The Columbia spy. and literary register. (Columbia, Pa.) 1848-1848, March 25, 1848, Image 2

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    linde had sunk into a chajr and covered her face
with li r huii rie — eame closer to her.
' Mrs. Trevelyan,' he said; dear Mrs. Trevelyan,
how gladly would I have spared you the pain of
this moment, how willingly have foregone it to re.
move the happiness which it has given me. Hear
me, Mrs. Trevelyan—Ethelinde'—she started at
bearing him thus name her—' dearest Ethelinde!'
again ho took her hand, why should we be foes?
Before I knew who you were, I had ceased to be so
—your generosity . had conquered my selfishness—
he generous again, and pardon one who never
meant to offend, who loves you, Ethelinde, dearer
than I;fc itself.'
/11 it slot Cumoens who singe—
•• Let to 0. , ” ull} that there it. need
Cit time for love to gross ?"
And do not all who have ever truly loved, admit
that a single moment suffices to color every future
hour of existence? To such—and doubtless they
form the majority of my readers—l need not
minutely tell how the law-suit ended to the discom
fiture of Messrs. Quillet arid Quirk, how Mrs. Tre
vel.t an became Lady Norbert], and how the
'Canticle capita' was disposed of. To the best of
my belief, the last named subject was never advert
ed to, though Lord Norbaru smiled very mysteri.
ously the first time he saw the preparations mak
ing for his bride's trousseau.
As for Susan, she never ceased wondering at
the way things is brought about.'
To think,' she used to say, lilting up her hands
and eyes, to think of my lord and toy lady being
intezdooced to each other by means of a serinvni
ger, us the forrin wally culls it r
SATURDAY MORNING. March :25, 1848
is duly authorised to reset... suo•crip.
um., and advertiser-12,aq for this paper, in this eute• of
Nem: York, Daltimore. and 110-loa. and
receipt then for
E W. Cann. Philadelphia_
JACO:I M W1,1.11-A£CFM, Lancaster cuy.
I'VtLarsm A. Ptracs, Travelluig Agent.
TOE LATE Fortems NEWS.—The startling fact
that Paris has recently been the theatre of a new
revolution—another "train fours "—has created a
tremendous excitement throughout the length and
breadth of the United States, and in fact through.
out the civilized world. To the monarchies and
oligarchies and hierachies of the old world, it comes
in Lo queationabla: shape, but with an aspect omin
ous of a new era, which demands ton downfall of
tyrants and asserts the equaltty of men. The
great fact that governments, nr ought to be, in
stituted for the good of the many, and the protec
tion of all, instead of the agrandizement of the few
at the expense of the ninny, first tanzht in the
American Rill of Ittests, and practised by the
American Government, has not been carelessly
overlooked by other nations; but it ha , grown with
our growth, and strengthenod with our et rength.—
The seeds of true government which have been
walled from our shores to distant countries have
found congenial soil; the roots of the bright exotic
of the west, have struck wide and deep upon the
other continent ; and the present movement is but
the first fruits of the bountiful harvest Fur which
our fathers worked and prayed.
The Crown oiler:ince, abdicated in favor of his
son, by the late Sovereign, has been made a nulity
by the act of thc people ; and we verily believe that
the last King of the French, is among the things of
the past. The allied powers may—probably will—
attempt to overthrow the young republic; but Eng
land Las Ireland to watch, as well as the growing
spirit of freedom among her own people—never so
strung as now—and Poland, and the crushed, but
not vanquished, States of Europe, will furnish
ample employment for the other powers, until a
general outbreak shall restore to the downtrodden
people, their long withheld liberties.
Was it, then, a mere vagary of the poet's brain,
when, with full confidence in the might of right, he
"l'here' , u I'll I noir Clintg
The debt of gratitude we owe to the land that
gave ns a La Fayette, as well as the sympathy every
American must cherish for all efforts in the cause
of freedom and of man, will donbtless impel thou
sands of ardent spirits in the United States, to rush
to the succor of our brethren " beyond the wide At
lantic Sea."
The news by the next steamer, will be looked for
with unusual interest; and we envy the daily pa
pers the privilege, of being first to he r.t1.1 it to the
REMoVAL.—On the first of April lieu, the office
of the Columbia Spy will be removed to the build.
ing now occupied by Mr. Raub, on Front street,
when and where we shall be prepared to receive
and execule all orders in the line of printing. And
na our office will be in the third story, which corn.
tnands an extensive prospect of the Susquehanna
and surrounding country, we hope to secure for
the Spy a more extensive visiting acquaintance.
READING Room —A eult , eription is in circulation
for the establishment of a Reading Room in Co
lumbia. All who feel duposcd to encourage this
enterprint can leave their namcg at
where further information on the t object may be
LEcTunr..—Prot: Shellenrer will lecture on :he
subject of Phrenology and Physiology, al the Town
11311, this (Saturday; evening. After the lecture an
examination will take place—the subjects to be
selected by individuals appointed by audience.
We would advise all nlio fell an interect in these
sciences, to be on
It is desirable that correspondents e hould be am
brief as the nature of the subjecte wilt ~flow
Lengthy communications exclude variety, tam mu/.
gum its Pasco is comma it foot,.
THE TAtigs GIVEN.—A fine Canal Boat Lraring
the name of our venerable fellow eilizen, James
Given, was launched from the Boat Yard of Mr.
ISimpvon, this week. Her bre.,difi of beam i. fif.
leen feet, sad she is calculated to carry seventy.five
Faranrr•-:—The Susquehanna commenced r;qing
on Thursday night, and is now in good navigable
ceder. The lumber trade will shortly commence,
and give additional lire to our borough, which al.
'tardy wears an unusually thrifty aspect.
icr Ham. Hr. Hampton has our thanks for pub.
Sic doetnantatm
Tin " Ntrrr►.tenvu M•e" is .tapping at one of
or hotels
one of the most important as well as interesting
I works that has emanated from the press during
the past or present year. Aside from the interest
with which its novelty invests it, it is a really use
ful book, and gives a fund of information which
is nowhere elbe to he found, and which no me
e.hunic or scientific man should be without. It has
been ascertained that many of the patents now
I held are identical in principle with machinery used
centuries ago, and which are explained and Wm
' trated itl this work. Pirrt fifth has been published.
Fmm some cause we have to receive all the
numbers, and those we did receive are not now
within our reach. 'We will endeavor to reciprocate
the favor if the publishers will forward us a set.
Gas. ly & 31cElrath, Tribune Buildings, New York.
GODEY'S LADY'S Boutz.—This highly popular
monthly promises to publish in its next issue, a
beautiful plate, entitled "The Queen of May,"
printed in colors,—the first attempt of the kind in
any magazine in this country. Also a mezzotint,
entitled "A Spring Flower," from an original
picture by Sully.
The present number contains two beautiful en.
gravings, and the usual variety of reading matter,
wood cuts, and music.
Persons desirous of obtaining this elegant mg...-
zinc, can do eo by application at the office of tile
The LADIES . BOOK and the Count siA Srr, will be
furnished for one year, for THREE DOLLARS
IN ADVANCE; the best offer we can conceive of,
in those o fishing the best magazine and newspaper
bered that this is the publication that presents to
each of its new patrons, a superb engraved likeness
of Washington. The number for April contains
two beautiful engravings, a plate of the Fmbions,
a piece of music, " The Carrier Dave," and a good
amount of literary matter.
The Columbian is worthy of patronage and is
furnished, together with the large portrait of tVaili.
triton, fur 53 per annum in advance.
J. S. Taylor, 1:51, Nassau Street, New York.
rtos ; being, a plan for a uniform sours , of study
i for Schools and Academics.—This is the title of a
new work just published, a copy of which we have
Iremit ed from the publishers. It is designed prin.
1 eipully as a text book for parents and teachers, set.
ting tOrth a "systematic plan by which certain and
regular progress will be secured :o the learner."—
From a cursory examination of its contents, we
have been favorably , impressed with its merits.—
The benefits of a judicious and uniform system, in
the intellectual,moral, and physical education of
youth, base, undoubtedly, been greatly underrated,
or if appreriated, have not, as a general thing, been
applied. This little work supplies the disideraturn.
Its scope is purely practical, and is front the pen of
WILLIA%I P. LYON, A. M. Principal of the Irving
Institute. It is neatly printed, contains 139 pages,
and is sold in bound form, for :25 cents. Clark,
Austin & Co., 205, Broadway, N. Y., Puldi.shers.
SONGS tort TnE PEOPLE.—Part 4 of this elegant
;And popular work is on our ruble. It cnntnns
some of the best songs and pieces of tfieday,.plen.
dilly illustrated. G. IL Zieber, & Co., I'hiladel•
pins, publtshers.
dailies of yesterday morning contain accounts of
on atrocious murder committed upon the person of
Mrs. Itedemacher.• and her husband was, at the
same time, severely, if not mortally wounded. The
particulars occupy two and three. columns, and are
of a nature to appal the stoutest heart.
We learn from the Ledger this morning that a
a fellow named Charles Langfeldt has been arreat.
ed and charged with time murder.
Hopes arc entertained that .Mr.Radeamucher will
AvnenN, N. Y. has become o city. Having been
once" the loveliest village of the plaiu"—although
rather illeve/ in its location,—it is now, of course,
one of the " cities of the plain." We hope there
may always be found righteous men enough to
secure it froin the fate of Sodom and Gomorrah—
but the fact that there dwell within its limitq, see
oral hundred convicted Mons, should make insu
rance rates several per cent. higher than elsewhere.
So, the French arc going to have a Provisional
Government !" exclaimed Mrs. Gatherington, after
reading an account of the late Revolution in France.
Well, I hope the honest, hard-working citizens
will have enough to eat now; and if the new gov.
ernment only sells its provisions at a. fair twin'
profit, I'll engage there'll be no more revolutions in
France." And the excellent old lady resumed her
knitting with cheerful alacrity, while a serene
smile of satikfaction lighted up her placid counte-
Acr or a LI:NAT/C.—Recently, at Aberdeen, 0.,
the dau g hter of Mr. Evans, on infant of three years,
was deliberately butchered by a lunatic. Mrs. E.
having orertaion to visit a neighbor, left her child
asleep in the cradle, and a boarder in the family,
Struther B. Reed, sitting by the fire reading the
bible. She had been gone but a few minutes, when
Reed went into the yard and procured a board,
which he laid on the floor, and stepping to the
cradle, jerked from it the little innocent with such
violence as to force the arm from its socket, and
laying her head on the board, deliberately chopped
it with a broadaxe in five different places. After
the deed was done, Reed walked to the kitchen
and called the attention of the servant woman to
the horrid spectacle, yam instantly ran to the neigh
bors and gave the alarm. When the house was
reached. Reed was again seated by the fire intently
reading his bible. Ile was subsequently sent to
the Lunatic Asylum.
THE JOHN DCHHCSY of this week is stupid almost
to a fault.
For the Columbia Spy
Enrros.:—A few evenings ago after the
wife bad put the children to bed, I sat down to
read the newspaper. In a short time after, in
walked my old acquaintance, Joseph Ellueskin,
vulgarly called 'Bottle-nosed Joe,' on account of
his nasal organ being swelled to more than a corn•
mon size by the good ale and whiskey he daily
drinks, to the health of himself, his pot companions,
and the benefit of the liquor dealer.
After the usual greetings had passed, and he
was comfortably seated near the stove, I asked
him ' how he came on.' Ile said not very well,
times are bard now, and money scarce." Why,'
said I, •the times don't seem hard to me. I have
plenty of work, get good wages, and are doing as
well as I ever did. The fault ought not to be in
the times. have you been sick ?' • No,' says he,'
I can't say that 1 have been, but I am in trouble
now, and I have some to see it you would not help
me out.' • What's the matter with you,' said I.'
'The truth is; said he, •I am id a very bad way.
Several of my rascally creditors have sued me be
fore old Blackstone, and the Constable has an exe
cution in his hands, and as I have not the money
to pay, unless I can get relict by borrowing, or a
friend's bailing me, my property will be sold. I
dread it very much, and the worst of it is, 1 fear
that my wife, who is not very well, will not be able
to bear up against the misfortune. Could you not
lend me the money, or bail me. that I may have
time to earn it.' • How much arc you in debt?' I
salted. • The debts now pressing are three.
owe that mean old slink, Tim Yardstick, the store
keeper, about $l7. I rose to that skinflint, Bill
Thomas, the butcher, $23, and I owe to that dough
faced, two-penny chap, Jake Snively, somewhere
about $ll, raking altogether, with costs, &c.,
not less than $55. There are some oilier matters
I owe, but I think T can get a little time with my
other creditors, if I can only provide for these
• How long have you owed these three debts,' I
asked. Well,' he milted, ' I guess none of them
less than a year.' 'Do you still deal with these
men 1' sa id I. 'No,* said he, 't I quit more than a
year ago, because I was afraid to ask for more
credit, and to prevent a refusal, I stopped off:'
'These said I, are for bread, meat, groce.
rice, and other necessaries for your family." Ex.
actly so,' said lie. • Have they ever asked you for
the money before suit was brought 1' I inquired.
Olt, yes, severe! limes,' replied be, 'but I always
put them ofi without paying anything.'
Why,' said 3, ' don't you ask your friend, the
tavermkeeper, across the way, to hail you, or lend
you the money ? I see you and he are very thick,
and you must spend a gond deal of your Money
with hint.' . I did ask him,' said Joe, but he says
he has made a promise never to lend money or bail
any one again, for that he has lost so much by it,
and he told me that he thought you would do it.'
'Then,' said I, ' Why not ask your other friend,
the tavermkeeper in the next street? You are a
great deal with him, too, and I have no doubt that
he is one of your good friends." I was up In see
him,' said Joe,' but he says he has tint the money,
or he would let me have it; but as for bailing me,
he says old Blackstone once refused him as bail,
and he is determined no cr to be insulted by him
again.' Why,' said I, 'Joe, this is all humbug,
for only last week I saw each of those men bail a
neighbor for much more than you owe, and some
weeks ago, when i bought a number of articles at
a vendue in the country, one of them offered to bail
are without being asked, but as I had the money, I
did not want any credit, and I never intend to ask
any one to lend me money or bail me as long as I
have health and strength to earn an honest living.
The truth is, they don't want to bail you, or fend
the money either. They have got to know that
you are in debt, and fear to lose by doing either
for you, because they know, by the amount of
money that you spend with them fur liquor, that
you are getting behind hand.'
Well, it may he so,' said Joe %but I have al
ways thought them good friends of mine, and they
have time and again promised to help me if I ever
got into trouble. They seemed in good earnest
when they refused me, and I can hardly think
they were not telling the truth.'
Don't believe a word of it,' said I, they think
they have got uli your money now, and they arc
determined not to risk the loss of any of it. I sup.
pose you paid them cash for all the liquor you got
of them.' Oh, yes,' said he, I always paid as I
went, for I was determined I never would have a
tavern bill standing against ; but can't I get
you to lend me the money or bail me? You may
rest assured I will pay the money as soon as ever I
can earn it.'
• No,' said I, 'Joe, I will do neither. You have
no groat claims on me for any thing of the kind,
and, to speak plainly, I am afraid if I did either
the one or the other I would be the loser, and the
tavern-keepers only in the end would be the gainer:
therefore, I think it but right that either those who
have reccised your money for their liquor, or those
who, in the first place trusted you, should bear the
loss, if nny is to be sust mined. But I want you to
listen to me while I tell you something that will
i be for your benefit. It seems that three of your
creditors, who supplied your family more than a
year with the necessaries of life, and after patiently
I waiting on you without receiving anything in pay.
meet, have sued you, and will sell you out unless
you pay, or get bail. This is an unfortunate situ
; ation fur a man to bc in, but, from your own state.
merit, it is no more than ought to he expected.
Instead of appropriating your earnings to supply
the wants of your family, you carry your money to
the tavern and spend it fur whiskey and tobacco,
and then when you are pressed by the demands of
nature for bread, meat, &re., you have to go into
dsbt ; and when those who accommodate you by
trusting you, want their money, you, instead of
being thankful for the time and indulgence they
have given you, abuse them.
You and I started into active life together. l.iTe
were married about the !Mule lime. %Vo received
the SAM wages for our labor, anJ you have earned
as much money as I havo. The reason that I ant I
better off than you are, is because I save my earn
ings. I drink no liquor, smoke no Began', and
chew no tobacco, all of which is as unnecessary to
the health and comfort of a man as a fifth wheel to
a wagon. I lose no time in visiting taverns, talk.
ing big like men of greater means. 1 know that
you spend two dollars a week for whiskey, ale, and
tobacetz, which is just $lO4 a year, and at the
wages of $1 03 a day, it takes all but two days
work to pay for these which are neither necessary
nor useful to yourself or family, and if you will
save that amount from the taverns and apply it to
the purchase of food and clothing, there will be no
occasion for your looking so bad, wearing poor
clothes, or running about to bunt bail or borrow
money as you do. There is, however, a plan by
which you may be relieved rotn your present dif
ficulties, and on account of old acquaintance, I am
disposed to adopt it, on uric condition, and on that
condition only.
Oh, my dear sir,' said lie, if you will only re
lieve me, I as ill do any thing you propose, so that
I may be set upon my feet again, far I do believe,
if I am buld out by the constable, my poor wile
will lose her senses.
'Now, mind,' said I, ' you promise to do what I
tell you to do. I shall ask nothing improper of
Iyou, but I must be sure that you will perform. 'lt
is hardly fair,' said he, to bind me to do I know
not what, but I will consent, if it he nothing dig.
reputi.ble.' "Then,' said I, I want you forthwith
to join the temperance society, and strictly adhere
to the pledge of the toc-tutallers.' At first, lie
seemed a little staggered, and hesitated; bat after
a moment's reflection, he said, 'l'll do it;' wed he
did. Thus far, Joe has done well. Ile has de
serted the tavern, and is improving in health and
means. I called upon his pressing creditors, all
of whom are good citizens. They at once agreed
to stop proceedings and wait a year tier their money,
if he stuck to the pledge, and I have hopes that be
will now do as a man ought to do.
Now, Mr. editor, let me remark, in conclusion,
that these few simple facts are of almost dully oc
currence, and that the storekeepers, the butcher,
and the baker, who actually feed the drunkard's
family upon credit, can seldom ask for what right
fully belongs to them without receiving a measure
of abuse, while the liquor.dealcr, who is paid cash
for his poison, and is actually the cause of the
drunkard's Inability to pay, is estimated as los !
jewel friend. I base ~secst it time and again, and
hy it is so I cannot tell. hat people should
prefer whiskey, ruin, misery, and death, to bread,
health, happiness, and a long hie, is somewhat
strange, but it is nevertheles., unfortunately, too
true. JACK FCST: 4N.
0111Dla 1 . ..9 n , D 1 1 :77tvr.s-11 - rlcitt , , Troimo 'Vezete.',le
nre ore or the tau-t eNtroordmary the
and for the cure of ;:tddlne , s , rile:,• puree iron,
the braly tle,e bmgoarrt trod corrupt humor , their
flouting in the general inn , : 01 1 ,‘,. e11 . ..1113110n. lire me
cause of a lei Minallon or ru..h of blood to toe head. gidd,
tiess• bendoch , •. 10.. of memory. dual.., of , lelll. dlOw•d
r.i” of ow /Wad. and many other I•nif.1001 a
loaded and corrupt .tire of The Idnod.
NVrielit'.. Indian Veffetable nil , . are one arriir very
ritallielliert in tinv s, orb! for nidnze,netti. and the re f,,,r•
sth not unly manse all the 111111lett,litt 101111110 M, and
entirely prevent Itlol aid eui-egnotmr. re,ninaz trOln
rush at blood to the head. Ina still in oil 11,.1.1redly -tare
the body to a •wind •tate of health.
BLWAIth or Ctti.m Lai rah AND TINT crloNr..—netaera
her, that the ortgorrl and only genuine Indian Ve t i.etaltle
have the is noon ~ .itt'latare of WILLI...r. Wltiot,l
the top label of earb
Gelittine lar stile ht rnv SPANGLE]: vt ] in
are the only anti:4,l,M A...tenet tar Cohlot:tia. ,10,0, Ly
areal. :tare:m.2,lth another volt air.
All the I . ..flowing arta lei which have obtained or.-
trnorolror pt.pidarity. are vv. A. 1..• i i, r. the only
:121.111 nallippf,leille .. it m1'1.1.11011 t am! J'i toe-
Soot it. Latien.tier. and John J Libaarr. Nl•rro Ita. Catia
1t,,,. —Boy of the 111.1,00 or.rsorts ns all others are
cotorterfait •
A QrAti.rn rnv, -Ind an .Ifinlnoc for I'l9
(7,im Vold, and ri,..11 4 11 feeling, arid pro
enflow Fever. 2:ld For .Isl /mad I.l,,remiipl tilt tight
1110,1. alTerlinng :101 -For Intrrlimi, Indig.e.l ion mid
of .9ppiNtr. en•tlvenr,c m feni,ileo arid
1,- Stom.trli affect 10.1 x. Dyfrt.p.a Ind Vat,
77ir Great Paints an•, it as not Lail to mice, never gives
von nod serer learns nee eactire
thtng4 it i 4 warrantvd 1.noiplal:orl, and all
who tin not 11,,t1 it so may ratan the bottle all ret their
Tnia inedir 1,0..V0/1173^S GREAT IVES7ERX
1-V1)1.1.V I'E.4. Fuller der.crldtrun ut nu .lltna
nue for Filn, er
Bohn nj Cold inPna Haw Tontr—To the Bald and Croy—
If inn wish a rich luxuriant 111 ad of 11 ir o free from flOrl
drlitT and scurf. do not 1,111 t•, Ilrhiellre 111, , Centime Balm
of C•4umhlu. in cases of h 11 to ill chore 1i111111,..
eyed your ,•ap , •rindums. \l.nq• aCo )111, I. list their hair
for I,Vecly ) ell rs have h id it restored to Ito nrit.•iwtl per
fection by the u•e of this balm. Age, nt ite or condition
appeal, to he 810 obstacle whale% er—t t also e
nlllll to unit• Cllll Ml,llllll. del. ate hair Wile is filled. by
which weans 'hon.:lnds (is Cool. hair scan 119 grey CA th , •
Asiatic eatale) had 11 - 111 their 11.i,r r,,tore 1 to it. natuoll
color by the , nee or this Invalunhh• relll.lly. In all ea•e+
of fever it trill he found the most iilelqant wall: that
ell) hr n.e • d. A rewappin.itmnc only are nere”. Iry to
Keep ihe hair from filhuf out. li the roots
and never 10114 to impart a rich 00 ,1
as a perfume fir the toilet a Is unequalled—it bolls three
tours•+ as 11101.11 a• other no d
more• etre, tool The getiiiine manor trl tired only by Com
stock itic Co., 21, Coorthtiol street. New York.
ComicEr Jill ten! Pour Extrartor—li la 44(11 conceded
Ly mptlical men (tilt Corrtrrx .11iicirof Pain Extractor,
icl a:red hy Cornehor, , ,,j. Cb , ., 21, C'eturtlari,l
3 - en 1 4 111 e Clealest II ruder of Inc ISit. rebritty• Its
effects are truly talt.tenlnit.. All pains are from
5r,1.1., Sze , and eXteroal sores 111 a few inmates
after its applt, anon, 11.111111 g 11/f 4 F4llllO 111, 111* 4 f114”441
Cale tall, le,; in: mi sc ie. It Is equally benefebil in all
kiln of and ut,. it,r3 dtsrnsex, xueh us are mph, and
I:yes, Sprain+, Inlet.. ttl,ll, While ,V ,4 11111g and (floors,
liaise., 1 li.1:41.10. lox 1 1, 1101 , 1111. S.,
1141,1 r•prmlto all /%1/ Sly the nlllll,Ol 1114111 y
I'lllllloo pll)sii %Alin 111 ,, 11-1 4 11 10 1111 prat w,' and 1 , 1171-
11,./i1.41111:10 elerg, IA Ito praise 11 In/ I lie, people. ICaid
parent keep tt etatitly nn 111 1.1 , 4, of 11,111011 i
fur I If, tit ty 1.,• without it, 11,:t by tr., all burns
II re •111/31.Ci In 11. 001,1. 111114 , 44 , 44 the veal. are tl ,, tro‘r•d•
and ask fat Connet'n ila t ,ctral Pats
Extrari,,, mann h, [turd LI Comstock A. Co , Nett York
slid take tin other
Doiferits eurcil—f)r. ..1/rXtrir's ..qtroustlc 0/I—Thatm fo,e old age and frmn infant 5 Mom their
hearing In a nine! mirarnlnua manner by the ii-e .1 this
nil It 1110 effect to If -tore the 100 4 10 n :.(1.1 bring Into
Cie n liaral action Mille 'Lin. In re4lore the bearing
when 1 . 11, will lie done In all ca-e$ of
recent den and many of lour ni.lndnisz. All deaf
lien-ons Ir-e ILtn 0,1. Common). 4• co 21 Curt.
fnsd rt me tin• celmlio.nle, Pre rSI v'•r tilt-k.
Pitts, sores 4 ,- -The Germlnc Ild!i'slall1I111,1( nn
url.. m. , re
,1111.11 a Curt.. for I it.. al,Ve • 11 ,, n
ally or aII Other, Its ItIlte• are
It is Only neCes-ary In lel ti tilt kin..., the article 0131
11 , 4 , 11 It sara creat Nnre...s I it it to be hud Iran ,
Ciini,./ork c.. 21 c.urtt..a.arret.
Turk. Ole PmpnetOr+
Dr Sphon'it Mri. Ifradarbe Remedy—tVily w dl ynn .tiffyr
w•Itll tip, tl.nlre , •Illl• 9 1111;1.11111 % , i1011:1 renv•rl3 t. atltand
tivtt w 11l not tall to ruin) II 1 . 11, ri otedy 111 IMI 1-
I.lly &AN'S , :Loy attark 1,1 111,1 d 11 lie. . 1111 , 1" Ft, runt, Of
lolmo.. It Ira. cured ra.e. cot!, years' ma
. .
Alothre's Relief — lndian Distort p— All I•Xpeetsne to be-
Come mother , and ilisOlieln In nvoul Ili,: I'M nittrets
and D tegerti rine, are emenotly In
calm their trams. alloy their to retoisne,
o ay by the Floe °fain* exit; ~,,, leior3 virpetalde pro
duction. Those who it tin lailelldlV ole-erve tin Chilies
moot approve Of I: in Ova liearte—eve r 3 kind and alrt:e
!inate Imotiond o ill feel it Inn ttl".l nil Aunt In rile
t int. , the dedre.s het wife is erno.ed to. by .4 4f.• an
ort nn metlind is loch to tire One of an reliel
Further part 'velar% In poll phlete intended for the frmar
et e.o re in ht• ltd prate' is here th, Intimine cordi to
he toned. Tlie Moilier • s prepared mil,' by the
pow. ',de proprietors, C.44m.tork & Co. '2l Cuuril.lLd et.
:Sew York.
For Worrysa—RotrnsturL't r'ernufort will eradicate and
rare children ntel :Will'. it Itu hose oral,
Dewar.. of all n01.1..e the name in Shelled Kelmrterk the
odd Dottell name Of the inventor. Pre e 2'i rents per bot
tle. Ott cannel Init..° the child sbould there he nil
worms. hilt It M. IV do Il coed.
Expectorant .Sr,rtip— flare bun Cough—On two neglect
it !Have Met a prime] time deal h for the vs ant
of attention Ina common Cold. !lave you a cough 7 Kew.
Dr. 13.irfhtiloMrw's Expectorant syrup n 11.1fe airtime'
preficription, containtra Fin rini.otiralb Mom and aced HI
1.11. , x1e11:11ye prat tire fir e, weril pmts, a ill tenet posi
tively glint* /rill 1. and ease yin loom tint mast awful
disease• Pulninnery I Maim Hint vie, a Inch ustially sweeps
Into the grave hundreds or the young, the old, the lovely
and the gay
All the above articles are mid by W. A. Leader, the
only agent for the genuine articles In Cnlumbia, and by
James Lanca.ter. and John J. Lihhort..7lariella.
Caution. —llllp only or the above person. es all Others
are enUaterfell nov6'•l7-6m
NEW RAILROAD PROPOSED. -3 bill has been in
troduced in the Senate, by Mr. Smith of our county,
to incorporate the "Chesnut Bill Railroad Com
pany." The road is to run front Bayard's ore
banks to this borough.
The following letter from Rev. 111:NR I' WOOD, of
Concord. N. IL. editor of the Cottrzreganotinl Journal, a
rchgtoub newspaper of a high character. spettle volumes
ttt laver oldie good qualities of Wiztar's 13alsatn:
Concord, N. 11.. March. 2, )BIG.
Mr S W. Fowle—Dear Fir: Tien years 'lgo the pact
wittier, a (+llilliell :VA Nlol , llt attack upon my lung. by
eAposure to cold. coition me to my room and lied for
several weeks; and when I recovered I was so much
oppressed by difilculty 01 breathing. that I cells illearibb ,
of rapid wallinar. and vtolmit exerei-e. and 1,11,11 Sta.. 1111-
”/..10 to sleep or rest upon a bed by night. The .tiffetintr
avuc frequeolli extreme. :1114i Jkvizituz from the inefficacy
of the remedies used, I ..uppo .I•ii the ill-ease tneurable. —
Beata persuaded to try a bottle of NVl•tar'.l Bal-ant of
NVild Cherry, avnhout the least confidence in it. ea:envy
or that of nay other pres,•ription. no one call fully under.
goad my surpri-e tind Joy. when I toned the thtbeidt‘
mosl entirely rerun, eel bciore alif , bottle had been 11.1.211 Ilp.
I Iris 10.17 a mortal aversion to 111M1C111... and St•ili0111 11%111g
IT ill till) 10,111.110'11111g Ina -)11111:011) With I/13 tell sm.
ferers utdiicia sae to m.O, thts public statement,
recommend tie" article to other...mnlartt d.
tilt respect. WOOD.
I BUTTS 1,11 the Wrabri,
rcir side by It Wit.m.a.Nts. Front Street Colutulda,
.oloio r ly is anw rPretv.
ed roll all quarter , oldie The Inllol., Joe, 1, 11. 1 ,
an. 1.101 11 11101 of 1110 re 11/11 •111,11 1111• the
01.11111/11 , of I'l, 1:111.1 w relalloo to lll , nuvhral Valli , . of
1. 1 1 S'.‘ (2071 l'l)L , 01' \1 1 1.1)
CI 1 1:1 2
11 I'. Sir. i 1 irtnc used yoor (1,111.
p0111111: 4 1 rap 111 Wlal 1 lwrry. 0..11 . 11-101 ly it my practtc,
1 , 1 , •11 1.) 1, r 1101111. Dr. (!rtitell , r, To
tu w o ram_.of 11- , prr , perlie. a , a rt 110 dial
aa: lit. 1 1.111-? I . 1101:1 1 . 1111) Cl/1111 1 1 :t• 1 u••• 1 In' .11111117 1
V 1 /11 111-1•11.1 11:' 1 1 :1 111111 t• 111
11,1 110 , 1 1 1:t11. rnrllettl.f A. 11111,11 V.... I d,•1( , 111 1
, •.//4 4111 • :111 , 1 1 1 111 , 111 \0•11 1111 ,, I 55., 11111111,1 i .41‘111 1 1 111-
an of 111.1 11111-1 .... lorant... recommend...l 111 our
1. I, a lar do 1.1 .:0111 , • t,:kli•lza-1,1 10 try
our pr. pal - 111w, of V(rxona. or l\ ' dd f`)
1 , -1111,11 , 111 10 .117 that 1 5,01 .41 onieli ploll,d 151111 11,1
octllnt. aud ..111"-ewt-1,t areal,. that I now pr,
11111 pr.,;•ronve to all other 11.111r.ii , • wher , to!.
out I. Ind :I 11, th.• 111111 . 11 PlO,llllOllll or 1/I--
ea.. , 01 no . 111 1110 alartuar-r form II Or
rein K. nowt.). I I.•eard 11 a 1111 111 1:1111111,10 1. 10 ,1 1 . 1
tr• Italt dl-v:1-, To all 1.110 1.111111 In, I
11111 r .111:1 ••.1./11,!}1. but a.- 1111- Inns 1,, 11.,..11 1, out
01 110 1 , 1:111 , 01 1'11111;:(ori. 1 51/11 Iq,'?y add. tent 1 11, 1.0
1 1:,:.101•11 1.1 an nut], v low _.Oll of
s 11,1 :oil a 1 I,.gidar (,111.:111110T 1, 11•:. 1 / illl.
rohi 1111, 15 111 t: Promt .\11111(1111' I ervr eliongll
of to eapress all opinion m I, j lnto;
. I I 1 )
January. 7, 1-17 r1:1.11. 1 / 1 1 , 011.1, Kr.
rn N, 1•o,< r. Ks ..1101. 7. 1-17.
7h above certificate , uuw Otte of oar 19 V-Il .1111-
L .nga CO,V 1111:1, rota her,. he 1 , I ttilt:.r a 1, ry
I raeticc. aml eve,ei.•retl a road alld
,t IWb
hor ; Lc t,. a , he
in tt I. CI? TC111;11.
7),i._1-1 tai Aplel evry.
111PrOthINt1011Of •trltNie PO tit , pill/lif t
:I munber fTI Old" Plink P nt up
NO,rItIVIN ,td , t 1 tit, rt e,ottam Td•ri y. tPt
••8•11,1111 , ... • 800 p r rap of I% lid
(211 i nil lb. , ort2blis'ltri
t`T , r llttrOtittl.Nt TO tto• rill Let ST hies. 0011 Ito 0,1,11
Lr tivl; , tiblte Lb.( ont , :III:1 Of I'l`lol,
,0111031 t, :o
:)..a r.1,::1.1 1 .11C 5, 011 0111 i 1
DR 11. SNV.k
Cnrnrr of 17.1.r 1 . , 11 and 1.1 1.1. 1.1J510.
11111% by IPI \ 1.. sunsr of
Eigill4: oml lia••11 , s. I 11111.1,;p1.,:. .1 n.r
r ,•...p.- l ethidt. 11,0,1, 111 all principal l:l
the 1 .nt. I! r..r;:1,..
`.1"7.1 A. 1.4 . :.1rd:31. und Dr A. 11.
I 1.1.1 INI l'Z. \ orb. I. I-1- —!:n.
7.3 MW sTen.r..
rrIIE Subscribrrs Rrspcelfully inform their
trend , arid I.avt• taken the ' , torn
lorinerly oci upwri Iq S 13 Bootle .1. Co • Corner of .1.0e.1.4
i roll! Vin , . u,tl nre 110 ,, ojl42lllllEr U I t I, V
pareka , c4 at tic pre-nit very 1,,s
Jt:. tl LI:
I:\ 131...1( 1. eII.OTIIS.
01 , ve 1: - •••••11. :tll,l True 1"611,• rlyEr1:01.
Anterte to lii•irscut Stripcd.
1.1.1141. l't,7ll.oLi 5a111.,1 , .. , 111111.1C7 C.01)1,
(. Lure prletn . r btu,!„ Curd
verteens. &c.
. • .
Crenrvl2nr.. nr, (0 ,11,R, 13r.reae.
. 1 ,114. 61)1,1“1:r., and Mack and .111t.e-111(wk (•rn (le
tl,l oar. Silk-.
faltr(oe, t 0.111,. Is,.
GI, haul. Lan IL and lbnun 'l'.ll'”
D,P)rr. Alpara, :•”,1
Ni 130,' net
S l ll, l 'lll, CO . T.•1 1 ,T , 11, :T 1 11. 1 111 1 . 1 1 1•1 I 1rr1 1 1111.7. Pt-it
):4 Sm.rol
0111 - Lloo l k 1101 oil NEW 1111 -1•: 'l l ll 1111 I.,•nt care.
and ,troet attoolont to tin-one—, to ro o otve a
mrt o , 01 . 0111 Irr and tho yubhe. Ail hold.
ni Con.itry Moaner Inktil in at lii, In Th., prier....
EMIT l'it N1.1*.% NT.
p i ;T E R H A 1 ,1 ). E N L A.... .,..j r
Cohn& In. March tn. I,‘l
ti DREGS AND )IEDICINES. The subscriber
t 11.11.00. the Vete libretti r .n..,...olont lie ha. rovelvol. :1111111..th1. 111111 . . el(
lintt by tine! atte,i,on to lin, in, —. to yolll.l'o. et It nit
patronage. 11:. -look of Drio., coil :‘lll.
eLzio. 1. of the very brit Qoleenl/11.:Inil S.corniol , •n
,el • 71 , hlO.
m the pier,. 11,- ‘oy 01 ao/ c
Cued. in owl( onon tt ilt
ory 'rho 1011 , ,,ing list
11. mil 01 •
Paint. and Oil , . rt•od) (.1, , .1 r(11111, ( .1111phellf rifle
Ellic r ,.. 11 I I)Ve
Portt•rlio , 7leQ. Vl-11 ,—a
F:oritia 1;:iv Runt. l ' O -
T11:10 , Autitole Utl I.:Ntract , irn
why Pc.‘vder. r, Ihnr
1.1.04): l'omA r. me, 11:,1 , 1% Pc r
futo,l ',lap. of eve ly kraal. Ilethe:nt.l
;‘,) mph. jio”..,
('in i ry N.O (lair e: t ,
I en... , r01. Coral. nalin of
(1,11.1hm, Plair ('urliw 1.1.nd, Hobo) .
.IND TA:4`-i:I.S.
Mack }r,o•l I'or-e4 and
Si., n trenefal Stmety of otlu r Crochet.
1:00:t. and P:11,111
13 ,•;41,er Ills al -o a larzt. Ft......ortitiont of
Con,incin a ul Ctoto-tOO% r Meth
, Ines on anal ,111.. h he l/nt:11. 1,1 thref•tly nota the plO
- "inch 0111 1.11.th1 , Ilan to .ell thg in
troln tat to .7,11 pt.:recut Ins or th.tu al. In III:I.•12t•—tt nrrailt-
ed c••tttude
March —:1
DRUGS ! DRUGS ! ! DP,UC S! ! !
(j 1 1. 1.1,111.1.1 :Ilia Its va•lnit, IlLal
has 311-1 relurnoLl fraLni NL•LI; Turk nth! PhilaLlL•lLLhat untt
spLentha as•Lorhh. ut ul all artiel,s tote
DIA., lit •
1-uNIEgi To11.1:TS. NN, \l'.
Tooth , r , ilk a , annt tor tut and le of 11:011 and
cLornr: look m,d a i m rite m e .
chnniesi, , nor, of Nna 1 ork
Alb .t I fr•i-• 011 , lipp/y 01 ' t ' ampil•nle and l:cthr.,•al nil
f•, ?, Motet - Lai to ' , urn in 11.P111
Couotry MI .0,::0 , .., 1).01Z2/.1` , . Enkers,
Store liret,or., f ollrr Ut n, nu,l deal, r. to 00 , 101,1 a ill
out it to 11, 1r aat.n 1:1, 10 C:O./ :11 I!, ( 2 M.DEN MOP.-
TA It 1)1110 STORE Colomka. Li for , . rorelot-t ,
Ilnre. N4:11 A. L.E.11/L:lt.
Slam!) :1;, i t 1. -If.
I'ltl Sll Campine or rine, and Ethereal Oils is
mtd ,11: Lc ,on.:Jvtly L.•pt tor by
R. %% ILLTAMq.
Col urnkn, Mare% 2.3. 1 , 4 , —lf Flout
TEReIIANTS. Coal Dralrrs and °Hors. Wharf
Lm,d Lot tor Tor 1.F.A , 1; A troll Molt a Mtn .
ot me toot 01 t`0.11111.1:1.1, Street. to the Loy of Baltimore,
v.olt vs:'sari hunt of M out I-li the lot e tencloo4
Moe!: :170 feet to C.Laeitil ran ct. the line of toe Railroad
aboot to se lull The, property will he rented tor o•le.
) tar or or a term of years upon Ten , ollnble If rai t c. Ap
ly to Ci1:012( (.1:1.11AL 11. Jr.,
Alnreb nc could rt., naillulore.
IN Tim, MATTER of the intended applimmon of Jere
miah Brown, to the Court of Quarter SeC.V/11C, at the
Apr:l Term 1,4', for Intense to keep a tavern its the Bo
rough of Columbia, it tieing an old stand.
WE he undersigned gauges of the Borough of Colum
bia. in which said tavern is proposed to be kept,do certi
fy that the said tavern is necessary to accommodate the
public and entertain stranger , and traveller., and that v. c
arc well arc,uttutted so /Ili the slid Jeremiah Brown and that
he is of good repute for honesty and temperance, and is
cell pros ,led w,tl house room and cons entences for the
accommodation of strangers nod travellers.
John Jordan. J. W. Cottrell. Jonas Rumple, IL Chal
font. Pc:er Haldeman, Jr Power. A ftlnymnker
Green, Jonathan Pusey, Evan Green, John Felix, lt.
ll'intrimc. Dew:min Itohren.
:March 25, ltit —25
ariesz & SON, laiiiSa
42 Commerce Street Wharf, Baltimore, Will reeetvt:
and sell Flour, Grain, Iron, and all kinds of country pro.
N. B.—Ptinienlar attention Mven to the sale of Lr.11./.11,
and cash AIWANCLS made on n comognment when re.
ui red. March 25, 1542.-3 m
Fla, ormg Blanc Mango, Sauces, Custards,
Sc. In this preparation the delicate and univerbally
admired flavor of the Vanilla Bean is presented ni a colt.
centrated and convenient form for 01l culinary purposes,
and may be preserved unaltered in any climate. For
bale by W. A. LEADER
Columbia. March 25. 1.2-P.—tf
WELLS, 1:31, Nub,au :Street, New York.
All of which ions he ordered and received by retort, of
the dune MAIL_ by enelucwg the reifiliSite amount, nod
directing U. above.
APPLIED Accompanied by a Cu IItT. embracing a Con-
Elementary View of l'ltronoloiry, ..e.ith forty-three
ithedrativo cimra , Thirty-.lxtli edition, enlarged and
improved 1:2mo. Price $1 00.
1111121:1)1'r.ARY DESCENT: its Laws and Facts Ap
pl•d !lonian Inq.rot cinent A new and improved ed t .
not Illustrated with twenty-live engravings. Wino
Pro e 5n cent,
-That the pliy-ical. mental, rind moral qualities are
transom -able, no one will clelly. flow important. then that
' l,, ~,,, i lll,llll ofdw body and mind. which
produce either favorable or minixorable impressions
the yet tinhorn. The importance of this 'abject is im
loense, and should be examined by all. - -Raterary Met.
Tfii PRINCIPLEQr.r rfIYSIOLOGY Applied to the
Improc• recut Phyi.icul and "Ale Mal Education. To
which NOM., mid Oc.rrit t rip,.. by 0 S raw .
t.rr. 'nom the tarp rot r,l Edinburgh (luon : mith
ironun, ct. o Prier 75 cent
12111.1GTON. NATI - RAI, AND RI:VEALED: or. the
S,,taral Theoltt* and •Aloral Bearlug, of Phrenology,
/In holing the .Doctritte, '1 :mein and I)uttes Inculcated
there! , . compared st. nth tho, enjoined in the Scriptures,
zort•tht, ,11/. a l'ilreliologleal EXT.-411mi or nhc Doettmei
on a roluee Natorial,a, I !ohne,. Gnu. Rosa art's,
/ . 11111 , 111/lelll.. I)Cpra, ny. a Change of Heart. ‘llll.rore
ordtnattett, and Fa tall-m. Tenth edition. Pr/CC 50 et,
to:11lc and of Health of Body
and Power Of Ni/lld. meld) cocra,sogi on
wood 1.:1/10. Price 20 cents
5E1,1 7 -r171.11:11.1: AND PERFECTION OR CHAR.
I'rß: tilt intho g . lire Alsougement of Youth. Improved
/2,110 tilt e
p 1 ,1:, 41 to . ...i:-Elillentl 4 4ll 114141 .1444 444114 Jn,Emetm r ,
T, to I dtumt. ntar,,ved 4.4441 iivin oval With Mew) ,
1-2;\ CII:, ravings. 12m. Trice SO
PIII:I:\UI.e '• • e.e...hpied for theuc.e of Children and
:.1 school, 11110 Illu,trao,d with ,ixtv•
Ii c engravings. :'.crept p. cl edition. Wino Price 81
Ivi:11 a Vt.rt•aological and rapOSltlo,l Of the
rll,lloli , 111.1 lliuklzkranon , Gar 11:eppy Narring ,, —
T a.ply unravings.
Prict. 371 rt.:,
VAN, onh an Apprinli.x. ~ y S R Wells ; containing amt
111.1 , 1 rated ili,erwtton u 1 Ire Tern pe ramentc. an I a boci
of all the Phrenological Organs. IVlth a portrait
of the author. 121120. Price 30
I.I:II'UFIES cel the I'llilo•ophy of Niegmeri..rn mul
(Mort Roe,. trurtion
ortd 11:T1w:wort, d 01E10 01,
trier ut ;he net of Froth:eon; twornetie •loop Nor and
gin edition. It2tito.. cheap Vllll.lOll. mil} :25 cents
11l :M AN gm rrs Mid (1111 . PolMenl Guaranbe<
frini,e,l on I!, :Nitirtil nett Inteiteetunl I.nlrc of our lb mg
l`to etiology ulloptcd n. the Ir. Piffin•Opil) of 3/111d
11':iii Not, twit Appendix, by George Comte. :New
and enlarged etlitton Prier SO rums.
,• now Judie 01 the Supreme Court in
the cm) of 1 urk,
V 4 CINA.TION; or. the Philosophy of Chrtrtrang
tram,: to 1.
Prinelples of Lae I01:110 . 0.1011 Wall Spirit
Nl:l•ter 141 no Improved nod stereotyped Braun-
Illit•trtoed m the ety!e olthe art. Prier only
itEA D and PhrennloTicril Chart la a
map ;Oral .I) ,, glied in convey at one Ihr natural
, of each orir:i II of the mold. Prcc cent,
V. - OMAN lwr Ethlention told Influrner: nib n gene
r”l I utr,“.i, unn hy C. K. 1,1r1.,1a1.1. 11111,tritled ‘,llll
porrail , ••l IVOlll‘.ll. PI! ,
41. aeut,
A Solo, :11,1 Trtnpt - r.tle Lite Nvit'l Notes awl 11111Ftrn -
to Ito: quantity Of looci ai•r.•..:trl' to prolong hic to an
Itatalred 1 - 1110 With nurn.•nous illustrattom.
ancl a It'seal of ts,e author. Price :Scents.
CI lEMISTIII - Apphed to rhystology, Acticoltutr. and
Contin”rce \Vat}, neAtml, by Dr .lolm Ito olnor.
octal,. Debt edition. paper, only 2Kt retl.
LOVE and Parentture Applied to the Improvement of
td-pone,ptehtFlintr mtpartnnt threettoss. nod ,usrgr:ttott.
to ;es,- 1111,1 1114. marl, it. vol., num; the ....trong - r,l tit
1111 al'nunt •eted and lom. 'ma.. relation. 01 hie.—
Urn, 1114.1-Iratcd
..I)I.ITIVENI7,:•S d• and Remedies of Excre ,, n ,
and Pen; Fled Sexnald!, , I:winding ~ rning and ad, ice
to the :larned Belag a kapplemeat la " Lave
and Pan atage " 12rnu. Pnee 12,', cent,.
Temper:Me, Vllll Tipin tat eirqS : Voatt,lo,l on the Lau ,
of I a.. u. ties ,:aped by the , e,enee- of Phreno!ogy and
-ifflogy ; .bast.:; the injurioli, eflrets of stimulant..
and filk• e,/is Millet • J on the, htiffiali enn•titation, by rohi
pie•-ipg. the Organ.. of iimilihl ith lip
Fvo. Price It?; cents.
Mnlrnonnv , or. Phronoton3 nod Pity , ioloay Aprlted to
,Inn, n 1 A'0.1“111:ii rt/1111 , 11111/11$ for Luc. Includ•
111., ler Ow Nl:lrri/ /I 11,/ /It 1111 r IlogCliier Viketlol,
sty ly ./11/111,11/1/./y. ..1:1•Iraft ti. OCIELVO. Price :25 cent,.
R W 11.1.1-1. \l'"
Front Sty,'
St nrrrv, rd Phreno'ogv : -Igned for the use of roc
tit at A 1111,! ). 11 . 11,11 . 111 C 1. Of Mind, One
hlaud{Pe. thi.z,und «Ttes have been sold.
1:211/1, Prtce, ,ogle cup:., t., curt..
TI I' Phrrnoiortrni Itntl Almanac.
lo•d oig dc , or.ptioas of many .
ui Illi• mot (I,llrit'l/1• . 11,1 living. The anl,unl
•ale , Oius I.lcli ml, Cl/1111,. Price, par doceil, only
F.O c-m•. con, 0.1 cow,.
--111.-t.1.1.1. . l'hrenology,
t 1-tn. I;-Inq rusr men% and Cienemil Prcgre.mor
T. L. 51V,e;:c4numbercontamu¢ilurip
, i number conta 'num
u or talo prtge,nJ I:lll.tratcd m. irlt portranb of
'/'errus. per yearou advance,
7' , TA(;AZINI: (II .N 1012.1.1. AND INTELLTICTrAL
SCII::\CE. and Edinburgh ttaarterly Phrenological Jour
rail, containing 1:-.ay. Pmenology as a department
of Pli-iological Scien:e. exhibiting us varied and lap:
portant nonneaneti, to the ino-t interesting questions of
-oeull and moral phtlo.uphy, 10 lega , lation. medicine, and
the nri• of lure. evo. Each nanilier,sill Contain 112 pages,
be:unlink, primed, %lath illustrations. fries per year, m
Tur, : Their Structure, Dibeaqe. and Treat
ment. tt nh the cats,. of Early Deenv. With directious
zelatolit to their care and pre , erv.ition. linno. Illus
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