The Columbia spy. and literary register. (Columbia, Pa.) 1848-1848, April 01, 1848, Image 1

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NEW SERIES, VOL. 1, NO. 40.]
Printing Office—Front Street. opposite Barr's Hotel
Fab/leaden Office—Locust Street, opposite the P:O.
Tsars.—The COLUMBIA Bev is published every
Raturday_morning at the low price of ONE DOLLAR A
Itr.AR. IN ADVANCE. or one dollar and fifty cents. If
not peld within one month of the time of subscribing.
Single expire, THREE CENTe,
TURK! Or Al/W.IMM rtn—Advertisements not exceed
ing a square three times fore', and 25 cents for each
Ildditional insertion. Those of a greater length In pro
portion. aleA. liberal discount made to yearly adver
Jun. PatxTrao,— Sach as Band-bills, Posting-bills.
Cards. [Abele; Pamphlets, Manna of every description
Ortalars,etc.ete..excented Wit h n entries' and despatch
And onletisottableterms.
SCIENCE, Volume I. for told—American ethuon—GEo.
•Comae and itOItERT Cox, E(1001.3.
The many and earnest desires expressed by the
lavers or rhrenoto !l on this side the Atlantic, and the hope
sai still further advancing this great cause, has induced us
to publish an American edition of this profound and
Its character and merits need but little comment, further
than that n emanates trmn sonic of the ablest minds in
England anti Scotland. and has been before the public
more titan is ) cars.
The distinguished phrenoloincal P ram, is its principal
contributor, and virtual conductor. This work embodies
all the new discoveries, together with all of intereat which
appertains to Phrenological Sconce.
111.1.61`; ET1S:11
It also advocates. showing Its adaptation to needteal sci
ence, to the relief of human suffering, and to its other va
rious anti important applications.
It also urges, with great ability and pre-enditent success,
Showing the bearings of this science of mind to legisla
tion, moral and political government, as well as to indi
vidual self-control and intellectual cultivation.
The first number will be embellished with a beautiful
portrait of Mr. Connie. and subsequent numbers by those
of other distinguised outliner will con
tain 9G pages, and will be is.lied quarterly on the following
INVAatsitt.Y 1. ALVAN/Di:.
Single copy, one year, 52 GO
Three copies, do A 00
All subscribers will commence and close with tile vol
ante. Please address rowl.ult & wEi.i.s.
feb.26'4e. No. I:11 Nassau st., New York.
rfillE public are hereby cautioned against take
1 log or purchasing a certain note given by the sub
scriber to a certain Solomon Cronerter, of Adams comity,
dated abont the latter part of February, lelS, payable zii
sixty days after date, for the sum of eighty dollars. I rim
determined not to pay the amount of eaul cote IIIII,A
C1:1171p010 , 1 to do so by lute, Rs the said note tt it. fraudu
lently obtained. JOSEPH SLIEILK.
Nest Ilempfield tp., Lancaster co , March 15,1a•15.-Btc
IN THE MATTBII of the Inteuded appluntuon of I LUG II
BOYI X., to the COllll 01 Quarter at the April
Term. 18.1., for heenhe to keep a tavern to the Borough
of Columbia. it being an old stand.
WE, the undersigned citizens of the Borough of Colum
bia, in which said tavern is proposed to be kept, do Certi
fy that the said tavern is necessary to accommodate the
public and entertain strangers and travellers, and that we
are well acquainted with the said Hugh Boyle, and that
he is of good repute for honesty and temperance. and I 3
well provided with house room and conveniences for the
accommodation of strangers and travellers.
John Cris-el, John Ziegler, Paul Hamilton, John A.
Hook, Samuel fleece, J. 11. Hunter, Samuel P. I.ochard,
Peter Saylor. Reuben hlullinon. Robert Hamilton, Geo.
Wolf, John V anglicn, F. A. Thomas.
March 11,14.J.3t
IN THE MATTER of the intended application ofJOSIIIJA
J GAri:r. to the Court of Quarter Sessions, at the
April Term, l&4n. for licence to keep p tavern in the
Borough of Columbia, it being an old stand.
'WE, the undersigned eitife is oldie Borough of Colum
bia, in which said tavern is proposed to be kept. do certi
fy that the sad tavern is necessary to accommodate the
public and entertain strangers and travellers, and that we
are well acquainted with the said Joshim.l. Gault. and that
he is of good repute for honesty and temperance, and is
well provided with house room and COlO. enictices for the
accommodation of strangers and travellers.
George Mann, John Lockard. Scu.. F X. Ziegler. John
Lockard,Jr., Jonas Rumple, Andrea• thrown, John Clark,
Daniel Zahm, John Enny, Jams s 1.. Pretston, Francis
Hays, Chas. Rawlings.
March 11, P,19-3t
IN Till; NIA:ITER. of the intended implication of JESSE
MOORE, to the Court of Quarter S "smile., at the April
Term, IFI , , forlicense to keep a tavern in the Borough
of Columbia, it being an old stand.
wr., the undersigned chirens of the Borough ofCrilum
bia, in which said tavern is proposed to be kept, do certi
fy that the said tavern is necessary to accommodate the
public and entertain strangers and travellers, and that we
are well acquainted with the said Jesse Moore, and that
he is of good repute for honesty and temperance. and 19
well provided with house room and conveniences for the
accommodation of strangers and travellers.
John II Brooks. Daniel Zalim, Peter Savior, George
Weaver. John Lightner, Reuben Nlidlison, 'John Eddy.
11. G. Minich, Michael NVl:ler. Jr, Philip Shreiner, John
Slack. John S. Given, JelTery Smedley, thigh Sanders.
March 11, IBEs3t
IN nit MATTER of the intended applicatton of JOIIN
BARR. to the Court of Quarter Se...mos, nt the April
Term, for license to keep a tavern in the Borough
of Columbia, it being no old stand.
"IVE, the undersigned enlivens of the Borough otrolum
bia, in which said tavern is proposed to be kept. do certi
fy that the said tavern Is neeesstiry to accommodate the
public and entertain strangers and tras eller , . and that we
are well acquainted with the sand John Barr. and
that be is of good repute for honesty and temperance. and
is well provided with house room and conveniences for
the accommodation of stranirers and travellers.
Paul Hamilton. George Vs ike, Reuben Nlullison, John
Cassel, George Wolf Sohn Lightner, John Vninglien. Pe
ter Saylor, George Weaver, Peter Haldeman, J. W.
Cottrell. Charles Rawlings.
March 11, 1e45-3t
----- -
IN THE MATTER of tha intended appliention of JOS.
BLACK, to the Cot.rt 01 Quarter isessions. at the April
Term, Ic4S, for a license to beep n tavern in the Bor
ough of Columbia. it being on old stand.
WE, the undersigned citizens of the borough of Columbia
in which said tavern is proposed to be kept. do certify that
the said tavern is necessary to accommodate the public
and entertain strancers and travellers, nod that we arc
well accquaintecl with the said Jost-ph Black, nail that
he is of good repute for honesty and temperance, and is
well provided with house room and eons matinees for the
accommodation of strangers rind traveller,
John A. Book. r.. B. Brodhead. J. 11. Hunter, George
Wolf, JOhn J. !Wanton, Gideon Breto man. ficorge Wike,
Geo. C. Franciscan, H. E. Atkins. Boohoo Mallisem, Jno.
Lightner, John Toughen, Teter Haldeman. J. W. Cot
trell, L. K. Saylor.Jumen I. Pr.:womb Janie, Collin, Jr.
Starch 11, lele-3t
IN TIIBMATrEII of the intend.l application of DAN
lEL HEIM. to the Court 01 Quarter Sessions, at the
April Term, B IS. Inc liren.e to keep a tavern in the
Borough of Colninbin. it being an old stand
WG the undersigned citicens of the borough of Columbia
in ',illicit said tavern j.l proposed to be kept. do certify
that the said tavern is necessary to aceommoilate the
public and entertain strangers and traveller... and that we
RTC well accepramted with the said Daniel Herr, and
that he in of good repute for honesty and temperance and
is well provided with house room and convenience for
the accommodation of strangers and traveller..
Hubert Hamilton, John B. Edwards, Reuben Mulliscin,
-Tames Myers. Fri. A.Thomac. John Jordan, George C.
Franciscus, Henry Pfahlcr. John Cassel, Joseph Tyson.
Paul Hamilton. J. 11. Hamer.
March 11, 1..4`i11t
Es/ THE MATTER of the intended nppliention of nre
BF.CCA Entni.ris. to the Court of Quarter Sessions,
at the Apnl Term. 1 ., 44. for licence to keep in tavern
in the Borouch of Columbia, it being nn old stand.
WE, the undersigned citizens of the Borough of Col
umbia, in which said tavern is proposed to he kept, do
certify that the stud tavern is necessary to accommodate
the public and entertain strangers and travellers. and that
we arc acquainted with the said Rebecca Eberlcin, and
that she is of good repute for honesty and temperance,
a id is well provided with house room and conveniences
for the accommodation o fstrangers and travellers.
John Bruner. Casper Seibert, Conrad Swartz. Daniel
Zahm. Peter Saylor. Robert Spear, John Peter
A. 'Elmhurst. Prier lialdemnn. Jonas Rumple, John Ben
net. Isaac Vauchen, Jacob Cadman.
March It. If+.l°4lt
THE subscriber having disposed of his stock
of Merchantlize, and consequently declining bust
newt, hereby notifies all those indebted to him to call and
settle tip their accounts and those having claims against
um to present them without delay.
Columbia, March 4, 19454( L. K. SAILOR.
From the . Chrisuan Repository.
While heroes deck'd with lauraled fame,
On victory's field arc crown'd,
Great Adams claims a nobler theme
Tor lane's loud trumpet's sound
In deeds of blood hi, mighty soul, -
Would take no active part ;
But loseil mankind from pole to pole,
\Vial an unchanging heart.
His wisdom from our highest throne
Marred like the morning sun,
And greatest in our councils shone,
Till his vast work was done.
Ills long lov'd spirit now is fled,
Ilis brilliant course is run,
Ile sleeps with all the mighty dead
As fortune's favorite boll.
His praise shall float on every wind,
And virtue's purest page
Shall point each tow'ring statesman's mind
To Massachusett's sage.
The stars and. stripes that freemen love
Shun freedOlit's liaison pay ;
While our bold Engle soars above,
To watch his sleeping clay.
Columbia's daughters weep around,
Where the great statesman hes;
And look for the last trumpet's sound
To raise Min to the Ate,
Then death shall bid hint die no mom,
While endless age, run,
But live on the. eternal shore,
Where untold deeds arc dune.
Columbia, Pa . March 13, 1E4'.1.
~'clect "atc.
From the: CoNimbian M ag.uzinc.
Many years ago, the good ship Cleopatria ar
rived in Baltimore with a hundred steerage pas
sengers from the Emerald Isle. Among the num
ber were two young men from Tyrone, who had
married just on the eve of sailing, and had conic
with their buxom brides to seek their fortunes in
America. The latter laud grown up side by side
from girlhood, and were intimate as sisters. Tim
former were HO less intimate and attached to each
The names of these adveritnrers were Terence
Leary and his wife Margaret, and Andy O'Shane
and his wife Biddy, or Bridget. The first idea of
coining to America had been suggested by Leary,
who was a quick, intelligent young man, and had
conceived the notion that a fortune was to be
made in the new country across the Atlantic, from
which ever and anon were coming the most inspi
ring intelligence to the enterprising and ambitious.
He had been, during two or three years, gardener
for an Irish gentleman, in whose family Muggy,
his wife, had, for some time before their marriage,
acted as waiting maid. O'Shane was a draper's
clerk; hn had been better educated than Leary,
both as regards school and home education; and
the same could be said of Bridget in comparing her
with her friend Margaret. Notwithstanding this
difference, the young men and their wives, as has
been said, were very intimate friends, and when
the mutter of going to America was ecided upon
by Leary and Muggy, O'Slione and Biddy were
not long in making up their minds to go with
After settling for their passage and entering the
vessel in which they were to sail,their joint wealth
consisted of about twenty sovereigns. This was
to be the basis of their fortunes in the New World.
Leary, who was more talkative than his friend,
had a great deal to say about what they would du
on arriving in America. He proposed that they
should unite their interests and stand by each other
in all good or evil fortune.
"Heaven knows, Andy," he would sometimes
say, "that I'd divide my last crust with yees, ony
day. And Maggy has the same feelin' for Biddy,
bless her sweet soul !"
To expressions of this kind the more thoughtful
and reserved, but equally warm.hearted Andy,
would reply, that while he could lift a hand or earn
a penny, the friends of his early years should be as
the members of his own household.
With such feelings, and in mutual confidence,
the young emigrants landed in Baltimore, where
they soon made the acquaintance of some of their
own countrymen, and gained a little information
in regard to business and the prospect before them.
Neither of these wcre found to be very cncnurag.
in. Leary was the first who obtained employ.
ment ; it was in the capacity of a common laborer
in digging out cellars and foundations for houses
about being erected. This was several weeks af
ter their arrival, and when their few sovereigns
had become much fewer than when they set their
foot in a land of strangers. It was some time af.
ter this before O'Shane got any thing to do, and
this was not until he had seen nearly his last far.
thing. During the discouraging period that elapsed
between the finding of work by Leary and the get.
ting of employment by O'Shane, not a word was
said by the former, who had become reserved to
ward O'Shane, about dividing his last crust with
him and Biddy.
A single sovereign remained of the ten which
made up the entire wealth of O'Shane when ho
landed in the United States, and his chances of
getting something to do seemed no better titan at
first. This sovereign he determined to invest in
sundry small wares, and try what he could do in
peddling them about from house to house. In this
he was LiOTC successful titan he had expected ; his
profits were, front the first, enough to meet his
small expenses, and afterward to gradually increase
his stock in trade, which from bring only the value
of a sovereign at first, was, in the course of a few
months, worth many sovereigns.
The digging of cellars was hard work, much
harder than attending to a gentleman's garden,
and Leary, as soon as he saw that O'Shane was
doing very well at peddling, become so much dia.
satisfied with his employment that he determined
to give it up and to try what he could do with the
• pack' lie had still nearly five sovereigns laid
by, and was about investing these, under the ad.
vice of his friend O'Shane, in goods suitable for
the trade of a peripatetic dealer, when he was
taken sick, and lay ill for some weeks. liis ex
penses and doctrw's bill during this time took
away all of Itia little capital, and he was about re.
turning with a soured spirit to his spade and gnat.
tork, when O'Shane generously offered to loon
I' enough to make a fair start as a pettier. With
grateful feelings this kind tender of his was ac.
The interest of the two young men being now
more really united than they had yet been, and as
both were required to be much from home, a small
house was taken between them, and their families
united, in order to lessen expense.. This arrange
ment continued for about a year. and a half, during
which period both Leary and O'Shane reaped a
very fair harvest on their labors. At the end of
this time, the former having saved about three
hundred dollars, laid by his pack and opened a
"grocery and liquor store." About the same time
a situation at the south,with a very fair salary, was
offered to O'Shune, and accepted by him. At this
point, the ways by which the two friends wera,to
travel in the world, diverged. They parted with
many sincere expressions of friendship, and mutual
pledges to aid each other in any future extremities,
if the power to do so remained.
With three hundred dollars, shrewdness, indus
try, and economy, in personal and family expenses,
success in the "grocery and liquor" business was
a thing certain. Six years from the day Leary
put up his sign he sold out his shop and com
menced the business of a wholesale dealer in gro
ceries in general, but rum and whiskey in particu
lar, on Bnwley's wharf. He was then worth some
ten or filtetiri thousand dollars, arid deemed it but
due to his increased importance as a merchant, to
assume ikstyle of living rather more imposing than
the back Atoms and second stories of a grog-shop.
But even in gratifying his pride, Leary was cau
tious not to put the main chance in jeopardy. A
house at four hundred dollars rent, and use or six
hundred dollars laid out in parlor and some addi
tional chamber furniture covered the length and
breadth of his extravagance at this era in his his
tory. During the whole of this period he had
heard nothing from O'Shane, except that on his
arrival at Charleston, the place of his destination,
he hail found all as had been represented to him,
and that the situation lie had accepted would
enable him, if lie kept his health, to lay up some
The change that had passed over Terence Leary
in ten years was quite remarkable. NYlten he
landed from the `Cleopatra' ho was a fair speci
men of a rough, healthy, coarse young Irishman,
and retained this appearance until he got behind
his own counter, at which time a gradual process
of transformation commenced. Time corduroy
trowsers gave way to cassinet pants, the coarse
roundabout to a long tailed coat, and the seal.sliin
cap to a black beaver with a shining surface ; the
stout, well gressed brogans that had carried him
many a mile, over rough roads as well as smooth
ones, were thrown aside, and boots well blacked
worn in their stead; they were the first blacked
boots that had ever covered his feet. In this new
dress Leary, at first, scarcely knew himself, but ho
was nut long in forgetting that he had ever worn
any garments of an inferior quality. The con.
stunt attendance upon customers, with the neces
sity of handling himself all tae various commodi
ties he had to sell, prevented Leary from making
any further material alterations in his every-day
external appearance, until he ceased to he a retail
dealer and wrote himself m a merchant.' At this
period the change in the man was very apparent.
He stood at least two inches higher; the reason
was, his chin had become elevated preceisely that
much farther above the point where the collar
bones rest on the sternum. He shaved or was
shaved every morning; there was a time when
once or twice, a week was deemed sufficient. His
linen was faultless, and renewed every morning;
his black coat and pants guiltless of any sign of
hard service.
A few years more and Terence Leary, Esq., was
a man of wealth, standing, and importance; one of
the first merchants' of the city ; to his tquals ex
ceedingly polite, but to his inferiors in station, over
bearing and offensive. A porter, laboring man or
clerk was treated by him more like a dog than a
human being. He had no sympathies whatever
with the poorer classes—actually despising every
thing not possesacd of golden attractions.
One day, it was twenty years from the time the
ways of the young Irishmen became divergent,
Leary was sitting in his counting-room, when two
natives of the Emerald Isle, a man and a woman,
entered the store. They were pl.inly but not
roughly dressed. Leary recognized them in an in
stant ; they were his old friends, Andy and Biddy
O'Sliane. The sight of them did not give him
much pleasure, especially as there were present in
his counting room two or three merchants of the
• first standing.'
"Go and sec what those people want," he said
abruptly and in a tone of command, to one of his
clerks. "If they ask for me, tell them I'm en.
gaged and can't sec them now."
The clerk met Andy and Biddy half way down
the store.
" Is Mr. Lcary in 7" asked O'Slianc.
"He is engaged at present."
"No matter, lie will see us," replied O'Shanc,
pushing on past the clerk, who tried but in vain to
keep him back.
To the consternation of the merchant, O'Shane
and Biddy entered boldly into his counting-room,
the former extending his hand as he advanced to
him, arid saying in a voice of pleasure,
"Terence, anon ! how are ye 7"
But Leary fixed a cold, repulsive look upon his
old warm-hearted friend, and declined taking his
" Don't ye know me, mon? don't ye know Andy
O'Shane? Didn't we come from old Tyrone? bless
the deur soil and wasn't you a gardner's man
there and I a draper's clerk ? And wasn't Biddy,
here, and your own wife, Maggy, as intimate as
burn sisters? Terence Leary, mon, don't ye know
me now ?"
The Irishman spoke with enthusiasm.
"Go 'way, man; gn 'w.ty," said Leary, turning
his head and waving for OSltarm and his wife to
retire; there is a time fur all things, and a place
for all things."
Tho whole manner of the Irishman, instantly
changed, and he drew himself up with dignity—
• G'u 'way, d'ye say, Terence Leary 7" he replied ;
"Go 'way is it, now? It wasn't so, Teddy, when
ye got the fever from hard work in the hot sun,
diggin' cellars, and spent all y'r money with the
doctors. Oh no, it wasn't go way then, Teddy !
It wasn't go 'way when I loaned ye two sovereigns
to fit ye oat for a tramp with the pack, and helped
ye on till y'r feet alter the sickness! Oh no, it
wasn't go 'way then, Teddy. But never mind ; the
world is wide, and so, good-bye till yees. Come,
And O'Shane turned and walked slowly away
with his wife.
Leary was angry and mortified beyond measure
at this interview, by which former low associates
and former low occupations were exposed to two
or three dignified merchants, who, pitying his em.
barrasaed posiiion, soon withdrew and left him to
his no very pleasant reflections.
Mrs. Margaret Leary was no less outraged by
the assurance of their old acquaintances, when her
husband related what had happened, titan hod been
Mr. Torence Leary himself.
We'll have 'cm thrusting themselves in here
upon ns, I suppose, next thing. Biddy was always
bold end forward and never had any sense of pro
priety ; but she will not want to come here twice
if she cornea once, I can tell tier."
A few hours after this remark was made, Mrs.
Leery was infiarmod that there was a woman in
the parlor who wished to sec her.
Who is it ?" was asked.
"Sho says her name is O'Shanc."
The color instantly mounted to the lady's lice.
"Tell her I'm not at home."
The servant went back to the parlor.
" Mrs. Leary is not at home," he said.
"But you told me," returned 3lrs. O'Shane,
" that she was at home."
"I know," said the waiter, rudely, "but I find
that she is not at home to you."
"You told her my name?"
" Yes."
"What did ynu say it was?"
"You are certain
"Yes, sure of it."
The visitor retired slowly, with her eyes cast
down. There were bitter feeling& at her heart.—
The friend of her early years, MIK companion of
her early trials, the partner of her early hopes and
fears, to meet with whom, and to find affection un.
changed, he'd been the dear hope of many years,
had turned coldly from her.
"Not at Lome to me," she sighed to herself as
she walked away from the handsome dwelling of
her old friend. Not at home to sae. Tried and
found wanting. Ah, well! better to know this
than take by the hand a fulse-hearted friend."
Leary and his wife were no little disturbed by
the occurrences just related. The assurance of
O'Shane and Biddy in supposing that they could
now have any association with thein,was surprising;
and their presumption in thrusting themscl‘es for
ward an unpardonable offence.
Days and weeks went by, but. O'Shane and his
wife came not again near the old friends of other
days, who wished to forget them. This was a re
lief to the Learys, who for some time after lived in
dread of another visitation.
In the wr.stern part of the city, among a number
of ele g ant houses in the process of erection, one
larger and more indicative of the substantiality of
its owner went steadily up from basement to cor
nice, and stood forth to the eye an object of admire.
tion, and a proof of wealth in the builder.
"That will be a splendid residence," said Ivory
to a mercantile friend, with whom he happened to
be walking one Sunday afternoon. "I wonder who
it is for?"
"It is said to be for a New Orleans merchant of
great wealth, who hes retired from business and
intends residing here fur the purpose of educating
his younger cliddren."
" Ah ! Do you know his name'?"
"I beard it, but do not remember it note."
"I like to seek men of wealth coming to our city.
It is one of the most beautiful in the country. Etc
must be a man of considerable property to build a
house like that."
"They say he is worth half a million."
" Indeed!"
"Yes. Like yourself, he started, I am told,
with nothing, and made his own fortune."
,allusion to himself, as having started with
nothing, was not entirely agreeable to Mr. Leary.
He did not want people to know that he had come
up from the lower classes in society, and fondly
imagined that this was a secret known to but few.
A reference to the fact, therefore, was like throwing
cold water upon him.
"[lave you net him 1" Ile asked, because it was
necessary to say something.
" Yes. He is it plain but very gentlemanly mnn.
There is nothing ostentatious about !din ; nothing
that marks the purscluoud rich man—no upstart
arrogance in his character. I wish I could re
member his name ; but, no matter. It is 0' some
thing. o', o', o'—no, I can't get it. By the way,
Mr. Leary, I believe he is a countryman of yours,
and that reminds me of a first rate story I heard
of him. It is capital! One of the best things that
ins occurred for some time. Have you heard it 1"
Well, it is first rate. Some twenty or thirty
years ago, this gentleman arrived in our country,
with his wile, given from Ireland. They came in
company with another young couple of the same
grlde in society ; one, I believe was a gardncr, and
the other bud been in a draper's store, and came
to seek their fortunes. A few sovereigns each
were all they possessed. Both the men and their
wives had been friends front early years, and were
attached to each other. In coming to this country,
they pledged a lasting friendship and a lasting in
terest in each other's welfare. Fur a . time their
ways in life lay side by aide; but there were some
things in the conduct of the friend of this O'—O'—
what is his name 1 O'Shane ! Yes, now I have
it! O'Shane is his name, Air. Leary."
The merchant who was so full of the good story,
did not observe the marked effect the announce.
merit of this name had upon his auditor. He
went on :
O'Shane noticed some things in the conduct of
his friend that he did not much like; as, for in•
stance, when fortune smiled a little upon him, lie
was distant toward O'Shane, and said nothing
about dividing his last penny with him as before,
but when things looked dark with him, and bright
with O'Shane, he was exceedingly glad to bask in
his friend's sunshine. Still, notwithstanding this,
O'Shanc was attached to him, and their wives were
like sisters. They started in the world as pedlers,
O't-lianc loaning his friend, who had spent all his
money in sickness, enough to get a well-filled pack.
In order to lessen expenses, they rented a small
house, and their wives lived together while they
were away.
"At length the friend saved enough to set up a
grog-shop, and O'Shane accepted a situation at the
South. They parted, and never met again until
six months ago—tisenty yeJra having elapsed
since they separated. The friend made enough
money in a few years, by selling grog, to get into
a more decent and respectable business. He be
came a wholesale dealer, and is now, I am told, ono
of our wealthy merchants. Bat he is represented
as being exceedingly proud of his position in so
ciety, at. the same lime that ho is haughty and flyer
bearing to those in humbler circumstances. With
him, I suppose, as with too many others, money,
not worth, makes the man.
"O'Shane, who was a far worthier man, pushed
ahead at the South ; not by selling rum, however—
he was above that—but by fair and honorable trade.
Ten years ago he went to New Orleans, having
amassed about fifty thousand dollars in Charleston,
and entered into the cotton•brokerage business,
from which he retires with half a million, honestly
made. But now for the gist of the story. O'Shano
had not seen nor heard direct from his friend for
fifteen years; but he knew how ho was getting
along, and ascertained on his arrival in Baltimore,
that he knew nnthing of his altered fortunes. So,
what do you think lie does? Ho knew that if he
came as the possessor of half a million, ho would
be received with open arms, and lie would never
know whether a spark °fold and truoregard remain.
ed. He, therefore, determined to test his friend.
In order to do this, a few days after his arrival in
the city. he called, in climpany with Biddy his wife,
bntlt plainly, hut not meanly dressed, at the store
of the merchant and claimed acqu iintance. Two
or three persons happened to be present nt the time,
and, I am told, they describe the scene an rich be
yond any thing they had ever seen. The merchant
did not know them, and O'Slianc, to refresh his
mommy, reminded him, in an assumed brogue, of
old Ireland and what they land been there, and of
,heir early toila and struggles in this country. It
is said lie spoke with much feeling. But the out-
raged merchant bid him begone, in a towering
passion. _ _
".After that, O'Shane's wife called to see the
friend oilier curly years, hoping that she might not
be as badly changed as her husband. She sent up
her name, and received for answer that the lady
wasn't at home; or, as the servant said, not at home
to her.
' „ It was enough. O'Shane saw that his old
friend was unworthy of his regard, and will treat
him hereafter :ma stranger." --
Leary and his communicative companion were
walking along-, the former with his bead bent down
and his eyes upon the pavement, in order to con
ceal the expression of his face. After the narra
tive was closed, and while smarting comments were
being made thereon, Leary looked up and found
himself almost face to face with O'Shane and his
wife, both with the appearance and bearing of pea.
plc who moved in and were used to good society.
They looked at him with the look of strangers, and
his eyes dropped beneath their gaze.
"That's the very man, now," said Leary's cont.
panion, as they passed on.
Leary knew it too well. And lie also knew very
soon after that his conduct had become notorious,
and that, people despised him for his purse-proud
arrogance; while O'Shane was respected for his
sterling qualities as a man—his true heart and
sound head—as much as for his wealth. He never I
forgave O'Shane in his heart, for what he had done;
but his anger was impotent. Ile sometimes met
him in society, but O'Shane's bearing was that of
a perfect stranger. Every now and then people.
would introduce them, when they would bow with
cold politeness, as if they had never seen each other
before. Mrs. Leary and Mrs. O'Shane al-o met
occasionally. But it was Biddy and Nlaggy no
The governments of Europe make a great parade
and wonderful display of pomposity in relation to
reigning houses. Franco has its house of Bourbon,
Prussia that of Brandenburg, Austria that of Haps
burg, and England, after trying a number of dy.
nastics, has, for two hundred years been ruled by
the house of Hanover, represented in a race of
Guelphs. All these houses, and many more, are
now united under the empire of Finance, whereof
the sovereign is of the hou.e of Rothschild. The
strides of that house to empire have been long and
rapid, and its foundations arc probably more stable
titan those of any .other reigning faintly. Bona
parte rose rapidly from the lieutenancy of the regi.
ment La Fere to the command of Europe. A
military organization is not permafient, however.
Most of the present families have come from as
low an origin as the house of Rothschild, but they
have been longer on the journey, and the frame
work of their greatness was built slowly in the
lapse of generations, each one of which found the
platform rai sed so rne wh at. These G h ere.
of Mrs. Victoria Coburg is the most fortunate rep
resentutive, have been a long time on the way.
They may be traced back to the time of Ch
They arc a great houe, but the Rothschild dy.
nasty is in the ascendency. The baron Lionel de
Rothschild is the first Jew member of Parliament,
and his admission, for which a special law is rc•
quired to be passed, is by the Engiish Tories con.
sidered a fatal blow to the English constitution.
If his presence in Parliament strikes one constant•
Lion, the money of his house upholds half a dozen.
At the moment he becomes a legislator for Eng.
lund, his house loans the tottering dynasty of
Bourbon '250,000,000 francs to sustain it. We are
personally acquainted with many members of this
house, and when in Germany picked up many facts
in relation to them.
In the year 1710. in a little Jewish settlement in
"Frankfort on-the-Maine," dwelt a family of re
spectable Jcw pedlars, and in that year they were
blessed with a son, whom they called Mayer An
selm Rothschild. They gave him what education
their small means would permit, but dying when
he was at the age of eleven, left him to his own
resources. He then earned a scanty living by
writing, which he soon abandoned for a trade. But
his ambition was to be a priest of his religion.
Fortunately for tottering dynasties of the present
clay, this wish was not accomplished. llis trade
required him to travel; and after some years be re
turned to his native place and established a small
business. He soon, however, gained considerable
notoriety as a collector of old and curious coins,
which brought him in contact with persons of rank,
among whom it was a fashion to make such col
lections; and finally he went 10 Hanover as a clerk
in a largo banking hou.e. Subsequently, with a
few years' savings, he returned to Frankfort, mar.
tied, and commenced a little exchnnge business.—
His great sagacity, strict punctuality and.a recti
tude of conduct, pushed him rapidly forward, nod,
towards the close of the century the Frankfort
banking house had become famous, and its profits
large. The banker, meantime, brought up ten
children, of whom five suns were "after his own
heart ;" and when he died he left them vast wealth
and an extensive business, with the injunction to
dwell in strict and unbroken unity. Arid the tn•
junction then bestowed has been faithfully curried
out. The fivesons conducted many banking houses
at the leading capitals of Europe. They were as
follows, the eldest, Ansclm, was born in 1773, and
was the most substantial citizen of Frankfort; and,
as representing the father, he was the head of the
whole operations of the home. The second, Solo.
mon, horn in 1771, became a eitirm of Vienna,
where he is held in high estimation as as man, as
well as a member in the most stupendous banking
house in the world.
The fourth son, Charles, was born in 1788, and
has, since IS:21, conducted the house at Naples,
where his popularity is equal to that of any of his
brothers. 'rho youngest eon, Jacob, was horn in
1792, and is banker for Parts, where he maintains
splendor th at eclipses most of the Princes of
Europe. The third son we have yet to mention,
Nathan, who was born in 1777, and became the
head of the London house in 1798, and was in every
intellectual respect a giant. It was observed of
him that should he parte ko of the chase it could
only be to hunt elephants.
The five houses, combining dl the financial re.
sources of Europe in their movements, which were
always simultaneous, have exercised for half a can.
tory, a power unseen but overwhelming. Nearly
all the government debts of Europe are of their
contracting. Through the wars of Bonaparte their
information was always correct, and always in ad.
vance of the British government, which was often
dependent upon them for information as well be
melee of action. Although their residences were
always widely separated, each controlling all within
the sphere of his influence, and commanding all
mesas of informs than, no important transaction was
entered into without consultation and strict liar.
meaty of opinion among them all.
All commercial exchanges, and all movements
of bta4neA. were known to and often controlled by
the old Jew in Frankfort, who could, in the excr•
eise of Ilis great nave:, look with contempt upon
feeble despots crying to him for help; and the aid
asked depended on the assent of the five brothers.
Accordingly they were courted in every possible
way. In 1918, they were made private commer
ciel counsellors to the King of Prussia; in 1815
financial counsellors to the Hessian government,
also to the Austrian Emperor, who conferred on
them the rank of Barons. In 1636 Nathan died,
leaving ..C33,000,000 and seven children, of whom
four is ere sons. The eldest, Lionel, who had been
made Knight of Isabella by the Catholics at Mad•
rid, and who is a Baron of Austria, in right of his
tither, appeared iii August, 1836, on the London
'Change, in the place his father occupied 38 years.
This gentleman it is who has become a member of
Parliament at the expense of a change in the Eng.
lisp constitution.
The House combined hes loaned the Ring allies
French the money necessary to keep him on tho
throne a few years longer. It is.lmanifest that as
this house has grown up with government debts,
the continuance of their power is in some degree
dependent upon existing governments. A branch
of the house has been established in New York,
conducted by Mr. Auguste Be'manic, a relative of
Solomon Rothschild, of Vienna. Republican free
trade does not seem, however, to be the soil in
which the stupendous business of the great loan
contractors will best flourish.
A correspondent of Noah's Saturday Times, who
lately travelled in Egypt, relates the following
amusing incident of Yankee enterprise:
We soon found onreelves in the desert, trawl'.
trig seas of sand. The weather was exceedingly
pleasant, and the heat was not so oppressive
as nes apprehended. We bad an agreeable
party, deterinim:d to be pleased with our jour•
nev,und not to grumble at whatsoever privations
we encountered. Early on :he second clay, after
camping among ruins, and in hearing of the howl
of a solitary hyena—not a very pleasant isAind
=tie saw, at a distance, what appeared to be it
shantee near a small clump of palm trees. It was constructed of rough boards, with on awk
wardly formed door—the whole looking like any•
thing else but Egyptian architecture; but it oc
curred to me that it might have been thus rudely
thrown together as a shelter for serene exploring
the ruins in the neighborhood. In front of the
door a Turk was seated on a bench, smoking his
pipe. lie looked like an oasis in the desert. Ho
had on a pair of cotton trousers, sandals and a tur
ban, with an titteglian stuck in a red small at his
side, and against the side of the shanty rested a
long gun. As we approached, he arose up, placed
his hands to his turban, and said in Arabic.—
BushchaLic, shook hands with my dragoman, and
exchanged a salutation with the janizaries, who
appeared to know him. Ilis hair, complexion and
manner satisfied me that he was not a Mussulman,
I rode up to hint and said :
'Halloli !'
• Hallo to you!' said he, in good English. The
tone and manner in which be spoke, created a sus.
picion that he was one of us. After shaking hands
with him, he looked inquisitively at me and said :
Stranger, moughtn't I have seen you before 7'
Where 1'
'Why, in New York'
• I belong there; but where did you coma from?'
I traded in a sloop from Stonington to Now
York, and am right sartain that I have seen you
Pray what are you doing here in this barren
and isolated spot!'
I keep this hotel.'
Hot el P
Yes, sir; nothing else. It ain't the Astor House;
hut I entertain man and beast travelling to and
from the Red Sea. They reckon sometimes to
stop the night with me, and get a cup of coffee and
a chicken and pipe.'
Where will the enterprise of the universal Yen.
;see nation end 7 In what part of the world will
they not be?
..Dm, my friend, what originally brought you
here 7'
I went up to the second cataract on the Nile, to
look after a twodiorned Rhinoceros for Jun; Titus,
Angevine & Co's Menagerie; but I could'nt get
thttarnal critter; they wouldn't sell him foPto price.
So 1 resolved to stop here a while and keep tavern:
Is there a great deal of travelling on this route?'
' Quite considerable. I reckon to be a mighty
country for trade from India. They bring con
siderable goods across, and when we get our rail.
' Railroad r
' Sartain, sir. The route has.bcen explored, and
this is the depot, and I'm to be agent—so Leftenent
Waghorn says; and when we get our locomotive,
we'll streak it from Cairo to the Red Sea in six
hours. Won't I scare the lions, and hyenas, and
other varmints, away with that ere whistle ?' So
saying, lie set up whistle as loud as a locomotive's,
evidently showing that he had been practising.
. Stranger, won't your company stop for break•
I proposed a halt for an hour or two, which was
agreed to; end we rolled off our donkeys, and
fastened our camels. Joali Hudson—fur I learned
that was his name—brought out a large wooden
mortar into which he emptied some toasted Mocha
coffee, which lie pounded fine and bulled in a tin
kettle over a charcoal furnace, and served up to us
as we sat under the palm trees, with some eggs,
quite comfortably. We filled our pipes, and looked
around at the barrenness which met our oyes in
every direction. At a distance there were mounds,
some broken fragments of marble, hero and there
remains of tombs and buildings, denoting that at
some time it bud been a place of note. Josh bus•
tied abdut, and filled the pipes with sweet tobacco.
Mouglit'nt you like to buy a mummy T he
Why, are you a dealer in antiquities, my friend?'
Occasionally. Ire got a mummy, and ibis, and
some glass beads, which I got from a tomb about
a mile off; but the beasts in the neighborhood are
troublesome, and I dare nut venture often.'
Well, landlord, what's to pay 7'
Josh reckoned the amount on the tips of hie fingers,
which came to a Spanish dollar. which we paid
with great cheerful:less, and shook hands with him
on our departure.
As Dr. Psnglosa says in his play Rho human
mind naturally looks forward.' This enterprising
man, no doubt aware that the overland route to
India would soon be established, and that great
traffic and commerce would grow out or this now
enterprise, was determined to take his position-in
time ; and commenced squatting on a spot in the,
central position, and bo ready to take advantage of
the travelling, and also the in transitu, and halm a
monopoly of his position. ' There is stone enough
in the neighborhood,' said he, to build a smart bo•
tel ; and when I can got hands I will surely put It
This was once the great highway of pedant,'
when the commerce of India poured its wealth
into the Mediterranean; when the gold Ophir VMS
brought to enrich the coffers of King Solomon--
when the whole route was one continuous lino of
noble cities, and villages, cultivated fields, enter.
prising iuhnbit .nt•, in the midst of which the Nile
flowed mojevtic,,lly, as it now does amidst barren
sands. This is the vanity of all earthly affairs.