiful Pictorial beet. THE NEW GOVERNMENT LOAN.—The bids fur the :16,000,000 loan advertised for by the Secretary of he Treasury, were opened on Saturday. Fourteen pillions were taken by Messrs,Corcoran and Riggs of Washington, for themselves, Borings, Brothers & iCr.,ol London, and others, at a premium of 302 cents per hundred dollars. The remaining two millions were distributed to bidders for small sums it premiums varying from 303 to 405 cents per mnderd dollars. The premium realized on the whole loan amounts to about GOOEY'S LADY'S BOOK for July is received. It is .he first number of the thirty-seventh volume, and splendid one it is too. It contains 28 engravings, among which are The Fatal Error, a beautiful mezzotint; Exterior Gallery around the Ducal Pa ace,Vcnice, a splendid line engraving; Model Cut ages, printed in two colors ; Americanized Fashi ons, patterns for head dresses &c., music, crochet work, &c. =l= EXCCUMIN or LANGFELDT.-11CIlry Leler, Esq., 'Ugh Sheriff of the county of Philadelphia, has eceived front his Excellency, Governor Shunk, he death warrant of Charles Langfoldt, convicted of the murder of Mrs. Rademacher. The cxecu. ion of this unhappy criminal is fixed for Friday, the 20th of October, between the hours of 10 o'clock n the foreman% and 3 o'clock in the afternoon. =GI= GOVERNOR. SM.:MR.—WC regret In learn, that 3ov. Shunk is again seriously ill. His disease lies 'seamed a new shape, and he now appears in be almost in the last stage of consumption. his friends have little hope of his recovery. ,4,..e.....,,.-. SAD Acctormr.—We learn from a friend, that the youngest child of Mr. Charlca Howe', of Lamas .er, accidentally fell off of the balcony, on Thurs. lay last, and was almost instantly killed. Votuatutoes.—The report of the proceedings of thy Court of Inquiry, says thclexica:l Star, while in session in that. city alone, occupied one itendred end thirty.three solid columns of the Star. At this rate the entire proceedings will be more voluminous than those of the Fremont Court Mar. The Hadley Falls Company, in excavating the heir race way, cut into a subterranean stream srge enough to "carry • mill," flowing from the ;onnecticut, thirty or tarty feet below the level of he railroad. MienteAN.—Gov. Ransom liaa appointed Col. 7110/us Frrzor.rtat.n, of St. Joseph. a U. S. Senator ro tem. to fill the place of lion. Lewis Cass, until 'he meeting of the next Legislature. itilt.uAx J. GRAVEN hat, been appointed by Gov. )waley of Fey., to succeed Mr. Crittenden to the I. S. Sena le OFFICIALLY ANNOITNCED.—The Union pub lichee the following letter from the Pc3ce Commis •ioners: CITY OF QUERETAno, ? May 26, 1848-9, P. M. i Sic : We have the satisfaction to inform you that we reached this city this afternoon at about 5 o'clock, and that the treaty as amended by the Sen. ate of the United States, passed the Mexican Sen. ate about the hour of our arrival, by a vote of 35 to 5. It having previonsly passed the House of Deputies, nothing now remains but to exchange the ratifications of the treaty. At about four leagues from this city we were met by a Mexican escort, under the command of Colo nel Herrera, and were escorted to a house prepared by the government for our reception. The Minis. ter of Foreign Relations, and the Governor of the city called upon us, and accompanied us to dinner, which they had previously ordered. So far as the government is concerned, every facility and honor have been offered us, and Sr. Rosa, the Minister of Foreign Relations, desires, us to state that he feels great satisfaction in mectingthe ministers of peace from the United States. We will write to you again shortly, and more at length, as the courier is on the point of departure. The city appears to be in a great state of exult. ation, fire-works going off, and bands of music pa rading in every direction. We have the honor to be, Your obedient servants, A. H. SEVIER. NATHAN CLIFFORD. Hon James Buchanan, Secretary of State. CRISIS IN IRISIf AFFAIRS.—The New York Her. old publishes the following highly important de. spatch, which was received in Liverpool a short time previous to the sailing of the steamship America : Liverpool, Junc 3-11 o'clock, A. M The Irish mail has just arrived, bringing us very important advices from the city of Dublin, stating that the Irish confederation had published an ad dress signed by Mr. Smith O'Brien, declaring that " the period is rapidly approaching when armed resistance to the oppressors of our country will be come a sacred obligation ;" and advising the people to "prepare at once for the protection of their in vaded liberties. The address adds :—" Learn to contemplate, calmly and firmly, the chances of a final struggle, and prepare for that struggle." From all that we can gather from our letters received by the mail this morning, there is evident. ly trouble at hand. It would be dishonest to con ceal the fact that Irelmd abounds with vast num. bers who arc, in the words of Lord John Russell, " weary with suffering, and would view with com placency a change of rule." DE tTII OF MRS. MITCHELL.-ILCUCIS have been received in this country from the Rev. James %Vil. sson, Presbyterian Minister at Lecumplire, county of Derry, Ireland, dated May Nth, that the wife of John Mitchell, the Irish patriot, died but a few days after her unfortunate husband was transported. The shock was so severe upon her, that. it brought on premature confinement, which resulted in her death. The occurrence has caused a very great degree of sympathy, and, it was thought, might end in a popular outbreak. Da. PRIESTLV'S PREDICTION OF CON 11111.RIONS IV Euaors.—On the first of November, 1791, Dr. Priestly dedicated " To the People of England" an •Appeal on the subject of the Riots in Birmingham,' in which is found the following remarkable passage, and I offer it to The Neto York Tribune for pnbli. cation. 11. B• ••The enormous expenses of all modern Europe. on Governments have opened the eyes of men to the nature and uses of Government in general; and, in consequence of this, the whole of tho Gothic Feu. dal System, embracing matters both of a civil and ecclesiastical nature, is beginning to shake to its foundations.—This will necessarily produce a con. vulsion that will be felt in every State in Europe. All nations must ultimately be benefitted by it, though they may suffer by the temporary shock. But, be assured that those countries will suffer the least in which great revolutions will be prevented by temperate and Beasonabls reforms." Sunbury, Pa. IN=MI FROM FORT CIIILDS.—The steamboat AI ississippi arrived as St. Louis, on the 21st of June, from Fort Childs, two miles above Fort Kearney. The Ore gon battalion VMS there on the Ist inst. Powell had oonoluded a treaty with the Paw. nee Indians, who have ceded to the United States Grand Island for the establishment of a Fort. The Pawnees were in a distressed condition for the want of provisions. They were afraid to hunt, being at war with all the surrounding tribes. Col. Powell provided them with means of subsistence and protection. I=l SENTENCE POSTPONED.--A letter to the New Or leaus Picayune, dated City of Mexico, May 25th, says : " The execution of Licuts. Harr, Dutton, and Tilden, and the Canadian,John Laverty, was fixed for to-day, and the gallows was actually erected in the citadel. Early in the morning, however, Gen. Butler officially notified the authorities that the consummation of the sentence was indefinitely postponed, and the gallows was taken down, much to the disappointment of the numerous and motely crowd who had assembled to see four fellow beings :nett with a painful and ignominons death." Tttc Ivor .—The Choctaws and Cherokees may yet form an Independent State of our Union. According to Rev. Mr. Treat's report of his late visit among them—at a monthly missionery meet. ing, in Boston, on Sunday evening—they bid fair to become quite as worthy of the fellowship as some who now enjoy it. The former are now expending $30,000 annually from their national funds on boarding schools, and their churches number 800 members. Nor arc the latter much behind in the progress of civilization. They have a well admin. istcred government, orderly churches, two High Schools, and other means of social and moral im provement. NATIONAL. DIVISION OF SONS OF TEMPERANCE OP roc Usrrtn STATES.-The filth annual session was held at the Egyptian Saloon of the Odd Fel. lows' Hall, Baltimore, on Tuesday. Representatives present from twenty-six St.ttes and the British Pro. vince :of New Brunswick. Tll6 returns show the Order to be in a flourishing condition. The election of officers for the ensuing two years was held, and resulted as follows : Most Worthy Patriarch—Samuel F. Cary, of Ohio. M. W. Associate—Wm. R. Stacy, of Mass. M. W. Scribe—Frederick A. Fiekardt, Penna. M. W. Treasurer—J. B. Wood, Penna. M. W. Chaplain—Rer. Finch P. Sera ggs, Ala. M. W. Conductor—Bernard Bryan, Missouri. 3f. W. Sentinel—W. S. Williford, Georgia, From the Nooklk Herald DEAD SEA EXPEDITION. The expedition under Lieut. W. F.LvNen, of the United States navy, authorized by Government to explore the Dead Sea, had reached its destination on the 23d of April, and was afloat on the sea, with boats launched, the weather mild, and all the party safe and well. CIIATEACTBRIAND, in his admirable narrative of his travels in Greece, Palestine, &c., gives us an in. tcresting though provokingly brief account of this great curiosity. His visit to it was about forty years ago, when a strong guard was necessary to protect him from the Arabs who infested its bor. dors. He says: • Should the Turks ever again give permission, and should it be found practicable to convey a ves sel from Jaffa [or Joppa] to the Dead Sea, some cu rious discoveries would certainly be made in this lake." Lieut. Lynch, we believe, is the first to visit un der the authority of a foreign Government; and, being provided with all things necessary for a thor ough investigation, we really expect that he will realize M. Chatenubriand's promise of curious dis coveries to the utmost degree of possibility, and in scribe his name at the head of the long list of phi losophers and tourists, ancient and modern, who have written upon the subject. We subjoin a few extracts front the narrative of Chateatibriand, by way of whetting the public curiosity for the report which is expected from Lieut. Lynch on his return to the United States. In his approach to the laic:: he says: "We marched two hours with pistols in our bands, as in an enemy's country. We followed the fissures formed between the sand-hills, in a mud baked by the rays of the sun. A crust of snit covered the surface, and resembled a snowy plain, from which a few stunted shrubs rearedtheir heads. We arrived all at once at the lake; 1 say all ut once, because I thought we were yet a considera ble distance from it. No murmur, no cooling breeze announced the approach to i:s margin. The strand, bestrewed with stones, was hot; the waters of the lake were motionless, and absolutely dead along the shore. The first thing I did on alighting was to walk into the lake up to my knees, and to taste the water. I found it impossible to keep it . in my mouth. It far exceeds that of the sea in saltness, and produces upon the lips the effect of a strong solution of alum. 'Before my boots were com pletely dry they were covered with salt; our clothes, our hats, our hands, were in less than three hours impregnated with this mineral." Legions of small fish leaped about the shore at night, which contradicts the opinion generally en. tertained that the Dead Sea produces no- living creature. In 177 S the water was analyzed by Lavoisier and others, who proved that one hundred pounds of it contained forty pounds six ounces of salt; that is, six pounds four ounces or common marine salt, and thirty.eight pounds two ounces of marine salt with un earthy base. Mahe Brun ascertained the the specific gravity to be 1,211, that of fresh water being 1,000. It is (says he) perfectly transpa rent. Reagents demonstrate in it the presence of marine and sulphuric acid ; it does not change col. ors, such as turnsol and violet. It holds in solution the following substances, and in the undermen tioned proportions; Maria of Lime 3.920 Magnesia 10.240 Soda 10.360 Sulphate of lime 051 2-1.380 in 100 o'rhis celebrated lake, (says M.Chateaubriand,) which occupies the site of Sodom and Gomorrah, is called in Scripture the Dead or Salt Sea ; by the Latins and Greeks, Asphalites; Ahnotanalt and Behar Laths by the Arabs ; and Via Degnisi by the Turks. I cannot coincide in opinion with those who suppose the Dead Sea to be the crater of a vol. canc.._ I have seen Vesuvius, &Altera, Monte Nu. ovo, in the Lake of Fusino, the peak of the Azores; the Mamellf opposite to Carthage, the extinguish ed volcanoes of Auvergne, and remarked in all of them the same characters; that is to say mountains excavated in the form of a funnel, lava, and ashes, which exhibited incontestible proofs of the agency of fire. The Dead Sea, on the contrary, is a' lane of great length, curved like a bow, placed between two ranges of mouotains, which hove no mutual coherence in form, no hornog,encousness of soil. They do not meet at the extremeties of the lake, but continue, the one to bound the valley of Jordan and to run north ns far as the lake of Tiberius; the other to strentelt away to the south till lost in the sands of Yemen. Biturnnn, warm spring., and phosphoric stones are found, it is true, in the moon. tains of Arabia ; but I met with none of these in the opposite chain. But, then, the presence of hot springs, sulphur, and asphultos is not sufficient to attest the anterior existence of a volcano. With respect to the engulphed cities, I adhere to the ac. count given in Scripture without summoning phy. sits to my aid. Besides, if we adopt the idea of Professor Michmlis and the learned Riiching, in Ids memoir on the Dead Sea, physics may be admitted in the catastrophe of the guilty cities wilting of. fence to religion. Sodom was built upon a mine of bitumen, as we know from the testimony of Moses and Josepltus, who spoke concerning wells of bitu. men in the valley of Siddim. Lightning kindled the combustible mass and the cities sunk in the subterrancous conflagration. M.Malte Brun inge niously suggests that Sodom and Gomorrah them. selves might have been built of bituminous stones, and thus have been set in flames by the lire of Heaven." "Several travellers, and among others Truilo and d' Arvieux, asserts that they remarked frog. merits of walls and palaces in the Dead Sea. This statement seems to be confirmed by Mundrell and Father Nau. The ancients speak more posi. tively on this subject: Josephus who employs a po. etie expression, says that he perceived on the banks of the lake the shades of the overwhelmed cities. Strabo gives a cireumlbrence of sixty stadia to the ruins of Sodom, which arc mentioned also by Ta. eitu.. I know not whether they still exist, but as the lake rises and falls at certain seasons, it is pos. sible that it may alternately cover and expose the skeletons of the reprobate cities." earth is nearly four thousand miles. The depth of Seamus Ace; ome—Mr. Samuel Calleham was kicked on Thursday morning last, by a horse in the ocean does not, at, therefore, exceed one thousandth Messrs. Small's stable, in this borough, so severely part of this extent, and astronomers have justly that his jaw-bone was broken—his teeth nearly all stated, that'were we to place a representation ut the km-irked out—his nose 'noshed, and a large effusion scarcely extend in thickness the film of varnish ocean on an ordinary artificial globe, it would of blood occasioned by the blow. Ho lay some time insensible, nu person else being in the stable i already placed there by the manufacturer. at the time. Although the severity of his injuries j caused an apprehension of' a fatal result, we are The tavern keepers of Syraouse have adopted glad to learn that Mr. Calleham is likely to recover an ingenious mode of getting on one side of an or. —acceptable evidence, to us, that a Delawarian dinance, lately passed by the common council, pro.. cannot be kinked to death by a Pennsylvania hibiting the ringing. of dinner bells in the street. horse.—lurk Repub/ican. One man stands on the side walk shaking a bell without a clapper, and another stands within the FA t et. ACCIDENT.—As Dr. Victor Friedman, of door ringing one, loud enough to attract the oen lion of all stragglers, and the antomime of p the York. Haven, was riding out on Thursday last in a fellow outside directs them to the p place of eating. carriage with his only child—a son of six or seven I years of sge—the horse became unruly, and ran off, COAL. IN Osxoos.—A fine coal bed has been dia. breaking the carriage into fragments, and so se- covered on the Canolite in Oregon territory, which vcrely injuring the child, externally and internally, will aid the project of a line of steamers to Ore. as to cause his death on Monday morning last.—/b. gon, soon to he put in operation. LATE FROM MEXICO. Flul/1 ihr New Otlean% Delta QUERETARO, May 30, 1848. Guii. Ileum has been elected President of Mex ico, receivingthe votes of eleven deputations, while Gov. Angel Tries, received the votes of five deputa tions. The Monitor of June lot contains the an nouncement us follows: " The Chamber of Depu ties has declared Sr. Gets. D. Jose Joaquim de Her rera Constitutional President of the Republic." CITY or Mexico, May 30, 1848. Eda. Delta—To-day the division of Gen. Patter son left for the coast. Day after to-morrow, the division of Gen. Marshall will leave. Our Commissioners were at Queretaro on the 28th. My correspondent writes me that there is no news there, and nothing more. I look for the return of our Commissioners in the course of two or three days. Gen. Butler will start from hero about Monday next, in company with Mr. Sevier. At last accounts, Mr. Sevier was sick at Quere. taro. The Yucatan expedition which was fitting out here, has been knocked in the head by Gen. Butler. It was an awful misfortune to the go ahead" of the army. JURY PAenirra--The following address has been issued by the Confederation: " PEOPLE or- /RE/AND—Mark these facts, and learn the value of that liberty which you enjoy un der the British Constitution. ' There is a certain book called the Juror's Book, which contains the names of all the citizens of Dub. lin qualified to serve as common jurors. Out of all the names in this book, the Sheriff is supposed to select, indifferently,' a .uflicient number to act as jurors at each Commission. At present the hook contains, altogether, 4,661 names; of which 3,426 are Catholics, arid 1,035 are Protestants, including Presbyterians. Observe, there arc nearly three Catholics for one Protestant. `• Out of thes.o 4,661 names, the Sheriff has chosen 150 to act as jurors at the present Commis. sion. Among these there are only 26 Catholics. On the Jurors' Book the Catholics arc to the Protestalits nearly as three to one. On the panel, selected 'indifferently' Crum that book, the Catholics are to the Protehtunts us one to five. There are not THREE Presbyterians ?charted on the panel. Shame on the miscreants who would strike down a brave and open enemy by such treacherous devices. "Catholics of Ireland, let not these facts create in your minds any hostility against your Protestant lidlow.countrymen. Ile not afraid to entrust your liberties in their hands. In TWO recent instances they have proved that patriotism is taking the place of bigotry an their breasts, and that they can no longer be RRLI D ON AS GARRISON OF ENGLAND. Cultivate this improved spirit, and let all your hos. May by reserved for the pestilent tyrtany which lives by sol DIVISIONS, and whose vOICE. RRF.SSI.S EQUALLY UPON ALL.— United Irishmen. THE ' NEW STATI.S.--The following table will hliciw the time w hen the " new States" or those nut included in the "old thirteen," •were admitted to the Union. Verniont—Originally was a part of New York, and was admitted into the Union, March 4, 1791. Kentucky—formedy a parlor Virginia, uchnitted into the Union, June I, 1792. Tennessee--Nanned a territory celled to the United States by the Slate of North Carolina; mited into the Union, June 1,179 G. Ohio—firmed out of part of the territory North West of the river Ohio, admitted into the Union, November )9, 190°. Louisiana-1m toed out of part of the territory ceded to the United States by France, received into the Union, April 8, 1812. Indiana—funned a part of the North NVest terri. tory, ceded to the United States by Virginia , admit. ted into the Union, Dec. 10, 181 G. Mississippi—formed out of purl of the territory ceded to the United States by the State of South Carolina; admitted into the Union, Dec. 10, 1817. Minois—formed a part of the North Western territory; admitted into the Union, Dec. 3, 1818. Alabama—formed out of part of the territory ceded to the United States by South Carolina and Georgia; admitted into the Union, Dcc. 13, 1819. 11/nine—formed out of part of Mass..elmactts ; admitted into the Union, March 15, 1820. Missouri—formed out of part of the territory ceded by France by the treaty of April, 1803; ad. milted into the Ilition August 18, 18:21. Arkansas—formed part of the same territory ; admitted, June 15, 1836. Michigan—formed part of the ierritory ceded to the United Staten; admitted into the Union, Janu ary 26, 1537. Florida—formed out of the territory ceded by Spain to the United States by the treaty of Feb. 22, 1810; admitted into the Union, March -1, 1844. Tcroc--an independent republic; admitted into the United States by a joint resolution of Congress, approved March 21,11845. lowa—admitted into the Union. Dec. 29, 1896. Wisconsin—an act was passed on the :Id of March, 1847, to admit the territory into the Union. upon condition that the people adopt the Constitu tion passed, Dec. 16, 1816. The Constituion was rejected. Since admitted. TERRITORIES —.Nebraska—Bill reported to fix boundaries January 6, 1845, but no action on the subject. Oregon—Rill to establish a territorial govern. anent, passed House of Representatives, January 2G, 1847 ; no final action on the subject in the Senate. /Macao to establish a terrriorial govern. mcni passed die House, February, 1847; referred to the Judiciary Committee in the Senate. No fur. they action on the subject, IMMENSITY OF TIIE EARTH.—About two thirds of the earth's surface is covered with a sheet of water, constituting the sea, the average depth of which is estimated at about two miles. This re ferred to our usual standards of' comparison im• presses us at once with an idea of the great amount of water investing the globe; and accordingly, imaginative writers continually refer to the ocean as an image of immensity. But, referred to the mass of the earth, which is its own proper standard of comparison, it presents quite a different aspect. The distance from the centre to the surface of the WESTERN WINE—The cultivation of the grape, with a view to the manufacture of wine, b; engag ing the attention of the people of Missouri. The wine produced is the color and flavor of chant paigne, but possesses more body. The steamer Hermann sailed from New York on Wednesday last, for Bremen, with 62 passengers and 200,000 in specie. TIN Markets. Columbia Retail Market. Flour, by the quarter at the rate of $625 a 6.50 per barrel ; Beef, 6 a 8c per lb.; Veal, 5 a Gle per lb.; Hams, 7 a 8c per lb; Dried Beef, 12h al4 ; Butter, 12i a 14c per lb; Eggs, 121 c per dozen ; Potatoes, .50 a 604 e. per bushel. PIIILADELPINA, June 1919. Flour is inactive, with sales at $5.37 a 5.50 for common Penna. ; extra, aG. Corn Meal, $2.37. Rye Flour, $3.50 a 3.56. Wheat, prime white, $l.- 27 a 1.30 ; red, $1.23 a 1.25. Rye, 70c per bushel. Corn, Southern yellow, 51c, weight. Lumber.—The supplies are on the increase. Cargo sales of yellow pine boards at $l3. a 17. per M.; Susquehanna, $ll, a 15. BM-TIMOR; June 22, 1242 Howard street flour, ; City Mills, $5,75. Wheat, red, $1.05 a 1.07; choice, $1.16. Corn, white, 39 u 40c; yellow, 47. aits, 41. Rye 65. Bilious rover generally begins wali yawning, st retelling, pato is the bones, In Igor, giddiness, a swelling about the regions of the stomach, billions vomiting, and other unpleasant symptoms Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills are one of the best medicines in the world tor the cure of revers, because they purge from the body those morbid humors which are the cause of every malady incident to man. In, nil cases of fever. from four to eight of said Indian Vegetable Pills should he taken every night, or if the symptoms tire violent, algid and morning. This plan, tl properly curried out, v. ill in a short time, subdue the most 1,101 , 1 H attack of fever ; at the same time the digestive or gans will be restored to a healthy tone, mid the blood so completely purified. that fevers, as well as every other dketo.e, will lw driven, non] the body, :ld health mini vigor will be given to the whole Ironic. nrWARE Or COT\ lIIRT TITS AND NlTATlONS.—Relllelll her. that the original and only genuine Indian Vegetable Pills have the written signature of WILLIAM WRIGHT on the top label of each box. 11 - I-The ;genuine for sale by ERN A: SPANGLER, who are the only anthonLed Agents for Columbia. Also. by scents advertised in, another column. Othce, 169, Race Street, Philattelplim =1 Dr Swayne in the Sonth.—Tlie following letter Ja.,t COW,: to hand. and will bc read With intere.t. The patient suffered intolerably, and could find no relief until lie ti,ed DR. SWA.VNE'S COMPOUND SYRUP OF WILD CHERRY'. It is certainly the ino,t wonderful cure on record' Read it: 'Wilmington, N. C, Jolt 12. 1.t17 Dr Swavne—Dear Sir.—Having been almost miracu lously cared by your valuable medicine. I think it not , more than cominon gratitude in tine to make one addition to the long hat of certificates which you have received of 11 . 11111(10111111. cures by your medicate. During the two 1 ears proceeding lust August. lwas very much distressed by a very bad cold mid Racking Cough, and during the latter mot of the time, it continued to gi ow worse, and in deed an July tiny friends gave 1110 over, having tried all knob. of 1104111 . 111 e, said to be good for such diseases. ,iniont the least good effect. I was reduced almost to a periect corpse, and had scarcely any flesh upon shy body. and fair a long time never thought to rise from my lied again. .1 friend one tiny asked me if I had tried 1)r. tSvvayne's Compound Syrup of 11514 Cherry, and advised me to do so at once, as he heard that it had worked a great ninny ,cmilerfill cures. I took his advice, tind niter ming np,severtil bottles of it. I grew so mach better that I was enabled to leave my bed, and afterwards to walk about the house, and go out into thin' street. I Ivan encouraged by this. and continued the use oryour mmlicitte, trail now, 1.) means of its wonderfhl curative powers, I am perteet lY , ell.fflui ettJoYing, the ate of nll trig Iliculttes,jr.t mock as it I had never been afflicted 111 the way f Lave described to you I have written this. trot thinknig that it viii at all intermt you, but humbly hoping that i , ill have its 11111 C Or lIIIIIIOIICO 111 C 1111.114; your valuable meth eine to ire spread among mankind. and in assistmg to nil. , 1011 to tint station which yott richly deserve, nor yoor persevering ellorts for the public good. Respectinll3 your irtend anti admirer. JAMES R. MAISEI..IND IhAvA an OF 1 1 .11 1 0,1T10N1 —MIOIIIII4 have 011011 been male h) tiapriticipled truliudunls to impose upon thin' com munity as spurious Mlle to, stealing nearly the whole of the name of my preparation. To folly guard against such base and palpable imposition, the politic should shun all preparations purporting to COIIIIIIII Wild Cherry, except that bearing the siginiture of Dr. If. Swayne 011 each bot tle. Beware of the worthless " Italsains " raps." Ste., as they 1:0111U111 110110 Of Ille virtues of the original prepartmort. The (original and only) getionie article is prepared by hilt SII'.‘YNE, corner on Eighth and 1211(1.1111:1.. tlo•11110.1. 01111 for sale by agents in all parts inn nlne 1:101. 1 11 :111100, and some trims of Europe. :sold by WNI. A. LEADER, Columbia. and Dr. A. 11. lIARNITZ, York, Pa June 10, Most. Extraordinary Work.—The Niumed w oto PI?! VA.TI-; NIEDICM. CO3IPANION ; by Pr. A. :11A1RICLAC, Profe,gor of The.,:oos of Wl/1110.11. Si \lb Ed:lion. Irmo pp. 5:50 Prv:e 4.5.000 copies %old in three trinoths: Vear4 of ..Ittrernar, of pity:gem/ and mental amptiA to man an affectionate ill., and peentatotry thilivoll!. to the Implunal, might have been spared by a lonely 110:40,- , 1011 0111111, mark. ottetutett evtteittlly for the nwrned• or llw.e eon tempi:tong morn: r_ . u. 1t tli-tt toe., important secrets .huulti Le isllo,ll tofluent ptirtie Warty. Trot). littr% ledge 1. power. lu. 11,111111. thtettee. ' l'hd• rt•Velf1I1011. COIM its ;nitre, have proved a 1,14..•har to thotomal, as the innumerable letters to the aillhOr Win !Weil. I I• , every fern:de—the Wll - C, the !anther. tile one either budding into sv.ttnatiliond or the orie to the lieellllo Of Menu m whom moon. contemplates MI unpormot change— Cllll 1114120V1.r the cause, symptom', and the most efficient remettlei. and most certain mode at cure. of every complaint to hick her , ex ii subject. COPIES WILL BE SENT [IV MAIL Pam.: 01 , POSTAGE TO THE pr RrnAsEst. Over ten thoneand comes bane been be nt by 1111111 WlOlll three months. with pencet safety Sold certainty. On the receipt of one Dollar. the Married IVoman'a Pm me Medical Companion" will be sent (mailed free) to nm part ot the United Stateq. Al) letters must be post-paid (except tho, containing a remittance) and addressed to Dr. A M. Niamiceau,Boxl2.l.l, New York City. Publish nth,. Pa). Liberty-st.. New-York. The Married Woman's Private :%lediertl Companion" I, sold by Booksellers throughout the United States. NevvYork, May 20, Members of Congress, Clergymen. Lawyer., Sena tors. Judges. Foreign Consuls. anti fact. all elect.. of the e(11111110110Y.11110, given in their testimonials m favor of the superior snponaccons qualities of RADWAVS CIIINKSE MEDICATED SOAP. In fact the superior qualities of this delicious Soap are so much in advance of ill others, that every 111111 1 :101101 Who tries it once. be comes astonished at its effect upon the Cutical. and arc so highly pleased with Its extremely bland, soothing. and punt} trig effects in curing; all excrescences of the cuticle, exterminating Pimples. Blotches. P11 , 01I:11S. Tetter, at the same Mlle 111111111101 g to the complexion a healthy roseate hue. and mire, sweat, and Henn skin. that trio. momals, unasked tor. sire presented to us every day. For Shriving. tins soap is superior to creams and other soaps, it produces a rich and copious lather. softens the beard, and renders Me skin smooth and pliable. For Cleaning Teeth, Itadway's Soap may truly be said to pos sess wonderful merit—it make. the teeth white and beautiful, renders the breath sweet, and keeps the gums free from court: For the Toifid, it is superior to all im ported soaps..being entirely tree from all poisonous ad mixtures. IL Wlll not initate or inflame the skin. TI:STIMONIA LS. Front the Rev. J. N. Mafitt. Messrs. J. S lt. G. Railway—Gents—l take great plea sure to recommending to the public as worthy of notice. your delicious Chinese Medicated :Amp. As a Toilet and Shaving Soap it is the best I hove used; for Chapped Flesh and Tender Skin. I consider it a great desidera tum. Itespecnidly yours. .1. N. MArrrr. Gents you Imre the goodness to send, by express, thirty dozen of Your Chinese Medicated Soap, at sells be yond anything of the kind I have ever known—it really does possess the merit which you represent, the ladies of Rochester will not be without it. - • - Truly yours, H. SCRANTUM. Mr. Levi Cooly of Plattsburgh, New York, says: -1 ‘ A young man of this place has suffered very severely from Salt Rheum. so much so, that he could not sleep at night, he heard of Radvray's Soap, ss-ashed himself from head to foot, used sax cakes, and is now enjoying good health.— He also pronouces at the best - Sharing Soap he has ever used. Levi Coots, Plattsburgh Each cake, to the rename, must he signed R. G. Rad ouy .1. & R. G. RA DIVAY. 2 Courtland St., N.Y Sold in Columbia by R. WILLIAMS, and Wst. A LEADEN, and an I.3llelWer by • Zaban A Jarkvon BAL.AM OF WILD CHERRY ft; THE OLD Do• NtimON —We euract an article from the New Era, pub tithed at Port mouth, Va , and edited by A. I' Cunning ham, Esq. lie speaks of himeelt. and here is the extract. [Dec.:24, 1846 1 We have been. for some days, maiming under severs Inflammation of the lungs, produced by cold, and irruated by speaking in public so that throughout Saturday night, Sunday, Monday, till Tuesday, the symptoms of the dis ease seemed to increase, and the aurering was intense, without the least appetite for food. The cough was dry and hard. MILISIllg• the most accute pants in the head and back. We had fairly given upon hope of relief, when we thought of thin 11/a..ssm, and we sent round to our friend Heitush, the agent, for a bottle. We took the That dose according to directions, and almost instantly felt a glow of healthy warmth through the system. This was two o'- clock—at five we took another dose, at nine another, and we soon after detected a perceptible relief in the frequen cy of the spasms and violent pains that had before attend ed them. At three in the morning we took another dose, and the phlegm, though tough, yellow and ropy, was elected from the lungs with comparative ease. We feel grateful for the relief afforded, and recommend a trial of it by all who are suffering as we suffered. We have deemed it due to the medicine, and to humanity, to give this unsought testimonial to the virtue of the .Balsam, in our case.” None genuine, unless signed I. BUTTS on the wrapper For sale by 91:111 W. FOWLS, General Agent, 138, 'IV:Walloon Street. Boston; Aslo, For sale by IL ‘ViLuAsis, Front Street Columbia, Pa Philadelphia Daguereotppe establishment 3,1 story, Rooms 25-27.—Drignereotype Por traits of all sires, either singly or in family groups, col ored or without colors, are taken every day, in any wea ther. Copies of Daguerreotypes, Oil Paintings. Statuary, . 1 / 4 e.. tiny also be procured. Ladies and Gentlemen are requested to examine specimens. & F. -LANGENHEIAL On Thursday, June 1819, at the Washington Ho tel, Columbia, by the Rev. 11. Owen, Mr. SAmum. of the Chestnut street House, Philadelphia, to Miss El.tzA SENER. of Lancaster airy. The above notice was accompanied by some of the good things of this life. May the happy pair live to see many joyous returns or their bridal day —even to the "third or fourth generation." DIED. On the 12th inst.. at Safe Harbor, Lancaster county, of influniation of the lungs. Hosrvrzca. BAINIELI, pilot on the SUI.CIUOIIIIIIIIa river, aged about 62. Bradford count• papers please copy. ALLENTOWN surrimums, NOTICE is hereby given that a fleeting of the citizens of Columbia and vicinity wdl he held at the Town Hall. on Monday evening. June 20,16.10, fur the purpose of trikitat into consideration the application made lay the citizens of Allentown, for the relief of the sufferers by the lute fire in that place. By order attic Town Council. JAMES JORDAN, Columbia. June 24,1013.-1 t Chief Burgess. 4th Or JUL'S!' WE the undersigned Merchants of flit Borough y v or Colombla, agree to close our respective places of lll.wcr.s Oil TUESDAY TILE 4TII DAY OP JULY, 1848, for the purpose of affording those in our employ an oppor minty of purneipatmg in the celebration of the ever glo chalks anniversary. RUMPLE & HESS. 1 w. CQTTRELL, J. D. & J WRIGHT, JOS. A DARR. W. & S. PATTON. W. J. C. TAN - Lon, CHALFANT& HALDEMAN. l' GANNON, W. A. 1.1.:A DER, JA'S L. PRETSMAN, JOHN JORDAN. Jr. J. & 0. S. MeTAOUE, PETER I lALDEMAN, 13 cnANsToN, FRY & SPANGLER, D. P. ORIFFITI!. Columbia, June :3-1, —`2l NOTICE NOTICE is hereby given that the law prohibit• inn the setting on of FIRE-CRACIiER`4, tee.. within the Inuit.. of the Borough of Columbia, tell be strictly en forced, in every lIISRUICV of detection. JAMES JORDAN. Chief Burgess. Columbia, June 21, 1ti1.4 -31 HOUSE AND LOT A_T PRIVATE SALE. The subscriber offers for sal,. the ONE STORY HOUSE AND LOT, .rotate in Walnut street. between Front and Second .treets, and adjoining properties of Manbiot and Camp bell. turd Robert lit Icon. Columbia, Jn, 21. SWARM'. ( I . AME to the residence of the subscriber, in We.d Ilemplield trasslashap.l.nuer.ler county. ros 111.• 111111 a.taut, a IMOWN MARE. The owner 14 requested ha come tons a 741 mad pause property, pay elargeg, and take it lONII.. cIinISTILN STONER. West 'lymphoid, June tO, Jet!t•ld-11 HAIR 1) ESTORAYINE, Jones's Coral Hair Restorative .Lu will imam: the !lair to grow on the head or face. By using a a, bottle the ss hiskers and beard may he cultiva ted to any reasonable extent. Sold only m N. York. at 82 Chatham street, and by R Atzeta for Colombia. - - ZONES'S ITALIAN Chemical Soap cures Pimples, Blotches, Salt 1[11,41111, Scurvy, F.rytdpeln.,. Sore Muds, Old Sore, Sore Heard mat Ilurber'4 Itch, Chopped and tender Freckle., Tan. Sunburn, and changing Dark, Sun burnt or Yellow Shia to it pure clear white. an smooth and soft an ell infants. And, in fact, every kind of erup tion and dilliv,urement Itend these certificates : From the N. O Sentinel, Oct., I'll. Leon One of our subscriber, Mr. 11. Leoard, informs as that l ie has b e en cured of old, scaly Stilt Rheum, of eighteen' year's standing, on his head. fingers and hands, by re cake llnn article much advertised lately—we speak of Jones's talian Chemical Soap Ile also informs us thud lie has tried its effects on his female slave Rose, much marked sN ill, still spots. nod lie found in two weeks her skin much clearer need whiter. James Elthain. a planter in Jersey City. was cured of cnrbimeles suit pimple.. whirl, lie was afflicted •vali lot amity year, by a part of it coke OfJOIII,,'SMI Chemi cal r..orip. • l'ert,on, in purchasing thi% must always ask for Jones'., irrA LTA CUP:MICA I. SOA P.—and perhaps, as many who have been cheated with the counterfeits, will be too rtmcli discouraged to try the genuine. we say to such, try Hut once—Sou still not regret it; but always see that the name of Jonea is On the Wrapper. Sold at Chatham st.. New l ork, and Ire R WILL IAAIS. Agent for Columbia. 1c2149-6at - - - DALE HEADS GRAY Heads, Red Heads, and all with Bad Hair, Read! Mr. ARRA/lASI VANDRRBEEK. of 91 Avenue D., New York. certifies that his head was entirely bald on the lop, and ley the use of too 3s. bottles of Jones Coral Hair Restorative, he has a good crop of hoar, and will soon have it long and thick. Mr. 'William Jac of hU Liberty Street, Pittsburgh, Pa , certifies: On the 3d of February, 1117. that Mi 'Mounts Jackson's head, on the top, was entirely bald for 13 sears, and that by using two 3s. bottles of Jone's Coral pair Its:morons r. the hair is growing fast and thick, and will soon lie entirely restored. Gray Ileads! Gray Heads ' Itend—l hereby certify tund my hair was turning gray. and that since I leave used Jones's Coral llair Restorative t has entirely ceased growing last. and has a fine dark look. Before. I used June: . Coral Ilair Restorative I combed out hand guns of hair daily. W. TOMPKINS. D. 2 Klng. st., N. Y. Mr. Power, a grocer. of Milton et.. had his Misr choked up %s nit dilution - 1, and Jones's Coral hair Restorative en tirely cured it. Thi you want to dress, beautify. and make your hair soft nod fMe. Read—l, Henry E. Cullen. late barber on board the •temnbout Sooth America, do certify that Jones's Coral Hair Restorative rs the best article I ever used for dressing, sotteuutg. cleansing, and keeping the hair u long time in order; all my customers prelerred it to any thing else. Sold Dili• in N. York at Chatham street : and by R WILMA:as. Agent for Columbia. NCI= ! MILE!! TIIE undersigned hereby informs his friends aild the public generally, that he will supply them with NEW CREAM AND MILK, direct from the Spring House. nod warranted to be the real SINION Penn. It will be furnished twice a day. A share of public patronage is respectfully solicited. June IU, CYRUS STRICKLER. wintimma rs T MERRY Tooth Wash, an immediate and ef fectual CUTS for all disease of the Gurus and Teeth For sale by WM. A. LEADER. WEN DaYs LATER.. BY OVER LAND EXPRESS, Important News from the East, gnat decline in GRI GOODS. We have Just received a large and splendid assortment of SUNIMER GOODS, NEW STYLES and much below the usual prices. A splendid assortment of DRESS GOODS, suitable for ihc season. Call and ex amine W & R PA.TTON. enlumbin, Mae en. IQ4.—tt JOHN BARBER
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers