The Columbia spy. and literary register. (Columbia, Pa.) 1848-1848, May 27, 1848, Image 4

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AND NEW GOODS. The subscriber takes this
method of informing his friend: and costomers thut
he has rented the New Store Room known as Haldeman's
New Corner, being on the South West corner of Front
and Locust Street. where he intends to keep constantly on
hand n good supple of
and a general assortment of Faintly Groceries ; together
with Flour and other Meal : Oats, Corn, and Chop for
norses. Also. Liquors of all kinds, including Wines and
Cordials. All of which I pledge rity.elf to sell as cheap
tor cash a: possibly can be afforded. Please call unit Sr
amine both the goods and prices.
N. B —A dwelling and iron! shop adjoining, to rent oil,444l4 and ,SOll WOlllll like to
the 17.1.1 J AIIRA tut Arr.
Columba, March .21. 1912 —if
I) ARGA INS. The subscribers have, during the
past week, made a large addition to their Conner
clock of
which, for elegance and cheapness, cannot ho t-urpas , :ed.
Among . I,vl.ich t, a ver) large a. , ontnent of PRINTS. at
4 et, 6; el.. e etc, IU et, ;nal 12i et, per yard. DRESS
GING HAMS a, low as 12! etc. 19 etc and 2. et, Al
paca. and Ltnenq. I,lt.tre, A general a.,ortment of
Frit:\ IS1117 , ;(; GOODS,
Stich a. 4-1.5-4.114. ,11111 10-4 Bleached and Brown Sheet
nigQ. Tiekings, Clinck, Crash. Linen and Cotton. Won. ze
and Blenched, Table Diapers. &c.
- -
tint , . Blue mid Blvr6 French Clodin : ,up Moe. 11.6
Bros %a. and 01,c 17np,n,11 ; Plain and Fancy Can
,Inert , . Sawn:l , , Vc , ung, &c.
CHINA, Olacs. and quecnsware ; Fre-h Family Gro
cer., , selected 551111 t cry great core. 11111011 ms stied, are
New Crop Sugar , —Lost. Pulverised and Criv.lsed Stator-.
Coln ... Spice, the Superior 'reas of the New I ark
Calllllll Tea Company. Oils, r,Nh.
All or whudt they arc detcrnuned to sell as Low as the
vmrt Luw L.r. for cosh or country produce.
Tlionhial or post tavor, they revectiolly solicit a
eel/Milli:Mee of the patronage heretofore Itesttetvett upon
them. .1. D S.r IVI11(:11T.
Locust St., Si doors below Second St.
Coln:oho. March It le—ti
er subscribere
~nteerelthank. for e , couragement he has received, and flatters himself
that by strut :111elitiOn to Lusniess, to continue to merit a
share ofpuhln• pairtninge, llw stock of Drags and Medi
, hies is of the %Cry hest seleetain.and as complete as any
ni the plan,. Ili, variety of goods in connection ssith
the Drug Business us very eXten,ve. The following list
only a snuJt port °c hi.. stock
••.•- . • • - .
Pomo- nod Oil , , ready looked Paint-. Campliene or Pine
011. Ethereal Oil. Dre stutr, w.ndow Glos.:, Putty, Shop
Furniture nottleg. Porter Bottle,. full a•—ortiment
—Perminery. Cologlie• - •,, Florida Water. Bay Mort, Po
made l'hliocome. Beet MllirrOW, Antique 0.1. Extract: lor
the Handhereliief. 'Foilet Powder. Pearl Powder, Ilair
I))us.lotory Power. Pomade Dem, Highly
Soap. of eveiy hum?, Metheitted
Cloquieal Nymph, Rougell'3 Cirea.,hian,
Had, it Clone, &v. Ilnir Re.toraiive, 0611
Lio.t nil. ar ne'...Tonie..lone•••••• Halm of
Colombia. iluir Curling Liquid, Robe} .kroom,
lap Salve. Ifuuduhuo. \C.
. . . . .
C10y,,, sill. Tetl.t. St. ••1 forges unit
AI-, general sane') of other", Crochet.
and Pater. Book"
11a, al.O a large i ,,, orltrielt , or
C11111.1.* 111111 Com...lock ler'. Patent :Vieth
ine• un hand which he ousted directly ironi the pro
tsll. which mil enable lion to bell them
train _II to 50 per cent. lower than their agent,—warrant
e.l L', , llllllle. it. NVILLIAAIS.
Cuhuuhuy INiareh 2.1, Front Street.
" null re.pecitallysahmil hi= loaner
ot, trued. C.olotalott tool it. %Irinay that he
ja-.1. re , uriletl (non New Yolk :out l'lol.alelphim with
01 all :uncle- beluaglog to the
too .• tt :
Together wah a.oprriot lot and of lIAIR nod
t71.01'111.: 131tUr.11ES that took the Sledal in the :11e
ehame*. lo.ottae of New York.
..11-0 ❑ cun.tnut of Gainphene until Eetherviil Oil
Limp , . with It fresh and rood Mater:al to horn in them
Country Merchants. liruggt.i.. Bakers.
Store Keeper., dealer. in zeneral
had it tu,11,,,r ads ,tot:11.. to call at Ilium (:01.1)EN MOR
TAR 1)R.1..; STORE. Columbia. lurtore
Coloinbio. March
.11.( P—Gltl:.% I' st.:('4•l>:, AAI()V• Till: Vol.1"N
-TI:Elt-;'-1.1:1-TER PRO3I A 111tal :•111:1:111' 131 ,
SOl - I . IICAItoI.INA .
EXll.loll o :itt.r iron/ the etlitor of the Greet, tile Moan-
1)1 , \V. Witinirr—Dear A week or
too Aga: 1 seta )011 a Al', I Co111:1111111:: :I letter
troll: 0111' of our in the City u 1 \ [exam. 111
which lie pay, \\ * 1111:11"1"S INIMAN VIM:TA111.1:
141.1.\ uioler the eireurnstanee-.. the 1111e•eii of
praise I hate eNer known a medirisie io receive The
Volunteer. \Villoon (;oodleti. II a1•1111.•111:III of
accomplished and on!! educated loan,
nod ‘,lO menial)
HIGH SllEl2lll'
Of this District 11) 0110 of your advernsetnent. uh n
(Marie-ton pup., I happened to notice the location of
}our tubed,. and thought 3ou might e‘tract an article of
.owe t aloe hhh tegard to our medicine, therefore I scut
Itopupa r
The tollomott Is an extract from the letter referred to
•NI y health 1, nl.ry ra....,provi.g. I procured a few
.g0....0nie nu Dr Indoor Vegol.lll,
alld they 11401 . ..11,1011 1111. .40111
Th,, it appear.; that the brave and patrame Volunteers
%silo linen gone to Nlextco. to defend the riglab and lamer
or that ceunirt.. already begin to realer the extraonhua
n• value of thie Incomparable medtcmr Long life to
AI , ,1111.411111 N, III:1110 Ity confounding' one medicine %Null
amoh. r. mid nilinnicm runt . NS rune article. Equally
horrilM• ate thr,c no.takei is Inch arc mane in cumin-tag
that all ale altke. and that Mt rein,. it 1. nattfferinit
tvhnchnr. taken. and it 1.1 Lind it bad all arc bail tom ther
Th, eery great incmthe There t. a. much thifereace
1.. Is. cen \N - tigrit' Indian Cc_. table Pill, and nth. r art,
het, veil maintain nod 110011 , 111 S NV.. 110 t
\Nish Hill take oar ,ottl lur sUltlnll. ut i•Ut
ZIIIN (1 , 11 linen"; taken other mednitnett. Er) tLt. Nothiag
tic", ..ill be nece‘,.nry.
Ma) per-on, 11.1, e been led away by 11 CO,TIINC. 01
1,11. 11, It they motivated that it v.ould remove the
11,11,ea al the 31etheith But Ihry arc generalb. ini.taken.
Without the Si "kit duns arnele. huge notlung to reeuill
thethl them. and a.ouadd not be sold it .ingle day But 1
ruin the ...tat. and mg the article 11 !maw ,11,111.‘11
Wright's Indian Ye:rouble Pill.. they gam n tempora
ry notunel). they - ore. ut sheep'. clothing. or
the I.oLhe -11011111 nuffieseatly clear
Let it Ia lellielaber,tl that NVIU(.II I I"..fINDI.%N VEGE
TAI3I.I: P11.1.S are pr, pared ~tll, .peend relerellee to
the law, governing the lannall body. Ctnen•quelilly, they
are rllwa) , good, a 1.., it) .1 alway. eilective in root
ing alit dlrwaae Every Ibmily .hould keep them at hand.
'rho follovviog highly re.pectuble Storekeeper. have
h, en dal) appointed agents tor the sole al Mi. Celebrated
Medicine. in Imnea.ter eOlllll%.
Ile:Ir.:11e, Rrthct \Venller.
Itiiiiihridge. Juin, I , 1; .... cher.
Jacob Brinier.
Bart Town.lim W Pos.:more
Bio, & lfnibals
Bing. Ta.ern I' 11.. Geo 1' Clark.
(•lie.nut 1.e,e1 MeSparram & Hou,elseeper
C1.1111'.10;za Crane .lulus 11 Harman
time. Tom 0 1. & Rogers
Cooper...llle. E less ,a.
Columbia l'ry & Spangler
cherry 11111. S Wehnter
Brinni,re, John A. RopJ
Timii.ll,l.. Geom. , rho-hou.•
.to do 1v.... er A %Vim. r
di, do Da. in Wllll.ll,
1111/.11.1 . 111111M11. JOllll T.a net.
Ephrata. John tiro..
I:phi ay, Ness. 1.. S. Hecker.
do do Martin Weidman
Fulton 1111.41.1 . . I ' lllloll 11, 1. ‘VIII•111011
Ilempb. ld. Itnigv.alt & Nlartni
Intercom., Tlaminn
heneOLl. truss li , lllp. Frederick Set npc
LaMpeter tilmtre, J F. & I) 11. Herr
1.111/, Nathaniel S
I.tincanier. John 7..lthinerinan
•NTOIIIII Joy, Witmer to Cas•el
Mountville. John Bosh.
11artetta, AW & II Spangler
fount Joy Town.hip. Clark & Co
John Reinhold.
Slayninkcr Sc Co
Inuit Pleannilt, Lane 31 'entnnol
Mill Creek. Henry Stunner.
:Marne To, ',hip, Hugh Moore
New Holland, 13ruhnker Sc Co
New Pro , . 'deuce, Hildebrandt & cr.
Poplar Grove, E. 11. Paxson.
Peach Bottom. S. W. P. Boyd.
Penn Townslup. Jacob Singer.
Partitli-e, A. It Sc A. L. Witmer.
1.11h4 Nlrfhlon
Pr at 1, Bottom. Wlll. Arnold.
It l'olin,lllc. John Itawlin.
Sale Ilarbor lohn Herr & Son
Mean-bury Wm Spencer
Salnbur:,. II Freeland
Wn.funmon John A 81111 , 11
" 1 / 1 1,e , On ton d • rein., v• le 10 the nate orN'Vright'.
' , itil•l tahle Pill.. whole•nle and r• tail. 169 Race
-1 re. 1 I•r• t,“/ -1 reef. New York ,
~,' ,r, • ..,„ %pri' tcl7 —lv
THE Tailoring Establishment of B. Young has
been moved up stairs in the Barbershop, opposite the
I{ - aslungton Ilotel, at which place he may Ire round at all
times, ready to do work in the neatest and best style for
all who may give him a call. as he intends to devote his
whole attention to dressing the community in the most
perfect style of the day. Brit jug received allthe different
reports, he flatters himself he is the only one 111 the place
able to do so. 13. OtiNG
P. S. lie will at till tier.• b.. mepared to give instruc
tions in eoto,,s garments to any of the trade. so much in
rear taut may disable bent to come up to the age, arid
stands open againsiall pubhshr•rs of systems for investiga
tion. No more, but hope to get n spat.
11 YOL'Nft of Columbia,
is RATIIVON, of Alarietta.
Colombia, April 5 , 1,1-.-tf
THE Franklin Fire Insurance Company of
Street, near Fitth street.
CITABLE., N. Bcvent..P., Gilntoz W lilellA tins,
TIRESIA , lint, MonnEcti D. Loots,
Tout., WAGSEIL Aultt.pnt.. E BOMB,
SAND. EL OBANr, D It'll, S 131ter,s.
JACOB R. S3lllll, 3lliniti , PATTEIL , ON.
COIIIIIiIIe to Mahe niQurance. perpetual or hunted, on
every de-cription of property in WWII and country. at
ran , at, low au are con,,tent ,1111 ,eeLITII!..
'lle Continuo. have re-erred a large Contingent Fund,
which. with their Capital and Preillitilit , . ..Illely 111Ve,ted.
allordb ample protection to the te.,ared.
The it,seis of the Company, on January 1.4, 194-, as
publklied agreeably to all Act of ..1 , .,e111111111y, were as
tollows, vt/:
:Mortgage., 5r911.55,3 05
Real E-tate. I 0-.::5 .1 tou
Temporary Lour. 111. 459 00
Stork., 5.-.56.; 25
Co , 11 ; Se , 45.157 :-.7
Slue: their tneorporanon. a period of eighteen yi , are,
they have paul upward. , of one million, trop hundred thou
sand dollars, jocose by hre. thereby utTordtng evidence
of the advantages of itutrottee, ue oaf! us the ability - curd
db,poaition to meet With pronipti,.. all lialnline,
CHARLES N. 13.1NCKEIL President•s BANCh rn. Sir celery.
THOMAS LLOYD. of Colninkia,
Agent fur York and Lunea:der Counties.
Feb. 12, 1-4,-Iy.
THE UNDERSIGNED takes this medium to in
forms Ini.driend , and the public that he has removed
his TAILORING I:STA I3I.ISII3IENT, in within one
DOUR OF rite CORN= Of LOCUST SrUIR:T. until having reco
vered lilt healt 4 to Inc able to attend to
won'tl re.pecthilly invite hn co-tomer- , to give 111111 CD/1.
feclulnG well as.ured !ruin the liberal patronage that he
Imo heretofore received. that he will be tilde to give
faction to all •• ho tinny feel dillo-ed to give hint their
work. Ilewould not r•ay that he 1, the only one mthe
place who e:111 make good work. not widinie lbw , to pull
DIDISeIf an +mace n o t would the piddle that work
entricrted to loin be executed in n neat taditontible
and .4111,..tinatial manner. Ile keep. comdantly oil hand a
line a..oruncui 01 Cloth.. C11. , 111O•re, & WIRDD
Wlii DC -old at very .mall advance..
N. 13 1 have a large stock of ready made Cldrl'lldNi;
hick I ,it polo, cool.
Aprol '22, 1,1-4.
BY their own Cars in charge of messengers, and
Maier 10ek, DAILY !WIWI,. P 111120011111121. I
ter. Cottonton. \ ight,llle, York. Gen y-bortz. Ballanor,
Windom:Aim. SOlllll. NVe..t, North and 1 by DVEN
M. 2s: CO Ore now prepared to forward in their COPa.
Pachagv, linnollo., light Ca.,. and all de,erip
now,- of gaud: 211111 111 , re112112111/0; 21k0 Specie. Dank
Note, 1)raft..11111 , for eolleetton, order, &v., 10 an!, of
the :down named PI:. I, Lc pa-,enger mint. and mad
,prod. Being de.11,11 , of 2t:lordnig every tardit) for the
prompt and evotoolowat trim-ammo 01 any
ClItT11 , 1.•11 to them. 11.1 re , peeltilliy .011elt the motion:op.
01 all to their hoe.
All 0111111, or package. (011(1 l,e mdrbed &
Expre—. 1) F. (~ILIFFITIL.V4cIit,
Millet St. Co'. EXpro,,
Oprtrr_.—Coru•r Of Third Mid .rrr.•t.
di 'ulna: Cha, N111111:111.•r: 11. Kautrlt. York.
AI u.rnm lioilatog.. Il:dnau & Co. eor. and
Broadway. N : Clay & Cu, . Stair a. 150.t0n ; W,1.-
111g1011. li. C • ItiChtllollll. ; Pot:-
borgh. l'a leti3 -burg, l'a Nov. O. 117—tt
TIIE undersiutted have just received the best
and tuna eultipletv a,...artatent fif Eng 11•11 and tb•r
-ut.nt4lll, t, 1.1 and patent brevelk D(IVIILE 11A 12-
I21:1.11:1) 61_ NS. %A lu, h bar. errr 1,01.11 °aerial in
market at p rre , that gill •nit all. Al -0.,‘ Harrel
rd lievolvtag :vat ...I.l(.4•ockattr PISTOLS and en.
LIMBIC for y0ur , e1,,.. at Ow cheap Hanks are :..tare ni
TIIE subscriber is now manufacturing Printing
oititialit. and inf,. it :or ,al,• in
large or 11110111111 e, 1111011 ac . ..llllltllo‘l4lllllg term , ui
any ite.tanee it here the ink ...oil not the de,
eeription. n v.ill be c‘changed or the io,ce reunited.
A liberal di-eoutit will be made upon large Inirellaw,
for en.h.
The Nei . lid: i, pat tip hi keg:, of 111. 15, 20, .25. 311.40
111111 Mill.,
13ook ink. , in -mall keg- and in Ili. cani,ter..,
Colored 111 k. :11-o in Ib. eaniNtera.
fri - .‘ 01 11, lieu: of the bca new. ink m.lll Ile qelit i 0
tiny point of the Improvements at toy r 1.1: mor of
chark.e. 1(1.11 t, veil,' of
COPAL VARNISII in harrcl4, keg•. nail cum.` N.
Columbia. Al ay :20, 1-17.—tf
C 0 D S The public is respectfully invited to
call and I,11111111.• It Ire -II at—orinivnt to;
l'A4IIIONAI11.1: (001)S.
JIC-t received :111.1 ut prier- Mock commit foil to
porelot•rr, et J. D k. J WILIC.,III"S.
Columbia. \larch 1-,
pIiEMIII3I PLATES for the subscribers to the
Coltonbalm 31ligarineSent by ni,lo to any part of
tinted r. 1.11, fit e in pot.ttitrit
The Collllllbiall Nlaga,1111•. tor I,l‘. edited by - .lolot
ntnu 11111,1•11 A. \l'ettt A repo,tory of the elttnee , t
Allierll,lll 1114.1allirC. eintrely ongtnuh :ma of the int,t
cot.ll, torletnal coil. I,ltnienot.
Th'e enter, 1111011 a new year with
prospects iiwrensingly bright arid praising. It has at.
tamed a proud position m the piddle estimation. The
press tun er.all). tulle a 4.4441,11110
the Proprietor er.iteinll) achno,ledge.. has borne lean.
mon) to the sapoi away ot it, literature and the protii.ion
and elegance of as embellishments; see hrle its 11111114.1115 C
and el/not:111th rule reuse r irealation, shows that the
press hut but tittered the general sentiment, and titforils
suds agreeable evidence 111111 11 11118 Mel 111.41 eXpeellololl
of all. dild If secure to the Publisher almost imucce.sary
to .peak of the tutore.
It cannot be neceesary to say much of 1114• of
the literary departineut 01 the COllllll l / 1 1111. pelnlellll . ll
who have so 1011.4 . :11111 satisfactorily discharged that duty.
continue their efficient acrerres, middy: Publisher is Imp.
py to 1111n011nee MOT he 1111, 111:111e arrangements with
of the most distinguished write ra in the eountry,
who, regular COlllOl4llllOll, will enrich the 31 agii/ine;
while, as 110010.1 . 44f1.. the mere tit an article. finite us suede
as the fame of its writer, w ill be the pas.port to it. pages
I:levated sentiment rind pure morality w dl distinguish all
the literature of the Colombian Nlagarine.
The paper on which the Colinsibian Mill hereafter be
printed. is Inl4llUl - neillred Ospre , sl) icr flue 101ern , ... by one
of the largest and 1110.1 highly esteemed maker, nr t h e
Union. and the typograpliy will be of proportuniate neat
ness and elegance.
The Publisher rcspegtfally solicits from audio,. artists,
subscribers nod agents. a e 0111111111111er 01' the i••nifitlence
hitherto on gellerOlldy tree anted the Magazine A. an
earnest of the liberality with as hie!: he intend• to...induct
that department of the ,ork, he has prepared. at it large
outlay. :1 111014011 4.111 full length Purina! or ‘Vii.linizton,
price mil dollars. in stipple and meziotint. ,hich full he
pre...Med. grans, tree of postage, to w.erf t earl) sub.
...her to the Columbian :Magazine, Cabo st send to the
Publidwr std 111 lade lance, postage paid. It is nn imgrav
ing of •neli saperior merit, and the subject is of such
profound and abiding interest. that he C:1111101 duuld that
the gilt hill Inghl) gratify the receiver. and largelt swell
the list of his snliseriber. Ile annexe., also. the ',Mow
ng' unusually liberal terms of 111114114,11100 it 1.0111:4 tinder
,lnnti 11111 f the subscription. are 111 cash.
Por St, the .310g:utile and nigravaig of Wii.lungton.
/or .5. t,,, copes of lite me g ...ow. the I:e g ret:-
o w each
I.7,r — The great National Picture of the Declaration of
ititie r eitileitee, just published. This picture. which was
pltilllen by Col. Trumbull for the Rotunda sit Washington.
I originall engri, 1111 copper by Mr Durand.has been
re-engraved /111 . 1 . 1, 111111 In 111 s I . llsllll 01 ' leto )Car. Labor.
It contains portraits of all the sigmrs. and should he the
Republican I:table:li in the home of caery American
citizen The site Of lire engellelllg re di by lit inches; it
1, panted un the best plate paper, 25 by 'a- inches. Price,
Every person; ,ho will bend to the Publisher of the
Columbian :4, post paid, shall receive a copy of this
Engraving nod a copy of the Magatine for one year,—
the engraving free of pobtage. For e 5, the Maganne.
Engl.% mg of Wa•hington. and Declaration of Indepen
JOHN S. TAYLOR., Publ.lter,
131 NOM , all Street, New York
HALF Gallon Jars and quart Beer Bottles just
r~rr•i«. and per -al. i.
WIT I.l' nr.n.
Tills ATTNETIVELY! Doctor Holland's Cele-
Will effeetually cure the Liver Complaint, Jaundice, Dys
pepsia, Chrome or Nervous Debility, Indigestion, Plato
letice..4sthina, Diabetes, Disease ot the Kidneys, Pulmo
nary Affeenons. (arising from disease of the stomach and
liver.) mid all diseases arising front a weak or disordered
summit:llin both Male mid Female. ouch as Female NVeuk
ness, Dr/Zillegri, Fullness or Blood to the Head, Inward
Piles. Fluttering of the Heart, Difficulty of Breathing,
Constant Imaginings of Eno Great Depression of Spirits,
Dimness of ViOlOtt. Pain in the Side, Back, Breast, or
lambs. Cold Feet. Se.
They remove all acidity, and give tone mid action to
the stomach. and assist digestion ; they contain no alco
holic stimulant. anal can be taken by the most delicate
stomach and will in every ease etlitsair destroy Costive
... and renovate the whole system. removlng, all im
purities from the body, and remnants of previous disease.
and give health and vigor to the whole frame, thereby
preventing frightful dreams, walking while asleep,
which often result in accident.
The toilette:3s of the stomach are of the utmost impor
tance toes cry one, constituting the source and fountain
01 life, which is nutrition. No organ possesses such re
markable sympathies, 11011 e such remarkable power in
nimbi, tog es cry pert of the system. A greater number
of persons fall victims to the linrrassing of Constipation
and Dyspepsia, and more organic diseases commencing,
in the digestive systems. than ull other diseases combined
'line litany thousands who the with Yellow Fever. Cholera,
Intluenm. and oilier epidemic.. to ow ing to disease or de
raiweinent there. If the digestive system is in perfect
health. the nervous system and the circulation of the
blood will be sass. as upon It they depend, then epidemics
loose all their terror.
in lag its. or visiting districts harrassed with
FEVER AND AGUE annually, will flail that by the
lintel, tow of Otte or two bottles to renovate and strengthen
the s)-teni, no excess of bile will accumnlate, mid they
will not in any One ilt.tallee take the disease. Preven
tion is Mr better than cure.
'line rare success in ti eating thienses of the stomach
oucce,mll,. has not been so mach a want of pathologi
esl know ledge of its functions. as the preparation of suit
able Vegetable einillioltittl, vu on to obtain not only their
whole no, er, but a- the) . would be sires I mat
We me all aware that too ninny preparations have
Imes, and are now before the public, that act only lisped.-
' au, es. mid some Mot chatige the lueatity of the disca-e.
or pie, eat it tor a short is t wd. then it returns more for
midable than is the first instant., Stick preparations
have destroy ed the imbn, cuufidrurr. 'nu, article
I.llolle Ail it. number nit cares. and unrivalled, as thou
sands ol oar ettilell , eon aae.t si Ito hose tested its VII . -
.11Way , be. depended 1111011 for the above named
diseases. It w • cure flay case that van be cured by
medicine. no Matter Who, or ',hat else has titled; it will
perfectly} restore the diseased orgasm, limenons of the
STOIMICh, Intestines. Respiration, Lireulation,
These Bitters, and Ihe Spikenard Ointment will cure
any ease of Inward riles, it is u mire rieetirroliCer to re
quire store than one bottle 01 earl, dir the worst cases.
For sale at the GERMAN :MEDICINE OFFICE. No.
7• 4 , have Street. one door above Eighth. south oule, Phila
delphia. In Lancaster, by John F. Long; /II Harrisburg.
by Daniel \V. Gross; in Pittsburg. by Wins
by mimes generally Ibroligholit the United States.
Irrl'allailtlet., containing cures nail descriptions °NU,
eases. glns.
Also tine sale, his celebrated VEGETABLE RHEU
:VATIC PILLS. for the mire of Gout. Rheumatism. Drop
sy, and NerNott , Alfection..; SPIKENARD OINT
MENT. for the elide of Vile-, Teller, Dings, oral>, Si.,
mare h15.P,14,-9nt
pUBLISIIED every Saturday.---Teems 12 1-2 cents
Mania, or sit dollar- a year. in advance.=l•lu-
marls t, conducted iii the ..pirit of Lawn'. mu...t of
l'oreign Literature. (which tai.orably received by
the public fur the I:1.1 t.t cnty )ear...) but a.. it n IWICe an
large. :nal appeiti. so alien. Ise not only give
irenilens to it by many %shal were excluded l i p at
incitatlr- Ilehq. but %slide Sus emending' our recipe and
gathering a grcaler and wore attractive variety, are able
ro lo inercai., the solid and .üb,.t.•urtud purl of our liter
ary. lii.torical, and political icarve,t, at. fully to suusfy
the want, of the American reader.
Tht•••laborate tlllll,otivir Ili.days of the Etimburg Quar
terly, and other ReAleaci and Blackwood's noble criti
rust. on Poetry. ht. 1,11 I,oloietil Cononentarie, highly
writtarlit loin.. and vivid description of rand and moan
tam Sunsuit ; and the contrition°. to Literatare, llisto
ry. q:0,,11160114 Spectator, the
Examiner. the judicious Attica:ruin the bogy
and oultisnioits Literary (;a/ette. the •...etkilde cool
preheuni.e Britannia. the .ober anti respectable Chris
m. Observer. these life ester sett with the Mllllll,
nod N111:11 reale:ascent , . °CM,. United Service. and wdit
the best itruel. 01 the Dublin Universtty, New :%loittli1).
l'rassr's Tatik. head'., tool of Chamber.'
admirable Journal. We do not emisider it beneath our
dignity to borrow wit and wisdom front Punch: and.
alien we think It good enough. make use of the thooder
Mille The Times. We shall increase our vartety by tui
tion:mons front the coutiocut Eitropc, told trout the
new growth of the roloon,
'rite tdettm•ittip has brought Europe, .Isitt, and Aflloll.
into our 11114011/Or1101111: :101l Volt! greatly multiply our
coonection. no Alerchitilts. 'novelle,. and Poltnettio,
atilt all part. of the world: so that tooeli more then, eser
n nosy becomes es ery 11111 lbgent : totem:in to be inform
ed of the condition and elm ago,. of f o nogl, oooo o. o ,
this not stilly 'Kean..ll°l thew nearer connection atilt lair
kids Co. but liectiose the tomint keels to be Int.telung
through a rapid ploc0.• 01 . 010nnz, to - 01110 gray .Lane ui
Pang-. alt, It the uterell col lied plophet mutton com
pute or 1 . 1 . 0,0
(l00.2:0[111110a1 1.11-I•oVer . o . -. 11.• progres. of Cullom/whim
(winch is estenitnig over for %Ashok ...Id.) unJ Coy 040.
and Trot still lit, 1.15 0010 matter liit oor
and. in geneml. Alan s) and very telly
eacquaint out reader. a nit dm great department of For
g.ll 1111 . 111 r, althorn entirely neglecting our own.
While We 11.111111 to Mahe the laving Age th,iroble to
all ss lio Ivl , ll 10 keep theinselvek mformed of the rapid
progress Mille movement—to S0110:31111.n. DiVlllO4.
ter , and Pll) , lciatet—to melt at 611411,9 and men of
Insure—tt s -Olt IL stronger object to Inako 1t 1110 . 11etiv"
and use fill to Mew Wive,tnil Children. Ve 01:11
0 ran 11111 e do sums- gOO,l in tour day and gencrolion.
ninl hope 10 nuke 010 aOl.l. IlialVengable m every
lunnly. IVe .ay trolopetoutble. because in tit,
11:1) Of cheap Inerniti re tt Pc 1101 110001110 10 . guard ogatikt
Ibe itillox allot is bail in t-ic until sicams 111 11101111,
in any other any than by forinAlting a sufficient supply
of 11 111,111t11 character. I'h, meuol a.. 1 moral appetite
rin”l br gratified.
NVe hope that. by ••wntiniwing the villein front the
t•hatr." by pro‘aling altottilmitly for the imagination, nuld
ill a large t ollection Cl Itiograpity. Vir) age. and Trio. i'k,
Ili-tory and more solod moaner. e mu) produce it aura.
ss Melt shall be popular, aline rat the stone time It mil
l i toptre Its rake the stinalard of hole.
Tr: , Max—The Lis mg Airc is Published every Saturday.
1:. I.rrrcit. S. CO. collier 01 TO,lllllla and 131 . 00111 field
110::1011—Purr 1:2b: eVlarx U. number. or sit dello,. ex
a year in advance. Iteinittances tnr 11113 y peliod u ill be
thankfully feerlVoil and promptly attended to fry To
in•are rvunlttroy in mailing the work, orders should be
addressed 11011 e ollioa ai 1/111/11e1a1011. ar, above.
Chill, 1111)111g a year 111 advance. will be supplied as
(buoy,. :
Four copies for - - 820 00
Tw elec. •• - - - $.7,0 00
Complete sets. in fifteen voltuues. to the end of 1847,
handsomely bound, und packed at ;teat boxes, are for
sale at thirty dullar+.
Any volume hay be had separate') at two dollar..
bound, or it dollar and a half in numbers.
Any I unober may be had for 121 cents; and at may he
worth as tale for KUIP+CTIbeI, 1110 purchasers to complete
tot) broken ,1111111 e, they ma) lame. said thus greatly
sultunt e their s ahu•.
(AIL of the very best quality, with an assort
,..nt of 1..1:111'S for binning the same. otkvar. on
band nt .1 1). & J. NV RIG11'1"): , .
Colombo, More
Between York, Wriehtsville and Co. Pre.hleiit and Directors of
the Baltimore and Susquehanna Rail Road
Company lan log con.ented to colltlinie the MORNING
TRAIN between the above placers
j -- The Cargill leave Columbia DAILY. [Suiulapt ex
cepted] at OL o'clock. S. . tout the Train will leave
Wriht., rile 111 61 o'clock Hemming, the. Train will
Irate York at M
April 17. 117
.enger Trams rut. daily us allows below :
Lens en Baltimore at tm o'clock A M.. and ar
riven at 61 o'clock, P. M.
Arrive. at York at 12 o'clock P 11i. and loaves for Co
lumbia nt 11- o'clock, P M.
Leaves Columbia at 2 o'clock P nod leaves York
fur Baltemon• at 3 o'clock P.
Fore front llttltnnore to York,
The Train connect. at York with Stager for Ilarrt.burg,
Getty.thurg. ChitinherThura. l'itt..burg and York Springs.
. . . .
The company I. nulhori.ed by the proprietor: of the
Stage Lines to receive the fare through from Baltimore to
Gettysburg and Ilarrkburg.
13ALTIM4DE TO GtriTiall'llo AND Iltrtaisotno
Fare through to either place, $3 00
C If. TIORDI.IIY. Superl.
May 0, 1847.—tf Ticket Odice, (13 North Rt., Bolt.
ue.Baltimore & Susquehanna Rail Road.
The Morning PASSENGER TRAIN will rail
from Baltimore regularly, hereafter. on Sun
day. at 9 o'clock A. M.. and Returning will start from Co
lumbia at P. M , Wrightsville P. M., and from York
at :1 o'clock, P. M, as on other days of the week. The
mail between Baltimore and York will be carried by this
train No other train will roll on Sunday
Oct 17. I`l7 So.prntilentlerit of Transportation.
D. C. 11. nonnr,Ev.
' 410•0
TN PRICES of Dry Goods. Who are to be'benefited
1 by this remarkable change? THE PEOPLE!
Let them call ut the BEE HIVE STORE, North Queen
ttrect, and see ; here they can buy as much for SI 00, as
they a short nine ago would have to pay 92 00 for. This
dien n radical change for the exprees benefit of lite peo
ple. Let them cull early and see the LARGE LOTS of
cheap and beautiful Goode just opening: for Revolu
tions now-a-days are remarkable tor their uaEt • ITI • .
Spleudnt Lllsells, fast colors. 121 cents
inch 3luelms, lame y and fine, for 6, cents
A good article of Plain Modes and Blk. only 13j cone
A good article. Highly Canieleon.
Ladies can he supplied cith every article for mourning.
Good plain 131 k. Chimes, only cents
do do Lawns. 1.2/, and 25 acute,
Ma/adrim., Bareges and Silk Ti.imes.
thread, Silk and Fid ; Glove, in variety,
Ar Bee llte CMS. E. WENTZ A: BRO
(tINGHANIS . —Ji4 opened, I eit,es of splendid French.
Scotch, mid English Dre... Ginchnins, New pattern , aid
eery cheap--at THE 13E1: HIVE, North queen street.
The greatest variety of the tract splendid styles, last
received—among the rawest styles ale •
Alazathins, - - - - Magnificent.
%rplirua•s. - - - - 13eitaulul.
' Zepliry Tismies, - - - - Lovely.
Pompadours. Fa...emitting.
k e "
'le "
in' Ti ' ll i :• l l7AVl• !" ko ' r ' ilf ' i4 t , i , r, ll‘ Street.
' c1i....:: E. WEN'r:e. & Bac)
no.NET It11.113ONS:
Ja,t opening the newest styles for Spring and Sampler,
the greatest variety ever ,eett iu Laneabter. Great van,
has Lees taken iti the selection of styles and color., at the
French N. W. I.nee Capes.
do do do Collopr
do do do Ethrtm; and Insertmg.
Embroidered Swiss :Muslim, for Dresses.
At the BEE MVP, North Queen st
Imnett,ter. April 15.191 rt
1 4 .4•4 , 4 a-1--i4;vivA
MOTEL, formerly Barr's, Front street, Marietta,
.'tilt, MARI F151111.1.17G11 mould most re
spectfully inform the public that she has taken the hour
formerly occupied by her brother, Samuel McKinney, and
more recently by John Barr. The house has been tho
roughly repaired ; thi with an experience of fourteen
}ear's connection with it, and Mang prepared with every
comMrtable accommodation Ilereq , lll7, together with a
determination to leave no exertion 111111011 e. she hopes to
mere sod receive a continuation of the patronage hereto
fore so liberally bestowed upon the house.
Marietta. March IN, 1,1.1 , .-3in
Lancaster Examiner and Intelligence, Philadelphia N.
American & United Stones Glifelle. Clearfield 1411111101%
and lack Haven \'lug, in the amount of nd and
send Inlb, tothis other Mr collection.
AND COPPER BCSINESS. 11. Filthier & Co..
thank.) ior pn t 4.11COIMILI1 . 111 , 11(.. rot.ld llllllollllej
In the' eitt/en4 of Columbia and its vicinity. that the 4till
continue to manilla(' tare Tin and Copper ware of all kinds
ut their old .1111111. in Locust -Ire , l. (1111' door north of the
Coltunbial3ank. and re-pectiully a continuance of
public patronage.
March 1 I, 11.-.lq-tf
ARTICLE Boat Stove. We would call the
a Ltelliton of 13ontotett to a new• article °c how Stove
made nod adopted exprestdy tor them eonvemenee. To
hr ~ een nod had of 11 I'I'A.III.I3R & CO.
:11arcla IL, 1,10-11
the exten , ive Machine r2.110111.i(ely Oletif led 1). Mr.
Co.l on ihn cuunl lia,ta at tin- place. to prepared
to tit nip and hiuld Cain 111 the 1110,t 41111111 a, and
Ill: IS 01.0 iireplired to do all kind. , of
rt paring. both of wood and nun MI Murk, in a ,a) to give
Columbia. January 15.
N. IS. A good .ccoud Willa Swam Bonnie of iburlior,c
rowor 6se by
A IND CROSS-CUT SAWS, of Roland's best. For
nt 111,,,,Ituactotre4
April 7, Mlll-11 S, 111,,
'OR Horses. This Embrocation, so well known
try the 130.0111 e, \ \'agonrrt. Fe Inert. l'artner.....OnLte
Drlvern. and Private Gent:omen. wuh I for-c 4. t. npok,l
01111 the Istlzheo ter:n.4 for the 101100 uh complaint-: old
or fre,h cut, woultds and 1/1111t.ei. old •1111111, 11.11(1 nek
hogs. -.mole. of the .11oulders, gall. produced hp the eol
lar and .addle. and in all elites where the 3011115 an.l
IVIIdOIIS are 111 a relaxed condition. ror sale by
Columbia. Fell. 1.2-tf
j A lei paper.. ot •-•eetls of th, splendid Ornornentid
Tree. for =nit, by 'NVM .\ I.EAIJEIt.
This WOOII is canna] in durtibility to the 1 ellow
equal to the>lubLet rn tor'itiedistir
the tree plum mooed: for hectic, ruin to the Iluw
thorn. nod for ornament : there 1.111.11NC11101, 1111 , 11t1111 1111 d
cotton-. N-. 11
A.rpracTED READ.
A Certain 'Disease Cured in TWO DAYS--The
loins. recent and chrome affections of the kidneys, dis
e,,e of the bladder gravel, seminal vienknesa &c. Per
sons who, by indulging in a secret habit have entailed
nn thein,lves constitntitmel debility, should apply im
imediately to DR. KINK EI.IN, flume Philadelphia Medi
cal Ilousa, the oldest instant inn of the kind In the ety.
Otlice, N. W. corner of TIII RD and UNION Ste. be
tween Siwitce or d Petty. pima rev nom the Exchange.
Th. Medical Muer was established by Ur K. fifteen
years ag 0. for Ilio suppression of quackery, there tieing
so many persons.,witlnint I.nnwledgeotanie or character.
w•ho put advertisements in the.puhlic papers, that an in
stltet Irmo f then kind Wan higtilt necessary to prevent the
afflicted, especially strangers. front falling into the bands
°femme unskillful wretch, WIIO. Instead of curing, might
send his victim to an Untimely grave. 'Pberefore. the
afflicted eh Mild stool the rminerots pretended physicians
who know nothing of the practice of medicine, but con
sult Ur Kitikelin who mires A Certain DISPIIfe In twn or
three days according to the state of the patient, without
the live of mercury. No mercurial rented ies are used by
Ur. Ktultelitt ; Ills medicines are palatatde and harmless,
and all 1114 patients ate honorably shielded. from even
the possibility of being discovered. lie who places him
self under the care of Ur. K.. may religiously sonfide in
his 110110 r as a gentleman, and confidently rely upon his
skill as a physician, and if lie it not speedily relieved no
remuneration will be demanded.
Strictures. one ciliate most troublesome and darigeours
affections, which often end in gravel, inflamat inn. weak
ness, Ace . Dr. Kinkelm gnarsoties to remove speedily;
as also. swellings, diseased prostrate gland, &c. Stric
tures have ruined many who had no knowledge of their
Take Particular Notirt.—Young men who hove injured
themselves by a, certain practice indulged in—a habit
frequently learned from evil companions. or at school—
the effects of which are nightly felt, even when asleep,
and destroy both mina and body, should apply imme
diately. Weakness and constitutional debilityLume
dmteiycored and full vigor restored. Ail letterer/at paid.
Take Notices-11e. Kinkelin lute had greaser practice in
the above affections than any physician in the United
Stoles. Ile also pnsaeetee an advantage over all others,
from tile fact of his hav lug st adie.l in the great hospitals
of Europe. Thousands In Philadelphia can testify that
he cured them after et cry other means has faded. Sepa
rale rooms for private consultation. Open till 9. P. M.
Travellers A 111014.1 at a moment's notice, with the re
quisite medicines to cute themselves privately.
Packages of medicines sent to any part of the U. S.
More particulars in the Spirit of the Times. inc6'47-ly
$1 :O
MO. 121 Chesnut Street, a few doors below 41h,
_EN North .le.—The subscriber re-peetially iatonne los
friends and the public in general, that he hall eeetilleeS
to keep the above estableilaneat.
Ever) pains is at all tunes taken to render this one of
the beet. and, frotn its central situation, it is one of the
mint convenient Hotels in the city.
I Its TABLE is furnished, at all tunes, with the choicest
delicacies of the season.
_ - - -
ills W1.NE...5 and LIQUORS are not surpassed by any
other establishment in this city.
Ills Servant" are careful : honest and obliging.
Terms of Boarding to suit the tunes.
Country Merchants and Business Mon will find the lo
cation of the Cams:ter Sr. Noise, In the most business
part of Philude!pine
The subscriber pledges himself that every thing in his
power shall he done to give satisfaction to those who fa
vor ham with their patronage
:sspi 27, I`l'—lv rropric tor
ALL persons wishing to obtain the services of
Foreign Emigrants, male or female, are requested
to apply in person or by letter (post paid) state na
ture of employment and seagee, nt the Society's office,
`.'tti 05 South Front st., Philadelphin.
April 22,1548.
b..I:IIINP 41i 3* .1
AGENTS to canvass for some New and Popu
lar Works. In every county throughout the United
States. To Agents, the most liberal encouragement is of
fered—with a small cannal of from 6-25 to 8100. A change
is offered, whereby an Agent can make from $lO to $(?.5
per week.
1)7 - For further particulars, address (post paid.)
No. 159 North Second Street.
Philadelphia. March 4, 1549—:Stn
trivrenELLAs !
UMBRELLAS ! ! 2, North Fourth Street,
Corner of Market ntreet, Philadelphia. IL K.
FUSSELL. Manufacturer of Umbrella., Parasols, and
Para..len,. of every style and description, respectfully
anamosees to the public. that lie is always ready to meet
the muted enercie. of the trade, in ,ellnig us good an ar
ticle. .1 It• low price. !
All he i,ks, is. to have purchasers call, and see for
theillsol, rs
Always 4iii hand. good Silk. Cotton. and Gingham Um
brellars, With Rattail. Whalebone, nail Steel frame,.
A great variety of Picri,olA, Pnra , oleiteq. and Shade,. ,
Plain. Scolloped, and Fringed, with Preach and Ameri
can Film.h.
Philadelphia, March 4, 14 ^,m
„ertbers are prepared to fran.h. at .port notice.. every
io c'•:..... . a tom iI.IN e reduced the
Priee4 or Type upward.; ol I. per cent. They now
charge low
Plea. 30 eta. Million. 5.1 eta
Small Pica, 21 ” Nonpareil, 60 "
Long Primer. 36 " Agate, CO
llourgeoi, 40 " $1.20
llrevi'r. 40 " Ihtonoial, 2.00 "
Determined to ~.pnre no expen.c in nothing their conali
lishient a. complete uS posollile. they are getting up a
uniform Sores of the celebrated Scure•u FACES. which are
unequalled for beauty and durability. and nttich they feel
11%,ared ineet With general approbation Several
si.res are nose ready.
!laving recently vi-iced Europe for the purpose of pro
curing; every improvement in their Inne of lit”miesq. they
note of a grouter variety of Valley pe, Borderq. Or
nament-. &e.. kr . than any oilier e.tabli.liment in ale
United States; alai their improved method: of casting. rind
of preparing metal. enable them to furni,h orders in a
manner to ensure San slitel,oll.
Pruning Pre ,, e, of every tle,erunton. Printing
eu,a, Brass Rule, Furniture, !Le , at tlu• lowest
Second-band PresieN and Type wlneli lin+ been used
only in ...tereoq ping. genertillv on hand
!look, Pamphlet, Directions. Label.,
Cheek.4.l)ritits, &e.. correctly and eleg,antly stereotyped
ns heretofore.
. . .
N. B. Specimen Books will be f•enl to Printers who
tv, It In snake orders. L. JOHN:F.ON Co
oLxv - mrt EVAN'S
QALAKINDER, Fire and Thief Proof Iron Chests,
I. NViirratited ritual to any other mill,. rind hove never
been injured by Fire or Ilarglars.iii a single instance. Ile
also keeps Oil hand a trill supply of Common Chests
tunic of lighter iron. at
Letter Copy nig fosses anal Books
or Stores Factories. Gr
Druggists' Presses
Eagle (:lass Paper.
Portable :slam or Baths, St•
Parking Leverg, /framing Machines. •
Retrigt•rators and Wnteg Pilfers.
GI Smith Second St.. below Philadelphia.
REFRIGIALVPoIIs tor cooling and preset., tug Meat,
Bauer. Milk, and all articles intended tor enlinary pur
Nv.vri:n FILTERS —Ohs yr Celebrated Wa
ter Filters, for Puritying Writer that i+ brackish or mud-
Whitler by rants minerals or othem Ise eon tie loot
fa all um! price, Jo the We1 . ..r00m.. No. 61 South
Sevolol :street, I, doors below Chesnut . Plidad.
Philadelphia. October 2,1. Igl7.
ni FASHION OF lIATS, at the Great Central Cheap
[.. CAP r3TURE,
Nu. 24, Market Street. South dde. above Loightb Street,
'File subscriber takes this method to return hie than!,
10 me people 1.0 1110 entlltly iit I.ancas.ter. kir the very
i.liare of palnnui,c ,lurk they have estenihic
toward. him fur the last feiv itionthi, anti ttuuld call their
;meanie, to the last that he has 110 W introdoced 10,
r.ksittoN or cwsTr.inu::\ s HATS,
for Ite.1111). Ileilth , ••• nod dor:Wilily. cannot lie r--
celled I.) nov oilier entalth.lottooll lit thin city. 'rim, sinelc
coloprt -e, the 19 iv. r. Nowa. liro•h. Ittvon. Silk, and
lot,. "-kin /Int- 1 , 1 till I, • told quttlato•-. toaelltor %soh
‘t.t.,, hop. tt,ortmont mCloth, \ t 11,4 Fur, and
Contory :%Irrclooth. and other 4 art. respect
lulls Ills Iled C.)6.111111110. time stitch, \\III( I n to tt
to their otlytothige to do. before ilorchtoong. as 1/ hi. he
h•riolototoo, havang .111°1,1,1 the ot •ell,ng for Cash
only, lu nil at time lutccet 1,11r1,.
934 Market tit.. above htli td., south aide
Philadelphia, :llauch IS, 1818.—todoned
lout the vtrittein town:mire of the General Agent, W. M.
SPEAIt, on the eon aide at rapper Kurrotonling each bottle;
belies.] to be the only article, bearing the above
tole. 114 eionnoning from the Doctor. The A . M.,« of W,id
Cherry, for relies ring titTection ,, of the Lunge, anal that all
important organ, the Liver. hos long enjoyed the conti
deniec of tlonte.tie practice.
Cos of Philadelphia, M. Spent, of the city
of Philudelphm, being duly sworn according In law. de
pose.‘ fin al n11)4 111111 Ile is m She lloC•ee, th e 0 1 the 0 rj g ,,,0
recipe for preparing a Malcom of Wthl Cherry, for affec
tions of the Lungs. 0 larch a as given to hint by Dr. Wistar.
regularly attuned Pli) siriu s . and that he believes it to
be the 0111) . one in par--en-101l of any person except the
said Dr N Vistas . him-ch W. M. sl'R\R.
SW urn and subscribed before, rue, and city seal nilixed,
on the fist of November. A D. 1517.
A copyright for the Drikam is secured.
Absurd as it may appear in the twee of she above ono,
triable proof, nn mdtvtdunl from llngt 1111 l hitter., recently
applied to the United States District Court of Penns)
ins fur an iturmenon on the General Agent for the
Stines and the Ilrui.h Trainees. to pi eS eat curd Agent
front selling the only genuine Dr IViettir's Balsam or
Wild Cherry, (stud indivulnal chinning the right.) 01
course the Iron. Judge or said Court promptly reinsert at.
The Balsam to notomulthe quack nostrum.. of the day,
clots ~,,, g locate person. , 51 hose cast:care ba3ond the reach
of medicine. (or restoring others to hie .1 II 0111) . Chinn,
and ha, proved in thousands of case.. to be the fir-1. muct
enicat loos. and only germinal preparation of Wild Cleftry
of the nineteenth century. fa, ni(ctionq of the I.ang•,
LIN et, and Kahle) s. frequently 11.nm:talon; 111 CO1E4111(11,
111111, es er nfrered to the public.
liberal di-count to drouiqb and country d•nlcra
NOTICE TIl TICE PUBLIC' —1 hose thi.da s appointed
T. W. DYO'JT A. MINIS, No. lag, North Second street.
Philadelphia, Wholesale runikliing Agent. fOr the (only
RY, for the followitig Stoles sic: Nest York. New Eng- .
laud States. New Jersey. Delaware, Maryland, District of
Columbia, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, mud
Also, for the interior of renn”lvatiin. All orders for
the Bnlsmn ss ill hereafter be addressed to them.
Ako for sale, wholi,do nod retail. by WILLIAM M.
SPEAR.. No. 145, Vine street. below Filth street, Philadel
phia, Gcnernl Agent for the United Stoics and the British
Provinces. (or the (only genuine) Dr. sVistar's Dale: urn of
Wild Cherry. WM. .51. SPEAR.
Philadelphia. March 27, 7542.
hiladclphia. March 27, 11a.
AGENTS,—J. & W. I'enfold & Co., New York; A Me.
Clare & Co., Dr. Ilerrick Co., Albany, N. Y.; John F.
Pre.cott. Troy, N. Y.; Charles Dyer, Jr., Providence, R.
1., Itedthng & Co.. Mrs. E. Kidder, liwdon. Mass.; James
Green, D Scott. Jr & Co., Worcester, 111mts.; 11. & J.
Brewer, Springfield. Mass.; G. W. Welsh. & Co., Hart
ford, Ct.; J. Cheat & Co, Lancaster. Pa..; Dr. A. 11. Bar
ium York, Pa.; Reynolds & Co., Leeksville, N. C.; John
L. Kidwell. Georgetown, D.C.; Alex. Duval, Richmond,
Va R WILLIAMS and W. A. LEADER, Columbia, PD.
Price Si per bottle; six bottles for Lei . Apls'42-1y
No. 6. Little George at