THE SPY & REGISTER SATURDAY MORNING, April 1, 1848 AGENCIES V. E. PALMER IS duly authorised to fCCCIVP ctthacnp twos and advertisements for this paper, the eines 01 Philadelphia. New York, Baltimore. and 230,10 n. receipt therefor. E. I.V. CARR, Philadelphia. JACOB M. WESTHAFFPER. Lancaster city WILLIAM A. PIERCR, Travelling Agent The office of the Columbia Spy has been re moved to the building lately occupied by Mr. Raub, on Front street. 222501=1 The canal is now in good order from Columbia to Pittsburg. One or two breaches occurred last week near Hollidaysburg, which were immediately repaired, I=l Lnusen.—Our wharves are beginning to be lined with lumber, which, we understand, commands a good price this season, owing to its scarcity, con sequent upon the unfavorablcnes of the past winter for getting the raw material" to the mills. =I The Legislature has agreed to adjourn on the 11th of April—making 99 days of the Session. =3/2 LANGPF.LOT, the supposed murderer of Mrs. Rade macher, in Philadelphia, has been committed to take his trial at the April term. Circumstances arc re; y much against him. A WARNING TO CALLITIIUMPIANS —We observe by the papers that Isaac Barker, of Tiverton, who was indicted for shooting Samuel Negus, has been acquitted, notwithstanding it was proven that he wounded seven persons at the first fire. The party had gone to the house orßarker on the night of his wedding, and serenaded him with tin horns, and kettles, &c. This mode of annoying citizens who have just committed matrimony, might as well be dispensed with for ell the benefit it accomplishes, and we ; take the liberty of saying that if it should he here. after discontinued in Columbia, the peace and corn. fort of our marrying folks will be hest consulted. It should be the duty of all to suppress it ; and if parents and masters would properly attend to those juveniles they have in charge, this kind of sport would no longer be tolerated. We should be sorry to record any instance of redress like that of liar ker, but when persons are wantonly engaged in an outrage upon the feelings of others, it is impossible to tell what the result may be. The best tray of avoiding evil or misfortune, is in the first place to avoid the cause of it. LITERARY NOTICES. Those of our readers who are interested in the sciences of Phrenology and Physiology, are re ferred to the list of books published by Fowlers & Wells, New York, which may be found in another column; and those who are not particularly inter csted in the knowlege of themselves, cannot fail to become so by reading the books in question. They are written in a popular style, and are well worthy .the attention of every lover of science and reform. larretes LIVING AGE.—This week commences a new volume of this sterling periodical, and now is a good time to subscribe. It is the best work of ita kind published in the county. Terms $6 a year in advance. E. Littell & Co., Boston. THE HOME JOURNAL.—Messrs. Morris & Wallis announces the immediate publication, in the Home Journal, of another beautiful American Novel, from a distinguished pen. The highest order of litera ture graces the columns of this paper, and its ty. pography is faultless. TUE LIFE AND PUBLIC SERVICES OF HENRY CLAY. —Grecly & McElrath have just published a volume with the above title, from the pen of Epes Sargent, Esq., in*hich the events are brought down to the year 1848. The frontispiece Is a fine Rotel en graving of Henry Cloy. Price 25 ceiit. THE CITY ITEM.—Friend Fit; you flatter. Ildp. to exchange " diamonds" for gems like the City Item, however : jewels aro our weakness. THE COLUMBIA SPY.—Tlii4 handsome little paper has passed into the competent hands of our friend WESTBROOK, who will make it sparkle like a dia. mond of the first water. Tue UNION MAGAZINE for April Is' is on nur table. A humorous Mezzotint of" The Lost Glove," a fine line engraving, entitled •' Memory," and a superb fashion plate, are its principal embellishmenst. Its literary attractions arc undirninislwd . J. 133 yard Taylor, Mrs. Child, Mrs. Sigourucy, Mrs. E. C. Embury, S. IL llopkins, and other eminent writers are among its contributors. Edited by Mrs C. M. Kirkland. =1 Dr. Coolidge has been convicted of the 'murder of Mr. Mathews, and sentenced to he hung in one year, should the Governor of Maine see fit to i,sue a warrant at the end of that time. lie protested his innocence,before receiving his sentence, and de clared that ho should leave behind him a writing, proving where the true guilt lay. The hope which had buoyed him up, during his tri 41, forsook him alter his conviction, and lie is represented by the Boston Chrunotype, as unlikely to live until the ex. piration of the period allowed him by law. The evi dence on which he was convicted, was that of a strident named Thorn, who was perjured either be fore the coroner's jury, or on the trial. ••...!..•••.......-----. COUNTERFEITS.—ChauIaque County Bonk, Jamestown, N. Y.-2.'s letter A. Vignette, female with Caft arm resting on a shield. Impression pale, and execution raiscrable. Erie Ltigsk, Erie, Pa.—Ps. Purport to be notes payable es demand. 2's. This beak has never issued notes under s's, except Relief notes.—Birk Rep. EM=!= Dwastos or Lasort.—According to the following estimate of the divisiov of the occupations of men in the United States, it seems that there are three ands half times more men engaged in agricultural than in all other pursuits. = Who is guilty of tho following 7 What dose of medicine does a man take when his daughter is naughty 7 Don't you know 7 Why, he takes an _elixir 7 rile takes and he licks her.) (forropoitb owe. For theColumbla Spy Mn. EDITUR.—As your sheet is chiefly devo ted to literature, a few remarks on education will doubtless find admittance into its columns. This is, indeed, a subject that should ever be kept before the eyes of the public, as there in, perhaps, nothing of mere importance to man and which has a more direct bearing on his happiness, than the cultivation of the mental faculties and the aegoi.ition of sub. stantial knowledge. It is this that makes man truly a rational being. It is, emphatically, the foundation of all success and happiness. It is the only essential distinction between man and man ; the first and most essential clement of power; the germ of all prosperity; the means of all enjoy ment. To the attainment of this primary good, an earnest, dilligcnt, persevering application of the mental faculties is requisite. This, indeed, is the only effectual mean, of making the mind powerful in itself. Mere accumulation of knowledge is not the thing most desirable. It is strength of mind— discipline more than acquisition. The faculties of the mind bear a close analogy to the powers of the physical frame. It is a law in the animal economy that the action and power of an organ are commensurate, to a great extent, with the demand made upon it. When a muscle, for in stance, is called into frequent use, its fibres increase in thickness and become capable of exerting a greater force. It is only on condition of continual exercise that the muscular system can acquire strength, firmness, and endurance. The arm of ; the blacksmith, who exercises daily at the until, is firm and energetic. It is in vain to nourish the ; body with most luxurious food. Sickness will.bc produced not health, weakness not strength, unless there goes with it powerful action, continual emir. cisc. Thus it is with the brain, the organ of the mind. The brain, being an organised part, is sub ject, as far as regards exercise, to the same laws as 1 the other organs of the body. If it be duly exer cised the mind will acquire readiness and strength. Mere desultory and miscellaneous reading, such as novels, romances and other trash, is more apt to be pernicious than useful. It is morn likely to en. era ate than strengthen the mind. It must be sill. died to attain strength of mind. The intellect can only become powerful and vigorous on condition' of frequent thought and meditation. The mind thus disciplined grasps, with firm and tenacious hold, any new subject presented to it, which is, in deed, the only true test of a sound education.— Such a mind is able to make ui a solid judgment, to decide with promptness and to act with energy. Since, then,the cultivation of the mind is the thing most desirable and not the mere treasuring up of facts in the memory, the question, what arc the , means best adopted to develop and invigorate the mental activities 1 naturally suggests itself. In ' answer to this, I remark, that the studies most to be relied upon in an academiweducation arc Mathe matics and Metaphysics. These are calculated to give strength and vigor to the mind by accustom ing it to dwell for a long time on one subject, to grasp and retain a mere abstraction. They pro duce habits of accurate thinking and rapid educa tion, habits invaluable to a man of any business or profession. If a knowledge of these be at all desi rable, it can only be acquired by hard study and perseverance. hence their efficacy in the cultiva tion and strengthening of the mind. The study of languages, too, deserves our noticc,espccially that of ancient languages, the perfection of which arc in every respect unrivalled. By studying a language we enrich our own mind; for, every word entbo- dies a thought, and every thought received in our. selves is like u spark, that kindles a new flame. It may, however, be studied to exercise our think ing, which , indeed, is the chief object of its study in our colleges; as, there is, perhaps no science that will teach us better to think correctly, and logically. For Grammar contains the categories of thinking, it is full of rules and laws, all of which arc those of reason. Studying grammar we study the logic of understanding in its simplest form."— lii translating, there must ben close application ot the mind, its energies must be called into action, and then it acquires strength and the power of concentrating itself upon any soh', et. The natu ral sciences, though nut so well calculated to cul tivate the mind, are indispensable to a thorough education. A knowledge of them ts, indeed, of far more utility, in a practical point of view, than that of either :Netaphysics or Languages. lint, as the cultivation of the mind is the foundation of a sound education, these studies, together with that of Ma thematics, are requisite to the laying or this foun dation. Parents who wish their sons to become in. tellectual and strong,.minded men, will most likely realize their wish by rutting them to the study of Languages and Mathematics. When the mind is once properly cultivated and disciplined, knowledge is easily and rapidly acquired. Rooks of the most profonnd authors may there be re,d with pleasure and satisfaction. A FRIEND or EDLICkTION WASTF:D.—One hundred and seventy-five young men of all shapes and sizes, from the tall grareill dandy, with hair rnongh upon his upper lip to stuff n cushion, down to the beardless up start. The ob ject is to form a Gaping. Corps, to be in attendance at the Church door on each Sabbath before the commencement of Divine of divine service, to stare at the females as they enter, and make delicate and gentlemanly remarks on their persona and dress, All who wish to enlist in the above corps will ap. pear at the various church doors next Sabbath morning where they will be duly inspected, and their names, personal appearance, &c. reels. tercd in a. book kept for that purpose, and published in a newspaper. To prevent a general rush, it will be well to state that none wilt be et - dieted who pos sesses more than ordinary intellectual capacities.— Exchange paper. Mr. Editor :-1 clip the above from the Phila delphia North American of this day, and bandit to you for publication, thinking that probably Colum bia can furnish a large delegation if not the full number required for the Coping Corps. I feel. quite confident that out of those who crowd the yes. tibule, and form in line, facing inwards, so beauti fully, on the pavement of the Methodist Church every Sabbath evening one hundred and seventy five at least may be found, who will not he rejected if the closing qualification of the advertisement is strictly adhered to. Seriously, dear sir, Ido hope that those possessing intellectual capacities suffi- cleat to entitle them to the respect of their friends, will desist from this most abominable practice.— From those who do not claim this merit it is use less to expect better conduct. A. LADY. HYDRAULIC TELEGRAPII.—We lately inspected a new species of telegraph, produced from the action of water, patented by Mr. Jowett, which appears to us very simple-and ingenious, and is likely to ex cite some attention, both from it its own merits and from the interest which is taken in this means of communication at present. The idea of using wa ter as a medium by which to communicate from place to place arose from its well-known incom. pressibility, and we find Mr. Jowett quoting, in his prospectus, from Dr. Lardner, the following pas ; sage, which conveys the leading feature of his in vention :—Liring Age. A pressure excited on the liquid at one end of the tube will be communicated to any surface in contact with the liquid at the other end, whether the tube between the two extremities be straight, curved or angular, or whether it pass upwards, downwards, or in an oblique or horizontal direction. it may be carried through the walls of a building, through the course of a river, under,over, or around any obstruction or impediment, or, in fact, accord ing to any course or direction whatsoever. If a tube, filled with water, extended from London to York, a pressure excited on the liquid at the ex- tremity in London would be instantaneously trans mitted to the extremity at York." There is per. h a ps, n limit to this doctrine, where curves and un- I data lions are to be overcome, and also from the cu. lICSIVO power of the particles of water to that I , with which they are in contact. The model row exhibiting consists of a small tube with a piston and indicator at each end. An upright plate con tains the letters of the alphabet, the first letter be ing at the top of the plate at one station, and at the bottom of the plate at the other. As the one pis ton descends, the other, from the pressure of the water, ascends in exact proportion, each indicator pointing to the same letter. In the model, as we have stated, the plates containing the letters are placed upright; but it will be easily seen that a horizontal dial can also ht. used, by means of a rack upon the piston and toothed pinion to guide the indicating hand. This dial may contain two or more circles, into which contracted sentences on , any number of sobjects can be inserted, the indi cator being shortened so as to meet each circle. It' it were wanted to communicate any intelligence upon railways, as an example suppose the contract ed sentences relating to this subject were in the in ner circle, the first intimation would be to shorten the indicator, so that its point would exactly touch the words which are to be communicated. If a line of pipes were laid down from any given dis , lance, each intermediate station would he commit. nicated by means of branch pipes. To each piston a bell is attached, and the first motion would sound this, putting every one on the qui rice. If the , communication were intended for the first station, the bell would strike one, and so on for the others. Withouflpassing any atrong opinion as to the incr. its of this ins ntion, we must say that its ex extreme simplicity struck us as an advantage of great importance. The difficulties which may at first sight strike the observer, such as getting over heights above the level of the stations, are what upon consideration it will be seen can be got over by local appliances. 'Perhaps the most serious would arise from the fact that the pipes will re quire to be placed under ground so far as to keep them from atmospheric influence, for in the event of any breakage taking place, it would be difficult indeed to tell the precise locality of the accident. 111 the case of wires as used at present, any dam. age they may sustain is easily found out, and can be as easily remedied; but in the case of under. ground pipes filled with water, unless indeed, this agent be in sufficient body to force itself to the sur face, we do not see how an accident can occur without causing conch labor and cost. The iaven• for claims fur his plan over the present electric tel egraph greater economy in construction to the ex tent of two•thirds, no expense whatever after the first outlay, and the impossibility of any physical impediment interfering with its working. The plan, whether generally adopted or not, is certainly well worthy of attention, and no one can examine the model without bring struck with the principle which it so beautifully illustrates.—/'ost. I=l Psetsts:g Mrt.svon.—Thc adage is a true one, that "man proposes and God disposes," as thu fol lowing fact will show King Louis Philippe, (that was) under the pretence of ill-health, gave out his intention some time ago of going to Pan the corn. ing spring. The voyage tens to lead to two ends. To leave, during his absence, the provisional regen cy to the Due de Nemours, not to accustom hint to the management of State affairs, but to give him an Lnteeedent as a tole. " Toeu at my death," thought the King, " the regency will be allowed to ht:n naturally." And Louis Philippe was to con duct the young Duchess de Montpeosier to Mad rid, to he confined. The child being then Spanish born, no obstacle could have been thrown against it inheriting the Spanish throne. And this was the bum total of the patriotism of the Citizen King, sacrificing the interest of his country to the well. being ul his family. his insatiable ambition lee- eller! him lew, and—sic 1101118 ii glwia mundi, bat let him crime umnng us, ;Ind he will be a CITIZEN SovritrlG, again. A placard posted on the Boulevard, ran thus : '• Was lost yesterday, a little English dog of Span. iel rice, color white and brown, tail long, from the angle of the fanbourg St. Dennis to the rue Royale." f;ood !" muttered a gamin posted before the pla• eat d, " if it lies that length fur a particular sign, I am stare of pocketing the honest reward." The Prince Royal of Monaco being in the Toil !cries, and in gloomy mood, was asked by a lady the cause of his prc.occupation. "My father and I," replied the Prince," are in a painful predica ment. Oar subjects must be given a constitution similar to that of France." " What hinders your father and you from gising it to them 1" "Oh, no thing. It is the easiest thing to give them a multi tution,liut only think, if there must be in Monaco a Chamber of Deputies, a reigning king, ministers, and officers—every 0110 will be busy, whilst I will remain alone to male the roam of the people ?" The lady, meeting the Prince a few days alter, said to him:—" Well. Prince, I would advise you and your father to give a constitution to your people otherwise they will lase one, and then you would not be the whole mass of the people, but a cipher, which position would be a base one indeed." "Be tween the coke of the people and divine right one may well hesitate," said the Prince. Between the voice and the wif/ of the people, ething Louis Phillippe did not hesitate, and you will be wise to take warning, for truly nor populi is ear del.— ..The people ! the people!" thought the Prince, their will is a mighty engine !" The Victims, of the Sanderbund.—A short lime ago a well dres sed man put up at a hotel of a small frontier town. Rumor becomes at once busy that he is the son of General Sonnomburg, his costume, manners, and conversation confirm this opinion. Immediately the priests, mayors and notaries pay him a visit; lie expresses to them his sympathy for the Sonderbond. "I am going to Paris," said ha, "I will see then the King and Guizot, and at the hood of 200,000 French I return to overthrow the radicals; only, am I have been disposed by the Bernesc, and as the propertTof my father is under sequestration, I am in want of money." All club to raise money. The son of Gen. Sonnembcrg re ceives 1,000 francs, and the following night disap. pealed, without settling with the landlord. It is almost useless to add that lie was a eherahier de In. ductrie--a sharper.—North American and United States Gazeits. ALPHONSE 'DE LAMARTINEL- ,— The ladViCea by the Caledonia make this statesman-poet the life and soul of the great movement by which France promises to be made a Repnblic, in the most liberal sense. A correspondent of the New York Her ald says that Lamartine is fifty-five years old; but we suspect he is at least ten years older. One authority says he was born on the 21st October, 1780, at Macon, on the Seine—which would make him nearly sixty-eight. The first recollection he had of his father was that of a prisoner during the French Revolution. Lamartine has been a hard student, and has travelled considerably—having been absent on a tour through the Iloly Land thir teen months. He travelled in great state and with much splendor. His literary compositions have made him an enduring fume, and his last work on the Girondins," has acquired an immense popu larity and circulation in this country. He has oc cupied several diplomatic positions, atid has been for many years a liberal member of the Chamber I of Deputies. As a parliamentarian he occupies a very high position. Nobody doubts his integrity—the purity of his motives—the generosity of his soul—not withstanding many believe he is more a transcen dentalist than a statesman. Although a man of . immense wealth, his whole heart is with the pee pl.. Ilk speeches in the Chamber, of which he has been a member for years, have always been on the democratic side; and it is recorded of him that he spoke in a drenching rain for several hours at one of those great assemblages which led to this powerful revolution, of which he is now claimed to be the head. Being a poet, his imagination is lively and happy: he lies a capacious and reten tive memory: a manner never disconcerted by in terruption: a perfect self•possession: a rare felicity in the expression of hie ideas: a power of pointed reply : abundance of imagery : a fine voice, and j an elegant and rather aristocratic bearing—noble gestures—tall person—blue eyes—prominent fore head, &c. All these are striking advantages to a speaker, and especially to a lender in such a revo. lution as the present, and of such a people as the French. A recent French writer, who does not like La. marline's politico, after a harsh criticism of his public acts, says : •' By instinct or sentiment, be is generous, charitable, devoted to the people, ready at all times to do whatever is useful, elevated and rational; independent and courageous in his opin. ions, sometimes on the border of being a radical. He cannot hate liberty; for his is a noble soul." His speeches in the French Chamber on free trade, in favor of the freedom of the press, against the death punishment, and for extended suffrage, are pronounced to he master efforts by thoseswelio have read them. • It seems to us that this is the picture of a great statesman—a genuine republican—a high.souled and disinterested patriot. France has many, very many, great minds in her cabinet of intellectual jewels; but none of them outshines the lofty intel. feet and intrepid integrity of Alphonse de Lamar_ tine. These are the men that made her Free.— May they keep her so :—Pennsylvanian. AT ArCUSTA, MAINE, When Dr. Coolidge wan naked if he had any thing to say why sentence of death should not Ire pronounced upon him for the murder of which he had bccn committed, he re. plied "The verdict is against an innocent man. I I thank God there is a court higher than this—a tribunal before which we must all appear, where witnesses cannot swear falsely. I had much ra ther be in my own situation than in the situation of him who may be now within the sound of city voice. I shall leave after me something in writing which will show the public where the guilt is. I ' bid, both my friends, and my enemies, an affection. ate farewell. I tun ready for mylsentence." Mr. Evans now rose and requested the court to suspend sentence until lie could have time to in ' quire into the nature of some newly discovered tes timony, which might place a different aspect upon the terrible tragedy. The court granted this 41. dulgence, and adjourned till the next morning, at which time sentence was pronounced upon the prisoner, as the Lvidence discovered would not pro ' heady have changed the verdict. The great multitude attending the trial caused a great scramble for seats, especially for those near ; the witness' stand, where the proceedings could be heard and understood. When the doors of the house were opened, the multitude would rush up the aisles at full speed, with lurid yells, some with hats off and coats streaming behind to secure their seats—a most disgraceful scene on such an occa sion. There was also some scuffling, ton, we be lieve, among the ladies (7) in the galleries to se cure the best seats. GRAVITATION OF TIM Ei.t:crarcFl.utn.—Mr. Lake, of the Royal Laboratory, Portsmouth, has commit• nica fed to the lancet the singular experiment, which appears to show that the electric agent is really fluid; and that when collected so us not to evert its powers of attraction and repulsion, it o beys the laws of gravitation like carbonic acid and other gases, The electric fluid was received in a Leyden jar, insulated on a glass plate. At the lower part of the jar was a crack on the side, of a star-like form, and from around this the metalic coating was removed. On charging the jar, it was observed that the electric fluid soon began to flow out in a stream from the lower opening; and, on continuing the working of the machine, it flowed over the lips of the jar, descending in a faint luini. nnus conical stream, (visible only in the dark,) un til it reached the level of the outside coating, over which it became gradually diffused, forming, as it were, a frill, or collar. When the jar was a little inclinea on one side, there was a perceptible differ ence in the time of its escape over the higher and lower part of the lip, front the latter part of which it began to flow first. On discontinuing the work ing of the machinc,thefluid first ceased to flow at the lip of tie jar, and then at the lower aperture. On re newing the operation, it firstre.nppeared at the lower aperture, and afterwards at the mouth. This very ' ingenious experiment appears toestahlishe the fact, • that the electric fluid is material, and is influenced, under certain circumstances, by the laws of gravi tation. Mr. Lake proposes for it the name of py ' rogen; but this is inconvenient, because it is ;area ' dy applied to certain chemical products.—Medical Go zeite. I== DAGUERREOTYPE DiSCOVERT..-1t is well known that the edge of the sharpest and most polished lan cet, looks as blunt as the back of a case knife, and as jagged as a saw, in viewing it through a mi croscope. The finest paintinolius viewed becomes rough and uneven, and is entirely destitute of beauty of coloring or outline. It is not so with the photographic art. A professional gentleman of this city, a few days since, applied a microscope to a. daguerreotype miniature, and to his surprise it be came a life like "bust" or cost, with the natural col oring of the hair, the eyes, and the dress, with the natural expression of countenance. The bust will appear as of plaster, of granite, or of Parian marble, according. to the purity of the glass set over the pic ture. To test this discovery, take a microscope— s watch-maker's eye glass for instance—apply it to the eye, and in a proper light, range it at the true focal distance from the picture, and you have a view that is truly wonderful. It may be used to detect any imperfections of the picture not perceptible to the naked eye. Some one at the State House the other day, har ing very warmly expressed himself in respect to the numerous accidents on railroads in this coun try, caused by the walking of persons on the track, and remarking that same very stringent provision ought tribe made against the practice—that in Eng land the penalty for walking upon the railroad track was 110---a wag standing by, quietly re marked—' Pooh! is that all? the penalty in this country is drath r ---- Mr. Allen, of the United States Senate, uttered For the Columbia Spy. in debate, a few slays since, what he called a great I BINGHAM'S LINE AHEAD AGAIN !—lt will be seen truth, and he rightly so designated it. These are from this notice that Bingham's Line has had the his words:—" A great truth has been established first Boats in from Hollidaysburg and first goods within the last forty days. It is this, that armed through from Pittsburg this Spring. They are a men are no longer a guaranty of the security of pushing set of fellows them Bingham Line chaps despotism. Standing armies have become power-land will be ahead. Art OBSERVER. less before the people—for they juin with them in ' Columbia, March 30th, 1848. reducing thrones to ashes. A hundred thousand bayonets are impotent before the sacred hymn of liberty chauuted by the unarmed people. This is the great truth of the age; more important than all the results of steam and electricity, great as they were. This truth was by far the moat important discovery of the times." The New York Express says of Bennet the crick eter, who went out in the Cambria devo tion to cricket partakes in its intensity, of the ro mantic, if not, indeed, of the marvellous and mirac ulous. He has been known to get up in the night, awake, and practice; and to get up, too, in the night, asleep, and take a spell at bowling, with any convenient, or inconvenient missile, he might find at hand; and the habitue of Hoboken may have of ten seen him putting up and knocking down his own stumps, in the hollow below the entrance to the Elysian Fields, all alone with his bat. He has gone to England, partly on a business errand, and partly (says a Sunday paper N to finish his education by a little bat practice. It is his intention, when he returns, to challange any man in the United Staten to play him. FREE Tn ANSLATIONS.—A Pa risian author has translated Shakapear's line: "Out, brief candle," into French thus: "Get out you short candle I" That is'nt as bad as the translation of an exclama tion of Milton's by a Frenchman, who rendered " Hail horrors—hail, thus : " How d'ye do, horrors —how d'ye do 7" Nnr vet as a compositor in this city, who put there two lines of Bryant's apostro phy to Truth, Truth crush'd to earth shall rise again, The eternal years of God arc hers.' given him in manuscript, into type thus fitshion, "Truth mash'd to earth shall rise again, The eternal eats of 7'od are hots l" A 'Risme AmonT.—lt is intended, says the Globe, to found a bishopric sutnewhere in the Chinese seas. Britannia has long had a patent for ruling the waves temporally; but now, it seems we arc to reduce them under spiritual domination. A part of the ocean is to be converted into an episcopal see. Already we have a floating church on the Thames; but we are now going to give the Chinese a float ing bishop. We do not know what to say to this project. A bishop cannot be created on shore in these times without raising a violent storm ; and we arc waranted in in anticipating the greatest danger to shipping from the tempest which will be excited by the establishment of a prelate on the deep.—Pooch. I==l Im.ton or TUE SUN. -Mr. Becquerel has announc ed to the Academy of Sciences, ut Paris, that he has ascertained that the image of the Sun with its colors may he obtained on! a plate of silver properly prepared. The preparation consiststs in submiting cautiously the plate to the action of chlorine. A fine photographic image of the sun, in which the orange, yellow, green, and blue are dilqinely mark ed, is then obtained. It has been computed that the land of the globe wo old be equal to the support of fifteen times the number of its present inhabitants, or might sustain a population of fifteen thousand millions. All the fallowing articles whirl) hare obtained un bounded pcipnlarlty. are sold by W. A. Leader. the only ncent fnr the nefilinteli articles in Columbia. and by Janie- Smith. Lancaster. and John J (Aria rt. Marietta. eau. ann.—Ray only of the above persons as air other,. are counterfeit AN UNEVCALLED rignsenv, And an Alinanec far ISIS Gratis —lst—For Colds and Feverish feelings. and pre.- rentinr Fevers 2ml—For Asthma. Liver complaint and Hiltons affections. 3rd —For Din rrlicea, Indigestion and Lass of Appetite. Ath—For Costiveness in females and males. sth—F~+r Stomach affections. Dyspepsia and Pries. The Great Pointl are, it is not lead to take, never given pain and never !cares one Costive! For all those things It is warranted enequalled, and nil who do not find It so may mars the bottle and get thus money._ _ _ _ _ _ . . . This medicine is 1,0.\ - 171SET'S 017 F:47 WESTERN' P.9.V.ICEA. Fuller deacroption ui an Alma nac for 154% grans. Balm of Columbia Tonic—To the Bald and G rey— If prat wish a rich luxuriant hand of hair, free from dart droll' and scurf. do not (.111 to procure the genuine Balm of Colombia. In cases of b ildness It will more than ex ceed your expectations. Many who have loot their hair far twenty yearn have had it restored to its original per fection by the use of this balm. Age, state or condition appears to he nn obstacle at hat ever—it also rouses the Mini to flow of ith which the delicate hair tube in filled, by which means thousands (whose hair was as grey as the Asiatic enale) had had their hair restored to its natural color by the use of this invaluable remedy. In till cases of fever it inn be found the most pleasant wash that ran lie used. A few applicatione only are necessary to keep the hair from fallwg ciii, It strengthens the rants and never falls to inipart a Itch glossy appearame, and as a perfume for the toilet it to unequalled—it holds three time. as much as other miscalled hair restoratia eo and is more effectual The genuine manufactured roily by Com , stork & Co., 21. Cour:land street, New York. Conners Moors!, Pact Esirarter—lt is now conceded by medical men that Canners .Ifsztral Pam Extractor, ! not nu flamed by Ccnstml. Co.. Si, Cottrtland at., Xetr ' York, Is the greatest wonder of the 111111 century. Its effects are truly R. All pains are removed from lourn•, scalds, &c. ,and all external sores in a few initiates after its implication, healing the seine on the most deli cate skin, leaving no rear. It is equally benefirial in all koide of Inflammatory diseases. such as sore IS ipplets and , Eyes, Sprains, Rheumatism, White hwellitic aid Ulcers, ' Bruises, Clitlblams Erysipelas,Biles,'eirx Bolorenti. &c. e might add as proof to all we say the names of many eminent iihyslcians who use it In their practice, and lion deeds (Mine clergy who praise it In their people. Kind' parent keep it constantly on hand. in cases of accident by fire life may he lost without It, hat by its use all burns are subject to its control, sinless the vitals are deotroved Caution—Remember nod ask for Connel's -Ilaffirol Pain Extractor. manufactured by Cosostoek Co.,..The York I and take no other. Deafness Cured—Dr. .111..Voir's .9ccoustie Oil—Those' den Mimi old age and from tufam y often receliVe their hearing in a most miraculous manner by the use of this nil. It Lan the effect to restore the tension and bring into the na 'Oral action °film parts so as to rsstore the hearing when loot or unpaired. This will be done in all case, of ' recent deafness, and many of long standing. All deaf persons should use this nil. Conastork 4' Co. 21 Court land ot. arc the wholesalers. Price $1 per flask. Piles, Sores kr— The Centime Ray's Liniment lo an ar ' ticle more justly celebrated as a cure for the above, than anv or all others. Its cores are almost innumernble. and it Is only necessary to let those who know the unicle and used it with ench great success that it is to be had trite and genuine of Comstock Courtland street. Xete j York, sole proprietors. 1 Dr. Sphon's Jack Headache Remedy—Why will you tourer ' with ilia diatressing complaint la lima remedy so uthand that will not fail to cure yin 1 This rrmedy will effect ually destroy arty attack of hendache, either nervous or bilious. It tins cured of twenty years' standing. .1/other's Relsef—lndian Discoocry—A II expecting to be come mothers nod anxious to avoid the Pal , Distress and Dangers of child-hearing, are earnestly entretat d to calm their fear.., allay their nervousness and soothe il.e.r nay by the tine °Ghia most extraordinary vegetable pro duction. TM'ae who will candidly observe its einem I must approve of It in their henna—every kind and erne tionate husband will feel it his most solemn duty to alto vlate the distress ht. wife is expiated to, by a safe an certain method which is the nee of this mother'. relish. I Further partici:lam in pamphlets intended for the female eve, are to he had gratis where this humane cordial is to be found. The Mother's Relief in prepared only by the now aisle proprietors, Comstock & Co. 2I Courtland at. New York. For Wervis—Aeltastock*• Farmifahre will eradicate and rnre children and adult's who have worm... Caution— Beware of al/ unless the name is spelled Kohnetock, the old Dutch name of the inventor. Price 25 cents per bot tle. It cannot injure the child should there be no i Worms, bill it Will do good. BOORS. Expectorant Syrup Hare roue Cough—D. net neglect It—thousands have met a premature death for the want Aell,/ SCIEOOL & MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS, orm.„tio„ to common Cold. Have yriti a cought Rev. comprising all the S chool Books in common Dr. Bartholomew's Expectorant Syrup a safe medical wt use, and a large v ariety of valuable mitt prescription, containing no poisonous drugs, and used in cellaneous Books. in various and elegant styles of binds an extensive practice for several years, will most prsi- ing and typography. lively give relief, and save you from that most awful SCHOOL BOORS: di Pulmonary Consumption. which usually sweeps ' GRAMMARS: Kirkharri's and Smith's. into the grove hundreds of the young, the old, the lovely I Gti,ostiscsies, Do. Primary ; Morse's. and the gay. HISTORIES: Willard's abrg'd U. S.; Hale's Do. To the flail and Lame. Comstock** Nerve and Bone Comly's Spelle r—Bonsalr. Edition; Elementary Spiels Liniment and Indian Vegetable Elixir is the moat effect- lers Angell', Select Render; Do Nos. 2 &4. Comity's ual cure for Rheumatiam. contracted cords or muscles, Primers; English Readers; School Bibles and Testa and is warranted to cure sup case of Rheumatism or ments. Toy Books Primers, Copy Books. Cypheringdo ; Gout. Slates and Penedo, Pens, Paper and Ink, kc., Ik.c. All the above articles are sold by W. A. Leader, the Columbia. and by Ihanss Boors, a great vancty, embracing every thing only agent for the genuine articles in from a Pass Book to a Ledger, inclusive. James dmitit. Lancaster, and John J. Libhart, Marietta. Please examine, before purchasing elsewhere. Caution. —Buy only of the abovapersoas as all others G. G. CLAIBORNE, are counterfeit. tiov6'47.6ai Columbia, April I, lE46.—tf Post Master. or S de Wi redT a not i i n ol g ; o o f f th t e lke blEd e , a i d s o li N k vi e ng7t e o rl el ib u r p r t d eal] stagnant humors which, when floating in the general mass of the circulation. are the cause of headache, giddiness. palpitation of the heart. and many other unpleasant symp toms, and ,A hen thrown upon the various parts of the body, are the cause of every malady incident to man. The In dian Vegetable Pills are always certain to remove head ache, giddiness, and every complaint, because they com pletely rid the body of all morbid humors, and everything that is opposed to health. \C rights Indian Vegetable Pills also aid and improve digestion, and therefore give health and vigor to the ..hold frame, as well as drive digestion of every kind from the body. Bzwsut OF CouNTEnrrirs AND Imrrs•novs.—Remem licr. that the original and only genuine Indian Vegetable Pills have the wntten signature of Wtmasm Wrucnrr on ' the top label of each bor. EU - The genuine for sale by FRY & SPANGLER, who are the only authorized Agenst for Columbia. Also, agents advertised in another column. Principal Office, 109, Race Street, Philadelphia. Testimony of Aft Doctors in favor of Wis% tar's Ealsam of wild CherrT.—Thift certifies that have recommended the INC Ot Dr . .1 IST AIVS BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY for diseases of the Lungs, for two years pnst. and many bottles to my knostiedgehave been used by my patients, all with beneficial results. In two rams, where it was thought confirmed consumption had taken piece, the Wild Cherry- effected a cure. E. BOYDEN, Physician at Exeter Corner, Exeter, Me.. Sept. 30. L+•ls. • Dr. Bradford Knapp. of Crown point, N. V., in a letter dated August 3, ISA 5, hays: "In the course of my practice in this vicinity I have tested in some good degree the good qualities of I.Vistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry in Pulmo nary Complaints, and I now wish to procure a supply of the medicine." _ . Dr. A. 11. filuenair. of Tarboro, North Carolina, ...Ref us under date of Feb. 14. 1.1::47, that he has aged Dr. (s -tarls Ilnlsnm of Wild Cherry in his practice the last eigh teen months. and consider it the best preparation of the kind he ever &my, awl knows of none so deserving the publicpatronage. Dr. Wm. A. Slum, of Washington, N. C., writes, under date of May 1.1, , 411, ns follows : I have heard of many eases of decided beneficial et f•cts from its use. especially in Asthma and chronic cough of emummilie character. I have used the Wild Cherry n great deal in practice, and with marked good results in those mines of great nervous mobility, and irri tability, to it hie), plithisical pm:ems are subject. The eonthination of these principles in Wistar's Balsam of I'd Cherry In ingenious and judicious. Medicid inert are justly distrustful of Patent Medicines In general, but candor must discriminate between mitre geous humbugs nail nostrums, and those medicines which have proved salutary. and in many well attested cases curatives!' Dr. lloirman. Huntingdon, Pa.. cured it child of Asthma with it, otter lie declared be could do no more with Ins medicine. mud the child must die. 1)r. Freleigh. of Saugernes, N. V.. snys he cured Lis ex. Complaint of four years standing, that M. until not yield to the 11•41211 remedies. Abralintn :skillionn, M.. D. of Boundlirook, N. J., nays it is the best methente fur Consumption, in every stage. thnt lie bas ever known. We might refer you to hundreds of enses, had we room, that would convince all, of its great twine, Editor , . lawyers. clergy men, and almost every class have at last found nut that W banes Balsam of %Vild Chfir ry is what "it is recenimended to be,' the very best med icine to be found. It cures or relics es all affections of the Lungs when nothing else st ilt. For sale by IL Wm-isms, Front Street Columbia. Pu. RadsvaT's Chickpea Medicated Soap.—ra trounced by thousands of ntilividuals throughout the United States nod Conodas, giving the most flattering satisfac tion to all alto have used it. Chemists have wondered at its mysterious infects. antimony of them have endeavored to discover the secret of ns wonderful combination of effieor totes balms and extracts. which render it so speed!. and efficacious in the removal of Pimples, Blotches, Pits. titles. 'Fetter. transforming as by magic, dark. sallow, yel low. and unhealthy slims. to sod, smooth, fair. purr, and healthy complexions. For the flat, of Chapped Flesh, Bough. Crark..l. and Diseolored Skin. Salt Rheum. Bing %Vortn. Erysetrlns, scurvy. and Sore Ilead.ll.lDWArfs cIONIESE MEDICATED SOAP may truly be called an iIICS I / 1 11111,11, IrenSIITC. EXerreI , PCTICtS of the Cuticle err speedily removed and cured—the cutieular vessels are insiontly cleansed of all impurities—the bands, neck and tare. pleura.•. a beautiful, clean. Sweet mud healshy ap pen rimer. FOR SIIAVIVL gentlemen will find this Soap a great drsulerattim. it prexlnees a rieli cream lather. softens the !ward. and render', the skin smooth and pliable. For Cleaning Teeth, Iliadwsn's Soap is superior to paste or powsh.r. at makes the teeth white and beautiful, sweetens the breath and pretests the gums from scurf. As a gene ral Toilet Soap, It 1. superior to nen eh and English Soaps, it is entirely free from irritarnig ingredients—it is purely balsamic null soothing to she skin- Each cake, tr. the genuine. must be awed R. G. Mid way J. & R. G. RADWAY, at Crustland St., N.Y. Sold iirColundsm by It Wixtasins. lapll9-Im. A Pitystrisx's Tcs - rianosni.—Testimony is now receiv ed from all quarters of the (3.:*.bsr- The t;allossing letters are presented with n view of more fully showing the opinions of Plissieinns in relation to the medical value of DR. SWAYNE'S COMPOUND SYSUP OF WILD' CHERRY. Swsysc. Dear Sir t (raving used your Com pound Syrup of Wild Cherry, extensively in my practice, I was requested by your [igen), Dr. Crutcher, to express my opinion in writing. of its properties as n remedial agent. I most cheerfully comply, as I teel by so doing, I will discharge a debt I owe to the community at large: and Physicians in particular. As much al I detest quack remedies and patent Nostnrtns, I was induced Item a fail ure of the most potent elpectornuns, recommended in our °lnterim medicas in 'nine cnses of diseased lungs, to try your prepurntion of Prunus Virginia, or Wild Cherry It is sufficient to stay that! wits so much pleased with the result of that. and subsequent trials, that I now prescribe it in preference to till other remedies where an expector ant is indicated. In the much dreaded Pneumonia or Die ease of lit,' Lune, lit the alarming form in which it -up pears in r regard it as an invaluable remedy/a the treatment orthat dl-rose who know me I hits e said enough, but as this may be seen by persons out of the vicinity of Prankffirt, I will briefly add, that I have been engaged in an eon e procure of my profession of 12 }tors. and um n Regular Graduate of Transylvanin, and this is the first Pment Medwine I ever thought enough, of to express an opinion iu vs thing J. 11. ELLISON, M. D. Franklin County, Ey. rIiANKFOUT. Ey.. Jan. 7, D 147. The above certificate is from one of our Physicians living a few miles front here, lie IS doing a very good nrnellee. and is considered a good Physician, and stands lair ; lie is. us he say s, az...gni/a graduate. DR. W. 1,. CRUTCIIER, Druggist and Apothecary. la - Since the harmluction of ivy article to the public,. there have' a number of unprincipled individuals got up Nostrums which they assert contain Wild Cherry, some me called “Ilalsams.' "Hitters," and even Syrup of Wild Cherry. but mine is the original rind only genllnle prema ralloll ever Introdueed to the public, which can be proved by the public Records of the Commonwealth of Pennsyl• rani!, The only safeguards ngainst imposition is to sea thnt my signature Is On enell untie, Jautur y. 7. I'l7. DR. 11. SWAYNE, Corner of Eighth and Rare streets. Phila. Preparril only by DR. SW.AI NE, N. W. corner of Eighth and Rare street., Philadelphia. and for sale by respectable Druggit.ts in neatly all the principal towns in the rimed State,. Sold by ‘CAI. A. LEADER, Columbia, and Dr. A. H. BARNITZ, Ibrl,, Pn, March 4, 1E48.-lin. PUBLIC SALE. ( - )N Monday, April 3rd, 1519, in the Borough of ki Col lint, at the Washington Rotel, the following properly. Vl7 I ORE WAGON. G BRAT:GUT HORSES, G SETS OF 11011 SI: GEARS. I s 1)1)1.1:, I CUrIING BOX. Sale to continence at, o'clock. and terms made known Pllll.ll , GOSSLER. Assignee of George Wisr. April, 1, IN ADDITION TO his former business. The subscriber, grate ful." for the liberal patronage that he has heretofore enjoyed, would announce flint he has just returned from the city, with nn extensive assortmont of ROOKS, STATIONERY. PERFUMERY. AND FANCY ARTICLES, selected with great cnre, especially for this market. lie would respectfully rcque.t a continuance of public favor. G. G. CLAIBORNE. Columbia, April 1, 154 .—tf
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers