IN THE MATTER Of the intended application of HUGH BOYLE, to the Court ofQuarter Sessions. at the April Term, 1648, for license to keep a tavern in the Borough of Columbia. it being an old stand WE, the undersigned citizens of the Borough of Colum his, in which said tavern is proposed to be kept. do certi fy that the said tavern is necessary to accommodate the public and entertain strangere and travellers. and that we are well acquainted with be said thigh Boy le. and that be is of good repute for honesty and temperance, and is well provided with house room and conveniences for the accommodation of strangers and travellers. John Cassel. John Ziegler. Paul Hamilton, John A. Hook, Samuel Retire, J. 11. Hunter. Samuel F. Imelinni. Peter Saylor. Reuben Mullisott, Robert Hanulton, Ueo. Wolf, John Vaiighen, F. A. Thomas. March 11, leleAt IN THE MATTER. 01 the intended application J. GAULT, to the Court of Quarter Session.. at the April Term, ItA9, for license to keep a tavern In the Borough of Columbia. it betng au old stand. WE, the undersigned citizens of the Borough of Colum bia, in which said tavern is proposed to be kept, do certi fy that the stud tavern is nece,ory to accommodate the public and entertain strangers and travellers. and that we are well acquainted with the said Joshua J. Gault. 11111 i that he is of good repine for honesty and temperance. rind is well provided with house room and convenience. for the accommodation of strangers and travellers. George Mann. John Lockard. Sett.. K. Ziegler. John Lockard. Jr., Jonas Rumple. Andrew Brown. John Clark. Daniel Zahm. John Laity. James L. Pretstuit. Francis Hays, Chas Rawlings. March 11. ie4e-3t IN THE AIXI TEE of the intended application of JESSE MOORE, to the Court of ((carter tswssions. a , the April Term. 154, for license to keep a tavern in the Borough of Columbia. it being an old stand WE, the undersigned eni/ens of the thorough of Colum bia, in winch said tavern proposed to be kept. do certi fy that the said tavern is arcs-wry to necorninoilaie the public and entertain strangers and traveller.. and that w•e are well acquainted with the said Jesse Moore. and that he is of good repute for hone•ny and temperance. and is well provided with house room and COil l, lllelICC , for the accommodation of strangers mid travellers. John H. Brooks, Daniel Zahm, Peter Saylor. George Weaver John Lightner. Reuben 3lullimon, John. Eddy. 11. G. Munch. Michael Wisler. Jr, Pbnhp Shreiner. John Slack. John S Jeffery Smedley, Hugh sunders. March 11, 1-49-3 t IN TITS MATTER of the intended appleattoit of JOHN BARR, to the Court of Quarter Se•-100, at the April Term. 1,1 , . for license to keep a tasern lit the liorough of Columain. it being an old stand. _ . . • . . . WE, the undersigned cmcens of the Borough of Colum bia. in which stud tavern is propo.ed to be kept, do certi fy that the said tavern is neces,..ary to accommodate the public and entertain strangers and travellers, and that we arc well acquainted with the stud John Barr. and that he is of good repute for hone,.ty and temperance. and is well provided IA ith house room and conveniences for the accommodation of ..trance, and travellers Paul Hamilton. George ‘ , l , ike, Reuben Mullison. John Cassel. George Wolt: John Lightner. John Vaughen. Pe ter Saylor. George Weaver. Peter Haldeman. J. W. Cottrell. Charles Rawlings. March 11 : 1,-at IN THE NIAITER of thu intended application of JOS. BLACK, to the Court of gunner nt the April Term. tor a licence to keep a tavern at the Bor ough of Columbia. it being an o'd •itind WE, the took it0(0111411 of Columbia in which said ta,ern propo-ed to be kept. do cernty that the said 1.11.010 0 nece—art. to n "1.4411111011 are tne public arid entertain %mute., I . - and that we tire well llCClplalltled 1.%11/1 lily ...a/ 41 Jts, 1,1 Mach, and that h e to of goo d repute 'or hoar.:: and temperance. and , well provtded ‘voli boa, Orion.. :rind ron,llll-11CCS tor the accommodation of strange, and traveller, John A. Hook. I: s. !trod/wad. .1. Hume,. George Wolf. John .1. 1it...1011.1,k fon lire 111 I:inn, George \\ Ike. Geo C Eram,eti. 11. I: Jno. Laehmer. John Vanghem Peter Haldeman. J. W. Cot trell, 1.. K rmnt ler. Jounei L I'ret.ma4. James Collins. Jr. Mnren 11. I'l--:h IN I'HI:MA'rTER of the intelahnl application of DAN- IliL to the Court of Quart. r Se -tunic, ht the April Term. I,ltr, for hero.... to keen a tavern in the Borough of Col 1/111. it betilg an old -lnd. WE: the intiler,tunedelliTel, of the I/01,110/ Or Col ambit in at hick said tavern is proposed to he kept, do certify that the stud tavern is necessary to ~,eo i nt oot ht te th e public and entertain strangers and travellers. and that WI2 are well ricetplainted with the sold Lionel Herr. and that het., of good repute for honesty and temperance and is well prosni. d with house room and convenience for the accommodation of strangers and travellers. Robert Hatadion. John B. Edwards, nu alien James Myers. Frs A, Thomas. John Jordan, George C. Franci , cus. Henry Pt - abler. John Cassel, Joseph Tyson, Paul Hanithon..l. H. Hunter. March 11. I‘ IN THE MA'PrER of the intended a:The:mon of RE BECCA ERERLEIN. to the Court of Quarter Ses , ions. nt the April Term. 1-4-. tor been.e to keep a tavern in the Borough of Columbia. it beial. an old