The Columbia spy. and literary register. (Columbia, Pa.) 1848-1848, June 03, 1848, Image 2

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    DR. TOV17111131:11VD . '23". •
Extruul k put up in - qbkiii norrt.V—it"i IC IMICS
dtteapur,7.lenstsiet, atul. wartaniott ooperior to u,lty ,old.
(t . cure, dit.otheh without vomitirg, purging. t•ickw , t, or
deLilitntlag Ilic patient, and ie particularly adapted ior a
The Vent beauty and soperionly of IN. SOrsaparilla,
Over nil other tetnethes b, %vial-4 it ,•rat:eutes
disorige. it ioVlfforrite t tiny In.!) ,
browlnas, Cousuraption.l.lrerCompla 'lit. Colds, Coughs.
Catarah. Asthma. tispitung or Bbaid. Soreness in the
Chest, hectic Fish. Night Sweats. Calmult or Profuse
Expectoration, and Pam in the Made. :se . have and can
be cured.
Probably there never ti as a rented) that has been so
successful In desperate cases of consumption us Ibis; it
cleanses sad strength.s the system. mad appears to heal
the ulcers on the lun gs. and the patients gradually re-
gain their usual bealil and strength.
There is scarcely a day passes but then- are ft umttber
of cases of COShItI/Iptloll reported as cared by the use of
Dr.Towasewl's Sarsaparilla. The belles tag nu: recently .
Dr. Townsend—Dear SIT : For the last three years
(Save been afflicted with general Ilcluloy.and nervons eon
sumption of the last stage. Mid 11,t1 lir,' expect to ever gain
soy health at all. Attt r guinq illrouth a course of teed,
cane under the care of sonic of the most dtstingin-bed re
gular.physicions and members of the Board of Health tic
Sew ork and elsewhere. and ependmg Moat of my earn
ings, in attempting to regain my health. nod oiler reading
an some paper of your Sarsapartilit, I resolved to try it.—
After using six bottles I found it dose tee great good and
called to see you at your office; with your advice I kept
on, and do most heartily thank you for lour talkie, I per
severed in taking the :Sarsaparilla. and liaise been able to
attend to nay usual labors for the teat tour months. and I
hope by the I.leAsuigs of God and your Ss i saperilla to eon
taunt my health. It helped nit beoti,i the ekiwetattons
of all olio knew nip ease. Cu 1111.14 tit Dint.
Orange s Essex Co N. J., itqllsl 9. 1,47.
State of New Jersey. Essex County. ss :
Charles cbaktulay herby, duty sks wut rveordaar to lake, on
his oath saint, that the 1, true
lug to the best of his knowled,;,.. mad I lire.
Ca Qt
Sworn and subscribed to before nw St °lnsp.: tile 3rd
August, 1E47 s ll ll lu
Just:, o: tl.c l'kace.
Rend the following, and say that Con ~unplion is Inca•
ruble if you Call
New York, April :la 1837.
Dr. Townsend—l verily believe that your Sarsaparilla
has been the meats. through Providence. of cavity!: my
life„ I have for several years had in bad eungn. It be
came worse and worse At lust I rat-ed in No
of blood. had night sweat,. and as n. 1.!,:1111. uelthutmd
and reduced, and did not el:pout° I have only used
your Sarsaparilla bra a short unit, mud there has a wou
derful change been wrought in me. I nut now able to
walk allover the city I raise and cough
has left me. You can well imagine that I tun thankful
far these results. Your otictlivia svri.
1...N1 it L `..CI t. t d, t 'edierine st
Very few families nub•ed—in i'tot s‘e linen net brawl of
one—that used 1)r. Townsciurs SllT•Oplirial Ili WM, lost
any children the past summer. ‘s bile the, that did not
sickened and died. The e.•ruficate, IMikitah 1,1•10,1 . is
conclusive evidence of its value, and r. only another in
stance of its fi4l4lllfr, lire lives or the ehildont •
D. Townsend—Dear Sir: I had two elobiren cured by
your Sarsapartiln ofthe •inntrier CoMploint and Jy.cuter)•:
one was only 13 months old, anti throttler 3 year, They
were very much reduced, mot we esp. , :ted they would
die; they were given up by two re , p,•ettible
When the doctor informed us that We 11111 , 110. e. them, we
received to try your Sarsapariilii we lindirount ,o nureh
of, but had 61tt little cOnlitkoive. there b. int! in ninth
stair advertised that is scorthless; but we ate yen th•ink
ful that we dui, dir it undoubtedly coved the Ines oi both
I write tins that others may be induced to rice it.
Yours re.peett Jou , : Wic,ou, Jo
Myrtle-Ara:nue, I.lrookly n. Sept. 1.11,1:-.
Jame• E` , l , one 01 the we,o.t:olt, in the To
antic AqVilllll.l3lackwelr. km ,i 1
en of In Ito: lonow , ng IMO' , •
Thin Is 01 Otto Of lan re ti.ur th.q...and caNeN of
theumutisna that Dr. Tuv. t•nd', bad
cured. The most 5051-10 111111 aro morhly
crud:cated Ly u.csiraurduc.ry
1.11..“. a W.CL1.%.. 1 , 1.. IN I, Solo. I I. 1-47.
Dn-Towerl.:NP—Dvar lin ye suPleted lembly for
nine yeari, SogL ',Nn:mon: ton,.
could not Ont. op or rr orh ; I hail tie 100-t
pains, rud Inubs tire, zerithi ...r01e... h ire it,
lour bottles to your anti the t 110 . 1 e
more than one thoteoutil dollnri rrorth di, gtunt--I nw
much better. I Inn t ilttre! rclt, •••,I.
liberty to use tit:sit. On- Levan e.: Inc :11.101 .41
.r r.,.• I , ,kI:SA Writ.
the Lathes. It th,•in.: a crest 1t...M0! +llllr ,
tni , and gives the'm hoe , otnplemon,.noil i,no) il•
Mrs. l'urrter kintll3. sent in the Inlloa m, :
2"orni I.ll,noht.N Altr , 17. I ^l7
Itgn•r.ple:l,llrt. to lt , t11)
. _
Da. TowNstxn—S:r
the beneficial eilect. 1 lin r e etp liencrd loin, the 11.1'
your SorNaparilla. My s),11.111 ,:IS cry isineli letlitee
by nervousat•.>and .•in•rid vtdli n ratty Is
female complaint-. 1 reel and
induced to try the client at year retard. It reonr.•d inu
to a better .tut.• 111 lu nitb, l htioi not ...It., t,l
year, pros ion , to to Italy it( and I sinnto,
. commend it to, a s aluaide io all 'Ala, en• alinelei,
KO I have b•:en_
l'Aithi.r. . s.,tlrit I:rmadyn
LADY 5.1\1.0
The tollowai.: front a Veil I. , poNold , tonne; r. , 11.1.
Mg at iit'l/OlfIfI ' O141 . : •
Dn. TOWICNEVD—Denr Sir • 3Ty v 11,. .aacrol.T
so severely from Tito anal gonot al der.4./tIt.I.IVIII
Of the system. Th., ph,
died beyond Intuit tt wo h o d
cilia. It has her liar elrrtamly Sir t ramo..iro
tirely relon.e.l nwl i. vooing aO.l lap dill. Site
udl continues I}lO 11• O ut
Yours. rev.. 0.11.371,
Da. TowNSM‘a :—Denr Sir—ltV
r I o
un el:Pt .. .it:lined. ac l ,
. an
act of justice- to pul.liely act, no, lecke the grout hnvilefas
received from the ow of vow z....mtapardla. ['coca In tone
about two yell I, enter w n Intl ttoak and dt..htlitutod
state. My down, NV:, a chronic 1/1 the
vcrand stomach. anti. as many thought oo.,itiliption: 1
Was SO reduced that I 11:141 OCT) hut, Itopt. m r...0t pry
nearing and rvnding emi t .iderably ot ihe .1. et. Of >niir
modicum. 1 relolvoil to try it. ihoutth 1 utt • rtalneda prl•j11.
eke against advertised reinethc... - I had token the °ak
eine but a short little, and begun In t c t . dn ,•r grail11:1110 unit
continued Ingot bettor, and urn not: v.. 11 Indoeul lull
tro rn"h improved that my (mends scared) reengni,ed tact
when I
returned to the city You arc tit lihert3 I° publish
thin if you think it will eal..:nd the use of >our caeollett
T. "I'mrcso
cinct - LAR
Onc litatrtantl err Marc m141'10,1:0 net act.. for the ...II
of Or. .l'ot•nsail,l"3 slll` ;1;
rach places where ail auchey not nlreadt hiproia.L.l
the States of Petia..yieania, New Jeres. belawai,
ryiand, Virginia, and railer Soul! C . , nto r l W. t 5h0....
The tenet et agency to be complied ill I, ti.
!WA . ..5; Vat rat , thnn uttrc pri;ao 1.1 !bite the appoint
meat in a pluec. who, w.ll be adverts.; a.. -.el: In
or more paper pahlathed at Fitch 14 the
paper to the pin., Tile will al-o
and handbille ford, the urines on the morocitto
with their ntime• pr.itlecl a the .tg.ent.t. for co, Water)
list of all st:ch name,. will hr regularlypoloi.,ftod
DY0r1" .. 5 011.1C 1 1.1i; OF . 1 11.‘1.1 1 11. „rte.
be furnished than for etrehiattau Ott , pica
did ehowl , ills of Or- 'for. - nt.ct,tl's a pure ~Ist.;,..i.tem
For all the, advaiitaites. the pay nl,lll :ITN!.
the SrleSnplelig 111:1 he rvtitororl vt to4I t
nine when the
_Apr. In rchnqui.f.ral,tr till, to to. Alt•tft
mine shoairl Tem.litt istotoh:,
price pap! :or it
Pertrms oho i-. 1-11 1111 , • 111.11 11,
rise on the t , rot-. totot othactt• It) It tit
Or apply at da.- r, Owe , s of r.
' l ' t,y4n-r . 1 / 4 „
132 \c, tit seeua.i btreet,
And at the scam %tar 111, ynth" toonttott tho /10111 e, of
an) neWePepeCs yubb.Scd bi or twat the in whieli
they rerale.
Nit With the abore adr tie met , ne
Sarsaparilla par co, t,t, pitch, t i it, hoxc.. of
doz. CriCh—leaa Chan it hex still 1..,t I I hirn,he.l
Principal Office. Ir 6 Fulton street.
Sole rii , caa. air Phihttlelitlita. Di 'l' II 1)1111"1*
PONS. Colombia, College. 11311NOrth t‘ElltND :
also For i•olc I , l' Fon'. rit 6 11l ono eon,' rot i'llt , llllll nth:
itoth streets ; 1 1-otatt and : , tot . 1111/Ic,oll
Edward Brinl,ll,ll-:. Vor:. „ , „,-„, i t ,
lion; Ilarrithtirg Dr -tlt•l'n rt , tt :Pt N Motto I:.ittt
more; and by the rtroteipol Drdot, t0t004111,111 Vle I Jll.
led States, Wyk; -
Norte genuine, 1.4. 111 1
which contain n gnarl. anti t.t_tt,,tl 011 It tht rito ttict.
nature of $ P. 111 . 1 . 0, the 1
N. 13.—Ferton• 1111]1111111e for lit, •ltottitl not
be Minced to take any other Dttorgott- put tip Sarttn
ipiarillas. and of course prefer tr tot
have purchased that pot in Lionll Lotter nott
they make Ot g - reater profit. rernotionint Ito i„
deceived by any—hapare fur Dr TO, 11-1,2111..1, an,l t 11..
on curter.
No. la'? North St:CON))
nach tonic in always euveloped or accompl , o. o
• nopv of "Dpott's Oracle of Jinni:h."
W. A. LF:ADEa.,,,,,,,„ t ,
DVOTT.. , r
DR. =mumps rziatacza,
only rftditeture for Consumption !! It
also removi.n 'and permanently cures all diseases
arising front an impure state of the blood, vie:
'Scrofula or King' s Evil, Rheumatism, Obstinate Cuta
neous Eruptions. Pimples or Pustules on the face,
Blotches. Baca, Chronic Sore Eyes. Ring Worm or Tet
ter. Senid Head, Enlargement and Pain of the Bones and
Jousts Stubborn Flcer. t yJthilnic Symptoms, Sciatica or
Lumbago. Diseases arising train an injurious use of Mer
cury. Dropsy, Exposure or linprudencc in life. Also,
Chronic Constitutional Di-orders.
In thin medicine several innocent lint very potent arti
cle. Of the vegetable kingdom arc united. forming a com
pound entirely tint:rent in its character andproperueli from
tiny other preparation. and unrivalled in its operation on
the system when laboring under disease. It should be in
the lauds of every person, who by business, or general
count of life, in predisposed to the very many adiments
that render hie n curse, instead of a blessing, and so often
result to (kWh. -
The following Icstanony is from in able practitianchr of
this city
Dear Stir :—ln reply toy our question respecting the use
of Dr. Drake's Panacea, 1 will say that although as perfect
dnfbchever in the existence of a . ranacca, pr *ire for all
diseases. however valuable it may be its certain condi
tions of the system. still I have believed that a cure for
Consumption would he discovered sooner or later, and
was led to try your medicine its two very inveterate eas,es.
They were pronounced by the intending physicians to be
PfIZION city Crn . isummlox, and abandoned by them as in
curable. One of the persons had been under the treat- .
meta of ses era' very able practitioners for a smother of
years. rind thee said she had old fashioned Consumption
combnicil Is nL Scrofula," and that she might linger for
sometime. lint could not he permanently relieved. lit both
cases the eileet of the Panacea has beets most gratifying.
Only four or five bottles were used by one of the persons
lictore site b,•,,) to imp, ove rapidly. The other took
about ten. They ore both well. I will only mid. that fa
miliar as I alit cult Consumption by salient:ince and by
extensive when alien as a study. unit knots tug also the
In elket. 11t lilll.. nut Or ten of tar. lionevel.
and Other Vegetable tomes. an well as of mi n t) of the ex
pectorants and seda lives, 1 -honld never lathe recommend
ed the use of Drake', Panacea if 1 had not been acquaint
ed with the ingredient-. Stiller it to nay these are re
eninniemle.t bf our sito.t popular and
emits, tumid 111 linear present combined state, torm probably
the bust ulteratiVc that has ever been made. The cure is
in accordance with a theory of Consumption broached in
France a few years ego, by one of her most eminent
wraers ott medicine, and now established by facts ,hich
admit o: 110 dispute. Very Respectfully Yours,
1.. C.C.UNS, Corner Chest. and Filth st.
- -
- Astomeirtn o n cure of Live: Complaint and Efryapcsm, in
CEnstICW:IOII wall General Debilay of lila whole syirm •
Plux...tactproa. March 7, 1,13.
Messrs Storrs .k Co.—Gmitlemen wile has been
for several years nth a paw through her right
side and shoulder, accompanied with chill, through her
whole system. and almost constantly it sick stomach, at
tended with point, invariably after eating ordrinking; so
much so as to deprive her 01 nil satiAfaction in attempting
to cat. es en it site had a desire for food. which wins not
often the ease, as her appetite was completely gone. A
friend persuaded hen to give DR. DItth:ITS
trial and I ant Italy happy to say the first bottle gave
her relict. Our family physician examined the Panacea,
and approved of her using it. She has taken three bottles
:twee, and is greatly hem fitted She Inas now a good ap
petite, and can cut her meal, with satisfaction. The chills.
pain. anal sick stomach have entirely left her, and oc lee!
confident that the Panacea has atreeted a comple cure of
her dulandues, and wontld reconunend to all WIIO are
tlictcd as she Inns been to try Dr Drake ., Panacea.
NN' 11.1. l A NI ASI
No. :t.l I. North 'limit Street.
The above are hat a few of the munerous te,timonials
we are constantly iecsi sing. 01 the is...kind edieney of
Dr. Di uke's Panacea. It 14 n pleasant, Set most search.
tag remedy stud the first trtnl will prove its power. Its
reputation la, increased since its introduction to a degree
hillietto unknown 111 all medical discoveries..
With the thin cans notion that no oilier remedy. so called.
of the present . age, is cram! to this. and that the thew)
yen which it Is compounded is too firmly established to
lan_ overthrown, the prom P . tars •Oliell a trial of Dr.
Oral,:': Panacea. 51 tiling to stand or tall upon its own
111 , 411, wOn satisfied it will sustain the reputattoa it Inns
already rienutreil
'CA nON.—The gelllllllo DR. DRAI.C.r.'S I'.\X.l
- :A is put Hp 111, la rev Vtllltre ha , the
litre on (jet, I'. Stun, un tiro tt rapper—hull 0,0 he nuns.
•' Ilr Drake', Pima ern. Pinta llt the
Prepnre4 only by Starr, A. Co , No XI North
Stash atrrt.
Aornrs.-1? 11.1.1 \ MS. Columbia; IlenittAt S. Sun,
I.;uh•n , trr : C & Co.. You Is.
." bum:gsz: Amo:vo vol
Extract of letter train the editor of ill, Oroenville MOllll
- !-%. C.
Da W %Valour—Urn r fir • • • A week or
ts, : h e, I trot )ott o Mot NT contation„ ,, a letter
(rout 1111.• inn ultitivecri 111 the (21tv of 'Alexteo,
In 111111 hr p 11.9 w 11)G trrs vru. 1.7 r.% JILL;
1,',4 'i-thaiiiik-at.';'ite;:irc.ll;ifsl;:i";;;,e;;ein.d7;;;;;;l-,;:a;;,
and LI, recently
fit tLI. IhNtilet liv 0110 or 3 . our advertiicinetio. 111 11
charletdon paper, I happenid to notice the location of
3 our of ice. and thought 30111100 M extract all article of
ine regard to your medicine. therefore 1 •tent
the raper . .
Tim tollo,"mg i, Ica extract ['rout the letter reierrell to
ibm. •
Al 3 heatzli is son 1,1 unpro, jug. procured a It,.
...outo Th. I,Vti,,ltt'A Italian Vegetable Pills.
muf 1114 '3 e aeted an Ill) 'tent
1.11:11 .• ;"?
Tifit it eppenr, rlint the• and pntrionc Volunteers
u•iio hoer gone to 31.,%14`0. to (I..o'nd Ifir ngh,4 nun 1,0. 0 r
of The•lr enontry. already begin to realize tin" ',unordina
ry Value of thli ineompar.tble rtlek , teine.. Long hie to
I 101 i I:II 3 LI: 111: , T.\
Are , oinetnio by C0,1101111,1111g 011 C ,illl
anodic, nod oilinitiodernig thewong article. thin:illy
horrible ore those ini.takes xs loch tin' 111,111” 111
turn oil Pill. ore old., nod that therefore, it to Intliskrvati
which sire token. and nul.• k nal is bail all arc hail together
Th, ers 0,111 l• inueli diderenee
bet, eel, \Viialit's Indian Vegetable POI, rind other ant.
Cie, is Ig•VACTII tiniltught tool noonday' IVe do not
is ash any to lake MIT stool sorrels 1.1 tin , stutement Let
:;tit one. Imvug taken other ineilici ti c b , try slur Nothing
inure stilt be necessary.
31 nay pcn.ons hove been led n way by a COATING Or
tiro tn , 11, ti they foment:lied that it WOlllll remove the
or the Medicine. lint they are gonertilly
'Without the GAR hue articles lime nothing 10 101,0111-
mond then, till nook! not lie sold n GIILTII` !ley !Ito
so Ilk rite ougor. and by /114, tiruelt• a name :4 , 411,11
IG Wrlgh: `a Inchon Negetable Pills. they 1,1111 a teinporti
r, notoriely• 11 OLVIS the) are. lit clothing. of ,
0 horn the public should steer sullicientl) clear.
Let it be remembered that \ "111(illTs
T.\ 131,1: PILIA.S 111, prepared nith reterence to
the la,. eoveroing ilw bunion bode they
ore . good. tilway, u.rml, :dirt, eib.ciil toot
ing out ili,ase I:very tinnily , linuld keep Thew ut howl.
The iollownig highly reNocctable Storekeepers lase
been dtey npronitell ugeni.i for the blew 1.11 this Celebrated
Medicine. in Lanct,ter count,
Iteurville. Reuben Weialer.
Ihianbridge. Julio I'. Beecher.
Hart To, n,lnp. IVto Passinore.
Itelleview, 13u) t r- A 1: mbnls
Puck Tavern P. it , Geo. T. lark.
Cue-nitt k Ilein.rkceper
Conestop Centre. Jr‘let 11. liAtontn.
Church l'oo a. 3, & 1: Rogers,
Lt. is IS.
C 0 1111111.1 A. Fry S. Spangler
Cherry /fill. hoot. S. 1‘ ebster
Droniore. John A. I lo)
'.stet l'owit,hip, George thichnion
do 1 &
do Dal it. lVallaite.
' loon IA loth
1 New 1, v 1111.•ker
do do Wlnrru. 11'..trignan
1 nl,lll Nni, Polio rtp• 1. P
A Maillit
1 r. moors,. Thom .- I bale.
Le:woe k Pr ,
ter Moiler, ..1. P k 11. II Iter r
1.1.1/. Nathaniel t.t
I 1,113, Ziininerntan,
Ilotiot Joy. & Cos rl,
1 1ountville. John Devlin
Monett:, 1%, .1. At. 13. spungler.
Mount Joy Township. H. (I. Clark A: Co.
ii. John Reinhold.
do tt‘l 1) mak cr . Co
Mount Ple.onott. knot. M'Comunt.
M t n co., h. I burp Sloittler.
V Tonle. TOG . 11 , 111il • !high 3loorr,
New Ilolluod, r k co
Nose Provident-, Ilialebroaill A Meyer.
Poplar Grose. 1: II l'a
Peach 11oltoni. S. IV.
1 'e tin Towm.h:r. Jaen') :•:iiizer
Pnrodliw, A. IL A. L. IVii tiler
I'nter'n:llilrs. Mahlon Pi,. s.
R., lin.
lor!.r. Joan 110.7
Strati shun:. 'Wm. Spencer.
Sakriiiry.ll Freak:a:l.
- ,17 - ()iiice. devoted exclusively to Inc :kale of Wright's
aline Vegrtalile PAIR, wholepalc and reind. 169 'Lice
met, Philadelphia: 2.3,,t Greenwich street. Now York;
nl 111. 9'rem not street. Beaton April L. , . 1.17.-1 y
1:1.1%.% .113IZAM
Columbia Bank and Bridge Company, May 2
The Ihrectors of this In.stnution have this Jar
denlart cl a divn , cml of three per erntont of the profitool
tie last six month., rnivabln on and after the, lah instant.
. - :..I.lll'lll. !MOM.
c IoIL
PHILADELPHIA. December 14, 1847
rum Imola:.
•Snbseribers ,itespeetfully inform their
I_ friends arid the public, that. they have taken the Store
formerly occupied by' S. li. Boude & Co., Corner of Locust
and Front Street, and are now opening an entire new
Stock of Good's, purchased at the pcesent very low prices.
among which arc " '
Olive. Brown, and flue Cloths: French. English, and
American Bloc, and Blue-Black Cassimeres ; Striped.
Plaid, and 'Figured Caostmeres Satinets. Summer Cloths.
Gambroons Low priced Sum Mer Stuffs, Cords and Boa
vermeils, Sic.
Grenadines, Organdies, Niggling, Range. Silk - Tissue,
LaWll9, Ginglinms. and Black and Blue-Black Oro de
Mines., Plaid and Striped Black Silks, Fancy Dress Silks.
New Style Chamelies. ASLO, Calicoes, 3luslins, Checks,
Gingliamo. Ticking, Chambrcyse, Linen and Cotton Table
Diaper. Napkins, Gloves, Cotton, Alpaca. and Silk Hose.
Now Style Bonnet Trimmings Sc.. &c. ALSO.
Sugars, Coffees, Teas, Mackerel. forcing. Molasses. Fish
and Sperm Oils. Soups. Candles Spices, &c.. &e..
Our goods arc all NEW anteselected with great care.
and we hope by strict attention to business, to receive
share OlcustOta of our friends and the public. All kinds
of Country Produce taken in nt tlio highest prices.
Columbia. March 25, ISIS —tf
THE undersizned, hereby tender their sincere
iii their enstomers, mid the pub
lic generally. tor the very Itlicral patronage that has at
tended their rtlori, to please. and would iniorm them that
it will be their greatest pleasure. as heretofore. to conduct
their Intsuires, in such a manner as to merit their continu
ed approbation and support.
We emitinue to make till kinds of Castings. viz :
TICE COG-WI I EELS. CAST SHAFTS tor water wheel,
4.e. Also. CAR WHEELS mid other Car Castings, to
gether with all kinds of Rail Road Castings, for which
inie.‘eeptioniable reterence can be. given for superiority
and nvalibility.
We have 1111110 a variety of PATTERNS for tanking
Hot Blast ripe,, tor Ulte,i. Curimem., and ter Water Pipes.
and. being well prepared for Casting Pipes, it sell' cer
tainly be all advantage to those in want. to cull and
amine for themselves, as we can manufacture as cheap.
or cheaper, than any other establishment on this section
of COMM y.
. •
We have different kinds of Patterns for Steam Engines.
Thre,lung Machines. Ploughs, COIIIIIIOII Stoves. Stu,_
Plates, Stove Cy hiders and Grates, and many oilier
things in our line of business. being the making and col
lecting. together 01 the past eleven year, having too
Lest of mechanics employed at Pattern making, &e., we
are prepared to make any thing M our line of business at
tile shortest nonce. and being tavorably situated at the
Canal Basin. gives is the advalitsee of rnanufacturing
and forwardivg Casting , to nay point with despatch Mid
at the 10Webt Eono C
Dealing tinder the fine of Geo. Wolf &
Columbia, Pet. More It 4 1,1•?—tt"
THE Franklin Fire Insurance Company of
Street. near rum Arent.
CHAnr-rs N. BANektn, - Orono!: W. Rico suns,
TuomAs II urr, NlonnEe,u D.
Tones War, vet , ALRIL.I.III. C. ROM);
Sssm:L Cut Cusr, akvtu S. Mon,.
incon It. 55,0 Mounts PATTIM,,N.
Continue to make in.uranee. p••rpetttal (Jr 1111111 , d, on
every der.eription of property in town and country, at
Mk, fin it:l,, a, arc consi‘tent ,reurny.
'file Compan) li.t,c rc,erved a large Contingent Fund.
which. %s till their Capital nod Preinaimi, ,ately hit ested.
airurck ample p roice 111/1 to the assured.
The te.els at the Co:Op:Illy, on January Ist, 154.9, ac
publi,hed agrec•thl y to an _het were as
10110SVS, VI/:
Real Egtate.
'l'emporart• 1.0:m.,
Since their 111COTpurat1011. a period 01 elgili,elt yen, '
o w e have paid apwarda fl one 'Hatton. two hundred Mit
on Int dollars, loNsen h r fire. theruby allortling evidence
of the advantage.: Orli...Uralic, n. S, en Zr. the .I,lllry and
di-1104110a to Inert Nvllitprouiptne., all linlnline,
CIIAIMPLS R. 13ANCKER, Pro sident.
Cit tnr.r. , G. BANCK rn. Secretary.
THOMAS: 1,1.0 YD. of rolninhiri.
Agent her York and Lancaster Counties.
Feb. 1;..
TILE undersigned hale just received the best
_L and mo , t eomplete n , ,ortinent of I:rigltgli and Gar
man qtol, and Is. it and patent breech DOURLY.; h AIC
IIELF.I) GUNS, winch have ever been offered in
market at such prwe• that will suit all. .tko. sic harm 1
cc) Revolving and .elf-rorking• PISTOLS Call and ex-
THE subscriber is now manufacturing Printing
INK of a superior quality, and oilers it fur sale in
large or 'mall quantities. upon accommodating term, In
any instance where the ink sent shall not answer the de
seription. it null he exchanged or the price reitinded.
A liberal thscount will be made upon large purchases
for cash.
The New+ Ink is put np in kegs of IC, 15. NI. 25, :Ai,
and I nO Jhs.
Book Inks in small kegs and in Ih. canisters.
Colored Inks also in 11,. canisters.
I[,-•A 20 11,. Leg of the hest news ink will he scot li,
any point of the l'etnia Improu uncut, at soy risk nee Ili
charge. upon receipt 01 Si
VARNIsII iu barrels. kegs and canister,
.1 II
Columbin, Ma) 1917.—1 t
GOODS. The public is respectfully invited to
call and c% amine ire .h 01
I%lSi - 110:SA111.1: (iCIUDS.
received and for sale an priers evhirh C:.11111.1 Lul to
mat purrlaa-erg. at J D. L J. NVICIC:111 - :,
Coltunlna. March 19. 191,
PREMIUM PLATES for the subscribers to the
Columbian 31antirine. :cent by mall to any part of
United Slates, free of postage
The Colimilitnii Nlngarine. for 1949. edited by John In
tone and Robert A. West. A repository of the chuivest
Anierieint literature entirely original, and of the most
enctly original
The Columbia Altiga/ine enters upon n new year with
prospects iner.•11 , 111ZI) bright and promising. It has at
tained a prowl portion ill the piddle estimation. 9•he
pre,. uwerre, lr. and with 11 generous kindness which
the Proprn.•ter grate:idly neknon ledges. has borne testi
mony to the 'superiority of its literature and the profusion
and elegance of itc embellishments; while its influence
and constantly increasing circulation, shoves that the
press has but uttered the general sent ntcnt, and niTordi
such agreeable evidence that it Inns niet the e),peetation
of till, that it seems to the Publisher almost 111111eCe,111T
to speak of the :inure
It cannot lie nrec.sitry to ray much at the conduct nr
the literary department of the l'ohnnbitin The gentlemen
who have so long and sett.tactortly discharged that duty
continue their ettiment sort ise,, and the Publisher 1. Imp.
t py to amtottnee that he ha-einintle arrangement, with
several of the most distinguished st titers in the countr),
whone regular contributions will emit h the Magiusite ,
while, as heretofore, the latent of an article, quite as much
I as the tunic of its v, ricer, null lie the pa•sport to its p.leet.
Elevated , enument and pure moralit) u ill dibungtuslt all
the literature 01 the rultaultiatt
Tire rarer or which I'ollllolol,in till hereafter he
printed, it tudintlactured t.Xlite•sly tot the purpose. by our
; of the lerge‘t and 3110,1 bight) eye env,' undo rn to the
' Paton. and the t)ringr.tphy \N o! be of proportiod,ne it, al.
ncss and elegance.
The Puble,her respeettulls iolicits front author, art,
, übserite ry and agents, t 0110/1101 lice of the 4. oittid,rnee ;
hither, so ;teliertnisly siss 11.
•As au
earned of the life rality nil! , w Inch it. nil. Mb/ to conduct
, Ifinf du parintem of the work. Ile has prepared, at a large t
outlay. a maglitliet•nt full length Portr.itt itslimmon.
price two dollar,. in ' , tipple and 110.1,011 M. dl be
presented, gratis, free at postage, To ever) yearly sub
scriber to the Columbian Nlagazinc. Ns list will 0 . 31,1 lo the
Publisher 1;113 lideallee, punitige paid. It I.
ing of such superior 1115010. aml the subject is 01 Snell
profound and abiding' merest, that be GiantGiantdoubt dint
gift will highly gratify the receiver, and IJrge4 swell
Ibr list 01 his subscribers. lie annexes, also. the tiallotv
ing iiiiii •itelly liberal terms 01 publication, it being under
stood that the suliscriptains are 111 eliisl,
I'or S 3, the Magazine and Engraving of Washington.
I'or 95, two copies of the 31agnzine, and the Engrav
ing. with each.
freThe great National Picture of the Declaration of
Independence, Just published. p which WAS
',aimed by rot Truntlitill tor the Rotunda at Wanlangton,
nod original') engrn ed on copper by Mr Durand ha,been
re - engraved oar steel. mid intim result of two years labor.
It contains portraits of all the signers, and should he the
Republican Emblem iu the home of every Ann newt
The size of lutegran in 2l else,nches ; it
i• printed on the bent p paper, 20, by 3, pries..
3 .
Every person) who will send to the Publisher of the
Columbian fit. post paid, shall receive a copy of tins
Engraving and a copy of the Magazine for one year.—
the engraving tree of postage. For ti.i. the Val.:urine,
Engraving or IVa.kungton, and Declaration of Weyer'.
JO/ S TAYLOR, Publisher.
151 Nassau street, Neu: York
_ -
'MEW Crop New Orleans Sugars and Molasses at
1.1( sPA'sr 0.1:R
THIS ATTNETIVELY! .Doctor Holland's
GERMAN Briimßs,
Will effectually mire the Liver Complaint, Jaundice. Dys
pepsia, Chronic or Nervous Debility. Indigestion ' Flatu
lence, Asthma, Diabetes, Disease of the Kidneys, Pulmo
nary Affections,. (arising from disease of the stomach and
liver-) and all &senses arising from a weak or disordered
stomach in both Male and Female, such as Female Weak
ness. Dizziness, Fullness or Blo od to the Head. Inward
Piles, Fluttering of the Heart. Difficulty of Breathing,
Constant Imaginings of Evil, Great Depression of Spirits.
Dimness of Vision. Pain in the Side. Back, Breast, or
Limbs, Cold Feet. &c.
They remove all acidity, anti give tone and action to
the stomach, and assist digestion ; they contain no alco
holic stimulant. and can be taken by the moat delicate
stomach. and will in every case entirely destroy Costive
ness. and renovate the whole system. removing all im
purities front the body, and remnants of previous disease,
and give health and vigor to the whole frame, thereby
preventing frightful dreams, walking while asleep, &c.,
va Inch often result in accident.
The functions of the stomach are of the inmost unpor
lance to every . one, constituting the source and fountain
of life. which is nutrition. No organ possesses such re
markable sympathies, none such remarkable power in
modifying every part of the system. A greater number
of persons fall victims to the harrassing of Constipation
and Dyspepsia, and more organic diseases commencing
in the digestive system. than all other diseases combined.
The many thousands vt ho die with Yellow Fever, Cholera.
Influenza, rind other epidemics. is owing to disease or de
rangement there. If the digestive system is iu perfect
health. the nervous system and the circulation of the
blood will be also, its upon it they depend, then epidemics
loose all their terror-
Those living in. or visiting districts harrassed -with
FEVER AND AGUE annually, will find that by the
timely use of one or two bottles to renovate and strengthen
the system, no excess of bile will accumulate, and they
will not in any one instance take the disease. Preven
tion is far better than owe
The rare success iti treating diseases of the stomach
successfully, has not been so flinch a want of pathologi
cal knowledge of its functions, as the preparation of suit
able Vegetable eninpounds, so as to obtain not only their
whole puts ter, but as they would be Meat effectual and
grat Ye e n
ere all aware that too many preparations have
been, and arena,' ISClttre the pllbtle, that act only as pull
atis and =ante That change the locatity of the disease,
or pies ens it fur a short peraid. then it returns more for
m: table thou in the first instance. Such pi eparattons
Lase de-truy ed the public confidence. This article stand
ing alone ui its IllttllLer of rives, and unrivalled. us thou
sands of our citizens Clan attest woo have tested its va
ne., can always Le dUrelltktllll.ll fur the above monied
diseases. It will enre any tithe that can be cured by
medicine, no matter who, or what rise has failed : it will
perfectly restore the diseased organic tunetions of the
Stomach. Intestines. Respiration, Circulation. &e.
These linters. and the s_lpikeisard Ointment will cure
any case of Inward Piles; it is a rare occurrence to re
quire more than one bottle of each for the worst cases.
sl7?. Race Street. one door above Eighth. south side. Phila
delphia- In Lancaster. by John I'. Lon.': in Harrisburg.
by Daniel W. Dross: in Pittsburg, by Wm. Thom—and
by dealers generally throughout the United States.
!Er - Pamphlets containing cures and descriptions of dis
eases. gi his.
Also for sale his celrlmtlt..l VF:OrrI'ABLE: IIIIF:U.
ATIC PILLS.for slit cure of Dont. Rheumatism. Drop
sy. and set Cr,' Net von, Affections: SPIKENARD OINT
MEN'r, for the cure of Piles, 'Vetter. Ringworms. Ike.,
hUBLISIED every Saturday.--Terms 12 1-2cerils
a tannin,. or six dollar- a 2. ear, in advanee.—This
work is conducted r
in the spirit of Museum of
Foreign litter:nine. (a Inch ~n, favorably received by
the public for the last twenty y ear...) but a, it is twice as
large. nail appears ,o often. ne not only gne spiriband
tre,lnte, , to it by int”ty things which were excluded by a
month' , deldy. hat m tale thus extending our scope anal
gathering a greater and mare eta-active variety. are able
inerea, the solid and substantial part or our liter
:try. historical. and political harveab as tully to satisfy
the mauls of the American reader.
g;ilos 11.;
10 , 30 , 00
121 19 00
5 , 5.13 :51
'rue elaborate and 'lately Essay s of the
ierly. and other Pi rte too; and Illachtsootri, noble erni
ci,m, 011 Poetry. ill. keen >olitical Commentaries. highly
wrought 'and vivid description of rural and moun
tain :scenery: and the contributions to Literature, Ilibto
ry. 'lllld COllllllOll Lite. by the g...10ns Spectator, the
',park ling Evioniner. the milieioos Athenumm. the busy
and iticht•trious Literary (iti/ette, the scii,ible and com-
Itinannia. the sober and respectable Chris
ian Obeerver, are inierniked with the .Milittiry
and Naval rcuteni-reuses of the United Fen ice, nod with
the hest article, nt the Dublin I:nivel...oy. New Monthly.
Tait', A tusworill's, Ilertr... and of Chambers'
n 1111111.111,4. Journal. We do 1101 eolv,iiter it beneath our
dtginty to borrow to it and el i.clont from Punch; and.
when eve think it gond enough. make. flee of tine thunder
Of the The Ton,. We shall increttie our variety by tin
purl:ohm. from the continent of Lutope, and [runt the
111• W growth nt the Britniii colonie4.
The , train-hip has brought Ettrope. _t•itt. and Africa
Into nue nelghlen howl ; and will dell} - multiply our
connection, a• 11ercinint, Travellers. and Politicians,
with all part, ni time se mid; ~, that much more than over
it_ now becomes every intelligent American to he inform
..-. neuter
relVe.. but loontirle the lialsoll sttents toeolltieetton
be hin.tiletnngg
through 11 royal of C/innge. to Nome,
flung., tt bleb the inertly political ptophet cannot com
pute or foresee.
Geographical diseoverice, the prog,re:s of Coloninition,
(which is extending over the whole st orld.) and Voyages
and 'Pravel.., will he laeuntc matter tor our Feli.Cllo,.;
in general, We bltitti sy , tematieally and very Sully
(WWI:1111Z nor reader , : ouli the great department of For
eight utiatr.. without entirely neglecting our own
\While svr ti , ipilt• In make the laving Age ili•siraldn to
all who situi to beep thein•elve., int:mined of the rapid
progi-eF. of the Statesmen, Divines, Law
) er, and of 1111SilleS, Mid Men of
it soil nOtt over object to make it attractive
and u.r6d Iu the.r Wives and Children. We belies e flint
st, eau tlui..ln Fnuir puod in our day and generation:
nod hone to the stink indippensiilile m eser well
informed I.Ve usable, because in this
day of Mei:mire it I. not priti.ible to guard rignimd
i., owl ni ta,.te and %%don. in murals,
111 all) other iorni-hing n suilicient
ail healthy eh:Jr:wt. r. The in. mid and mural rippetite
tong In` gratified
We hope by •• hinny. vie the wheat from the
by providing almialanil) air the imagination. and
by a large collection of I tii.graph y. Voyage.. and 'pea vote,
IliQnry and inn .olnl mailer. Me tang, produce a Work'
sehloh thou he in.polar. w hole nI the Same It It
ai.pirelo raise iliti 0111111.11 C
HMS —Th , Lit iii.e . .\;_re is publisher! rscr3 Saturday.
1,3 E 1.11111. r. . VOTtler of Trelltollt raid Broomfield
I . l oZion—Price It!! emits n camber. or sir dollars a
a year at advance. Retiniiiinet, for tuts period will be
oiiinkibily received and promptly totcaled to. la-To
lin.ore renialarity in muiline the work. orders tliould be
nalairip.sed to the °Mee ni publiention, as above.
(Init. pl.) Mg a 3 car in ads mire, will be supplied as
Four copies the • • - 5.20 on
Nine - ti , - - - 10 00
T s•elve •• - ...351100
Complete sets. 111 iiiteen ohanir
s. to the vital of 1.947.
liand.oinel3 bound. and packed ail neat boxes, are me
oats at thirty dollars.
Any s °hunt ;nay be hid separately at taco dollars,
hound. or a dollar and a Intliin numbers.
Any aninber may be lariat tor 121 cents; and it mar-be
.orth while tor subscribe', and purchasers to complete
any broken volumes tht 3 may have, and thus greatly
enhance their value.
v.,of the very best quality, with. an assort
b em of LA:111.: , tor harm], the ,atne, Illavvy• on
liZtlld at J. IJ. & J. wniairrs.
roltarn!qa. mureit
Tistoll3.24l2lVG Maim AGAIN.
~.„„ Between York, Wrightsville and Co-
Prem.lent and Directors of
• - th , !moor, and 44 11,141,11am:a Rail Rand
colorant. havine ,misent.,l to continue die MORNING
TRAIN I IO pen the ohm, places,
• lily etir null leti-e Columbia DATlX,ltionth” s rx
eept.,ll nt n; o'clock. A \I.. awl the Trate will Icor,.
Wright, ill, at 04 Welewk. Hetet-lung the Trate win
to York at tt We:wk.
.Ij,r/I 17.1-1;
•eltger Train, row, daily as follows below:—
Leaves Balt:morn at J o'clock A.:11..0nd ar
rives at 11/ o'clock. P. M.
Arrives at York at 12 o'clock P .1.. and leaves for Co
lumbia at It o'clock, P. M.
!waves Csilamlan at 2 n'elnek I'. M.. and leases Yorl.
for Baltimore at :1 o'clock 1' 31.
Mire Iron Baltimore to York,
- !! It!}
- - I! 00
TI, Trani moaner,. at York with Stage% for Huth'burg,
Gettysburg. Clininbersburg. Pattsburg and York Springs
The company i.ntithorord by the proprietor.: of the
Stage Zones to receive the lore through cr ollll 3llllllllore to
IriCtlyAbllTZ and Harrisburg.
BALI - moan ro Grrn - sntnr: ea-ti Mit:atm/rim.
rare through to either place,
D C. U. BORDLI:Y. Supert. oo
Tiel‘et Office, 63 North sr.. Bak
May 0. 1..17.—ti
' AV =Lam.
4307 Baltimore & Susquehanna Rail Road.
The Morning PASSENGER TRAIN u ill ran
from Baltimore regularly, hereatier, on Sun
day, at It o'rlnek A. A. and Returning will start from Co
lumbia at 14 P. :11., I Vrightsville 2 P. NI., and from York
at 3 o'clock, P. 11.. as on other days of the week. The
mail between Baltimore and York will be carried by this
train. No oiler train udl rim on Sunday.
S,ipPrlnlrnelent nrTninvnrlntinn
2211 AX/
• 1
TN MOBS of Dry Goods. Who are to be benefited
L by this remarkable change? TIIEPEOPLE! Why ?
Let them call at the BEE RIVE STORE, North Queen
street, and seep here they can bay as much for $L W. as
they a short ante ago would have to pay Sd 00 for. This
Men iu a radical change for the express benefit of Rm. peo
ple. Let Mein call early and see the LARGE LOTS: of
cheap and beautiful Goods nut opening: for Revolu
tions now-a-days tire remarkable for their naaterrx.
Splendid Lawns, fast colors. I 0 cents
31 inch :Mishits, heavy and fine, for GI cents
A good article or Plain Modes and Blk. only 121. centa
A good article. Highly Cainelcon.
_ _
Ladies can Im supplied with every article for mourning.
Good plain Elk. Chita only t2l cents
do do Lawns. 12j, IS, and 25 cents
3la.zatlans, Darcgcs and Silk Tissues.
Lisle thread. Silk and Kid; Misses Gloves in variety,
AT TIIL: 13 HIVE, CHAS. E. wE:vrz &BRO.
GINGILAMS :—.Tust opened, 4 cases of splendid French.
Scotch. and English Dress Ginchams, New patterns and
vary cheap—at THE BEE HIVE. North Queen street.
The greatest variety of the most splendid styles, just
received—among the newest styles are :
Mneatlans, - - _ Magnificent.
' - Benoit:hi. "
Zeplay Tissues, - - Lovely.
Pompadours, Fascinating.
&c., &c ., perfecily exhaustless, at the
BBL HIVE, North Qiieen Street.
OffetS. E. WENTZ A: BRO.
Just opening, the newest styles for Spring and Summer.
Inct greatest variety ever seen in Lancaster. Great care
has been taken in the selection of styles and color at the
urs HIVE.
Frcin \. R'.
L d a : c gollt.;;
- -
do do do F.dring and Inserang
Embroidered Syrir.s Mvmhris. for Dresses.
• - - - . .
At the BEE HIVE. North Queen st
Lancaster, April 15.
H O l LEL, , f i oj s m , erap r r is 's ti F u roji a t
s r , e o ey i l , fi n ri os e t tt r c e i,
inform the public that she has tab en the house
tormerly occupied by her brother, Samuel McKinney, and
more recently . by John Barr. The house line been tho
roughly repaired; this, with an experience of fourteen
yeah's connection w•itth it. and being prepared with every
comforiuble accommodation necessary, together with a
determinanon to leave no exertion undone. she hopes to
merit and reeeis e n continuation of the patronage hit:MO
tine soltherally bestowed upon the house.
Marietta, March IX. Itelr. —din
Lancaster Psxamincr and Intelligences. Philadelphia N.
American Ai United States Giaette. Clearheld Banner.
and Lock Haven Whig.. publish to the amount of and
send bills to this office tor collection.
AND COPPER BUSINESS. 11. Ptakler & Co.,
Mani:ail for pant cneouralgommt, would announce
tote enaLens of Coltunbm and itt. viemity, that the. still
c ominnc to manufacture Tu..such Copper ware of ull kinds
cut their old stand, In Loeuct street, one door north of the
Coluinhut Buick. and revectfully sullen a COMIIIIMIICC of
public patronage.
.Nlarch 11, /6.1,11
ARTICLE Boat Store. We would roll the
attention afloat:nen to a new article of boat Stove
made and adapted lur their convenience. To
be seen and bad of 11. PFAIILER & CO.
March 11,
the extcnaive Machine Shop lately occupied by 211 r.
Thomai Cox, on the canal basin at tint place. iv prepared
to fit up nod build rosy ears in the ino.t durable, nod
nente•t outliner. Ile h also prepared to do all kinds of
reparinu. Loth of wood and south work. in a way to give
Colombia. J:n 15. ISIF.—tI
N. 11. A good second bend Sicron Engine of four horse
Power, for sale by A. 31 !Nine., es above,
MI ("ROSS-CUT SAWS, of Roland's best. For
_LA_ sale tit malititilviure. price, by
April 7. &
horses. This Embrocation, so well known
.1, by the Iloatmen. Wagoners, Furriers, Farmer., Stage
Dricers, and Private Gentlemen. with Horses. is spoken
of in di.. .114:11,n terms for the folio, ing complaints: old
or fresh cats. wounds and bruises, old strains and swel
lings, strains of the shoulders, gnul. produced by the cols
In} and saddle. and in rill cases where the Joint., and
tendons are in a ildrixed condition). For 'nit by
W. A. Li.f,Anr.R.
colim Ann. Feb. 12-ti
A few papers of seed; of Iles splendid Ornamental
Tree. for pale by 'IVM A LEADim..
flue wood is etomal in durability - to the Yellow I.oeust--.
leaves equal 10 the Ma!berry tor tending silk-,Ornp.—
the tree plant trained: or hedge, Is Imperfor to the Haw
thorn. and nor ornament. there I+ no tree more splendid told
c orlon,
A Certain Disease Cured in TWO DAYS.—The
loins, recent and chronic affections Of the kidneys, dis
ease of the bladder. gravel, seminal weakness, &c, Per
sons who, by indulging in a secret habit, have entailed
on themselves ronstitierinnal debility. should apply int
,' imeiliately to DR. KINKELEC, nitric Philadelphia Medi
; cal Musa, the oldest neon nf the kind in the, Ply,
Office, N. W. corner of THIRD and UNION Stn. be
tween Spruce ar d Pine, I j squares from the Exchange.
This .)Indira( Dour was est:Or/MI.I by Dr. K. fifteen
yearn ag n, for the suppression of quackery, there being
s s , n .h t n na pTipersons.'withnut knowledge, name or character.
, nth ertlsements In the.public papers, that an in
stitutionnf this kind wan highly necessary to prevent the
afflicted. especially etrangers, from falling into the bands
of stone unskillful wretch, who. instead of curing, might
send his victim to an untimely grave. Therefore the '
afflicted sh fluid alinn the numerous pretended physicians
who know nothing of the ;trauma of medicine, but con
sult Dr Kinkelus. tv lincures A Ceriarn Disease in two
three daya.actrittling to the .tote of the patient, without
the use of mercury. Nn mercurial remedies are used by
Dr. Kinkelin ; hits medicines are palatable and harmless,
and all his patients aro honorably shielded, front even
the po.ibility of being discovered. Its who places him
self under the care of Or. K., may religiously confide in
big honor ns a gentleman, and con/Men:ly rely upon his
skill as a physic/an, and If he is not speedily relieved no
remuneration will be demanded.
Strictures, nae nitro: most troublesome and dangenurs
affections, which often end in gravel, inflaniation, weak
ness, &c Dr. Kinkel:a guaranties to remove speedily;
as also, swellings diseased prostrate gland, &e. Stric
tures have ruined many who had no knowledge Cl' their
'lake Particular .V.iiicc.—Voutig men who have injured
themselves by a, certain practice sndidged habit
frequently leArtied Iron., evil companions, or at school--
the elreets of la hich are n Witt) felt, even Witril asleep,
and destroy both anent and body, should apply atonic
dmiely. Weakne..., and cnubt !Ili (tonal debility' mime
dintely cn•ed and full vigor !motored. All letters post paid.
'rake a ffect i on s Kinkelm has had greater practice in
the abnvethan any physician in the United
states. Ile also possesses an advantage over all others.
from the fact nf havin7, studieJ she great hospitals
of Europe. Thousands in Philadelphia can testify that
he cured them after every ether means has failed. Sept
rate rooms furprivate consultation. Open till 9. P. M.
Trarellers supplied at a moment's notice, with the re
qeisite medicines to cure themselves privately.
Packages of medicines sent to any part of the IT. S.
More particulars In the Spirit of the Times. nc647-1y
IN( l o .l , 2 , lC , liesn . q Strebet,
scriber res pectfully infor m.
mends and the public in g.eneral. that be still continues
to keep the above establishment
Leery pains is at an tunes taken to reader this one of
the best. and, from its central situation, It is one of the
most convenient Hotels in the city.
His TAMA: is furnished, at all times, with the choicest
debeacies of the gewgaw
llu WIN/IS and LIQUORS me not Alma-wed by any
other establishment in ties city.
the Servants are careful, honest mid obliging.
Terms of Boanling to suit the limes,
Country Merchants and 'liminess Men will find the lo
cation of the Cita/eery Sr. Horse in the most business
part of Philadelphia.
Thesubscriber plcdge‘ himself that every thing m bin
power shall be done to give hatisthetton to those who to.
vor him with their patronage
Ploloclelphtn. cep,
I-r_rr..%lll' 31T1.T.T.R.
i: t .
CHINA, STORE—The Subscribers, proprietors
one of the oldest and most extensive China Stotes
the United States, have now on hand a very large suppi
embracing all the varieties ever imported, which
will sell in large or small quantities. Wtroxstsste oaßt
'n, to suit the wants of the people, at prices to eel
The advantages to be derived fromhaving a large ile ,
to select from. onght certainly to be apparent to everyo..
only two need be mentioned :
lst. The vartety to please the taste.
2d. The advantage of purchasing at the lowest toned
for it is certainly evident to every thinking mind m,
nnquincp. It is so in every branch of trade. The mitt
focturcr sells to the wholesale pagekage dealer; ti
wholesale package dealer sells to the tobbcr, and !lick.
her to the retail country dealer : so that the farmer or co.,
sumer of the article PAYS AT LEAS ram Farm!!!
Why pay so many profits when you can come direct]
to head quarters ? TYNDALE & MITCHELL,
April 22, 1&L-2m 219 Chesnut street. above 7th it
(Between 4th and sth streets.) Philadelphia.
The subscriber respectfully solicits the attention •
Country Merchants and Dealers generally to an r•„
nation of a complete stock of READY MADE CLOT
ING, which, tor extent, variety and workmanship,
flatters IMnselt a ill give universal satisfaction. whale hi
reduced settle of prices presents to purchasers induct
ments which cannot be surpassed by any other establish
meat tnthe United States.
Philadelphia, March 4, 1E4.1--3m•
scribers are prepared to tarnish, at short notice, ever
article used is a Printing °dice, and have reduced ii
Prices of Type upwards of lb per cent. They no,
charge for
Pica, 33 cts.
Sala Pica, 34 !‘ Nonpareil,
Long Primer, 36 " Agate, 66 "
Bourpots, 40 " Pearl, 51.00 "
Brevier ; 40 " Diamond, O!tJ "
Determined to spare no expense in making their este.
lishment as comply" as possible, they are gettinr up
uniform Series of the celebrated SCOTCH Venus. which
unequalled for beauty and durability, and which they fe.
assured will meet with general approbation. Sever
sires arc nosy ready.
having recently siisited Europe for the purpose of pr.
curing every improvement in their line of business. the
now oiler a greater yummy of Fancy Type. Borders. Or
naments. Sm., titan any other establishment in t
United Stales; and their improved method:of casting,
of preparing metal, enable them to furnish orders iv
mariner to ensure satisfaction. _ .
Printing Presses of every description, Printing 1,
Chases, Cases, 13rass Rue, Furniture, See., at the loge
Sceond-hand Presses and Type which has been us.
only in stereotyping, generally on hand.
Books, Pamphlets, Music, Medicine Directions, Label
Checks, Drafts, &c., correctly and elegantly stereotyp.
as heretofore.
• .
N. B. Specimen Books will be gent to Printers o
wh,ll to make orders. L. JOHNSON & Co.
Philn., Dec. 'Pt, 1547.—H. No. 0. Little George c
QALAMANDER, Fire and Thief Proof Iron Chen
‘Varraitted equalto any other make, and have new
been injured by Fire or Burglar , , in a single instance. II
also keeps on hand a full supply of Common Clkest
made of lighter iron, nt lower prices.
Letter Copying Pre‘ses and Books.
Trucks for Store',, Factories, &e.
Druggists' Presses.
Eagle Class Paper.
Portable Shower Baths. &e.
Packing Levers, Hoisting Machines.
Refrigerators and Rates Filters.
. ,
Cl South Second St., below Chesnut, l'hilnilclplau
REFRIGERATORS for cooling and pi-est:is-mg Jlea
Butter, and all articles Intended for culinary put
poses. •—•- .
Nr FILTERS—OIiver Fwans' Celebrated We
. _
ter Filters, for Purifying 'Water that i• brachtsh or
dy, whether by rains, unnerals, or othrrwiso can he ha.
of all ,1/4,4 1111t1 prices, at the Warerocen-, No. 61 Sou
Second Strce!., two doors below• Chesnut St-, Philud.
Philadelphia, October thl, 19.17.
A FASIIION OF KITS, at the Great Central Chen
No. :lA, INlarket Street. South side. above Ecighth Street.
The subscriber takes this method to return his thanks
como) of 39r, fr the Iref
Liberal share of patronage which .I.IC
the ll- y l.c have extend&
' towards him for the last few mouths, nail would call their
attention to the fact fiat lie has now introduced his
which for beauty. neatness and durability, cannot be en
yelled by any other establishment in this city. This sloe
coinpnses the Heaver, Nutria, Brush. Rusin, Silk, and
Molt, Skin lints of all styles add qualities, together tanks
a very large assortment of Cloth. Velvet, Plush, Fur, and
Glazed Caps. Country Merchants and others arc respect.
fully invited to examine the stock, which they will finds
to their advantage to do, before purchasing, as it is Ina he.
termination. has tug adopted the system of selling for Cash
only, to sell at the lowest price , .
254 Market St., above Saks in., south able.
Philadelphia, Mauch IS, 1818.—tatine I
CAUTION TO THE PUBLIC--.Tile only genuine
has the written signature of the General Agent. W. M
SPEAR, on the out aide wrapper surrounding each bottle;
this is believed to be the only article. bearing the above
title, as emanating from the Doctor. The virtues of Wild
Cherry. for relteetsig ufleetions of the Lungs and that all
important organ, the Lever, has long enjo y e d the confi
dence of domestic practice.
City of Plilludelphia, se—William M. Spear, of the city
of Philadelphia, bung duly sworn according to law, de
poses and says that he is in the possession of tee original
recipe for preparing a Balsam of Wild Cherry, for affec
tions of the Lungs, which was given to him by Dr. NVistar,
a regularly educated Physician, and that he believes it to
be the only one in possession of any person except the
said Dr. 'Winer himselL 51. SPEAR.
Sworn and subscribed before me. and city seal affixed,
on die first day of:November, A. D. tall.
(L. S.) JOHN SWIFT, Mayor.
A copyright for the Balsam is seemed.
Absurd as it may appear in the face of the above unde
niable proof, an individual from Boston, Mass., recently
applied to the United States District Court of Peonnylvn
ma Ibr an injunction on the General Agent for the United
States and the British Provinces. to prevent said Agent
Born selling the only genuine Dr. N , VlStar'S Balsam of
Wild Cherry, (said individual elniming the right.) Of
course the lion. Judge of said Court promptly retained it.
The Balsam is not one of the quack nostrums of the clay,
claiming to cure persons whose cases are beyond the reach
of medicine, (or restoring others to life;) it only Claims.
and has proved in thousands of cases, to be the hest. most
•elficneiott., and only genuine preparation of Wild Cherry
of the nineteenth centitry, for affections of the Lunge,
Liver, and Kidneys, frequently terminating in consump
tion, ever offered to the public.
A liberal discount to druggists and country dealers.
NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC.—I have this day appointed
T. W. DYOTT & SONS, No. M.P., North Second street,
Philadelphia, Wholesale Furnishing Agents for the (only
RY. for the following States, VIZ : New York, New Eng
land State.. New Jersey, De/aware, Maryland, District re
Columbia, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and
Also, for the interior of Pennsylvania. All orders for
the Balsam will hereafter be addressed to them.
Also for sale, wholesale and retail, by NVILLIAM
SPEAR, No. 145, Vine street. below Fifth street, Philadel
phia, General Agent for the tinned States and the Minsk!
Provinces, for the (only genuine) Dr. IVimar's Batmen of
Wild Cherry. WM. It I. SPEAR.
Philadelphia, March 27, ISO.
AGENTS,—J. & W. Penfold & Co., New York; A. Mc-
Clure & Co., Dr. Herrick Co., Albany, N. Y,; John F.
Prescott. 'Troy, N. Y. ; Charles DerJ Providence, R.
I. Redding Ir. Co.. Mrs. E. Kidder, Ihisto James
Green, D. Scott, Jr. fr. Co-, Worcester, ; Mass .;.
&. J.
Brewer, Springfield, Mass.- G. W. iVelsh. k Co., ford,Han-
Ct.; J. Onh & Co.. Lancaster, Pa. • Dr. A. H. Bar
flux. York, Pa.; Reynolds & Co., Lecks;ille. N. C. ; John L Georgetown. D. C.; Alex. David,
Vs ; R. Wtuasms and W. A. Lasxma, Columbia Pa.
bottles for Richmond,
Prier PI per bottle; six Ault:lc-Iy.