The Columbia spy. and literary register. (Columbia, Pa.) 1848-1848, April 15, 1848, Image 3

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ZION man l y (lie e
, a e bmos t eing ~h orribd l e de.ath
aute iw,ithopt
t year., as they suppose. from dispep.ia. %shell tt is ~. ono-,
which ClllllllCa most (11.1.12,14. °There ha. cons• under
our notice several eases of supposed dispepsio. of .1 vend
years' standing, when we have recommended the Syrup.
which has entirely restored them to health. W., would
say to AuLTs when they are afflicted with Sour Stomach,
Sick Head Ache. Fits, a frequent deceive to make Stools.
Leallll2ss / Bloated Stomach. Nervoim les., Sickness otter
eating, Sensation of t king in the throat niter eating. &e..
be assured it to simply worms. and it needs but a trial or
110BENSACK'S wonm synui•
to satisfy you II 1. so. mud if you !ewe any of the !Move
symptoms and the Syrup toils to enre. the agent will te
nni.' the money. TO PARENTS we would ray. that the
greatest sin yon are convicted of. is to let your children
suffer and die, when there is a simple pleo•ant Vegetal'' ,
remedy at hand. It is soul by our oldest Phy-ienms, that
Worms cause more deaths ) early. droll all thus Other
eanes the lffiman family ore subject to. Then, how im
portant it is to lint, a Sat - , and pleasant rented) at hand.
Parents, when your children have sure or 11021211al lye , .
you may rest satisfied that it is ea abed by worms tool
you will do well to cull on the storekeeper., of your
neighborhood 1.0.1 get a Book of 1101,ns:irk's. contouring
miff:cotes 01 mires and the .)uitonis "Nom.. Al
ways keep a Bottle of llobensitek's Worm Syrup on
it io 2 friend to need.
PizmAurLmilT. Noy
Messrs..l N.& O. $. 1101•011,ack—CM.111,111,1-1 have
been fur -some time u.iog your Vernufiure” ut my pot,
lice, Mid I tun happy to , ay that 111 lily lam& it hi, ,te
ceedeil in it% iiiteotton, re , lan) to Jizslity toy eintliiteitee
is rla use. 1 think it nmum4 , the very hest prep:minim%
itae. C. 1V...11.11.0T05, at. I, No 16, south el.
Septt•inber 10.14-17
Allehrs. Itobensnek—t , otne tune back I bought a bottle
of your Syrup for ro children. one mo year, old. and the
other lour. I gave it to 111 , ni nveording Indirection. nod
before kn . , mg a bottle they pa....ictl in full (ulna of tt urine..
They are both ',ell and hen ny 110 W.
Ito , r. 13_ CroWll,4
Meecrs .1 N & (;. S I lobel,nek—llaving been
for , ome 11111 e. and Midinn in relief from s•anon. meth-
Climes, WZIS 'Mittel,' 10 try our •• Worm Sy rep,'" irom be
lief of being alllimed with us orm,
I had taken bat thre, bottle, of your cup. when, to my
great enrpri , e illlditinnychnte relief, I pai,ed a tape-worm
feet in length, «Itch I send 1. oil. I loping On, may
benefit some one afflicted ni Illy Id, Ina intor. and in jin.-
lice to the vainr of your :nettle uu•. I rvspecuully oiler On,
Nate:neut. Your-, respectfully. JACOB Su t:u'c♦u nett.
Prepared only by J. N. & G. S. lisdoeahnek. at their
Chemical I.aboratory, Sandie:l.4 earlier Second and
Coates at, Philadelphia. Price 25 cent..
Thus Syrup Is also fur ..ale at the principal Drag' Stores.
and by storekeepers. generally nil user the Until Stan,
April 15. la la.
• r.
[_3 11. ;. I +,t.} n' (•3,~.l
TN PRICES of Dry Goods. Who ore to 1w benefited
by tLt. 71`InInkht•le chance "rim pron,E , Lc'
Let than till at the BEE invr. sTonr, North (I,ocii
,treet.. and see ; here they caitlllll, It tor 71 too. 0 ,
they n AVM oune aqu we, hat cto ;al,. tt , tl 09 or Tht,
the. it a radii al eitance lor the t 1,1411 hit id the ',eh
ple. Let them rail 1,111 had it the LAROI; LOTS of
eheap and Itettoorol Bocci. )1,1 opetatic : tor Besolit
ttoto now-tetil.i . . reontrkidth for thor uru tilt
is, 11,111310 r, cent.
.7%1 I'S DE :
A good :uncle of Plain IVrodvs nl.ll Into. only 1,2;, ecnim
A goad urtick, II gLII Cantell
Ladle , etlll be supplied «ult ev,r> vinde thr mournitur
(100(1 plant 111 k Clont/e-, only I,e cents
tlo do I.n,‘ und cent,
Aln7ntlans. Baregvs and
lisle threnil, Kid : Oh,
r Mc. Hiv/.. CHAS I: WENTZ Jilt°
(:IN(i I L\\lS:—.hint opened. I ca.os nl npleudul l'reneh.
Scotch. and English Dre.... (linghams. New• patterns reel
s cry cheap—at Till:Ill:1: I II V.V.,. North (Ince, street
I)11 - ..4' SC\1\11•:11 DIIESSI: .4 •
l'ltc greatest sera 1) of the nta.t .plendel .t)1.•. • lust
reeetce.l—among the arssest style. ale
llacntlave, - - -
Zepfity Tos roc. -
h.e.. perfectly evh etstie... at the
111:1•: vl; North Queen Street.
Just opening. the na101,1 , 1) P..r Spring und Summer.
the or. west cnnrtt user , l,ll 111 iaallettSter. (:rent enre
has tal.en in Me cum, Ut bt) le aml cohn,. :It the
1)1:1: HIVE.
rreneli N W. Lao rope-,
10 1 . 1411.1,
110 110 110 1 . :141 - 111:: :11111 in-•rtinV
1:1111,r0illered Cu,
At the lIIVE. North Queen
Latwaster. Apitl 15. 1-I,—tf
( I AU'IION TO TIIE rrnmc---The only grimily
1J WISTAIL'S UP N\ • 11.1)
has the o amen .I...taatature ot the (Amend Agent. 'IV. Al.
the out nae n rapper ,arrotainhate; van h bon:,
lie Itsll to Inr the antis . attle;e, Leeringthe Men at
tail, to 101110011, 110111 Dit•lor. The nine, WIIII
Cherr) . ' tut relay,. ilex dill yin», tlt the Lune.. mad that all
important organ. the LI, el. lel, bell; teen) ell the cuing
Ilene, ill tlonte•tie praenee.
Cate of l'haltatlelphnt. Al Spear, of the miry
of Philadelphia, la•ing duly sttorat neInIIIIIILT to 111W..1..-
pos., anti ens that lie is in Ile, 11,,••,11011 01 thy
reellel ner preparing a Ital.:ma ot Wald Cherry. ter :nit,-
110110 01111 e /Mug, NS halt M e. gat,. to ham Ik!. Dr Nl'l.l,lr.
re r enlarly educated I'll) tall. and that he behet to
i.e the 011ty 01111111 1/1/-..e,n1011 el uny per-nn 1,1•4.1,1 the
nand 1)r. VVamatr M
5t,01.11111141 stll,erlbett 1/0101, Ille. anti call beet affixed,
on the first day oiNot ember. A. 1). 1,17.
(L. S.) .
.10lIN SWIFF, :.%Ito or.
cop!. right for the 11.11-tun I , .0,111 , 4 d.
Way ultimo,. to the :at, of the ttho‘e undo.-
muhle proof, 1111 111111%1111131 f}olll 130.1011. Mu... recently
applied to the Ututed Stints Ih..t I let Collrl.ol . Pe1111 , ) Is a-
WU for MI itIJIII.CIIOII 011 the Getteral Agent line. me I toted
States troll the Brio-la ProNilloe, to prevent •attl Agent
rein selllng the arils genuine. Or. Wo.tur',. ..
%Vila Cherry, (stint ludo. 11111tH clantlitm the right.) 01
courte the I lug. Judge of surd Court promptly tem...110.
Tire Bair inn is trot 0111 01 . the tllltlek tou.trunt.. 01 the Joy,
thallium to cure jier•mn-tt hose ea.., ore be} and the reach
ui metheute, (or re.tornm . other., to hie .) a only elttnn,.
and loot pro, ed ill thotomml.... of cuss.. 10 be the fir-t. 010.7.1
enfetieloll.... and tmly get.ttim• prepartoton ut Cheri . )
of the 111111 . te end] century. for tofeetions of the Lung , .
1.1% er. tlllll 6tdurys. trequently tiottatins 111 1U11,111111.-
non, en er ()tiered to the
0'1'1(1; TO T 111: Pl' MAC —1 hat r apitaint,l
T W. 111'0 . 1"1 . .‘ SONS No. 112 North S..eteef ,treet.
l'hiltalelphia. \Vito', ale Perm-lim e , Ac. 01 , 1 1 ,r th, (4,n1.
1,11111,14.) Dn. - WI:4I'A 11ALSA AI 01' %VIM/I'll I:1Z
!IV. for the fallowing State,. . Nev. Yet h. N...
Rate.. Ness .Terry. Delo, nrr. Nlttr,t linal.
I;nluuibt u, Vtrgtina. Noult Carolina, South l'atulant
ienra lll •
air the inlet lor at Penn.} I.llllln. AII order, for
the Bal , ani , ill hereatter be ulltlre ,, ,ll io them.
Al=o for liele,ale nail retail. be AV.II.I.IANI M.
SPI.:AIt. N 0.11.5. Vine ,treet. helots Filth , trin t. 1'1.1,11 I
f;eneral Anent for the Muted Nate.. and the
Province.. fur the (only genuine) Dr M • 1.1.1r',.. 13.11,1.1111
\VII,I Cheri, WM. 'ii. 1,P1'..1.1t
More .
`W Pentold & Co., New ; A. Mt -
inure & Co. Dr. Ilerriek Cu. A numV. N V.. Jolin
Pre.coat. Troy. N. Y.: Charles D.s or, Jr., Provident e, It.
1.; Redding A. Co . Mr, F. }Cackler. Mn...: J nun,
Green, D Scott. .Tr. A Co.. \Yaeger, : II A. J.
Dresser Springfield, ; G. \V & Co. Hari
ford, Ct.: J. Opal & Co.. l.nuenster. Pa.; Dr. A. H. Bar
nit,. York. Pas.; Reynold. & Co.. Leek , ville. N C.; John
1. Kidwell. Georgetown, D.C.; Alex. Duval, RIL11111011(1,
Price $1 per bottle: .ix bottle. for Sri.
IC ,- DR. DYOT T. —all
X. ZIEGLER has Removed his CONFECTION-
J,2 ( ARV, r I) VARIETY ST111:1% WI
.• Mk' in the Wall.' 61.,11 ice No 1. Mechanic'.
directly opposite P. ter 1..L1, moil. Store. to u doors abo%
Front Street. Thankful or past patronage. he solicit, it
Uuti ono,. Car sale. a , 111. In but
leitCt Stn , l,Tlllll . lll 011:01.1t llollar). Philadelphia ni.inn
factored Ca idles .
...Nee:lent quality. Ent.. , ,it Fait IT.—
Orange , . Lemon. Prune , . Dates rig, enroll. and Itassii,
or) cheap and good of Norton.;
'rile %eft" beat State. Sep:U.lllllh !littler Cracker,
Excelient Tobacco. su.a. and Segue. liritshe, Comb.,
and Fialinig 'Tackle. Tnnuuu.gvThrr'ad..ceedle•.llmd
STATIONERY—Cap nod Po.t. NVrning and 'Pisani
Paper, Sc 800 k..., Slates. Wafer., Mott o es,
Sealing Wnx.
Corilwainere Kit. Shoe Findings, Lasts, Lining. Kid,
and Goat Skut..
Ile eontinu.•s to sell SPICIIs, freshly ponml—
Black Pepper—not oni•ty black dirt—but pure and fresh.
Cnyene do.. Nu.tard ; and to make an cad of a tireKom.•
tale, a little of many good things. He hopes to mem a
'hare of custom by honorable and fair dealing, and strict
attention to the accommodation of purehnior,
TI ES only radical enre for Consumption It
remove: and perndinentl) curt., all I.l,ease ,
ari,ing from an inipme ante id - the blood viz:
Scrofula or King..., Evil. Itheinnini,o. Ob-tionte Chita
neon. Eruption, l'implen or I'2-nil,: 011 the 111 Ce.
Blot, he-. Bile, Chronic Sore Eye-. hog Worm or Tut
u,. scald Head. Eidared nnrnt mid Pant of the monee rind
Joit, Stubborn I - leer, Syphilitic Symptom, Sciatica or
Lumbago. Di-eases nrnug Irmo un injurious use of :Ifer
cury. Expo , ore or Imprudence in hie. Also.
Chronic Con-tnntionial lli , o hires.
In tbfn medicine .cveral 11111012 CM but very potent arti
cle, of the urg e table Idoinloin are united. 10r11111111. 0 eon.
pound courel) different t•i nn character and propertie , from
any other preparation. and unrivalled in it, operation on
01 when laboring under di,ea-c. It i.hould In• 111
the 111110 1 1 of every person, mho by 1/10 , 1111.1,, or , 1 0 1 111.1ral
row', of lii . I , preduposed to the ver!. many annneutb
That render life a curse, in-tead of a ble--n t r, and -o often
re...tilt 1011,04;
The following le-timony I, from an able practittoncr of
the :
December 1 I. 1517.
Dear t-qr .—lnt reply to your fain,-lion re,peciing, the ii=e
of Dr Drake's Panacea. I ',ill ,ay that although a la rfcet
dibeliever in the e.xitenre of u l'annicea. or cure tar all
liovrever valuable it inav be m eerlaiii condi
non, of the still I nave b.:fla:cc' that a cure fur
Con-tauption Uould Ine.trial , i/011er or later. and
in as led to try yonr medicine in tin in are un chinas
'l'Ley pronounced by the :Mending ph) -deinin, to Inc
\ AIEV (.70‘,1 Met and abandoned his them :;
nir. t hle. ()nu of the, had I wit under the treat
innent of .everui Nei .lile IlUntlxtrOl
and they -nod had n. 1.1 diJuunrd Con-inniption
.nabined unit and Cunt -lie in,,lnt IninLyi
,itinclilue but could i.e. br cnnmecutly t i ow • d. Li Lath
the n•ll. , et nil the l'allnee. La, I.t i
0.11) fitar or flue bottle, Isere ti-••d le.. One ut the pi r.OO.
I.t•tore hi gun to ninprove rapid!). 'fine other tool;
about ten. Th, t are both sect!. I unlit only add. that inn
nnliar it. I am liy Ili!. Malice anti Lc
"91.1 i W.)n in. a -unity. heats met ako Om'
ell. Ct. inn lane lane , out it! ItAt of tar. bone , et.
nod othL r t• ael:iblelonle-. In , avell of many ni the ex
peetoron:. mid Lillie. I
peter Lace recornaiellil
ill tilt n i n i 1)1.1, ..Paiiitee. it I hail I.ltl been
nub tie ',lint,. it m -my thi- , are re
coma:cud...a bir our aunt popular ,e.• ludo. play -o-
t to Ile IT pre, la eiitatillied -Late. ',ilia probably
the beet atter:ill% it that haw eat, liei•fl Maile. The pure 1 ,
:11,13rda111 . 1.• tt uh a Ili. 111
rtallee a few )m r, ago. by one of her inno•l eminent
tt raer, un inedicnie. :1111.1 1111`0. by Tact., ‘vlllelt
ittiont of tio <ll , pute. Ve•ry lb,pectinilly Your-.
In. C. (d NN. Corner Clie,t. anal Futh st.
.1.00:11-lorig cure or Ids er Con:id:ma and 1)1 ltC.iu, lit
eolliteetiOn ith General I)c:tidily of the ',little tt trill
Alai eh 7.1.-11.
—Ger:tic:lien 110, 111411
fllr sever:ll \ ears nthrt red t rill It salt ihrottvdr her trzlit
-ale and .Itorthler. aecornpanted with chill, throthrlt latr
%%hole -3 -dent, :tad alum-t eorednritly srek stornaeh. at
tended ,salt alivariubly slier eaturv, ortlonklnLr:
mush - :us to derma her 01 all ...ars-theta.]: or :ate:apt:lig
lo ea 4, t. even it -lie had a lor heel. c. hick IA tot 11,1
tile it the e te. :Is her appente NVII , tar':plead% ;..r0 .1
I/1 , 1111 111`1 , 11.t11t . 11 1)12.1h1:% ,
!fiat .nett 1 tt"l not: happy' to -ay the hfiit bottle m.\ e
het relief (lLir atholy pit -it leo e 11:11
01111 :Wt.,' ed lit her 11 , 111,, n Slit' ha , llIltl•Il litpl•Ill•
:111111. gr eatly 11l Illicit :4,1111
petal tat la.: 1111 .liN atiltTlll•
pale. :tell stotlint It let iti• tent le nh. r :rad ae I
that the t 'ullati a lat- adeeitsleortritlt eta, of
her thil.ealne.:, reel:too:end to t all slim ate al
thea,' 1t,., beta to In Ili Di :the ., Panacea.
NV11.1.1.\ :\ I I \IAN.
Nit :131, North Tlet r-trii
The ril,ttve ripe lett rt tew al 00 llama rum. ti tailtmentl.
lie arc r•olvartlitl!, ice, zug tit the Niratilt ilitetie. tat
ISr littiltaf. Panic. a It t, a pl. rl-reit. 3,1 lire , :
:Intl the trial tell pros.- it. power. It,
plitlttiitil II .13tc•t• Itittialeriten tit a degree
letlielitnehilllll at w 1111 toed.. al tli.ettiatie,
NVlth the cony. non that ?to other rlol4ly. 1:( 11.
41f the prt,e111.11,,,. t, 1•111.1:1/ w 1 / 1 1.. :11111 111:11 Ole 111::011,
111:011 %%11101 it Is compoeuthul too fironlr e•tabli , heil to
1,, ot erthrown. the propmtors .-oheit n ttual of Ih.
Patuleen. %%Wu,. to or tall Import to- o
avell satisfied it %vll ,It.taut:the thputation it ha:
al:early Required.
irt•CAI - TION.—The Erentithe DR. .1)11:01:1:'S PANA
CI put up so large tquare th e
tun. of Cleo Storr , 0111110 W1:111:11,---111:11 al..° the tutute
•• Dr. 1/141:, , , Pau:tee:l, Pluln " Moen w the
Ihepart 11 nnly by Stotrs A 1. 0 11. I>ittgap , t , , No. 21 ". , ,,rth
Stlth otreel
—lt. NV11.1.1.‘1 4 . Coltnbtu; Ilennt,ll S.. Son,
Loin . C..\ Mon & Co.. Vorh.
prd 101,-ly
RIDING BELTS. Just received another supply of
ihe implov
. ,
GUM 1211)1N(; 131:LTS FOR r.ADIEs
NO., are t 113 rain 111 1110 ,i(10 wl.lO bur,
huh Glint ria , ttc :11oe):11,11. For ..;tlt.,
1111171 .- -ff W 1.1:A 1)1,,R
Map',lict nt
01IN J. NeLAI:GIILIN would inform his friends
10 and et,tomer, lista lie ha, rcutovud hl, eelllee11011:,
1 V . e•lttbiltvtltellt to to: St,re route furowrly oeollllll,ll by
VV,lbreek & Spangler, m Lltellbt Street Opill,:te P
detn:a'. store
lle‘vottlnt nl,o nenuril iii. :oilWt . ., /1111 111 i, tlir IhO patron
nn liberally I.e.atnv.enl 011 111111—n11d 10/10, toy
ifitn.. , lntal 1,11 , 1114 . ....11101 011 enolt.ovoor to pli•ti , e,
it tin, tat or- ‘ll the pnit.he. Ile t. 110,1 111,11.11L11 10 011 111011
VlllllllO , 101 A yr than roll lie pm, Inaqn•ll. nil tlu , lonVll and cif
.alpernor titmlni). iLf AN'arrninnietl In ...nonnnl.
rur wannze. Nery n•,1011,Ive ni—airtlint•nnn tin
hott•lninj,. nll nit lolls
a-11 ;met, 'l'orn. 11101 :N.01100... ,0 r n bn m d a ,,,,•
ennll and 0001111114• rit the ..111,,ernhen Ineninre [nor
chn,ting el•cot lure, JOHN; .1. AlcI.A1:(I111.17%
SITC.2I. t.ppl,ilC l IaItIVIIIItII . 3
( . 011111011:1, Arrli,
crAomniNcr! CLOTI-EXINTG ! I
1)V INSTON. The subscriber respectfully
) intorni. 11. I[nala , tind the inl6llr. that
I 1100 1 to , 1111111) 111,11 ,It
1111.•••-stur FRONT ( . 0111111i , .n
1111 the it borni rlt or t nialnl by .1.111. 1:1111..). n, n nqa .
walk. lb . Intend. Inentainr on hand a wlect
Ili 1111 , 111 , 1 It 1111 . 11.4 i 11,/111 :mil N. York.
. 0 ,011 n 11ro :1911 ,plo•t“tilt tui.llt of till kind+ oil'1.1)-
TIIIN(:. rondo o: told
p..l> le—con..o.touzw p tit of surolloo• blue ond LlarL
CI,OTI I CI >..\ -1N1) :•••.\ COATS.
Pr.ll—.• :orrl 'l',..yrril% of evorA rol or and (1111111 t,
1.,0-11 large 11- , 011011,11 01 plum rurrl rrorry rrr.r.
cloth. turd nll oth, PAINTS. rArrtalrl.• tor sprina.
Slrtorirer NN'iror r. oft-n.•ry rlr,r•riptroir
Vl: , 'J'S—l'lrztrretl. Sia, Merlon :rid
ior ..r•rr..ortr. ot every •I/e. •IN and Ijll,ll^
Ity; to M.lllOlll-• Ofttle•4l aIR :111111 - 01 n..Orliar•ltt fiat: LI,-
1•I ' l 12(1 , 0111 Alr,llll. Vireo]. unit rlo • lio, o rrr.,
,Ind t'all:n Drrin or, aryl l'itilel,l•irr.
larae lot of l'rasnt.. :-.s.pender, 1 1511-1
Nes Al:5151 1 ......,01:15:11 13(5)'1'%:1151 SII(:1 1:•:. ofIII
•1/5-. 1 1.V1 1 :-. 5151 I .\ T 11,5111154 Trook, Carpel 1 lait-
Vn155 , . II varls:) 01 110:1011 , Itto lt al., to 111,111.11
N It. mi , er at thi• Int. a
lapze (111 WS 1,11 1)11.1 by th.• lint
nil , Tudor it tttleitiltilie• . .—Dii nut Int-take the plat,.
!lace building oil tilt lot tormt,l!. ut..apail a. .a
x‘lll nail it to their inlvainaan to liar Ilan a
call a. Ile nth,
at Ilii• y. ;Intl at - arrant. 111
.011- lii• tylio n or 1110 11111111 y
I r ri Columbia A1an . 11,21 i-1-
r IIE Subscribers liesiircifully inform I heir
'h.. that thy , 1:1% 4. 1:1:‘1•11 iLr ",re
inn ni,a it 04.1,1p1ed S IS n,) vlo•
Ittl.l nut!ll
eu.• etV
„rl% “t 1.14 -ra: ' c
!WA pr“,-
:tritn; Inch
1'121: \ 4'll. 1::\GI.I:•11..\ .1111:1t1C.%•; 131,At'l:C1.01'11S.
1111. 1:”.;:11 , 11..,1111
!P.,: 11:1Er.11;:.11;
l'lmtl. and 1) , 2,11 - ..1 (loth,
Lute pried mid 13,,
I;ren.hties Pa-1111-. Bar. air. Silk . 1 . 1- , 110.
1.11,11, (;111Z101111,. 111111 Ilinek and
Winn, Plant Striped lilnel, rano Dre ,,
None I . IOIIIIVIO, ASIA), C. 1114.00, A 111,1111%.
'l'ickuiC. rhanilirey-e Linen and Cotton 'fable
Diaper. Napkin,. (dove, Cution. Alpiten, and Silk
Nett St le thinthii Trimmings. de.. Sr. A LSO,
Sinai N. 1-7011 . 1•1•S.1 . 4.0.. !:where!, Herring. Molii=sgq, Fish
and Sperm (ids. soap, Candle, Niig g , &e,, & g ,
(thr Cola are all NEW and ~elected 'O . lOl great care.
ttii hope 10 II; 101,111 P., 10 1.0.01Ve
,1011, 011'1040111 01 our 1 - 10 11d, and the inilthe. All kinds
of Country l'induce 101,11 in at the bightit price-,
I: , ol'.'l' (AL\ I.l*_t
1 . 1:11:1: Jr
:J.l. I- I, -ti
rrHE subscriber, in consrinunice of 11111'illE. to
lil ,n 1M:111,111,114 lof oil, I.
ure •toek 01 121:.101. A 1.% DI: l'1,111'111:\ G. or 4'I)ST
Per,on • 11l SI LIII al sllea Will L, IN• Lod L.,`111 la
4larvaleal. 1.. 111 at/01 1 , VIC all gut 'Walla/all ll• oali
',lll he .41111114 prat:, vo.I. J. W. 11. 4 111:1:
IFT - 1 bale a V. n rood
1 IVOlall like to tell at quail achalice.
Alan, 1.
EO3l =NT.
,‘ COMFORTABLE two story Brick Dwelling
nrlen , clitt part Of at iln• elnee.
\la 1,•11 1. 4 1-N-11
I\ - 161IT HAWKS always on hand and for sale
lrt 'll. PIA1111,1:It.l. CO.
X7EIVJ S'roll.M
1,.\ - Dil:s• c.nons
LIJULES JORDIN. Fashionable Boot and
$1,..;;,,:,,. re , : a.l•llL ' lly Lana, n,- 111 , 2 , 10' , , nd
flie putola, that ho 12.1. tipa•ll,! :I
. BOOT AND SlP'''. 1>TAI31.1S11111:NT.
. . .
Peter llaldenneis m here he is
epared to ext cute all order., in hi, line, ‘,llll 111,1111 CS,
and despatch. lie feel., contident lug ...atislactlon to
all who 11111 y 1 . 11.V01 /11111 stilt a call NI, lit ber 01 the O.
G. A. M., are res.peetfully invited to give Ilan IL sail.
Columbia. April to I- -I y
DIE Tailorimi Establishment of B. Young, has
been mot cal 111) , 11111'S 1111110 Barbershop. oppo-m: the
It'ashington lintel. at NA lad] place he may he 1001111111 all
time,. ready to du work in the neatest and best et) lc tor
all tell,' may pits hint a rail, 11, he 11111,111, to devote his
whole 111110111011 10 Ilre-.lllq the community in the most
perfect of the day Hal:n:s - teeet,cd allthe diflereat
report, be flatter, bars-alt he t- the only one in the place
able to do so B. YOUNG.
P. $ Ile v, tll at all time: he prepared to aloe ooarto•-
two, It euttmg Foment.. to aoy ut the trade. eo 'math in
rear that may ap,aide then] to come op to the age. and
open thrall-!all publi,lter, or , ystenr, tar tovegttga
tion. No more. lan hope to get a ~.pat.
13. N'lll".N6. m Columbia,
S S 12.A.TIIVOrs: : of Alutietta
Columbia, Apnl
- \\T HEREAS. my wife Isabella has left my bed
ward trliont nnv pt,t tato.c or provocation,
to cannon all per... 1 1, now )1111 - I,olint: or 1111,11:n.111er
ou account. u , 1 ,‘ ill pay no aclu- of ontra,
Nlat wtta. .101 IN .11-1/1".
ri`O bis former business. The subscriber ,
!hi ler lie hle•eel petronne, that he ha- hertiolere
enjoye(!. NVOffili 11111101111 Ce 111:11 hi,. I , ten
the cup'. an eaten-it, ti•—•orteetel UI
d VllOl gr. at care. c-peei.stly for
lit• oultl rgqll.,-I It COIIIIIIIIIIII, Id Piddle
U CL.1113011N1:.
elyigmbia. April f. 1.71,‘.-1.1
- all the School Hook. in cot:anon
11111 a large variety 111 Valliabl , 1111,-
Celllllll.olls lt,lok, 111 • :won. and elegant styles or bind
ing and 1 pography
litrl.liam", mat Smith'.
Do. Primary:
(owls'. Speller-13011,111 I:11.11011: lilelltelltnry Spl2/-
11.,. Reader: Do N. • & I ('owl)
Pront., 1:i1211-11 NI. ode 1:1111o4 211111 Testa
111, ltt , . Tot 11.30 k, I'ruarr.. %Ty nook , 4...1 , 111•1111g tiO :
❑llll 111•11.. Paper
BOG,. n•:n NalO . lV plahnieti, I.pery tluuc
P:ts. Rink to a T. nu
uNa1.1.11.• pun I•I`S% it
C01 , 111.1,1..\ 111.1 1. —IC o tei
. _
A\ 11. SI),INGLEII, having heroine Proprirtor
of tlo . Hook station.tryatom, tat or thr till], L,l
NN ' t , tbrook Spurt r. 6n , rrroot rd ‘nr, rArthir-hinern to
Intio•lt ibecLip,ed by r IZ.1111:1:11 Strr et. a
the corn, on I.ortr , t. and nr , :t door
to \\ • m. -\ b e nder , Drott . -torr.—„lnn,' h, COIIIIIIIIO
ihr form. r l n , ne ein all n.lo anrll ,, 1111, /W
•tork , he I. prep 'red to rorint-11 artlelv u, the
Hook rind stationary ut Orr r 1'..1 11111, S1 . 111)1,1
110.1 i, Of ~ ,ry Lund, Itkonk !took...rook rnp and I.rttri
l'nperhv the wit:dr.:llr or r. tint Pc,r.k i•I Itn/or,
l'; l'or 6, r Rnoh., ('l,lll/ , `, 11111r.T111/111. 111111( . 10111
lirn,ht . ,-12a/or lilll.lll, kv link Slllllll,
Ink IA thr Cho-. Alt,. .plro
illll toe of Stlk,Strel 11,141-. I ' lll-p , rind for por.c.,
(;old and Silver Itollton—ror Workortt Slippy 1 . , 4%, v. And
roo,t :Alperlor lot on norry •tattont re for (kr Ladles. -
I)on't turget the ehenp Repot. nt
XX ' 11. SPANt;I.I:ICS.
Nrmt Door io XV. A. Leader ' . I)rng. Store.
>t extensive assorinient of STA'fIONERY, eon
ill part of 1'I: nn and I , nney Ixtter
\‘'riting paper. from.l•lenil relebrated 1:11-
3. elope. iii Lrrent %al ttly Ste e•I Pei), :end Penholder.:
Ifikstfiliel , .llllllollllXlt'll tire, Pomp 1nk...11011k.
...Ires and e010r..: (limn du: South 110. Ultil
ran.. I , ountnin do, ut varnly. null Iron chic Red
allll:l,..orterl hub do. in Sheep[lnd ni link.:l'onneet iincr 1:r.1,1.1,: 1\ or I , oltter.. Imhn Ruhuee:
Len, nte d 110.110. lied. Nut 1.. Ilronte.:nnl
P.nter Scaliwr Vnx 5111111, Snud 1111l1.• • :Ili!
a 1111.1,11 lIIneA. itch 1:1,1..
lVriting Ink, and I,ory aincl.• in the In,. -;.-
r;t rs
I). Columbia. Apr,' I. I‘l,.—lf
EWS AGENCY. The Weekly Papers, from all
i.llb prolvwal a we, !hay Lr I,llli \ W,t• l / 4 . at
tln• counter, toff.ether v.lth tLe ehetp pul.hvntion , al the
April 1 1 —it'
:tv..111 tor Ihe 011,
• • • • •- I 1 , 1 0.-
_ •,r r: It, • • 1.1 I,
.1( •
tlons. tor Colutolun. Thee ut:non of the
lovers 01 all eel sound-.:s requested to th stately, eon
.l,looz of bt,el:ll !Willi I VII po ees. no, 011 sale :It the I'o,l
1-sleLt tueces 001. r• I regotred. at short isniter.
01101.110.1, Aprtl 1 1. Is —lt
r7oiricr. ,
rr lIE subserilwr being desirous of haying his
!,•11:10 I OW, per.ols..
Lon. either by 11011. e•III
MI ur lo•troo the tt
that war Ole) . NI ill i.e placed 111 lice InwJ , lif n 111 . 1U1sIfIlie
eiJI !venom Y 1,012.
Colombia. API I I I -I' , —4;l _
A I, ty -.ce11., toe Ornunienitd
TN , for •ulr toy 2 NVAI A LEADI:II
,od L:tgotql dor:tight, to the Yellow Lorit.l—
ells e, equal co the :\ Ittlberr) tor lee. !tot: . .11k-worm--
Ow Ir..° 1111011 il:1111,11: tar 11E110', I.• .itp. liar 11/ the ILt.l
- !or uromtkettt. the re t• no trot...tore myl
oz. Inn.
NY quantity of Little Onins just rereivell and
X. r by \Y \L
lALF Gallon Jars and Quart Beer Bottles just
l ev0.•,1 and for Qal,l,y
fr- 7 ,4 7 :t t.fl GIESE &. SCN , - 1 74
„ reo ...toot' Wt. , r . X\ 11l re:, /Vl'
11111 ,, tl Vloor. 1, i•un. In/.1. of yountr
I; —l'nrnral ar.r,n. , riun vivi 4110 Ow c.. 1• le -.1111 It
and ~.1-11.\.1)% nt,tl 1.4 ail'is, , l 11l II 10
/,1111.• I :1101 - 4•11.2 . i 1 — : -
L..„ 1 TORE. Front street, Columbia, Pa., two doors
Driv. Th,
lia , it ‘crs eherip and ell , I•It viva it—m[lla 01
1t1:.%91 . 11.1111: t 'IA rriiiN(
hirlu it -oh: ..e.r) storek turludr. t•sery
0 ,, I • 1111111111 11: ei0i111 • •• orn the• thlN—coll-t-tuutp;
rut lire-, SLiek, not h. i;t1...111.• , 131,11:11?tibber Co.tin ;
Cloak, Valli.. Plovkt•t alltl Sec.],
I 1andherebi..1....:•.1.111..., Flannel asul Kull I.slaler
Shirt-. 1111 r hut of . .
1,0 i
of thr Imegt n, NN II a, COMMOII :11,11y... on Imad
nod mad, to onlor m good style ttt 001 y ml
The Sprmg Summer Fa.lttott4 3‘,t recetv.:d
tomer N‘orl: made according to the latest mode. and by
Er-Irate W 011.1114.11.
Tbankfol for his ors I V11.,0:114 .11/{Cu a Cull
Uunance of public put roam:,
Columian. March :Merchant Tollor
wrncar. SWAN
llTEL.formerly Barr's, Prom street, Marietta.
the pithlt , than -on. 1.. n. to;, u:nu Lou-e
tornu rI, onnntpin nt nn r hl
ot,fin r.n nt
uo I 'n In Nlllll, ..10111
111140 1 , 1111;1) I , X it/1 ' l . . 1 n.—
Llnlulnl_l rn
. • 1 L. 11,
n• ,
ortal ll onat t tn looniur tan:
den s 3,11.LA11 t) it 1%1.
111, 1 ,1 Melt 1111114/,1,...1 . ;I,lr, tl,l
I/11 nllOlll rn•en 1,, it rout:mutt:on et the in:aro:nage Inert :p
-low so III 11,1111) lie-Itryrott upon the halt-,
Nl:mutt:l.March I-. I-1- —*lnn
Laven,tcr .I:sannuer and Intelligeneer. Plal.tdelphin N.
.Alnerievn A Unn,,l : , tllll • ( Cle./111CM
and I owlc lint en Whig.. puld,h I. the anionnt ul,2uud
hutid Lill , In lit, ill •• 1111 CON/ 4211011.
FANGINGS. Parlor, Hall, Chamber, and Ceiling
rapers and Borders. Ftrehords Le .of the newest
al‘‘ays on hand at manufacturerb'priee<, at
J. I) d,J ‘VRIGIIrS.
lualbrk. March 1,17
anTLEMEN Visiting the City, and wishing to
.suppl Ith
Aliumf.tetured of the In ,t and unot durable tatttemtls, and
or the latest until 1110,1 approved et le, and pntern,. for
Mnlt :mil }tot S. of
TO,l rii rn IVI2II A SPIE,OII , 1t11.71Y. nr
.1i y o!hn•r m i na in the United Slate
il7 — :•soutlica,l corner of
Aplrl - I-I- GE() CI LIN
TILINDS. R .f. IVILL1.1)13, No, 12, lord! Sixth
JJ .treet I hdu.. VC . II/tIOII .11:mitmotor. r hr, limy
oil hood. am fa.liaiiiable it...ortolan of
mirrmt and oilier N'imition lilwd.. of any oilier
in the rioted i.titte. aline nest .
.tile-. Trainniaz.. and color-. la hick oil! be ' , Old tit ilia
/.1,1 ()id liltials punted
tool trimmed in, 1001. eq11:11 to Ile,. The eitatelos of Lall-
C.l•li•r county :tad :0110101lie iloariets Inc respectfully in
vited to cull and examine las a...ore:tem hetbre tonsil...-
log else, k. re. feeling etintillent of pleasinir awl goyim;
to all v.lio mast favor Inot tcnh a call.
BENJAMIN 1 NV11.1.1.V11i4.
Ithiladelp!1::: Apr :I -. No. 1:2. N. f;tls
FIIIIM 11OLLAND, Begs leave to announce to his
• ,
Inrush .r 0,, the public g,ont•rally, ihnt he continue,
gull to tlesote hi. \\hole to :ttid Sittelmon to the alb ,ta
tom of bnlltap •Itill•rislv. - . I, corm:: 11, 01110,sffig,11.,,i, •
13roliell.11-. !hop_ , .
11,$: ).
th, r , .1:11:1( (,out. 1:11 , 11111,111 , 10.
.11Iti IL, • 01 1 011,
et " t ,1)1 h l ' -
eh, tenth. , .it lm. liven .1••,111-11.,12:
The eto-t ,le.;ter e,,,, etter tl I. : Ck: 111,-1
1111, 111 prVl :0101' 0 1 , lII.' It • 11,0 r Of .
tln•DIW101 -., 111,11 , ‘1 , 11111•11 /1.• 11/ 111111 , 11.1 f, th'• CH,
:lit pi l l en t. o Ith. o l l , 1 1 ,t Nl,l4lll'' of 1,1,1,-
eine. r, c:lntliez 14, ..... 11-.• re•livralion lottllrlr
elth. :Intl the fell ,111.-1.11 . 111/II . need in the
benefit- elnlnerrell I. the 1 ,111, Hill' °non "he'll Dr.
e I et, orerel lu ell ts,ll, 1,,. preen,
x‘ith corn , earl Lahr 'll.lll ontriely no
”,„„ ow l 1 , ,,[11.1,1,1111 cured svithwit pnln
lwr."- ..111.111,111, hr V . emt 1... tr It •ti
inwiv to /11,,,t,10r1i1l
“I a dt•111,11, elcurie 1..1 ;ire olt:trtuteol io Lc
r4.111..Ved sr 111111, n It•%, dill , . Indlenllenuthnwooen.rce Or
.4 let.•rtot, a duvw -. 1)r. N• ho 1/1;4 . t 10111,110> -twee...-
NI. in hiu, 1, r.prelt of :untruer. I.lttivnt... would
lian• and MOH,' IoN . in,rlatn 110 tt arranN
to :ill. no !oat:: I Lott (h.-Total, and 11,14 . =lnndmG it ,tut
ha% ,• boon. n thorootzh title lit lit, int) . Invulnk! >co,
Irno inlere-I t, to nphit to Dr V . et on, 0.110 all and
411,-ty...., re 11011 It :111N. hely of mind. as St ell as long
rtotraetea •ififormt,.
Invalid_ front the rontltry ennlreve tee tuttitnellictnei.
ronntlod. Iry ondln-unn - a. tee through /thee p),,t
pawl, thieetea to No . 210. S. Third -t
1/r. Vnntit•r-lie.• NS 111 lit Hotel the 1.4
ni FASHION OF HATS, at the Great Central Cheap
Tho in , limit To rptiirn Ilinnh.
I, lilt• pciipii• of tii iity I. 'III il/I
IIIn•tnl .h in(...
lor lii lii.t ill 11.11 .
vulnel; :or lie•tui), can.lot 1,.•ra
ee11.,1 n; ty e.,ll.l,llrniAlt. 'I Int .:(3,1:
eq,nipri-., the 11, at ur. Bro-. 11. :••116. ;mit
:1!o le Hot- of rnlil tfieelln, rd;
a 1:11.4.• Cloth. Vi le.:1.1 . 1,11 Fur. :Intl
Gla7l , il Cap, Conntry Ilerclaint, and otttrr• :11.• re -pert
/1111V 11,1(t•il 10 illeh tilts sell! find It
Chi Ir rids .1111.,, , a, el , hi 101 e porch ;:i...111, be.
terionntuon. 11.,111g .i.k.:11.t the r•IV:11 01 •-• Ihng fur Cnsli
only. to sell at thin loss
.IWIN I VIII:112A, .Ilt.
'2,1 Market St ...I Lt /r e eth st., south aide
I'll lladelphtia, Alduch IS, ISIS —will av I
01 1 of New Carpets. Just open for sprint
J sale- .lu,t rt., , t‘t•tl pet Imo a 1.% al, alai 11,,N
op•tiltl.4. 111 ,Lllll as-orttn..nt (11 II iffipc
threc•pl and rim 111L.3 ;old Cor
p oz dol. nllll docolvilly
-I g•, , 1. lit the tuat6..t uilerctl tont lk,,
1111 the 1110-4
I:Alin 11 , ,V lira-, L.
•• •• It/Ip. n.tII
• :••••itil.•rfirt• 1•L;2.11n,
• •' 1 - nr , ,lo
•• , 11'1 • ss died V.•llltlans,
Plaot dto
11111 tlllll r...• .11,1 es.
. .
niatalltte , at o—orall..ffiot . 2-1. 01.1 and 1 . 2.1 1)114.- t,
at 11.1.‘er Pro•.., than ere. betor,r.trored.m ith a I.irg,
haat. and T.. 1.1.• ',ll...prkin-i. Chi
:001- Stair Rod.. MOO/1,,
It rit It and -plendal ti nuuutt ut -tip.•nor
low :ill the dffierelit ti idth, and
WI The 1 , -1 1 , 111 - 1,
The partiCifinr:litentloll ‘,l Colllllr, :Nit rt•linni••
per- and 4.111,-la nil 4.N:101111 ,11. M of the
nhove le,ralrie ...lock it v1111.,..111,4 :1 , 11 41.10 , .
the (1111.•lellt 211111 41011111 W, 110, 111:11111:aellirell. :11141
it is Mg her.. 1q11,11.....t1 at the en-li inte+, f•Ntr.or
ilvlar milli, int t 11... ‘,lll br !will tilt It , parch:l...ra
II(1131:12T 11. 1V.\1.1111.
Norzli Second ,pppotite:
)lar , It 11. 1-1-41111
`GENTS to canvass for sonic New nod Popu
,_ tar Work, w eiery ettnatv titronginntt the Untied
r- ttt itt To A, tit-. the uut.t IlLrral ettttit.traat•ntent n td . -
feretl—NN nit a -.111:01 eitintitl . ..Mt Cllllllt ,
ry maim Wile) , 1 ) ) at gent call m.thr tiom V U lit
rer 'Ng l.
IF, Jri !tallier 'lnt tie Lila,. ❑:add Wilt) )
11 . . A. 1.1:.111.1".
NO I i , eettittl Siret.t.
1`1111:tt!t :11:trt it I I-
1 1.0'1'11ING 11 . .111E1101'SE', No. I').2y Market St.,
L• yncl. nr IZI: \ iIT 11A 1)11 CIA Erlf
-1 \ (.. s‘lmln. . I t.5..:1,11...1-hip
It is ill r
rrduccJ ....•111.• of pm, • 1.11 . -"lON
meat.: whit-It 0511001 .1) other e , {411.11'll•
in the rvite.ll-ttitut.
J AC(II3 ITF:111).
I'llllllo,loll, - .11:in..11 1. 1-1--11").
-UMBRELLAS No. 2, North Fourth Street,
Corner of Nl'or,et .treet, Phlllblelnhia 11. 11.
31anotoottzr, of 1 athrella, l'ara,ols. and
Para.ri . la , . 01 rVl.ry , 11.10 and deuenplan..
11111100111 ,, 10 •11.• polilt, that hr rrnit} to int,t
Ow:looted enercie, of the trails. w .1 thug It. zornl tot ne
tick. at aK lot, price-'.
All he ask , . to hay I. pireha-rra call. and rue for
them cc
Al, VS 1.111,11 , / 201111 rdk. 1 . 0111.11. oust 6111211a111 Fla
brVilars. ,11 :•11,1
grt at vat.. I. 05 1': ~ I- atul .
Plain. Scollop. 1..11,1 Crott,,l vs ills I p•och no I An0 , .1.-
1. 1-:
ND Best ilnk in Pliilrdlvipliin, ar2 to 1r itall
_Lit_ or w l/rlttr 01 st‘th
nod Street,. Cott:my men , 1•1111 other, an.
re-poet:tall) on It. d In ••111 nod c.Nattottc extett+o, tec
...mune"' 1,1 SUI/C1 11/r .4 1111E1 CAP:.", 11111•111111/1,1 or
elegance nod tlitraht:tc,
S. a: low MO
4 An elegant HA'r. tor
51111,111i1d to...ortite of of PALM-LEAF, 'MAID and
other HAT:, for Sllllllll. r wear
IT7'llettlember! tt t rot tt t•lt to bit. I per cent
cheaper than at :me other CSII.II/11S11111V1/1 1,1 Pillitllie4,lllll.
be sure and call at 1101t1:\ sON S
Whole.ale and Retail Hat nail Cap Store. Northcr , t
cornier of Sixth anal Market ..tract-,
Feb 20.
\ VIII . 11[1,1
LARGE, CO:1119.17m. AND (1101(71:
At the lowe-t
Also a gleat vartelv 01
13 0 1' C (I .r II I NC
A T p R i;:s A S ONV
rxriLre GOSSLER,
TTORIVEY AT LIAV, Columbia, Lancaster Co.,
1 3 :1.,.11prz•ct., 1:1 Iho i.d Courtn
and York . cottnti.•,
()lilt L-111 NN z2 , 1.01:1,1:; th._ \\••n]Lu_ton
110711 Irl7.
DIX. W. S. narcoltisim.
OFFICE---Soutli East ranter of Lornst and Sit
-0.! -c,..t.t• Mr. Fmnrll.
dour. below hi- lat.! re , idel, O. April 7. 1,17 —ll
PRINTS. Purple Prints, one yard wide, only
1,2 L. ,cat,,,,na u gaud a „ orimeni of other low kneed
CalleuL., :a 1 TX
QTYLE illashmeres awl dr Lailles in arra( va-
I, at city;-.1 . -Or(a.P.lrS.
fIOPPER and Pumps----a ;moil supply of
onliand, trtvut• L.
, 11,1•. t notwe by
.Nltirvlt 11. 1-1,-ti
1 1 LOVES, An extensive assortment of llosierks,
redneed 11.
ictll9 IRV :-,PAN6I.I:II'S
USLINS. Bleached and unbleached Muslim :
u,,urtiltent VLRY CI :.ll' at
rzn.xN TEA
A Fresh supply of those justly celebrated
TI:A , r,ceivcJ
AQ, for Ccthauhla
A LARGE assortment of fresh Family Groceries
recleve4l ai FRY & SVANGLERS.
EW Crop New Orleans Sugars and Molasses at
I 'RV S i1.1:1: S.
i t ND Molasses. Sovering's celebrated steam
JAL. Syrup Alola-Ne.. n delicnotis art I etc tar table Ise
[lv t‘ . vrup LION FA it
0.619 FRY SPA:V.I.I:II S.
, ۥ:,000
I).lCii IGE,S Gansu seeds, The orates!, most
I ir.1 . 1 I. II ;1... , 1,1111,1t 0% or 0i.0” rt
bell r .0, 41- 1000 00 000, 11,.
Nlllo‘lo r-I,.id e 0011) ClOOl,O =,.1
and tOO no roll ,=ruder why )00 10,e beou
poo:'y rep.o.l tur labor bestowed the I,t 10.0 er :11,0
yeor , un Nuttr 0001. 0,
Sold \\ n,t4l ,clad by
I'.l. t2 , t. 11 1V11.1.1.1.N15.
1,, I , t• had at 1i.1.a.tt7,10.111 . .... r0pp, , , , , , the 10-10 , liet•
in 1,01,1 Str,,i
THE subscribers, thankful for past favors, lake
161 , lu , t , (of latortataLt their irtenot, that they have
Jilt reet,Ntai. In :0.111100 It. tlu•lr 101111c1 .t r 6, a
- •
whip h Ini•t• been ...1,1.41 nil great Care and nt.o-ntion
and ,111 tie ileitt Ct,i L 1 I. 0.111. AND nnc nu.v nr
l'obranry 19.
F n P.P.*/
('ROP NEW ORLEANS SUGAR Just received by
the sub.-L:l,lw, ot Front UlllOll
111 hol.r.heatk Now Clop New Orlenti., Sugar. :L ,upyrior
aruele, Lit ver) low price-.
gni) To lie loaned on mortgage of nn
cVn.l..-Jll.l ull2hez.,l real
at in tvato , n ,, • nt ,onnt pprion n
Inn. Colinli'o.l. inn , share. of tlic Co
1111111,La 1:11,1,, l omp,tv .krolv in
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k •holt. lank,
carrytatz htt:ter tlo-. all of w!aeltwit, at mat,
mat:tare, In c.
U 1 ANN BOGGS'. (111A1. Leiters trslinitrigitry
OH the drr, d .1 • -trite Locum Ito., trrd , t , ' d to tl:r
•-tilt, ri h. 1.. 11,41111 111 Itv nt 13oltottoro , nll to,
ott, Intl, 6tt , ,1 to 100 r.vttc ore rrtitto,t,ol to "ink, pu
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HAHN' kNI'S It()(;(;S,
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STO)I3 is ItiTs and )lasons Irtitletl. For
fJk., \ lIA :III:V. l'0:11111-
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ST,IND No. 3, )Irelinnies' Row, now
.101.1 .Nic 1.:10alt110.
1,1./41 No. 3. ~trvei non, r 01 1,,
s.vw 1/,‘lln, lion, No 1. I.ociv.l Street. 11. a I'll,lll
. . , to•e.l !Immo. of 1•1:1'1:1.i. HAIM]: \l.l:\
00111111.1 a .1.111 13.1-1--u:
COLITIVEBIA 7.33.0 N rouranwsr.
undersigned, hereby tender their sincere
w•Anon I. 0u uunn. to their co-tomer.. 4110 the
nerall•, b,r the • ery 141 ,, rnl palrmee-te Tbiut lir , lit
the 1r r thin , to 111,e1..e.:1et1 %stead intoriti them thirst
null 1,, the ir eltol.•. g•woill,l
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mei hh,althhho..
\Ve leo, 411111, , , - ,hrtetv PATTERX, 111,.%.1110
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;1111 1, ‘‘, II pn pawl) hot t'hohtithu:
bin he nu tho-, tit ...huhu. to eahl
thhhhite tor thehnohh- \se eau uthototheture el :q.
or elle:hp,. 1111111 MIA' other e-tatilt-httat tit in tLle -t t 11,1
of tdtt.:t
of Putt. ru..
Thre-1.1., Alto hole, Phouull- Couutton Shot, Sur,
and Celtic., nud 111,01) otlo r
thou, el hotr hoe oh 411-1111. , ... Luna the tuakinu hold col
leh tour tee tat the pot-11)cures. Illt‘lll4 the
be.t uI tinl thip:os hl at ht ‘‘e
aro prermrh hl to mut, tot]; thane: to our lute of Ihtoullebs of
tle• -I.torte-t notote. and helm: ta , orlthly at the
Cauhtl It.oolt, th, the .thirtottage ui thuhuittar tthut.,
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at Ole its, c-I rate- t,1:1111(.1: \‘'401.1 , -
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lhttiling under the lit ith et Lo_o \V01t . .., Co.
Coltoul , i t. Pu :March 1, 1-1-'--tt
r 1 1111: Franklin Fire Insurance Company of
l'1111.A1)1:1.1'111.1 )I'll. 'E. No. 1631 Cr11:::‘.1
N ;E.,IV: I: W RIO, UZI.,
TrioNt so I 'Alt?. INlononc sr D. Less
t,,Nett, Apoi.tuit: U
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