The Columbia spy. and literary register. (Columbia, Pa.) 1848-1848, May 27, 1848, Image 3

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plation by s few benevolent individuals to commence
a subacraption for the purpose of founding an "As
syltun for Destitute Kings and their Families."
Scrofula Cured.
A child of Florentine Benny, about ten years old, liv
ing in Colerain Township, Lancaster county, Pa., had
been afflicted several years with Scrofula in the face and
neck, which not only set all of the popular remedies of the
day at defiance, but actually baffled the skill of the best
physicians of the country. After other means had failed
in affording the slightest relief, a trial was made of
Wnght's Indian Vegetable Pills. The result wan, before
the first three boxes had been used, the ulcers began to
assume a healthy appearance, several pieces of the jaw
bone were thrown out, and in a short time every vestige
of the Scrofula had disappeared. Some time has now
elapsed since using the medicine, and so far from there
being any appearance of relalMe, the child presents ev
ery appearance of robust healiit.
ber, that the original and only genuine Indian Vegetable
Pills have the written signature of Win.t.issa WRIGHT on
the top label of each box.
jp"The genuine for sale by FRY & SPANGLER, Who
are the only authorized Agents for Columbia. Also, by
agents advertised in another column.
Principal Oilier, 169, Race Street, Philndelpltia.
To the Sick and mdi c t e d.—The ongund and
only genuine preparation. Testimonials will never cease.
Be careful of your colds. Many people are very apt to
consider a cold but a trilling matter, and think that "it
will go away of itself in a few days," mid they give
themselves no trouble about it. But to such we would
say. "be careful of your colds," do not tamper with your
consututions. If you desire to live to a good old age,"
use such remedies as will effect an easy and permanent
WILD CHERRY has cured more colds than any other
medicine offered for sale in this country. Thu certificates
of cures effected by this invaluable medicine, which the
proprietor is daily receiving, are of the most gratifying
Dr. H.Swayme—Dear Sir: Having seen the astonish
ing cure performed on Mr. Thomas by your Compound
Syrup of Wild Cherry, I w•as induced to try it on myself.
I was taken with a violent cough, spitting of blood, short
ness of breathing, together with violent attacks of asth
ma; I had overdone myself from exertion, which I was
Slot able to perform, which prostrated my system to a
great extent. I commenced the use of your Compound
Syrup of Wild Cherry, which gave me almost i 111 l 'imitate
relief, and I am glad to give my testimony to all who may
be afflicted in a similar way. It may be well to see that
the signature of Dr. 11. Swayne is on each bottle of Wdd
lath street, 2 doors from the corner of Willow
Prepared only by DR. SWAYNE, N. W. corner of
Eighth and Race streets, Philadelphia, and for sale by
respectable Druggists in ttearly all the principal towns in
the United States.
Sold by WM. A. LEADER, Columbia, and Dr. A. II
BARNITZ, York, Pa. April 15, I.9Atl.—lt.
Philadelphia Dannereotype Establishment
—l.:kens:mu, MI story, Rooms '«S—Daguereotype Por
traits of all sizes, either tingly or in family groups, col
ored or without colors, are taken everyday, in any wea
ther. Copies of Daguerreotypes, Oil Paintings, Statuary,
&c., may also be procured. Ladies and Gentlemen are
requested to examine specimens.
apl.74S-Iy W. & F. LANGENIIEIM.
'-'4V•‘...'fr '"1
AJOURNEYMAN 8110EMAKEIL on coarse work.
Also a boy to learn the shoemaking busines+. A it-
BRIDGE COMPANY, May 18,1848.
The Directors of the Columbia Bank and Ibidge Cotn•
puny, desirous of affording to persons who nre disposed to
deposit money for defiuite periods, nt a moderate rate of
interest, have determined to allow interest for the same
at the following rates, viz:
For all deposits to remain 12 months, 4 per et. per annum.
do do do ti do a do Jo
do do do 3 do 2 do do
The sums so deposited to be payable without interest at
any intermediate sloe, at the option of the depositor. The
interest to cease at the end of the period for which the
deposit was made, unless the same be renewed tor a
farther period. SAMUEL SIIOCII,
May 20. IAS.--3in Cushier.
12 O HOUSE Carpenters. None but good Me
-11111105 mad apply.
Columbia, May 20. SANIVEI, EVANS.
A BOY under Instructions to the Tailoring lni.
Columbia, Lancaster en., Pa., May 20.-tf
>i,`llV7-44:11. or•Vsk.i.:ll
BY OVER LAND MESS, Important News from
the East, great decline in DR] GOODS. We have
'Lott received a large and splendid assortment of
and much below the usual prices. A splendid assortment
of DRESS GOODS, suitable for the season. Call and ex
amine. W. Sr. S. PATTON.
Columbia, May 20, 12.19.-1(
pAIIISOLETS and Sunshades, Fashionable and
Plain at reduced prices, at
May 20, le4.9.—if W. & S. PATTON'S.
OF different shades and quality at
ne.lole-tf W. & S. PATTON'S.
1 1111XIMINEMcis
OF Every description, suitable for dresses, now
opening . nt W. & $ PATTON'S.
May 20, 1049.-tf
of sweet 11111. Just received a most splendid
article of Sweet Oil. without the least smell, put up
in black bottles warranted pure. For tulle by
May Wt. WM. A. LEADER..
AECTION GOODS from the N. York and Phila
delphia Markets, lower than ever °dewed in Cu
/amain, at W. & S. PATTON'S.
SARSAPARILLA. Just received ano th er supply
of Townsend'. Sarsaparilla. For particulars refer
to long advertisement. For sale by
May 20. WM. A. I.F.ADER.
NATARILINTED to are Weak or Inflamed Eyes.
v For sale by
May 20. \V2II. A. LEADER.
re }.ls
PITIONAL WORK. A history of the Revolution
and lives of the Heroes of the War of Independence,
y Charles J. Peterson. An elegant volume with li fine
steel plates, and nearly 200 beautiful wood engravings.
"This is a splendid book. A valuable addition to the
Historic. Literature of our country. We are much mista
ken if it does not take rank with the works of Irving and
Preseottr--{Frankfurd Herald.
"It surpasses any similar work yet offered to the Amer
ican publie."--(Neal's Gazette.
..It may be properly considered a popularised Military
History of the Revolution, extremely well and judicious
written.”---Morth American.
.The present work on the Revolution and its Heroes.
Is superior, both in extent and design to any that has
heretofore come under our notice."—{lnquirer.
"A well connected History of that eventful period'—
"Decidedly the best popular History of the {Yin of the
Revolution and its Heroes, that has yet been given to the
country."—{Saturday Evening Post.
AGENTS WANTED to canvass for the above elegant
work,in every county town in the United States, to whom
the most liberal inducements will be offered. Price only
SI. Address (post paid.) WM. A. LEARY,
No. ltk. North Second it., Philadelphia.
Philadelphia, May 20, li4tt.-3mo.
WITCHES, Jewelry, and Silver
. Persons visiting the city are invited
to examine the large and splendid assortment of
WATCHES do JEWELRY, now open, and which are of
fend at reasonable prices.
Gold Patent Levers SASS Clacks and Time Pieces,
Silver IS Gold and Silver Pencils,
Gold PEpines. • 30 Wean Pins of all kinds,
Silver do 1.2 Ear-Rings, Finger-Rings,
With a full assortment of Silver, Plated, and 13rittannia
Ware, wholesale and retail, at _
No. 106 CUES
Pail'a, May 27-3 t
801 I roil. THE GREAT
Phk ,
As there will be thousands ofpersons visiting Philadel
phia, to participate in th e Great National Whig Conven
tion, to be held on the 7th of Jane next. JACOII LADO
MUS. No. ?111 MARKET Street, below Eighth, first store,
and LEWIS I.ADOMUS, No. 41:1 MARKET Street. :dunce
Eleventh. North side, would respectfully invite all per
sons nig to purchaise any goods in our line to the fol
lowing list of prices of Watches, Ac., of their own im
Full Jewelled Gold Levers 1S karat cn.en, - :LI to .10
Full Jewelled Gold Murat, - - 27 30
Silver Levers, Full Jewelled "
Quartier's s "
All the above prices nre nt Tenet 10 per rent. lower
than minallr sold for the curat e quality article, and w•e de
fy cotnpe•tition toproduce cheaper good, all ss e o.k, is a
call to COll% itice person oflhc above FACTS at
I.ADONII - : 4 . 413 mAnKrr Sweet.
I. LA11M.M1C5,246 ATARICI•7I' Street.
Phtra, May 27. 9c
(lAN save from 15 to 2i per cent. by minims
in their OIL CLOTHS direct front the initnitiltetu-
POTTER & CARMICHAEL have opened a Ware
house, No. 1:35 North Third Street above Ituce second
door South or the Engle Hotel, PIIILADELPIAA, %Olen:
they will always keep on hand a complete as.urtment of
28, 36, 46, 46, 4.9, and 31, inches wide. Figured, Painted,
and Plain, on the inside, on Miediii Drilling tont Linen.
TABLE OIL CLOTHS of the most desirable patterns, 36, 40,
46. and ti. 4 inches wide. Futon OIL CLOTHIL front 2s In
ches to 21 feet wide well seasoned, and the newest style
of patterns, till of their own manufacture. Transparent
IVindow Shades, Carpets, .fie. All goods warranted.
Philadelphia, May 27-355
BENNET & CO. have REMOVED from IP Market
Street, to their Mew, Splendid, turd Itnutenhe Ehtuto-
Itshinent to be known or the
No. 162 Market Sreet, hemeea Fifth and Sixth, Philadel
. .
The Proprietors feel a reluctance in promulgating what
in any way might appear like the 1141111 i Howbasin: ex
aggeration of Nome of the trade, but will beg leave to
quote the following nonce from otte - of our city papers:
"One of the greatest curiosities that our Coy infords to
the stranger. is BENNET & CO'S great Clothing Store,
IS2 Market Street. between Filth and Sixth, which
has been styled" Tower Ihill," front the peculiar finish of
the front. The building is nu i sssss ien+a one. containing
seven capacious rooms. all of which are stocked with ev
ery variety of seasonable garment+, arranged in the most
perfect order and regularity. The proprietors take great
pleasure in showing their building and mamma. to the ci
tizens. particularly strangers. and to those coming front
the country—we know• of no plum: more worthy of a
Phil'a, May 27-3 m
WARDROBE Clothing Emporium = No. 105,
Chesnut Street, between Third and Fourth, North
side, Philndelphitt.
At this establishment may always he found a full nskrt
ment of Getidemens Clothing, to snit all tastes and at quell
reasonable mires as will astonish al:. I publish no list
of priers, but will guarantee to sell as low, if not lower
than those who make mere pretentious. My goods are
all purchased at kw prices, anti made in as goal style as
can Ire found in the city. A call is solicited before pur
chasing elsewhere, as the Wardrobe is free to all.
No. 105 Chesnut Street. Philadelphia.
v rt. A tsn l . tht.meffilet
made to order at the shortest nce.
Philadelphia, Muy 20, 1e42.-3mo.
k Street, PHILADELPHIA, Ints for sale t h e fullou ing
TEAS, viz :
300 half chests Voting 1 . 1 son Teas.
100 do Gunpowder, do.
150 do Imperial, do.
10 do 1 lyson do.
lOW do Powchong, do.
WO do Ningyong Soot:hong.
100 do Oolong, do.
75 chests Padre Souchong.
45 do Mack leaf Pao,
25 half chests, do do.
25 do Orange do. •
UM mans Cassia.
These TCIIB comprise the best chops imported in ships
Sea NVitch, Rainbow, 'Ptomain, Inca, nod Huntress, and
ore equal to any tens that have been offered in lids snorkel.
Philadelphia, May 6, loits..--31u
GRIL&T D13.3 1 111.17CT10N.
T_TOW many die a most horrible death without
the simple cause being suspected. Some linger for
years, an they suppose ; from, as hen it is W 013114,
which C 1111.% most diseases. here c under
our notice several cases of supposed dispepsia. of .1.• VC nil
years' standing, when Wo tizzy., recommended the Syrup.
which. has entirely restored them to healilt. We would
say to AULTIS when they . are aocted with Sour S
Sick Head Ache, Fits, a ffl requent deceive to make Stools,
Leanness, Bloated Stomach. Nervousness. Sickness niter
eating, Sensation of riding in the throat after eating. AC.,
be simmered it is simply as ortus4 and it needs but a trial of
to satisfy you it is so, mid if 5 ott have any of the altos e
syMploms nod the Syrup tails to cure, the agent will re
fund the motley. TO I'd RENTS see would say. that the
greatest sin you are convicted of, is to let your children
suffer and die, when there is a simple pleasant Vegetable
remedy at hand. It is said by our oldest Phricians, that
Worms cause more deaths yearly, than all the other dis
eases the human family lire gulklect to. Then, how im
portant it is to lines a sate mid pleasant remedy at hand.
Parents, when your children have sore or intlatto4l e) es.
you may rest satisfied that it is caused by WOllll., mid
you will do well to cull 011 the storekeepers of your
neighborhood and get a Book of Hohensuel's, emit g
certificates of cures mid the symptoms of wooss. Al
ways keep it Bottle of llobeassek's Worm Syrup on hand,
it is a friend in need.
l‘ Hounnsncti—Gentlemen : I take great pleasure
in informing yon of the great efficacy of your V. Drill Sy
rup; having been afflicted for five years, and waned
away to a mere skeleton. without metering any benefit
front various medicines, 1 was induced by Jesse Ruben.
to try your Wont syrup. as he informed me it had brought
worms from hun; also. or Squire A. Tomlinson, of Bucks
county, a man over fifty years old, whom I am well au
quuditted with. I then commenced Inking your Syrup,
nod it brought a very lurge quantity of walla. some ten
inches in length. and entarely restored Inc to health, and,
I must any I feel like a new' nm.
Yours. truly, JOHN HART, Pliira co.
Mr. .T. liar in it gentleman thirty-three years of age.
living. five miles out of the pity, hack of Second nt. road,
and is only one amongst the hundred grown persons that
have been saved by 11011ENSACK'S WORM SYRUP.
Messrs. Bolvensnek
I have been looking for some of your Wonn Syrup
for some trine ; I have sold all but one bottle; I w ish )ou
to send me two donn immediately. I believe it to be a
good medicine ; I have seen it tried to my satistketion.
I have known one dose to bring front n child three worn..
ten inches long, and from another twenty worms, eight
inches long in one day. I have sold different Worm Me.
dieines for n unrulier or years, but never sold any that
pore such univened sutisthetion.
Respectfully, yours,
Bri M .
dgeton, New Jersey
PIIIIADELPIIIw, ;kicky 26, 1E447.
Messr..3. O. S. Ilobensnek—Gentlemen--1 have
been for some time using your " Vermifuge n in my prac
tice, and I am happy to say that in my hands it has sue;
eeeded in its intention, so as fully to justify my confidence
in its use. I think it among the very• beet ureparnlione in
use. C. W. Artnarron, K. D., so. 46, South se_
Prepared only by J. N. & G. S. HOBENSACK, 2d
and Coates street, Philadelphia, and for sate by all re
spctable Storekeepers in this and adjoining counties,
whom we authorize to give back the money in every case
it fails to give satisfaction. Price 2.5 cents.
Also lioliensack's Hyena Tooth Ache Drops. Price
121 cents, a certain cure for Tooth Ache.
Hobcnaack's Rheumatic Liniment. Price 25 cents.
do Catcall Salve. Price m cents, for weak
backs, sprains, fresh and old sores, bums, etc.
Hobensack's Tetter and Ringworm Ointment. Price
25 cents, warranted to cure all irruptions of the skin—
lot sale as above.
Philadelphia May 27,—tuo lE+3.
( , 14.)... too (')
J.& W. 1.. WARD.
NUT Street, Philadelphia.
I. : • 11101I,Ime) ai fie 4:011
AND only plate at which the greatest variety of
STOVES can be had, Manufactured of the best reli
ned Iron, is at
Wholesale and Retail Stove Manuittetory, N 0.221, North
Second street. above Vine, and 55 Callowhill wt_ above
Second, Philadelphia, who oilier for sale, a very superior
assortment. consistintr of the improved Air:Agln emu
ph•te, the latest itnprovmneni of the celebrated Empire
Cook. Leibnoult's Ole Mill Cook, Philadelphia Air-Tight,
and many others, of the best standard Stoves in the mar
ket. Cull andexit • our stock before purchasing . . ns
we will sell cm:AR Dealers will promote their inter
est by ItUYING OF VS.
Philadelphia, Slay 20,
pIIIPIRE COOKING STOVE. In again calling at
tentiou to this mien:died STOVE. the proprietor has
the pleasure to inform the public that (externally ) it has
undergone an entire change—the pipe and ',mirth placed
opposite each other, and a
being added. thus ',marring, it faultless. and nides there
is another faultless Stove 111 the market. this 14 11111111CS
liOntlilly the best, as it now: embraces every valuable im
provement possessed by arty other Stove 111 addition to
some peculiar to itself. secured by Letters Palest
'rite success of this Stove ' since its introduction. is US
equalled. Nothing has ever been offered for culinary pm
poses that has given such general satisfaction. Stove: ,
have been copied utter it, form ; .mar dealers inlVe event
11154,11 its fundamental principles, but the proportions were
so Unlike the original. that they bear the relative value,
that a coUnteriell does to a genial.: coin.
Complete COOK nod other COOK STOCKS. in great
variety. I'. IL 611.1IERT. No. 412. Market ot.
Girard Row. below Tsselfth Street. PHILADELPHIA.
M" — All Stoves parelevied at THIS STOW: will be de
livered in Colmailoa, free of charge.
ap2.9*4-ly 1•. It G.
j Romi..bov, Buttonwood Street, Philadelphia.
❑tnv liAttayos for publie and private and pub-
lie egottres. of every vnriety of form :old pattern.
CEMETEIIV 111111.1 \ or 1111g 1 +1V 111111 11111.111 e 411.-ig.. 1•111
raring upward. or our til Irerel/1 Varlet ler,
riioN Ciu Ur. AND:3E27FM. for ChirtiCll,, I lull-and
VERANDAS AND PLASTERS, 1 - 01 . COIIRg.•a. DISDi.• 111 I•x'l' r\•
Superior WniITGIIT I coS GATEN. for Carriage entrance..
Nosy ntI)111. 11111ASSNY ITICACKETS. Ace.
11101 1 : TABLES of vinrinninc style.. embracing T. •
Elizabethentin ' Gothic mid modern patterns. with
White and Gold Italian Marble top.. The ta
llies have been introdineed by tine .Id/scriber for lintel+.
Rest:tumid.. lee Cream Salona, :le. 'flier an• beau
tiful articlee of fierintme for 11111 5101, 1 % 111111 oilier os•
tabli.lmaelit+ where it is desirable to make a grand Ills
'Er' Ile has recently constructed nit elegant mud
lAAsT hung lIIITCIIING POST, in form talinirably adapted In
permanency of Taition. highly 011111111e1111•11, and repre
senting it well executed llgsa of that noble animal. the
Horse. Siich 1111 nrtiel, Inns hung Levu n 111• , uderntunti. 111111
is now offered to the good 111•11.1 of the public.
• . •
StraogerAvi4itio,r I'ittl:W..ll3l.n, are ree‘peetrolly invited
to ...II at Inv \Varerootit.. mat ex • hie dtitereitt epc
eiMCI'S of tic* nut bettotilid uork.
ROIIP:IPP N% - 001). Proprietor.
Ridge Road, above. RuttoimOtki :treet. 1'1111;t, a
jU" lie has recently published. at great expet,e.llllla.
igmal work exhibitaig the ❑ew• ilesig3l4 and pattern,.
which ore his •iu, embracing all
the above :truck, and the various and .pleaded pattern+
of Cemetery, Balcony. Step. and other Hailing , which
have been tetaimfactured for Laurel Bill and oilier eel,
brawl! eemeterie, de•igard expri , sly for oa n estab
lislosient, I which may be sent to any 111111 of the world
to those woo deuire make a selection. Undoubted re
ference sill! to required to .•,.sure it prompt return ut the
work. nllrr an 0111 , 411 . 11111ity for making thin set/11011.
Philadelphia. April. 21. P,1..-Irn
CENTLEMEN Visiting the City, and wishing to
supply Ilautuselves with
Will find a
At the lowert possible pricer, for
Manuthentred of the best and most durable material., turd
of the lawn I must approved styles and patents, for
Men and Hays, of
great vnriety of
As any other establishment in the United States.
117 Southeast corner of
S 1 , 1 C N 1) AN 1) MARK V.
Phila.. April S. y GEO. CCI,IN
op :* SI
CCHINA STORE.—The Subscribers, proprietors of
%join" of the oldest and most extereqve China Stores m
the Caned States. have now on hand a very large supply
C070310\ WARE. GRAxrrg IN:ART:.. CI INA W.A ru:
. . . . .
eunlinteing nll the variene9 ever imported. s hieh they
will sell in large or small quatititie... W .E:51.1?
TAIL to snit the wants of the people. itt prices to defy
The tidy itatageA to be derived front has rug a large stork
to select front, ought certainly to lie spits rent lousier) one;
only awe iced Ire mentioned :
Ist. l'he variety to pietist, the taAte.
20. The ark:image of porehasitig at the lowest prices:
for it is certainly eddy"t to every thinking 3 ; ... I. TIIAT
T 11e LAMI TUE MAMMA DONE, tile sow Li.r.e. run IikOFIT
elarrtileti. It is so in every brunch Of trade. The mann.
foentrer sells to the wholt,rile pagektige dealer; the
wholesale package dealer sells to the jobber. tool the job
ber to the retail comitr) dealer: so that the farmer or et/li
stener of the article PAWS AT Let. POIE reel L !I!
Why pay so ninny profits when vim I`.lll come directly
to head quarters ? TYND.I.I.I: & AirrcliELL.
April 29, tt51.41.111 219 Chesnut street. above all street
4 0T of New Carpets. Just open for spring
sok.. Just received per late arrivals. and now
ore " g, a large nod rich ...niacin of IlnisAel.z, hope
nal three-ply. Soper and Pun• lagrant and Penman Car
petings, rnnutaeturcd expressly to order. and deeideilly
the ttttt est goods in the market, offered to purchasers
on the most liberal term.,
Entirely IleW design ilrio.sels.
Imperial:3 ply,
• Superfine Ingrain,
Fine do
Royal Twilled Venitians,
Plnin do
CARPETS. rich and rare styles.
A magnificent no4ortmein of 24. 64 and 124 Dimggeis
nt lower Prices than ever la-fore offered, with a large as
sonment of Piano and Table Covers. Sheepskins. Oil
Cloths, Stair Roils. Matting's, Bindings, &c.
Also, a rich and splendid assortment of superior
dow Shades, all the different widths and qualities. offered
on the best terms.
The particular nuention of Country Merchants. House
keepers and others is requested to no exi 111 l i t union of the
above desirable stock of goods. embracing as it does. all
the different styles and qualities now mumithetured. and
linviug . been purchased at the lowest cash rates, extruor•
dinary - inducements will be held out to purchnsers.
N 0.3 5 North Second •trees, oppo.itc Christ Clime
TILINDS. II; 3. WILLIAMS, No. 11, Nor th Six th
jj street Milt, Venitian Mind Manufacturer. hat now
on hated, the largest, and most fashionable assortment of
narrow slat. neat other Venitian of nay other e+-
talilislnent in the United States. Comprising entire Ile.*
styles, Trimmings, and colors, which will be sold at the
lowest prices, wholesale and retail. Old Blinds painted
and trimmed to look equal to now. Tine citizens of
caster county unit adjoining districts are respectfully in
vited to call and his assortment before purchas
ing elsewhere, feeling confident of pleasing mid giving
satisfaction to all who rutty fitvor him with n roll.
Philadelphia, April No. 12, N. lith st.
C I , LOTIHNG WAREHOUSE, - No. 1626 Market Sl.,
(Between 4th and Stli streets.) Philadelphia.
The subscriber respectfully solicits the attention of
Country Merchants and Dealers generally to an exami
nation of a complete stock of READY MADE CLOTH
ING, which, for extent, variety and workmanship, he
flatters himself will give universal satisfaction, n bile his
reduced scale of prices presents to purchasers Induce
ments which cannot be surpassed by any other establish
ment in the United States.
Philadelphia, March 4. Ili4X--3rn
rw7 - 7,T=r7T . 01
At Co. in returning' their niacin thanks to the
of Columbia and the public in general for the kind
flattering patronage which they have bestowed upon theta,
would must respectfully cull their attention to the NSW
STOCK OF GOODS which they have punt received, and
which c: iiiii ot be beaten, as to qualify and cheapness. no
they are determined not to Le unden.old in the county.
Their stock comprise, .ort of garment,: Superfine
habit Cloth, Cnighmercts, Tweeds, Alpaca Lust re. Croton,
Luna, plant I.iiien Sacks ✓!n Coatces, Riding Coats. Itusi
ne...lro:ll% m profuse variety.
Also. a very fine assortment of Boy.' Clothing, all of
will he sold extremely low for cash.
P:uttn and VI•SIg of all size., and prices. from fitly cent:
up to R 1 IM I. 13uyern are solicited U. call whether a ishimf
tiv penia.," at the lime or not. They have only to call to
They have on hand a fine aQcortment of Cloths Ca 4 ,4..
mere , Cr=lonerets •r Cloths &e. Also,
Vest l ' ett.•nn, on of Windt will he made up at extremely
low paces.
Suspenders. Slone. Drawers.
cstc. Carpet Bags Umbrel s.Col Mrs Roundabout.. Over
alls. Gumelattie Coals, Gloves. &C
.1 JORDAN & Co.
A few door: below Ilerr's Waslangton Motel Front
Street Colombia. Pa.
Cullman'', May 20,1,45—tf
I etii ;3-- - f4ll 01
7ERMIN DESTROYER. It has long been the
.ttUly of Pl:armacentie . s to produce a preparation
vk bleb would prove a Specific for the de•druction of Rats.
Itonelte., and Chine.., but every elrOft Ira. been
(milk+, till the prem•uf. After much ”nady and experi-
Ille at. the proprteior has succeeded 111 111,CCIVer11114 a pre
paration, which he guaraufees will prove the
entire uttedhilatton of the above named vermin.
For •ale by 1VAI..1.1,111.1)1:11.
Nlay 20. Front .trvet.
Q,,ARKAPARILLI: Wonder and blessing of the
1... J age—The noel oxtratirdinar3 medicine inn the: world.
Thi, Extract j 4 put up in quart bottle+. It 14 -ix time,
cheaper, pleasanter, and warranted superior to any sold.
It cures diseases without vomiting, purging, sickening,
or debilitating the patient
The erect beauty and superiority of this Sarsaparilla
nicer another remedies is, while it eradicates disease, it
invigorates the body. It is cue of the very best
Ever known ; it not only purifies the whole system and
strengthens the person, but It creates new, pure, and
rich blood; a power possessed by no othot medicine.—
And in this lies the great secret of its wonderful success.
Dr. Townsend's Sarsaparilla invigorates the whole
system permanently. To those who have lost their mus
cular energy by the effects of medicine or indiscretions
coininitted in youth. or the excessive indulgence of the
passions. and brieight nu a general prostration of the
nervous system, lassitude, want of usubitiou. fainting
sensultons, premature decay and decline, hastening
towards that fatal disease, Consumption. can be entirely
restored by this pleasant remedy.
The geeuiiin only sold by it. WIMLIAMS, Front, at.
Columbia, Pa. A pthiMa- f
rolmnbia Bank and Bridge Company, May 2,
thr,,,,nr4 ill-41111114M have till.- day
dVelarrill Ti di ctdeud 01 thri, per cent out of lice profit. of
Mt: laNt mouth., payable un and 1111 , 11" 1201
Columbia, :1i:1y C,
Subscriber bus just received the Spring
mad Summer l'a•dnoin.--dtreet from London. togeth
er with the New York and Philadelphia report., and in
therefore preiniretho !nuke alp 110111111 g. 11l tip VP
C 011.11111.13. April 2a, 1,14.
IL. ,i,, J , :lllT .,, J , Olt i pA?r , , i y y a. , sipoita , b i e .
f lt ri oot t. :a2! i t a l
the public., that he le, Opened it
inatietlottely oppo.tie Peter I I:tide:omit: Store. o here he i
prepared to execute all order: in ht: Hoe, ,ith ueutncc
and devatelt. Ile feels coafident in givi rig sattAlaction
all who may laver hint with a call. Menthe, of the 0
C..\. M.. tire revectiully invited to give hen tr call.
Columbia, April
\AT. 11. SPANGLER, having become Proprietor
r l , of the Book .k Stationary Store. late of the firm of
Westlarook A. Spangler, has re •t•il hie c..tabltslitatent to
the lately occupied by Mr. Raub on Front Street. a
few d o ur, north front the Corner of I.octeO. told next door
to %Val. A Leader'. Drag .tore,—where he will continue
the former latsine•on it all its In . :lnches. Ilaving enlarged
hi+ stook. lie 15 !mimed to furnhlt every article in the
I look nod slat:unary line. at the cry 'owe:4 rates: School
lloolo• of every kind, Blank Books, Pools Cap and Letter
leper by the so 111/11..1.111, or retail. Pocket Knives, Rai/Or.,
hut. PEAS. Pocket Minks. COllll/S, I lair. Tooth. mid Cloth
llrto.lic.—Rtt,or Strops, Soap, Si. Ink Stands,
Ink by the llotile—Donuttoe, Che•ti %leant,. A bplen
did lot of Silk. Steel Heads. Cht9ts tualTagsels, for pone.,
Gold and Silver Bullion—for WorLing, Shipper , . Sc. And
II too.. superior lot or fancy p.tattottery tut the Ladies.—
Don't forget the Cheap Depot. tit
Next Door to W. A. Leader's Drug Store.
TO his former business. The subscriber, grate
ful for the liberal pat ttttt age that he has heretofore
cam rd, ,aonld 11111101111 re that lie has just returned front
the rite. with an extensive assortmout of
FANCY Ain . '
selected with great care. especially for this market.
lie would respectfully request a comb allanee or public
favor. G. G. CLAIBORNE.
Columbia.. April I,
13001 ES
and a large t. ariety of valliable uti+-
•.•Iluorou+ 110"1, m vitrious and elegant styles of bind
ing and gypograplay.
GRAMMARS: Kirklllllll . 2+ and
(4:01i ICAVIIIEN: .%1 111.11e1 re,; Do. Primary:
Ilneronigs : ahrted V. S.: Dale's Do.
Connly's Speller—Bons:ON Editsion; I:k•lro•nmrc Cllrel-
Aneell's Select Reader; Do \o+. •! .'c 4. Coady 's
Printers: EnigliM Reunion , ; School Bibles and
men?, Toy Malkin, Primer., ropy Rooks, Cyphering do;
Slnlra and Peamils, Pens. Paper and Ink, &e &e.
BIANK 1100101. a groin? variety. embracing every thing
from a Pas+ Book to a I,edger, ,inclusive.
Please examine, below purchasing; ebte,‘ here.
(:. 111URNE.
April 1.1 , 4,—tf Alit.4er
AN extensive assortment of STATIONERY, eon
e.ip•ting an part of Plain and Fancy Loner and Fools
cap Writing Paper. front se, oral celebrated dully; Ca
great variety; Steel Poor and Penholders;
laketionlv, among which are Pump liikAandv, various
sties and color': China do; Sinall do, tc WI Pen Rack
G 1..., Fountain do, in variety, nud I 10. AVin'erv. Red
and assorted colors; Motto do, in Sheets and Boxer
Pommel Boxev; Eniverx ; Ivory Folder+ ; India Rohner:
1,41 ter Clips; Perforated ]Gard; Rea, Black. Bronze, and
Palley Sealing Wax; Black Sand, Sand Boxev ;
files, different agleis; Quills: Red, Mack, and Bine
Writing Ink, and every article in the line of Stationery.
P. 0 , Columbia, April 1, I
at Columbia Itag been
• Printing ltifiee, Frotst street,
e. for the ',regent. toes•nee.4
I) tromnittell to :my of the
1 1 1 I E Tele.rraph Office
111,NION ED to the Spy
oppoaite Bore,: Hotel, s, her.
will i.e received owl prompt!
following Station.:
'rite follownig ore the rat
York. 10 eenti, Slit I II word,
Lancaster, 111 rent. for 10 word,
311 cent. for 10 w0r,14,
110 rriAburg. 30 cents for to word..
Chomheraborg, 30een01 for 10 word<
Pittsburg. 40 rents for 10 words.
llnltitnare. vin Phila.. 55 cents for 10 worth , .
All toldnional words over 111 charged pea rata. Ad
dress and signature not conned. I 1 All tnessages
must be prepaid.
Columbia, Feb. 5,
St. Lotn.z,
I NO V. , vi I le.
New Work,
es of clturge.,
C. WESTBROOK, Operator
THE Subscribers have constantly on hand a
A full arrortnent of wood, coal, anti cooking Stover of
every rale and description. cnnnon moves. 1.0. Head
enharg's patent Air•Ttght Parlor Stoves. which has ease.
lull monstacuon in all cases. The public err invited to
call and exanuna far Punt...rive, tit the lin rd ware ion,
of Oclt•-•tf 111:Al PLEB JlF—Std.
ATTORNEY AT LAW, Columlna, Lancaster Co.,
prucilee in tire never al Court , or hailer,-
ter awl York coontio..
OFFlck—ln Wrtlout %trevt, arhoirong the War.lonzton
31ot.•1 Marco*, 1,17.
OFFICE—South East corner of Locust and Src
mul itimciptv: IfoLsE—vvith Swurti..
doors below 11k late re.idenee. April 7. I',l7.—if
I,TATTING, and Window Shades, good styles and
jj_i_ low ut AV. 5, S. P.Vel'ON
.Alay 20. 1 , -1- -if
1 plum's, Ile)le's, Roberts's, Irvin's,
r,t,„Azzir.zgc.....,,el;+l,l:7i "In by
T):IVIS'S Vegetable Pain Killer. For sole by
Jairl•i' I--t 11. \‘' ILI, I
CURE. The justly celebrated Ameriean Com
vi pound. For sale by IL WILLIAMS.
A vzior
SUPERIOR article of Common Potash for mak-
Ing Soap. For ,ale by It. NV11.1.1.015.
ripte.r N-ti Front Str.rei. Colombia, Pa.
OF Ice Cream Saloons, Take Notice that the sah
nrnLer Jll , l received n fre,h of Vanilla
Braii4 and Oil 1,1 Lento. at very low pro,.
A ND Cassimeres at the lowest prices, at
s iwrrovs
i t ND Bacon of the best quality at
TIED', Dried Apples and Peaches, at W. & S
JP I'XIVON•ti C111:1111 011.11 S,Ur.. 1111 . 2trl'-lf
-mall Celebrated Tea Berry Tooth Wash.
Fur ante by IL. W 11.1.1 rq S
YEWS AGENCY. The Weekly lltild Papers, from all
_ L I the pripeipal
be fi, at
the counter; together with the eheup tai the
April 1, 1-19.—tc.
BEAN just received and for sale by
Apr AVM s. LEA 111:1I
HANGINGS. Parlor,llall, Chian', and Ceiling
P1111.•rm and itortler-. FtrrLunl. Ar . ( 4 - dn. nt, ert
$1) le alway non halal at manufarture,•l,ll4, ,I 1
J. D. S. J. %V11.1‘..;111$.
Columbia, Mare 11.2.5, I sr.'.-11
- PRINTS. Purple Prints, one yard wide, onl
121 , at a, sv ai, a gn a da....atrutala of miler lour Ince
Calk: 0 , 2. at ritY NP-\N(I ER S.
STYLE Chashmeres and de Laines in great va
riety int FRY J. :WANGLEWS.
COPPER and Tin Pumps---a good supply o
Pump. always oil !mad, I math: to order. at th
h hortest notice by If.
Alareh 11. 1,1.+•t(
ri LOVES. An extensive assortment of llosieries
(%I..ery&e , an reduced prieem. ut
A f USLINS. Bleached and unbleached Mnslins
Ittrge absortment VERY' C111:.11' at
ittlatr FRY & SPANGI,I:II:S.
AFresh supply of those justly celebrate(
TEAs jurt received 1.%.
f0,191 , -ti Sole Aueolv for Columbia
A LARGE assortment of fresh Family Groceries
recieved at FRY & SPANGLER'S.
NE"rCrop New Orleans Sugars and Molasses a
febl9'l-41 FRY Z,:iI'ANGI.F.I2.-S.
A ND Molasses. Sovering's celebrated sten.
Syrup dacions urlicic fur talylv
A. 1.0, ocw crop HONEY ut
ft.lll9'l'.ll" FRY & SPANGLER'S.
ICamphote or Pine, and Ethereal Oils arc
J_ and wil! be conAtantly kept for sale Lc
R. %V.11.1',1.01: 4 .
:11 . nrell 25, 1.-1 , .-11 Front street.
NIG HT HAWKS always on hand and for sale
~I lie 11. IT-1111..E11. A: Co.
Alnrelt 11. IF+l.-if
HERB'S Celebrated Lowden Fifth Chains, Ira
ceA, long and short, tlonble and single firem-t.
rum bug tout huller Chains. all of winch, o•c oif r at
U factures prices. ap7-11 Itumrix.& 111,s
Flinn GIESE & SON,
`f 4 (7 tttttt nerce Street NVlinri; Linlinitoin Will receive
rind Flour, Grain, Iron, and ill kinds ul country pro
N. 11.—Partieulnr nttention given to the cttle of lA-411E11
nod cloth A DVANCF.S mode on n eon.lenment when re
tin i red• tlocclt L 5, I~IH. 7m
T IIE subscribers, thankful for past favors, lake
method of infortiiiiiir their friend 4 that they ha,:
just reeeived. in addition to their foriii,r •took,
. -
which base been selected with great care and attention,
and will lie sold CHEM'. CALT. AND al:I: TIIInt AT
FRY 81'..1NULIllt7S
Col 1111 l bit& February 19, 1,1,.—tf
subscriber Lay becotne neeitt ftir the -al ,
of Lee ,St Walker's New Boreal
nous. Um Coltman:l. The title:mon 111 11,
',WM'S 01 1.1%S eet / 4 01/11(1K, is re q uested. to the variet). ,1 . ,1-
. 1 k11110; of get era!: Ired piece+, now on sale at the
Select i neees ordered. if required, at short notice
Columbia, April I, 1.4.!—1r
I3IISIN'ESS STAND No. 3, Mechanics' Row, now
occupied by John Mrl.linebiltl.
Boosif,e+4 SULlid No. 3, moat Z.lreet.llC:ll . comer of Lo
cum Street.
New Dwelling flown: No 1. !me,,, Street. 11 , 11 T wont
Street Inquire of PIETER 11.5.1..DEMAN
Columbia. lam I. 1,14-if.
WT.M. & S. PATTON have just received a large
v nod fso,loonolole mtork nr
AND sU. lauat nnEss GOODS ;
Corm-aim:of 4;tlpghlizn.. I.nwv%a, Baryge., Linen awl !a
pnea Lusires, galley Print., .f the very loneru priers
Plnol and elintigerkble Dre+g Stlka. Rlnck rola Bine
nark for Mantilaa, watt every ..tyle of 1),,,11d. wt
hr am+ou. Plea.r roll and examme our stork
Columba', April V.. W & :•••
TIIE Subscribers Respectfully
the poblte, that 111,
formerly occlipivd is 11. Bot,lv .1: Co ('on
owl Front Slrert. 1155,1 011 , 11111 q an
Stot k of Gpol.. purcha , ed :tithe pro -cot vet,
:1111011,T arc
FILESWM I:Mad: 7 411,V ANIF:rocAN
:Liu] 1:1”.., (71.111+;
A moriennln., Ca—boor
rozored SAtinot-.:•-ot Low priced Sommer Stull-, Co
h.\ DI 1 7 . r DIZESS GOODS
a, I hirt•at•
;111,11 nu_, MI
LI, 1 I i1131 • k I 'nu,
5,31. 1 • 11 . 1111,i1. , . (n.l lO a.
Dittitt r. A iptte.., 11
New :•••1 I , loele t Trot., A 1..
GL.IS:-.WARI: S. LI 1".% IT 1:-1,a(
Sugnr... M I,t•rt 1 Ilt t 'tit
and Sperm (hl,, "'l' •••11,• • -, &••
()or rzt•••1, are oil NI:NV :not .1
and N‘•• hopo Ipy , tra.) :01.•lilt•ol to
of(,),(oni of oto
of Country Protlia, loliam ut :it lit,
11111rr Li
COlOntlo». Morel, I=l=.-1f
r undersigned, hereby tender tit
for the very litterttl pat 11,11,111.•
teitiled the, vitort, to ple.t.,• :tat: witultl 1(11 1
it «ill It, their grillv.4 gleri-ete u. h. - 14 1044
their much a 1/I.lliller tie to uncut II
cd tipprolittunit ,11111
vofflooLo loom!, kutd• of Co=n:,
Nlll.l, (;I:.\ INN( 1:1:v AllTlti
'I'ICE(1 , (:- f, it
CAR. W111:1:1.s oilu-r l•nrl
gi•ther with nll kind. IZOII.II Unstll,,
uuOXC.•pt.Onnldc reiereneu eau h.o ris en
anti ac•dt!O'ui.
We Imv.• yate a. var., tv oI I`.\ "1"I'llfl
Ilat i 31:o.1 Mt 111,4 rat nam.-.:11,1 t..r
a art, being well pit pal. I',t-mar
tmaly be advant.tsm to, tha-• 111 ~1111, II) c.
amino for them-els .•,. n 11 ul.uml.lltlt r.
or. Imatmr. than an) other s•-mbh , lonent w t
of. canary
‘Ve Ilarerent land, of Paatra, for Stet
Thre.latt, M.0.:4111e, Plounil COIIIII/011
o• ,• )11 . 1.1er. mat (Irate, ant:
our lose ••1 helm: tie• ta.11.1
Jeetta t z to t zt tier of Ole pat.; eleven yet,-
1.e..1 01 .10 Ch:11... ttt I'att• ro mak!
:Ire prepared to makean> thin,. our Ilia: tt!
the •ttort.....t not lee. 1111.1 belt; tavorattly .11
l'anal 11.1,11 tr.1‘..... tt- the allvarttatt,, of tor
and for, ar.lll g IC ail \ f“1111t Midi 41.
at the tab, (WA \h
\ll 1:1. 'l'l
Dealintr antler the firm of (h o
Colombia. l'a. Altiro Ii I.
DB.. cuLLnzT
A Ii.UN Victorious. liownilll tl IVal
It 1 1 11.1.1-.1., n:•—ln p.nett m )tat
1 ott t• to the pultit,„ I 1.. I ...,1.4,.1„1..1 in lin.
, Ilitetiteni In the tt..•11.1. int or.;
and 1111111) sill.. re id I. stnlnnihtt t.l dl In.
fiwl that he 1./. still lit itte. dud •rt!l icor, so
Iran, that he has ono, It re. tr,rl.ll 1
111111111 111/ 10011 110 11n , _ „ r. d
It 1111tV 1111111- 111/111 10111 1/11i i tip
111 11i , 111 , 1111111 11r:11100 011 1/11.• 01 . It , t:s• u, 41 .
nine oh is Tlit vottitattotlit.t•
luting lam In Ins 11..1 thirtue NN r,ll p
tone 0.11111• nom the 111111 /11,1 L, /11, 111/11 .
1111.1., the Ir...row:tit of ..
Lea and (Inn!: 5 .1111.. 111,1 p in 1n.. ,
Sarstlittntllti and Intlinet tl'lll 0.11, /110111111/11 / /1
tor , iNtTIZ.I WA: Ile %%I, then 11/111 11/
111111011 /It Ila/11•11,rst. taken to •• 11 . 111'
whet, he ettnutatted antler due car, 11.1 lir, I
month , ns tin sent Ittatte 1.1 0 , iltlt
months 11,, taller lee - Itrnkr 1/111 /11 011011 11101,1'
‘OlllOlllOOll.ll 11% . it 1111/1111-110 I/1/11/
fintr 'noun,. 0 11110111 ben. rit—indetul hr era it
I toast . I cave up all hopes ill las at, et
at tlas sun., or thse.t.,, 1,11,5t - 11
It. CfilltAte• to try star 100,110 ale. I had
jaal, to It, Ittouje4s, (lon ing Irtod 011 ninn‘
NVllliont benefit I Ile. it, 1500, vonllll.llol 11
I'ANACIU 1111 the knf of larch. I .- In. and ha
it tell month.. l'llrce months atter he lat.etut
the l'atiacea, an ulcer future as 1.p11:011 111100 apt
altove the collar Ltuc Th., cottuttatul open
three stocks slliee. 0 hen it 111-:111.1. 11.• I En,
to the enjoyment of iterieet health 101 11 1. it
zesitinental to lhe ninny itlren.b, In
tvotalt•rl/11 ellteacty yl/01 / CL
(].ate of Philadelphia.) nom Hr.
New Jerbey. January 1.1,217.
00 tin, taxtemitli 11.1 y Oi Inn;
sub.-critter. an Alderman ill IvILI for the City oi
phiti. per-ovally came Harriet I) Harker. o lot
oni according To law, (loth ;an., :nal
fact, %et fort!: in the abuse blateillezil are true' 1) B.
Sworn and subscribed before me,
.1011 N TIM:\ IPtt.“):N, A
I\llolo,llle. uml 12el:111. I 1 &
e I e eveuth.
1':: : .1. T
(11.1or4.• tlll2
r rifE only radical curc for mpli
olio nom, es and permanently cores a
artsntig loon as impure •int.• or the Loud 5..1.• •
Ser./Oda or !Zing': 1:v11. Itheninatoto.
!woos Ponples or Pustules on
Blotches. 11111.... Chronic Fore
ter. Scald IleuJ. Enlargement :tint l'ann of the
Soildiorit rleers. 5 . ..141111110 til/1140111..
1.01111/lILIL, 1)1,11.e, rat-one 11'0111 nil n)11 minas , IA
corp. Dropsy. Esposnie or Inaprodeoco lit 1
Chrome Consulational lbsordors
In this medicine several Innocent. Lint ''cry p
elos v Inhle 1,111;01001 111, willed, fount
pound eittirdy dinkrunt m its eh:track, and prop
any other preparation. tool ton - walled la it, 01
1110 system when 1011/omit 1111i:Or111-C)0 0 . 11 , 1
the bawl, of etel p
eonrse of lII', 1 , pro/ Itspostsi to the %et
that render lite a cur-, instead of It IP:L.-111Q. ci
result no death
The tc , timmky II t.nm mi al do ;Ira
l'iltr.‘l,l - I.rlfl t, Il,ccluL.•r
Par Sir :—ln reply to 1.01, ,ue•uun n - .perll
of 13r. 1/ralse'. l'anneea I ,vdt
thAwliever /11 111, est.toure of a l'aiutf,n, fir
disuse.. however t•:.hrnl.i , • it may - he of err
110110 of 11,.• 5>.1 , 111. •lill I hu•e hehceed m it
Coll.lll4lplioli NS Wild lir fll.efis crud soon, 4,
ttas hut to try our itly illttso very pit Or
They Wore Immo:Lail - 1 to: the .11‘,100, t jolty,
Cds.l ills, and :duo, lolittl t
curable. Ono of de. 1 ,, ir.011. levi hren ilud•
11101110 i Veral e. ri aide profilltifoler. tor a
)car). foul ol
col:It/mod null t.eroitiln." no.l that .Ia•
soilletilittf, but rould out ptrnruteutly relict t
Cfli. 4 4, the elfeet of the Panacea ha- Lo. n moat
Only four or live bottles were LI-el he one 01
Ireforo she lieuall Itt troprorli
111 , 0111 tell 'l'llo :Ire 1.0111 well I v.lll 4 yds .1 ,
1111111 tr it. I alit tilui,
oh.etc:ttluu to it t•I'I titifii.sitt
tworton , Cllol.l.• 111 Mlle en•Ci lilt ut ;en In t't
and either c._ lonas a. wy II
peetoralit.nlid tieflutt Ye , . I r
mi the n.o of Dirdir's l'anttefill 11 I had 1,1 1 ern
ed ,vith the mgredn.nt , Slllllee It to $ll7 IL,
eon - intended by our turt.l popular told
be 1,4-o niter:l.6re Oral L eV, r 1tt,71111171 1 1/ .
accortlattee o nit a theory ut Con.tillArttlott IA
' , ranee a year.. 000, lo) of met
vriter., tott totAtlteme. awl /1100 11, 1.1
011/1/101 /10111100 C. C.
L C. GUNN. Corner Che,t. and
ANlono,long etlre ot I.lver l'otoplaolt and I)
Connecuou ‘vithGeneral Deba,ty of the whole
Mes , rs Storrs --Gentlemen
neveral t wars afflicted Nl 011 a pain throm:ll
itle 111111 shaaldsr at:compeer il th
sliok s) %woe and almost cow-tautly a sick -If
curled with paiti, rive nahly flair eating er do
encl. -a as to deprive her of all nate-laction :
cat. even if Ole had a
unto the case. as her appetite ss eu np
aleb Ir k
rime' per•mailial her to nice DR. 1)[ - /ANI;$
trial and .1 11111 11MV 1101 , 11} to ••:iy the first I.
er relict Our family 1 , 11) •at tar the
nil °Niro) el: of her a ion it. sine Imo taken th
inee. und ereatly heal:lite .1 :she has now :
unite. and can rat her int al, with sntislactiar
air. and rick statnaeli have entirely lee lat r.
onfetcrt that the l'anueen hen: affect.' 1a crini
Cr ilitheolnes, and CV ' ' •entaineuel to all o
WWII 11e ..11C huts bten to try Dr Dralii 's ii:
WI/J.1.V%! .h/-11
75i.:111. \orth Th.rt
The above are lint 9 fess• of the tame rite , tt
We (.011 , ialltlY rec. 'via,. of the v.aietlt•i lal i
Jar I)rake. - -. It ti a tali ttaato Not tati
ing remedy ; anal the fir-t trial n ill prace
repetatton has taerea.ted antre u. t .0,1,111r:1.1 t.
Intlaerto unknown an all ale.rit,
NVatli the hen rot. 11.11(111 Plat 111...:11i natant
of the 1111,ellt are. t . I 41 flit That I
upon wlalela st In etIMpOIMi/111 IS 14,f) Lnnlr rei
he overthrown. the prepretta, % e h,: a In
Drake'. l'reineen. Ivallatic to st ied or • r:1 1 ,;,‘•
m.ttl nn<tflar tl.,
already tata,naretl .
ID 'CAI_ • i% rm.. LIR 1KI •
put •Nititre t
iro nI 1 - :•141r, on I. rn;'j r— t.!•11 , 0
Dralo .1 1 . 222221" 22•5.1 221 2 2 1.
isl.•ir..\ 1 . •2 i 2 I 2 I.' . 5
I th t, l`tol
- II V% !t, 1,1 , I 1,
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