PLIILADEVIIIA ADVERTISEMENTS. A SPLENDID LOT of New Carpets. hist open for spring Sales. Just received per late arrivals, and now large and rich assortment of Brussels, !mite r!al Mree-ply. Super and Fine Ingrain mid Veninan Car matitactured expressly to order, and decidedly d w i,,,,,d.otitest goods in the market : offered to purchasers en the must liberal terms. Kautely 1/Cw design Brussels, Imperial 3 ply, Superfine Ingrain, . Fine do Royal Twitted tt Pinta do CARVRTS. cry Icaltd rare sly les. A magulticent assortment, of Y-4, 6-4 and 12-4 Druggets tr. low& Prices than ever before offered. with a large as mrinicot of Piano and Table Covers, Sheepskins, Oil Cloths, Stair Rods. ltlattings. Bindings. &c. Also a rich and splendid assortment of superior Win do„• sod s ., till the different widths and qualities, offered on the best terms. Ti r e particular attention of Country Merchants. House keeper- Wei others is requested to tin examination of the •shore desirable stock of goods, embracing as it does, all the different styles and qualities now mannfitetured, and Latino been purchased at the lowest cash rates, extraor dinar; imlitcenwnts M ill Le RO held oat to B purchasers. BERT B . WALKER. N 0.35 North Second suttee, opposite Christ Church. l'lsilatlelphia, March 11, 184Et-3in WANTED. A GEM'S to canvass for some New and Popu lar %Vorks. is every county throughout the United To Agents, the most liberal encouragement is of - - wed—with a moan capital of from 525 to $lOO. A chance peered. whereby an Agent can snake from $lO to $25 per %Neck ID-Tor further particulars, address (post Paid,) W. A. LEARY. No. 159 North Second .Street. Philadelphia. March 4. 1549-3 m. 13rBOINESALEI. GLOTAING WAREHOUSE, No. Market St, (Between 4th and sth streets.lPhii.delphia. lie sntrrril'er respectfully solicits the attention of entoitrt Merchants and Dealers generally to an exami nationvisa complete stock of READY MADE CLOTH 51e11. tsr eX tesit, variety anl . workmanship, he 1b11,r% 11111.1,11 a ill give universal sausfartion. while Ins rolocol of prices present. to purchasers indite, 11,10.5 Mbleh runnel. be surpassed by any other establish mot in the ratted States. Philadelphia , March 4. 1,4 I T YBREILIS ! ! No. North Fourth Siren, ) Cora, 10 Market street, Philadelphia. II It. Ilationteturer of riabrellaq, Part“ol.4. and l'Ara.ol. of el.ery it) le and description. respectfully .111.01111 r., to Ihi• ilitif tie. 111111 hr alv,ays ready to meet iir'siiii.denerine- of the trade. ut selling us gOO,l flit ur n, , at a• lo,c prlo•••• All lie is. 10 have purchasers call. and see for Al‘ 011 hand. good Silk, Cotton. and Oinghant Can 1.re11ar... 0 Mt Rana.. Whalebone. and Steel fronte.:. I 11, a I.arioty of Para , ols. Pony-Mem., 111111 SlllOlO, 1 . 1:1111 1 , 40 4 / 1 , 11 , 1. and Fringed. with French and ..Ituxri 11111 Fllll4l. 1 . 1111101.• 1j dila. .hilt 4. 1!-4.4-3m. THE CHEAPEST t Best Hats in Philadelphia, are to be had L ROBINSON. North East corner of Sixth .niti liar Let Street.% Country merrhnats and others are o••{te , tiiil l l aavited to 1,11 anti eXnmurr Ills exteti•ive tt ot maierior LIATS and CA I'S, unequalled tux eIt.OIIIPV and durability. fri %101.1 - :SKIN, I lATri. as low as too dol;ars, O KI .10 elegant BEA VMt I I Al'. for $ . 2 50. .4 9111'1111111 a•.ortinent ui 1..11.A1-1.E.1 P, 1:1{.111) but lot ...minter wear. ",-.l,cntember 1%11 to buy I latS. 2.0 per cent titan at any oilier establi4littit:nt 1111 U'tore and call al it() BLNS( EV:4 and 1101111 11:11 :111(1 Cap N.Q13111 . 11. ol Alarket str”.4lrl. reb.llll, 1,1.4-3111 kJ* .7:7t-1 ND Parasols ('heap. WILLI:V:IM MOWN, Urn Ln•lla +lllll Paramd Mattufarturer, tlli 31arket street Ploia Ut•:rlert to Pinbrellas and Parasols, wtslt inr to purr•L.tse Itond.onte goods, al Nuperwr . are toys trd to call at my Macculu•torp Mad Store Market ntreel. One dour below Third •treat, where , tett %alloy al Umbrella., and Parasols, are sold cheap• r tho t tl,,t call cl..•st lain• Ire obtained. A rail a li. n. ou ‘ requegted. Ail , 1,11r1111.014•111.11113 goods It 11l NaliNq liat that at will he sum iniere , t w parelsa.c of al, Ord. r. Inter %silt ree..i ye htrirt attention, and goods elo t t. il adapted to )011r tuarket, Feb. t!(;. I.l!,—:ten SPRING FASHIONS. ST1i111" Coeds. The undersigned would re 110. attcnilo.l 01 Healer- to la's tis,orl ritt 1 1 11.111). PANTY AND STRAW 110:s:NKI'S. hvh rolls the 41.41111 v, limn nine tiari ...In bd• i•r) ki ad. 4.1 the- nwvent awl m ust lie s.le •it IN , Iu u l'.l .11.N1. Al EN'S. 11)1'S' AND INFANTS MIZAW HATS. AND CA I's. 'l'l It W. WIDTE. Mullet .Thilintlectur.•c, 4 1 S..ith Nrcond :greet. ukove east bide. 1 . 11;1,i relo. 1-1.--3111 CIIMAPEST IN TILE WORLD ! 110 fined Sne:ar Candies, Twelve and a ( Halt cent. per pound. %Vholo,nle. .1..1. RICHARD :•III Vn 4.!3larket .trect. Philudelphia, takes Plea., , r.e or nonintg the public. that lie 41111 10 Ills vn .Itperior Stcatit Refined Conl. at the low price of ' sl ' l 30 lan lh.. mat the qualtty n equal to unc IlL2llU mini lit ilii• Fluted Slitt.•%. :11,.• litter+ all kind, et good., in the Confectionary I'l,lll al i • torre , 1 1 0111i111,4 low prier, a- quick sill, 4114.m:111 profit. are the order of the day. I'4ll or .end Sour order,. null you rununr 114i1 to he sat efi./ Don't forget the number, It! 3lttrlZet street. J. J. RICHARD: 4 O:I7 1 . 11.1:. rel., thl. r•t4—:bn ( 1 11 E DIBRELL IS, PAR:ISOLS, & EIRASOLETTS. 51 II Illt'llAltDSON'S Steam Factory the only '*' IS the I lined Staley.. No. 104 Market Street. Philatlel ySi Ikrehatits are respectfully informed that I continue to lhantarture all the abo,e goods, by the ant of .temp. ~ a tllotandttug the great opposition of parties opposed tatrodaetion of exrnmsive improvements. 54y eoraplete. and prices so low, us to give Cattle thed• there Umbrella Store next door. of nearly ' , one amine. II is itapormitt you should remember IVA'. 11. 111C11;k1tDSON. N, tan Payton'. and Patentee of the Walking Cane roe Ira II"- sten of ibil.tuly and Eagle, No. 114 31arket Street, .1 . .. - n . thentton is requested to the celebrated Walking ' , doe I tahrellrt. a neat and beautiful article condoning all Ly a.hatilatte, of a Cane and Umbrella- I ebruary 5. 1.4...—Unt :Ll I IS T. IVA LTERS. CHARLES Il A ItERE. IVILTETHILS dr. HARVEY, (Lat.. Ilnzlebuwt & Walters.) & C - ()N1 NIISSU N NIERCIId vrs, NOS. 15 awl 16 Spome. Wharf. Lehr;It41:1311()1111:. rhl rn4l advanc., 'nude on Consignments of all 11,1. II IltllnatraL Jaattnry. I.N. fell 5 Sot CALM - IDV ! I IL kinds of Molasses Candy New York Cream, Po i omit, Groundnut, he..inanothetured and for male lus est Flees. at No. 154, North Fourth street. two -sr. slow me. Philadelphia. Shopkeepers and others in these articles ere respectfully' incited to cull. 17-Sin. • DR. TOWNSEND'S COMPOUND Extract of Sarsaparilla, the wonder arid blessing of the age! The great beaUtl of Oaf over all other remedies, is while it truth '.y4 • du.easc. it invigorates the body. It is used success t"lll 111 the removal stud permanent cure of all diseases from an impure state of the blood. or habit of the "`!' ta ror sale at W. A. LEADER'S Golden Mortar Drug Store. TIIP. MATTER of the intended application of JACOB lthil.P.ll. to the Court of Quarter Sessions, at the April rrrin.l.-1. for license to keep n tavern in the Borough tiyartetta. it being an old stand. tl F..the undersigned, citizens of the borough of Mnriets in which said tavern is proposed to be kept, Do Cern -1,, that the said inn or Invent necesanry to necommo. 'at,e the public. and entertain strangers and Ira, ellers, I'4 that we are well acquainted with the said Jacob Rig and that lie is of good repute for honesty and temper use, and is well provided with house room and commit, for the accommodation of 'strangers and travellers. Abraham Cassel. David Harry, S. F. Eagle. Frederick lleterhng. Conrad Smith, Frederick .halo, S. S. Nagle. Abraham Varlet'. Joseph Mack Samuel Oberlin, Samuel nsthe. David Rinehart March 11, 1.4.9-3 t. * __ _____ ___ IN THE MATTER of the intended application of HUGH, COLVAMBIA, =ow rotritrzonar. 130VLE. to the Court of Quarter Sessions, at the April Tenn, 1848 . , rot lieense to keep a tavern in the Borough T HE undersigned, hereby tender their sincere of Colultlbtu, it being an old stand. - WE, the undersigned citizens of the Borough of Colurn- acknowledgments to their customers, and the pub- Ida, in which mud he generally. for the very liberal patronage that has at fy that the said tavern is necessary to accommodate the tavern is proposed to be kept, do ecru- tended their efforts to please, and would intone them that public and entertain str ers and travellers, and that we it will be their greatest pleasure, as hereto fore. to conduct ang their business in such a manner as to merit their cantina are well acqaainted with the said Hugh Boyle, and that he is of good . repute for honesty and temperance, and is ed .v a ‘ tp C rohation mid support.. mi. . m . i . untie to make all kinds of Castinfs. vir. : well provided with house room and conveniences for the isiitiEARING. SPUR, BEVEL, MIT tE aud.MOR,- accommodation of strangers and travellers. TICE COG-WHEELS. CAST SHAFTS for water wheels, dolsa Cassel, John Ziegler. Paul Hamilton, John A. &e. Also. C.AR WHEELS and other Cam Castings, tot Book, Samuel Renee, J. H. Hunter, Samuel F. Lochard, gether with all kinds of Rail Road Casting or s, for which Peter Saylor, Reuben Mattison, Robert Hamilton, Geo en e c unexceptionable reference be given superiority W 0111; Jahn Vaughen, F. A. Thomas. a t and avalthility. March 11, I 010-ilt We have quite a variety of PATTERNS for making riot Blast Pipes. for Blunt Furnaces, and for Water YiPCS. and, being well prepared for Casting Pipes, it will cer tainly be au adituinige to.those in want. to. call and ex amine for themselves, as we can manufacture as cheap, or cheaper. than tiny other establishment in this section uf CUIIII try. We have different knit, of Patterns for Steam,Engisies, Threshing. Machines, Ploughs. Continua Stoves, Stove Plates. Solve Cylinders and Grates. and Illally other things in ear line of business. being the making and col lecting together of the past eleven years. }Living the best of ineeliailies employed at Pattern cranking. dit.. we are prepared to make any thing in our line of business at the shortest notice, and being favorably situated at die Canal Basin, gives us the advantage of manufacturing and forwarding Castings to any point with despatch and at the lowest rates. GEORGE WOLF. SAM I'EL TRUSCOTT. Dialing under the firm of Geo. \Wolf & Co. COI II la bi a s Pa. March 4, Itsiti—tf„ TH li MATTER of the intended application ofJOS U C A J. GAUL'I'. to the Court of Quarter Sessions, at the April Tenn, 1,,15, for license to keep a tavern in the Borough of Columbia, it being an old stand. WE, the undersigned citizens of the Borough of Coluin bin. in which said tavern is proposed to be kept. do certi fy that the said tavern is neem,ary to accommodate the public and entertain straneers and travellers, and that we are well acquainted with the said Jo , liun Gauh, and thut Ire is of good repute for honesty and temperunce, and is well provided with house room and conventenoes for the accommodation of strangers arid travellers. George Mann, John Lockurd, Sen., 1 , X. Ziegler. John Lockard, Jr., Jonas Rumple. Andrew' Brown. John Clark. Daniel Zahin, John Enny. James L. Pretston, Francis Hays, Chins. Rawlings. March 11, 15t...14h IN 'NIB MATTER of the intended application of JESSE AIOORE, to the Court of quarter Sessions, at star April Term. IS-I±. tltr license to keep a tavern in the Borough of Columbia. it !truing an old stand. IVII, tine initteNigned citileas of t h e Borough of Cohen hint. in which said tavern is proposed to be kept. do certi fy that the saint tavern is necessary to accommodate the public and entertain strangers and travellers, and that we are well acquainted with the said Jesse Moore, and that he is of good repute for honesty and temperance. and is well provided avail mouse room and COIIVeIIICIICCS for the aceommodaticm of strangers and travellers. Joint IL Brooks, Daniel 'labia, Peter Saylor, George I'Veaver. John Lightner. Reuben Maisons, Joi n t Eddy. 11. G. Minch. Michael ❑'isler, Jr., Philip Shreiner, John Slack, John S. Given, Jetta** Smedley, I high Sanders. March 11, le4 -3t IN TIM MATTER of the intended implicatima of JOHN lIARIL to the Court of quarter SVSAI.I., lit the April Ti nu. 1,4.4, for license to keep ni tavern in the Borough of Columbia. it lad:lg an old stand. WE, the under..igned etin•mu of the Borough of Colua• bin. in which said tavern is proposed to lie kept, du certi fy that the said tavern is neces.ary public mid entertatu strangers mid travellers, and that we are well acquainted with the said John Barr. and that he is ofgood repute Mr honesty and temperance. and is well provided with house room and convenienees fur tin• ~,,,,, dation of .4r:tatters and traveller, Plod Ilamilton. George Wike, Reuben Mallkon. John Cit , sel. George Wulf. John lAghtner, John \ • aught,. Pe• Ire $m tor. tteorge Weaver. Peter Haldeman. J. W. Cottrell. Charles Haulings. Alurch It,•at JACOB ItEED. IN THE MATTIM of thrt intended application of JOS BLACK, to the Court of Quarter at the April l'ertn, 1, 4 1... for ain, keep a Inverts in the liar . . _ • ough Of Colintalia. it bring nn old , nand, WE, the tuttler,o4ttetl ettiten.of the borough of Columbia Whieh .141i:it:era t. propo,ett to be kept. du rectify that the Said tavern n., Ut . a . tilittlittAltite the rnhhc and entertain sarong , :. mint mtvener.. and v••• tire. v‘ell avetittalattrd Si tilt and that he i. of gotAt repute h it hotiiisty nisi is ,11pru~•idodwith 4111%e rotall etanNelitt.llCtzt.l;ir the tiCeOnntinolathnl la Stranger' , Lind trOSe:ler, Jolot A. I S. Itrodliewl. J. 11. 11440kr4 George Wolf. John J. 1100-ton.C:oleon Ilrem Inns. (:.....fgt. %V 14.1., C. In✓irt.cue, 11. Atlosol. JllO. laglttner. Joint Vuugh.•u, Peter 111.1.1eiann, J. W. Cot trell. I, IC. Snylor..l4uw, L. Jartu.•. ('ollius. Jr. Alrtrch 11, IN Tin; mxi-rEtt. of the too ud.4.1 applooltoot of DAN -111,.1tH. to, the Court of Quarter ous. SI th, April ' refill, Isl.+. for lictigthe to kltfp It Illtlttflt /II the Borough Colutubt u. !wog on old Kintul. WA , . the unkleroglied eitt4.•ll• of the borough of Columbia 101 W111(41 , 1114 htectil propipwd to be kept, do certify that the taut tavern in pere.,tiry to tleettilltllollllte the public and entertain ....triitT•r• tool traveller... and that wr are well neetnittittled with the said Daniel Herr, and blunt he to of good repute for 1ani. , 41 tool temperance ito.d he well provided with hotter room and ettlleellieliCe for the Ileet/111111041,111011 of tdru ii re and traveller... 11..thert 11:1111i1t011. John It. Edward.., Mollion. .larrie..ll ere. rr, John Jordan.C. I , r:tort-riot, I Pialtler. John J/plep's 'l') sun. Paul Iliorulton..l. 11. floater. :11arell 11. 1- P•t-tlt IN THE MATTER of the intended application of RE 11ECCA EREIII.EIN. to the Coart all:tarter SeSNiof,., at the April Tenn, for licence to keep a tin ern in the Borough of Columbia, it being an Old Stolid. WE, the ittaler•ittned eiti7eas of the llorough of Col umbia, in which mod tavern is prottoaerl to he kept. do eenify that the said tavern is neees.ary to areoulatodatet the public and entertain stranger.: nod travellers and that we are acquainted vtith the 16•Iierea Eberle:lL a n d that she ns of good opine for lame.ty and temper:lave, runt is well prodded With holt, roma and tamveitiettee, for the accommodation of !grangere and traveller, John Bran,. 1 'autter Seibert, Conrad Swart./. Daniel Zillllll. Prier Saylor, Robert Spear. John M'Fall. Peter A. limilairg. Peter Ihildeinan. Jonas Rumple. John Ben net. Isaac Vaughea, Jacob Imam:in. March 11, ISI,M IN ri NrATTna of the 'mended upplicatioit of El) \VA ED A. 110%V.t D. to Ow Court Or quarter M's =LlM=ten= era 11t the Lioroligh of Colombia. it twit:a:to old 4limd. WI: the ondermgaed riti.feng of the borouh of Coluoilma. wIIICII 'Mitt tavern inproptcvcal In Ice I.ept. do eertity that the mod tavern is neeehsary to nee.) JJJJJJ °date the piddle and entertain strangers rind traveller, 11114 that or are well negini jilted with the moil Edward A. Iloward.and that lor la of good repute for honesty 111111 tempt ranee. and is well pros tiled 'l,llll 11011•0 I'oolll 1111 d eon venii•lices for the Ql,Ollllllllllll tioll of ...stranger. mid trovelle, Peter 11;11ilentan. 11. K All, ins. A lir:ill:no Myers, J. 11. Hinder, Stoma I. Redd. Peter Sues or, It. W. Deck roilie. J 111111.4 Vlllll4llell. John Slnek..l. W. t'ottrell,l;eorge I. Diller, John. Vaitalien, John Felix, I'. .k. ronely. Philip (, Nlareli 11, ISt 8i• IN THE I‘IATTEIR 0/the hoendeil nioplientioo of COl2- NEI.ICS 'I'VSON. to the Court of (bffler 5t . ...14111%. Id the April 'rerin.l . -I..l'ttr liven,. In keep a tavern to the Borough of iiiminz an old .tared 'WK. the an t ler.ignett, of the Ilitztoug.ltr.d'etdani- Ina. in w hid, said tavern is propt , ett to be kept. Dr. CV. , tiiy. that the mull 1,1111 , r thVi•rll a 111 . 1•141.1l11 to tleedlllllo - the 11111 the and effiertttpi stronger. and travellers, and that sir a, , A 4- ii wait the saki COrlllqinq Ty.oll. 1131 d that jrl 14 of goad repute for bnee.ty and Tett.- p•-ntllre, and is %s ell proN hied with I,ulse room, and eon lOr the IIeCOLIIIIII.IOIOII a.i strangers and trav ellers. John Cooper. l'honsam White. Vi.lar. Jonathan W. Cottr,:ll. Peter Ifuldentan. Irto, '.ower. J. Ziegler, (Leorge Wiko. John Lightner, :•11111.114.1 1. 1 1- , :tt • IX ruIFI'3IATTiut of the i mended application ofJAMIIS STACKHOUSE. to the Court of Quartet iwsions. at the April for Hemet, to keep to tavern 111 the Iturongh of Marietta, it being an old stand. WI:, the undersigned. citizens of the Borough of Mari etta. in which said tavern is proprmed to he kept. Ihi Cer tify, that,the said inn or tavern m uece-aary to accommo date the public and entertain strange, and travellers. and that vve are Well acquainted with the said Janice Stockholm, and that he is of good repine for honesty and temperance: and is well provided WWI house room and eonveniencies for the accommoilatioa of strange, and travellers. • . S: ttttt 11:n1ie.An.lrew Lender. Abralinm Varle.y. Cllmmoin. Adam I lei-er. 'l' JoloNton. Simon S. No cle, John Park.:, Henry 11(11114, Abraham Cus4el, John 11011, Joqop1: Alnrch 11. 1:"..11,41t IN THE 31ATTER of the intended application of MARY FISH BAUGH. to the Court aCitturter Sessions. at tire April Term. Lys, for license to keep a tavern in the Borough of Marietta, it being an old stand. E. the, undersigned. eitireas of the borough of Mariet ta. in which said tavern t+ proposed to he kept. Do Certi fy. that the said inn or tavern is lIVCC. , ,Ify 10 aceotnuto alntc the public and entertain strangers and travellers, and that an are V. ell liemnolited as ith the said Mary Fish bough. and that +he is at good repute for hones) and tem perance, mid is aril provided with house room and conveniences for the accommodation of strangers and traveller+. Samuel Johnson. John Parks, John Schack. Abraham Cannel, David Rinehart. John J. hilduirt, S P. Engle. P. L. litter, I tear} Schock. Jame.l Dully. T. Johnston, Witt. A. Spangler. March 11. 184941 t IN THE NI ATTI 7 .II. of the intended application of DAVID cAssm. Jr.. t o the Court of Quarter See„ inns. at the April Term. ISls, for license to keep a tuvern in the lkwough of Marietta. it being tin old stand. WE, the tmdersigued, citizens of the Borough of Mariet ta. it, which said tavern is proposed to be kept, Do Geni i). that the said inn or tavern is accessary to aceommo dine the piddle and entertain strangers and travellers. and that we are well acquainted with the said David Comae!. Jr.. and that Inc is of good repute for honesty and temper ance, and is well provided with house room and conven iences for the accommodation of strangers and travellers. Abrahatn Cassel, John 11. Goodman. 1.. Faller. , lamneV Naylor. Nimrod Cassel, John Miller, Ludwig Fuller. S. F. Eagle. Frederiek Melding, Wm. Cummings. Andrew Lender, John K. Fidler. Samuel Johnson, Musselmam. !lean" Coughenour. March 11, lelt,-.14 THE subscriber having disposed of his stock of Merchnndire, and consequently declining busi ness, hereby notifies all those indebted to him to call and settle up their accounts. and those having claims against him to present them without delay Columbia. March 4. 1. 4 .1.1-11 L. K. SAILOR. NOTICE. CAZIMINE AND ETHERIAL OIL. The subscriber intends to spare no pains in procuring it constant supply of Fresh Camphine and Etherial Oils for wholesale Mid retail. W. A. LEADER.. Columbia.. March 4. lal3-tf HERR DRIEISBACU, THE Great Lion Tamer, upon being asked the other day, What manner he was enabled to have such wonderful influence with ll'unitnals.” replied with great truth: "Ito firm in purpose and keep your eye steady upon what yon undertake und you unt.t be sue !” This thou explain+ the extraordinary rueeess at OW "811 HIVE, — where it is crowded with the lovers of CIIMCE BARGAINS. I Kerr Usibleached Muslin worth 10 cent, is now tierP ib.per yard. Pnie bleached 44 nuts. worth 10 et.. selling for ti..) Fast col. Mane. Ginghains " Is " 121 Good Pocket Ihnalkis., 1 : 2,1 , •4 01. Linen Cambric " " 2.5 " " 121 15 10 Calieoes _ " 10 " 1. A lot of I lokery sirs cheap. Lollies spot. work, a 'tale Colton I 25 stag they are sele do , iralrlo tool worth 50 cents per pair. A lot of heavy Irkli Linens. a great bargain. thee were knight solGoct to a 1 . 1,,v water stains and will he sold off very elJettp. :11u, dr Luines for the Spring worth 25 cents. Row sent.; air 1.21. Mode 4 . 01. SHAM striped gookerrotio.—a lwatltifill article ror dresses. The above goods. together with a large lot ot desirable bargaing. have just b een received and .sill be sold un ti.othately, small tots:on, for cash. ('HAS. E. WENTZ & /1)10. AT TIM.: BEE II WE, Norili Queen street. 10 doors north of the }oat Odle, Lancaster. February 26, I.Pl`,.—tf LL. ks* k'r :) •s) rrllE' subscriber is aMborized to , rent for one ear, or for a longer term. the whole or portion, of a inlet. below Wright, tile, fronting upon the Tole-Water ennui. and extending more than a thonAand feet &mildly Creoles mouth to the In-Let Imek. The 'ACM Weald an excellent one far n mesa dice The Wain bar•ln of the creek's month offering I well-protected harbor for logs. and n small stream supplying sufficient water for t o t engine. To thus who win& Wharf; Or other, tie !fla tware It. a long !c u te at n laralerate rent would he offered. It is well adapted for PLUM: LUMBER. or Moring Coal intended to be .col lip canal to the city marker. Feb. :N. IS.I-2-111 .1. H. :1111-11.1.N. NEW GOODS. THE subscribers, thankful for past favors, take :hi. Intlitod of informing their friends that they burn just feyelVi•d. in Ildliilloll to their former stock, a GENERAL ASSORTMgyr 01' STAI9I.KAND FANCY GOODS, which bare been .elected wtth great OM, and attention, and will• be sohtelinAl`. AFT TIMM AT Flt V & SPANGLER'S. Col Ida. reltruar 19. 1,1-3.—ti ie fr.ll PUNTS. Purple Prints, one yard wide, only tents, ms WI a goutlUg.,lllll,lll of otter low priced Caheu.•e at FRY & SPANW.ER'S. ietl!r4-•ti NEW QTILE Chasinneres and de Lathes in great va t riet) at FRX S SPANGLEIrs. frtll9'4e-tr HOSIERY AND ( I LOVES. Au extensive assortment of liosieries, kit ..110,s, Sc., at reduced price., at ted19'4 , 41 FRY & SPAN(a.far.S. NOTICE. rrlIE Stockholders of the Columbia, Marietta, LL and ror,moa th Railroad (•„a m nay. arc hereli) notified that an election will be held on Aiondar. March :Kith. I-1, at 9 fir lock, P. M., to elect 000 1'r1,41.2111. nii Manager, and Trea,urer, at the White Sssan Ifutel, in the Borough of Alamein, ANDREW LEADER, Secretary. Marietta. Feb. 19. 111ZUSLINS, T USLINS. Bleached and unbleached Muslim; large 11z.ortment VEILS' r P at 1/.1119 , 1 , ti FRY & SPANGI.ER:S. PEILIN TEA _4l Fresh supply of those justly celebrated 4 TEAS lust rec;;lved by I , IIY S. SPANNLEWS. /MGM GROCERIES, `i LARGE assorimeol of fresh Fainilz Groceries JII.I 11,1,k dut FRY 1..1.19'1--ti SUGARS. NEW Crop New Orleans Sugars and Mola.sses at foiliel—ti FItV & SPAN(a.F.It'S. ZIONEr Molasses. Sovering's celebrated. steam A . $y nip Molasgea. n delicious article flortable OW crop 110NEY ut 11.1,19 - 4.-tf FRY & SPANGLER'S. t)>itoilizin subscriber has just received and offers _l_ fur stile his usual supply of GARDEN AND FLOWER SEEDS. raised by the Society of SHAKERS. in MASSACIRLSESTS. — These seCtiS hare been oire•red for sale iu this community 14. r the la-t fifteen ) cars. :mad are *sell 1:110.Wii for their very superior quality. They ens also be had nt ANDERSON'S Store. in Mari et F ta: gt Y' KAUFFAN'S tore. in Washingtn: and al UTHES and .S AMUE LSMITH'S Stores. i t, Wrights. ville. MATIIIOT'S Store. Front Street, is the only place where the Shaker,' Garden Seeds curt be had 1,1( . 44111111MA WM. MATIIIOT. Intetbia. Feb. NOTICE. AMEETING of the sztbscribers to the stock of the American 'Telegraph Company wall be held at the 111 Taee of 11rarena & Muds. Alerehantr• Exchange, nal own.. on TI7I;SDA V. March 14th. 1:44 a. fir the purpo.e of electio.; a Prestdeitl. Secretary, and 'Treo•urer, :and fare Director•. in roilawmaty walla the charter recently grant ed by the Legislature of Maryland. 111 , 11 N ItY J. ROGICRS. (11 , A1111111.1 PENNINIAS. IL FRANCE, S. 1.131 A LL. Februar) SEED!SEED! RISLEY'S Garden Seeds, warranted Fresh and Pure. and Felccted from the moat celebrated hor ticultural Garden in the norld. Aleo, FLOWER SEEDS, , comprising all the new and 1110'4 splendid enriches. for ornamentmg Yards and Gardens. lor sale by It.. WILLIAMS. Columbia. Feb. 1241 Apothecary nod Driiecist. tslso to be Ilalt at AleLaughbers, opposite the Post Alike. in Locust Street. CROP NEW ORLEINg.SUGAR Snot received by the subscriber, corner of Front and Union streets, 10 hogsheads Ness- Crop New Orleans Sugar, asuperior article, at very low rime.. WILLIAM J. C. TAYLOR. Columbia, /armory Zl, 184.0.—ans TIM Franklin Fire Insurance Company of 1 . 1111. A DELPIIIA.-01 , 11CF1 No. MS; CUES:CUT Street. tteur 1 titL ..treet. DIRECTORS . - . CilAtti.rtS.N. IL=a.k.a. 6 holaiE W. fiIetLULUS, Tnuldus. HART. NIORDECAI D. 11..}:Wie. 'routes W.surre.l4 A Dobratz E. [kitties SANIVEL Clit.sarT, DAVID S. Throws. Istous R. SMIVI. MOQUIS PATTI:R.SOM. Continue to make insurance, perpetual or !nailed. on every descripnon of properly in town arid country. at rates as low as tire consistent with security. The COMpll.v have reserved u large Contingent Fund. which. with their Capital toil Premiums. safely tart:sled, affords ample protection to the assured. The assets of the Compuay. on January Ist. 1e1t.3. as published agreeably to an :Vet. of Assentinbly, were as follows, vii: Mortgages. S-90.558 65 Reel Estate. 10,..3.5 DO Temporary Loans, 1414.4.7.5 Wt Stool,. 54.563 25. Cush, die 7 4.5.157 47 $1:420,097 trr Since their incorporation. a period of eighteen. y oars, they have paid upwarde of ..e =alio,. th.. 6 un.{r.4 thou,-. sand dollars. losses by fire. thereby affording evident.* of the advantages of insurance. as well as the ability unit de.po,ition to Meet. With pr 01111,111,.. all 1111.1)Iii tte ellAltl.ES ISANCIKER. Prei.ideuti CILAULF, U De NCI( a. Secretary. TIIONIAS LLOYD. of Columbia, Agent for York and Lancaster Counties. Feb. C ARDEN seeds, from the most celebrated Nor netaltural Garden in the world : raised and put up at Fredonia. Montague County. New York. The appro bation of over 100,000 persons. throughout almost every lowa in tie United States and Canada 4. who are in the halm of patroniting this extensive establishment year after year, is a certain indication that the elforts of this Company to distribute none bat Fresh mid lure Seeds, are appreciated by a generous public, For sale by Nti . A. LEADER, Agent. ! FRUIT TREES I! We expert in the coarse of the cowing neck to rt•CelVt• 11,1111 the cele brated itor.cery of Mr..l oho Perkin.. Alorrigtown. N. J.. a ..pleuditl lot of Fruit Trees, the chuisest of their kind put up in parcels, labelled and gll,llll.lllCed. Cote..i.ting of Apple. Peach. Pear, elwrry. Nectarine, Plum. ke. Ilere i. a rani chance for all per•tiets ch....irons of raising choice fruit, for reinenther, these trees are warranted to be the choicest of their Lind. Call at WF.STIIII,OOh: S SPAM:I.EW:4. Col ambits Feb .1.2„ Opposite the I'. 0. TRa' 4 refinement has its• origin. in the cultiva tion of FLOWERS. Every per,on having a correct opinion of Natural Beauty cannot but regard the cultiva tion of Plower. no highlv tending to correct the taste and reline the sentiment, audit in nu* llua Notirco of domestic Nor*MOILl that has the sure es uteuee of the noble garb nen of affection owl indu.stry. Ifur sale by A,. 1,11.4„DER„ Columbia. IFeb.l"2-tt INDIAN VEGETABLE PILLS IN TILE CITY U 1 NEN, ico!-4;1.1EXI• SITCCI:SS A MOM.: TEcies:—LETTER FROM A 111611 SIIERIFF OF CAllol.l*.si Hairnet of letter fro 1111114: editor of the Greenville Moun taineer, S. C. DC. W. WIIIGIIT—Dear Sir:— • • • A week or two ago I rent )011 U AIOL IMO:LEEK, contairung a IVL4er loin one of our Volunteerq in the City of :Mexico. in which he pays WRIGHT'S INDIAN YEGETAIILE p 11.1.5, under the etreuttcdanees. tll4 higheal owed of praise I have ever I.IIOWII n Illedkllle L. receive. The Volunteer. W Goodlett, is a gentleman of fine .ktanding-1111 necumph..hed and %Cell educated man, and war recently 1111:11 SHERIFF Of this District. Ily one of your advertisemems Charleston paper, I happened to notice the location of your odic,. and thought you might extract an article of some value in regard to your medicine, therefore 1 sent the paper. The following is nn extract from the letter referred to ;Move: “My health is very that improving. I procured n few II) 4 ago. SOUK: of Or. IVright's Indian Vegetable Pills. nil ttni have octet' on Inv St 41e111 I.IKIiMIAGIC!” Thu. it appear+ that the brave and patriotic Volunteers ho have gone to Mexico, to defend the rights tool honor of their country. already begin to realite the extraordina ry value of flits incomparable medicine. Lung life to theta! Are sometimes math by confounding one medicine with another. and administering the I.vrting article. I•epudly horrible are those mistakes which arc made in that all Pills are alike. and that therefore. it in indifferent which tire taken, and if one kind is bad all arc had together. This is a very great mistake. There is as much difference betw ..... It Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills send other arti cle., as between midnight rind noonday ! We do not ooh any to take our word merely for this statement. Iw•t any our. hnrutg okra Other medicine, try this. Nothing nowe will be necessary. =n==l Many person. have been led away by a COATING OP Sun in. as if they anticipated that it woeht remove the litio,a of the Medicine. But they are generally mistaken. Without the Sronn those articles have malting to recom mend them and Snead not be .nld a single day. But to oh the .agar. and by giving the article a name si?lu.A It to Wright's Indian V.., Auld,. Pill.. they gain a tempora ry notoriety. Witt.rEs they etc. in sheep's clothing. of u limn the public al Id ateer sufficiently ;cleat. Let it be remembered that \V RIG EMS INDIAN VEGE TABLE PILLS . are prepared with special ret - erence to the law. gayer g the human body. Consequently. they are Illestaju good. always useful. ult., ays elfeetive in rout ing out dawn..., Every family should keep them at hand. The follow:aw highly respectable Storekeepers have been duly appointed agents for the attic t.lf this Celebrated Medicate. iu Lunen.ter county. Beurville. Reuben IVitia/cr. Bainbridge. John F. Beecher. Bird-in-11mM. Jacob B Bart Township, Win. W. Pa...mance. Belleview. Buyer. & timbal. Buck Toi, ern P. 0.. Gco. 'P. Clark. Cliefunit Level. AleSparrant & 'housekeeper Conestoga Centre. John It. Harman Church Town. L. & K Rogers. C'oopernville. E. IRS if, COIUIIIIIiII. Fry A Spangler. Chem Hill. Inane S, Webster Drattiore, John A. 11. - oyd. Earl Toun.hip. George Ducliman , do do W'e'arer & W 11111 1 .1".. do do Da s in %Vatlcifee. Elirnhethtown, John Lynch. • Ephrata, John Gros.. Ephrata. New, 1, S. Hacker. 00 110 Martin IVeldnian. Felton House. Fulton tp- 1.. P. Wilkinson. lempfi cid. 11 ingwalt & Ala Intercourse. Thomas, Mmes. Leneock township. Frederlck Swope,. "mummer Square. J. V. & 11. Herr. Litiz. Nathaniel F. %Volley Lancaster. John Zimmerman. M Joy. Winner & Cassel. Alouniville. John Devlin. Marietta. W. A. & B. Spangler. Mount Joy Township. H. U. Clark & Co. May inwit. John Reinhold. do Sltqlmiker & CO. Mount Pleasant. Isaac AI - Comma. Mall Creek. Ilcory Stauffer. Manic Towalhip. Hugh Moore. New Holland. Brubaker & Co. New Pro. illence. IbAolebrandr & Meyer. Poplar (trove. E. It Poix.on. I'caeh Bottom. S, W. P. Lloyd. Penn Tuw,nahgt. Jacob Singer. Paradloe. A. R. & A. I. Witmer. Pussy's Malta. Mahlon Posey. Peach Bottom. Wm. Arnold. John Rawlins. Safe Harbor. John Herr & Son. Strausburg, %Vm. Spencer. Salsbury, H. Freeland. , . Wnshitimon, John A. Brash. U_7 - 019ces • devoted exclusively to the sale of Wrichis Indian Vegetable rat.. wholesale and retail. UM Brice street. PhiCadelphin : 2°•A Greenwich street. New York ; and 199 Tremont stsect, Boston. April 29, 1942.—1 y TEILIRCUL11111"---RIDIVIOVAL. TINE Telegraph Office at Columbia has been RENIOVED to the Spy Printing Office, Front street, opposite Barr's Hotel, where, for the present, messages will be received and promptly transmitted to any of the I following Stations: York, Lancaster. Philadelphia, Wilmington, Baltimore, Washington, Harrisburg, Carlisle, Chambersburg, liedthrd, Pittsburg, The following are the tai York, 10 cents for 10 word.. Lancaster, 10 cents for 10 wards. Philadelphia. SO onto, for 1U words. Harrisburg, SO cents for 10 word. clininbersburg. 30 cents for 10 words. Pittsburg. 40 cents lii, 10 words. llalumore, via Plii/a.. id cent,. for 10 words. All additional v.ords over 10 churned pro rear- Ad dress and signature not counted. ID-- All messages mud be. pnepuld. 'heeling Citictuntas, St. LottlK, Iteadtug Pott,scdlr. Nt vt , 1 Ork, Alban) Buffalo, ItucheMer Auburn. &e, &c. les oil:lunges C. WESTBROOK, Operator Columbia. Feb. 5, INDEMNITY. axsLE'srs Culumhio, Feb. 12-if FRUIT lir orrk„ , . >r .o 31. 41 CV"ItIGIVT'S itonninr.t: :111S'I'AliES!! PRZELEP GOBBLER, DOCTOR. ATTORNEY AT LAW, Columbia, Lancaster Co., . PULLEN'S INDIAN Vegetable Panacea.--Nessrs. P... will practice in the several Courts of Lamers- Itowand Is I.Yulton : Gentlemen,—Having expos ter and York counties rimmed the extraordinary efficacy of your Dr. Cullen - a Orrtcx--in Walnut street, adjoining the Washington lialani Vegetable Panacea upon toy own person, a feel- Hotel March U. IN.. , tog of gratitude for your wonderful discovery, and a • , 'e. ire that year NIG/finale should be known and apprem- Isited by the public. has induced me thus voluntiorly- to give you an account of my case, hoping that others who may be so unfortunate us I have been, may be induced to ! throw prejudice aside and give your Panacea. a fair trial. In February. .It4o. a lump or rumor first appeared up on the spine tit any right leg, and another on the lower part of my breast near the junction of the ribs; they in creased gradually unit!. the early part of June. about which tune they beesune very painful. lii July. the Tu mor ot , the leg ulcerated and beeunte a running sore, extending itself. omit it was half Me site of a MAIMS hand. t ' and hail eaten into the bone. and one or two. smailer, al , . eters appeared below. tear the allele. My physician and iothers pronounced it Scrofula. Up to 1410 time every mined) used gave no relief; the leg continued to . get, . worse: daring the early part of August my sufferings. i were intense: si 1, neither went to bed nor slept regularir [ fur muly MUD, seeks, bring compelled to set up, wit h Buy leg supported on a choir. About this time, my son , brought home with, him, frotn Cincinnati market ode of 1 your Circulars. whit:lolml been thrown into the wagon. i I read it. mid katoemig sotto: of the signers to the Certifi cate of the tease of Mrs Brooks, and believing from my knowledge of thor, characters. that they would not lend their names for the purpose of palming an imposition , upon the public. I concluded to try wbut effect it would' ; have upon tar. Oil the 20th of August; 1, procured the first bottle, etatimeeeed taking it necorditig to directions, and in tour boors the pain Was so much relieved that I i fell asleep. and e m enjoyed that greatest of tiles/sings, a few, ! I hours repose. I continued using it until the 221 h of Au gust. when 1 found myself so li better, that I seem to 1 Cincinnati to your Agent. Mr. J. '.V. Danenhower, will:. I whom I made arrattgement, to take ://.1 bottles, providem he mould guartintee it to cure me. Ile agreed to do so. and gave the the privilege tit stopping short of the 20 bottles, 'Almoner I considered myself well. I now felt encouraged. and continued to use it under Mr. D's in-- struenons. until I bud taken 12. bottles, (using 110 Other, Medicine et Itateverl when I found myself entirely well, the Tutu, on my breast having solicited. opened. came. out. and was healed up when I had taken tt or 7 Li/Atlas. I will here observe, that for ninny years I had been tatter bled with a kind of dry 'fetter, which greatly alum) ed; me.partieultirl> when heated or warm in lied; 1 haee tell /animas, of this mice taking your medicine. and have no doubt that my system is nom:entirely free frutudtscase, my general health never having been better. . On the :3,1 of December, I again called upon Mr. Damen bower. I then pronounced myself well. mid offered to give him a Certificate to the effect, which I promised to. send him to a ten days. A short bloc after this, whilst kilning my hogs.l hurt the manic leg badly, in consequence of es Isieli I postponed giving the promised Certificate, NV/idling thoroughly to test the permanency of the cure. I now used nothieg but the usual simple remedies for fresh, wounds. and lotted my tlesli perfectly healthy, and in the usual lone fur :melt value; my leg heated. Sutlicient tittle elapsed to convince Ine that I toil now as sound Irian, • annul that I have been cured by your Panacea alone. In. short. I have every confidence in its virtues. Persons 'desirous of obtaining further particulars. can be gratified toy culling at my residence. DAVID IHRG AN. Al tidy Creek, Hamilton county, Olito. Curt or CINClus Sri, es.—Personally appeared lief/we nn:, the stilt,ritier. Mayor of the said city. David Kirgan, who being sworn. deposes and sal it that the facts set forth in the foregoing satenictil are true. In testimony whereof: I have hereunto set my minuu and caused the Corporate Seal of the ...aid City to be affixed, thus, the-Ult. day of March. 1,17. D. W. £l. DIVORKZE. riFFICE—South East corner at* Locust and Sec ond street. Hostroixo Mousx—witii Mrs. Swartz_ 2 doors below his late residence. April 7, 1,47.—ti M 0141312" TO LOOM X72.Plia To be loaned on mortgage or un incumbered real estate. Also. at private sale. on account of a person living at a distance from Columbia. nine shares of stank its the Ca, Zambia Bank & limbos Company. Appl) to Columbia, Feb. la. lAe. J.NO. 110.1:STON. MILL kND CROSS-CUT SAWS, of &Amid's lesL Fir sale at manufactures price.. by April 7. 1.347.-4( Rl MPLE & IJES.. CHAINS. REEFS Celebrated Lowden Fifth Chains. Tra i. east. long and short. double and single lank. breast. carrying and halter Chains, all of which we offer at man ufacture, prices. up?—.4l I trMPLE 4 1 / 4 : 11 F,s. STMLI. , EAD Purses anal Bags.--Just received a most splendid assortment of Bead Purses and Bags. not to be surpassed by any. Also steel brads. tassels. rings. tassels and rings in setts, clasps, and to ist of different shades. Fur sale by novIAI IV. A. LEA 1/ TOOTS .B.CHE - MILLER'S Celebrated Odontalgie Drops, will w,,rron.d tin e tTo ° l, l ,Ju n r7trur:et t li. i c .i . e n t., e rre n e " . " Vo ' r . stile by tiov2o W. A. lA:Am.:li. STOVES r 1 1t Subscribers have constantly on hand a _r. fun ussannent oi - wood. cord. and cooking Stoves of every die awl description. cannon stoves. Al.o. Ilend eulnirg'. patent Air-Tight Parlor Stoves. which has given full huti4faction in all cases 'Plop public arc invited to cull and for thesin.elves, at the I lardoare store of awns & I lux.. LAUNDRY POLISII: fur preparing starch 'without the 1111t1131,113 Of :nn' greli-y and for pro clueing a brilliant pearly glow on the listen. Sold only Lt te.:117-tf. R. WILLIAMS. SHAVING SOAP. TOIINSON'S Super Essential Walnut Oil Military rsr,,m g soap, , otwrior to all ollwr4 for s.llving. For ...sill, by (1Lny.21 . 17-11.) R. WILLIAMS. WRIGHT'S IT,GETABLE PILLS, or radian Pargatiye, cud Induct V.retnlol, Syrup, warrant.' gentling For bale 10y tant2ll , l7-tf. R 11.1%1 1 /vl-AGITE. AIIXTURE.—A Warranted' cure fur Fever and _ll.l_ \go, For sale by. It. N. It 'There is none globule hut thnt sold by 114, DOCTOR RODDY% pRAZILLIAN Hair Curling Liquid. For salt 1) _LP au2l'47-ti H. NVII.I.IANIS. FIVE highest price given in rash or in books and sottioner. for all knot+ of rag, at lVegthrook do Spangler, oppn,to the I'o4t Loctolt .treat. COllllllllll.ll. Janaary I. DOCTOR TOWNSEND'S f %WOUND Extract of Sarsaparilla never fails k) to eradicate entirely all the elfects of mercury. infi nitely Kramer than any other medicine. night sweats. ner vous debility. nervous complaints of all kinds. neuralgia. Illreeti0115: hc. Fur nab: by. Ull.l 1'47-tf. R. WILLIANIS. WANTED. JQSTONE:Mors and 10 Masons wantrd. For information apply to JAMES Colum bia. or C. fi. ISISI:C1.1. Old Towti, Marylaud. Columbia. Fob. rl• MR. CIFIRILIXAM'S 'VEIOIIFEGE Antoim tire hundred Medicines Y r.....,.1m0c0ded for Worn., Grail:fiat's Vcnuititge quad.. alone. It.; faith to. pllbile rollfidellCi . Iltlu been netnevecl with 114 - ,re run s than any other {Vann medicine tr.‘e thve a a trail and mitigly 3oar.‘elf. Sold only 1,3 Columbia, Jan. 15, W. A. 1.E.ADE11... FOR RENT : TIPSINESS STAND No. 3;.llleclittnieg' Row,. now ij occupied by JUIIIY Ila.ine•ts land No. 3. Front Street, near corner of cum Street. New Dwellitez 11011Ae No. 1. Cornet Street. near From Street. Inquire of Columbia. Jan. 15, ATTEND TO your Coughs and Colds.—• Pr. Jayne's Ex- PECTORANT. for Cormier, Colds, Asthma, Spilling of Blond. low Couch. Cron'', Hoarseness, Pain and Soreness of the Side and Back. COlllll/111pll ~,,, and nil dsenses of the Lunge not Breast, &c., &e. For sate by N0v30'47-11 %V. A. LEADER. AL DT. EC‘ll2=S. (AR BUILDER AND MACIIINEST. Having taken the extele