The Columbia spy. and literary register. (Columbia, Pa.) 1848-1848, April 15, 1848, Image 1

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YEW SERIES, VOL. 1, NO. 42.1
Office—Front Street, three doors above Locust
Taints. —The Cohustata Sry is published every
Saturday morning at the low price of ONE DOLLAR A
YEAR IN ADVANCE, or one dollar a•nd fifty 0011113, If
not paid within one month of the time of subscribing.
Single copies, THREE CENTS.
TERMS ar AD VEILTISI so—Advertisements 1101 exceed
ing a square three nines for SI. and 25 cents for each
additional insertion. hose of a greater length in pro
portion. librral discount made to yearly :Myer
JOB PRISTIVO Sochi no Hand-bills, Posting-bills,
Cards. Labels, Pamphlets, Blanks of every description
Circulars, etc.etc. r e xecut ed with n eatness and despatch
and on reasonableterms.
THE Great Lion Tamer, upon being asked the
other day, in what manner ae was enabled to have
such wonderful influence with Wunimals," replied wnh
great truth: "De firm to purpose and keep your e”
steady upon what you undertake and you must be sae
cessful!" This Men explains the extraordinary success
at the
" BEI:
vi here it is crowded with the lovers of Corner: 13mtrilkiNs
here heavy Unbleached rl uslin worth 10 cents, is now
telling for 11l etc. per yard.
Fine bleached 4-1 inus.
Fast col. Nlrine
Good Pocket llundkfs.,
Linen Cambric •,
worth 10 cts. selling for 11
•• 12 " " 121
12k " lii
25 t‘ " 121
15 " " 10
" 10 " i.Ol,
A lot of lloisery very cheap.
Ladies' open worked \Mtn Cotton Hose, eta ; they
arc s cry desirable and worth 50 cents per pair.
A lot of heavy Irish LIIICII4, a great bargain, they were
bought subject to a few water saints and n ill be %old off
very cheap.
Sias. de Laines for the Spring worth 25 cents. now selling
for 12:.
Mode col. Lustre..
Satin striped Quakernmes—n beautiful article for dresses.
The above goods, together with n large lot of desirable
bargains. have just been received and will be sold im
mediately at a small ads once tor rash
CHAS. wEyrz & 13110.
AT TIM BEE 111 VD. North queen street. 10 doors north
of the l'u,t °thee.
Lancaster, February 2t3, 191i.—tf
PULLEN'S INDIAN Yegelable Panacea.---Messrs.
liowand Ze 0 alma lietalemem—llaving expo
rienced the extraordinary ellicitey of your Dr. Calico's
Indian Vegetable Panacea upon my own person, it feels
mg of gratitude for 3 oar W onderful discovery, and 11
Aettre that your Medicine should be known anal appreci•
uteri by the piddle. hie-induced me thus solinitatrlc to give
yon 1111 Ileeollll2 or tily ea,. Impair, that others nho may
be so unfortunate it, I law e been, may be induced to
throw prep/alter aside and give !. our Panacea IL fair trial.
In February. 1.411, a lump or Toinor first appeared up
tin the spine of Illy right leg. and another on :he lower
part of my breast near the macticia of the ritoi.; they M
ere:l,4lA gradually until the earl) part of .1110, aboat
which lime the) became very mund. In J My. the 'l'm
inor on the leg ulcerated and bee:item a Tantalus , sore,
extei,ding until it was half the i-ize of n 10011 s hand,
and had eaten into the hone, and one or two ‘ttailler
eters appeared below. near the uncle. :My phy,ician and
others pronounced it Scrofula lip to this mac every
remedy u , eil gave no relief; the leg continued to get
Worse ; 111.1rIng the early part of August my ~tifferings
Were intense: I neither went to bed nor slept regularly
for ttearls two weeks, being compelled to set lip, with
my leg supported on a ch.,. About this tune. my son
biouglit home with him toad Cincinnati minket one of
)our Circular.. m 111011 find been thrown 1100 the
I rend n, and know Mg •01114• of the signers to the Certifi
t ate of the elite of : I .lr. 11 100110, and belie% lag from my
knowledge of their chart...lets, that they Would mot lead
their 11:111100 for the 11111 111 w of pattrung an imposition
upon the pahlic, I entlelittled to try svliat riled II W ould
have upon me. On the 21111, of AneaA. I procured 1110
tirSl bottle, I.olllllleoeeli 1:114.1110 a acctoriling to direction,
and w four hums the pant WU, , 0 1111-Wil relieved that I
tell twleep, and t nun> ed that greatest of blessings, n fine
hour, rerOse, I I 011 , 111111.'d 1141111: it Until the 2 , tii 01 el
gum. xvileu 1 fotaid ..elf sr, 11111011 1 witer, that I went to
a *lneinuati to )our ,)gent, Mr..l W. 1 111114`1111114, 1 1 . , Willi
WllOlll I made arrangements to take .20 Imult•,, provided
he would guarantee at Ito cure me. Ile agreed to 110 an,
nail gal, 1110 inn liege 01 stoptung shot t of the 00
bottle , , whenever I ronnuirred ni3 Nvell I isms' felt
encoanageal, and columned to use it under llr 111-
F.truenon,. until I had taken 12 guiles, (wing on other
11104111.1111: W 111110,4,0 %ellen I 1 : 011111i on self entirely Well.
the TIIIIIOI . 011 Illy breast la, mg softened, opened. came
mit. and 11 h4•11111/3 1111 Will.11111:111 taken 11 or 7 Lodes.
Will lucre ol,ert r. 111:11 for 111:411y y ears I had I/Vell
bled W Ith a 1,11111 01 dry „loch greatly aim") ell
Inc.particularly when heated or warm In brit: I litwe
felt nothing of Mi. ,iinte taking )otlr 111141
110 11011111 111111 111, , !. ..101111,110Wetillrely tree wool disease,
ow-general health - Iles er has mg been better.
On the ;Al rot - December.' agam called i(poll lir Daiwa
hower. I then pronounced 111)..clf nen, and mimed to
gisc hat a Certificate to the elloct. , Melt 1 pi ouit,tl to
send him mIL re,. du, S. A short time after this, w
killing my hogs.) hurt the same leg badly : in cons•Nuenee
01 „1114'11 1 140,11 1 1011e1i 121,111 g tile pronts.ed
wishing thoroughly to test the permanency lit the L itre,
1 110,V 111011 11011111Ig 11111 the 11,11111 511m1110 rented., for
irrsh minds• and mutat my flesh perfectly lwalthy. and
alt the usual time tor such cures my leg healed. I , iillicient
time 11011.011 to ronvinee me that I 11111 110 W II .001111 11141,
and that I have been cured li) ),4111. Pant:el, ainuo 111
short, 1 have every confidence In it, virtues. Per-na,
desirous or 0bl:1111111g nuther partienlitr, ran be gratified
by calling at to re-nlinice DAVID
Alialy count Ohio.
Ctrl or Cr~rzssarl. s,.—Pereonnlh appearoil
ins. the ,ffiserther. :\ la) or of the sad city. 1)11510 liirgaii.
who living sworn. deposes mid say , that the met, -et
forth in the fortgontg ,ateinent are true. Lm testllllolly
Whereof, I base het:011110 set Illy unite. nail 01u , 11 the
Commute Seal of the stud etty to he allittail, Iles, the Ith
day of Alureli, 1
11. E. SPI , NCER, Mayor.
Whole.ale and Retail. by 110 \\*AND A.
Proprietor, :1711 Market st.. Philadelphia. WA!. A. LEA
DER, Catawba, : .1. T. A:\ 1.14,12n•0N : Marietta. l'n 2
and GE011131: ROSE, Elizabeth Pa.
March 4, 1,17.—.2111.
AVM , . & tI, S. e
.l'ATT Ol. tn,cus of c. . , Aft i er , rct i urning y thpi l li , s
...cry liberal share of patronage loe-itowed upon them du
ring the past spring and ..111111111.1 M-ould adam Cali their
attention to their new stock 01 PALI, AND WIN
GOODS. consisting of Cloaking , . French. English and
German do—Coburg', l'arainott,, , ,11141 I' Dees,
Good,. Plant. Plaid nod ()tory colored Ca-litileres Ca/1-
loran, and Lanni Fluid Bonnumnes Alp:terns Mexienn.
Buena Vista and Cerro Gordo Phials Woolen do.
rtor quality Loudon Gln , -y Alpio•eas, Lustre Plaid :tad
,taped do SI I. \WI Ca-bumre. Terkerra. Ennormder
&e. Plain : , 11k aria Wool Frincse,.
Plum and Plaid Cloth do New t) le Belgian
CLOTHS non hug, :assortment ofCluths.
West of England and Freneli Cloths and Ca...linen-, ve
ry line, nod extra width-131w, tiro, n. Drab. Olive. In
vvsible (:risen. mixed and Black. British and American
Cloths—l'hun and Fancy Cli , simeres Sonnets, Kentucky
]canes. both plain and striped. Ben ',teen., Vol vet 33,3..1;
coarse Cloths and cry low.
Complete assortment of Boys' Wear, woolen and wors
ted, velvet and satin N'estings plain and ficitred. Ticking
find Drillings. Flannels. Welsh Online and shrouding Mon
itch, assorted colors. domestic and canton Flaunt 1 , . as
sorted. Gloves and llo , iery. kid, silk. buck and 5, °ohm
Gloves and Mitts. silk. lamb's wool mid cotton Hose.
French Linen Cambric Handkerchief , . very low. Fur
nishing Goods, Blankets. 'Wool and Rag Carpets of the
best quality. floor and table Oil Cloths. Fenthers.Loohing
Classes, Umbrellas, China and Queensware. Fresh Gro
ceries. superior Teas Just imported. Campliene and Immo
Oils, Mackerel by tile barrel. Salt by the sack. new crop
Sugars. strained Ifoney. Jr.e.
Our Goods have been selected with greet care for cash.
besides are all new and free from moth eat or damage
We therefore feel ourselves able and willing to sell low
for cash. and give every satisfaction to those who may
call to examine our goods at the. New Cheup Cash Store.
corner of Front mid Locust street
Columbia, Nov. 6. 1 , 347.-tf W. tc. S. I'A'rTON.
Subscribers have constantly on hand a
full :th,ortnent of mood, coal, and cooking Stoves of
every size and deserfption. cannon stoves. Also, tread
enburg's patent Air-Tight Parlor stoves, which has given
full satisfaction to all etotes • I'hc public ore invited to
call and exurtuna for theinsel,,, nt thr Hardware 'lo re
of Octal---tf HU:NIMES. IIESS.
TRW VEGETABLE PILLS, or Indian Purgative,
and Indlan 'Vegetable S rup, warranted grnolika. For
sale by Lau:2ll7-lf. IL IVII.LIANIS.
MIXTURE.—A Warranted cure for Fever and
Ague. For sale by. R. WILMA:3IS.
N. 13. There is none Fenuine but that sold by me.
Zelect Ztorics.
Cleanliness next to Godline,-
Nothing could exceed the prettiness of the sub
urban cottage to which Murk Pringle took home
his ilea ly married wile, except (and such a compar
ison is indeed odious) the prettiness ut the lady her
self. What a picture she was! with her dark
sparkling eyes, sharp, clear, and regular features,
and " we bit mote," fresh as u rosebud, but thin as
its leaf, and her skin so al:Len in texture, and lucid
in complexion. Oh ! those English women ! What
a debt of amiability they owe nature for her favor
itism. Then her neatness was exquisite—such hair.
breadth nicety—such unrumpled placitude in cuffs
arid collars,—always looking, as the vulgar say,
(the term is a very apt one) us if she was in print.
How she mannaged I know not, for site was by no
means one of those persons who sit in a room, like
waxen ladies in a glass case, merely lb be looked
at; on the contrary she was a very active, bustling
little person, even in her lather's house; but ex
ert herself us she would, no soil was ever contract
ed—no crease incurred—she was still perfect—
still in in ; every fold falling just as it should do,
every plait precise, as if laid so, with the fixture,
that kept unmoved the glossy bands of her hair.
Everybody has seen Mark Pringle's place, or
its ditto, so great a likeness exists in all subarban
cottages—the stuccoed front, Swiss roof, Elizabeth
an chimneys and Gothic windows; the always.
green, triady-kept gruss-plot.; with its pretty flower.
beds, whereof the mould looks rich-colored and
smooth as the dust in our grand-mother's agate
snuffbox, the park-wirefence, the polished door,
the shining knocker, the glittering windows, with
their emeriorjalounies, and muslin relief curtains;
the scrupulously pipe-clayed path, with the locked
gate at the end of it ; these things arc as familiar
to my readers us the figure of Achilles, to the keep
ers of Hyde Park.
Alai now fancy Mrs. Pringle "at home," the
newness of wi'elmod a little worn off, and a natu
ral disposition for setting to rights beginning to
develope itself. Pour Murk ! how happy he was
watching her move hither and thither, like a very
incarnation of order, putting in form the chaos of
a month's bachelor's housekeeping ; how good-na
turedly he stood by to sec odd gloves, song-Books,
bits of string, cigars, old letters—the rogue had ta
ken good care nut a single line in a feminine hand
should be amongst them—thrown out from the
well-filled drawers, to make room for the snowy
linen and delicately scented sachets of Mrs. Prin
gle's regime; and what world of importance was
in the arched eyebrows and compressed lips of the
new wife—the queen despotic in her little empire
of housewifery. Order certainly looks very pretty
in a week-old bridal cap and with peignoir, and
so Mark Pringle fancied ; by-and-bye, however, he
began to think a little rest would he as well—she
was always setting to rights !
There are some women (and Mrs. Pringln was
one of them) who start in life with the idea that
the golden rule of domestic comfort is comprised in
two words—cleanliness and economy. Instead of
considering them as mere appliances, they put them
in the place of the principal, and believe themselves
exceedingly ill-used when their practice is found
unproductive of the expected effect. If one be
neat and thrifty, they say, what excuse can a man
have for leaving his home and neglecting his wife 1
Alas! will these cold characteristics, wanting the
sweet and simple influence of a loving and intelli
gent nature, satisfy the heart, or make a man's
home happy? lam certain nut; but let Mrs.Prin
gle's story tell far itself.
It wes a love match on Mark's side—one of in
terest un the lady's; her pretty face and neat per.
son, joined to her character for notableness, had ar
rayed her in is eyes with all the attributes one
wishes in the being he loves; and blinded by her
preference (for Rose Cottage and the adjuncts) into
a belief oh her affection for hint, he conceived him.
sell, en the day of his marriage, fairly started on
the high-road to domestic happiness," fireside en
joyments." &c., &e. . On the other hand, Mrs
Pringle labored under no such poetical hallucina
tions. She entered upon her duties as if they were
such only; determined, however, to be faultless in
the fulfilment of them—to be the most correct, most
economical, roost cleanly—in fact the model wife
of the neighborhood ! To the working out of these
principles, she brought out a most extensive know
ledge of abstereents—no end of receipts for furni
ture polish, and the concoctions of family dishes
upon a system of frugality that might make Mrs.
Child's young houses ife blush for her extravagance.
Thus, with cleanliness on one side, and economy on
the other, she took the scat of limier at her husband's
tearth. And from such supporters much might be
expected ; but she overworked them to opposite ends
from those they were intended to produce.
The wedding visits received and paid, Mrs.Prin
gle felt herself at liberty to commence her altera
tions, and emendations ad libitum. 'rite drawing
room (as of most importance) was attacked first;
with the physical aid of her one servant, a rapid
revolution was effected. Talk of rule and compass
regularity, here it was developed to its utimpit
practicableness. Mirrors were moved, pictures
transposed from an arnstical light to the very worst,
because they wanted an azimuth of her nice per
ception of uniformity; the cozy fire-side conches
decorously drawn back to the walls ; the scattered
choirs called to order, and tirade to fill in side by
' side, with regimental precision, while the ottoman
force was dispee.ed of altogether, as being too irre
guitar ; and lastly having lavished no end of drug,-
get on the carpet, and brown holland on the chairs
and sofas: the curtains were bagged, the blinds
drawn down, and Mrs. Pringle, taking one blond
view of the subdued twilight interior, turned the
key in the door, and withdrew it to be placed in
one of those undiscovcrable depositories that some
how mistresses of families contrive, unknown to
every one else.
Then, her out-door touches were upon the same
equable principles. Plants were tied up, and bran
elms pruned into patterns of floral propriety, and
not even a struggling pollees (things that arc so
hard to be restrained) could be found peeping its
iris eye over the boundary of the harebell border
ing. Morning aftt.r morning, with a little basket
on liar arm, and scissors in her carefully gloved
hand, might Mrs. Pringle be seen threading t h e
little knots of flowers, decolating the drooping
blossoms before they had time to die, and cutting
off decayed leaves as if there was no bleeding sap
to follow. 1 have strange fancies with reg.rd to
vegetable life. They have sexes and sympathies;
arc childless when separated; instincts, too, np.
preaching almost to intelligence, they sleep. Who
shall say they me not sentient? By my wad, in
these days of discovery, 'iis worthy the stircntion
of scientific societies, and the magnifier at the Po
lytechnic! Let gardeners look to it—there may
be more in cutting off the head of a cabbage than
has hitherto come between " heaven and their phi.
"Sally," raid Mr. Pringle (he had just returned by
omnibus from his office in the city) to the maid
who ran down to unlock his own gate to him,
"Sally, is • nt your mistress well 7"
"Law, yes, sir," answered the girl, perfectly as
tonished at the question.
" I thought," said Mr. Pringle, " from seeing the
drawing-room blinds down she might have had a
head-ache, and laid down."
" Oh! no, sir, only tnissus was afraid of the
sun's taking the damask curtains."
"Oh !" said Mark, walking on, pondering, in
likelihood; the capabilities of the sun for petty
larceny, and not altogether sceptical on the point.
himself—though he added, in an undertone, "It has
a cold, uncomfortable look from the road; but a
wife cannot be too careful."
It happened that mark Pringle had left his home
on this morning at an earlier hour than he had
ever done since their marriage. Business required
his presence sonic distance from town, and the
hours of absence had appeared really long to him;
and, as he crossed the threshold of his home, his
heart seemed bounding in to meet his wife; but
%its. Pringle had not yet finished the adjustment of
a supernumerary cover fur the sitting room sofa,
and instead of going forward to meet and welcome
Dint as she had hitherto dune, she continued to pin
rind unpin the difficult affair, in a vain endeavor
to make it sit like upholsterers; but Pringle was
neither an exacting, nor very sensitive man, and
seeing her so busy, he was going to take the kiss
she was too engaged to give him, when she sudden
ly exclaimed, wholly unheeding his affectionate
intention, and with a look and tone of absolute
"Oh ! Pringle, do look at your feet-marks; you
arc so careless in walking, and have actually come
in without wiping your hoots!"
Mark very quietly slipped into the hall, and re
lieved liis soles of the power of making any im
pressions; but he made no effort to carry off the in.
tended caress—though this circumstance proved no
bar to his lady's intensity of application in finish
ing before dinner her task of covering the sofa
That day, for the first time, Mark Pringle non
lyzed the dishes; and highly creditable as the in
vestigation must have turned out for the invention
and economy of the contriver, it said but little fur
the state of the larder, and less for the skill of the
cook ; and Pringle, who was rather curious in his
cuisine in the days of his hachelorship, ventured to
hint that the sum allowed for house-keeping ought
to nfford better dinners. Mrs. Pringle laid down
her knife and fork, look them up again, looked ear
nestly at her husband, and burst into tears.
"She was sure she did the best sho could with
the money ; she had laid none out that he did not
know of; nothing for herself; it was all in the
house, and intended for his comfort."
And the lady pushed away her plate, sat back
in her chair, her bosom heaving, her brow gatheied
up with every evidence of marital affliction, and
her little foot beating the floor, with a rapidity an
lid ward Turner might have envied.
Mr. Pringle, in Ins turn, was greatly moved ; he
rose from his seat, assured her that for a moment
he never doubted that, but that such a continuation
of stews did not do for him; lie thought a soup
and joint, with variation of fish and poultry could
be afforded; and he seconded the amendment by
wiping away these first tears from the smooth
check of his young wile with his own cambric,
and pressing her, very re•assuringly, to his breast.
• It was but a word—he meant not to find fault
with her management—it was really wonderful in.
one so new to all that sort of thing. but his ride
had made bins hungry, and there was little or no.
ling to cat."
N'importe, Mrs. Pringle felt that she had con
quered—she played with her pocket handkerchief,
—looked down at her little fingers, and up ut her
husband's face, and finally finished liar dinner, and
took wine with him. And, though for a day or
two, the bill of fare was altered, it soon returned
to its primal two joints a week, with certain dish
es of the genus "botch•potch," but what particular
species Mark Pringle never satisfactorily asccr•
Time wore on, and the Mistress of Rose Cottage
fully established her reputation as the most notable
person in the neighborhood. "As particular as
Mrs Pringle," became a sort of domestic by-word;
and "Look how beautiful Mrss. Pr ingle's windows
are kept," or, "Just see the way in which the
Pringle's path is cleaned," the daily charge of
mistresses to their maids.
But, in the meantime, poor Pringle began to
grow sceptical as to the reality of " cleanliness be
ing next to godliness," an axiom on•which Mrs.
Pringle worked in the most literal way imaginable.
It filled the place of every other virtue, and pu•
rifled, in her selfloving eyes, many an actual vice.
Old friends (who serve, by association, to keep a
wake old affection and human sympathies) were
soon banished front their hearth. Who would visit
where the drawing of a chair from its accustomed
place, or putting down your hat or parasol on one
forbidden, so dascomposed• the hostess that she
scarcely restrained herself from removing them in
your presence, and looked unhappy till your depar
ture gave her an opportunity of putting things
straight again? OF course, hospitality was out of
the question ; and, as fur twice Messed charity in
keeping the entrance gate locked, she boasted of
having shut out the annoyance of beggars, and Itad
at the SLUM time, closed her cars to the a ppcalings
of want, and her eyes front the sweet exercise of
Her husband's comfort was as nothing to the ri
diculous exact inns ol her white-washed and polished
Penates ; every appliance of enjoyment was turned
into a source of discontent, and that quality that
can make rugs decent, and the meanest cot res
pectable, heed:lie (by being carried to the extreme)
the bane of a (mine replete with 'every means for
domestic h.ippiness. Upon the principle of a
" place fur mcry thing. and everything in its
place," china and plate, &c., were locked up for
show, and common article substituted fur their own
use. Willow-pattern dell did duty for u double
service of china, and the worst specimens of potte
ry-ware fur the elegant equipage of Mark's bathe.
for tea-table; the house stag sheeted from the attics
to the ball, for fear of soiling or wearing the carpets;
the mahogany polished to such a specimen of per.
fection that it became too fine for use, and poor
Mark dined on water-zeuntchy, served on a deal ta
ble ; if he threw himself on a sofa, a look, lilac a
pangof uneasiness, spread over Mrs. Pringle's
face, lest lie should put the cushions out of shape,
or disarrange the false cover; he scarcely dared
approach farther than the scraper in his boots, and
had only the privilege of one peg in his own hall
where lie might unobstructedly hang up his hat.
As for books, it was a treason to disturb them.
There they stood like the artificial volumes in the
hiatus of a library; to all appearance books; but
no ono ever saw a gap in their closely marshalled
array. It distured Mrs. Pringle for the day to see
a chasm between them, and whenever Mark did
inwardly read," no sooner was the book out of
his hand, than the regulating fingers of Mrs. Prin
gle were upon it, and, in an instant, it was restored
to its place.
" A wife cannot be too careful," M ould
whisper to himself, as the only solace under this
"iron rule ;" but even this comforting belief by de
grees wore itself out, and he felt that the extreme
of carefulness for a man's property frequently in
volves carelessness for himself.
Poor Mn.s Pringle if ever the elements of
housewifery were embodied in !Inman form, it was
in thine Nothing else seemed to have any inter
est for her—she went to bed tired of the doings of
to-day, to dream of the doings of tomorrow; and
yet, you would fancy, that like the Belides, her
task was a hopeless and a never-ending one; for
I need not tell my readers, that a disposition for
setting to rights is not contented with one great
radical change, and an after continuation of its
principles. No, no ! every morrow brought its al
terations and improvements . ; there was a genius of
ambition even in the Imusetnaid's pail; and having
set the example, Mrs. Pringle knew it required con-
Untie! exertion to keep in advance ; but, as unre
mitting attention (whatever be its object) is always
rewarded with success, Mrs. Pringle soon des- I
lanced all competitors, and was left without a sin
gle rival ; but something inore than notableness is
necessary in woman to give her an intelligent man's
estimation, that shall make her, in every sense of
the term a help meet for him. And Mark, no
longer under the thraldom of passion, began to
wonder at his own want of discernment in the ,
choice he had made. Your martinets in ultra
cleanliness have seldom much of the dove in their
disposition, and have much the same idea in seold•
ing their maids that sea-captains entertain in
swearing at their seamen, viz., "duty is not to be
be done without it ;" and, therefore, Mark had
frequently to listen to the rehearsal of the lady's
grievances—Sally's pert answers and provoking
wags; how she was found rubbing the table the
wrong way of the grain, and had used the plate
leather for the fire irons. Poor man ! AVlint could
he do in such business? His common-places were
soon worn thread-bare by frequent using, and his
wife pronounced him the most apathetic and indif
ferent person, because, in the midst of these diurnal
details, he frequently fell asleep.
They had children, specimens of needle work '
and neatness, looking forever like the wax-models
in u baby-linen ware-house, the wonder and admi
ration of all the mothers in the vicinity. I'oor
Mark ! he fancied that in them he should have
something on which to lavish the fondness of his
nature, unchecked by the fear of disarranging the
elicvcaux, or coming into collision with clear-starch
ed collars, "but Ire was such a bear !" he hugged
the little things so close that their lace borders
were crumpled, and their long robes, or short frocks
(as the case might be) rendered altogether unfit to
be seen ; besides, he made them so wild and noisy,
she really wished he would not give her more trou
ble than was necessary with them."
So Mark grew later in coming home of an even
ing ; his quiet, good temper became irrascible and
peevish, and frequent altercations widening via a
matter of course) the breach in their domestic
comfort ; the lady upbraiding her husband with
change, anti he retaliating that he had but herself
to blame, having by her extravagant notions of
cleanliness made hiscomfortable home a purgatory
to him, and every thing in it a source of fault
finding, And when sire, upon this grew pathetic
and hysterical, assuring him of her never ending
exertions to make his house the "observed of all
observers," the envy of husbands with untidy wives,
and compared her selflimposed continuousness of
action to the unrest of a galley-slave, a horse in
a wheel, a toad under a harrow, and several other
touching assimilations of enduring exertions, Mark
Pringle put on his hat, consigning cleanliness to
dark places, and her ideas of eninfort to the—we
may not write it, and then sought, in the parlor of
an inn, the enjoyment denied him in his own.
Years passed away. Mrs. Pringle's eyes were
bright as ever, but her checks were thinned, tend tire
lines upon tier brow repeated till they had become
indelible. She had tasted real vexations, had
grown intimate with many bitter cares; and these
things always exercise one of two effects—they
either humanize or harden the heart. She thought
of Mark's abounding love for her—a tithe of which
she had not deserved—in the early days of their
marriage, of his long endurance of her wilfulness,
and even iolence ; she looked around, to do justice
to her system, at the well-preserved comforts, nye,
even luxuries, with which her rooms were filled;
she thought of her husband's respectability, of his
naturally kind dispositions his irreproachable cha
racter, slowly falling away into negligence, morpse•
ness, and, alas! it was to he feared, dissipation, and
she felt how utterly worthless of such a sacrifice
hod been the imbecile vanity that had induced it.
Selflreprouch, in reviewing the blessings we have
lost, wears magnifying-glasses; and poor Mrs.
Pringle at once saw that she had trifled away hop
piness Sir a profitless pre-eminence, a comfortless
distinction, affecting rather her qualifications for
an upper housemaid than her duties as a wife and
mother; and here a pang, if possible, more sharp
than those occasioned by her husband's frequent
absences, piereca her heart as she recalled to herself
lions in the midst of their pleasant play, the sound
of' her coming footsteps fell like the foreshadow.
ITT of sonic dreaded thing, nulling the laughing
voices of her children into timid whispers, and
throwing an invisible chain over their free steps
and graceful motions! Poor children ! in their
mother's presence they moved with fear and trem
bling, and escaped from it, with rejoicing, to seek,
in the indulgence of servants, and the privilege of
their apartments, that freedom that the young, of
of all created things, delight in. Something must
he wrong ! Mark was scarcely an evening at borne.
She hind no friends to comfort her, not even her
children's affection to fall Mick upon, and the neut.
tress of their dress, the order of lier flower garden,
the unapproachable precision of her household ar
rangements, those three feathers, " per eseellener,"
wherewith she had hitherto plumed her cap of self
approval, began to have a weight and weariness in
them, and the vacuum in her woman's heart to
yearn for something more than the fame of nota
bleness—in fact, to want the approbation of her
own family, and affection, where now she awaken
, ed fear; and, hard as was the task, where tire sub
duing was all on her own side, Mrs. Pringle nt
length achieved it. The desolation of a heart, in
its own ironic, is a fearful thing, and has but one
real resource—a resource that involuntarily it turns
to—the secret tears of affliction have in them the
aspirations of a wounded spirit, and when were
these unheard! she began to ace clearly her path
of duty—to feel that with her it rested to make
home the nucleus of her family's happiness or dis.
comfort; and silent her work of reform began ; her
system of cleanliness was unaltered, but it began
to sit like the frill of cheerfhlness, instead of the
stiff collar of particularity ; she insensibly drew
close to her the hearts of her children, and unob
trusively recalled her husband's affection ; her
pretty face, worn bypetly annoyances, and latterly,
as wo have seen, by some real cares, once more re
gained its loveliness, with the improvement of
atniable expression; and there is not now a happier
couple than Mark Pringle and his wife—lief only
regret, the years lost in pattern house-keeping.
Some may probably fancy Mrs. Pringle a pen
and ink caricature; but the character is a real one,
and not even drawn at full length. I knew her in
both phases of it, as the " particular Mrs. Pringle ;"
and—after the abjuration oilier false creed," clean
liness next to godliness,"—as one of the most a
greeable, kind 'hailed persons imaginable; and
from herself did I have these confessions.
If i remember, the immediate cause of her self
awakening, was a conversation she accidentally
overheard between her children—those simple rea-
Boners, whose arguments, though deep rooted as
truth or the water lily, must be as pure and appa
rent as its floating petals.
From Chamber,' Journal
On the morning of Saturday, the sth of May,
upwards of a century ago, a ship belonging to the
Dutch squadron came in sight of Ascension Island.
Anchoring at some distance off shore, she put off
a boat, which, under the efforts of an active crew
made rapidly for the island. The boat contained,
beside the crew, an individual heavily manacled
and a guard. The prisoner, seated at the stern be
tween the two soldiers who guarded him, sat with
his head buried in his hands; hut gave no further
sign of emotion until he was disturbed from his
position by the sound of the boat grinding on the
white shore of Asscnsion ; when, with an agonized
look at his comrades, and at the vessel, he silently
rose, and in company with his guard, left the boat,
and stepped on to the beach of his prison. A sail
or's chest, some bedding, and sundry oilier articles
were taken from the boat! the prisoner's chains
were removed in silence, and the crew and guard
re-embarked, leaving him alone on the beach ; and
nothing moved by his frantic entreaties to them to
return and take with them, they pulled hard
to the ship, apparently anxious to take leave
of a scene so painful. Arriving on board, the an.
chor was presently heaved, all sail set, sad the ves
sel stood out to see, leaving the unhappy man sunk
on the sand in the most abject despair. Before
noon she was out of sight; and in every direction
nothing was visible but the blue and desolate wa.
ters tossing up their heads to the sky. The na
ture of the crime which was visited by this dread
ful punishment we arc not permitted to divulge;
but that it was of great heinousness, may be g,atli.
crcd from his confessions. Some mercy mingled
with the sentence as was manifest in the numerous
little articles which were left for him on the shore.
Among these twos a limited supply of provisions,
consisting of a little rice, onions, peas and meal.
Ile had also a cask of water, two buckets, an old
frying pan, and a fowling piece, but no aminunitioi.-
Some paper, a Bible, a few clothes, and some mi
-1 important sundries, completed the list of his pos
-1 sessions.
The island itself was of a nature so savage and
repulsive, as was well calculated to impress with
horror and despair the stoutest heart condemned to
so vast a dungeon. Being of volcanic origin, its
surface was strewn with broken rocks, ashes and
pumice; here and there a little red soil, scorched
and sterile, peeped from between masses of rock
upon which the traces of fire yet existed. Its
shores on one side were frightful to approach ; hor
rid precipices of black lava seemed to fringe the
island with mourning, and threaten intrusion with
death, and while at their base were deep chasms,
eaten out by the insatiable wave. Further on, the
wildest confusion of rocks, whose jagged summits
added to tho desolation of the spot, was occasion.
ally relieved by small patches of a glittering, naked
beach, white like snow, composed of fragile coral,
and (railer shells ground to dust against the iron
bulwarks of the island. The other side of the
island was mere hospitable, possessing a lessfrown
ing coast, and a tamer seashore. Inland, a few
acres of plain stretched away between the gloomy
looking hills ; but even these were either wholly
barren, or scantily covered with a weak growth of
innutraious plants, such as grass, ferns, purslain, a
hew thistles, and a convolvulus. Not a shrub was
there on the whole island ; and the only spot re.
fleshing to the cyc, wearied with so long a glance
at desolation, was a tall mountain called the t_4reen
Mountain, whose verdant sides gaves the promise,
which they did not fulfil in reality, of supplying
something that might support the outcast during
his stay there. The spat was, on the whole, some
thing like a vast cinder, spotted here and there
indeed with green, but otherwise as dry and burnt
as if it had just been vomited from the depths of
some vast volcano. Yet the place was the habita
tion of a legion of wild goats, and popuous nations
of rats and mice over-scampered it ; and ono or
two tribes of melancholy insects awoke with its
morning sun, and went to sleep et an early hour
in the afternoon. Its shores, fierce-looking though
they were, were more lively : flocks of " boobies,"
strutted along its glittering sands, in all the im.
pertinent independence consequent upon un ic.
quaintance with mankind; a vast turtle or two,
six or seven hundred pounders, now and then,
crawled, from the blue waters, and after taking a
short walk for the benefit of their health, crawled
in again, walking over possibly hundreds ofenragcd
crabs on their way back ; and the waters them.
selves were livelier still, for they abounded in eels,
old wives, and rock-cod. The extreme length of
the island was a little more than seven miles, its
extreme breadth about six, and its general form was
Such were the miserable and most uncompro
mising circumstances under which this unhappy
man was left to take his chance of perishing utter
ly, or the remote one of being discovered and res
cued by some passing vessel. As his journal, which
lie regularly kept, from the first day of his landing,
has been preserved, we are able to proceed with the
rest of his history. After recovering in some mea
sure front the shock of being left alone, and after
watching with an aching heart the ships snowy
topsail sink beneath the wares of the horizon, he
addressed himself to his first labur, %vide,' was the
construction of a tent. The spot he selected fur its
site was sufficiently gloomy, for it was beneath one
of the dismal overhanging black roelisuf which men.
lion lias been made; but it assisted to corer his tent
from the weather, and it was close to the beach up.
on which he, and all he possessed, had been left,
By the close of the first long and weary day, a
temporary tent was raised into which he brought
his chest, bedding, and all his other chattels; and
here, heavy and sick of heart, lie spent the first
night. Rising early the following morning, after
partaking of Ins lonely meal, lie set forth to explore
the Island. It was the Sabbath and around was
more than the stillness of that sacred day—it was
the silence of the grave. No " church-going bell,"
no faint notes of a village hymn, no quiet tumult
of a departing congregation, came to the outcast's
car—the wind was asleep, the waters were at
peace ; but in his heart there was no peace, and lie
himself was alone unquiet amid surrounding quie
tude. lie searched in vain for some green thing
which might promise him food ; he then retured to
his tent, and to beguile the dull hours, set about
some alterations in its arrangements; he also co
vered it with a tarpaulin, which lie fastened down
with stones, thus securing himself from rain. 're
wards evening the solitude was broken by bustling
flocks of boobies; on approaching them, lie (band
them so tame as to permit him easily to seize sev
eral, which he afterwards killed, skinned and salted,
laying them in the sun to dry. Ilis eyes were
ceaselessly directed to the horizon; but, viewed
from whatever eminence, it revealed nothing but the
same hopeless, unbroken blue line. !loping it
might catch the notice of some distant vessel which
might escape his eyes whole searching for food, he
made a n late flag with a portion of lass linen; and
flistening it to his almost useless fowling.piece, lie
planted it in the most conspicuous position
he could descry. Sauntering afterwards along the
beach, he bad the good fortune to overtake a fine
turtle, whice lie killed by beating it on the head;
end this supplied him with provision for a little
time. As the terrors of his lonely situation grew
upon him, he began to fear lest the threatening,
overhanging rock, under which he had placed his
tent, should suddenly fall and overwhelm him: he
therefore removed Ins dwelling to a less alarming
position. He was by this time in a very miserable
and disconsulete state of mind: often, after a long
day's fruitless search for water and food, returning
home with torn feet and an aching heart, he would
pray, with one of old, that lie might the. But he
would by no means be accessory to his own death,
as, in the constancy of hope, lie still looked to his
signal being seen, and himself delivered out of
"that terrible place." Conceiving it singular that
he had met as yet with no beasts upon the island,
he searched carefully for footmarks on the beach
and inland, but without success ; the unbroken sun ,
face declared to him, again and again, that he was
alone. The contents of his water-cask also daily
reminded him that, unless he shortly succeeded in
finding water,the most terrible fate awaited him. On
one of his excursions he met with a little purslain,
which lie boiled with the boobies, and thus made
a tolerably palatable dish for one in his condition.
The tew other herbs which that niggard desert af
forded lie was afraid to cat., nor were they suffi
ciently inviting to induce him to make the attempt.
Every day saw him now anxious and car-worn,
leave his tent, bucket in hand, seeking for water;
and every day saw him return in the cloning
almost fainting, and with en empty vessel.—
His supplies of food also grew short; boobies be
came scarce—turtle were not seen. lie then used
to boil a little rice in a little water, of which
he made most of his meals. Many, many
times, and with a gaze made intense by the struggle
in his mind between hope and despair, were his
eyes bent upon the lonely waters, but no ship ap
peared. It was fortunate that, as yet, his bodily
health continued good. Titus were his days
:Tent at this time : in the morning, the spring of
hope poured its assuaging waters over his soul,
and lie set forth, fully expecting success of sonic
sort; in the evening those waters were cut off, and
he beguiled some of the tedium of the night by
reading until his eves were weary, and then, as a
diversion, lie would set to unending his clothes.
Finding no promise of native esculents, be thought
to increase his stock by planting a few of those he
had with him. lie therefore set so rne onions
m.d peas in a patch of soil near his tent. Finding
no promise of native esculents, lie thought to in
crease h is stock by planting a few of these he
had with Jilin. Ile therefore set some onions and
peas in a patch of soil near his tent. Finding a
number of nests of sea-fowl, many 'containing eggs,
he plundered them, end made his principal food of
their contents. He was for sonic time much at a
loss for a light at night ; at length lie bit upon the
expedient of melting down some of the turtles' fat;
and thus, with a saucer for his lamp, and a bit oC
rag for the wick, lie had a tolerable light, which
he used to keep burning all night. Thus passed a
fortnight of his life in this great prison.
All his search fur water had proved unavailing,
and he was under the pain fill necessity of daily di.
minishing, stock, without the means or the pros- .
peel of being able to replenish it. He explored
the island in a new direction, looking nar.
rowly, into every cranny of the ruck, and search.
ing, every sprit covered with a little fresher looking
herbage than the rest ; but no bubbling waters ap
peared. Bethinking him, then, of hisafiihing-tackle,
lie repaired to to the rocks to try his fortune in a
fresh direction; lie spent several hours in this, em
ployment in vain, which was somewhat remarka
ble, as the waters were unusually prolific of fish.
Meanwhile a sad accident had occurred. Turning
homewards, what was his surprise to behold u dense
volume of smoke rising up to the skies in the di
tion of his tent! Deeply alarmed and dreading
the worst, he flew with the utmost speed to tho
top: he found the presage too true; his tent was
on fire! Hastily snatching up his buckets, lie ran
to the sea ; and thus, by considerable efforts, lie
was enabled to quench the consuming clement. It
appears that the origin or the fire was attributable
to his having carelessly left his tinder box, with
some lighted tinder in it, upon his quilt. By this
calamity lie lost a shirt, a handkerchief, and a
pan of his quilt; and his Bible was much singed.
Yet he felt thankful to God for what tic had saved.
Ile then knelt down, and earnestly intreated God
to" give him the patience of holy Job" under his
I accumulating sufferings. The spirit of his journal
at this timer one which betokens a degree of hum
ble a creptance, of his punishment, severe as it sesta,
! and of patient submission to the Supreme Will.
Thus the month of May passed away—his provi.
sions diminishing, his barrel of water failing, his
hopes growing fainter, and the future full of the
gloomiest anticipations, in consequence of the ra
pidly-increasing heat of the weather.
On the Ist of June, there is this touching entry
in the journal It would be needless to write
bow often my eyes are cast upon the sea to look for
shipping ; and every little atom in the sky I take
fore sail ; then I look till my eyes dazzle, and im•
mediately the object disappears. When I was put
on shore, the captain told me it was the time of
year for shipping to pass this way, which makes
me look out the more diligently." At the end of
the first week in this month, he had but two quarts
of water left in his cask, and this was so muddy,
as only to be drinkable after straining through a
handkerchief lie then thought of digging for
water. After digging to the depth of scten feet,
lie found not so MUM as n trace of moisture, and
lie desisted from his 1 ibor with feelings easier con
ceived than described. At this time deep eonsi.
deratinns of his apparently approaching death filled
his mind, and lie spent many hours in prayer and
in solemn meditations upon a future state. On the
morning of the 10th [Whine, faint and sick with
thirst, he drank Ids last portion of water to the
very dregs, and in the strength of it he went out
on a fresh search for some of this precious fluid.—
After four hours' tedious walking under a burning
sun, he at length became so weary and faint, as to
be unable to proceed any further, and lie lay down
wishing lie might die. His situation was that of
the fainting Hugar in the wilderness, and his de
liverance was to prove as signal. Rising at length
from the earth, lie walked slowly over the rocks
towards his tent, as lie thought to - die. But not so:
his eye was led to a hollow place in a rock, toward
which he eagerly sprang. %Who can paint his joy,
or describe his gratitude on finding that it contain
ed a. little silver rill of water, pure, cool, and fresh!
The poor fehluw cast himself on the earth, and
drank most iii.moderately of the delicious fluid. In
the intoxication of his joy he sat down by its
bide, and drank again and again of its life-giving
draught. 'The treasures of the whole earth were
poor and mean in comparison with that tiny
steamlet. Evening was closing, and taking care
to merit well its position, he returned, his step
more elastic than lie bad yet known, and a heart
brimful of gratitude and joy. 'Finis one source of
his deepest anxiety was, for the time, at least, di.
minislied. Ile was now able to use the water free
ly; but whether from previous excessiveover•fatigue
or as the consequence of a long disappointed hope.
cannot be said,but it is evident that now symptoms of
delirium began to appear, and of these he was him
self conscious. Strange fancies filled his mind at
times, which disappeared at other times. At this
period there occurs the following remark in his
•—" it snakes me very melancholy to think
that I have no hopes of getting oil thiss unhappy