THE SPY & REGISTER. SATURDAY MORNING, June 17, 1848 AGENCIES. Y. B. Paint= is duly authorized to receive subscnp lions and advertisements for this paper, in the cities of Philadelphia, New York, Baltimore, . and Boston, and receipt tacrefor. ,gE. W., P ntanaa hiladelphia iciscos N A V . w g izs zc z E, ry i a r t v LAli n c l i c ule s t n c , ny. ,exoitog Plum N 0.151. Nassau street, New York. BUstrfass_CaßDS.--By reference to our advertis- MiCatiMes, it will be seen that we have coin tneneeVga_blishhig Business Cards, or rather a SuaddisiDireetdry... We think it would be for the benefit_and convenience of all, if every business Maillin our borough would have his name, business, and location advertised hi the Spy ; and the man. Der in which we propose doing it, will cost the ad. 'eraser such a trifling sum that no one, be his business ever so small, would hesitate a morneas in giving his name, business and location. . Terms.—To persons advertising in the Spy by i I.l?e,yeir Wait, will be no extra charge. Subscribers can have the Spy and their card inserted for one year by paying $1.50 in advance, or if they hare, paid for the paper, Sects. for the card. Tivista whit aro not subscribers we will charge i n . their card one year. • thllt FIRST Nom—Chance has throw together the two poems, "Fanny Forester's aci d th e ..Sin of Suffering.' upon our 6..5t pegs to-day.— Scarcely could c stronger v.intrast be selected in the whole range or literature. Eleh poem enlists __tho.oomauthies on.l in.--)%eo. an answering chord in every heart; but 0 different, yet not dis cordant, the music atvaltened there . S. is %welcome, now and always, to our columes. The sketch of Horace Greyly and hie hope, is in the beet vein 'imnos meow LIEUTZNAS'T T110.11A3 WELSH.- . WC have been politely favored with the perusal . of a letter addressed to a gentleman in our borough, , dates Lerma, Mexico, May 4th, 1848, from our friend Lieut. Welsh. Among the items of news, 'ere The following:—Mr. Welsh's wound, which had closed before be left us, has again rendered him 'unfit for the service; and he has obtained leave of absence. Ho saw Licut. T. D. Cochran on the .2nd, at Toluca, and, to nse his own expression, lie ,•'is well, fat, and hearty, and beloved by all the 'cacers and men with whom he is associated." He visited the head quarters of the Mountain liovritzers, where ho found Corporal Morris, (Our -Pat,) Private's Weaver and Suydam, all of whom are well, "and all most excellent soldiers." Wade, of Marietta is also well. Licut. Welsh states "on the authority of Lieut. Cochran," that George Duck is dead. No particulars. John Murphy has escaped unhurt, having borne the brunt of almost every battle in Mexico—at one time being the only man left at his gun. Mr. Welsh doubts the indi• cations of peace, which doubt will of course be removed. In view of the reported death of poor Duck, we measures will be taken to secure to his widowed mother, who is in indigent circumstances, the bounty and land to which he was entitled. Macaw., Tim Inisn Mentz, has been convict. ed of felony, and sentenced to fourteen years trans- portation. The sentence will be immediately axe mated. " i'Vlietn the Gods will destroy they first make mad;" and the government of Great Britain is surely ludatic. Let them go on, while the strength of frenzy lasts, but the time hastens when the felony of patriotism ‘vin Littlish the divine right of kings from England, as it has done for France. How the blood boils to hear of "fifitche/L the felon I" The • United Irishman is discontinued, and the types and materials have been seized by the govern. went; but a new paper is to be etarted, and to be called the Irish Felon. Will the people lung bear this ? Gtar.sam's Mao/amt.—We solicited an exchange with this splendid and highly popular Magazine, and instead of favoring ua only with an exchange from henceforth, we also received the whole of the last, (X.X.XII) volume, from January to June, 1848. We will endeavor to reciprocate the favor when opportunity occurs. We have seldom, if ever, seen a more splendid and valuable volume of any magazine. The por traits of the Army Heroes are superb, as are also the various other' pldtea. The literary matter of the volume before us is. the production of some of ablest writers extant. Graham promises a. rich treat in tha.XXXIII volume, commencing with July, 1848. We will give his prospectus in our next. =l2l larrat.r..'s LIVING Aec.—The number for Juno 27, of this. work . has been received—a counterpart of its predecessors, if anything, more valuable.— it contains, among other interesting articles, a re view of the Works and Life of Charles Lamb—Me. moire of Sir Thomas Powell Buston—Reminis -ells of William Von Humboldt—Narrative of the * wreck of the Archduke Charles—Biographical and Critical N4iCes of British Female Poets, &c., Ace. TLLL ICEIIITOST.-0. Barrett, Esq., has COM. manned the publication of a paper, at the State Capital, under the old familiar title of ...The Key stone." It advocates the election of Cass and But. ler—and the well known ability of the editor will maks it u geed a paper as a party one can be.— A large sheet, neatly printed, at $3 per annum, published weekly, except during the session of the legislature, when it will be issued semi weekly. GLACE Gerr.swooo.—We are sorry to notice that this charming writer has been obliged, on sc ampi of ill health, to retire from the management of the Lady's Dollar Newspaper. We hope her sojourn among her sitter flowers, in the country, to which the is going. may speedily restore her to health. SlirTA - ANNA Isr Jsestca.—Gen. SIM& Anna, his lady, and suite, were residing at Torrington Nov..,near Kinipoton Race Course, and were ex pected to remain there, the Journal asys,about two . months. The papers chronicle a visit by the Gene cal and his lady to the theatre in Kingoten. Form the Pittsburg Post. WASHINGTON MONUMENT + The. Pennsylvania, Voltrrtteets.—The Building Committee of the National Washington Mono• ment have 'extended an invitation In the military of the several States of the Union to be present at the Seat of Government on the 41h of July next, to take part in t Ile ceremony of laying the corner stone of the Monument about to be erected there in honor of Washington. This invitation has been made to the tnilitary of Pennsylvania, through the Adjutant General, who, being away when .the invitation reached lam, and being thus unprepared to extend to the several brigades, regiments, and companies, a particular and fortnal invitation, as he was anx. 1 loos to do, avails bincselfet the use of our columns to incite known to the whole military of the State the wishes of the Committee. It is to be hoped that all editors throughout the State will copy this letter of Gen. Bow man, or at least call the attention of tfrair readers to it, at the earliest moment prat. Ile - able : Pyrrsfunta, June 5, 1848 The Military of Pennsylvania, have been ear. neatly and respectfully invited to unite with the military and citizens of Washington, in laying the corner stone of the Maiolllll Monument, on the 4th orJoly next ; and I have been requested to commu. nicate the fact to the volunteers, which I du through the medium of the pm as the most certain means of reaching all. The Committee are very desirous that at least the old thirteen States be represented by as full a body at military as may be practicable to join in paying this Mating (Abuts to the memory of Washington. and it is to be hoped, that Pensisylva. nia will be well and handsomely represented in this patriotic manifestation of regard for the memory of the beloved "Father of hit Country." Companies th st can make it convenient to accept of the invitation thus given by the Committee of Arrangement, will please report to J. H Bradley. Esq., at Washington, on or before the 25th day of Juno next, who will give any it.formation that may be/o i nked touching the subject. Very Respectfully, GEO. W. BOWMAN. Adjutant General, P. M. BANISHMENT OP LOUIS PHILIPPE AND FAMILY,- The New York Courier contains a telegraphic despatch from London to Liverpool, brought by iho steamer Acadia, which brings us tho following in. telligence qot given in the latest published papers: Paris, Friday Evening, May 26. The ?reposed decree for the banishment of Louis Philippe end his family was brought forward in the Assembly. The vote upon it was: In favor Against it Majority for banishment, 569 An official order has been issued for the with draws, of the volunteers from Mexico, and measures are being adopted to transport them as near to their homes as circumstances will permit.—The Massa chusetts regiment will be landed at Boston; the New York and New Jersey regiments at Fort Ham ilton; the first Pennsylvania regiment at Philadel phia, and the other at Pittsburg.—Arrangements have also been matured fur their prompt payment and honorable discharge. Tho old regiments of the regular army will next embark. Tho first and second regiments of artillery are to assemble at Governor's Island. APTOINTMENTB BY WIZ PRESIDDIT.--FrederiCk A. Sawyer of Louisiana, to be Secretary of lege, tion of the United Stales ut Madrid, in the place of Thorned C. Reynolds, recalled, Consul of the United States —Gustavus Koerner, of Illinois for the port of Hamburg, in the place of John Cuthbert, deceased. Collins Whitaker ot Maine, for the port of St John, in New Brunswick, in the place of Israel D. Andrews, recalled . LAW CANE ADJOURNED BY Tetkokarn.-..When the day for trying a law cave between two Cincin. natti Steamboat Captains came an lately, it was rendered desirable to defer the case, one having gone to Pttlaburgohe other to St. Louis. Tele. graphic despatches were successively transmitted to both, and the consent of each to put it oft obtained. The proceedings by telegraph were entered on the magistrate's docket, being the first legal lightning tteusactiun in the wotid. FATISIR MiaTHM.—The Boston Mail learns from a. responsible source, that lettere received in that city from Father Matthew, the apostle of tem. perance, convey the intalligence that owing to a paralytic stroke, ho will not probably make his in tended visit to this country. The attack from which he suffered occured - on Easter Sunday. Gronoorcax Exereaatioes.—The lowa City Dia. patch of the 18th ult., says, " Dr. David Dale Owen, the U. S. Geologist, passed up the river last Saturday, on board the U. S. Senator, to continue his geological survey of the country north of Wis. constn and lowa, and has detached Dr. Randall, his first assistant,to explore the Des Moines river to its source." Mummy Au—A letter from Alexandria says, though still living, continuu help. lessly imbecile; and his physicians have formally declared this as their conviction, considering the enfeebled and sinking state of his physical powers. A few more months must close the career of this once vigorous and extraordinary man. Several citizens of New Mexico, who left Santa Fe on Um 23d of April, have arrived at St. Louis. At the time of their departure front Santa Fe, all war quiet in that quarter. On their route, they suf: fered no molestation from the Indians, except at a point this aide of Fort Mann, where, at night, one of the men, on leaving the camp, was attacked by Indians and severely wounded. The General Synod of the Lutheran Church has just finished a session of five days. It appears that their clergy now number about 620. They ; have under their charge 1,650 *congregations, to which are attached 200,000 members. Their ; yearly increase by immigration is 20,000, and by membership 3,000. They also possess three incor. porated colleges and five theological seminaries, in which about 150 young men are in course of pm. partition for the ministry. Olfje tUora "Abrottb. SEVEN DAYS LATER FROM EUROPE. The Acadia arrived at New York. on Saturday, 10th inst. Her Liverpool dates arc as late as 27th May. The intelligence she brings la of import. anise. FRANCE The surface of political affairs Is somewhat more calm. There is a lull, fora moment, in Paris, but the disposition is all tending to violence and mob government. The Assembly and the Government do not her. monize. The two powers have exhibited unmis. takeblo signs of being discordant bodies, and nut co-ordinate; the two branches can hardly be called the Legislative and Executive of France, for 'each contends for the mastery—the National Assembly insists upon keeping as much power as is compati ble with its functions in its own hands. The Ex ecutive Committee requires more power, in order to mantain order and keep moving the wheels of the Government. The first proposed decree regulating relations between the Legislature and Executive, has not been carried. The articles authorizing members of the Executive to sit in the Assembly, and re stricting the power of the President of Assembly over the troops, were successively rejected, and that one especially which proposed to confide exter nal protection of the Assembly to the Executive, was unanimously rejected. Not only dues this disposition manifest itself be tween the two authorities, bat the Executive is torn by internal dissensions, and the impression is, that it must fall to pieces. It is said that M. Lamartine and M. Ledru Rol lin will resign, and a new Executive be formed of Marrast, Arago, and Marie. Some report Avignae, who has asaumed the Portfolio of War. Mr. Rush, the American Minister, presented, on the 22c1 inst., the address to the executive govern ment, voted by the Senate and House of Represent atives of the United States, tendering the congrat ulations of Congress on thestuccess of the late Re volution, to which M. Lamartine made a suitable reply. Lamartine declares unequivocally that Italy shall not relapse under Austrian dominion, but at the first call of the Italian ;Patriots, a French army shall cross the Alps. In the same breath he admit. reading front the despatches sent from the Italian States,that they have no desire whatever for the intervention of the French. The Italians remember lEsop's fable of the Porcupine and the Snake, and having felt the sharp quills, or prickly French bayonets once, they have no desire to let them into their territory again. IRELAND We regret to state that the positiun of Ireland continues to fill us with deep apprehension. The excitement of the Government trials now in pro• greys has found vent in a demonstration of the clubs and citizens, wins in large bodies parade the streets of Dublin, Ireland. The obstructions of the public highways take place by the police end the multitude, and then contests arise in Police Courts as to which party committed the breach. SPAIN In Spain a singular event had occurred. The correspondence between the Dulc of Sotorneyer sod Sir H. L. Buiwer, had led to a. dismissal of that gentleman from the Court of Madrid. He regained his passports on the lith inst., with order. to quit. Madrid in 48 hours, and his Excellency reached London on Wednesday. Amid the general speculations on this untoward ment, the fire is opening in the London journals upon the subject. The Herald condemns the Span. isla government, while our own papers are dig. posed to censure Lotd Palmerston. A full expla. nation will no doubt be given to Parliament on the matter. The insurrection has taken place at Seville; at. tended by a great loss of life, and the French jour nals ley all the blame on Sir Henry L. Bulwer. ITALY. Terrible Massacre at Naples.—On Saturday, the 13th, in the morning, at Naples, the Deputies were assembled in the Salle de Monte Olive tto, in proper. glory seesion, to modify the form of oath to be ta ken at the opening of Parliament. The oath was in these terms : swear fidelity to the King and the constitution of 29th January." The Deputies were opposed to this form, because it was not in consonance with the concessions of 3d April. Sat. urday end Sunday passed in negociations. In the evening, at eleven o'clock. it was announced that the King would not modify the form. The Deputies, to the number of BD, met, declared Themselves in permanence, and sent a deputation to the King to treat es to a modification. The King refused. The National Guard went in great num bers to Monte Olivetto to persuade the Deputies to persevere. About midnight another deputation was sent to the palace, when the King demanded time. A modification of the oath was then pro posed, in which a reservation of the rights confer redsby the decree* of the 3d of April should be made. The Kiog pretended to accept this, hut the chem. ber learned, that the troops had, meanwhile, been ordered out, and force being thus resorted to, all conciliation became impossible. Soon after mid. night the National Guard commenced constructing barricades. At half.past one, the generate was beaten, and at two the troops—infantry, cavalry and artillery—issued from their barracks and on. copied the space around the palace, the castle and the market. The King, being informed of the construction of the barricades, ordered the soldier, to withdraw, and consented to the Parliament being opened with. out any oath; this formality was to have taken place with explanations on the subject of the stat. ute. The National Guard, however, refused to lower the barricades, except on the condition of the abo. lition of the Chamber of Peers, the surrender of the fortresses, and the removal of the troops from the capital. This being declined, the troops were again ordered out, and the squares of the palaces and other places were covered with armed forces, including a great quantity of artillery. At o'clock, the Swiss troops were drawn oat - around the castle. At half past nine there was en Itelnleton the part of the eitimas the numbers killed apparent movement to retreat, but abort 11 o'clock ) were four, and about twenty wounded. ' a musket was discharged by accident, when the 'The Paris conspirators of the 15th May, to the National Guard, believing itself betrayed, corn• number of about 250, we believe some say 300, but menced firing. 4 no official statement has been given of the number The Swiss and Other troops then opened a mar- ! arrested, are still, for the rnostpart, confined at Pin. derous fire of musketry by battalions, and the ar.l finery commenced a tremendous discharge of grape; the conflict, in fact became general. At the barricades of' San Fernando and San Bridgida, the National Guard sustained a fire of musketry and artillery for three hours, without yielding an inch of ground. On the commencement, the lower orders seemed disposed to take the side of the National Guard ; but being offered by the King and the troops the privilege of pillage, they - wok the other side. Doors and gatesof shops and private houses were soon forced, and a general pillage and massacre commenced to cries of "Vire el Rey I" The sig nal of attack was given by three guns from the fort, when the red flag was raised. Unheard of atrocities were perpetrated by the lazzaroni and - the troops. They rushed into the private houses, and massacred the inhabitants with out distinction of age or sex, flinging the bodies of their victims from the windows. In one house were shot a father, mother, and four children.— Other victims were dragged alive through the streets, to be butchered.struck as they went along, and insulted by the agents of the police and sol diers, who compelled them to cry " Vire el Rey." When they refused, they were pricked in the face . : by the points of the bayonets. The royal guard murdered two sons of the Marquis Varianten, in his own palace; the father went stark mad. The pe. lace was sacked. The emissaries of Del Caretto, and according to some account., Del Caretto him self, were employed in goadiug on the rabble to those acts of atrocity. Several persons known to I entertain liberal opinions, were dragged from their houses and shot, The massacre continued for eight hours. The hospitals were filled with wounded. In one Swiss regiment alone there were 200 killed and wounded, of which 30 were officers. Government was pro ceeding to disarm the National Guard. The aspect of the city wasdeplorable. It seem ed to be converted into one vast tomb. THE NORTH OF EUROPE. Hopes of peace in the North of Europe have not yet been realized. The Schleswig and Holstein dispute remAins in statu quo. The German P{rlianient assembled at Frankfort on the 19th. The choice of President and Vice President, Mr, Ihigarne, Hossein Minister, and Mr. Perron has inspired great confidence. A PANIC IN VIENNA. The Emperor and Empress of Austria have quit led Vienna secretly, and unknown to their minis tens. It is stated that they have arrived at In spruck. On the 18th, Pelliaburg, and his colleagues in the ministry, issued a proclamation announcing the fact, and adding that they had despatched Count Rayne, commander of the National Guatd, a trust worthy men, with an urgent request to dispel the apprehensions of the people, either by the Empe ror's return, or u statement of the reasons which rendered it impossible. Wi!musk had been sent to make the same request to the Archduke. The members were evidently alarmed, and completely taken by surprise at the unexpected event, and pledged themselves to 'pre. serve order, and publish tcs the people whatever communication they might receive from the de. parted monarch. Some endeavors were made to gel up a cry for a Republic; but the National Guards threatened to hang the rioters, and they were arrested. The joyful information was received on the af ternoon of the 19th, of the approaching return ofl the Emperor that evening, and the imperial palace was surrounded by thousands awaiting his arrival. Subsequent accounts state that all era acting in concert for the speedy restoration of order, and a deputation had been sent to the Emperor, express. ing the universal desire that lie will come back in medistcly. THE WAR IN LOMBARDY. In Lombardy the war continued undecided. The siege of Fumblers commenced on the 19 of May. Treviso is invested by Ihe Austrians, but held out on the 19th. The combined Neapolitan and Sardinian squad rons had arrived in Venice. MISCELLANEOUS. The Austrian Ambassador has left Rome. The Pope is asseried to have sent an autograph letter to the Emperor of Austria, offering his meditation, on condition of his unconditional abandonment of Italy. The Pope invokes the right which nations have to reconstitute themselves, cites the example of Germany, and concludes, that, after the late events in Lombardy, it has become impossible for Austria to govern Italy. A private letter from Rome. of the 15th May, says that much uneasiness prevails there. A vio. lent re.actiun was feared on the part of the popu. lace and the neighboring peasantry. For a considerable time past the Czar of Russia has been engaged in concentrating forces in the Black Sea, and extraordinary activity has been ob. served in the Arsenal et Sebastpol. LoNDOX, May 26, evening.—The announcement made in the House, last niglit„by Lord Palmerston, that from information received by him, he enter. tained strong hopes of the Schleswig, Holstein al: lair being arranged amicably has given great sails. faction, and removed the uneasy impressions which ' the accounts received during the last two days had produced. There have been again serious disturbances at Lyons, Toulon and other large towns in the pro. vinces. Collisions in various places between the mob and the Nations! Guard have occurred, but the general feeling throughout France is reported tube on the side of order and the deice quo, and by the last accounts the most disturbed districts formerly, appear to have been quiet. Disturbance of Mayence.—On Sunday a collision took piece between the Prussian soldiers stationed in the fortress of Mayen= and the citizens, aided by the regular burgher guard. Siz of the Prussian soldier. were killed, and about 'ivy wounded. =2 ILATEST PROM Meztoo.LATelegraphie despatch from Charleston, June 13th, to the Philadelphia N. American &U. S. Gazette, says: " The New Or. leans papers received by mail are to the Bth inst. The steamer Water Witch had arrived from Vera Cruz, with dates to the first inst. Among her pass• engerd is Major Graham, a bearer of despatches to . the government. Gen. P. F. Smith arrived at Vera Cruz on the 31st ult., and had entered upon his duties as Governor and Superintendent of the embarkation of our troops. The volunteers that had reached Vera Cruz were volunteering to proceed to Yucatan. It was rumored that the Mexican Government had sent to Switzerland to procure 12,000 men." The Debates, a paper published at Queretaro, notices a new attempt at Revolution in Aguas Culitotes in conjunction with San Luis and Gus. dalejara. The plan of the insurrectionists em braces the following objects: First.—The destruction of the present Govern. Second.—The removal of the federation, and the re-cStablialiment of the original basis of 1843, or a dictatorship. Third.—To place Senor D. Carton° Portugal, for the present, at the head of the government. The Monitor learns that about 3,000 Mexican troops of the line aro about to be posted at the vil lage of Guadalupe, to be in readiness to enter and guard the capital immediately upon it. evacuation by the Americans. FRoAt CALIFORNIA AND VIE PACIFIC.—Licut. W. H. Weirick, U. S. A., who reached New Orleans on the 3d instant, by the British steamer, is bearer or despatches from the colonel of his regiment, Jona than D. Stevenson, at Puebla do bus Angelo., in Upper California, and oho from Com. Shubrick, commanding the Pacific squadron. Lieut. Weirick is on sick leave, and owingto the state of his health forward. his despatches from this city by mail. Lieut. W. informs us that up to the time of hie leaving California, in March last, every thing was quiet. The Governor of California, Col. R. B. lila. son, had ordered the raising of 1000 troops to garri son Mazatlan, in the absence of the squadron. Maj. Hardie had been sent to Oregon, and Lieut. W. H. Warner, of the Topographical Engineers, to the Great Salt Lake, to accomplish this object. The Ohio chip of the line, Com. Jones, was looked for every moment at Mazatlan, having sailed from Calls o about the middle of March. On the first of April the brig Dial) , Ocho, Capt. Ducoing, from Mazatlan, bound to Panama, spoke the whale ship Magnolia, Capt. Simmons, of New Bedford, in let. 5 North, long. 95, homeward bound, with a cargo of 2700 barrels of oil, and owing to the perilous situation of the brig, ha ving sprung a leak, and being considered generally worthless, the passengers, among whom was Lieut Weirick, con cluded to abandon her, which they accordingly did, and in company with Capt. Ducoing, took passage on the Magnolia, for the coast of South America, where they fell in with a steamer which took them to Panama.—N. 0. Picayune. The traveller, Mr. Stevens, who has been en. gaged in exploring the Isthmus. came passenger from Chagrca and has proceeded to Now York via Bermudia. = Msuatovir Et:mtg.—The Memphis Eagle of the 1 6 it nil., says, "The huge carcass of a monster mini. mal now extinct, was discovered in the Gayeso bityou, in this city, one day list week, by a negro bcy. Time carcass lay projecting from the bank of the bayou, about fifteen feet from the surface of the ground, and was doubtless deposited there before the bayou was formed. The bones are said to be larger than any that have been found in 11:•ntuelcy or elsewhere. They were very much decnmposed —though portions of the ivory tusks, vertebra, and other bones were taken out whole. The two tusks, or five feet of them, lay side by side, and measure twenty two inches in circumference—end ring or joints of vertebra measured two feet in circumfer. ence, It is un questionably the frame of some gra. I ulcerous animal, existing probably anterior to the Deluge, the history of which is unknown to us, even by any reliable tradition—their massive bones being the only revelation or evidence of their crea. Lion and perished existence. A GREAT Crrr.—The principal city in China is Sou Tchou, a city of the interior, the largest per haps in the world ; for Pekin has but four millions, while, if we m..y credit Mr. Hedde, who visited it, Sou Tchou has a population of five mil:ions within its walls, and ten millions within the radios of lour leagues around. Situated on the great imperial canal, it has ten thousand bridges. Since 1718, when the missionaries quitted it, no individual, on. til Mr. Hedde succeeded, could get ingress. He did so, disguised completely as a Chinese trader, Wilmington, N. C., Jan. 18, 1847. Dr. Sway - me—Dear Sirt—liaving been almost mimeo. lously cured by your valuable medicine. I think it not more than common gratitude in me to make one addition to the long list of certificates which you have received of remarkable cures by your medicine. During the two years proceeding last Alward.] was very much distressed I a very bad cold and Racking Cough, and during the latter . part of the time, it continued to grow worse and in deed in July my friends gave me over, having ' tried all kinds of medicine, said to be good for such diseases, without the least good effect. I was reduced almost to a perfect corpse...and had.soureely any flesh upon my body, and for a tong time never O.:right to rise from my h ad again. A friend one day asked me if I had trie4 Dr. Swayne's Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry, and adviced me to do so atones, as he heard that It had worked a great many wonderful cures. I took hie advice, and alter using up several bottles of it, I grew so much better that I was enabled to leave my bed, and afterwards; to walk about the house, and go out into the street. I was encouraged by this. and continued the use of your medicine, and now, by means of its wonderful curative powers, lain perfect ly well, and enjoying the use of all my faculties, just as much as if I had never been afflicted in the way I have described to you. !have written this. not thinking that it will at all interest you, but humbly hoping that it wilt have its mite of influence in causing your redouble meal. eine to oe spread among mankind, and in assisting to raise you to that station whichyou richly deserve, for r your persevering efforts for the public good. Respectfully your friend and admirer, JAMES R. NIAISELAND. Fang NASSAU, N. P.—The Nassau Guardian or I BeWARE OP Lurnarrunc—Attemps have often been made by unpriocipled . individuals to impose upon the com the 13th ult. says that the season for gathering , a luminous ante le,stea ling nearly the whole of the pine apples, one or their staple products, is about to • name of my preparation. To tally guard against such I base and palpable imposition, th twinublic should shun all commence, and that the increased cultivation, and I preparations purporting to co Wild Cherry. except the care and pains taken in raising this delicious that bearing the signature of Dr. H. Swayne on each bon_ Itie. Beware of as worthless "Baleares." " Bitten."— fruit, will not only increase the quantity to be pea. "Syrups," &c., as they contain none Grille virtues of the ngutal preparation. duced, but make a !narked improvement in the o rite (original and only) gem:Line article is preparedby. quality. The brig Volunteer, Ehespi lt Liverpool, bad DR. SWAYNE, corner or Eighth and Race sta., Phila arrived at Nassau to take home delphia, and for sale by agents in all parts of the Vaned at",:eargo of pine Stairs, and someparts of Europe. apples. Soli by %VAL.& LEADER, Columbia, and Dr. A..A. I Ilikßrs=, York pa. June IA INSURRECTION AND MASBACRE AT MARTINIQUE.-- By the British Mail packet Great Western, at New York, from St. Thomas, June Isl, and Bermuda 6th, we learn that an insurrection of Slaves occur. red at Martinique, May 22d. About a hundred of the white population, including several women and children were massacred; and considerable pro. party was plundered and burnt. Neither the Governor nor a French man.of.war then lying in the harbor interfered with the troops. The last packet stated them to be more tranquil ; but all business suspended. At Guadeloupe they were quiet. - -Miscellaneous Items. m r iiir* or m„—of the crops, the Holly Springs Gazette of the 26th tilt. says, "From the frequent showers of rain that have fallen during the present and past week, crops are growing rapidly. Cotton, though rather late in coming up, looks well. Corn is growing finely." ' The Vicksburg Whig of the 30th ult. says, "We saw on Sunday lest, the 28th, ripe peaches, (early York) from two ornhards in our vicinity. Our neighbors of New Orlearis may look out for a. sup ply shortly." Loinstatva.—The Franklin Planters' Banner stye, "About ono hundred hogsheads of sugar were made last season on the river Mermeutou, In this State, between the Calcasieu and the Vermillion. From forty to fifty hogshead, of the crop were sent to Galveston. Temo,in our small schooners, and sold it 4to 4/c. Several new planters commence this year, on a small scale, ,'.Mist or the high -land on the river has been taken up. There Is Mill some, however, vacant." Strami.—New York is coining to .be the Ittiges, sugar market in the world.: The sales of ravi , su gars last week amount to 3,100 kids, 5,000 boxes ■nd 12,000 bags. The Raleigh (N. C.; Register states that a large number of twenty &liar notes on the Bank of Georgetown, S.-C., admirably executed, are in•eit. culution in that Vicinity. The amount of imported goods entered at . New York during the week ending the 3d inst., wale— free, 946,060, dutiable, ?1,41.2,405. Total, 457,533. The coinage et the Mint in New Orleans:fintea month ending May 31, was $7,400 in gold, Ind $60,000 in silver. Nearly twenty tigiusandimmigrants; meetly Ir ish, have arrived at New 'Stark within Iha I &strut night. A LONG TA Mt]) WINTER.—The Chronotypa says, it snowed quite a flurry in Beverly, Marsachusalds. last Thursday morning, being the first of June:. - a - i ) e - _Markets. Oswego flout, $5.56.1 W inconsin, $✓.75 a 5.811; Ohio end Michigan, sani aG. Rye Bout, 0.75. Corn, 57 a 58e. Wheat, $l.lB a 1.20. Porm, 75 a 11. for meat and $8.121 4 8.18.1 for prime. ParmAngt.Pn:a, Jane 15.11348. Meter, 95.50rer common Penne.; extro, $59 014 . Corn Meal, 2374. Rye Flour, $3.62 a 3.66. Wheal, prime whitr, 91.27 s 1.29; red, $1.22 a 1.23. Rya. &where., 70c., Penna., 7sc., per beiellet. Corn. yellow, 54 a 56c., white, 50 a SU. Oats, Penna. .7c.,Southern,33: Lurnbez—Cargo antes of yellOw pine boards at Sl5. a 16. per M.; Susquehanna 11111.-o 15.; Hem. lock joists. 87. a 7.50; Scantling 87. a B. per M. 13NLIIISORIL June 15, 1848. Sales of Iloward street flour, $5.62i, City Mills. 35.75. Corn meat 32.371. Wheat, red, $1.1.2:4 1.15, white, 81.20 a 1.23 The-market for corn and oats is doll; white corn, 42 a 44c., 3000- baishol• yellow corn sold at 48c. Oats 35. Whiskey 23. Rio coffee p 3 a 7. The provision market is dull. Prrrsßus°, June 15, 1849. There are more sellers than buyers in the flour market to day; sales at 83.81 f. Wheat, red, 81c.. Corn, yellow, 28. Oct.. 24. Rye, 41. Bacun is advancing in price. No change has occurred le groceries. Catimmtart, June 15,1549. Salem of 1100 barreie flour hove bean mada to. day at 83.68 a 3.8711. The grairi market is with. nut change. COnatipOtiort of the Bowels or costiveness, head ache, giddiness. pain in the side and breast, nausea and sickness, variable appetite. yellow or stwathy comnlexion, &c.. are the usual symptoms. f Liver Complaint. Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills are always certain to remove the above complaints, because they purge from the body those morbid humors which are the cause. not only of all dis orders of the liver, but of every malady incident to man. A single 25 cent box will in all cases give relief, and per severance will most assuredly drive every particle of ' disease from the holy. Wricht's Indian Vegetable Pills also completely cleanse the stomach and bowels of all bilious and putrid humors, and therefore arr a certain cure for cholic. dysentery, cholera morbus, and other disorders of the Intestines. BEWARE or COCTIZRPTITS AND Itarsrronti.---Rernein• her, that the original and only genuine Indian Vegetable Pills have the written signature of Wn.itaat Wsuour on the top label of each box. 127• The genuine for tale by FRY & SPANGLER, wbo are tha only authorized Agents for Columbia. Also, by agents advertised In another column. Principal Office, 130, Race Street. Philadelphia. Dr. Sarsyne in the South.—The following letter just come to hand, and will be read with interest. The patient suffered intolerably. and could find no relief until he used DFL SWAYNWS COMPOUND SYRUP OF WILD CHERRY. It is certainly the most wonderful cure on record! Read it : NEW Yogic, Jane IS t 1848..
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers