FRESZI IiDRUGS AND DEEDICINES. The subscriber sincerely returns thank" fur the very liberal Cll. courugeincin he bus resets ed, and flatters hin.elf that by strict attention to business, to continue to merit a share ofpublic patronage. Ili, stock of Drugs and Medi cines Is of the very best selection. nod no complete us may in the place. DIN s allot) of founts 11l voiniectiott , itli the Drug 13usittess is very extensive. The following list includes only It small part of his .-tuel, : DRUGS. MEDICINES. PATENT MEDICINES. Paints and Oils, ready mixed Paint', Camplictie or Pine Oil, Ethereal Oil.. Dye Stuff., Window Glass. Potty. Shop Furniture Bottles. Porter Bottle, Vials—it full assortment --Perfumery, Colognes. Florida AVater. Bay Rum, Po made Philoconic.l3eef Marrow,Antique Oil. Extracts for the Handkerchief, Toilet Pooder, Pearl Powder, Hair Dyes. Depilatory Po•• er. Pomade Devine. Highly ,Per ruined Soaps Ot rvely kind. :Medicated Soaps. .loner's Chemical Italian, Diode's Nymph. liou.ell's Circast.mii, Rudaray's Clime, e &e. Hair Ite.doritto.ei, Haule's eau Imatrai. Jayne's Toic, Jones's Cont. Oldriges's Bailin of Columbia. Bair Curling ',maul, Robey'c Mouth Aromas, Lip Salve. Brouhaha... &e. trr.m. BEADS. RINGS AND TASSELS, Rings, Tassels, Clasps, Silk 'l'm I.A. Steel Ptio-c, and Bags. Also. a general varlet) of whin Purses. Crochet. Hooks, and Patent Books. iv. o.—The enh , eriber has ml-o a large nisortitient of Comstock & Co's and Coni,tock A. To le r's Patent Medi cines on hand which he obtanted directly from the pro prietors for CASH. which so ill enable him to sell them from 20 to .50 per cent lower than their agent.—witrrinit td genuine. It. W I LLI A MS. Columbia, March 23, 1 , 4......—tf Front Street. DRUGS ! DRUGS !! DRUGS !! ! 1S 11. A. LEADER, 'WHOLESALE and RETAIL DRUGGIST, would respectfully tutor,,. li., immer ous friends of Columbus awl its vicinity that lie hus just returned from New York and PhiladelpliM w ith a splendid assortmeM of ull articles belonging to the SMUG 21t5INIZT. VI/ DRUGS. MEDICINES. PATENT MEDICINES. PER FUMERY, TOILETS. FANCY SOAPS. PAINT*, OILS. GLASS, DYE STUFFS. \c.. Ac. Tog ether with a superior lot and style of HAIR nod CLOTHE BRLnzIIES that took the Medal m the Me ehame's institute of New York. Also a constant supply of Cumpliene and Eethf real Oil Lamps, with a fresh and visa Material to burn in them. Country Merchant., Druggists, Physicians. Store Keepers, Fullers, Dyers, and dealers in general will find it to their advantag e to call at the GOLDEN MOR TAR DRUG STORE, Columbia. before purchasing else where. WM. A. LEADER. Columbia, Morch ILIEGIVZ ! LIG.WZ !! Camphene or Pine, and Ethereal Oils arc Pawn: be con tartly kept for eel,: by B. WILMA:MS. Front :street. Columbia, Mareb TO LUIVIIBERIVIEN, MERCIILITS, Coal bottlers and others. Wharf and Lot for ItENT or Ll:_\l I. L.ll built mlinrf at the foot of 7 4 outh EUIIIAV Otn et. in the Clt) of )I,tlinnere, with tt wharf front of ninnit P-0 feet. the !fa extenthntr, Lack 370 fort to 0,4.0 . ..•treet. the line of the limit 0.01 about to be built. 'Tie property ,111 be rented Cur WI , Tear or fur it terra of }ears 1111011 rt,t,entblf ply to (.1:01.00: 1:1.1 3AVII. Jr, , hlurelr 05. IF-1,-31 111. rieetonl . Baltimore raottn 11ARGAINS. The subscribers have, thiriu_ the pn-t eek : matte a large mhtnloo ill their former stock o ft ron.mcN AND DOlll'.atne 1111 Y GOODS, which, for elegance and cliettpott , .. Among which is a very large a—ortisa ut o: 4 cts, LA., 10 ,rO.. ;001121 it. p r CaNGLIANIS as low , Ig; it.. 19 tt, pad .25 et-. Al paCaa 0114 Llilell., I Annt.• 4 . A gtl,eral 1,-,111110111 of (“ )11:1, Snell 4-4.5.1, 6-1. :ld I I 1114.11 a bell :ma Brown Sheet ing:: 'ricking, Cheeks. Cr.l-1, 1.1111.. n anal Cuttun. and Inc:ached, Table lbapc,....c. GENTLE:D.:VS DRESS Goons . Sup.Dlue awl Black French Clothq ; .up. Blur. 111116. Bros% n, and 01, t. Enalf , and runes Ca simercf, ',awful: : Sc. CHINA, (latun,ware: Ire.ll Paton) GlO eerw,, selected %A t cry L!reOt care. moot: •• loch ate New Crop Sagal,—; and Coffee, spree..., the Sups rb 'Pc:, of the New orb Canton 'l'ea Votapatt. bk. All of ss Inch they are Jett maned to aell a, LOW OS the 2ruic LowLsr, for t ash or country produce. Thankful for taN oe, they re.reetially ‘oltett continuance oh the punonage her. totore upon them. J. 1) & J. W111(111'1'. Locust St.. o doors below Second St. Columbia, March P-i. 181+—tf 1.1:07.,!XCM WHERDS, my wife Folly has left my bed and ward ithont am pot caw, of provoein ant. this is to caution all IWIWIIS trmn karburlllg or tru...tun: her on in) account. ii, 1 IA al pa., lea del. , - of liar con tracting. 11'1:1'1 I1:\ \ Columbia. March NEW 5!'1A7.%.7D AND NEW GOODS. The subscriber tubes this method of Informing la. fah 4,01110, that he bus rented the Ness Store Itoon, Auuss ot II Otte. M . % NeW Corner, being on the : , 011 . 11 NVe+t 1.01111, 01 Trout and Locust Street. Where he 1111,1(1., to 1.01 - 1,011 , 1.11111 Y un hats) a good supply nj 14.11ADY AIAVECI.4 siltll,- AND BOOTS. and a general as ...orata tit of Founl‘ t,tocerte , : together .o.nh Flour and other Ileal . U. 11,. )'sans and Chop for borees. Also. Liquor , of includstar ‘1 Ince :11111 (:OMMIS. All Or UlllCh I pledge u:)-ell to sell as elteup (or cash as possibly can be afforded. Please call and ex amine both the goods and ptleCs N. B —A daelling and front shop rultottong. to rent on accontmodattng '.\l;•elf tout >r t sonld 111,c to board ' , Atilt the tallith 11.13.% ((It.'.Rl:Ayr. Columbia, Nlurch —lf - - - EBM AND COPPER BI . SINESS. 11. Filthier k Co.. thankful for itakt ortylrtitztto.•lll ‘soLial to the citizen. of col nitrite and it, alt that thet .4111 continue Wuitnufactui inid Coppci NI are trl :11l kind , at their oi.tutal. nut larett•l %Wel.on , door ninth rum the Coll.lMhill Omsk. .111 d leti,“111111: ••tdiell a, minim:Luce of public patronage March 11, 1•71,-tf MT 4 'l A RTICLE Boat Stole. We would eall the atteinlont oilloalta,a to a iu•„ urn, :.• ot made and mluptrd expressly tor thelr To Le ant ri and 11.1 of II 1'1%1111.1:It INlarelt 11. 1-1--if TELEGRAM it. TBE Teltunpli (Mire nrAinvill) lit the Spy oppovitc Barr' , How!. II heri wlll he recris ed and prompt. ioilors tne Smoot.. York, itnneaster. inaladelplntt. Wilmineloll. Balttont,. \Vaslttliclt:n, Bato•ltrg. Carliole, Chnothersburg, Bedatol. rtiodmor, The 101100 log are the rap York Iu cent , for 10 As nod_. Itatieuster. 10 rent. for 10 word. Plidadelplum :10 mutt. ftw 10 words. Ilarrt‘lturg. :10 vents for 10 IA 15 . A1rg.:10 evil., for 10 word, Ihtt.lntre..lo tAult• tor 10 vtords. Balm:tore. nt Plnla . cent, tor 10 word., MI ..,.rd. over 1(1 charged pro rata. Ad dress and tommture not counted. !Er All message. must be preptutl. C IVESTI3ROOK, Operator. Columbia. TIIII ;NI atirrbilt of the intended applirtinon of Jc - e- Huai, Ittown. to the Court tit Si....jam, nt the April T. Till I'l', for been...• to hei p u tavern in the rough of Culonilint. it being an oh! 'WI: the untler•ntineil rmrrn deal,. gene throlinhont the United Stoles. 11:)" . i . 111111111112i. , elllllllllllllg cur, ,11111111eSelliniOlIS Cll.- • Al , O ins vdr, hit ei 1,10.11,1 VEGF.T.‘ I t 1.1: Il1IE1)- 11ATIC PILLS, tot ila cure ot Gout. Itlivtlislnt,,, Drop et,. Nor, on- .% tleetion.: Ors:T AU:NT. tor the erne in Piles, Tent, Bing, min-. se. atarehls-.1--I^-lint LXIE'IIELL'S LIVNIG AGM.. 1)111LESIIED every Saturday.--Terms 1-2eents uttother. ur •I‘. ilollat • .1 rn r, w nr;teee—Tlt, ‘ork t• conducted In the -putt 01 ',atoll'. .ditQvuut of l'or: ign [Ater:mire. 115 hteit Mll4 ltlool ;1,10 retell ed by the public tor the la-t lrseaty year , / hut tt- al , 1 , 5 lee t.. large, tied nllllOOl , 1 .0 :men. We 1101 only nt‘ e •it it.and Ite•ltne , .. to 11 by man> thing. %ditch x, ere excluded by a ututlC- tleltt. but schtle the , exietultug our =cope nod gathmett; a great., told mote ultl Ilellee Narlel). ere ❑Lie CO to titerent , the .0111 111111 ~.ult•tanttal putt id our lfiler :try. Itt•lorteal. and poltue.d Itarve,l, a. fully to satiety the v.tutt• of the Atiteru an reader. The elaborate 1111/1 of the I:deli/111 1 0 1 (Zeal: terlc. and other IZeviesso; and Ma( 1.00°,1 • 1101110 ellll - 011 Poetry, Itt• keen poltucal tlouttucluarter, highly ‘, rough!• and :1, id lie , l l lllllll/11 01 rural tolll moull - ; told the( 1 11011 1 1 1 / 1 111011 , I.lterature. Ilt•to r!.. and mouton Idie. by the ._ac. Spectator. the , intrklutz Ex.:muter. theatchetott. themetint. the ton! ind•ll um. laterttry (;:vine. the sett.thle and 00111- 1,0111011-1,1 :tither and re•peetabl. Chu-- tutu Olt•erver; the. , ore inter:l;l,4 , d ,rill: 1110 MlilltlTV 11101 NILS 11l retuottc.cene.••ot Ow I !mud Sell lee. and alit Ihr 1.-.4 artielo- of the 11111111 1 :s;,• so 1 , 1 n•er'.• -Nut-, "NW-. Ilaade. anti 01 Chant her.." adnattllde Joutnal. NVC 110 1101 COll , lll, /1 10'11101th Our 111 hurl 51 1 1 11111) 551.d0m 11 1 0111 J:111101 Unlit 55 11011 Ire 1111111, 1t goull 11111110 tete of the Mueller • uithu Thu Tull, Vt. .hall Inviotp-t, our tut iruni the ono until I•I Eumpe. :And :rout lilt its glom li. 4,11 h, cokomi•-. td.iitta..ittp and .‘frattt iupt oti r and tail great], tattlitpl) 100 Y I Min. C 11.., 31. re Tra% rllri.. apt] iii :Ili 1).1- tr: 112.• touch Mine ihall I II inns . bnellllll , ..‘l•ry : 111Ieritait to tat attlitaP nil a: the .‘lll.l till. lint poly itticatt , e of their main, comic... Poll St lilt par -ilia-, hat latt•att•to the mania -ova, to lip i t tp.te tt i t ig litmattli 0 rapid pine.... Of ehougo. to .auto Into .talt• ui -v. 11 1 ,11 the anemia taidtittati itritplait VOlll tole or fore , ce. rieozrapluvnl at-covezic , . the progri of CrOolo,alion. cxtc,chug ca. r ILrss "lc St u.. 1 V. , lila still be I.:Sill:I , Math, for our -011,1.11 , : 1101, m g;eiii•ral. Nu. P•S :11111 ',cry rip:ail:l 0111 I.•:til.r , smith Ills: fireili drpnruuent 01 * For- Vb.! , tic agnle lu wnAc line Ii" .:g Sire di-i.: 14, 10 II XX Irn vv-li 111000,1r0 , 0,00.0041 01 the raped cl line mov ,, nc ,ll-10 el, 010 I . ll> /IWO Of hu , lnr , a :kod men of •i - ure — a I. ' l . ll 'hunger 0 1 ...* 1 Ix. ...L.' thoir ‘l is. - and Cifildr , II NV f• flint Ni• 1,111.11111 , II" .01110 g and 11 iair ilily and gem oof holt , to mat.. tIotodop o •o•ttlo ta , niorino,l e looto, Ns/ I We. 1111.1,1111,. Ln of 11111 i, 11101.1111 r, II I` !WI 1.1,-allt. to e,,and too 101titt. it tt hat n haul 11t ta•te ant! NI/ 1 ,, 11 , 111 othor m it than he Ctn.-111,1g a •untietit It a hrultht eharaLter. mental and unreal appettu• 1/.tai 1 , 1,11111 i. a that. i.e .. Wttouttt tto' loot , iroot no' ehan." !no' Iduic nloonlantly hor the iinnuottolon. and I, it lance eo llnt linul tionizraph‘ and Tr:, el.. rue! 111(J, •011,1 NSl•urq ploduve tt •,ot vhn•hedhull he 1 , 11101a:II t. till , 11l the ,one tone ittull avitc to raise the 1/i pul.hc t,te. l'mras.—The pnl.ll-11vd i ittr Saturday. by 1; 1.1311:1.3. . rul of oi 'Froioont Boomifiold Ito:ton—Print:l2! vent. a mouth,. or •tx dollar-. a a }ear in ad cuter. Ittantit.tho or .1,13- anvil is ill Lc ;It:mkt - ally :Lod 41 lo ID •To 11,1 ire the out 6. omit r. •hould he to th, ulfier i1:1111/1, anOli• • ( ' ILIA.. tat Lag a 'or at WA,.utcc. !!11l L. .upphcd n. c0p1,4 tor \ Cosnicicte c.c . ,. in fill, on 11, 11141 L/I 1,17. lictod•ocp It bound. clod lo in In:11 lcuxe•-. ocu lor •alt cct tint c) 11011.11• Ain solicttn• lila> Inc hall c , eparcocly nt tv.o thcllctr-. Icolonci co cc ;old a 11.c1( 111 owner wss l,r unit art It% Celli.; and nil, 'IN lilt, 11/Itl pun Int.c.r. 11l cinicli•te oc loo:scccicanc, tun nen> Ices, :Intl lin, glycol • ntioccro ticcor ,ccloo A NEW VOLVIYIEri 9111 E IitIME 31111IN1L FOR Eliiird by NUHIth 11 ILIA , 'rho ethtlim. of tla• Januar% iltoota•, to ,In. too,cr,lly pootilar I'•. - .ac. ‘,..t•N1.: al.• I %, Si 1,1,111 i., ,ilO ,11 , 11 to pre.t c• ail ate etakiat.r. to the Ja ty and lo ataaul = (nom la the to,tir,. .11 pahltratann file- of the wort. aor 1-1- an be •appla d wolf complete ,•t• it nom .1..1. apphration 1.. maids 11..1111. Joornal r , In( m but it , title outdo a Journal for I ((pate It coldao, ail (n .ll. 4, Sarin:, to clone, ta•tractoe. I . ..fined and ycr luag re-110. 711101 , 111 i ). Nt, mid io,t() of I:nglantl. 1 - rouse and .Ntin•ront. and n o•ltrantele of a o, • tor huh.. It It nut old) a re Alp r.•, new' art inogret, but It highly ora:onion:xi new•pala r of implant trial pernhnr n•t It It. 11l .Curt. the 111•,: allll elteapett paper 1.,,r 1,1.41 hr tt., rdrtur.. and I() far 111.• 1110.4 en tertatotair and el( gnat. tern,, are only ' 11111 11 ) ear. (or:! copal' , or ) MOMS % . 11)).a. :S 0 1117 Nuts GODEIT'S A"'B BOOK AND FA)111Y 111.1GAZINE. The M.1V.11/111.• 111 the 1 . 111114/ Co111.11Z1%,10fltil• ly pout, of ,IltiltlLt inane; liv the hr.t writer. in the count, ,—lss.ns.. more Iltnn Ili.. New York Alourt- Lines 'Putt •plesislid •ittel ...Lira, too., ionfeiouldc authentic erilored too:01th Voids... Odic. Nlntlel Clump, and Churclic.. Crochet foul other Manor. for the 1t0th..... idlillii•traied and N%ul I ...1111:11111 d.'..• . Prsee stir 111 W %ear, olm h nu:little, the I..iths'a Dollar New•pnper snaking three pulthesituotti 111 VI, 111,11111. TWO t tilsout the Loth • Pollor Neu - slower. l'iots (opts, Nf lib one to the pt the lb. Ei.,7111 ople, CIVo• A 11.41 fit IthPr th, 800, nr the 1.41,1'.. 1)„11 : , \, :up per,on pro log pn , tosr• on the re,oter.i_ I. A la)1/1-:1'. inw-^2l- Nn 113. Chrgntli Street. Philn BILE'S EMBROCATION BM= VOR Horses. This Embrocation, so well known by the Boatmen. Witunners.Farrwrs. romper, Sttqr . e and ['ovate ronalenten. anh Horse, to spohen onto the highest tern, for the folio,. mg eoutpluotts: old or fresh cuts, it tuna's and houw, uhl stratus and steel hngs. swam• of the shoulders. calls produced by the col lar and saddle. and to all cases where the Joints and tendons are to a relaxed condloon For sale by W. A. LEADER. Colnmhut. rel. 1r.•1, MILLER di. CO.'S EXPRZISS. RY their own Curs in charge of messengers, anti under locks, DAILY between Philadelphia. Lancas ter, Columbia. Wrightsville, Vol k. Gettysburg. Baltimore, Washington. South. West. North and Last, by EVEN ING MAII. TRAINS. Co. are now prepared to forward in their Cars. Package.. Parcels, Bundles, light Cases, and all descrip tions tn . goods and inerchanchLe ; also Specie, Book Note, Draft.. 13111 s for collection. orders, Ax., to any of the above named In passenger tram , and mail speed. 13, ing dt,rolls of airooling eS ery facility for the prompt sod ecoommeal transaction or tiny commission entrusted to them. the) respectfully solicit the patronage of all to their line. All good, or pachages must he marked "Be Miller .1:: Co.'s I:xpres, Gm Ft•Trii. Agent. Co.'' I:xpress, Columbia. 01IFICL.s.—Corller 01 Third and Clo,otot street. Phila. delphis Chas. Norman. Lancaster, 11 Kaaren. York; }hi-imin Buildings. 1111 l re; Ga . ) k Co -cur. Wall and Broadway. N V. Gay S. Cr, , Slate -1.. Boston: \ Vash notion. C.; Richmond, Vii ; Wheeling. Va : Pitts burgh. Pa.: Gettysburg. Ps. Nov. li. 1.,17. —ti COLUMBIA LIVERY STABLE. rilltE subscriber having fitted up a Livery Ma i WV. m the borough an Columbia. at the Wrydrington I fowl, ,011111 re..pecittilly call the• attentron of the etti/enb and community to that tact. lie. Int‘itig gore to con-ul erable rare and expert, to get up much a :mud a, the town never yet had. %souk( beg ietiVe to announce, that he ha- prepared him-ell ,rtli a good and SAFE STOCK Of , I lORSES. Together synth thlferent I.uul, tit : CARRIAGES to quit the truNellnig commtunty, now c.A. a ...hare of due to tt public good. and hope , b) strict and prOllllo 11001- (11:111 to 111, line of , ... to merit the •nine '1'111:REI ' ORE: Ye youthful berm,. till (haw near Anti to me feeble song give car, Ii you In llor,nutieditp dt light And 011 •only balmy 11100111 U night, Perchance ,onte our 011 C at your hide, Enjoy the pleasure of an evening ride. A earring,. lion., or Coach you need To J. it. Edwards. then fir-I speed, serve )ou all. you'll lied 11110 chic, By calling an his Livery Stable .1011 N 13. EDWARDS. Columbia. October 10, 1517—tan. TO SPORTSMEN. TILL' undersigned have just reeeived lhc best :rud most complete as , oranent of Engl.!. and Ger man stab and mist cold patent breech 1)OU131.E BAR RELED (it:NS. %slue') have ever been °tiered in this natrket Klee- that mill ,nit all. At-n. %ix Barrel rd Ite,olving and sell-cocking PISTOLS. Call .111(1 ex :mune tor )onrselves. at the cheap Ilanhvar.• Stol, of tv. HESS. Coltunlan, 1e,17. TO PRINTERS r 1 11 E subscriber is now manufacturing. Print ing iNK 01 •t superior 111111111 y. 111111 Wier, 11 for 'ale 111 large or -until quaunnos. 111,011 111,01111110i110111g tern,. 111 iota 110.11111ce WlO . Ollll O Mk 1 ..1011 ,10111 110110,n er da• ale .Cllllllo. II %%111 he exchanged 01 Ihr Klee refunded. .1 libel al do-count 111 be made upon large purchase% lot e:e..11 . - The Ne,‘,.. 1111. I. put up isi keg% of P 2. 15.50 .25. 30. 50 and 110 lb-. 11001. m •inall keg , and ( . I.kerVd ink , : 11.41 111 11, U:1111.4,f, 11 911 of the Illk Min be seat 10 au) lamil of the l'emila Impro,catent, nt Inc rl.k live of chart,. upon reampt of (21/I'AL V.111N11 , 11 or barrel, keg.. null cani..ter , . .1. 11. 51111 , 1.11\ - . Columbia. Ma) 20. 11,17 /I.ARDEN Seeds, from the most celebrated Ilor vl nettlinral Garden in the Murk!! juicedunit pot op at rretioniti. Chaniuque County. New York. 'rho appro. tattoo 01 over 100.nuti per,oto... throughout almost cc cry town in the Coned than, unit Contulas, who tire in the huhu of putrotiuhtir tin. exteactve e•tabliqhment )car after ear. Is 11 cerlant indication that the elforto of this Comp:it* to th.trilotte none hut Fresh and Pure Scotia, :Ire apptecuacd by a generous tllllol . le. For cube hp \\ . A. LEAlAilt, Agent. Feb. DR. TaWNSMND'S ('0)1P0ITNI) Extract of Sarsaparilla, the wonder awl hlr..w of the ntge ! The great health of I he, Sntr,tiotrillit, over ntll tither remellte , . lute It envie emu. nln.e.e.e. it tnt IL:M:1'0 , 111e bolt. It I. a` ell uunneee—u 11111V in the rt 1110 , .:11 me! 10,11111,11•111. entre ou :nil artitlq front nun Impure n,tatu ul Ilte blow]. or habit of the rOr tali . W. A. I.E.\ IJEit'S telugir Iv-ti (3,,1,14 it Ilortnir Di tug Snore. OH! irVrir HEAD!! Y what's the matter? Why, ILL Inc hair I, all titlinvz tin!. and I shall soon be bald. Well. no ninth, for 11.11—) on Intro till} to ti-c .incur', !lair Tome fanhfolly. mot it ;sill not only stop nor hair !rout fallint; oil. anti re-lore ) ant 1-ealp to it healthy con .llnon. lon can,: your hair to grow a:rum mole brlnnifnl than in or For •nle li) \V. A I.E.N1)1:11 Culinnin.:.lnn ADVERTISEHNTS. PHILADELPHIA rrYTE AND STEREOTYPE FOIINDRY. The sob rilot ra Are prep:ll.•El to Ittru,ll.:tt nonce t vet y ()Awe. and have n•thicell 11.• Prlc,—, upwaid , Io pct scat. Thc, 110, Pten. 11.2 ct, :%1.111011. 51 el , Small limn. 111 - ;\ ouparell, 1.11 •• 1,1e.r . I'm alter. :Pi - Agate, 2-11 Ilielrgeor... .10 " I'' arl. >'l Lll '• llntler. , 14 '. .1)1.11oli0, :1110 •• tettnitted to -pore no r opi to, to ntobitoz their c-tab l4rt.olt ntooltplote po--illo they nre gettot:t lip II ontforot Stole- of tlo• velehrot,l S (rh•n Ftcr.N.A•lttell ore unequalled for henna dort.l.llll. 01.1 tt hilt 11.1 heel odl meet t tilt gtmeral opplolottion. Scorool in• , or. 161 , W ready laving reeentl) ~ -, 1 1191 Europe for the porpoce of pro rtolog n 010.% (loom 111 Ilwir of 100g0e.... the) Inoe oiler o gruatel ariet Pane> ye. 13ortler=. Or oanieto,. than :MN 0110 1 I ,1:N rvlu 01,1( In the smt, am j th e , nepo, ti method-01 ra,llllr. and of Ineporno.; coohle them to Torno.ll mat,: in a manner to vii-oie too...nenon Priatalg (11,,T111t1011. 111 k. ea,, Bra,. Itale. Furman, Kr. at the lotalSi 1:11, :•••(.01111-11:11111 :11111 TVIle A% 111,1! 11:1 , lice:, aced 0111, 111 •ta 1143 tang. avar i all, a,: Loud l'amithlt I. 111,a• Ittrecatta, Clll F.-. Itraia., cot Itratt. mitt tl , g.way stereo* peti tt , heretufar, (VI I , 1...A1 (I N. :•peettnen Book• v.Ol be L, !It Co reinter, NOM NV,II to 1:1:1 Lc .11111N:-.ON =I oLxvnim. EVAN'S CZAI,I:II.INIIER, Fire ;not Thief Proof Iron Chests. ; k , l ll t• 114,er •41 rtri• nr 1111,11iirii to xi , 111:111 . 111.111114 . e. llv 1.,•••11- 011 ia111.) 41 iiipply of Chest-. i•r pi Lellt 111_7, Pii r. Bath , . irs,. I 1, I,T . A1,0 4 1,11P 6 . ite irkY,t • r• l l o r , ‘V •r// ie NI T'9 121:1 - 111GEIZAT( 1 1 1 S tar eoaltag and pre , ervna: Altlls. and all ltrttele , tatended for cultuar) par- NVA'lllli 1'11:11•:111- 1 I;van..' Cl.e brated Wa ter niter, for l'aro tar \ I*.dor that biltek,ll Or 1111111. . whether by rail, intaeral, or u. hinva.o Call tic had all .ties pro at the Wareroono.. No 01 South nd Street. tsr o door. 1a.140., Chesnut Rt , 1101:1,10111m, Oilier 2.1. 1,17. FORST Premium Writing Ink.--Silver mrdal just _L i..)orded by the .linerivan In•iittite. Ness' York% 1^47 'Pile following teoiniony from iliqingiu-ied Institutions speaks for itself : PNIVErNerT or PEN,TIXANIA. Nay 11. 11:15 inc tr,ed. Inr ..otne time, the Mack Inh manufactu red bt Mr. Jo-eph F. 110%11% Si' have found it Well *ail ed fur inaitti-eript. b) It, running, ireel). and it. exemp tion !role to-II:illation. 11. -Lade We are ph a•et I 1: 11012 N I:IL N 1 D.. ikon of the Vactili) and Frofe-- , or oi A inootil). 1011. s. l'rovoq. S.\ NI I . 1:1.II NV1(1.11:. Prove,o EN RV. 1118:11, Ph erettin 0.1 the Faculty of Arts. Rt e , 1:11"P.1.1. Prot on :Nat Phil. and Chemistry. Iv. (;I:11.11A11.11. Lecturer in the Nled. Department.. LVA NIA MEDICAL 1'HILA1'I:L1.111.1. dille crnlrur le the nLns r. MORTON.. NI. J). Dean of the Faculty. Central INA trLuul, Philadelphia. A. 11 BACIIn, Principal 11. D., Prnfe , sor of Anatomy. C 1 00 3 00 10 00 15 I I ..0 00 NM= FREDERICK FRALFX. Secretary enpuom l km,. I'luluifrlphia D cEormr.. Deputy Naval (Wirer HOVER'S ADAMANTINE CEMENT A Superior Artiele.Warrnined. For sale, AVholesale. nod WWI. of the Manufactory No North Third Ftreet, opprpete Cheri, , irert. Phan ilelphta. be Josr,pit 1 HOVER. Mathitneturer. \la I^l7-Iy. P.ZE4LEY'S =1 = 110VER'S PIIILIDELPIIII ADVERTISEMENTS UMBRELLAS AND Parasols Cheap. WILLIAM A. DROWN, Um brella turd Parasol Alunufacturer, SO Market street, Philadelphia. Dealers lit Umbrellas and Parasols, wish ing to purchase handsome goods, of superior quality, cheap. are invitedio call at my Alanufactory rind Store, N o t-C, rlarket street. one door below Thud street, where ever) variety of Umbrellas and Parasols, are sold cheap. or than they CILII elsewhere Inc obtained. A call whelk you visit Philadelphia is requested. An examination of my goods w 11l satisfy you that it will be to your interest to purchase ante. Orders It) letter will receive strict attention, and goods selected ndainrd to your markets. Phila. Feb. 26, 1.•51.5-3tn CHEAPEST IN TH E WORLD I QTEAM Refined Sugar Candies, Twave and a i._, halt cent , per pound, Wholesale. J. J. RICHARD SON. No. I:2 Market street. Philadelphia, takes pleasure in niforming the public. that he still continues to sell his very .mperior Steam Refined Candy at the low price of fiU per 100 lbs.. and the quality is equal to auy menu moured in the United States. Ile :l-o oder:. all kind. of goods in the Confectionery and Fruit line at eorrc,pontling low price., as quick sales and -mall profit, 1112 the order of the day. Call or ..mal y our order, 411 I you cannot fail to be sta• Dint forget the number, .12 Market street J. .1. RICHARDSON. Phila. rob, :26. I,F-31:1 WALIUNG CANE UMBRELLAS, PARASOLS, & PARASOLETTS, iticHARDsoN S Steam Factory the only one in the United States, No. 104 Market Street, Plinadel. pht. Merchant' , are respectfully informed that I continue to Matimacture all the above goods. by the aid of steam 101,1111,unitling the great opposition of parties opposed to the introduction of expensive miltroveatentu• s ly as sortnient is complete, arid prices so low, us to give entire jAs there is an Unnlirella Store next door, of nearly the 2.fille MUM, It Is 111pOrtant N yon should remember W3l. 1 11 RICHARDSO, Steam Factory, and Patentee of the Walking Cane Um brella, Sign on the Lady and Eagle, N 0.104 Nlarket Street, Philadelphia. ID—Attelitton is requested to the celebrated Walking Cane Umbrella. a neat nod beautiful article combning, all the advantages of a Cane and Umbrella. February 5. twit.—Gut SPRING rAsrxxows. QTRAW Goods. The undersigned would re- In.vue the attentton of Dealers to its assort ment of BRAID. FANCY AND STRAW BONNETS, o. hick front the facilities he , e, of manufacturing, Cilllllot Bonnets of every I,lnd, of the 111AVC.4 and most fashion able st, le.. at the lovve-t prieen. ALSO, Al RNs. BOYS AND INFANTS' STRAW HATS AND CAPS. 'l'llOS. W lIITE, Itoonet .Manufneturer, 41 South Second Street. above Chestnut. east sole. Ptah, Feb. =I WALTERS dr. HARVEY, (Law llnzleliurst A: Walters.) PRODUCE & 017.N*1, COMMISSION :111111.CIIANTS, No,. 13 and 16 Spear , . Wharf, ISA1:11MOItE. _ . - Liberal 0:n..11 :Advance, made on Con,ignments of nil kind. of l'iodoc.•. 'intuition., January. 1414. COUGIIS OLDS, Asthma and Consmnption.•-The Indian Vegotoble Itaktim t. the only remedy 'lnn cnn arrest eertfuntv the various punnonary affections under o loch thousaildi bulk into the grin e. No one ever u...ed thi. flnl.nm according to direction, without finding rt. lief. It po.nivelv enre. A,thinti. Brun- Intl:on:mon of the Lung, and Throat. Coughs, Cold.. Whooping Cough. Croup. Con.nuiption. &r. It ilot•-. :11l II prolllist•S. :mil all that in :eked IS .111. t to give a mi lair trial. and It will at once prove its superiority over every thing id the kind I nt h n „ ja prepared only by 11. M. Crawciiiril. Philadelphia. and for sale by Wc-tbrook A. Spangler. Agent kir Columbia; J. 'l'. Anderson. Marietta; S. Kaulluitui. W 1,41.1 8 ,1011, .1. 11err & Son, Safe Har bor. October IG, 1,17.--Gin (---_ ~.., 7,r a., P ,:, ( A .' I, .'t 4 • 'I 4w , y t 1. .. - L. , - '''l'fr,.'l' , Yourself for 25 cents. By mean. of the Pocket JEsculti mos or, livery One los Own Pity - cic•uut l—Serenteenthli tho), nob, 1111WI1116 of nine hun dred 11:ogra‘tog, Morning pri vate .11,en , c , In us try shape and form. and malformutions of the generame sy , 4cm, By \rm. VorNo, :n 'Pine lone has 110 W arrived that persons sollering from se cret need 110 more be- cone• All . lllll. 01 (iituel.ery.:. - _ 11)' tlu• ine-eriintotig continued in 11,14 hoof. oily one 1111, cureliun.ell.mtthouthiudrnucr lu 00,”0,,, or thin kitomiecht4. of the moot intintote friend, nod mlth one-tentli the ts-uol capons. In nddtitnn to tine gene:al tontine of Pit% Oh! 111,11 , 1,, it hilly exploit. the rouse of :llonhood's ent iy drrlme. with QlOOl - 11111011f 01/ ?larringe--In•.ulr4 tunny deinnaethenl. w Melt It mould not lie proper to enumernied um the public ',rim,. l'er-nn , :1.1 n ‘ll.taner from l'hilnclelplain. •ntl 'MSC 1111: 11001 Itort‘ nru 10 tilt m the 1.4,,t Otlire. on Ike recowi aI ts,...nly-fiNt directed to Dr. Willlintn Young. 1.5.2. !prucr t-tr, t. .I:oulary APFLXCTED XLEAD. A Certain Disease Cured in TWO DAYS.---Thr MosT 51'1:1•:Ul' It :311:DY Volt PAINS IN T 111; loins, recent and chronic nifections of the kidneys, dis ease of the bladder. gravel, seminal 11'00111089, &e. Per cons who, by indulging in a secret habit have entailed on lliNti.Cl, VS COOSIMII DOM I debility, SIM , " apply la , " ' in 1)11. ItlNltl 1.1 N, of the Philadelphia kledi ca I Housa, the oldest no-111011011 of the kind In the ety. Office, N W. corner of THIRD nod UNION Sts. be tween Spruce or d Wine, 11 DiliDlres from the Exchange. Tints .llroloral /louse to no established by 1)r li. fifteen years rig o. fur the fOlolirer -lOU of quackery, there being no many persons,:without knowledge, 110111 C or character, on inn put advernsements lit the.puldie papers. that nn - NIIIIIIIOIIO f kind was hig'ilv iseces.,ary in prevent the afflicted, especially strangers., from falling into the hands of some wrvhtllful wretch, who. instead of muting, might scud bin viol Intl to an untimely grave. Therefoie, the imlllieted sit mild skim the numerous pretended physicians who know nothing of the proem e or medicine, but con milt Dr litnlcelni who cures A Cretuto "'locust in two or three clays...cording ma the stale of the patient, without the use .0 - nm•tcury Nr, n 1,411.10 retned , ..s are used by Dr. 11iiikelin ; to- iemlicine. are 11:11.11111.11' 11:1111111,06. Dllll all 111. pan pills are honor:lldr din 1111.11, from even the poNsthiliiv of Inn Ile• nt inn places tinder the I are of Dr K , may religiously confide in honor an n genticin in and confidently rely upnr, inns ..k Oitsit.l.l.nt, and if he In tint speedily relieved no remuneration to ill be demanded. Stricture, one of the tun•t troublesome and dangenu re affections, a hicli often end in gravel,intlainm ion. weak tees, &c , Dr Kinhelin guaranties to I - 01111We SElCellity as alio. swrllmgs dowasoli pr.lrato eland, &c tit tic titres ye round nidny who had no knowledge of their nee. e Prt, tieutar Xotirr•—Voung men who have injured Mimeo IS es by: . profit. e Indulged In—a habit frequentil learned train evil companions. or at reliant— the etre, Is of 1% lath are nightly felt even It lien asleep. and destroy tenth mind nod body. should a pply mune_ d Weakness and con.l tuitional debility imme diately cured nod full v ,ear re.l med. Alfletterspast paid. Xericr Kinkelin hat had greater matt tee in. the anol e affectlons than any physician In the United States. Ile also pnsseyses an advanlnge over till others. from the fact of his having stud.. I In the great hospitals DI Europe. Thousands it, Philadelphia sail testify that he cured them after es CT) other means has foiled. 'Sepa rate rooms for private consultatinn. Open till it. p. Ten teller, supplied al a moment's notice, with the re quisite medicines to cute themselves privately. Pnekazrs of medicines. sent to any part of the IT. S. More particulars in the Spirit of the Times. ocfe4T-Iy CHESNUT ST. HOUSE. MO. 121 Chesnut trect, a few doors below 4th, North , ide .111e.eri lie r respect folly Ifliorms his friends unit the public ingeneral. that lie still continues to Keep the 11,1MVI• Ihery patina Is at all mt., taken to render this one of the 1,e..t. and. from it. central ..mtation, n is One of the nee.? earn entent I fowl. 111 the a ity. Hi• TABLE i' fana•hul u 1 sirtinies, with the choicest delicacy. , of the ,ert,nn Ihq WINES loot 1.11/I ORF. ore not surpn,secl by any other egtnlthshinent in ting etty. Its, t l / 4 .rvant.. are careful. honest and obliging. Tenn.. of Boarding to ,tnt the tune, Country Merchant , and 13u..ine.=. Men will find the In- C 011011 a the C/lI,NI T Sr. liol. SE, in the most business part of Philadelphia. The subscriber pledges himself that even• thing in his pons er shall he dour. to give satisfaction to those who fn• s or bon with their patronage. SAMUEL MILLER, Philadelphia : Sept. 27, 1 E•-17.—1y Proprietor. VANILLA. REAN just received and for sale by J Apt '4.-11 LEA nEn CHARLES liAlt VET EINEM DOCTOR