bursting of blood ves- Sudden Death.—AP o Pkxn eels. Sce. Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills are certain to prevent the above dreadful consequences, beeause they purge from the body those morbid humors, VVEdell, When floating in the general circulation, are the cause of it de termination or rush of blood to the heed, u pressure upon the brain, and other dreadful reSlthea. From two to sir of said Indian Vegetable Pill-, taken every night on going to bed, will, in a short time, so completely cleanse the body from every Ming that is opposed to health, that sudden death, apoplexy, bursting of blood vessels, or indeed, any other malady, Will be 111 a n ter impossible. Ilnwime or Couitmitarcris 'ow Imtr.vrroxs.—Reinenit• ben that the original awl only genuine Indian Vegetable tills have the written signature of NVILLIAM WRIGHT on the top label of .welt box. • I . l7•The genuine for sale by FRY & SPANGLER, who etre-clic only authorind Agents for Columbia. Also, by agents adverused In another COIL/Inn. Principal Odiee. 169, Race Street, Philadelphia. •COLUP/133XA. DANE, AND BRIDGE COMPANY, May IS, hIS. 'The Directors of the Columbia Bank rind Bulge Com pany, detorou., of atioaang to per-uni , who are dilio,ori to depot motley for definite period", at u snoilerane rate of interest, hare determined to allow uitere.,t for tire. came et the following rah., it: For all depo.a, to remain iii months, 4 per et. per do do du 6 do 3 do du do do do 3 do lie do The SUMS en depose/ell no be payable %%idiom titters-t rit any Illterliletilitte nt the opllo3l olds iicOosilOr Oiler,/ to sense at the and of file period for winch the deposit teas made, tiles the saute be rotten ell airliner rerol. ItiCli. June 20. 1r11.11 4 17L3t HAMS. 11 LNION HAMS just reeeiYed and for sale at the LNION 1.1:\ WARI:/101:$1:. JIIIII2 Cauttl DISSOLUTION r lIE copartnership heretofore existing between the Ilittiel.giked, tradLIIK Under the unit ut (model:no. Barber, A. Co. Col Pu.. wa" th,"olved by enema Consent on the third day of May , All per"on, indebted to the late fine wil! make payment to Shrink am Breuer, or Use err It. 1.00d111.1.11, wino are au thorircdto settle the Lazne,'" of the hint. . - A LIR Al/AM BRL'NER. AIES BARBEII. OWEN B. GOOLIIAN. Columbia.. ltlay 9, I'2lE, ,fir MILK ! IV/ILIE!! THE undersigned hereby informs his friends and the public generally, that he will supply theta with NEW CID:AAI AND NILIZ, direct front the Spring I ancl Nverriinted to be the real Straw♦ Pt n It ,vill he feriii.lied mire a day. A ellarc of politic puttmonugr t< ro-peelfully June 10. 1-1-,—lt NOVCCM ALL Persons knowing themselves indebted at the Clothing Store of the No. W., front Street. Columbia, will ...me eo.t., by i t u t k,i t v pay went hr. tore tire :25th day or June. 1 , t , . Ott that he t. dots roosted to place hi. hooks 111 the thlmiq m a istagt.trute for 11111 1 / 1 , dIIIII. collectlon. JAME',I.. l'ltra'SMAN. Coluottnu. Juno 10. I , l' —lt a NEW' vow:imam CIF the best, the cheapest, and the most elegant ly printed FAMILY :NI.W.4 1 ,11 1 1:1/ 01 lice age. T 111; 1103I1; JOURNAL. Edited by Geo. P. Morris and N. I'. 'Willie. Published every Saturday in the City of New York. at the very low price of TWO DOLLARS a year in ndsluice. The first numb/ r of It new volume of this wale-spread, popular. find valuable Vaintly Newspaper. will he is s ued on the first day or.fol} next The rapidly ine.faisinir cir culation of the /i01111,1011r11311 has enabled the PrOpIICION to enrich IN brood 111111 11111111•• rOllllll. l , with the frequent productions of a member of the mo.tbrullatint, sparkling, put mum, and uraanal Writers at the ego. Tho t e who wish to vents.; lbe New Volume enure. will lar enabled to do on by ,entbn,rtbeir 1, 1111 , to the rdi tor.wnhoutdelay Address MoRRIS & JllllO M. 107. iathton q.:l. V. TWENTY DOLLARS 1_?ElVAIIll. The above reward will be paid for the :ipplehott,oti row:a:tam et ally lan• an who shall niahotne.ly thane in (10 , 1rey any in the rt,l%, NVire+. Cap.. or other a \ lan, of tiro C(1/.1:1- 8.1.1 AND NClr:/'1:11 NIAGN I:11C COAIPAN V. Hy color of the I;curd. ATKIXS, Columbia, JllllO 3. I r31.,-.-31no re ary, EATS AND CAPS T EWIS TREDENICH & Co., late, from Philadel dorilot..., of HATS and would nu.-t p.— p.:0 . 1131y tag leave to inform the fit Columbia and ita vicinity, that purchased the old and well known liar Altionfactoring E‘tabli%liincia kept by Jolts N'At.Giii: • (or ninny 1. ears next doer to J. felts a Jewelry Store. Front Slice!, Columbia. . where they Intend fu sprits' no pail, and menu. to cart) on the above. business to till its varion. branches. 'PI.., ...lock con sits In part of line Mole Skin, Heaver. Nutria. and Cite tor HATS. Also. a .plcialid a.-.ortnietit ot Peail nud Braid ILNTS of the late-I gt , hion :aid style. to gether with ttgood :resin intent of CAPS et) , i/e, price. and quality. Now le Silk 1101.1, which we has, Just received Imo] Philadelphia. and which sit. still sell at city prtcc=. Willi the ctaifidellee train an experience of a number oft cars with one of the lust hatter. In Philadel phia. will guarantee u^ in ens ing. thin for I.l.hion. item nes,. iltirithilit). and CIIEAPNI;SS. the cannot be pill . - 1, , tt1bi1,f1111 ,. /11 m the rillt , ll. THEDENICI: & Co. Colughbia..lime A. I^l- —lf. ALW'ILVS CAFE Always Effectual Arc you a sufferer nom Pever and Acne Are :ion :intoned VI nth the periodical return. of that cold 1111,1 forum' etstior. the chill, followed by its futilitnt attendants. the hunting fever told drenching perspiration? luti,e no inne i then. to tirocurninf a bottle of Dr. 0.'.00 , rS India ('holaLtoati, Von o ill hare but one chill at inost alter )ott eonuncuce It and probably none at all. Your ranghbor ss ho has 11, a ' the o wit i e Le e will toisure you of tin , . It to but the promise nt a re,alt which thine:ands have already rettlited. and which your own experience will most tally prose. For sale by 11111 e :1.14 2 . WM A. LUADIII:. TRUSSES. TEST Rcaired a new supply of both single and doubleTrns , s, at LI:AMRI.: Golden .Nlort - ar Drug Store, Colombia, Pa. DAS RUM A Superior article of Bay Rum, for sale at Drug Store Columblu, Pa. warns TEABERRY Tooth Wasl►, an► immediate and ef fectual Cure for all disease of Ow G u m. and Teeth. For snle by IVM. A. LEADER. NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby given, that I have constitut ed John Cosset. of the Borough of Columbia. my agent, h power Of Attorney, recorded in the llecorder , ‘ Office of Lancaster county, tor the wiling or chsposing of Wines. Liquors, Oils, &c.: and to do all other rims neee, ‘ary in the management o fsaid busines, save the con tracting of debts m my name, which said Cassel I. spe. molly prohibited from doing by -nnl power of attorney, notes., my written acgont to do the came Columbia. June lt, Jo!Cc 11 11110065. • XSTATE OF John Evans, a lunatic. The undersigned. Auditor appointed by the court of Common Pleas Cl . laine" , c r enodt)• to atkn‘t and di,mbate mamas the creditors of said John Evan=, of the borolich of Colum bia, the balance of Ins estate rernionnta an the hand., of his commutes, Evan Green, Lerch) nontie• the sad ered nore that he wall attend by adlournment for the purpose of hie appointment. on Tuesday. the :27,1, an-taut. at o'clock. P. il., at the public hoti-e Of Lewt.. Spreeber, an 1:310. King street. Lancaster. (7 CARPI:ATI:IL June a, 1k.1,--td. A itditor. {WIG CONVENTION, IVITCILES, Jewelry, and Silver - Ware. Persons visiting the nee lIIVII,I to examine the large and splendid asZortinent of WATCHES & JEWELRY, now open, and which are of tered at reasonable prices. Gold Patent Levers Vt.+ I Clocks and Time Pieces, Silver do IS Gold and Silver PCIICIIS. Gold PEpines. 30 Breast Pins of all kinds, Silver do I 2 Ear -Ring, Fin,^er-Binusi With a full assortment of Silver, Plated, and Brittannia Ware, wholesale and retail, at 3.3: W. 1.. WARP. `NUT Street. 19111mfript,.. No. 100 CUES PIIILIDELPRU. ADVERTISEMENTS. MOTIZERS READ lhis attentively. De. REELER'S CORDIAL and CARMINATIVE, for the , peetly and permanent cur i• of • =M=MII=M=I IEIVEMEAIMMIM3MMEMI INFANTUAI, VLiTULF:NCI", &c , &e.; and for a. the derangement. of the Stomach and llowel4 = Mi - "TF•at OF 'PilausAmrs die annually from disen,e4 of the r 4 toiniteh and Bowel, 11l the lace of Mi. alarmiim mortality, the M. 4 tmpul.cc of our nature are enlist,. d an mill:mum; suffering we coition prevent More than FIVIt runt. IND versed, to our know ledze were mired dome.; the past ...intoner; and sic imliematimrly say. that milet3.- 7111Ie out or every Moulted or• speedily ['Med. That, Is 110 1111 , take :o,ola till. lact:a1111 tl. n tent of oar sincerity and ii. , ertion. as a medical and re-pon•ilde pronu•e to refund the amount paid in every %yell all thfaltlealatt ell v. here it fail-. Will yon cutler. will you let your little ones sutler when }full have at hand a reme dy like this so 110 halt 111 aubduunCili-senie, To doulniiirr aim , iErllead o hat pus -until.. the press, and others say of the Cordial. ❑Extract of a letter from the new. Dr. F:arle ) Davi,lllo. Liu count•. Aogu•t 3.5. 1,17 . :-1 tun LOW prepared to rororumeuill your eor dud Irene having . ivied it will in -.corral in•tattee.,; and I tint 1010 trying - our Prunes in it en,' nl protracted rlequilty attended ,1111 coniflt. apparently ',retrieved in the mew: lade Lo her nut-eroning het -Iron:tilt.' to iv,. a continue pitra,d, Vont-, At , Al lto u [Extract of a kilo, Iron 1;1•••11,•/, ( . 00k Puri. JO. 1-17 I),. I.:vet, • has 11-,1 la my tamtly all in th, Cor dial , ha II vie Lett a lilt In, la.! summer VAC,IIi 0.1:1)1101- 111 , %%111111 I ilcr-11.1,1,1 a 11,111111 V r 01 111111, to Tr). and prus I,r) is iti• 101, 01111 .,, ~ki t It 10 , 0010 0111,111,10-, MllO M. /.11111 •01111: 01 I there 'll, 1..11 1/11 I.lolllli ..1..111! IJI , 1,1111 , 113 1 . X1111.... , :1111 , 111141, 5 t ..i train my nit it expert. . ... I t I,llle hr.-11i...c yme lot ,htlit eft :11/d CONII•LNINTS 11011 altered to the public, and all that 1, tor a recommendation J, to tr, it Very re.;wettigliy. EtslNl:4l:lt C00K.12-.1. iiram: •t ear. i , t Alley This is to Certify. that I huts lunc used Dr Con/al mai have 'tonal it a valuable raolicaa• In truss than. cutlery and RH , ~ ttlei.l• at the and ho,a•k, by 'fee thinq. a oil a, particularly adapted 10 slit ohs el.,es 01 1110-e as :San, Cate-ell use acid 11 . 111 t, or the tlettill talutg ettects Osehtlittie. I) :%1 ALL.I.,os. at, u . Plum Philo Dr. Keeler , : Cordial —We IA Oilld call the attelittoa of our reader, to tht- invaluable n4•theute, which will lie 1100411 udvrrii ii At length in our rolltilles A. a correc tive ill on , r. 4.1 tharrliemi. 0.11,e:1 , 0 nory prevalent at the pro,lit tune. it 144 lu4rld.i .pokers of 14) all who have 414=4441 it. It perfectly (ate ill in 1111111,. :Old -yak raper/- mentally. when Nee 4..144 . . that It :01 . 001.. immediate relief:— (Near, Saturday (la/etie of Atigit,t Dr. Eerier', Coalial and Carminative.—'phi, article is advert,eil uI ;mother part of nur paper. it is warmly re eolllllooolett Ily amain, who ha, c tiled it. It 1. e•peei silly tiqetill 01110117 01101001. and 1010 eiteetrlnlllll , lo,l4 01 ' COI,. (10,00( I. abundantly -.applied toil), te-timonl upon tin• •abject, •01(10 01 wha•li is very •tromr The Corthal is lint a quack 110 , 101111. but carotid:). prepared medicine. and peru•clty - !nee (rout •tny thing 11purtaits.— [ I'enn , y 0:11111011 of September I. 1-17 Dr. Keeler:—Dear Sir— is n is our daty to use every 110114 , 1 Illoattc to pronprt.• the happaw... of our fellow cremate-. I tale 44 - real plea-are al ..tatiil4 to 0011 the ail vainas4.4 I reeened 10011 yoar afaable ('ordial 441141 rat 111111011,‘, 1.0 , t .11111000 1 wl, , nime144 , 41 svali Dmrrhu•n. which (lettlltlated .y•tetu sery mach: fir neat I) three week., I tri e d rnaay 1 . , !Mt 1011101 hale or no hear lit. notice iny 40110:11ter 111101 . 041 ale 01 t nor Cordial I hottelit IL Lnitlr. 0110 111111 1101 011,11 but two 410. e, betorr I Obtained rebel. Ino 0,0 11111 . 1.)) . rrroi ercd I, , tore I used the %vhoh• or It ; and have remained heart% en Cr -111e0. ) Wit ll can; D. 0. Prepared ;ma yid, whole , ale and mini 1. N W. corner ofTliird and Scan . Philadelphia Sohl a holesalc by Dr. lie Pher.on.ll.irri-1,114; : G. Miller. Lanett-cer :— nud rethllial lip D. N',V I Cohliabia. 1111,4- al , ic and Wher , llll l ollUliollt tlu, country Price :23 dtc. per bottle. IL-, - sec paniphlet.....:=l 17,r•Ai....0. Dr. li1.11'.1.1:11's DANACTIA. the mo..t reim 41} Tet known. for all ar,iliz iron ot the Di.ooh. or 11:11,11 01 the body, Ladies of &two:, r 0 0 ,411111101, .t 111 1.01.1 it 1,111111111,1 y :1111 , 111 , t , 1 to their eflo , . Medicine 1111 - 111•111 0 111011,111 g ,101 , :lior 10 at fur chrome 1...y1,1111,11e di-order... :titeetion. ut debilitated patent,,, .11,11,1e4 . 0.1111 kw.s of appialte mind imperiect divestion.. Price el. pamphlet.; cur par ticolar, Philadelphia. J 1110: 10. I . 'l - -1p ZUSUIRIES ERR SUE at the sign of the "Red Curtain," 1111:ndelphin = CA NT::: Spollae. 1 3 .1111111. hell. STITT.", Qilcen Cnko , ,Secoteli 1...1.1t" Jutnblv, Spice Nut,, unit Gutgor Nut- Ihtrtleberrt•.lllnekherry, Current. Cherry. Apple. Prarti, Allnee. and Illn.ul,nrb lies peniiiig 11l het the 'ivy/ at ell boor, ot the day. Jarq,nn's. Plug Ultra Modal Owe,. 01,V ) Purr Apply rhc,,e, and a great carnet} of We Cheese, 1.60111 Iran' anal Ohl N. 13. Sony al the C'i.`,o .01,1 at 'hi, establishment is equal to the hest Entrh•li ID • TInIPMI.INrI.: Ll3lNKS—alu•acs enhl—Rou sell'. Alluvial Beer, 11111:. Philadelphia, Stine 10.1,4 WESTERN HOTEL, No, HS, Market st., Philadelphia. The proprietor kuorrn and big 110 Th.. with it, exten,i‘e alien, by private t.itle tier ca , h) inraiiiire and fixture , . and :in un expired term eft line of live t ear. froth the (1,4 of Ithtt Sepienitier. of 1199 Hotel and nelectory. doing at prei.ent a 101 l litedne..... teal the location one of the Lr.t in the city. and rtell known to the trio...lllllg counnitioty : at pre , eill 111 Carat order. ha, ing undergone malty IniprtiVe meet, alai kept by the pre,ent proprietor ter the 13 , 1 tea year., 1 h111.1,11,1.m.3“,,, 10.1- I , -2,v C-RXII/. I Z NTATIONAL WORN. 1A History of the Reiolution J_N mat ltr en of the I lerue. , ot the War of Imlepemlenee, I c y Ve;..r.00. Am elegant %ohmic silt!. I,' flue b teeipi.m_.,;out near!:, :200 bentuittil is nod 1,1111r3V1111,1 •..1 . 111• I , a .11:1•Ii.11(1 hook ,Olllllllde athlllloll to the 11-lorte Literature 01 OM vot•ittry NVe ore oath 1111,111. ken Si It dot, 110 t tan,, Mills es rein the work. of Irving nod I're•eott. - -[Frattlitor.l Ili raid. -It .Itrpa.-e, any , untlar wol lc yet mitred to the Allier- Senn Iliadic - -1Nt.11 . , Gli/elte "It Inn) - 10. properly 1,111 , 1111•ONI a populart•E•cl :11311tory II t-lory or the Itevolanon. extremely cell tool Jtufteunvi Strttlest. - -INorth Atuerteon. -The pre-ent stork 011 the nl,OlllllOll and Et.: I tome., 1. empertor, Loth m e steal Bud (le•atztt to ally that has heretofore ruttier our notice couuectrd 1 I ',tory or that e‘eutittl pertod."— [Le(ll4er ••Decidedly the lest popular 1 I,tor) of the War of the lievolutton and tt• N, roe.. that has yet be... 11 go en to the cottntry - -->atttrtlat . I:semue - Ar;I:NTs w.INTE.D the oho, e work 11/ fOren . ) 111 the 'United State, to ,‘ lion! the ilbellll 1111 its sell 1 e 01b.11•11. fort 011.11 . W:11. A. No North Secoml l'lttladolplutt. Philnelrlphm. June, .1. WUT WZIJL VOU SUFFER. Thousands of bottles of the a .',NEo romPIA .ND Lac been i•old oluring the past len, and was ne,cr known to Jail of curing, in it Ica. tiny, the most enicA at a certain delicate ilt.ettiie. sminial mid all -es oldie Vrinory Mean% Per-mm olllt, led teting the: plea-amt mut popular remedy, need fear lio earocure• nc It 60.1 , Ito tiller on the breath, require , no re-trietains ill diet or blHllti ss—contauci Mercury or iiiikions drug, iniurion , to the sv.teni. and is adapted to every age. se.. mid condition it to al.o the be-t remedy known for Fluor Alba- or \ Vhite, (felnek. complaint , l with a loch thousand.. stiffer. without the knowledge of a remedy. TM, celebrated reined) has long been n.rd m the private practice of 0 ph!. -ietall Ith interring 1.1 We,, radical!) curing ninety-liiiii• of Ihe !Mo dred ell.e• nl n lee Any.. Arnaud each bottle are plain Owl dill dire( hon.. TI( for tide Na. nod perehte , only .11 the agent Prier I a bailie. Said by .loae WILLIAMS. SNOW ALL MEN THAT -RENNET & CO. have R1:2111111) from 192 Market Street. to their Mew. Splendid. and Iminen•e li-liment to he knots a the TOWER HALL CLOTHING BAZAAR. No 1,.2 :llarket Sreet. Filth and Sixth, Philadel phia The Proprietor,‘ feel a relactance in promulgating what or any way might appear like the uiond Bombastic. eZ, aggerntioti of -on it of the trade, but still beg leave to quote the following notice from one of not ray papers: ( hie of the greare-t cario,iies that oor :Words to the stranger. in BENNIn . & S great Clothing Store, No. 1.2 3larket ttureet, hem eon nith and Sixth. winch has liven styled Tower Ilan. - from the permlisir tint-it of the trout. The building is art morwro • a one. eriatatitiaLl seven capacious rooms. all of ,Illehrar StoCL“RVIth. ev ery varlets' of seasonable garments. arrancrd 111 the moat perfect nrther and repilanty. 'rite proprietor , take great pleasure in 14101,111 g their bUildnic and rententt to the co- wens. particularly atranger•• and to Om-, corning tram flu country—or. 1010, 111 no plat, MA, ten rtht /It a • i•lt." Nlnv PIIILIDELPIIIA ADVERTISEHENTS. 'Zigra GREAT CONVENTION of Purchasers of Elegant and ciii:m. (I,OTiIiNG. at prices I xtreittely low. I. Min at the Plttladelplua Wartliotte.los ell I:*T- N UT :•Trt., 'l • he of ti( COllVelltloll n conducted with on pa rralleled harmony. and the mnount of Int‘ine“ done to natnen.e. • I•hc M NI:11,1,1•1 hr numerous Vice Pre.nlent, prernh•, w nit grt at tahrienc2.: and the Trete.nrer e. kept con.tainly lon-y wnh rec , ivia,..7 money. The J)elegan•, loth“ Convention are In his of Wild have imannnoi,ly eoliwmted to nominate P. 11 ArN, tux, us GENERAL TAYLOR, Of the Purled State,. II every one or the 100000 patrons of the Phdadelpina Wardrobe. ,honhi vale l' or IL :NI Ne int% will prove• rival to other Pr, tidentlal colnpoworg We are happy to r•av mat at the; Coneennon all sets of Delegateo are ren 'inp:trty 111,11 ., meal•; , OCCOUlltud 11,4 a, good it, any mon,y. Th.a mug 1, highly extraordurily Phila.. iiun• :JP. 1-1- s lito !! '2'033. TIE GIT.EZIT IVIIIG CONVENTION in Phliadel r hm. ."."7-11 ' for Nr.vrcl 11 .ti JE WEI A- , there ‘,lll toe thou-and. of itersott , vt•ttimr rot:tle:- plita. to 1)11111E1p:11V 111 the 4:1211 N:il/0/1“1 Wtztt,. Cotive.t -tlon. to Ito Itt•ltlott the 7ltt of Jane :text .IACOi: 1..\11(1. MUS. No :216 1..\ I' Street. below Et.2llth. ttrst -tort, told 1.1:1V1t, LA DWI US. No :13:11.1111:E 1" Street •tt.ttle. Eleventh, North -tile. oult! re-pt ti 11Ji :rt: one w 1.11111 , Z10 pinrha.r any coot!. at our hue to the to lotA tut.; lt,t of priCes of NVllletit,. Li.. of tut Ir 10, .1 11, rattr/tl. Poll Jewellell Ciotti Levu. 1, 'karat to 10 1 . 1111 Jewelled Gottl 11:p11.4. , t.t7ril :silver Levet, bull Jt.m.elled I 7 •• Quo al , ove ar.., at 'v..4 10 per c,,t lire t.r thus a-nally wld for the -amt., cianltty arurle. a', !tit or.• ty competliwn °duet, benpor ,• it a CIIII Cu culo.wee perun. of the al., t trt.:t 1.. 1..1110`.1. ET :st .•!. J. 1..A.D(...):111::: 4 , .11,111K;:r Plara, Ciuy f.7.-3t COUBT'IEtair ZYZMItCZ-I.LINTS. CAN save from 15 to 23 per rent. by parrbas mg thcLt Olt, CIA)111r• 1 1. 1 (V 1 - 1 1 1 1 111 R'11.\;:1.I ,tv, Wnve -11011-1.. No 125 Noru, I.lz, 11' to, •• ,11.41 door : 4 01:11, g,l ;It,: 11,1z1,1 11,101. %. a l•re th,y n ill nls.t I,rrp uu hand :1 v,,,111,1t•it• lii 01 c.111.111A(.1; ()11. CIA) 10. 1- .surd. 1. Illtriter. wv,lo I , v2vr..a. and Plain. en. the 111•1110. urr Alro.lo, I)ffilmg anti 1,,,00 . I . A1:11 1 Uu. Clo l l l losm 11, niw.l ifir•1111111 0 pattt•ri, la. alai 51 inch., will, )It. ~, sta.! lire !lel% tr-I it: on 0:01,11 4 . all of tilt..rr usNir lirairilirrellire, Tr:mm.(l,W. Cari..q..,n)row..ll. rxxx.L.aIDELPX-IZA. ANTAR11110111: Clothing Emporium, No. 105, (lit .11111 Sttect. r•i n TI/I,ti rounli. North side. Phil:1(1(.411mi. TO :17F:12C11.1:VN AND oTirEns 1-1,41. Eve; TI LEE At ilw.,:tabli , lunent roily lip Rimy: a toll ii"oi i -701•11101 t.rnth 11,,,.( • 11/011112 . . 10 .111:1111 111 , 0, ;.11r1 re:l-oil:11d, print , . al:. I ino.11.1: 1 u h.• of bi l l m.lll "unroll. p 11 1111110,., thou lion who ri• pi,i P . :ill poi u p low p, in :mil mail, In . ellll hr 10111111 111 OW 1 . 11% I'llll. c o w pw chtn-Ing cl.rtl hl It% a, Wardlol, i'1:1:ItY N. eN1:11,1.T: 1(11 ("la -ant 'Sr.,•••I. Phan N bra , god. pip,. 1111 to ord., at the ..1)4,11••I 11010 Lc CI3[E.6.2EST A ND only place at the :realest variety of sTovcs i•:tri ire hrej, Wattlefacth:ed oj the 6e,t ;led Irthi, 1111.1, CLINE :4 Whi11,..:114" 1111111:el.' . .1•1.41 11:11111'..lelo,. N.) Irr:. :c.o.!h her o :00l 55 t':,1;,,‘1,01 Second. r or ,111. a vvr% -riperior 111114,,,f plot, Ili , Int.—.l ot the ( • .•1 , 11.111 ,, 1 cook. 1,36r,011', the itoll Cont. 4 . 111!”. , .,1•01w.t moll or:toy 0110 r. of I.ost •Notol:otlr , ovo. Ine olar• het. ..‘mon,•• our •mork purol.nol :W . ., Itttollll-tht ttlt•tr • at t , !. INC I )I 1" , l'1111:1(1,11,1ta. I,t- CSE.M.O.P WXI423OIXY BLINDS. D.. 1, WILLII)IS, No. 12, North Sith , tr.•ot Pilda.. nn Idind.tlik: dud itlo-d oi tvirrow rtlld nilt , l Vedlllali lilutd.. of ant ~.. I.milkholf`lll m In.• ('I.;;; t it ti„. att.l rarad. ()Id Mud. rtnult.,l ;nnb tnininnord in botch, unl 10 m tt. ./ . /P• n. 1.11, en.ler coilOty nul mho i nute ;11 , 1 ric :lire• rr•-p..eli,illy IC. cued to vOll and PX:ooll..• Id% ei,o, hire. , 1 , 11014 contilledlt of .; .m• mu: dud gr. Mg ,Lt,lttc..,toli to all ,110 (tilt Invor bum ,1111 a 1,11 1,11 . :;\ 3.0111‘; 3 W11.1.1.\ Philmlelpltirt. April -. I-1--11,1 N., I_.\ CLOTIZ/ZZZ ENTLEMEN Visiting the City, and wishing to ,upriy CHEAP A:\ 0 PASIIIONABLI: Ii T: AI) Y-MAD C 1.0 T 111 N 0 NVIII 11 , 111 a I.Aliia% COMPLY:I'E. AND c lolwn ASS 0 It 'l' II 1: N . At th , prwe , ... for C A : 4 11, "Arnontinellirecl of Ilie (11,rnhf, mntrnal.. 'end of the lot and anti: prat rll., :or Moo :101l Hoy,. ve /'IZI:NC/1. .IND Grint.t.N CLOTI lii. s.ATINETTS. 1)0/ . .:•KINS. TOnt:T11::: Wr ru A , l`I.I:VOTT: OF SILK, .o:t3 cAsilmrru: V STIN S; fro 41 gnat wryly 01' D 1' 5' I' I, (f 'l' 11 1 N AT Illy: cnircEß or SECC)NI)*ANI) MARKET STI11:17I'S, 11111. A A T P Ifl I: r•'' , A ^ I, ONV .1% • any other lit tilt' riwed S,wes rj . :, llt fitli conwr rp: S COND AND :If A. /C r: T rhiln Apra —ly 61;0 fi r ms S.VI'IVIAEXINT'S MODEL American Courier. Conducted by ;111- drew Al'Al:gkitt, g•glitor of the late itorda3 a...l•ted It a gelleannna 11ekinlede eel as 011 e. 01111 e too.t tate , ttetl tool popular w roe,. t,f the utr 'Putt: Fain11:11 , nr.vAtta:.it.‘r of the otenetot Cow, will lie edited by the too-t tit.tite_tot.lted Attro•tiliorp.t the Cooed Sta It', the rounder of •• The Turf nee,wer, • •• Amer:can ramie," and editor of •• The Farmer'. E.o. eoll,e, under dl - the rarmer'• Department will onnitollately take tool maintain all orignotht3 value tot approtieloilde by that in any litmus jottroal In the land. null runt 110n1- I,er of the Accrue Courier Nail! be worth. to every practical fanner. the price of a year's •tilt•eriptant Tot: r.e.Nrit,t. ('wrist--The Liter:lrv, lhograploral. Crou n]. w.. netortal partmeut.. **ln Inrilleienl 111 the to..t t01..0t of lie. dot - , to their re , pective Itratiehen 01 lalerllttlre and Art, load ing off v.llll It 11,W .. 11"11.1tinetrei (:eortre Lippard. , the •• Portrait (:•ttler3 ' l'oet• owl their l'oetry—ettelt Illustrated. Tor. sN Cot men amid g onotto the otiontot of eight toot. column. go I,llter th.gt did the ... .••••cordity I 01111 an 11 will I ron , hwled .trtet ly got the en . . 11 prtnetple. Nvll. avth all u..\rn.ln• nunl 1001114. be tilr,red at a nilit•li reale .41 10 ••ellll, ' 1 . , um. 1,, 1111. A•aratli. Co. It.lll—Ahhonull the Amer- ICall Courier i••• much 131,0 r. 1 11 .1 , 1111 . •11 1111, r. and the nilllter 1110 re ro-ily and I.lllllahle than orilitiar). term.. tor It eitiele Copy 14111 he the price a-mil tot pap, r 4 of the ha=t bollarn , per attottlit' Hill. ttt Or der to Tone at nitre 111 illerenonletrealation. the pohlt-h -r, pr0v,....e.. to glob. of etionenites the oil htuo our (tor par looney) terns. ne,er otrered beore ott3able un dr.,11.1y it ads too, l'nur eopten 0t the _Ntrierteatt Courier, • • =5 . fill prier." eopte<• (and one tor the a:z00%) In, - • I 'l'llirteett rope.. trawl I for the tezent.l - Twenty crone.. (and one for agent.) •• 12 nll , ener to 11111000111 4 enqulre, wiwther frazm,,,t, of club. con he added to pre% too. svg• that additions of hee ilitide to preran, elule. for the A tilerict.ll Courier. it the vatic priet•—ol per 3 ear, or its The rage may he Clubs are ',nit to dinerellt Po‘t ()the. , without e:Cltn charge. The American Courier will hr witted tit Plolll,lelphia every Saturday ntoratot.t. 011 whieli day it may al-gi be had of the Agent. 111 New York. lio•too. flaltitiotre. and NVit•hingtoo coontionteation , mail he aildret4ed. 110 , 1 paid. to AN 1lIII:1V ll'NI t No 141 cht....0 streg t. oppeoo •••• CANAL BOAT. WILL be sold at private sale, a sixty ton Boat, rou rea,onable term, For further particulars in quire of W.M. A. I..EADER, Colutubta. Pa. 31arietut..lune 3, 1.-14. TEN DAYS 11.0.11E,E, BY OVER LAND EXPRESS, Important News from ila4t, great decline in DILI (.00D:5. We hove ju,t received a large and ,plendnl a...iortment of SUMMER GOODS, :NEW STYLI:s mid much hemw the tmutl price. A splendid Or Dina GUOthi. table or the ...ce-tel. Call nett ex- COill!raila. May 0. 104, W. a. S. PATTON. 11 NEW An OF READY JUDE CLOTHING. JOHN JORDAN Co. la retonithg tha tr -int ere thank, to the cttt ut and the puhhc m general tur the kuul thatermt; patronage %Ouch they have be-tort ed °putt them, ould wo.t re-peetfully enll thew auentioa to the NEV S'l 01*K OF COODs ..t.theh they have )tt-t recta%ed, and winch Ito beaten. a. to tthathy 011,111111 es, hU tlw, ore tletetithned not to be under-old in the county. Th;:th ,tack eonthrt.,ett all •ort:, of garnumt, Superfine. BLACK AND FROCK cwas, /habit Cloth. Ca-Infarct.. Alpaca 1.11 , 1 re. Croton. Loco. plum Low.. Sacks Coatee, Hiding Coat,. !less Colts at prott,e variety Al-u a very tune u.sorrinent of Boys Clothing, all of which sell I.e sold extremely lose for cash. Pant. anal Vest, of all -i/ce and price.. from fifty cents up Ti, ,I (k) Boyers are soltcited to call sehether wtsinag to purchase at the tIIIII. Or not. They have only to call to be eons oared. 'lll y Bove on hood a fine n«ortmrnt of ClOlll , , Cassj. tat,- . 1.41'1111;14,. Stlllllll, Cloth, dc. Al,o. Vert Pattern, all at to Moll will he :node up at extremely pro,-. Ako. Sham:. Sa,pender.. Itote, Dram er%. Cra vat.. Col pet lia,;-.l.lltbrella. Rro.n Ia Lams, Over all., (honelas., Coat-. Glove-. le .1. JORDAN & Co A levy doors below 11,rr's Wa-Inogion Ilutel 1 7 /0111. Str,•t I:0111.11dt/ I' Cu'1,111.111: . ..ILI) 01,1=1=-1. 1.71V1VE11.5111+ A 7 ERMIN DESTROYER telly ui Pli.mact. eau, 10 pt °duce a I,:cp.u..ittott „I„,h „o„'d pro ' n • , ,tc-the for Sic .s ,, ,tnietloll or nec. stud Chum''-. hut e‘ery court line 1.2015 till line itsl-11.1 11111c . :1 1.,..%rere• 11 n?", 1,11. 1. 13.1- ~ ,Vve, ,) , II NI elz.covv: pre. Nvltiv!, hr in the 11111 re tt.ut.litittttott 01 tile alto, c 1110e1et1 vermin. l'or -.tile by 1 ‘1)1,111. ,N 1.1) 550. Front ,Irt•vt. DR. TONFINSEND'S CZARSAPARILLI: Wonder and blessine: of the toctitclue w to, world. i:Ntruut p. put op m tottrt Lunt,•- It I. , ix inns: et w aper, pleas utter, and warrattied t,ttvertot to :toy sold. It core., dieeaarc w rtltnut vont ding, itorgolg , sicken tog, or dtdot dal tog the otttittot ttr,t,t beauty and superioeuy !lila plat , rtynrilltt over nit it eritille.liiii.lll,ll`le, tt involorttteA the body. It hi 0110. 01 lilt. Vi.ry beat SPRING AND :-11:MNIER MEDICINES Ever known: it not only imrilip9 the w hole vystem and -treugtheue the por ,, .n. hat It creates Tiers% pure. and trim Wood.; ft r by tin ottsvx And In I hiu I leg the Veal seernt et rt. wonderful .Tic eras. lit. Tots 1,4.41's Sar , aparilla int igol.rles the whole .3 +u•nn • low their ,"„ s . entire enerel' erTe•e to Id med n Inv or irld iqcret ions c0,0,,,,ti0t in youth, or the ell inihilgetice of the pa•..tot+, and itronzht on it general orn+ti.ii ion of ow ant of amhamu. Punting oreinalor , decay and derlin,, hasmning th.d fr I ll•h-••a-e, CO/I.l.mptioll, rue be entirely rehimed by (his • The Inienine only rout by RE Erma. C,Ann‘hm. A p49.1,-tf BOOTS AND SHOES .I.IIIES .1011D.1\, Fashionalwle Boot and •, ... ,. ...tl . T , r , 1 11 11 , 1 ,.. • n,: k , .•rr:• 1 1 , , , , Ilds h 1;110T .I]ll :•11()); 1: , T.‘111.11;-11Mr.NT, nnnu•duite le nppn-u L• I'. ler i.itore. where he it psi 1.1 , 1 in execute nil order , in lii. bor. 11. lei • I:1.4E101011TO It,, 1.1, GIN or hunt ..N :Til TI t:l4. . are al,a,al to atm a c.• 11 April 11. M 1V207.713.7..!! ii. SPANUER. Lavin_ iteCOMP Proprietor of Ih.• y r•loie I of the twlt of \'.•.ihr.,ol: Sleolkri,r I:2, lileLou.;hltelF t.` .Nll lt.iuWl Front r 4 lle , t ie. , . 110111, 111111 - 11 - rota rot I.oeie.t mid Ilext coo; r. ‘Vo) A Lender'. 1101 , tr !„, t, tit enffioltir. tort,v-r ,r, , thiarge.l ,toe„, prereired to !ern., very 01:1 , , , 1;1 t',o book :tad ,:otonars. I,le. at the 1..4T rat., :,71100i nook , ko.a. 1;1011;. BOOri, l'rua • C.lp and Leiter P.ler Itte,l,ol"•ale re1:111 ree....:l:lllve..llarro, p, o eket aodi Clink t;ruJae , -1: ttOr 1-oup. I.llo,fie, ,S.O ion. Stand, lok ci tin , I lo1:10—Dolllolne , ‘.11,.. lie n . A ,plell - /r. of :-.1k,r410el Co'tt , 11ver Worhlmr -upper.. .he Sail lot al 1.‘1 . .ey , rathelery 'or the Lame , -- Don't col net the Cheap 1)e1•ot. at 'W. 11. SI'ANGI.I:II:S. Next Door to I.coth , r's Drag 'lore r.V.ZLZ.GE.11.721- - -13.11ri10 VAL, rilllE Telegraph Office at Columbia has been 111:]1(1\ Elo to the Spy Prptuntr thixe. From nuro , llo I:1M' , lintel, whirl o, tor Ow be amt promptly 1i 1 .10 , 01111t01 10 00> .0 the ti .110wina :•001:00 , Vork. NV1 , 1111,. (' It,' I 'Milt It l'hOtttiMlthin, St 1.011,, W . 111111M:1011, 16,1111 . 1..! i'nU iii ‘Vlt Otinglem, Y 01 k, liarri.Aturg, Ailtapv, f'prittde, 131t1a1ti, 11.10000 , 10:7Z, 11,1101,1. Anhui, Ptpt-I,tir C The tolio, in, are the :Ant% chat(,. to— York. WI, 00.00 10 a Ora, 1.010 , 0-ter. 10 velllc for 10 s‘ord, 1 , 101:01P1p1011.:W von: , lor In reams. liarr,imrtr. 41) Cr 111, for /1),, :311 re/10 , 00 10 ,01.115. l'aistatrz. lu rents :or f(i 11nnilte. via Phila.. 55 cents tor 10 sot 1, All additional %yards 00, r In chart:oil pro rata. Ad dr,—. and `la11:1W1, not roamed. f,:r All incssagi s /At nreitnia C, 'WESTBROOK., Operator I . VIN. 5. 1= 'MIZE XEMELE DOLTROV., - \ - A - ino ne hms beta pertnrmiii inch ~rondcrfnl o I c.lumbin l'a • where. froth tilt' inort•ii•ect intratiers that 110c1. to liim for tenet. he has been d to fit op 0 vontmoilions it sou aro stek. no twitter wlnit lilal. ht . )nor th.tesse. dn . /ler!, Doctor's Di— , peo.ticy )nit stud ul,t.uo the applorthite remedy. Pil -1 s toe rooms ior eturtunation 16,h Dittmar nunvn. 111 , .1 , 11hi1e. that he is the emit . person in tills section. 010 dented his tnetheal 1- • t tl.ie 110111 tine I lerh ho.tor and tics itu- I eit e tt 1u.0 1,111 celrlit•tled thin urn'' Gr.' , a fist. iodate :limit ...is. 0 loch have , ureil .0 flatly xsltert, every other routed% and t•very toiler doctor has holed. etoi only be obtained at this esittulishinent. 11.•rb Drutior pracneeol ills system tor some huts. ,thror.r v. loch lie ("toe% es he has rendered .0 nerttl and entire su tt.rnrttoti out 01 the hundred,. that he bus treated. he lons beard of no person hunt: injured he Ile prot;• ,, C, lint to cure ill ,11,0%, With nue remedy, hilt prepare, a dill - en:tit nnediewrtor elleh of the numerous ttls NlhlCh Itr,ll Is heir to:'—,Meld are compounded irouz rout, herb., bark-. tints ors, 0 loch, in bile they possess great eurtittve .11‘o siren:rill., the sys tem its the, rem. ti the detente !lent.. they emillet in jrre. the trt - ittkest eons:moms. but ore rood to eve ry . case. as hundreds 0 hit hate been rescued by them Irrail the grave.cati testily. I la , . our a kinoo letlce of set ern! plants unknown to nun; nriwr person in tin= part tie the ,om.try. 1n: usea no mineralelielnieal 1 , 0140114 m lie. preparri tion•. The) may be tal.ell tiliont reirtird to diet—tor then than the stonen t h ihrri•t. :tad ,Val lint Illlertere V.lOl the partent. evt.tumarr vnranmt.'rile uttitetett, laliornil under tir I.0\(; STANDIN( , . 5 are cordial') invited In I.IMI, nod make a trial oC these otedielue.. o r at lea.t. !lase a talk vtith the Doetor. who . eluir.re+ mutton:l4.r ad% tee. Th... Herb Doctor ~ eolllelll It he 12 , 1.. 0111) the eat' , ' 11.31 ha,. I. I• 11 ,; , ,,,,I, lip tic ineurabb by the hid nehool or 1, other doctor, her the 1111110,011., I a.., ....: this 511111 sslioli he has eared. are sate evideare. that ii lilere he hope 3 et. It to In Iti , i it e,hemo.., NlOlllers. rattle,. h 3 the dear tie that loud. )01.1 10 )our little rite, try the 11. rh Doctor, le ;,,re gn wit th. it i up T o soil nor dear I. male trletal., \) ho have heel, rieglee- Itout or s3orvt;; to sou , In ...al. r most.t.ad , ho has 0 taut I liereireore been properl: treitte , l. 1 otter :a remedy suited to 3thlr deltrate continuums. and adapted to the ill , ell , a, 1 .10 Willell yOll are IzttIol.• %%1111111 the post leW yell , . 111:1- 1 11) . .101D Many. of 011 r numb. r have to nit r1•111‘.0,11 from the sphere of their WI - email; arid of their th.einlacsv; but ( tin not despair, hat roll at the !ler!, Doctor. Di,pritgarv. 1 Front Qtreot. Colombo, whore lie will ta moth you n soh able reined). If soil eannot call. enelns.•'l'nn Dollar. to a letter. port pita, erattatuintr a .M 1,11,11101 )0111- %Oita -11011. Mal yr.t is ill revive inetheint, Nil/4111n illreeliOns. Ver:ons 3,, , 11111g attend:thee at their hou-r., NI. ill tulle their reslilellet• or the Ilerto Dor 'or . - Ih•pett , ars • It' , door ss e , t of Mr 1;03 le. tavern, frown ,treet, roitinthi.i, Latterioier roam). Penn‘vlvania. otare flours. trout 7 iii the rnornitiLt till . ' 11. the even . •mr, ri0..,1 oho the eventa_ of the , 0 1, h..th C'olmaiLia, lute a 11.1--1) PHILIP GOSSLMIL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Columbia, Lancaster Co., will practice in the >c•:eral Courts of Laftew, ter :nal Vorif Omen—lll Walnut street. adjoining the Wa%hinalon note) larch 6, 1-17. DB. W. S. DDCORILLD. OFFICE--South Fastcorner of Locust and Re -021(1 .trees flip 1.1:1.1 , : i; I fla Swurtc, 2 door:. below log at; reioleaee. April 7. 1- , 1: —ti JOERNEDIAN SIEOEMAITIt oa coarse work. ..La_ Also u boy to learn the blluelnaklng Ap ply to JA3IES .101t1)AN. Colombat, May Is 4 - -at 17.7.11.NTE.D. 12 HOUSE Carpenters. None but good Ile- Cufnmina. 3illy SAMUEL EVAN-S. WATeTED, A BOY under instructions to the Tailoring bu- B. YOUNG Cofunt...a. Lancaster co.. Pa.. Ma) 20 .-tt P.O-73.A.5010, - 13:111ASOLETS and Sunshades, Fashionable and j_ rcd,,ccd pnrc-, at Alny . :S. PATTON'S CASITME2I.3STS Or different shades and quality at w.%s, PATTON'S QTP.IIVIVITCMCZ F Every description, suitable for dresses, now 0pt...., at AV.& Ala) OLZVE OIL SWetl Oil. dust received a most splendid Itrue!t: of ~Neet winro,ll put u r n In II;Oek Fur by 117,1 1.1:1DEIT It has long_ been tltc 33121.41.0.A1N5. AUCTION COORS from the N. York and Philo delphm Marko-, los‘er thai ever niferr.nl an t manna. at \V. ti S PATTON':, car:meals, TATTING, and Window Shades, good styles and _lll. low at W. s rxreoN's. Ai.}" 0•. lob ti I'OWNSEND'S QARSAPIRILLA. Just received another suppiT 01 T0w.,..t.1%.. gar-apuriilli. For part - it:Lauri tell I to leng naßwrtv,emeitt. lot 'ale by May 11". q. A. LEADER. EIVLBROCATION'S. M ULLISON' , S, Smith' i s, , lle3le' i s, Roberts's, Irvin's, Cohan! ,la. Apra 11. WILMA MS. rmita'sr TIAVIS'S Vezelable l'ala Killer. For sale by !--ti R. \‘'ILLI-01.;. V.ASZ-LICOICS !! PASIZZONS!! TIIE Subscriber has just received the Spriug ud `,L111111.1 , r 1 . 10-Itloll%--‘ll , et !runt 1.011,1014 I,,go•th et %%Oh the hotl and Vltiladelphot repoll, and t. therelolu prepultqlto make up clothing. 111 tip lop ntt le. J. N. 11S111:12 April A urteus.a.aNiztraa Ctill;. The justly celebrated Amrricnu Corn Itouttd For h,ilu by H. W11,1.1.k:%V.^. V.M3X36* S'ITERIOR article of Comma Potash for mak rt.r !J . !. H. 1 - rom.:4lreet. ColuntUin. Pa. PROIMIETOU.S nT Ice Cream Saloons, Take Notice that the sub .Cr)ll•ll.ei, ned a ire .11 , t,pply Of VIIIIILIII hr ;111, 1014 i (Ili Of Lemon RI very low prior, Colontlon. April ft tS ILLIAMS. CLOTHS Cassimeres at the lowest prices, at :qv.= W.. PATTON'S 1111.1YLS A ND Bacon of the best quality at s, PATTON.F. P.WER Ij:INGINGS. Parlor, Hall, Chamber, and Ceiling Plipel .1 mid kr.. of tlir newest alsvn) i on until :it prier, at .1. 1). N.. 1. 11'1116111 - S. 1 4 11' —lf PRINTS, Purple Prints, one yard widr, only it:E ~,Its. Will, . good a%stortntror of other low priced Cohen s or FIZY & SPANt:I,EIC'S io,lJ'i-•tt gr - OPPER and Tia Prmps--a good supply of Pitutp• always., on hand, and made In order, at the %hottest nonce P1.'."..11L.E1t & CO .March 11. gosimasr AND aLOVES. in extensive assortment of Ifosieries, &C., at r•xluced prices. at FRY & SPANGLER'S. IVTUSLINS, AILS-IL 'S. Bleached and unbleached Muslins • , 7 1lnirgoo,sortment 17;111' I '111 , ;,11' 11 it Fresh supply of those justly celebratrd xi, TEAS .01,: nxcnvrd by PR Y :41`.1 cl LEWS. fel)] 0'3.--ti : 4 01c lor ECONEW D Molasses. gaveling's celebrate(' steam Nlnia—e, a ilelicaAts article fart tab', u.c.— A 1,4 ue, crop lIONEY at trliff _FRESH Campine or Pine, and Ethereal Oils are u.nand „ . , w on-tatrzly kept for stile by H. WILLIAMS. Front Street. Columbia. AT:irch ETHEREAL lIIWKS always on band and for sale IT.A. ,k co 11. 1-1--If TIERR' S Celebrated Lowden Fifth Chains, Tra .port, double :Lad huh. eurr tor awl iuuh , r of «Lich \NC ow, 1.111 11111.1.111. pr 11.1•-.. 3LI - 1 , A"- I I MILL M CROSS-CUT SAWS, of Rolood's best. Fur •alc at manWarture. price, by April 7. 1-47 lit,irtx .1 NO COPPER BUSINESS. 11. Fidler Co., L A _ 111:111kIlli tor pa , t encnorngernent. wonitl announce to of Cohnnbity and it+ vv.:May, that they %tat euntinne to ununnaeture Tin and Copper wit, of till kinds ine.a old .4110 d. ut 1.0e0.4 street. sire door north of time Colniabin re.pectitilly soh,vt ucunllllUnlleo ui paid., patron:ire, Nlnrch 11. 1.-4.-11 rIIIIE Subseribers have constantly on hand a trill a.ss.ortnent of wood. coal, told cut-t - dug Saw. , of every tdze and description. ~111110,1 stoves. -‘l.O. Wad rnbur,in palette Air:l'l,e Parlor Stove.. which bas 4n en full sansinetion in all ens. s. Tim paidtc are utvu• , d to call and evantiod tor tbcin•. s. II:a rd, are .2.2. .2 (),•11.2 - 22 ill 11 1"I 111.,, vi.aitquemn, Cleintl.r To ZIOATZTEXT Pr3I3EIV mma. rtes s SPANC:I.I,,Wt4 LIGHT ! LIGHT ! ! CHAXNS. TEN STOVES. PMUIDELPER ADIFITISEKENTS. 'XMAS OF TUE NYAV CROP,' DAVID lIINECS, Chestnut Sheet. 1.1111. A DELPHI A. has for *13.1c t h e following WO half cLett, Young YgconTeai. 100 do ehrtlpolvder, do.- 1.5.0 do imperial. do. 10 do }lran do. 1000 do Poncho do. do. 21 4 ) do :V ffigyoug Sonr:long 100 do Oolong. do 7.1 Pndre Sought:mg. .15 do Block leaf Pckor, t:c., do. do Orange dv. Ifjou t• t he Lee( chops IMPOTted to 85151 1:A1111,0%. TOlllllllii. Inca. and Ilantresa, and ore' equal v.a.flutt 1,0,e been ozrcxcd in thin market May U. 1-1--3 m .r. , -0137'00D'5 COOKING STOVE In nanin calling at p:uprietor La“ the pleo,lre to :,•Corn that emernally) it hus underdone v•I e. lure chnitg,e--:11e pipe and hearth placed oppo;ne each other. and a - - - .AND BROILING APPARATUS. Ineln.xn,ltio.l thins rennlPrinez lt there 1- another Jantriess Stove inn tine. twirl:et. thlh IS UMW,. tiollataY the nu it vow enni.n.ec... every valuable in - proven.n. rq any other ....tot in int nalnion to NOM(' 10 - , cored In Lel , els MUSE( '1 1 ), ist it , is Notlnto..l - Inn. ever ta•rat tittered fur Mtititt,i, put. ;10., thnt Inn. nneu nuelt genet:o •ationetunt t;tovet. Into, I.e. in copted aurr in..nortnt , morn.. deale,, have even uuenl iI. Inontl.non.,..tni prinenple-. int the p oportionet were -o Innoke Or1:1111:11. that they livar dative. vpis , r, Cole compiele LOON arl,l other C(1(11: crrnt p. (.1/.ItEIIT. , 1):). Nnrket •:. 61r.ire 1' •.- I t •lo, Ttvulird Str,o. P111:.)11)13.1911.\ I! meeto-ol at T 111.4 : , T(11:1: v.:1: be 1.1..• Itver••4l m C.ltnnina, a:2. A% , DMSTRUCM'ION. TT OW many - ilk a moat horrible death without 1 — • •,' • eted. Iii:,:: (Or 1. , l n-14, , ;`0-I,lltrlll (1/-11t . p,,1. w:1,1 u n norms. ;.ICI 'l'll.•re 11,,d. -.•v. .0, tls.p. 1,1, 0, 1t,1,c r e0111,11,141cd 5y11.11.. ,S •thel:l to 21 , dih. N% r noulu ,•ty It, A hon alnic:,l%Vllll , Otlf SO,llllltett. Stet: treglttqat to 1.0111110•• c. 1:11lloti 1.40111:101I. :\ r of 11-111.2 111 110, throat :Orr ~. I. ,lopy ..Norlll4. 111/11 It but It 1 . 11.2 i O. UM=EI=MM . _ to , tot-ty cant a IS 4 0, m , d d ylll have :my of the above mown, wet ••••• Toy otd. to cute. the agent sciti r. - [and Ho , innoo. Tt 1 1'AR.1::14.4 . 0 11oultl say. that tho grente,t sin 011111 P 1•,4,151ed 111 . .14 10 let your e'athlrela sutler and due.t. h , n there. I, a pletootnt Vegetable rettio,'4 ut hand. It 1 , odr 1 ,1 ): that r .,„..,• man ,t,• ; o1, 3) 01 1111111 sill Lill' other di...- IM,, LI. , tamely are -Want to. 'nat., hos.• mt. pamat. ‘t suit• and t ,a, tat r,tattty at hand. Parente. Nvio, our e.ithn en have SON' or iollutned eye,. }on way ,nite•ited tlint: It o+ Loosed by norms, until I.ou will do Si ell to call 1/11 Ili , slur/ ke;Uper% of}cur usnOl)OrhoL4l a nit If 014 . 115.1Ck . 5. routtottninc eerttheates ut run to,d the •) MIAOW, 01 1,01 . 1114. W3l s keep n BOTH.' 111 llohetoac Vt oral Syrup frith:m.4 It I,a lnelid in need. ni: ‘1) ON' ItI:AD ON ' 111:AD ON!!! 110e.E , ACK-10 , tlemen I lake gr,(tt plea Auto ut 111101 - 11111,7 3 oil (1: • - reat. caleat, Oi your %Vona Sy n4 l 1 1 : 1 v/u bre! , atlarrrd lii htr Vi ,rw. mu] wo , trd away ton were .Ireleum. Nllll.Olll reel,Villg 111,y 31000 c ., I row vat 111. , 171•ille, I a natured by 1101Jerte to Ire your %V,If111) Syrup. to be I tifOrllP,l I.a• II had brought o oral, now :Nino . A. `footioo.oo. IWO,. county. 111:111 ou er toty s old. us au Well ae• illt•IIIIted I then I oomp nerd 3 our Syrup, Nlll , l n hrought n VIII outotio3 ..11" 60Me ten 0' , 1‘ , , to leoctli. tout ono ._l3 re,tored no, to health, and, 1111111,1 soy I trel like a bra luau. Your,. toll), .101 IN IL% RT. Thirn ro. Mr..l. lino i. it gentleman thin,-three. years 01 age, li‘atig live tilile• out ut than eii3. Lack art:"..eel,llli FT. road, midi, mil) one ''' !lot the 111111.1,11 .11.41,4, • per.oll , that Ilave bceu .atveLl by lIOBEN.,,ACK'N. = I lan, been look mix for seine ca your 'Worm Syrup for some rune ; hove sold:Ili 1,111 our !mule: Is, nit 3 ot t to send ine two diven untitedutlely. I believe tt to he rood mcdtetne ; 1 has t• .ern it tried to my I•llflainction. have know',, one dose to firma. front a i•lidd three worms, ten :millet long, and 110111 auother twenty weruel, eight melte. long hi one du). I have told different Worm (bellies tor a number 01 year!, tut never sold any that gas,: such utnvertal trueraerma. Ilt,peritolly. our, rmooKrimn, itridgeton, Ness Jer.wy PI4LADELPOI4. May 25, 1e47 Me„r~.J N.l C. S not‘entock—G , •odctnett—l ha‘e hero tbr •nor nu n • u.mg your ••Verrultage” lit my prac• tier. and I am happy to .ny that in my bond• it liar Inc ccedrol in it. intention. ,0 o..fitll) to pi..tify toy confidence tit it, tt,c. I think it n 1110111.: the very br,t NVI , IIIIIIIOIIII in ❑,e W. A reI.I:TON, 31. it , No. 413, South et, Prrpnreil only by J. N. & G c, MRCSS-WI:, 2i! and Coati, •tleet. Philadelphia, and fur sale by all re .petable. Siortkerpers in this and adjoniing counties, whom we antliorue to go, c hock the money in every case III:1/k pi ni yr ,n to:fiction. Price 25 cents. Also I lotions:std.% I lyenn Tooth Ache Drops. Price 12i Celli, IA fennel cure for Tooth Selw. Rlieurnaite Liniment. Price 25 cenrs• do Cnrea ll Solve. Price 121 cents, for weak and ohd sores. burns. etc. llobcogne , „ • ... Teller nod Ringworm thininent. Price 2.5 cent.. warranted to rare en irrtiptioips of tiro skin— ior • id , as I'i.ll,l , %ltte. NI:11 27,—tn01,10. MB.. ctrasaraq A GAIN Victorians. Roland 5; Walton, Plata dophin—r.,..l.7-In,iiistree to you as well its ado) , I owe to the public, I Ice! constrained to furiusli a short statement of the male , nil stillerm4s of My son %% intern, and ninny who read tats t,tunoinat will be surprised to tied tlvit he P still IlViirr, and stl.l Mora so, Woeil they leant that he bas ehtirety TOMVereci you: the dreadn.l I.;erefala nitth which he has so :wig suiierial. It is no , more thou! four year , since the disease first made tin appear mice on one or las legs. la deep nod run a.?; Tilese COMM:X.I mere. t"ti.l two years, con ' boo, T,s hi, Lad daring at :urn severui pieces of the zone eallle !reel tia• ono al•io. Li Mistime (two years and six months.) lie was tutu, die treatole'll 01 stratral Cl OUT and (took some thirty or inert bottles of tsars:that i:lti and listme tam( was pronmitie,l by the Doe• ti r INCUILIIII.1; lie was then. neon the Terunialen• dation of Mr. I 14i:eland. 2111150 to •• where lie ...a•r•d antler the Care of Dr Parisa, three month , . 11 , cas then. "seat Immo it , incurable. in a Jew tonna, tliot Itiokt Out u, open ulcers. Spirits of 'far was rteenwimiden by a Up...lid—lie total( this abort four 11100t11, 1. mateht—uniceit lie go! w0r,,,,,1150 110 . 12 - tt. ! • I Pc." , •th ..... e, his ,•ser retnin.s, well . at. this wo. nit 1,1 I , e: lien. A. I). Cid 1••••,.. to try ',our tioihiellw. I hod Vory little carilt to 1.. I I tintesi. thaviag tried so mail) T 4,11,1111, without In, int i lie. I los,,Aer, ettalitiettei•4 taking, the the first ro March. I" In. anti Las beats ii , uil: tt ten 11l mil . , months after he hezati the ire 01 the P.ititice . .i Ulcer liialteltsappearanc, upon lit. Acct., above die collar bone. This continued open until about three weeks wile!, It Itenkil De is non . in the steal of portoet tait:tll. I gratcht/I3 add my rednuental to the man) tdreittly in )011T pO-session. 01 - 11111 1041: •• LR cuLt.r.N• INDIAN VEGI:rA I 1./•: tie -peettni4 011,, IL 1). HAILIZER. (Late of l'hilailelplint.) now Dr:linen' Street. Yount Holly. 1. is 17 On this stat , •r•it Ii day ot Mundt, 1,17 : before me. the ,idisrriber. an Alderman in and for the city of Plitlatkl• phut. per-moil!) emu, Simnel D. Darker. who lining duly worn art ordiii,T cloth depose and say, dint the {mets set tort!. tit the :at, s are true. ilAltil b BARKED Sworn and imliserilied ['more me, IN . 1110AIP:S:ON, Alderman Whoicmh• and Retail. by llowand NVulton, Nu. 37d, Market ...:tr,•••1. (kb°. e I:c:even:h. W:11. A LEADER. rolunktila. J, 'l' Ait cter4un, Nlarrettzt. liconre Ito,. I :11/uhetlitosvul. Pu. A SPLENDID LOT of New Carpets. Just open for spring Just reu...svuud per late ai rivals. and uo.v 0 p,..i0a. a 11,g, ant! rich Hs...oriole lit a: firligAClS. 10:P.• nal lb . Sillier told Fine lograin and Veiatian Car o•Xprusl.kil It, order. and decidedly the 100 d, at lii.• marlrt uttered to puiru.li ..0 the lat.! I it.eril! Culture!) '• • loillervil •• lograin. • " " Foo• do al Tv.lllvd 1 . 1001 du CA1141:11'4. ra_ h oust rare sty Ir. A inagmh... ut 11.41111hellt 0124. Cl- and 12 4 pruggew at lower l'tt• • Ilona es, Irelure u.10r0c1.,,a1l a large a.. .ortowls4 ol V1:010 and Table Cut er, Nlacep•kaut. 1),1 Cloth.. :snot !Cud.. Maitina,. Ilindiwz.. &a. Alro a re 11 tool nplemlikl 11•1101 . 101elil ul ..uperaor glow Shade , . all Ow attlereol 0..111.. nod Ontlillex, ulletO4 wi the lo loom.+. The parli , oll.r 111:01111101 01 COM/try Merchant , . Home . per. tad .I.lr. y tie •let) It/ 101 el.lllllllollllll 01 the tilowe 41••••or,blo4lorl: ul toot h .einliractog a. a cloel , , all the &del/oil ••.q le. oust 11011hIlee note toutoilluottlretl. anti Itavino: 0•0 leirehl/.041 at the east, rato,extraor drool: OA Will by hrhl out w pureha,er,. ROBERT H. WALKER. N , . 14~1. hriftt 'La:, I. • t \lar,•h I'. F. G