ONE DOLLAR A YEAR IN ADVANCE.] NEW SERIES, VOL 1, NO. 51.] GEO. W. SCIIROYER, Editor and raider. Office—Front Street, three doors above Locust Teams.—The COLUMBIA See is published every Saturday morning at the low price of ONE DOLLAR A YEAR IN ADVANCE, or one dollar and fifty cents, i hot paid within one month of the time of subscribing. Single copies, THREE CENTS. Tileanisoe ADVERTININO—AdVerIifIOMBOIN not exceed ing a square three times forBl, and 25 cents for each Additional insertion. I hose of a greater length in pro tionion. 02-A liberal discount made to yearly adver lsein. Jou PRINTING—. Sorb as Hand-hills, Pouting-bills yards. Labels, Pamphlets, Blanks of every description thiculars,etc.etc.iexecuted with neatnessanddespatch iind on reasonableternis. ;I Pp pint STORE—The Subscribers, proprietors of Vione of the oldest and most extenstve China Stores in the United States, have now on hand a. Very large supply COMMON WARE crtAxrry. WARE, CHINA WARE AND GLASS WARE, embracing 'all the varieties ever imported, winch they will sell in large or small quantities, NVuoLEsmx on RE TAIL, to Slat the wattle of the people ; at prices to defy competition. The advantages to be derived from having a large stock to select from, ought certainly to lie apparent to every one: only two need be mentioned : let. The vnrtety to plesse the taste. The advantage of purchasing at the lowest prices: for it Is certainly evident to every thinking mind, TIIAT THE LARGER TILE lIUSINENS DONE, TIIE SMALLER TIIE PROFIT REQUIRED. It IS SO in every branch of trade. 'rile walla tocturer sells to the wholesale pugckage dealer, the wholesale package dealer sells to the jobber, and the job ber to the retail country dealer: so that the farmer or eon- SOMer of the article PAYS AT LEAS port PEFTL !! ! Why pay so many profits when you can come directly to head quarters? Tr2illiALE & 911TC(lX LL, April 22,1849-2 m 21(1 Chesnut street. above 7th street A SPLENDID TOT of New Carpets. Just open for spring Sales. Just received per lute arrivals, and now opening, a large and rich assortment of Brussels, Impe rial three-ply, Super and Elite Ingrain and Vemtuni Car petings, maufacturml expressly to order. and decidedly the handsomest goods in the ma ant. oficred to purchasers on the most liberal terms. Entirely new design Brussels, IA Imperial :I ply, 4 4 " Superfine Ingrain, Fine !hi Royal Twilled Venmans, Plato do CARPETS, rich and rare styles. A magnificent assortment of flsl, 6.4 and 12-4 Druggets nt lower Priecs than ever before offered, with a large 4. sortment of Piano and Table Covers, Sheepskins, Oil Cloths, Stair Rods, Matting, Bindings, Sc. Also, a rich and splendid assortment of superior Win dow Shades, all the different widths and qualities, offered MI the best terms. The particular attention of Country .Merchants, House keeper.; and WIWI'S is requested to all examination of the above desirable stock of finals. embracing, as it does, all the different styles and qualities now manuthetmed, and hut tug been purchased at the lost est cash rates, extraor dinary inducements will be held out to purchasers. ROBERT IS. WALKER, No. 35 North Second street, opposite Christ Church. Philadelphia. March 11. I P 4 -, :3m WILIGII'D'S NMAN VEGETABLE PILLS IN TILE CITY 01? MEN IN)!—GREAT SUCCESS AMONG TI VOI.UN 'I'EEItS!—I.ETTER F110:11 A Mull SHERIFF OF 801 . 111 CAROLINA I.7.trnet of letter front die editor of the Greenville Moan- Inineer. S. C. . . Du. W. ‘Viitturr—Dear * A week or two ago I kept you it iOI.NI ncxtsa, rontnitnna n letter wear one Of our Volunteer. 111 the City of Mexico. in which he pays WRIGIIVS INDIAN VEGM'AIILE PILLS. under the memo 'twice., the lught,t torch of pro kr , 1 have rt er known a medicine to receive. The Volunteer. \William \V Goodlett. E.g., is n gentleman of line standing—au accomplished and well educated man, and M :IS recently 111011 SIIERIFF Of Didriet. By one of your ad verm,ements ut n thltntlesion parer. I happened to notice the !ovation of your office, and thought you might extract un article of .ohne value in regard to your medicine, thereibre 1 rent the pupet The hollowing iR an extract front the letter referred to :Move: • 4 .My health i. very fast improving. I procured a few days ago, some of Dr. NVright's Indian eg••talde Ptl la. and they have acted on sty system LIKE MAGIC . . - . Thus it appears that the brave and patriotic 'Volunteers who have gone to Mexico, to defend the rtghts and honor of their country, already begin to realize the extraordina ry value of this incomparable medteme. Long life to them! _ _ _ lionium.r. MISTAKES" Are sometimes made 13) confounding one medicine ss tilt another, and administering the wrong article. Equally horrible are those mistakes which ate mode in supposing that all Pills are alike. anti that theretore. it is indifferent which are taken, and if one kill(' us bail all arc bad together. This is n very great mistnke. is as much difference between Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills and other arti cles, as between nudnight and noonday! We do not wish any to take our word merely for this statement. Let any one, having taken other medicines. try this. Nothing more will be necessary. Many persons have been led away by a Cosrozo OF SUGAR, as if they anticipated that it would Celtics C the nausea of the Medicine. But they are generally mistaken. Without the SUGAR those articles have nothing to recom mend them, and would not be sold a single day. But with the sugar, and by givmg the article a name SIIIII,II I to Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills. they gam u tempera- ry notoriety. WOLVIA they tire. in sheep's clothing, or whom the public should steer suffmteittly clear. Let a be remembered that NVILIGIIT S INDIAN VEG TABLE PILLS are prepared with special reference to the laws governing the human body. Consequently, they are always good, always useful, always effective in root ing out disease. Every family should keep them at hand. The following highly respectable Storekeepers have been duly appointed agents for the sale of this Celebrated Aleilicine, in Lancaster county. Bearville. Reuben Wenner. I3ainbridge, John F. Beecher. Bird-m-Maud, Jacob Bruner. I3art Township, 'Wm. \V. Passinore. Belleview, Buyers it Umbels. Buck Tavern P. 0.. Geo T. Clark Chesnut Level. MeSparrant & I lousekeeper. Conestoga Centre ' John li. Harman. Church Town. L. S: E. Rogers. Connersvllle. E Lewis Columbia, Fry & Spangler. Cherry Hill. Isaac S. Webster. Drumorr, Joint A. Boyd. Earl Township, George ambition do do 'Weaver & 'Winner. do do Davis Wallace. Elizabethtown, John I.) itch. Ephrata. John Gross. Ephraltt, New, L. S. Hacker. do do Martin Weidman. Fulton blouse, Fulton tp., L. P Hemnfield, Ringwalt & Marlin. Intercourse, Thomas Leacock township, Frederick Swope Ltimpeter Square, J. F. & D. 11. Herr Luiz, Nathaniel S. Wolley. Lanenster, John Zunmerman Mount Joy. IVitmer it Cassel. Mountville. John Devlin. Marietta. W. A. & it. Spangler. Mount Joy Township, H G Clark it Co :%Taylown. John Reinhold. do Slaymaker & Co. Mount Pleasant. Is:me 'ter oniatil Mill Creek. I lenry Slander. Marto. Toss uslitp. Hugh Moore. New Hollnn.l. Brubaker it Cu New Providence. Hildebrandt & Mrs er Poplar Grove, K H. Yrtzson- Peach Bottom. S. W. P. Bosil Penn Township. inert!, Singer Paradise. A. It. & A. L. Winner Posy's Mills, Mahlon {hasp} Peach Bottom. Wm. Arnold Rawhitsiville. Joh. R aw l, Safe Harbor. John Herr & Son. Strausburg, Wm. Spencer. I. 3 ltisbury, 11. Freeland. Washington. John A. Brush D7rOtTices devoted akelusivel) to the sale of Wrighf s Indian Vegetable Pills. whedesni, mid nand. IG, street, Philadelphia; tiao Greens, telt street. Now York; and 198 Tremont street. Boston April 20.1.17.-1 y VITALNTILD, A JOURNEYMAN SHOEMAKER on coarse work. Aloo a boy to lento the sboemakiae buxine., Ap ply to JAMES JOB DAN. Columbia, May 27, 1i1.9..-3t WANTED, A BOY under instructions to the Tailoring bu rn Am.,. Vol X(; 1111 l to.) T.:mi.:l-ter en . Pa. Ma it THE COLIM_BIA SPY. From the New Orleang Della Ilail glorious Peace 1 thy mighty power Shall raise the clouds that o'er us louver; And •prcad, with magic wand, content, Through hosts who late on strife were bent The sword of no more shall (lash, Nor hOrSCOICII wild with tiny dash; No more to ehurge,” the bugle stand, While death and desolation round, Thrill through the veins rind lire the heart. And ecru the brawny sinew. start, But Peace and Happiness shall reign Wilde Glory - , pure. without a stain, O'er , pread, the land like mid-day sun, And joins our myriad hearts in one. 0, SCORN NOT THY BROTHER 0. wont not thy brother, Though poor lie nray be, lie's bound to another And bright world with thee. Should sorrow assail hint, Give heed to his sighs, Should strength ever hail hint 0, help Jilin to rise' The pathway we're roaming., Mid llow'ret, way lie, But ' , OM: %% - ill glonuting, COllle dnrh.'inng our sky. Then seek not to smother litntl feelings ut thee, And seorit not thy brother, Though poor lie Wily be ' Go, cheer those who Inaguidh Their dead hope nniong, In whose hearts stern The harp tenth a n.trune ! They 'll door) in another Wight land roan, ,ith thee, So scorn not Lily brother, Though poor he may be ! POPULAR SIMILES. As wet as a fish—as dry as a bone— As live as a bird—ns dotal us a stone— As plomp Os a porridge—as poor us a rat— As strong no a horse—as weak as a cat— An, hard as a flint—as soft as a aisle— As White as a lily—as black as a coal— As plaint as spike stall—us rough as a hear— As tight us a drurn—us free its the nir— As beavey a. lead—as light as a feather— As steady as 11111C-1111C01111111 us weather— As hot its lilt oven—as cold as n frog— As gay us a lark—as sick us a deg— As Joe• as n tortoise—ns swift as the wind— A+ true as the gospel—as false us mankind— As dun as a herring—as ant tic a pt As proud its a peacock—a- blithe as a grig— As sat age ns tigers—as null ns n dove— As a poker—as limp as n glove— As blind as a bat—as deaf as n post— As cool as n encumber—warm as toast— As roil us R cherry--114 pole as a ghost. THE GHOST SEER. TRANSLATED FROM THE GERMAN, This story purports to be related by a Sicilian umgimall. in answer to an inquiry about a certain mysterious person living in Venice, ♦rho appeared at different tunes in the garb of nn Armenian priest mid it Russian soldier. The Sicilian having fact him same ycorn before, tell, the fol lowing story —TitANsi..AIION. "It might now be five years," began the Sicilian, "since in Naples, where I carried on with tolerable success my profession, I made the acquaintance of a certain Lorenzo del M—nte, chevalier of the or der ofSt. Stephen, a young and u ich cavalier of one of the first houses in the kingdom, who over whelmed me with obligations, and appeared to bear great respect for my mysteries. lle informed me, that the Marquis del M—nte, his father, was a zealous admirer of Cabbala, and would consider himself happy to know under his own roof a phi. losopher, as he was pleased to call me. The old man resided at one of his country scats, about seven miles from Naples, where almost in entire separa tion from man, lie bewailed the memory of a dear son, who had been torn from him by a terrible dis aster. The chevalier hinted to me that he and his flintily might need me once in a very important business, in order to obtain from my secret know. ledge an insight into something, for which all natu. ral means had been expended fruitlessly. lie espe. cially added, full of meaning, that lie might indeed have occasion to consider me as the creator of his peace and whole earthly prosperity. 'The afrtir it self wits as follows : This Lorenzo was the younger son of the Marquis, on which account lie was in. tended for the church ; the possessions of the family would fall to his elder brother. Jeronyino, so this older brother was called, had spent many years in a tower, and returned about seven years before the occurrence which is now to be related, to his fa. therland in order to accomplish a marriage with the only daughter of a neighboring. house—the Connt of C—tti, on which both families bad agreed since the birth of those children,so as to unite their great possessions. Notwithstanding this uni on was entirely the work of parental convenience, and the hearts of the pair were not consulted for advice at this choice, yet they themselves had al ready silently justified it. Jeronymo del M—nte, and Antonic C—tti had been educated together, and the little restraint laid upon the intercourse of two children, who were already accustomed to be con sidered as a pair, had soon excited a tender passion to spring up between them. This, through the harmony oftlicir characters, was still more strength coed and easily in riper years elevated itself to love. A four-years cbsence had rather enkindled than cooled it, and Jeronymo returned just as true and just as ardent to the arms of his bride, as if he had never been torn therefrom. The pleasures of again seeing each other were not over, and the preparations for the marriage were prosecuted in the liveliest manner, when the bridegroom—disappeared. He was accustomed often to spend whole evenings at a country scat, that had a view of the sea, and sometimes there to enjoy himself with a trip by water. After such an evening, it seemed that lie remained away unu sually long. They sent messengers after him ; vessels sought him on the sea ; no one could have seen him; none of his servants were missing, so then no one could have accompanied hint. It was poctri). PLACE• MEM I=! £ctcct :cilc. From the City Item I= AND LITERARY REGISTER. COLUMBIA, SATURDA night and ho appeared not.. It was morning—it was mid-day and evening, and still no Jeronymo. Already they began to give room to the most terri ble conjectures, when the news arrived that an Al gerine Corsair had landed some days before on this coast, and had borne away different ones of the in habitants, being seized.—lmmediately two galleys were manned, which lay there ready for sea; the old Marquis mounted the first himself, to free his son at the risk of his own life. On the third day they beheld the Corsairs, of whom they had the ad vantage of the wind ; they have almost touched them—they come so near that Lorenzo, who was looking from the first galley, believed that he re cognized the sign of his brother, when suddenly a storm tears them again from one another. IVith difficulty tho injured vessels weather the storm; but the prize had disappeared and necessity com pels them to land at Malta. The grief of thr fa mily is unbounded; comfortless the old Marquis plucked out his grey hairs, and they feared fur the life of the young Countess. Five years passed by in fruitless searches. En quiries were made along the whole coast of IL rhary; immense rewards were offered for the liberation of the young Marquis. But no one announced himself to receive the reward. At last the pro bable conjecture remained, that the storm which parted boll vessels had brou7ht the piratical vessel aground, and that its whole crew were destroyed in the waves. However plausible this conjecture might he, it was far from certain, and did not justify their en. tirely surrendering the hope that tire lost might again be seen. But suppose now, he should not appear any more, then with him simultaneously both families perish, or the second brother must de sert the church and take the rights of the first-born. Justice toward the latter appeared to justify this, rather than the family on the other hand, by a too. far carried delicacy, ought to be exposed to the risk of extinction. Trouble and old age was bring. ing the venerable Marquis to the grave ; hope sank at every new.disappointed search to find the lost ; Ile looked upon the downfall of his house, which might be prevented by a little injustice if he could only determine to honor the younger at the cost of the elder. En order to accomplish his obligations to the house of C—tti, he would only have to change the name, the design of both families would be reached in the same manner, whether the Countess Antonie, be now called Lorenzo's or Jcronymo's spouse. The slight possibility of a re. appearance of the latter, in opposition to the err• tain and pressing evil of entire extinction of the family was entitled to nn consideration, and the old Marquis, who felt the approach of death more and more daily, wished with impatience to die freed at least of this trouble. lie who opposed this step and contended against it most pertinaccously, was the same that would he profited most thereby—Lorenzo. Nut enticed by the charms of immense possessions, indifferent to the possession of a most lovely creature that would be resigned to his arms, he refused with the noblest modesty to rob a brother, who was yet perhaps olive and could demand back his property. "Is the fate of my dear Jeronymo," said Le, " throughout this long captivity not terrible enough that! should embitter it still more by a petty theft, which takes everything away, that was most dear to him? With what heart could I implore beavt n for his return when his intended wife lay in my arms? Kith what countenance hasten to meet Mtn if at last a miracle brings him back to us? And top. pose he is torn away front us, how can we better honor his name, than if we would allow the breach which his death has made in our circle to be unfilled, than if we all offcred up our hopes over his groan, and leave whatever was his untouched as bole 7" But all the reasons that fraternal delicacy dis. covered, were not enough to reconcile the old Mar. quis to the idea of seeing a line extinguished that had flourished for nine centuries. All that Lorenzo obtained, was yet a respite of two years before be should lead the bride to the altar. During this space of time investigations were carried on in the most zealous manner. Lorenzo took, several sea voyages himself, and exposed himself to many perils; no labor, no expense was spared to find the lost. But also these two years passed away fruit lessly as all the former. Antonio's position was the most terrible struggle between duty and inclination, hatred and respect. The unmercenary magnanimity of fraternal love elevated itself; she felt compelled to respect the man she could never love; her heart torn by cur. tradictory feelings bled. flirt her opposition to the chevalier appeared to increase in the same ratio us his claims to her respect increased. With deep pain he marked the quiet grief consuming tier youth. A tender compassion tread insensibly in the place of the indifference with which Ire had be. fore treated her; but this traitorous sentiment dc. ceived him, and a raging passion began to make the practice of a virtue troublesome, which to this time bad remained superior to any temptation. Still he gave hearing to the suggestions of his gen. crosity at the cost of his heart, as Inc was the only one who could protect the unhappy offering to the will of the family. BM all his efforts failed; every victory gained in that way over his feelings showed her so much the more worthy to him, and the mag nanimity with which he rejected her, served only to remove the opposition of that excuse. So stood affairs when the chevalier requested me to seek him at his farm. The warm recom mendation of my patron prepared a reception for me, which surpassed all my wishes. I dare not forget to remark here, that I had been successful in some remarkable operations, so as to make my name celebrated in the country at Lodges, which might contribute to increase the confidence of the old Marquis, and to raise Iris expectations of me. How far I carried it with hint, and what ways swore used therein, allow me to tell you; front the confessions I have already made you, you can judge of all the rest. When I used all the mystic books which were found in the very respectable li brary of' the Marquis it happened soon that I could speak with him, and bring my system of the invi sible world in harmony with his ideas. In short, he believed whatever I wished, and would have sworn as confidently on the marriage of the Sala mander and Sylphs as nn an article of the canons. Then, above this, he was religious, and had culti• voted his talents for belief in this school to a high degree, so that my talcs found with him a mach easier reception, and at last I had so surrounded and environed him with inystich.snq; that nothing was believed by him if it was natural. In :Inert, I was the adored apostle of the house. The normal contents of my lectures were the exaltation of the human race, and conversation with my vourber— the infallible Count of Calnalis. 'rite young Count ; erns, who since the lona of her beloved, was nevus. toured to live more in the spirit-world than iu tine actual, and in addition had a great tinge of melan choly in her character, took up my cast-out hints with shuddering pleasure. Indeed, the servants sought to find employment in the room where I was speaking, in order here and there to snatch a word, which fragments they disposed of rare to another after their own way. 1 may have spent two months thus at the Knight's castle, when the Chevalier entered my chamber one morning. Deep grief was depicted in Ilia countenance, all Inns features were altered, lie threw himself in a chair with all the actions oh tle vondeney. , JUNE 21, 184 S. " Captain," said be, "it is over with me. I must. go forth, I cannot remain here longer." "What is the matter with you Chevalier? what have you done?" "Oh this fearful passion (Here he raised him. self with vehemence from the chair, and threw himself in my arms.)—l. have opposed it like a man—now I can do no-more." "On whom does it depend my dearcsCfriend but on you ? Does not everything rest in your power? Father, family—" '6 Father ! Family! what is that tonic? Would I rather an extorted band, or a voluntary inclina tion ? Have I not a rival?—Ali! and what kind of one a rival perhaps amonr , the dead ! Oh suf fer mc, suffer me ! Though r should have to go to the end of' the world—l must find my brother." "How 7 After so many vain searches, can you yet hope—" "Dope ! Li my heart it died long ago. But it is in her heart! Of what importance is it that r should hope? Am I happy, so long as a shadow of the hope glimmers in Antonio's -heart? Two words my friend could my torment—but to no use. My fate will remain miserable until eternity break's her long silence and graves testify to me." "Ih it then this certainty which can matte you happy ?" . . hippy ! Oh I doubt if it can ever be ! But uncertainty is the most terrible centence ! (After a silence lie restrained himself and continued with sadness.) Oh that be may see my sufferings! C.m she make him happy, tots fidelity which causes the sorrows of his brother / Shall a living being languish on acconnt of a dead one, who can no more enjoy any thing 1 Did he know my anguish —(here he began to weep and pressed his face on my breast) perhaps—yet perhaps he would lead her himself to my arms." " But 'oust this wish be (mita unaccomplishable 7" "Friend! what do you say 9" Ile looked at me terrified• "Much commoner causes," I continued, " have intertwined the departed in the fate of the living. Shall the whole earthly happiness of a man—of a brother—" "The whole earthly happiness ! Oh I feel that! How true you hate spol.en! any wholesalvation !" "And the peace of a mourning family be no worthy inducement 7 Certainly it ever au earthly affair can justify destroying the peace of the Ides sed—making use of a power—" "For God's sake, friend I" he interrupted me " nothiog more ofthat I Formerly, I acknowledge, I entertained such a thought—it seems to me I told you of—but I have lung since cast it away us wicked and frightful." " You must ace already, continued the Sicilian, wl.ere this was leading us. I labored to destroy the scruples of the Kinght, which at last, I sac. eceded in doing. It was determined to call up the spirit of the dead, whereby I demanded only four. teen days. in order to prepare myself, as I pretend ed, worthily for it. Alter this space of time was spent and ny machines were properly adjusted, I employed a terrible evening, when the firmly were assembled around me in their usual way, to obtain their consent thereto, nr to lead them imperceptibly to each a putt that they might make that request of arc. We had the must adterse di.posit ion with the yroing Countess, who , e meet:nee was so CSHOII - here the fanatical hurt of her suarings came to our aid, and perhaps still more a slight glimmering- oi hope, that the suppu•ed dead might live and would not appear the call. Distrust in the thing itself, or doubt in iny art way the only hindrance which I had us! to encounter. As soon as the consent of the family had been obtained, the third day was appointed for the busi ness. Prayers which w ere protracted unto mid. night, fasts, watchings, solitude and mystical con. vorsation were the pi eparations for this solemn act, 'mike] with the use of a certaie, then unknown musical inttrument, hat I found effectual in simi lar situations, and which fell in so much with my that the l'anatical extacy of' my heare rs heated my own fancy anti increased the illusion not a little, for which I must fortify myself on this occasion. At last the expected hour arrived. I will allow myself no description °film jugglery, as that would lead me entirely too tar away. Enough, it filled my expectations. The old Marquis, the young Countess with her mother, the Chevalier, and some relatives were present. You easily imagine that there were not opportunities wanting to me, during the long time I spent in houses, of drawing out of every one the fullest in formation as to what belonged to the deceased. Different pictures which I found there of him, placed me in a condition to git e the apparition the most deceptive resemblance, sod while I allowed the spirit only to speak by signs, thus even his voice could awake tio suspicion. The dead up neared in the clothes of a slave of Barbary, with a deep wound in his neck. You notice, said the Si cilian, that I herein departed front the general con jecture, which supposed ldin lost in the waves; became I had reason that the unexpectedness of this turn would increase belief in the vision not a little. And on the other hand it appeared not more hazardous than a too•ccrtuin resemblance to the natural. 1 gave the question to the spirit, if lie could call anything his own in this world, niurif lie had left behind what was dear to him. The spirit thrice shook its head and extended one of its bands tow ard heaven. Before it vanished, it removed a ring from a finger, which they afterwards found lying on the floor. When the Countess examined its appearance closely, it was a mourning ring. Now they considered it as certain that Jcronymo was no more alive. The family were made no. quainted from this day of his death, and formally put on mourning for him. The circumstance of the ring allowed no doubt to Anionic, and gave the demands of the Chevalier great force. But the sad countenance which this apparition directed towards her, threw her into a dangerous illness, almost dis appointing forever the hopes of tier lover. When she was restored to licaltliodie determined to take the veil, from which she was only dissuaded by the most earnest remonstrances of her confessor, in whom she reposed unbounded confidence. Finally thcre was success to the united efforts of this man and the family in obtaining her consent. The last day of the mourning: was to be the happy day, which the old Marquis was resolsed to make hap pier, by a cession of all his possessions to the le. gitimate heir. The day arrived, and Lorenzo received his trembling bride at the altar. The day declined ; a splendid feast awaited the delighted guests in the illuminated marriage ha Ila, and music accompanied unrestrained joy. The happy old man had wished that all the world might share his gayety; all the entrance,: to the hall were open, and welcome was every one who praised him happy. In this croOd now— The Sicilian stopped here, and a shudder of ex pectation stopped our breath. In the crowd, continued he, I noticed him who was next me—a Francisian Monk, who stood as immovable us n pillar, a tall, lean, statute, and ashy-pale countenance, directing an earnest and sad look toward the bridal pair. Joy, which beamed all around on every countenance, seemed to pass by him; his aspect remained unchangeably the same, like a bust among living figures. Tiic extraordi- TlatillCSS of Ihie countenance operated the more I,c -nrprised inc in the [51,50, PAYABLE AT SIX MONTHS..Ii Inidstof pleasure, and contrary to everything sur rounding, impressed me in such a piercing manner, left an indellible impression on my soul, so that I thereby have been placed in a condition to recng. nine the lineaments of the Monk, in the physiog nomy of the Russian (for you already truly ima gine that he and your Armenian are one and the same person) which otherwise would have been al most entirely impossible. Oft I endeavored to turn away my eyes from this terrible form, but involun tarily they fell there again, and every time found it unchanged. I pushed my neighbor, he pushed his; the same curiosity, the same astonishment ran throughout the whole table; conversation ceased— a universal sudden pause—it did not disturb the Monk. The Monk stood immovable and always the same, directing an earnest and sad look at the bridal pair. This apparition frightened every one; the young Countess alone recovered her peculiar sadness in the countenance of this stranger, and Ming with quiet pleasure on the only object in com pany who appeared to understind, to share her grief. By degrees the company broke off. Mid night was passed and the music began to sound more gentle and mournfohthe candles to burn more dimly, until at last only a single one was left, con versation to be used in gentle and still gentler whispers—and it was just as it always will be in badly lighted marriage halls; the monk stood im movable and always the same, directing a quiet and sad look at the bridal pair. The table was re moved, the guests scattered themselves about here and there, the family collected in a small circle, and the Monk remained uninvited in this small circle. I know not how it happened that no one would speak to him ; but no one did speak to him. Already her female acquaintances crowded around the trembling bride, who directed a beseeching look, craving help, at,the stranger; the stranger did not reply. Tile men collected around the bridegroom in the same manner—a forced silence full of expect. ation. "Oh how is it that we arc so happy among one another," began the old man atlast, who alone, of all of us had either not noticed the unknown or did not seem to wonder at him. " That we are so happy," said he, " and my son Jeronymo should be absent." t , Have you then invited him and has he remained away ?" asked the Monk. It was the first time be opened his mouth. We looked with terror at him. " Oh, he lies gone there, where man remains for ever," answered the old man. " Venerable Sir, you did not understand me. My son Jeronymo is dead." "Perhaps now even he would fear to be seen in such a company," continued the Monk—" who knows how he may look—thy son Jeronymn ! Let him hear the voice he heard at the last time— hid thy son Lorenzo call him!" "What does that mean !" murmured all. Lo renzo changed color. Ido not deny that my hair began to raise. The Monk in the mean time walked up to the liquor table, where he seized a full wine gloss and placed it at his lip.—" To the memory of our dear Jeronymo !" he cried. " Whoever has love far the deceased, imitate me !" " As it may please you, worthy Sir," at last ex claimed the Marquis; "you have named a dear name. Be welcome to me ! Come my friends! (Whilst he turned towards us and suffered the glasses to go round.) Let riot a stranger shame us! To the memory of my son Jeronymo !" "Never, I believe, was a Health drunk with such po•rr spirit. "A glass stands there yet full—why niters my son Lorenzo to pledge himself in this friendly t 05,1." Trembling, Lorenzo received the glass from the Franciscan's hand—trembling he brought it to his mouth—" To my much loved brother Jeornymu!" stammered he, and shuddering let it down. "That is my murderer's voice," exclaimed a fearful spectre, which at once stood in our midst with bloody clothes, and disfigured with horrible wounds. But, as to anything further, let no ono ask me more, said the Sicilian, every mark of horror in his face. My senses deserted me from the moment I cast my eyes on the form so like that one who was present. When we came to ourselves, Lorenzo was struggling with death; Monk and apparition had disappeared. They brought the Knight to bed in t h e most horrible convulsions; no one was with the dying but the priest and the sad old man, who followed him in death somo weeks after. His ac knowledgements lay concealed in the breast of the fuller, who heard his last confession, and no living man has heard them. Not long alter this affair, it happened that they were cleaning a well, which was in the back yard of the castle, and had been closed for many years; there, turning over the rubbish, they found a slide ton. The houce where this happened, exists no more; the familyof M—nte is extinct, and in a Convent near Salerno they show you Antonio's grave. itlisccllancou,s. Why is a manuscript like Philadelphia? Because it is the work of Penn. "Where ignorance in bliss, 'tie folly to be wise.'' —Charleston Free Press. HOW TO INVADE ENGLAND.-COMC as an exile, and not an arm will be raised against you. Why is the cupola on the State House like Ire land?—Because there is a in it, (Belfast.) To refuse assistance when called upon to give it in the Queen's name, is an indictable offence. " The Fair redoced."—This is the contents of a sign lately placed over the door of a corset mter. I= "Whot arc your politics ?" " Ifav'of got ally." " What bo politics?" " No' not a darned politic." The board of education in Syraeuse have re solved to employ no teacher who tobacco.— These people are up to snuff. An Arnh is allowed to divorce any of Ilia wises who does not make good bread. If there WAS such a law here, what a number of divorces there would he !—rEcehange. The Dover Telegraph thanks its friends for their unremitting kindness;" upon which the Nashua Telegraph remarks : .4 We am thankful for any kind of kindness too—but we like the 'milting kind tlir 1 never complained of my condition," said the Persian poet Sadi, `•bttt once, when my feet were hare and I had no money to buy shoes; bnt then I mct a man without fact, and 1 became emitented wiili try lot." [WHOLE NUMBER, 94 TRIALS. Christ was deserted a little before the glorious morning of light and joy dawned upon him. It wail , a little, a very little while, after his sad cry, before,: he triumphed gloriously; and so it may be withr you; heaviness may endure for a night, but joy,. and gladness may come in the morning. Let God!, steer for you in the storm. Mc loves to bi trusted. 11 Some men ascribe all their unhappiness to theli narrowness of their means; but place them in the immediate enjoyment of all that enter within the, circle of their present hopes and desires, end they s will no sooner have entered upon the enrapturing possessions, than new hopes and desires, will begin to manifest themselves. You cannot place a man in such a situation that he Will not look above it and beyond it ; give him the whole of this world, and like the hero of Macedon, he will enquire for another. NothitT, it so important to any man, as his own Aothing ... - import,. ty . .i, .._ % state and condition; nothing so amazing as Monti ty. If, therefore, we find persons indifferent to the IV loss of their being, and to the danger of endless misery, it is impossible that this temper should be t. natural. , 4 F 4.r men to resolve to be of no religion till all are agreed in one, is just as wise and rational as if they should determine nut to go to dinner till all the ti clucks in town strike twelve together. =6M2 TRUE INDEPENDENCE.—Soon after its cstabish. i' ment in Philadelphia, Franklin was offered a piece : for publication in his newspaper. Being very busy *.s ' he begged the gentleman would leave it for consid. i.; oration. The next dny the author came and asked to his opinion of it. "Why, sir," replied Franklin, 't,, " I am sorry to say that 1 think it highly scurril. t' ous and defamatory. But being at a loss on account of my poverty whether to reject it or not, I thought I would put it to this issue—at night when my work was done, I bought a twopenny loaf, on it; which, with a mug of water, I supped heartily, and l' then wrapping myself in my great coat, slept very soundly on the floor till morning, when another loaf and mug of water afforded me a pleasant break. fast. Now, sir, since I can live very comfortablei in this manner, why should I prostitute my press to personal hatred or party passion for a morel' luxurious living?" Ono cannot read this nnecdutel of this American sage without thinking of Socratesl! reply to King Archelahs, who had pressed him toll give up preaching in the dirty streets of Athens, and conic and live with him in his splendid,t courts—" Meal, please your majesty, is a half.'l penny a peck at Athens, and water I can get for nothing." CLASS IN DAIRIES.—The attention of Dairyists, has of Info been pretty much called to the advartij Ines of glass as a non-conductor of electricity, inf the preservation of milk in glass pans. It was only' a short time since that we were shown a glass bot tle full of milk that had been preserved in India and China, and when drawn, after eighteen month's}, preservation, was not only found to be perfectly-{: sweet, but to contain, in a solid and i.,liesive statesl a small quantity of excellent butter; while (lief, milk pre se rved in a tin con during the sums voyi age had gone to acid. It now appears that glass milk-pans produce almost equally remarkable re sults; and from an analysis we have seen of th . cream which was thrown up on some of flank; Compressed Register, it appears that the differene is in favor of the glass, as compared with the' wooden or wedge-ware pan, by at least ten per cent! —Scotch Farmer. • —.......,••••-•,....... , FRANKIAN'S TOAST.—Long after Washington'),: victories over the French and English had made:: 1 his name familiar to all Europe, Dr. Franklin ha "• chanced to dine with the French and English am bassodurs, when, as nearly as we can recollect th , words, the following toasts were drunk: . 13y tho British Ambassador—" England—the Sun whose bright beams enlighten and fructify th. remotest corners of the earth." The French Ambassador, glowing with nationa pride, drank—" France—the moon, whose mildt , steady, and cheering rays are 'the delight of alt, nations; consoling them in darkness, and making , ' their dreariness hcautilul." ft 1./r. rranattn wen tte.e .tit. t.;.. +t dignifid himplicity, and said—" George Washington—th" Joshua, who commanded the sun and moon IT stand still, and they obeyed him." == COMFORT sort. THE Ricu.—When the timc dies nigh that the oxy.hydrogen microscope should b - shown, at the Newcastle Polytechnic Exhibitiort one night last week, a poor old woman, whoa!, richrs will never retard her ascent to heaven, too' her scat in the lecture roum to witness the wonder that were for the first timc to meet her sight. piece of lace was magnified into a salmon net. lice was metamorphosed into an elephant. Ott marvels were performed before the venerable dar who sat in astonishment, staring open-mouthed the desk. But when, et length - , a . miliner's mei was transformed into a poplar tree, and cnnfronl her with its huge eye, she could hold no longer.. `, My goodness," she exclaimed, "a camel cos t^ through That:There's some hopes for rich folks yet."--Gateshcad, Eng., Observer. EEC= To P-n t.scavc CIIERRIES.—TaIcc large ripe Int relict cherries; weigh them, and to each pound I low a pound of loaf-sugar. Stone the cherries,-, , opening them with a sharp quill—and save I. 1; chuice that comes from them in the process. P. you stone them, throw them into a pan or ture en and strew about half the sugar over them, and 1/.1" them lie in it an hour or two after they are s: atoned. Then put them into a preserving kat ! with the remainder o f the sugar,and boil and ski . them till the fruit is clear and the syrup thick. ---......v,e, , ,0.e0nr.~.--- Paten Goon.—ln England and Ireland it common for tradesmen who have received ord from the Queen, to place on their signboards fact that they arc "patronized by .ier majesty, Michael Dayland, the blacksmith of Dublin, w; was honored with nn outer through a spy, to ttia:n* facture a ball dozen pikes for Lord Clarendon, 14 thriven in trade and been enabled to take a lar shop than that in which he before lived. In 711 , new concern, he has eonspicuously placed on signboard, "lll:char, Hyland, ParmaZer ta II Mijegiy. A Kentucky renter declares that F ince he signed the teetotal pledge he has 'drank the sippi water by the gallon. " Talk to me of a eating a peek of dirt in a life," said he. '• ao have only been swallowing the sediment for a m and am already chuck-full of sandbars, snags, I islands, and sunken flat-boats, and was n healthier in my life." I=l Judge Benson told a story of a Jury that had der their consideration a case of horse stealing The penalty attached to this crime •ear. at time death; but, as palintingeircutmlances exit the jury thought, in this instanee, impriaonm would suffice, amf they brong,ht in a verdie, nslaughter !" m U IZ 1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers