The Columbia spy. and literary register. (Columbia, Pa.) 1848-1848, March 25, 1848, Image 4

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    IN THE MATTER Of the intended application of HUGH
BOYLE, to the Court ofQuarter Sessions. at the April
Term, 1648, for license to keep a tavern in the Borough
of Columbia. it being an old stand
WE, the undersigned citizens of the Borough of Colum
his, in which said tavern is proposed to be kept. do certi
fy that the said tavern is necessary to accommodate the
public and entertain strangere and travellers. and that we
are well acquainted with be said thigh Boy le. and that
be is of good repute for honesty and temperance, and is
well provided with house room and conveniences for the
accommodation of strangers and travellers.
John Cassel. John Ziegler. Paul Hamilton, John A.
Hook, Samuel Retire, J. 11. Hunter. Samuel F. Imelinni.
Peter Saylor. Reuben Mullisott, Robert Hanulton, Ueo.
Wolf, John Vaiighen, F. A. Thomas.
March 11, leleAt
IN THE MATTER. 01 the intended application
J. GAULT, to the Court of Quarter Session.. at the
April Term, ItA9, for license to keep a tavern In the
Borough of Columbia. it betng au old stand.
WE, the undersigned citizens of the Borough of Colum
bia, in which said tavern is proposed to be kept, do certi
fy that the stud tavern is nece,ory to accommodate the
public and entertain strangers and travellers. and that we
are well acquainted with the said Joshua J. Gault. 11111 i that
he is of good repine for honesty and temperance. rind is
well provided with house room and convenience. for the
accommodation of strangers and travellers.
George Mann. John Lockard. Sett.. K. Ziegler. John
Lockard. Jr., Jonas Rumple. Andrew Brown. John Clark.
Daniel Zahm. John Laity. James L. Pretstuit. Francis
Hays, Chas Rawlings.
March 11. ie4e-3t
IN THE AIXI TEE of the intended application of JESSE
MOORE, to the Court of ((carter tswssions. a , the April
Term. 154, for license to keep a tavern in the Borough
of Columbia. it being an old stand
WE, the undersigned eni/ens of the thorough of Colum
bia, in winch said tavern proposed to be kept. do certi
fy that the said tavern is arcs-wry to necorninoilaie the
public and entertain strangers and traveller.. and that w•e
are well acquainted with the said Jesse Moore. and that
he is of good repute for hone•ny and temperance. and is
well provided with house room and COil l, lllelICC , for the
accommodation of strangers mid travellers.
John H. Brooks, Daniel Zahm, Peter Saylor. George
Weaver John Lightner. Reuben 3lullimon, John. Eddy.
11. G. Munch. Michael Wisler. Jr, Pbnhp Shreiner. John
Slack. John S Jeffery Smedley, Hugh sunders.
March 11, 1-49-3 t
IN TITS MATTER of the intended appleattoit of JOHN
BARR, to the Court of Quarter Se•-100, at the April
Term. 1,1 , . for license to keep a tasern lit the liorough
of Columain. it being an old stand.
_ . . • . . .
WE, the undersigned cmcens of the Borough of Colum
bia. in which stud tavern is propo.ed to be kept, do certi
fy that the said tavern is neces,..ary to accommodate the
public and entertain strangers and travellers, and that we
arc well acquainted with the stud John Barr. and
that he is of good repute for hone,.ty and temperance. and
is well provided IA ith house room and conveniences for
the accommodation of ..trance, and travellers
Paul Hamilton. George ‘ , l , ike, Reuben Mullison. John
Cassel. George Wolt: John Lightner. John Vaughen. Pe
ter Saylor. George Weaver. Peter Haldeman. J. W.
Cottrell. Charles Rawlings.
March 11 : 1,-at
IN THE NIAITER of thu intended application of JOS.
BLACK, to the Court of gunner nt the April
Term. tor a licence to keep a tavern at the Bor
ough of Columbia. it being an o'd •itind
WE, the took it0(0111411 of Columbia
in which said ta,ern propo-ed to be kept. do cernty that
the said 1.11.010 0 nece—art. to n "1.4411111011 are tne public
arid entertain %mute., I . - and that we tire
well llCClplalltled 1.%11/1 lily ...a/ 41 Jts, 1,1 Mach, and that
h e to of goo d repute 'or hoar.:: and temperance. and ,
well provtded ‘voli boa, Orion.. :rind ron,llll-11CCS tor the
accommodation of strange, and traveller,
John A. Hook. I: s. !trod/wad. .1. Hume,. George
Wolf. John .1. 1it...1011.1,k fon lire 111 I:inn, George \\ Ike.
Geo C Eram,eti. 11. I: Jno.
Laehmer. John Vanghem Peter Haldeman. J. W. Cot
trell, 1.. K rmnt ler. Jounei L I'ret.ma4. James Collins. Jr.
Mnren 11. I'l--:h
IN I'HI:MA'rTER of the intelahnl application of DAN-
IliL to the Court of Quart. r Se
-tunic, ht the
April Term. I,ltr, for hero.... to keen a tavern in the
Borough of Col 1/111. it betilg an old -lnd.
WE: the intiler,tunedelliTel, of the I/01,110/ Or Col ambit
in at hick said tavern is proposed to he kept, do certify
that the stud tavern is necessary to ~,eo i nt oot ht te th e
public and entertain strangers and travellers. and that WI2
are well ricetplainted with the sold Lionel Herr. and
that het., of good repute for honesty and temperance and
is well prosni. d with house room and convenience for
the accommodation of strangers and travellers.
Robert Hatadion. John B. Edwards, nu alien
James Myers. Frs A, Thomas. John Jordan, George C.
Franci , cus. Henry Pt - abler. John Cassel, Joseph Tyson,
Paul Hanithon..l. H. Hunter.
March 11. I‘
IN THE MA'PrER of the intended a:The:mon of RE
BECCA ERERLEIN. to the Court of Quarter Ses , ions.
nt the April Term. 1-4-. tor been.e to keep a tavern
in the Borough of Columbia. it beial. an old <ta•nd.
WE. the under,ntned CIII7CII, of the Borough of Col
umbia. in which =aid tavern is propo , ed to be kept. do
certify that the •aid tavern n. neoo....ary to accommodate
the public rind entertain StrallTeN and traveller, and that
we are acquainted with the ',oil Rebecca Eberlern. and
that she is of tomd Terme for lione:ty nod temperance.
and is well provided with hon•c room am] conveniences
for the accommodation of ..arainTer , and travellcm
John Bruner. Cooper Seibert. Conrail Stuart. Daniel
Zahm. Peter Say tor. Robert Spear. John NlTall. Peter
A. Kimburg.. Pet , r I lila-man. Rump•e. John Ben
net. Isaac Va 11211,1. Jacob I,nm:lam
March 11,
IN Tim mATTE3I of the Int,ntl,l n2y.hg,kno tt of
WARD A Ili iWA RD. to tio• Croat of 9uorter Se , -
sloes. at the April Toro , I- t.s. for heenso 1,1 , -
era ut the lloroogo tot Colon. Id. o .ong no old stand
"NT th , 111,11. lit 11, borough of Columbia.
in which proposed to I.e kept, no certify
that the said raver. , e ry n , gottooodnie the
public nod entertato wratlgers tool Iran, filer-. and that we
arc well acquainted with toe said Edward A Hownrd.and
that he is of good ropos• for honesty and h•toporonce. nod
is well provolvd ,lth hens , . revoltild COllVellteneet. for
the ngeoonnoolnuon of strangers and travelho,
Prior Ilahleman. II 11 Atkto,, Abraham Myers, 1.
H. limner, sni t itiiq Rcild. Ibt.r Saylor. TV lll•ck
rothe. James-V:11101ot, John sdnek..l W. Cottrell, Gcorirc
I. Diller. auchini.lnon Pehr, F A Thomas, hi
Concly. Plohp (lo•sler.
March 11. 1,1•••-lt.
IN Tim MATTER of the un•nded amdicatten of coIt
:STELICS TYSON., in the Coort of Quarter Ste , 4irin., at
the April Term, ISl'. for lieen.e to keep ii tavern in the
Borough of Columma• a Lents tin old •tend
1,111 , .. the under-mood. eltl/011S of th” Borough of Colum
bia. in which -.aid tavern to propo.-ed to in‘ kept. To Cer
tify, that the -aid inn or tavern is nece..ary to accommo
date the public and entertain stranger, and traveller.,
and that we are well acquainted wan the sad Cornelius
Tyson. and that he I, of gond repute for honesty and tem
perance, and is well provided with house room and con
veniences for the accommodation, of strangers and trav
John Cooper, Thrimn. Lewic Joniiihnn
Pu,y. John \V Coriri•ll. Peter 11:11.irninn. IVin.
Power, J. Ziegler. George 11 - 11, John Lightner, Samuel
March 11, 15
It"; MATrEIt of the Intended apploottion of DAVID
CA ssr.L, Jr, to tar Court of quaver nt the
April Term 1-1-. for breve' to keep a tavern in the
Ilornuch of Marteita. it helm; an old ....and
wr... the under.urned en t ie n n Dorench nf Mariet
ta, in which said Int ern u..prettrted to he net.% Do Certi
fy. that the =aid an or tavern in neee.nary to :teem/ono.
date the public and entertain ane j tnt•r hers. and
that we are well aeunainted tech the said Da.
.7r. and that he in nt rood repute for hottecty and temper.
a nte , and is %y e ll pr, t cidod wtth house room and eon, en•
itenrea for the arrommodatiot e . ..lran:ter , and :rayon,.
Abraham Ca•..el. John H. Goodman. I. roller. S. zunel
Nowlor. Nimrod ran-el. John Ludwir Fidler. S.
F. Encle. Fredenek llehlmr. Wm Cummtur... Andrew
7..eader. John IC Fidler. Samuel Joluntoo, II Mucselman.
Henry rourhenour
Mnreh 11. 1-1-,lt
rsTur. MATTER of the intended applieation of JACOB
RIG LEO. to the Court niQuarter Se-'tons. at the April
Term. for license to keep n tavern in the Borough
of Marietta. it being, an old stand
WE.the undersigned. e:n7ens of the borough of Mariet•
ta, in which said tavern is proposed to he kept, Ito Certi
fy, that the said= or tavern is necessary. to accommo
date the public nod entertain strancers and travellers.
and that we are well acquainted wan the said Jacob Big
ler, and that he is of good repute for honesty and temper
ance, and is well provided with house room and conven
iences for the accommodation of strunrers and travellers
Abraham Cassel. David Barry. S Earle. Frederick
ileverling. Conrail Smith. Frederick shine. S S Nagle.
Abraham Varley.Joseph Mack, Samuel Oberlin. Samuel
Bailie, David Rinehart
March 11, 1,7144-3 t.
IN THE NATTER of the intended appltentton ofJAMES
STACK Ilz tUt.ll-.1. to thr Court of quarter Session., tit
the April Term,leV, for license TO keep a tavern in the
Borough of Marietta. it lining an old stand
WE, tue undentgned, citizens of the Borough of Mari
etta, in which said tavern is proposed to be kept. Do Cry
tify, that the said inn or tavern Is necessary to accommo
date the public and entertain strangers and travellers.
and that we are well acquainted with the said Jame,
Staekhouse, and that he is of rood repute for honesty and
temperance, and is well provided with house Town and
conveniences for the accommodation of strangers and
Samuel Bailie ,Andrem Leader, Abraham Varley. Niel.
etas Chapman. Adam Steiger. T. Johnston, Simon S ;stn.
rle, John Parka, Henry Hants, Abraham Cassel, Jobu
Roth. Joseph Mack
March 11, 15154. it
TiFsabseriber haring disposed of his stock
t. Merc:lrenchte. and 000ket, u t ott :i• dt,:o tt o g host.
fleas. herchy oottfies all Coo., t , t d e b te .l to bin to call and
settle up their aocounta. and 1 , 0, having rlattn, ogninat
!um to present tlxm without dehp
I If....3lumtna. March 4. T.. li. SAYLOIT.
IN THE MATTER of the intended application of MARY
FISHBAUGH, to the Court of Quarter Sessions. at the
April Term, BSI?, for license to keep a tavern m the
Borough of Marietta, it being an old stand.
WI; the undersigned, citizens of the borough of Mariet
ta, in which said tavern is proposed to be kept, Do Certi
fy. that the said um or tavern is necessary to accommo
date the public and entertain strangers and travellers,
and that we are weil acquainted with the said Mary Fish
bough. and that she is of good repute for honesty and tem
perance. and is well provided ssuh house room and
conveniences for the accommodation of strangers and
Samuel Johnson. Joint Parks. John Schack. Abraham
Cassel, David Rtaeliari. John J. Libhari, S F. Eagle. P.
1.. Etter, Henry Schack, James Dully, T. JOIIIIMOII,
A. Spangler.
March 11. li=4=4t
IN THE:MATTER of the intended application of JOHN
LIST, to the Court of Quarter Sesgions. at the April
Term, IS-13, for lieen.e to keep a tavern in the Borough
of Columbia. it beaux. an old stand.
WE the uriderogned citizens of the borough of Colum
bia, in which saint tavern is proposed to be kept, do cer
tify that the said tavern is necessary to accommodate the
public and entertain strangers and travellers, and that we
are well acquainted with the said John List, and that lie
is of good repute for honesty and temperance, and is well
provided with house room and conveniences for the as
rmninodution of strangers and travellers.
Ilan , .on Atkan... Pranme Hoye. Henry P. Wolf. Jae.
I. Pretstnnn. John Slack. George Hnmaher. Mtehael
‘l'lsler. John Jordan. Robert Spear, Joan Me l'all. Jonas
Rumple. John It Edwards.
March IE , , 1.,1c.-3t
IN THE MATTER of the intended application of R. W
RANDALL. to the Court of Quarter Sessions at the
April Term, for license to keep a tavern in the
Village of Safe Harbor.
WE the under , istied citizens of the village of Safe Har
bor. in which said tavern is proposed to be kept. do cer
tify that the said tavern is necessary to accommodate
the public and entertain strangers and travellers. and that
see are well acquainted with the stud R. W. Randall. and
that he is of sood repute for honesty and temperance, and
is well provided with home room and conveniences for
the accommodation of strangers and travellers.
W. D. Applegate, Aaron Kendig. P. Hoffman, J. M
Perkins, Edward Hess, Jonas Sourbeer. John H. Slow.
Amos lies.. Wm. Bowen, \t'm Rose, Christian Ohinit,
Jacob Ostrich. Jr.
March 15. IL• —3t
IN TliF. MATTER of the intended application of FRAN
CIS FLURY, to the Court of Quarter Se+sions, at the
• April Term. 1,74=, for licence to keep a tavern in the
Borough of Marietta. It being an old stand.
WE the undersigned eintenc of the borough of Marietta.
in which the sunl tavern is proposed to be kept, do certify
that the snit tat ern in necesnary to accommodate the
public and entertain ntramtern and travellers, and that we
are well acquainted with the •aul Francis Flury. and that
he in of good repute for honenty and temperance, mid is
well Novickd with honce room and conveniences for the
accommodation of stranger. and travellere.
Samuel Ilopkins, S. S. Nagle. Abraham Cassel, Jacob
('ogler. John Roth. Jacob Roth, Jr, John J Ltbhart. 301121
R. Difienbach. Alexander Lindsay, Reuben Welshans,
Wm A Spangler, Jacob Graybill.
March I cr,
IN THE MATTER of the intended application of MI
CHAEL t•TREIN. to the Court of Quarter Sessions. at
the April Term. for license to keep it tavern in the
Ithroach of Columbia. it being au old stand
WE the underiigned eitirens of the borough of Colum
bia. in whirl, suet lucent is proposed to he kept. do certify
that the coal tat ern i. necessary to OCCunanodate the
palate and entertain Stratiadri and traveller-. mid that we
arc m ell acquainted la nth the said Michael Stem. mad that
he is of cowl reptile for homely and temperance. and is
tcell yrnyttleol wnli hart-e room and couventeuces for the
accommodation 01 , Irlid.ZVT, and travellers.
!When lllllnlitoll. Joseph Ty , on. George Wolf. Wm
Power. John :slack. Robert Harry. James Lone. John A
Hook. James Collins. Jr.. Reuben .Ma A. Ow
logs.hael Wi.icr, John Bruner, Daniel Zaino
THIS ATTENTIVELY! Doctor Holland's Cele
. .
I Will effectually cure the Laver Complaint. Jaundice. Dys
pepsia. Chronic or Nervous Debility. Indigestion, Flatu
lence. Asthma. Diabetes, Disease of the Kidneys. Palma
nary Affections. (arising from disease of the stomach and
liver.l and all diseases arising from a weak or disordered
stomach in buth.Male and Fe male, such as Female tVeak
ness. Dissines.s. Fullness or Blood to the Head. Inward
Piles. Fluttering . of the Heart, Difficulty of Breathing,
Constant Imaginings of Evil, Great Depression of Spirits.
Dimness of Vision. Patti in the Side, Bach, Breast, or
Limbs. Cold Fest. &c.
They remove all acidity, and give tone and action to
the stomach. and assist digestion ; they contain no alco
holic sinaulant. and can Ue taken by the most delicate
stomach. and otll in every ease entirely de-troy Costive
ne.s, and renovate the mimic system. removing all ins
purises from the body , and reinmint, of previous - M5....a,
and give health and vigor to the whole frame, thereby
presenting frightful dreams, walking while asleep, &c.,
which mien re-alt in accident.
The functions of the stomach arc of the utmost impor
tance to ever) one. continuing tire source and fountain
of hie. Wine!. ms nutramti. No organ possesses such re
markable sympathies. none such remarkable power in
niodif!.ing every part of the system. A greater number
of per-oils fall victims to the harra,sing of Constipation
and Dyspeptic, and more organic diseases commencing
in the digs -tiro s , shun than ail other diseases combined -
The man) thousands who die with Yellow Fever, Cholera,
Iniluell/a, and other epidemic,. is owing to disease or de
ran.ecinent there. If the digestive system is in perfect
health. the nervous system and the circulation of the
blood will be al.°. as upon it they depend. then epidemics
!once all their terror.
in. or vt:itin.;• districts harrassed with
FLvilat AND AGI:I 7 , annuadly. will find that by the
timely u.c of One or two bottle, to renovate and streu¢theit
the system. no excess of bile will accumulate. and lacy
will not in any 011 e Illbt(tIlee take the 41,,e.c. Preven
tion to far better than cure.
The rare ~.sece, o , la treatise diteage% of the .domaeh
-ueee-o-tolly. has not [Mon .50 Me -e a vont of pathologi
cal knowledee of it. flelelloll , as the pre, 7ration of crilt
alble Vegetable compounds. so as to obtain not only their
whole power. but us they would be nico,t effectual and
We arc all aware that ma many preparations have
been, and are Mlle before the public. that act only a.
atives. and some that change the locality of the ilptea , e.
o present it roe a Omit period then at returns :mire tor
idable than in the fir..t IlWance. Such preparation,
have de•troyed the pub:le confidence. Thi. article stand
ing alone in its number or cures, and tinny:died, a. thou
sand. of our CTO/UU. can attest who ha ye tested its v,r
toes, can always be depended upon for the above named
di-eases. It will cure any ease that can be cored by
me. no matter who, or what else has faded; it mi.t
perfectly restore the diseased organic lunCtiollS of the
Stomach. Intestines. Respiration, Circulation, Sc.
These Bitters, and the Spikenard Onto ent will cure
uuy case of Inward Piles: it is a rare occurrence to re
quire more than one bottle of each for the worst cases
:1 , 7t , , Race Street, one door above Eighth. south side, Phila
delphia. In Lancaster, by John I'. long: in Harrisburg.
by Daniel W. Gross; in Pittsburg. by Win Thorn—and
by dealers generatly throughout the United States,
ID - Painphlets containing cures and descriptions of dis
ease s. gratis
,m,,0 :or %ale. celbratrd vr.GETABLE RUM:-
NIATIC PILLS. for the cure of Gout, Itheinnen.o,,, Drop.
and ,evere.Nervoui A tr , ctiong , SPIKENARD OINT
MENT, for the cure of Plies, 'Fetter, 12.11 , %0rm., &c,
ace &c. marchla.la4--9:n
SC'Wel' TralllA MIS tlalty a. follow% 1,,1nv:
Leave. Baltimore at 9 o'clock A.:II . anal ar
rive.. at 14 o'clock. P
Amy, at \ ark at 12 o'clock P. M., and leaves tot Co. a: 1.3 o'clock, P. M.
Leos., colunibia at .2 o'clock P M., and leaves York
for B. 1111,11", at :1 o'clock P M.
Tare front Baltimore to York, Srl 50
W rlgut•yllle• 2 00
Columbus.- - - - - 2 12.1.
The Tram connects at York with Stages for liarnsburg,
Gettyslmm. Cliainber.bare. Ptusburg and York Spring,
.. . .._ _ ... .
- -
The company is author,ed by the proprietors of the
Stace Lutes to ,c,ve the tare through Main Baltimore to
Gettysbortr and Burro-hum
rare through to either place, S 3 no
C. H. BORDLEY. Superl.
May O. 1.17 —tf Ticket Otrice, 63 North st . Balt
Coors '3
1-1 oldest Masan,c vi the United States. contains month
ly sixty pages of reading matter, by the first writers in
Me country,—twelve more than the Nesv York Misti
mes Two splendid steel engravtims, an undeniable
authentic colored monthly Fashion plate. Model Cast:lace
and Churches, Crochet Work, and other matters for the
Lndies, all illustrated and well explained, &c.. &c.
Price for one year, which includes the Lady's
Dollar Newspaper, making three publications
in one month. 83 00
Tw•o copies without the Lady's Dollar Newspaper, 500
Fire copies with one to the person sending the
club, 10 00
Eight copies. 15 00
Tw•rlve copies, 20 00
A specimen of either the Lady's Book, or the Lady's
Dollar Newspaper sent to any person paying postage on
the request Address L. A. CADET.
Jan 221.1 No. 113. Chestnut Street Pluto.
cOMPOUND Extract of Sarsaparilla, for sale by
1uu:21 , 4:-111 R. WILLIAMS
HOGSHEADS, Pipes, Tierces, Barrels, of ererr
i/ILL.Or rherip. at 11. 1C.11.11',S •
Columbia, Jan 1, Neve York :Pore.
:r.. , ..ri
-U. CABINET. edited by FRANCh. C. Woonwoirrit, is a
Repository. as its name imports, presenting the richest
literary attractions for the young The contents are most
ly original, and unweaned pains are bestowed upon the
editorial department. It aspires to be, both in the char
acter of its articles and in its mechanical execution. a
modle of taste and excellence; and it is universally con
ceded that it stands at the head of all works of its chi,.
The Hurd volume commences in January. IS4S; and the
increasing popularity of the magazine warrants the pub-
Itsher in promising that this volume shall he MORE VALE 4-
IN EVERT RESPECT than either of the preceding ones.
Several new contrtbutor+ are engaged. among vhorn are
'l'. S. Arthur and Prof. Alden. whose stories for the young
are excelled by no writer in the country.
Vzsr.i,v SUBSCRIPTION, Si °six. Great inducements
are offered to those who take the work in clubs. and now
is the tone to form mates for the new volume. The uncial
or January number is now ready. It contains A SPLENDID
PORTREIT ON STEED, and a great variety of engravings on
wood. prepared expressly for the Cabinet. These en
gravings alone cost more than 52(53.
The yearly volume, for 1519. besides containing nearly
400 large octavo pages of the choicest reading, with ap
propriate music. will be richer in einbellishments than
any of its contemporaries, whether they appear in an ori
ginal American costume. or in one borrowed from the
other side of rite Atlantic.
The NOICe of the public press. so universally and so
warmly expressed. is certainly intlicitive that this in:ma
shie has won its way to a high place in popular favor.
The publisher selects two or three of these notices, as a
sn,cittien of more than a hundred.
-•• • -
'•This magazine is a model winch we could wish were
followed by all works of its class. It is serious without
[tallness or melancholy; cheerful. but not frivulous re
ligious. but neither sectarian nor dogmatical; while it
unites very happily the winning grace of calllthanly With
the dignity of self-respect: , (N..Y. Doily Tribune
-It abounds in precious gems. and seldom appears:with
out a good supply of solid and valuable ores.' [New Or
leans Observer.
" We do not know of n more elegant and beneficial
work for the young" [Noah's Weekly Mess.
•• It is beautifully illustrated, nod evinces great ability
and interest The editor has a fine tact for such a work.''
[N. Y. Evang.
"If any of our juvenile friends wish for a magazine
which is entertaining, and richly worth its cost. here it is.
We do not know a better work for their purpose.'' [Mo
ther's Journal. N. Y.
••. _ . .
"The editor is one of our best writers for the young."
[N. Y. Corn. Adv.
"The articles arc original. and the tone fresh and live
ly:' [N. Y. Enquirer.
%Ve can but expre•s again onr high opinion of this
monthly. , [N. V. Christ Adv. k Jour.
"It is universally admitted that the Cabinet is one of
the most entertaining Instructive. and salutary periodicals
for children " [N V. Christ Intelt
—lts editor gods to work the right way to make child
ren happy. by imparting useful knowledge, and interest
ing theta in whatever is good and beautiful.' [Charter
Oak. Ilartford. Cont.
4 copies. one year, in advance, _ $3 00
7 copies, " 500
10 copies•" 7 00
15 come, " 10 00
The money can he safely sent by mail. Site pub.
tidier will pay the postage on orders of S 3 and upwards-
- .
In preparing the monthly numbers great pains are taken
o make a taQteful and etcellent volume for the library.
In tunic pa rnienilar rho Youth's Cabinet hae, as yet, no trint
ntor.; and it 14 believed in no other compa, cant be
found. in so convenient and elegant a form. and for the
same expense. such an amount of entertaining knowledge,
a. In the yearly volumes of this work. They are provi
ded with a 1,1/arty index, and are parneularly adapicd to
school libraries. Those interesied in common f.chools,
are iiirged to examine them with this view
Tlll 7 . .rr.COND VOLUME, roR 1,17,
IS now ready and may tie had separately, or in connec
tion with the first. It is complete In neelt. and cannot fail
to he among the most popular things in the way of A Su-
VEVILE Er.orsast.
The puld,lier assures his patrons that there shall be no
delay nt fillinathei r orders. as there was unavoidably, last
season. mods larcer ailment as bound.
In muslin, SI 2.s—the two volumes,
In Fuih edges, 1
, 50—the two volumes,
I 00—I volume:,
II cduioi~,
Both volumes ut mu.shn, and one year's subscription
5.3 Mb
POSTAGE Fara.r..—The mail edition can he sent to any
part of the tinned States. for only 10 cents postage. Those
who remit S 2 for two copies, shall receive the same post
age free.
- AcEsirs WA:cram—Several gentlemen of ability and
good address arc seamed. to obtain subscribers for the
tnagaraine, and to sell the bound volumes. Applications
should be accompanied with responsible testimonials as
to character. and all letters post paid. The best induce
meats w:11 be offered to good agents. A small capital of
some Sd.s is necessary to be invested in bound volumes,
which find a ready sale. This is the best season for the
EL7' Postmasters are nuthoriraed to act as ntrants, and
may avail Cs .n.vices of the premiums offered above. or
reserve 25 per cent. of the moneys collected of new sub
scribers. Spectate en , vratts. Address
'OODWORTII. Publisher.
Clinton Hall. New York.
,: ~,7•!}211.7_,
PRECUM E.'. i;'s fi .. n.: •:, ;,•,' i'bers to the
Cohitnlnt., ally part of
. .
United Stale, •
The Colunthl . - ' I h,. John In
man and Rater. .
.• . the choicest
American liter. of 1110 most
. ,
costly original •
The Columbia • en year with
prospects increasi . es It has at
tained a proud postub• • Annan°. The
press universally. and w,... . nu+ kindness which
the Proprietor gratefully 4its. hag borne testi
mony to the sapernarity of rs and the prallsloll
anal elhallitee of lit embellishments, Mule its immense
and constantly increasing circulation. shows that the
press ha, but uttered the general Sean. Lela. and affords
such agreeable evidence that it ha, met the expectation
of all. that it see its to the Publisher almost unnecessary
to speak of the tittare.
It cannot be necessary to say notch of the conduct of
the literary department of the Columbian. The gentlemen
t ho have so long and satisfactorily discharged that dirty.
COTIIIIILIC their efficient services. and the Publisher is hap
py to announce that lie has made arrangements with
set oral of the 1110. t itistlll.2lllstlt`ft sorters in the COLIMIT,
whose regular eon:Winona will enrich the :Maga/me.
tt hale. 11.4 tatrtaolol , the meat Of all article. (plat, as 1111161
as the Mate of its tvriter, will he the passport to its pages.
Elevated sentiment nail pure morality aril distinguish all
the literature of the Coluirtlitait Magazine.
The paper on which the Columbian will hereafter be
printed. is manufactured expressly for the purpose. by one
of the largest and most highly esteemed makers in the
Union, and the typography will he of proportionate neat
ness and elegance.
' lle Publisher respectfully solicits from authors. artists,
subscribers and agent-, n continuance of the confidence
hitherto s.o generously awarded the :%lagazine. As an
earliest of the liberality with which he intends to conduct
that department of the work. lie has prepared. nt a large
outlay. a magnificent frill luiglr Portrait of Washington.
price tan dollars. in supple alai 111 , 7/01111t. Willett will be
presented gratis. free or posing, to cv%ry yearly sub
seedier to hi'' Colninbian Magazine who all send to the
Publisher '7 , 33 m atteaune. postage paid. It is an engrav
1.,g of such superior morn• and the subject is of suet,
prefttllllti awl nlndmg uucrcst. that he cannot doubt that
to Zia Win highly grainy the receiver. and largely swell
the list of Ins subscribers. Ile ainuex••,, also. the
Iltterai ferias of publication. it being under
stood that tile , aitsCrlptlalls are at Cash .
For the Magarme Eiturnving of Washington.
For Ca. two copies of the Magazine. and the Engrav
ing With each
lOr"l'he great National Picture of the Declaration of
Independence. lust publt•lttd Thtr picture. which was
painted lip Trumbull for the Rotunda at %Va.-NOV.I.
and originally cluzraved on copy. r by Mr. Darand.has been
rc-engraved on .n•el and ,'the re-ult of two year, labor.
It contains portraits or all the mailers. and should be the
Republican Emblem in the home of ex cry American
mulct, The .ice of the engraving is 21 by 31 Inches; it
is printed on the best plate paper, 2$ by 3$ 111 Chet. Price.
Every person, who will send to The Publisher of the
Colombian St. post paid, shall TeCCIVC a copy of this
Engraving and a copy of the Macaritie for one year,—
the engraving tree oi postage. For tir'si t the Magazine,
Engraving of Washington. and Declaration of Inde en
JOIIN S TAYLOR. Publ6ller,
151 Nascritt 'treet. New York
FOR Horses. This Embrocation, so well known
by the Boatmen, Wagoners, Farriers, Farmers. :Stage
Drivers, and Private Gentlemen, with Horses, is spoken
of in the highest terms for the following complatnts : old
or fresh cuts, wounds and bruises, old strains and swel
lings, strains of the shoulders, galls produced by the col
lar and saddle, and in all cases where the mints and
tendons arc if a relaxed condition. For sale by
Columbia, Feb 12•tf
DERRY DAVIS'S Pain Killer, or the People's
FAVORITE.—The ant:weather beg. leave to hintrin
the citizens at Columbia and vicinity that he has just
received from Providence. R. 1.. three bores nt Perry
D.V11 . • Palo Killer. en well known to the New England
Planes for removing all kinds of pains. no 1101Itet what
kind—Rheumatism. Aching FACP Aching Teeth. Burns.
Pain in the neck, hark, and Colds, Cholic pain,
gee .dte.„ and Mr sale only by W. A. LEADER.
Columbia. November R . 1817.—tt
T O your Coughs and Colds.-11r. Jaynes Ex
t.e Olt e.not.rlnt. cold, Awn,' S
Mond. 11•.nntna orniert. Pain and
Soretn,a or tilt side and lt,mk Cotiannarnsno. and all
duress 41( the Lungs and Breast, Ace • &e. Fur • .l. hY
N0v30'47-t1 W. A. LEADER.
pIIBLISIIED every Salnrday.—Terms 12 1-2eents
a number. or six dollars a year, in advance.—This
work is conducted in the spirit of Littell's Museum of
Foreign . Literature. (which was favorably received by
the public for the last twenty years,) but as it is twice as
large, and appears so often. we not only give spirit:and
freshness to it by many things which were excluded by a
month's delay, but while thus extending our scope and
gathering a greater and more attractive variety, are able
no to inerease the solid and substantial part of our liter
ary, historical. and political harvest, as fully to satisfy
the wants of the American reader.
The elaborate and stately Essays of the Edinburg, Quar
terly, and other Reviews; and Blackwood's noble criti
cisms on Poetry. Ins keen political Commentaries. highly
wrought Tales, and vivid description of rural and monn
lain Scenery; and the contributions to Literature. Histo
ry, and common Life, by the sagacious Spectator. the
sparkling Examiner, the mdicious Athenreum, the busy
and industrious Literary Gazette, the sensible and com
prehensive Britannia, the sober and respectable Chris
tian Observer; these are intermixed with the Milgrim;
and Naval rementseenecs of the United Service, and with
the best articles of the Dublin University, New :Monthly,
Fraser's 'Fait's, Ainsworth s, Head's. mid of Chambers'
admirable Journal. We do not consider it beneath our
dignity to borrow wit and wisdom from Punch; arid,
when we think it goal enough, make use of the thunder
of the The Tunes. We shall increase our variety by im
portations from the continent of Europe, and Irma the
I new growth of the British colonies
The steamship has brought Europe. Asia. and Africa
into our neighborhood; and will greatly multiply . our
connections as Merchants, Travellers. arid Politicians,
with all parts of the world; so that much more than ever
it now becomes every intelligent American to be inform
ed of the conddion and changes of foreign countries. And
this not only because of their nearer connection with our
, selves. lint because the nation seems to be hastening
through a rapid process of change. to union new state of
things. which the merely political prophet cannot com
pute or foresee.
Geographical discoveries. the progress of Coloni7ation.
(winch is extetitheni over the whole world.) and Voyages
and Travels, will Ire favorite matter for our selections:
and, in general. we shall systematically and very fully
acquaint our readers with the great department of For
eign affairs. without entirely neglecting our OWII.
While eve aspire no make tine Living Age desirable to
all who wish to keep themselves informed of the rapid
progress of the movement—to Statesmen, Divines. Law
yers, and Physicians—to men of business and men of
leisure—it is still a stronger object to make it attractive
and useful to their Wives and Children. We believe that
we can thus do some good in our day and generation;
and hope to make the work indispensable in every well- I
inform.' family. We say indispensable. because in tins I
day of cheap literature it is not possible to guard against
the Max of what re bad in taste and vicious In Moral.,
ill any Other seep than by furnishing a .lelieleia supply
of a healthy character. The mental and mural appetite
M.? Inc gratified.
We hope that. by svninowing the wheat from the
chaff. - by provlrling abundantly Mr the innigmintion, and
by a large collection on Biography, Voyages and Travels,
literary and more solid Matter, wo /nay produce n war):
which -hail lie popular. while at the seine tune it will
aspire to raise the standard of public taste.
TT:lilts—The Living, Age is published every Saturday.
by E. I,irr ELI. Si: Co . ror net . ot Tremont and Broomfield
sts.. 80-ton—Price 12!. cents a number. or su: dollars a
a year :II advance Bemittbnees for any period sr ill be
thankfully received and promptly attended to. fJ'• To
Insure rettnlamy m =thug the work, orders should be
addressed to the office of publiennon, as above.
Club. paying a) ear in advance, will be ,upplied
Four copies for - odd 00
Nm" • - - - • r‘.lo (1 1 1
Twelve - . - .550 00
Complete •ets. in fifteen volume,. to the end of I'=l7.
hnmi-otnely 601111 d. nod prtektil 111 rent boxee, ZIT, for
,ale at thirty doll nn.
Any Nolame may be had •epnrnlcly nt two dollar,
bound, or a dollar and a ball in number , .
Any number my be had for 11!. cents; and it mat• be
worth while for Rub-scriber.; ZI rdpurchaser.: to complete
any broken volume,. the} may have, and thus greatly
enhance their value.
VoLunn X. ron I,IS--.0. S. POWL.I:It. FAnor..
To reform nod perfect ourselves anti our race. is the
most exalted of all ss ores. Vet, to do this. we inn.: un
derstand the human consutution. This. Phrenology.
Physiology. mid Vital Mairi2cit.m embrace. and bruer
fully expound all the laws of our being, condition of hap
pines., and constitute the philoi-opher's stone of universal
Each number will contain either the analysis and loca
tion of some phrenological faculty, illustrated by an En
graving, or an article on their combinations : and al..° the
organizatlon and character of seine dibtinguislied person
age, accompanied by a likeness
- .
Health is life. the great la%traniciit of talent. virtue and
II:11,1,111,c, all of wiooh it ail.zmeial.. TO It. proserValloil
until restoratiOn, special alteritical till Inc given.
NVith practical il.Mll,lloll.lere , titig fact.. and those
choice truth.: winch it untold-, tt ill be pre-seined in tin,
. .
The they enjoy. the influence they can wield.
and their preparation for conducting our ncgitunonh, will
form a cones of article-
Who does not long earnestly. and would not strive as
siduously, to Cultivate his natural power., rind render
Inm.elf better and more happy? To such each number
~•illbc a prompter and text-book.
ONE D01.1.A12 A YEAR
Of this Journal will be Gem GHAT!!. NVIICII desired
To resolve attention. letter , and orders must lu• post
paui. and dlrected to FOWLER & WELLS,
fetCr.N. No 131 Nassau at. New York.
SCIENCE, Volume I. fur I-I,—Aincricall etlition—C,Eo.
COMM: and ROMA'S COX. rsoors.
_ - •
Ira. The many and earnest desires expressed by the
lovers 01 Phrenology on tints sideline Atlantic. Und the hope
of still further advancing this great cause, has induced us
to publish an American edition of du; profound and
Its character and stints need but little comment. further
than that it emanates trom some of the ablest minds in
England and Scotland. and has been before the public
more than twenty years.
The distinguished phrenological writer. is its principal
contributor. and virtual conductor. This work embodies
all the new discoveries. together with all of which
appertains to Phrenological Scenic,.
It also advocates. showing its adaptation to medical sci
ence. to the relief of human suffering, and to its other va
rious and important applications.
It also urges, withgreat ability and pre-eminent success,
111.1 AN 111"GlITS.
Showing the bearings of this science of mind to legisla
tion. moral and political government, as well as to inch
vidual selt-control and intellectual cultivation.
The first number will be embellished with a 1,mi1a . ..a
portrait oi Mr. Corrilie, and subsequent numbers by too-e
Of Dittos th , llllmllbed farh iltuntwr w.ii con
tain 90 pages, and will I.e issued quarterly oaths following
Single copy, one )car. $.2 00
Three copies, do 5 00
All subscribers will commence and close with, the vol
ume. Please address FOWLER & WELLS.
fe1.2642. No 11l Nassau st, New York.
A. MOMS & W ILLIS. The immense edinotis of the
January numbers of this universally popular FAMILY
NEW:‘PATER are disappearing rapidly. New SCBSCRINERtc
who wish to preserve all the chapters of the new and
_ . .
(now in the course of pultheation I and files of the work
for lA , . can be supplied with complete sets if immediate
application be made. The Home Journal is precisely
what its title implies: a Journal for /lonic. It contains
an endless variety of choice. instructive. refined and ster
ling literature—the amusing News and Gossip of England
France and America. and a chTomele of naves for ladies,
It is not only a weekly review of the world's progress.
but a highly ornamental parlor newspaper of piquant and
peculiar Interest. It is, in short. the best and cheapest
paper ever issued by its editors. and by far the most e a .
terumung rind elegant. The terms are only .F. 2.00 ri ) ear.
for 3 copies for SI; I Address Moms & Willis. No. 107
Fulton-street. New York.
Between York, Wrightsville and Co-
Zambia —The President and Directors of
. • the Baltimore and Susquehanna Rail Road
Company having consented to conunue the MORNING
TRAIN between the above places.
113—The Car will leave Columbia DAILY, [Sundays ex
ceNedj at 61, o'clock, A. Al., and the Train will leave
Wrightsville at 61 o'clock. Returning, the Train will
leave York at 9 o'clock, A. M.
April 17,15.17. Supc
am. Baltimore & Susquehanna Rail Road.
The :Warning I'AtiSESGER TRAIN will run
from Balturiore reg,ularly, hereafter, on Sun
day, at 0 o'clock A. . arid Returning will start from Co
lumbia at IC NI., Wrighowdle 2 . and from fork
at .3 o'clock, P. NI., a. oil oilier of the week. 'rile
mail between 13.11IIITIOTe and York x, ill he carried by Run
train No other train erill run on Sunday.
...iurcrtati &Went of Transportauon
rT:RY the New Light.-111 Families using Can
..l_ dies or Lamps of any kind, are informed that they
can avoid all the trouble of the first, and the nuisance of the
latter, by using Raub's Ethereal Lumps, which are free
from smoke or anything offensive, and require no trim
ming or snuffing, and are so constructed that a teaspoon
ful of Ethereal will burn 12 hours Genuine Ethereal
manufactured and sold only by Elias Raub. who is duly
authorized. No Fluid sold as Ethereal in this town is
Columbia. Jan. I, 124,stf.
Pram= TEAS
compri•ing the different grades of Green and
In 131ack TIL%S. put up carefully in TIN FOIL. in
quarter and half pound papers, expressly for family use.
%I - c deem it unnecessary to enter into detail , . as its supe
riority aver all other TEAS has been long tested by the
increasing demand for them.
Principal Depot. No. 21, South Second street. Phila.
For sale by FRY & SPANGLER,
Who arc the only authorized agents for Columbia.
December IE, 1517.-1 m
033! MY 333343.33 !!
lIEADUL-Well, what's the matter Why ,
my hair is all . falling out, and I shall soon be bard
Well. no matter for that—you hare only to use Jayne's
Hair Tonic faithfully. and it will not only stop your hair
Irma falling off, and gesiore your scalp to a healthy con
dition. but cause your hair to grow again more beautiful
than ever l'cr sale by W. A. LEADER.
Columbia. Jan. 15. Ic49.—tf:
xvxtrazr.xt a. CO.'S mitenEss.
BY their own Cars in charge of messengers, and
tinder locks. DAILY between Philadelphia. Lancia.-
ter. Columbia. Wrizlitvville, York. Getty.thurg. Baltimore
Wm.hinginsi. Smith. We...t, North and Eant, by EVEN
. .
& Co. are now prepared to forward in their Cars.
Packages. Parcels. Bundles. light Cases, and all descrip
tions of goods and merchandage ; also Specie, Bank
Notes. Drafts. 1311 A for collection, order., Sr., to nay of
the Mime mimed places lw pa.sMiger trains and mail
speed. Being desirous of aifording every facility for the
prompt and eemminical transaction of any co ttttt ussion
entrusted to them. they respectfully solicit the patronage
of all to their line.
All good, or packages nia , tt he marked By Miller &
Co'. Exprclts a F. GRIFFITH. Agent.
Miller & Co'. I;xpre , g, Colombia.
nerreec —Corner of Third and Clic-taut •-trect. Phila
delphia ; Chu, :Norman. Lancroder• If. Rawl - ell. York.
BuildinFq. Baltimore; Gay k Co . cor. wail and
Broadway. N. N : (4:n' & Co.. Stine st.. nn-tan; NVaQh
ingion. 1) C.: ll.lehinond, Va.; Wheeloig. Va.. Plit—
burgh. Pa , Gen) .d.urg. Pa. Nov. d, 1..-17.—tf
THE subscriber Mainz fitted up a Livery Sla
1. He,. the borough of 00111111b1:1. at the Wa...lnnuton
I lotel. would respecttully call the attention of the eilltells
and couununily to that tact. Jfe. having gone to co:l,d
-erable rare and expetace to get up each a -mud no the
town never yet had. IA mad beg leave to announce, tnat
he in, prepared littn-elf with a eat. and
Together woll ntilereta Intal, of CARRIAGES. to suit the
travel hunt connottnit), now a.lot a Aare of patronage doe
to a pursue good. and hopes by -trist and prompt :MCC
-11011 to IC-- /lOC of t 1 0 ,111,... to mint the same.
S.• )mllllllll he rte.. all draw 'war
A n ,' n o toy feeble song Inue C ir.
If you in llor-etuate.lup de lag it
And oil 0 0010 bnlsp• moon It flight.
Peretinitee -woe liar oils at your vde,
Deny the plett.are of an evening !ado.
A Carnage, llo,c or Cottelt you need
B. Edwa then nr..t %peed.
To core, you all. you'll find bun able,
13y calling at Ins i.tveey "nitic.
.1 ol IN B. EDWA RDS.
Columbia, October fin. 1. , t;
THEundersigned have just received the best
and ino.4 complete assortment of nielish and GM ,
faun stab and livid and patent breech 1)0:B1.1: BAR
RELED tiCNS. tshich have ever been offered in this
market at such price- that will suit all Moo. max Barrel
ed Revolt ing and ' , ell-crocking' PISTOLS Coll and ex-
Utallle for ourselves. at the cheap Harda are More of
Columbia. August 21.
THE subscriber is now manufacturing Printing
INK of a superior qindity. and oiler. it tor ..ale
large or .rnall quantine... upoidiceommoduting term,. In
any m-tanee where the Ink not answer the de
scription. it will be exchanged Or the price refunded.
A Itheral dt,count will he made upon large purchases
for ca.m.
The News Ink is put up in kegs of 10. I. t.'o. 25, 30, 50
;mil Inn Ihs.
Book Inks in small kegs and in 11,. canisters.
Colored Inks also in lb. munsier,
117,,—A do 11,. keg of the best news mk will be sent to
only noun of the Penn'a Improvements at my msk free of
charge. upon reeelpt of
COPAL VA RNISII in barrel., kegs. and cont.:tern.
Columbia. May '2O. I -17.—tf
,ac [limo, are prepared to titrtinat. at ...lion 0ct...... e. cry.
article U. 141 ni a Printing Ottice. anti has c reduced the
Price. of Type upward.. of I 9 per cent. They now
charge tor
Pica. 3^ ct. dlmtmt. if cis
Small Pica, 31 - Nonpareil, rttt
Long Printer, 36 44 Agate.
Boil rgco,, 411 - Pearl. el yo
Drevier, 4G Diamond, 2 on
Determined to =pare Ito expemte nt maltit)g their est:ll,-
11=1.7mm as complete as po,dble they into genuine up a
uotfurm t•crte= of the celebrated Scotus Paces. winch are
unequalled for heatay ti daralttloy. and ttelttell they ittl
as ured will meet m jilt general approbauon. St.veral
sties are nose rends-.
Having recently visaed Europe for the purpose of pro.
curing every naprovemeat In their line of oustites, they
nosy offer a greater variety of Fanc . l. Type. Border, Or-
IlaMelll. n ße . . than any oilier establishment in the
United States , and their improved methods of ca.ung. and
of preparing metal. enable them to furnish orders in a
manner to ensure satisfaction.
Pruitirig of every deqeription. Printiim
Chasei , , Caties. Brass Rule, Furniture, Sc , at the Inwebt
Second-hand Presses and Type which has been used
only in stereotyping. generally on hand
gooks. Pamphlets. Nlnste. Medicine Directions, Label.
Checks. brans, &c, correctly and elegantly stereotyped
as heretofore
N. B. Specimen Books will be sent to Printers who
wc.ll to make order, L JOHNSON r Co.
, Dec. le. Ni. 6. Little Ueorge oh.
QALIMANDER, Fire and Thief Proof Iron Chests,
‘Varranted equal to any other make, and have never
been injured by Fire or 13nrelars. in a single instance Ile
also keeps on hand a full supply of COITIMOn Chests,
made of lighter iron, at lower prices.
Letter Copying Presses and Books.
Trucks for Stores, Factortes, &c.
Druggists' Presses.
Laele Gin,. paper.
Portable Shower !laths, be
Pricking levers. 'foisting Machines.
Refrigerators and %Vales Filters.
GI South Second St. below Chesnut, Philadelphia.
REFRIGERATORS for cooling and preserving Meat.
Butter. 3111 k, and all articles intended for culinary pur
WATER FILTERS—OIiver Evans' Celebrated IVa
ter Filters. for Purifying %Voter that is brackish or mud
dy. whether by rains. minerals, or otherwise cart he had
of all sites and prices, at the NVareroorns. No fa South
Second Street. two doors below Chesnut St.. Naiad.
Philadelphia. October 2il, 1,17.
TIRST Premium Writing Ink.--Silver medal just
12 awarded by the Atnerieuit Institute, New York, inl7.
The following testimony from distinguished Institutions
speaks for itself.
Philadelphia. May 11. 1c.41.
Having tried. for some time, the Black Ink manufactu
red by Mr. Joseph E. Hover, see have found it well suit
ed for manuscript, by its running freely, and its exeunt
non from coagulation. Its shade also we are pleased with.
W. E. HORNER, M. D, Dean of the Faculty and Frofes
sor of Anatomy.
SAMUEL B WYLIE, Vice Provost.
HENRY REED. Secretary of the Faculty of Arts.
ROSEWELL Le cturer Prof. of Nat. Phil. and Chemistry.
W. W. GE HARD, n the Med. Department,
We fully concur in the above.
SAM'L. G. MORTON. Ti. D., Dean of the Faculty.
Central High School, Philadelphia.
A. D. BACHE. Principal
11. McMURTRIEs M. D, Professor of Anatomy.
American Fire Insurance Co., Pluladelplua.
Custom House. Philadelphia.
.1. D. GEORGE. Deputy Navel Officer
A Superior Article. Warranted.
For sale. Nvliffle,flv and Retail. nt the Manuthetory.
Nclrth Thlrd street. opposite Cherry street, Ns' s - f
delphis, by JOSEI'II E. HOVER. Manufacturer f
Plaludelphia, May r, 1,17 —ly
11;1' '.I. ;I~'l il5l~l
03311ELPEIST IN TEEZI Vl7oltra
STEAM Refined Sugar Candies, Twelve and a
half cents per pound. \Vholesalc. J. J. RICHARD.
SON. No. 42 Market street, Philadelphia, takes pleasure
its informing the pahltc , that he still continues to sell hi.
very superior Steam Refined Candy at the low price of
512 - 50 per 100 lbs.. and the quality is equal to any ma ne ,
facture , ' in the United States.
Ile also offers all kinds of goods in the Confectionary
and Fruit line at corresponding low prices, as quick sale,
and small profits are the order of the day.
Call or send your orders. and you cannot fail to be sal.
isfied. Don't forget the number, 42 Market street.
Phila. Feb, 2G, 1949-3 m
ki WM. H. RICHARDSON'S Steam Factory the only
one in the United States, No. 104 Market Street, Philadeb
Merchants are respectfully informed that I continue to
Manufacture all the above goods, by the aid of steam,
notwithstandmg the great opposition of panics oppose d
to the introduction of expetigive improvements. My at.
9OrtMent i 4 complete. and prices so low, as to give enure
there jean Umbrella Store next door, of nearly
the same name. it is important you should remember
15 7 :11. H. RICHARDSON.
Steam Factory, and Patentee of the I'Valking Cane Um
brella. Sign of the Lady and Eagle, N 0.104 Market Street,
(a-Attention is requested to the celebrated 'Walking
Cnne Umbrella, a neat and beautiful article combining all
the advantages of a Cane and Umbrella.
February 5, 1r149.-5m
STRAW Goods. The undersigned would re
.pectfullyy invite the attention of Dealers to his assort.
meat of _
which. from the facilities he possesses of mannfactunng,
cannot be surpassed.
Bonnets of every kind, of the newest and most fashion.
able styles. at the lowest prices.
TITOS. W BITE, Bonnet Manufacturer,
41 South Second Street, übove Chestnut, cast std.:
Phila. Feb. Y 6. 1 el‘3-4.lin
WALTERS ace 13.11.3XVE1P,
(Late I lazlelturst & 'Walters,)
No,. 15 and 16's Wharf,
Liberal Cask advances made on Consignments of all
kinds of Produce.
Baltimore. January. 1549.
COLMS, Asthma and Consumption.—The Indian
Vegetable Balsam is the only reined)' that can arrest
nh certainty the various pulmonary affections under
which thou,ands sink into the grave.
No one ever used this Balsam according to directions
without lindine relief It pre-n ivel} Cures Asthma. Brom
Inflamailon of the Lungs and Throat, Coughs,
Colds, Whoopuig Corinth, Croup. COIIRIMptiOII, do It
riots nil it promises, and all that is tusked is jag to give n
a hi, trail. and it will at once prove run superiority over
every thing, of the kind.
The Italian Vegetable Bolgam is prepnred only by II
M. Crass turd, Philadelphia, and for sale by Westbrook &
spongier. Agent for Columbia; J. T. Ander:on, Marietta,
C. S. Kaullwan, Washington; J. Herr & Son, Safe liar.
bor. October 16, Le47.—Gm
Yourself for 25 cents, By
moans of the Pocket Xseuls.
piny, or, Every One his Own
Physic= I—Seventeenth FAi.
tion. will, upwards of one hen.
dred Engravings. show mg pn
vnte di , enses in every shape
and form, and malionnations of
the generative .ystein.
13y \V ,r. YOUNG. )1.
The tune ha. now arrived,
that per•ous Staering from se•
eret disuse, steed no more be.
come xtettins of•
by the prescriptions contained
in this book any one may cure himself. withouthindratire
tohnsines, or the knowledge of the most Hamm, friend,
and with one-tooth the 'lentil expense. hi addttsm•,(n the
general routine of Private di.eri.eq, it full• explains the
cause of Manhood's early decline. with observations on
:Marriage—lie-sib, many derangement 4 which it would
not be proper to enumerated in the public prints.
Penny re.tiling at a dictance front Philadelphia,
ens have tin:, book forward to them through the Pont
Office. on the receipt of twenty-five cents, directed to Dr.
\Vtlllnun Voting. 1.52. :spruce street, Phtladelpina.
January 22. Itlii.-311t
, t Certain Disease Cared in TWO DAYS.—TIir
loins, recent and dimply affections of the k alneys, dn.
ease of the bladder. gravel, seminal weak Iles,. &c. Per
sons who, by indulging in a secret habit have entailed
on themselves constitutional ilebiltty, should apply
medlatelyto DR. KINKEI.IN . of the Philadelphia
cal House, the oldest institution of the kind In the
Mice. N. W. corner of TIIIRD rind UNION Sts.. be.!
tweet, Spruce nu d Pine. 11 squares from the Exchange.
This .Ifrdirai /foist was established by Dr K. Sheen
years agn, for the suppression of quackery, there heist
Tea icy fwfsoPs. Will knowledge, name or character,
who Pat anvernsements 111 the mitotic paper., that an in.
stamina of tins kind was Ing4lv necessary to prevent the
afflicted. especially strangers, front falling min the hand,
of WM.' iniskinful wretch, who instead of curing. might
send his victim to an untimely grave. Therelme. the
afflicted should slim. the numerous pretended physicians
who know wahine nt I lie practice of medicine. hut cow
snit Dr Kin kelin who Cl 3 res A Certarn DlseaPt in twant
three drive according lit the state of the pntient, without
the ea u of merctiry. No thercarial rented's,' lire used by
Or. ; lies medicines are pal table and barmier.,
and all his patieitts are honorably shielded. from Poen
the possibility of helot: di.covered. De whit places
self under the care of Dr. K.. nay re loginesly confide in
bis honor as a eentleman. and coatillently rely main Ito
skill as a physic mu. and if he I, not speedily relieved no
rei tttttt «ration will be demanded.
Strictures. one of the moat troublesome and dangerwis
affections, which often end in gravel, inflaination. weak.
Hess. &c . Dr lioikelni etiarauttes to renuive sheedill;
aniline. swellings diseased prostrate eland. &c Sim.
tures have ruined many who had no knowledge of their
! existence.
Take Particular Notice.—tianng men who have injured
themselves by a certain practice indulged In—a habit
frequently learned from evil C. 11111311101141. or at school—
the effects of winch are nightly felt, even when asleep,
and destroy both mind and body, should apply 1111Me
dmiely. Weakness tied criii.litittional debiltty mane
dint els cured and fn it visor restored. All Millersport paid.
7' he Notice. —Dr. Kiiikelm has lord greater practice in
the above affections than any physician in the United
States. Ile also possesses an advantage over all others,
from the fact of Ins having inutile.' In the great fins-punts
of Europe. Thnusands in Philadelphia ran testify that
he cured them after every other means has failed. Sepa
rate room. fir private consultation. Open till S.F. N.
Travellers supplied at a ttttttt lent's notice, with the fts
qiusite medicines to cure themselves privately.
Packages of inedictnes seat to any part of the U. 6.
More particulars in the Spirit of the Times. 0c5•47.1,
\T 0. 121 Chesnut Ire Cl, few doors below 4th,
North =Me —The subscriber reveettully informs hie
friends and the public in general, that he still continues
to keep the above establishment.
Every pains is at all times taken to render this one o
the beet. and. front it. central mtuation, it is one of die
most convenient Hotel. in the city.
His TABLE ss furni.hed. at all times, with the choicest
delienewe of the sea...,
!its WINE.S n o d LIQUORS arc not surpassed by InlY
other establishment in tins city.
His Screams arc careful, honest and obliging.
Terms of Boarding to suit the times.
Country Merchants and Business Men will find the
cation of the Curs:err Sr. liotsg, in the most business
pert of Philadelphia.
The subscriber pledges himself that every• thing in hit
power shall be done to give satisfaction to those who fa.
nor loin with their patronage
Philadelphia, Sept 27, 1547.—1 y Proprietor
%C. % 11111 11 1 .• E A S Dgi d liiA WAIVIIII Atli!
JEWELRY STORE," 96 North Svc'
and Street, corner of Quarry.
Gold Lever %Vetches, full jewelled, 18 carat cases, E 45 0 °
I Silver Lever Watches, full jewelled, WO
Silver Lever Watches. seven jewels, 180
Silver Lepine %Vetches. j 'welled, finest quality, / 30
Superior Quartier %Vetches, 100 0
Imitation Quartter Watches, 30
Gold Spectacles, 8. 00
Fine Silver Spectacles, 1.73
Gold Bracelets with topaz stones, ISO
Ladies Gold Pencils. 10 carats, ain
Gold Finger Rings 211. rents to SS—Watch Mattel,
plain 191 cents. patent 1-}, Lunct 25. Other article, in
proportion. All goods warranted to be what they Arc
sold for. O. comt.o.
tin hand. some Gold and Silver Levers, Lemur ,
- sad
Qiiartters !owe r than the above prices.
Plaledelphia. April 10, IgG.-1y
feb 53m