From the po.!ton Ewing Traiellet,Jen. 0,184: It is perhathi bathe set of -itultice 'to the proprietors of Mente. Balsam of - Wild Cherry. for us'to say, that our personal experience in the use of thisardcle has impress ed us most favorably. One of the proprietors'of the travel ler was entirely cured of a severe tough of four month's continuance, by the use of this Balsam; and ievired of oar friends and acquaintances, who have tried the article, have found It of great service in relieving - them of severe coughs and shortness of breathing, with which they have been fidgeted. Mr. Seth W. Fowle, N 0.1.15, Washington street, is the general agent. , Be not deceived, remember that spurious imitations,"l and other preparations of Wild Cherry abound through out the land. but it is Dr. Iir:STAB'S that has performed so many thousand wonderful cures, therefore buy no other but the genuine, original Balsam of Wild Cherry, signed I Butts on he wrapper None genuine, unless signed I. BUTTS on the wrapper. , For sale by SETH \V. rowLE, Getters' Agent, / 38 , Washington Street. Boston; Aslo. Far sale by B. 'Wrthrsam, Front Street Columbia, Fa. Bliertsboge of Congress. Clergymen. Lawyers, Sena tors, Jur i es. Foreign Conanla, and - in fact, all classes of the community, have given in their testimonials in favor of the superior saponaceous qualities of RADWAY'S CHINESE MEDICATED SOAP. In fact the superior qualities of this delicious Soap are so much in advance of all others. that every individual who tries it once, be comes astonished at its effect upon the Ordeal. and are so highly pleased with its extremely bland; soothing, and puriiying effects in curing all excrescences of the cuticle, exterminating Pimples. Blotches, Pustules, Tatter, &a., at the sainetime imparting to the complexion a healthy roseate hue, and pure, sweet, and clean skin, that tests modals. unasked for, are presented to u■ every day. For S raving, this soap is superior to creams and other soaps, it produces a rice and copious lather, softens the beard, and renders the skin smooth and pliable. For _Claming Teeth, Midway!. Soap may truly be said to pos sess wonderful merit—it makes the teeth white and beautiful, renders' the breath sweet, and keeps the gums free from scurf. For the Tot/et, it is superior to all im i3Of /44 - . wive. being entirely free from all poisonous ad- ' mixtures, it will not irritate or inflame the skin. TESTIMONIALS. From the Rev. J. N. Markt. • . Mcsere..T. & R. G. Railway—ents—l take great plea sure in recommending to the public as,worthy of notice, Your delimousChinese Medicated Soap . As a Toilet and Shaving Soap it is the best I have used; for Chapped Flesh.aud Tender Skin, I consider it a great desidera tum. Respecittilly yours. J. N. Itlsvrcr. Gents you have, the goodness to send, by express, thirty' dozen of your Chinese Medicated Soap. n sells be rend anything of the kind I have ever known—it really does possess the merit which you represent, the ladies of Rochester will not be without IL Truly yours, SCRANTITM. Mr. Levi Cooly of Plattsburgh, New York, says: "A youngman of this place bas suffered very severely front :Salt &hewn, so much so, that be could no, sleep at night, be heard of Radwars Soap, washed himself from head to Riot; used Itz cakes, and is now enjoying good health.— He also pronouccs it the best Shaving Soap he has ever used. Law Com.y, Plattsburgh. Each cake, to the genuine must be signed R. G. had way 3- dc R. G. RAD*AY, 2 Courtland.St., N. Y. Sold in Columbia by R. Wttalstasi and Wat. A LEADER, sad Tn Lancaster by Zahm dc Jackson. jc17,464472 Most Extraordinary Work.--The Married Wo . man's PRIVATE MEDICAL, COMPANION, by Dr. A., Professor of Diseases of Woman, gush Edhion. lemo. pp. 230. Priee 31. 2S,ooocopies sold in three months! • • ' Yeats of soaring, of physical and mental anguish to many an affecuonate wife, and peeuniaury difficult!. to the husband. might have been spared by n timely posses sion of this work. It is intended especially for the married, or those con templating marriage. as tr discloses important secrets which should he known to them particularly. *ruin knowledge is power. Ira health, happiness, el &tante. The revelations contained in its pages have proved a blessing to thousands, as the ;numerable letters to the author will attest. Here. also, every female—the wife. the mother, the one either budding into womanhood or the one in the decline of yes in whom nature contemplates an important change ar - can discover the cause, symptoms, and the most efficient remedies. and most certain mode of cure, in every complaint to which her sex is subject. COPIES WILL. BE SENT BY MAIL FREE OF POSTAGE TO THE PURCHASER. Over ten thonsand copies have been sent by mail within three months, with perfect safety and certainty. Ott the receipt of one Dollar. the " Married Woman's Private Medical Companion , ' will be sern 'mailed free) to any part of the United States. All letters must be post-paid yzeept those containing a remittance) and addressed to Dr. A M. .Maurietau, Box 1:224, New York City. Publish. In office.lA Liberty -at., New-York. The " Married "Woman's Private Medical Companion" Is sold by Booksellers throughout the United States. New-York, May .11), , Philadelphia Dagnereatype Establishment —Exicits.For.,-3d story, Rooms 2.5-47.--Dagirreotype Por traits of all sizes, either singly or in !amity groups. col ored or without colors, are taken every day, tri any wea ther. Copies of Daguerreotypes. Oil Paintings, Statuary, &c.. may also he procured. Ladies and Gentlemen are requested to examine specimens. y W. 8 F. I,A7eSIREIM. On tbo btih inst.. by the Rev. We,. Barns, Mr. Classztt noststsom. of Welleborough, l'toga county, to Mies MART BAMER, of Colorable*. wraziw zwasEEi TIE subseiik.r took up two stray Mares on Friday, the ant inst.. ow the ssoroogh of ill arietta. The owner or owners ore requested to come forward and prove property, pay charges and take them away. June 10, 181a.luB.: JACOB 8. RICH. ATTZLNIVZOBT I HOSE persons engaged in the projf et of re sisting, y physicat tome. tne collection of Alifitiu nes of past years. are requested to meet at the usual place at 71 o'clock. Irloaday evening. JllllO 191 h. to make the necessary preparation for action. Ordered June 17, In4e.-14 BY THE PRESIDENT. COLUMBIA . DANE Aram BRIDGE COMPANY, May 18, 1848. The Directors of the Columbia Bank and Widge Com pany. desirous of affording:to persons who are disposed to deposit money for definite periods, at a moderate rate of interest. have determined to allow interest for the same at the following rates, viz: For all deposits to remain 12 months, 4 per et. per annum. do do do 8 do 3 do do do do do 3 do 2 do do The DOM, So deposited to be payable without interest at any intermediate time, at the option of the depositor. The interest to cease et the end of the period for which the deposit was made, unless the same be renewed for a farther period. SAMUEL, SHOCH, Time to i -41„.--Im Cashier. WkSSOLIP3 I I.ILIC. TIIE eopartnerstdp heretofore existing betweenthe unuerequed, trading un4er the nrrn. 0, Goodman, arber, ..k. Co.. et Pike Mills, Potter county, and Bruner, Berber te. Co., Columbia. Pa., was dissolved by mutual consent on the third day of !Bay-1645. All persons indebted to said firms will make payraent to Abraham Bruner, or Owen B. Goodman. who are au thorized to settle the business of the same, . ABRAHAM BRUNER. lAMBS BARRER. OIVE.N B. GOODMAN. Colombia, May 3.1949. jo10•43-3t I'd 3W2LY reILIVZS. P US "IS lust received and for sale at the UNION LINE WAREHOUSE, Coluatbia, Jane ID, It 4 in4t Canal Basin. ..INIZZIC I =CMS!! • T HE undersigned hereby informs his friends and the ,pubae generally, tam ho wttl supply them anti NEW CAW{ AND MILK, direct from the Spring House. and warranted to be the real SINION Pees. It will he furnished twice a day. A share of public patronage is respectfully solicited. June 10, 183.3,-41 CYRUS sTßEctaxit. A. NZW vortradia (IP the bed; the cheapest, and the mod elegant , IY Printed Fssobv NSPAPER of the age. THE HO ME JOURNAL. Edited by Geo. P. Morris and N. P. Willis. Published low Saturday in the City of New York, at the very 'Ow price of TWO DOLLARS a year in advance. The first number of.a new volume of this wide-spread, Popular, and valuable Family Newspaper . will be issued on the first day ofJuly next. The rapidly incseasing tannin: or the Hotue.loornal has enabled the Proprietors to enrich ire broad and ample columns with the frequent Production@ of a number of the most brilliant, sparkling, Pt unit, and original Writers of the age. Faroe who wish to receive the New Volume entire, thll be enabled to do so by sandingtheir tutor to the edi tors anthout delay. Address MORRISS do WILLiS, June 10, LB4B. 107, Fulton at.. N: Y. WIVILISMILP DOLLAULS AEWAIM The above maid will be paid for the apprehension URI conviction of an, Moon who maliciously injure or destroy any of the POPIS, Glos. or er fixture of the COLUM- ° l h ATM LAN C wABTER oth MAGNETI s, C TELEGRAPH C OMPANY. By order of the Board H. E. ATEEsHii seminar,. Columbia, Jame 3, 1848,-3mo 43USiTICS9 Itfireciprn. JOHN F. HOUSTON, Attorney. Locust Street, between Front and Second Sin WILLIAM S. bIcCORK.LE, Physician, corner of Locust and Second streets J. D. JP J. _WSIGIfT) Dry Goods Merchants., Locust et, 3rd door below 2nd at PRY Jr, SPANGLER, Dry Goods Mereltants,Locuat street, below the Bank W. & S. r&i."ros, Dry Goods Ityerohsnus S. E. ember of Lo , not dr. Front st CHA.LFANT oft IiALLDEMA.N, Dry Goods Mereboots, N. W. corner of 'Aleuts &rim, 0! J W. FIBBER, Merchant Tailor, Front street, ad door above Locust ST W.H. H. SPANGLER, Book seller and Stationer. From et. 341 door above Locust WILLIAM A. LEADER, Druggist, Front Street, between Locust and 'Walnut Sts It. WILLIAMS, - Druggist, Front at. between Locust and Walnut sts SAMUEL EVANS, Lumber Merebsur nod Mumuer Mulder. Locust street LEWIS TREDEPIICIC At Hatters, Front Sweat. a few doors beiou , Here, Hotel JAMES JORDAN, BOOT AND SHOE Manutitcturer, Locust street. opposite Haldernan's Store MARTIN ok. SELLING, Herb Doctors,Front Street, next door to Boyle's Hole! PIIILADELPIIII ADVERTISENIffS. qPqqqqqqqgq tIPIEI',TITIgq MIEGTECCAS PEW this attentively. Dr. AMER'S CORDIAL told CARMINATIVE, for the speedy and pertnaneut cure of DIARRHCEA, DYSENTERY, CHOLERAMORBUS, SUMMER COMPLAINT. CHOLIC, CHOLERA. INFANTUM, FLATULENCY, &c., &c.; and for all the derangements of the Stomach and Bowels from TEETHING 117 - Tares or Tuorstoms die annually from diseases of the Stomach and Bowels. In the thee of this alarming mortality, the best impulses of our nature are enlisted its mitigating suffering we entmot prevent. More than rive TITOCIVAND persons to our knowledge were cured during the past summer; and we taithesitaungly say, that ..litety nine out of every hundred are speedily cured. There is no mistake about this fact, and as a test of our sincerity and assertionots a medical and responsible individual, we promise to refund the amount paid in every well au thenticated ease where it fails. Will you suffer, will you let your little ones suffer when you have at hand a reme dy lake this. so potent in subduing disease. To doubting ones Maw - Bead what physicians, the press, and others say o the Cordial. (Extract of a /eller from the Rev. D. Earle.) Davteville, 3u ks county. August 25, 1847. Dear Sir am now prepared to recommend your Cor dial from having used it with success in several tnetances; and I urn now trying your Panaceam a ruse of protracted debility, attended with cough, apparently produced in the young lady by her out-growing her strength." to use a common phrase, Yours, lke., ALFRED LADLE, X. D. (Extract of a letter from Ebenezer Cook.) New York City. July 20. 1547. Dr. Keeler Sir—l hove used in my dually all of the Cor dial which you left with me last summer except two bot tles which I persuaded a customer of mine to try, and having proved very beneficial. he has recommended it to some of Its friends, who wish to have some of it, I there fore wish you would send me some by express. lam satisfied from my own experience that it is the bestmedi eine for children TIISETILING and SUMS= COMPLAINTS that is offered to the public, and all that is necessary for a recommendation is to try it. Very respectfully, Emma= Coon. 234., Grand st., coy. of Alley. This is to Certify. that I have used Dr. "Kecler's Cordial, and have found it a valuable medicine in dlarrlicea, dye. eatery and all derangemet is of the stomach and bowels. caused by Teething, and is particularly adapted to all die. eases of those organs caused by acid fruits or the debtli• taling eiTecta of season and climate. D. NI. Ata.tcox, u. n, Plum st., Phila. Dr. Reeler's Cordial.—We would call the attention of our readers to this invaluable medicine, which will he found advertised at length in our columes. As a correc tive in cases of Dnarrhcea, a disease very prevalent at the presentaime. it is highly spoketi of by all who have used I it. Lis perfectly safe in its nature, and speak experi mentally, when we say thnt it ailords immediate relief.— (Neal's naturdity Gazette of August :4-,1547 Dr. heeler's Cordial and Carminative—This article is advertised in another part of our paper. it is warmly re commended by families who have tried it. It is especi ally useful among children, and has effected hundreds of cores. The doctor is abundantly supplied with testimony upon the subject, 1.01/10 01 which is very strong.. 'The Cordial in 1101 a quack nostrum, but carefully prepared medicine, arid perfectly free from any thing tajursous.— [Pennsylvanian of September 1, 1547. Dr. Reeler:—Dear Sir— ba it le our duty to use every hottest 1110011 R to promote the happiness of our fellow creatures, I take great pleasure 111 stating to you the ad vantage I received from poor valuable Cordial and Car minative. Last autumn I was attacked with Diarrhrea• winch debtlinated my system very much; for nearly three weeks I tried many remedies. but found little or 110 bene fit, when my daughter informed me of your Cordial. I bought a bottle, sad had not taken but two doses before obtained relief. I was entirely recovered before t used the whole of it ; and have remained hearty ever since. Respectfully, yours, S. ldcoo, D. o. Prepared and sold. wholesale and retail, N. W. corner of Third and South at., Philadelphia. sold wholesale by Dr. McPherson, Harrisburg; G. \V. hiller, Lancaster , and retailed by R. WILLIAMS.CoIumbia. and by drug gists and others throughout the country. Price 25 cts. per Unite. j.Sce pamphlets . 1 1 frp-Acso. Dr. KEELER•S PANACEA, the most effi cacious remedy yet known, for all diseases arising from impurities of the 13c000, or habit of the body. Ladies of delicate constitutions will find it admirably adapted to their cases. Medicine furnishes nothing superior to it for chrome maladies, syphilitic disorders, skin affections in debilitated patients, attended with loss of appetite and imperfect digestion. Price SI. See pamphlets for par ticulars. Philadelphia, June 10.1810.-1 y WESTERN HOTEL, No, 288, Market al., Philadelphia, The proprietor of this well known and long. established HOTEL, with its extensive stabling. offers by private sale lior cash) the entire furniture and fixtures, and an un expired term of a lease of five years from the first of last September. of this Hotel mid Refectory. doing tit present a full business, and the location one of the best in the city, and well known to the travelling community ; at present in good order. having undergone many improve ments, and kept by the present proprietor for the last ten years. Wlll. ARBUCKLE. Philadelphia. June 10. 1A410.-2w VVIEW 'WIZ& you SEFFEL Thousands of bottles of the AllEatleAN COMPOUND has been sold during the past year. and was never known to fail of curing. in a few days, the most cases of a certain delicate disease. Simms! weakness and all diseases of the Urinary organs. Per-ons afflicted using this pleasant and popular remedy, need fear no exposure, Its it leaves no odor on the breath. requires no restrictions in diet or business—contains no Mercury or noxious drugs, injurious to the system, and is adapted to every age. sex. and condition. It is also the best remedy known for Fluor Alhus or Whites, (Minnie complaints) with which thousands suffer, svithnnt the knowledge of a remedy. This celebrated remedy has long been used in the private practice of a physician with unerring success. radically curing ninety-cute of the hun dred cases in a few days. Around each bottle are plain and fall directions. 127. - CA.UTION.—Ask for the AMERICAN Costvocr. - o. and purchase only of the agent. Price Si a bottle. Sold by Sune R. WILLIAMS. ~~~:i~r.4 5 1 XTATIONAL WHIM A History of the Revolution 1.1 and lives of the Heroes of the War of Independence, by Charles J. Peterson. An elegant volume with ld line steel plates, and nearly 200 beautiful wood engravings. "This is a splendid book. A valuable addition to the Historic Literature of our country. We are much mista ken if it does not take rank with the works of Irving and Prescott."—{Prankford Herald. It surpasses any similar work yes offered to the Amer ican public"—[Nears Gazette. "It may be properly considered a popularised Military History of the Revolution. extremely well and judicious written."--(North American. "The present work on the Revolution and its Heroes, is superior. both in extent and design to any that has heretofore come under our notice. ,, —(lnquirer. •"A well connected History of that eventful period."— (Ledger "Decidedly the best popular History of the War of the Revolution and its Heroes. that has yet been given to the country."—{Saturday Evening Post. AGENTS WANTED to canvass for the above elegant work,in every county town in the United States. to whom the most liberal inducements will be offered. Price only $3. Address (post paid.) WM. A. LRART, JunesB, North Second st., Philade/phia. Philadelphia. 3,1848.--3 mo. Inurstszs. JUST Received a new supply of both single and doubt' Traces, as LEADER'S Golden .I%lortar Drug glom, Columbia, Pa .._ .. SIAM AND CAPS. 1 • . . .rxruar GCISSLECIL r 1 1 EMS TREDENICR & Co., .late from Philadcl- 1...1.. . A TTORNTY - HIM, tolninbla, Lzumaskr"Co, _1...e phia, dealers in HATS nod CAPS, would most ten- Pa, will practice 111 the several Courts of Lancia- VOR SALE ae sign of th e I pectfully beg leave to inform the y citizens of Columbia . ter and 1, - ork counues. "Red Curtain " l and its nity, dint they hove urebared the old and I Orwcz—ln Walnut street, adjoining marchhington ..I.: Fourth and Mai, t Street, Philadelphia. , i well known lint Manufacturing Itlsiablisliment kept by Hotel 6, ts , l7. . • ' a 'WHEELOCK, Pacneurron. JOIIN WA rdllnS for many }care,next door to J. Pelix's -------- Jewelry Store, Front Street, Cmilla, Pa., where they ' DE. NV. S. NLICORIT.L.I3. CAKES t—Fruit, Sponge, Pound, Iced, Spiced, Queen ; intend to spare no pains and means to carry on the above ' Cakes, Scotch Cakes, Lemon Cakes, snort Cakes, Cheese ! business in all its various branch.. Their stock con. OFFICE—South East corner of Locust and Sec- Cakes, Rusk, Apples, Jumbles, Spice Nuts, and Ginger ; sits in part of fine Mole Skin. Beaver. Nutria. and Can- k r , and street. BOARDIVO HOUSE—With Mrs . Swath, d Nuts. i tor HATS. Also• a splendid assortment of Pearl and ; doors below his late residence. April 7. 1547.—tr PlES:—Strawberry, liardeberry,Blackberry, Currant. ! ~B raid Summer lIATS of the latest fashion and style, to- • tl . -itl good ; t n tof CAPS of every , Cherry, Plum, Cranberry, Egg Custard, Cheese Custard, ' e ic ' e e , r a s u ' id quality. Nerve r t ' yl e a u Silk ats, scilicli we Love Apple. Peach. Mince, mid Rheubarb Pies pouring in hot iju 'r st. received (Lin . Philadelphia, mid which ate will sell front the oven at all hours of the day. .it city prices. CHEESE:—timothy Jackson's, No Plus Ultra M I edal With Use confidence resulting from an experience of a Cheese, (very superior.) Pine Apple Cheese, and a great ! number of years with one of the first hatters in Philadel variety of the Cheese, both new and old. . piths will p/ran:cc us in saying. that for fashion. neat- N. B. Some of the Cheese sold at -this establishment is ! tires, durability. and CHEAPNESS. we cannot be su, equal to the best English Chce.e. i passed by any establishment in the Union. ix.wis TrtHimmcK & co - 4 -.. TEmpEst.A.NcE DRlNKS—always cold—Rom I June 3, ludg,—ti. cell's Mineral Water, Lemonade. Beer, Mead, Milk, Sze. t Columbia. Philadelphia, June 10,1.84d.-6m PHILADELPHIA ADVEITISERNTS. COUNTRY ECCER,CXCALNTS. PAN sate from 19 to 26 per cent. by minims ing their OIL CLOTHS direct from the menuthem- POTTER & CARMICHAEL have opened a Ware house. No. 135 North Third • Street above Race, secood door South of the Eagle Hotel. Plin.myrian.s.t, where they will always keep on hand a complete assortment of PATENT ELASTIC CARRIAGE OIL CLOTHS, • 23, afi. 40.46,45, and 54, inches wide. Figured, Painted, and Plain, on the inside, on Muslin Drilling mid Linen. TABLE Ott. CLOTUS of the most desirable patterns. 35 40, 40, and 54 inches wide. FLoos Ott. Currus, from 21 in ches to 21 feet wide well seasoned, and the newest style of patterns. all of their own manufacture. Transparent Window Shades. Carpets &e. All goods warranted. Philadelphia, May 27-3 m KNOW ALL MEN TWAT RENNET & CO. have REMOVED from 192 Market Street, to their Mew, Splendid, and immense EAtab li.slitnent to be known as the TOWER HALL CLOTHING BAZAAR, No. LW Market Sreet, between Pitiht and Sixth, Philadel phia. The Proprietors feel a reluctance in promulgating what in any way might appear like the usual Bombastic cx , aggeration of some of the trade, but w4l beg leave to I quote the following notice from one of our city papers : " One of the greatest curiosities that our Ctty affords to the stranger. is BENNET St. CO'S great Clothing Store, 152 Market Street, between Fifth and Sixth, which has been styled " Tower Hall," from the peculiar finish of the front. rho building is an immensa one. containing seven capacious rooms. all of which are stocked with ev ery variety of seasonable garments, arranged in the most perfect order and regularity. The proprietors take great pleasure in showing their building , and contents to the ei tiaens, particularly strangers, and to those coming from the country—we know of no place more worthy of a Phil's, May 27-3 m PICLIAADELPIIIA WARDROBE Clothing Emporium, No. 106, ch..... Street, between Third end Fourth, North side, Philedelphie. TO MERCHANTS AND OTHERS VISITING THE • CITY. At this establishment may altvays be found a full assort. scent of Gentlemons Clothing, to auk all tastes and at such reasonable prices as will astonish nll. I publish no list of prices, but will guarantee to sell as low, if not lower than those who make mere pretentions !lly goods are all purchased at low prices, and made in a■ good style as can be found in the city. A call is solicited before pur chasing elsewhere, as the Wardrobe is free to all. PERRY R. ISIeNEILIM, No. 105 Chesnut Street. Philadelphia. N. B. A large stuck of piece goods on hand. Garments made to order at the shortest notice. Philadelphia, May 20, 154.3.--2 mo. TU CILIZIAPEST YD only place at which the greatest variety of STOVES can be bad, ;Manufactured of the best refi ned Iron, it at HILL & CLINE'S Wholesale and Retail Stove Manufactory, No. Ma, North Second street. above Vine. and 55 Callowhill st.. above Second, P htlndelphin, who offer for sole, a very superior assortment. consisting of the improved Air-Tight com plete, the latest improvement 01 the celebrated Empire Cook, I.cibrandt's Ole Bull Cook, Philadelphia Air-Tight, and many others. of the best standard S•oves in the mar ket. Call and examine our stock before purchasing, as we will sell CHEAP. Dealers will promote their inter est by BUYING OF Philadelphia, May 20, 1840.-Iy. CBEAP V7l-IVDOtV BLINDS. B, J. 'WILLIAMS, No. 12, North Sixth Street Fluln., Ventura Said Manuiacturer. tins now Out hood. the largest, and ino•t fashionable assortment of narrow slat. and other Veintian Blinds, of any other es tablishment in the United States. Comprising Willie new ,ivies, Trimmings. and colors. winch will be sold at the loiveat prices. wholesale nod retail. Old Blinds painted and trimmed to look equal to new. The citizens of Imo caster comity and adjoining, districts arc respcettally M elted to coil and examine his assortment before porches- Mg elsewhere, feeling confident of pleasing and giving stittstactiou to all who may favor bum MOIR call. • zp , ;?;.rAltis J. IVII.LIAIIiTS, Philadelphia, April S. No. 12. N. Gth at. CLGTUZNG GENTIERN Visiting the City, and wishing to supply themselves waft • CHEAP AND FASHIONABLE READY-MADE CLOTHING, Will find a LARGE, COMPLETE. AND CHOICE ASSORTMENT. At the lowest possible prices, for CASH, 'Manufactured of the best and moat durable materials, and of the latest and most approved styles and paterns, tor INlen and Hoyt. of AMERICAS, ENGLISH, FRENCH, AND GLI:MAIC CLOTHS, - - - - cAssEvinni. ' SATINETTS. iory DOESKINS, TOOLTIZER ‘{TIE A SPLENDID TAEI Li Y OF SILK, SATIN, VELVET. AND CASIDIERE VESTINGS; Also a great variety of BOYS' CLOTHING; AS THZ. SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SECOND AND IIIAIIKET STREETS. PHILADELPHIA, AT PRICES AS LOW Al any other estahlishment in the United States. 117,I — Southettst corner of SECOND AND MARKET. Phila., April P. 1 0 4 4 -1 y GEt). CULIN M•ML3.B=N'S IiODEL American Courier. Conducted by An drew At'Atukin. editor of the late Saturday Courier, assisted by a gentleman universally acknowledged scone of the moat talented and popular writers of the age. THE Emmetta Darstroserr of the. American Courier will he edited by the moo distinguished Agriculturist in the United Stales, the Founder of The Turf Register" "American Farmer," and editor of " The Farmer's Li brary," Joins S. Suisun. Esq. Of course: under his di rection. the Farmers Department will immediately take and maintain an originality and value not approachable by that in any family journal in the land. and each num ber of the American Courier will he worth, to every practical farmer, the price of a year's subscription! Tom GENEMA.L , Comrztem!.—Ttic Literary., Ihographienl, Critical. News. Artistic. Pictorial and Miscellaneous De partments, will be furnished by the best talent of the day, in their respective branches of Literature and Art, lead. ing off with a new series of "Washington Legends," by George Lippard, Esq.. the "Portrait Gallery," of Poets and their Poetry—each Biographically illustrated. Tim AaMatCAN COURIER will contain the amount of eight more columns of matter that did the "Saturday Courier," and as it will be conancted strictly on the cash p ri nciple, will, with all its Artistic and Literary improve ments, be offered at a much reduced price to "clubs." TEAMS or TilE AMERICAN COL:WEL—Ai llMmErta the Amer. Man Courier is much larger. the paper much finer, and the matter more cosily and valuable than ordinary, the terms for a single copy will be the price usual for papers of the first class: Two Dollars per annum! But. In or der to raise at once in increased circulation, the publish er proposes to clubs of companies the follo wing (for par money) terms never offered before! payable invariably in advance. Four copies of the American Cornier, SS, full price, SS Eight copies, (and one for the agent.) 10, " ld Thirteen copies. (and 1 for the agent.) 15, " " 29 Twenty copies, (and one far the agent.) 20, " " 42 In answer to numerous enquiries whether fragments of clubs can be added toprevious clubs, we would announce that additions of five may be made to previous clubs for the American Courier, at the same price—Si per year, or 81.25, to the rose RIR) , be. , Clubs are sent. to different Post Offices without extra charge. The American Courier will be issued in Philadelphia I every Saturday morning, on which day it may also be had of the Agents in Drew York, Boston, Baluraore, and Washington. All communications must he addressed,_post paid, to ANDREW SVAIAKIN. Editor, No. 141 Chesnut Street, opposite Custom House ILZiIiNTAWS QAFE: Always Effectual Are TM a sufferer troin Fever and Ague? Arc you L:Meted with the periodical return of that cold and formal visitor. the chill. followed by its faithful auendants, the burning fever and drenching perspiration? Lose no time, then. an procuring a bottle of Dr. Osgood's India Cholagogue. Yon will have but one chill at most after you commence it and probably none"at all: Your neighbor who has used the medicine will assure you of this. It I. but the promise of n result which thousands have already realized, and which your own experience will moil fully prove. For sale by June 3, 1518. WM. A. LEADER Also for sale by S. )L Smith, Wrightsville. NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby given, that I have constitut ed John Cassel. 01 the Borough of Columbia, m agent, by power of Attorney- recorded in the Recorder 's Office of Lancaster county, for the selling or disposing of Wines. Liguori+, Oils.; and to do all other acts neces sary in the management of said business, save the con tracting of debts DI my name, which said Cruse' is spe cially prohibited from doing by said power of attorney, unless my written niacin to do the same. Columbia, Jose 3,16 , 13. JOHN H. BROOKS. ES%'ILTB OF Jolin Evans, a lunatic. The undersigned, Auditor appointed by the court of Common Pleas of Lancaster county, to adjust and distribute among the creditors of said John Event, of tic borough of Colum bia, the balance of Ina estate remaining in the hands of his committee. Evan Green. hereby notifies the said cred itors that lie will attend by adjournment for the purpose of his appointment, on Tuesday, the 27th instant, at 2 o'clock. P. 111., at the public house of Lewis Spreeher, in East King street, Lancaster. • C. CARPENTER, June 2. ISlS.—td. Auditor. MAY ILVIVL A Superior article of Bay Bum, for sale at LLADER'S.Drug More. Commlym, Pa. - WUZIELEIR'S TEABERRY Tooth Wash, an immediate and el tectual cure for all disease of thiGums and Teeth. Par sale by WM. A. LEADER. TEN DAYS zus.Tr.a. BY OVER LAND EXPRESS, Important News from the East. great dectitte in DIU GOODS. We have just received a large and splendid assortment of SUMMER GOODS, NEW STYLES and much below the usual prices. A splciidtd assortment of DRESS GOODS, suitable for the season. Call and ex amine. IV. !b. S. PATTON. Columbia. May Q. I.le. Et. NEW .11.213UVAL OF READY MADE CLOTHING. JOHN JORDAN S. CO. In returning their sincere thanks to the citi zens of Columbia and tlio public in general for the kind Buttering patronage which they Lave bestowed upon them, would most respectfully call their attention to the NEW STOCK OF GOODS which they have just received, and which cannot be beaten. as to quality and cheapness. as they . are determined not to be undersold in the county. Their stock comprises all sorts of garments: Superfine BLACK DRESS AND FROCK COATS, ILthit Cloth, Cashinerets, Tweeds, Alpaca Lustre,Croton, Linen, plain Linen Sticks &• Coatucs. Riding Coats, Busi ness Coats in pro fuse variety. Also, a very fine assoritnent of Boys' Clothing, all of which will he sold extremely low for cash. Pains and Vests of ull sizes and prices, from fifty rents up to $4 00. Buyer, are solicited to cell whether w.shtng to purchase at the tune or not. They have only to call to be convinced. • _ They have on band a fine assortment of Cloths, Cassi. meres.-Cashinerets. Drillings. Summer Cloths,-&o. Also, Vest Patterns. all of which will be made up at extremely low prices. Also. Shirts, Shams. Suspenders. Hose. Drawers, Cra ver.. Carpet Bags. Vinbrellar,Collars, Rot ii labouts. Over alls, Gamelssue Coats, Gloves, .&.e - S. JORDAN & Co. A few doors below Ileres IVashington !fowl Front Stiedt Columbia. Cu. Colmar/m..110y 20. 1 UNIVIIRS.AL , jERMIN DESTROYER. It has long been the .Tudy of PintrlllllC.l.ll/C4 to produce a preparation which would prove a Specific for the destruction of Ruts, Mice, Roaches, and CiIIIICCS. but every effort hits been fruitless tilt the present. Jitter much study and expert meets the proprietor lies succeeded in diSCOVCrIIIg n pre paration, which he guarantees will prove effectual in the entire annihilation of the above named vermin. For sate by W.M. A. i .F.ADER. May :Mt Front Street, BOOTS AND SISOES. F L MIES JORDM*4 Fashionable Boot and I 5,...1 ...,... r •i„,,,,,„„0„ .... , n his friends and the public. that ha has ape tett n 1;00 P AND SHOE ESTRISLISIINInNT, immediaiely opposne Peter fluldernan's Store. where he is prepared to execute all orders in Ids line. with neatness and despatch. He feels confident in giving satisfaction to oil who may favor hint with a call Members of the 0. U. A. M.. are resrec:sully invited to give ham a call. ColuirMin. April n.mly Cs .ct•F3 V 7 31. & S. PATTON have just reerlird a large and tasluoitable stock of SUING AND SI:AI:RCN DRESS GOODS; Consisetng of Citipliains. Lawns. liarcecs. Linen and Al paca Lustrcs, fancy Prints Sr., nt the very lowest prices. SILKS. Plain and changeable Lire... Silks. black and Blue- Black for ,Manias. with every style of Dress Goods for the reason. Please cull mid examine our stock. Columbia. Apra lo4c—tf W. it S. PATTON. TUE =IBM DOC'Zint, WHO has been performing sneh wonderful cures, at Marietta. has removed to FRONT street, Columbia. Pa., where, from the increased numbers that flock to him for relief, he has been compelled to fit up a commodious estalnishmeat. Then, if you are tuck. no matter what may he your disease, the Herb Doctor's Dis pensary you can °Mani the appropriate remedy. Pri vale rounto for consultation. • The Herb Doctor informs the public, that he is the only person in this section. who derived his medical knowl. I edge from the Herb Do-tor at Philadelphia. and has stu died his iiusily celebrated '''hiedleal Practice." The WEN rutE Indian gedicines,whieli have cured so malty where every other remedy end every other doctor lute failed, can ouly be obtained at this establishment. The Herb Doctor has practiced his system for some time, during which lie believes lie has rendered general end enure sa tisfaction: out of the hundreds thatite has treated, he hes heard of no person being 110 red by his medicines. He professes not to cure all disease, with one remedy. bat ' prepares a different medicine for each of the nitMerolts ills which flesh is heir to,"—which' are compounded i from roots, herb's. barks, flowers. drx.. which, while they possess great curative powers, also strengthen the sys tem as they remove the disease. Hence they cannot In jure the weakest constiiiinon, but are good in every case. as hundreds who have been rescued by them from the grave, can testify. Having a knowledge of several plains unknown to any oilier person iii this part of the country, he uses no mineral or chemical poisons in ha prepare bons. They may be taken without regard to diet—fur ther than the stomach directs, and will not interfere with the patients eastomory vocation. The alliteted, portico. laxly those laboring under • DISEASE OP LONG STANDING, are cordially invited to come end make a trial of them medicines. or at least have a talk with the Doctor, who charges nothing for advice. The Herb Doctor is content if he gets only the cases that have been given up as incurable by the old school or other doctor*, for the numerous eases of this kind which be has cured, are sure evidences that if there be -hope yet. it is in his medicines. Mothers, Fathers'. by the dear tie that hinds you to your little ones, try the Herb Doctor, before giving them up! To you my dear female friends. who have been neglec ted or worse ; to you who suffer most. and who have not heretofore been properly treated. I offer a remedy suited to your delicate constitutions, and adapted to the diseases to which you are liable. Within the past few year*, ma ny. too many, of your number have been removed front the sphere of their affections and of their usefulness; but do not despair. but call at the Herb Doctors Dispensary, Front street, Columbia, where be will furnish. you a sat. able remedy. If you cannot tall, enclose Two Dollars in a letter, east paid, containing a statement of your situa tion, and you will receive medicines, with full directions. Persons wishing attendance at their houses, will state their residence at the Herb Doctor's Dispensary. next door west of Mr. Hoyle's tavern, Front street, Columbia, Lancaster county. Pennsylvania. Mee Hours, nom 7 in the morning till fl in the even ing. Closed on the evening of the Sabbath. Columbia, Jane 3,1949 CANNA ra BOAT. WILL be sold reasonable private sale, a sixty ton Boat, ou 7A-L) Cri:luotrntrat,h7,,partieulars quire of W. 51. A. LP Muneua, Jane 3, I:l4rc WANTED, A.TOURITEDLIS SEIOE)IAKER on coarse work. Also a boy to learn the shoemaking basilic... Ap ply to JAMES Columbia. ;Map 27, 1314,-3t _COONING STOTE: In aanin calling at- AL.4 bastion to this otiesialted STOVE, the proprietor bas the pleasure to :alarm the ptiltlic that (exterually) it has It 9 RUSE Carpenters.. None but good Ate- o u p ,, , ,,,,y o n c e u . cllo r , t i i ,t ta i,ca tr i li du i r - r the pipe mad heart h placed 4,/ eltuttie s need apply. sinninn iir...llTl I AND DRomr.szo APPARATUS, Columbia, :Say s.t.)runr, EVANS. being added, thus rendering' it faultless. and unless there is another /ashlers Stove in the market. this is intones (amiably the best. as it now embraces every valuable tin ( pro, carol pos.eseed by any other Store in addition to , some peculiar to itself- secured by Letters Patent. • rile ••••11five,• of iltis Steve, since its introduction. is un equalled. Nathan! hue ever been curled for culinary put , poses...that has given emelt general SiIIISITACIiOII. Stoves , pure been copied utter its form; some dealers have.even used its finalouicand principles, but the proportions were so unlike the orieinal. that they bear the relative value, that a counteratirdoes to a genuine coin. Complete COOK and other COOK STOVES., in great variety. P. It. OILISERT, No. 412. Market at Girard Row,lielow Tvreirth Street. PHILADELPHIA C7r All Stoves purchased at Tills STORE wall be de livered an Columbia, tree of charge. np.29 y WAN2I3IO, A BOY under instructions to the Tailoring, bu ll sine a. B. YOUNG. Columbia, Lancaster co., Pa., :\ ?In —tf g'AMAZOLA PIItISOLETS and Sunshades, Fashionable and Plaza at reduced prices, at May ::11,1u45-tf & S. PATTON'S. CASUIVEZEREITS OF different shades and• qvality at .20.43-ti W. a, S: PATTON'S ILMINLIMINGS OFETC°. description, suitable for dresses, now opeuth, PATTON.:S - t? 0, OLIVE OIL nSweet Oil. Just received a most splendid article of Sweet Oil. without the least smelt, put up in black bottles warranted pure. For sale by May W. WM% A. LEADER.. ZIRAGAIMIS. AUCTION GOODS from the N. York and Phila delphia Markets, lower than ever offerred in Co. 'mum, at W. 6: S. PATTON'S.- clzkarpues,, ITATTING, and Window Shades, good styles . and low at May '4l, r...:.l"A'rf ONS. • froWNsEND , 9 QAIISAPNRILLA. Just received another supply of 'Townsend's Sarsaparilla. For paruculars rawr lo long advenisement. For sale by May 111. 'WM. A. LEADER. EIRIXBROCATIONS. If (IMAMS, Smith's, &Ile's, Roberts's, Irvin's, Arinsirong's. Aze. For sule by • • " colucnbia, April 154‘1.-1( 11. WILLIAMS. PERICAir DAVIS'S Vegetable Pain Killer. For sale by up2.0 , 41-tt R. WILLIAM:3 2 1 11SitiONS!! PASIIIONS!! TH Subscriber has just received the Spring . and Summer Faslnosis—direct trom Loudon, togeth er with the New York and Philadelphia reports, and is therefore preparedto make up ciodung, in up top style. .1. W. FISH En. Columbia, April 22,1539. 377,11.13. RANTED (1111 E. The justly celebrated American Com a...) pound. For mat- by - R. ‘VILLIAI‘I2.4. S • A. WW2' IJPEIIIOR article of Common Potash for mak )." .0 g Soup. For blile by It. WILLIANIS. amtYiristi From Street, Columbia, Pa. PROPRIETORS Olee Cream Saloons, Take Nonce that the sub scriber has just recewea a fresh supply of Vanilla beams and Oil of LCIIIOII at very low prices. Colurulaa,April ??9,1u49..-tf 8. 'WILLIAMS. CLOTELS A fD Cassimeres at the lowest prices, at PA.I-ION'S AND Bacon of the hat quality at n1122'4.-11' W. dr. S. PA'TTO'N'S 3243.PE1L HANGINGS. Parlor, Hall, Chamber, and Ceiling Papers and border's, Firehords &c., or the newest !Nies, always on hand at manufacturers' prices. at J. D. & J. WRIGHT'S. Columbia, March II& 1547.-0- CELZAIP PRINTS. Purple Prints, one yard wide, only 14 cants, with a good assortment at other low priced Calico.; at FRY & SPANGLER'S. felil9'4O-11 'MO 21049.'MVEZIN. ffOPPER and Tin Pamps—a good supply of tflweye on band, end made to order. at the shortegt nonce by H. PFAIII.ER & CO. March Ih, Iv.k."-tf 21COSZEIVZ AND QLOVES. An extensive assortment of &glories, blovcs,d.a., at reduced prteca. at leclio'44l FR] /4 SPANGLER'S. PAUSLINS, It it USLINS. Bleached and nnbleached Muslin ; a large usearimeut V LILY CHEAP at FRY & SPANGLE _rrs. Plait= TEA. A Fresh supply of those justly celebrated. 11..:As lust received by -FR? fr. SPANNLER'S. Sole Agents for Columbia. felaD'43-tr ICOVIMIT • AND Molasses. Soverirtes celebrated. steam syrup Alolas.c., a dellcioua article ror table tile.— Also, no" crop RONEY et - • ' • - lcuiDAtagt - FRY-, A: SPANGLER'S: LIGUT ! LICIZE'll!! Camphene or Pine, and Ethereal Oils arc 12 and vial: be constantly kept for sale by R. wiLLlA:trs. Columbia, March Z. 1941—if Front Street. "VIM HAMS always on hand and for sale by H. PEAULt.It & CO. Match 11.194.641" AIRCIZsZt — - ANDCROSS-CUT SAWS, of-Itilantri best. For sate at manufactures pipes, by Apr 7, 147.--tt abittur Essst. - AND COPPEI EWES& IL Pichler it Co.. thanktul for past encouragement, would aunounce to the citizens of Columbia and its eicinirY, that they still continue to manufacture Tin and Copper ware °Pall kinds at their old stand. in Locust street, one door north of. the Columbia Bank. nod respectfull y solicit a continuatice of public patronage. March 11, It 4 4f 52 1 0VZS. THE Subscribers bare constantly on land a full assormant of wood, coal, and cooking_Sioves of every size and description, cannon 5t0,4111. Also, Head• ...b ur rs patent Air-Ttght Parlor 'Stoves, which has given full satisfaction in all cases. The' public are invited to call and examine for themselves, at the Hardware more of Oct9--tf =AIME & HESS. lIMVIEWTS. 11D TUE .NEW CROP. DAVID !VOA Chestnut Streel, RIIILADELPI7IA, hatifor •ale the 63110twing TEA'S. viz • __ - • :100 huff chests Young Yyson Tess • • lOU do- (runjuswder, dor - - 150 - du, • •Ingrarial, -. do. 10 do Ilysors .do.. 1000 -do Puscehong. - do. 200 do• Nitigyong Sculabng 100 .0 Oulotig, • - do- - 1:5 thesis Padro *one/long -" - 4.5 do lOrrck leaf Pekoe. „ ballet:errs: .to do. '_ .25 do • Grange do : 1000 maim Ca,sitt. - • • These Ten, eoniprise The btql Chob , impurre4 lit ships 'en It'itch, Rainbow. Inca, luid ./isintrass and 7rig 0." nt to any reasillut have been o:rered 111delplust. May ATWOOD'S GREAT DESIZ3LUCTIQN. HOW many dir a most horrible dratb without the simple enuse being suspected. Some linger for years, as they suppose, front dispepsui, when it is worms, which caw,. must diseases. There haw come under our notice several cases of supposed dispepsia, of several years' standing - . wilea we have recommended the Syrup, which has entirely restored them to health. We would say to MILTS when they are atllleted with Sour Stomach, Sick Head Ache, I'its. a froquett deceive to make Stools, Leanness, Bloated Stomach, Nervousness, Sickness alter eating, Sensation of rising in the throat after eating, be assured it is simply svurme, and it needs but a trial of 11013E.N*ACK'S Vt 01114 SYRUP . - - to satisfy you n is. so, and if you have any of the above symptoms and the Syrup toils to cure, the agent will re fund the money. TO PARENTS we would say, that the greatest.sui you are convicted of, is to let your children seder and die, when there in a avapic picasant Vegetable remedy at hand. it is said by our oldest Physicians, that Worms cause more denths.yeariy, than all the other dis eases the human family are subject to Then, how im portant it is to have a sate and pleasant remedy at hand Parents, when your children have sore or inflamed eyes, you may rest .-ath-ficil that it in caused by worms, an d you will do well to call on the storekeepers of your neighborhood cud get a Book ofliohensack's. containing certificates of cures and the symptoms of wonna. Al ways keep a Ruffle of llobeitsackfli Worm Syrup on hand, it is a friend in need. READ ON READ ON ttr.An' ! Nessus liosEsssea—Gentlemen: I take great pleasure in informing yon of the great effmacy of 'your Worm Sy rap; having been rilllicred fur fire years. and wasted away to a mere skeleton. without removing any Windn froin venous medicines, I was 'hula - cod by Jesse Roberta to try Your Worm Syrup, as he informed me it had brought worms from him; also . . of Squire A. Tomlinson, of Buelts county, a man over fitly years old, whom I run well ac quainted is oh. I then commenced - taking your Syrup, and it brought a reirlarge (mouthy of worms, some ten inches In ire h. and entirely instated ma to health, and, I must say I feel like a new mutt. Yours, truly, JOHN irArrr, Phil'a co. Mr. J. Hart is a gentleman thirty-three years of age, Hems five miles out of the CITY, back of Second st. road, and is only one moonlit the huhdreagrown persons ths t have been saved by HOBENSACKS NV0113181:1t118 Mow& Ilobensack I have been looking for come of your Worm Syrup for some nine ; I have sold ell but one horde; I wish you to send Inc two dozen Immediately. Ibelieve it to be a good medicine ; I have scan it tried to my satisfaction I hove known one dose to bring from a child three worms,. ten inches long, and from another twenty worms, eight inches long In one day. I have sold different NVonsihle. dicines for a number of years, but• never• sold any that gave such universal satisiaction. Respectfully, yours, IVA!. BROOKFIELD, Bridgeton, New Jersey PumaDat.vma, May 25, ISM Messrs. J. N. S: G. S. Iloben.ack—Gentlemen-,1 has* been for some tone using your `e Vermifuge" in my Tome. nee. and I am happy to say that in my hands it has sac ceeded in its intention, so as fully to justify my confidence in its use. I think it among the very best preparations ih Use. C. W. Aret.arox, at. n., No. 46, South st. Prepared only by N, it 0. 110BENSACK s 4.1 and COntiVi SiTeel,"Ptillatlelphin. and for gale by all to spelahle Storekeepers iu this and adjoining counties, whom we a aihori7e to give back the looney in every ease it tiuls to give satisfaction. Price 2.5 cents. Also Ilubensack's Ay eta Tooth Ache Drops. Pries 121 cents. n certain cure for moth Ache. liebensack's Rheninatie Liniment. Priee 4 2.s cents. • do Cm call Salve. Price 101 cents, for weak backs, sprains, fresh and old sores, burns, etc. liobensuck's Tette? and Ringworm Onnment.. Price Rti cents, warranted to cure all irruptions of the skin— for sale es above. Philadelphia Mal• .27,—tuo p. a. CULLEN AGAIN Tictarionss Rowand k Walton, Plain rimpitia—Gents—iniusuce to you as well as a duty / une to ire public. 1 feel constrained to furnish a Short statement at 1.110 wonderful suffenngs of my son William, and many who read tins testimonial will be mortised to find that he as hull (tying and still more so. when they learn that he has eutircl y terovered from the dreadful Scrofula with which he has so long suffered. It is now more than four yours sinee the disease first made his appearance on one of his legs, mdoep and run ning ulcers. These continued more than two years, eon- I fining him to his bed, during which several Mimes of the rose came from the 11.1111 also. la this time (two years and six mouths.) he was under the treatment of several of owe best physician.", end (took some thirty or more bottles of Sarsaperilla and lodine) and was pronounced by the Doe. tor t :, INCURABLE. lie was then, upon the reeentmen• dation of Hr. Hazlehnrst, taken to " Will's Hospital," where he continued under the care of Dr Parish, three mouths. He was then, sent home as Incurable. Inn few months the other leg broke out in open ulcers. Et_pirits of Tar was recommended by a friend — he took this about four months. without benefit—indeed he got worie, when I must say. I gave up all hopes of his ever getting swell at this stage of the disease. I was advised by the Rev. A. D. Gillette. to try your medicine. I had = 3 tle faith ill it, I coulees, (having tried ao many. without Iteuefit.) Ile. However commenced taking_the PANACEA ou the first of March:lo44 and has been using it ten rnontha Three months ader he began the use of the Panacea, en ulcer made its appearance upon his neck: ' above the colcr bone , . This continued open until about three weeks since, when it healed. Hells now sound, sad in the enjoyment of perfect health. gratefully add my testimen to the many already in your possession. girths wonderfill efficacy of your e•DR. et:LLEN'H'INDIAN VEGETABLE PANACEA." ' •Itespecifully yaurs. H. D. BARKER,. (Eate - of Philadelphia.) now Brainard Strew, Allount Holly, New Jarsey. January 1.1847. .. . 0/1 this sixteenth day of Marc),, 1847, before me, the* subscriber, an Alderman in said for, the city of..Patiadeg.:, Ohio, personally citnis Harriet Dr Darker. who being duly sworn according to law. sloth depose aDdi .say,.that also " facts sct'Corth .141 the above statement are true_ , • iIARRET.D. , DaRRER. - .2 ssrorli and subscribed before me, • • JOHN THOMPSON; 714:hansia. , 'Wholesale and Retail, by Rowand b Wahon,Jeo. Wit - Market Street, above Emeventh, phibargiphi s LEADER, Colombia, Pa.; .1. T Anderson. Marietta, Pa. George Rose. Elizabethtown. Pa. bt2"4.s4ialY4 A. 15PLIIMnCl;:l TOT of-, New Carpets. Jim imirlor A C _Li Sale*. Jest reortved pet late lartsraW wow opening, a large and rich asiortmant of Brous nal ruse-ply ; Sara= and Ptnelagen_io'otel wag.. penny. taaniaatored expressly- to order, land decidedly , the handeonaert geode in the taytaket, adrenal tti Pit/411pm on the moat hberal terms.' I:wisely new design:Br l usse 3 ls; • Imperia ply, Superfine Ingrain, • K_ ?Me ' • do ".. " rich VerCilans, - CARPETFt. a sun nd 'rare rules. • ' ' " magnifieent assortment Gl'24. 04 And 72471 iteraiw, at lower Prices than eves before Mated, with shame ste= sotto:tent of Piano and Table Carew, Sheepaktaas qu Cloths" Stair Rods, blenlngs, Ilthidinge, ad. Also, a rich and splendid Assortment of evaior Wite• ' derw 'Shades. allthe diltbrent widths and Amalie., Wieser on the best Lynne. The particular attention of Country Merchants., noose , keepers and others 44 requested to an examination of the above desirable stock of goods, embracing as it does, 411. the different styles and qualities now toanufacuned, and busing . been purchased at the lowest cash rives, extraor dinary andnocumate will be held out to purchasers. RONERT S. WALKER, No. 35 North Eteeocuil street; opposite Christ Church Philadelphia, March 11, 1848.1ke P. It 0