ONE DOLLAR A YEAR TN - A_DVANCE.I AND LITERARY REGISTER. NEW SERIES, VOL. 1, NO. 37.] WESTBROOK. & SPANGLER, EDITORS AND PROPRIETORS. T y at ,,, 2 : Office—Front Street. opposite Barr'e Hotel Publication Off i ce—Locust Street, opposite the P. O. Twin.— nth CoLustot• Sev in published every y,,urdsy morning at the low price of ONE DOLLAR A ITAR IN ADVANCE. or one dollar aid fifty cents, if not said within one month of the time of subscribing. tale copies. TIIR E E CENTS. I ERII9 OF ADS' haTISI NG—Advertisements not exceed inc square three nines for &I. and 25 cents for each alumna]A insertion. 1 Wise of a m grouter length le pro its• liberal discountmade to yearly adver- Wer, fun Pal VIP4O Such as Band-bills, curds. Labels, Pamphlets, Blanks of every description eirculametc. etc., e scented with neatness and deepatch end on rentonailleterms. p oar!). EPICUREAN OF LANGUAGE [We do not know how many readers we have who will enjoy as we do, the following exquisitely piquant and skilful exercise of rarity and niceness of language. It is a poem which we find in the American Review, full of beauty and oddity in sentiment and vercification, but a curiosity, ;and a delicious one, we think,) in its philologic flavor. Who is the author ?j ULALUNIB: A BALLAD. 01(1 n'cre :n.llen and robes; The leak, t'ey were erp‘ped and sere— I.ntro, they were withering and sere; It •ta' mein in lii loriv , omo. October my toot iinincinorial year ; I:I.., hard by tIL.• dim lake of ober, In the ii.;) :aid region of Weir— !: th.'n b., the dank fain of Anther, Pi the g , :ool-bannted woodland of 'Weir rvree. Ikon 411 an alley Titanic, er.rrrctr.. l roamed euth my Soul -01111 l'-yche, my Soul. Time hwre day. as hi, my heart was volcanic r,„ ,orine mei...that roll— !, Ihr• lat Os lila! rr•-•.1,..1) roll , rrlirharrma current. down Yaanek In far Ilitletete I' s of the pole— Ti at rrronn 11, 10:I down Mount Ynanek la ure rea;:ris e boreal pole. IJ;;C had been , e 110,1• and sober, Fut our thobr,hts they were palsied and Sere -0 Our ea uere to aelierons and sere -I.rste• kness not the month was October, A .11 nu e nlnrked not the night of the year— (Alb !IL:hint the year We Doted not the thin lithe of (Though once )ourne vent down her: tin• dunk tarn of Surber, Nun the ghoul-haunted woodland of \Veil.. rts tl.e nv;ht a- , :ncbcent And t -dial • POlle.d to morn— A =tar,ltak lont,d of morn— A• r. t,ul of our palh a luouseent 1:01 nrbiduuc Imnc wus born, 0..1 o; miraculous err,c4itt Aru, %Nall a (luplica to horn— bedifilnOndeti erekrpilt DI-11 ;C: `.lllll Ale dillthenfor 11,111. .1, 1 1,1].1—•• Shti, is :trate r than Dian Palk throat:ll out ether of sn;lis— r, ;els In are-',1441 0! sighs : •0 , 11 that the tears are not dry on checks, a Sere the ,s oral net CI the., .1.1111, 4 01414 4 114 4 4 the star, of the Lion T., pool? n, the path to tin• To the IV 1 4 11114, a 4.•— ( Ov•III:f: 441 11 1.4041. ,4 : 411Ie on its V. ICI lieu hi igia eyes— , • L. 4 4. LIOII 1.0•4 e 111 in•r luminous • yes r finger. ',aid— • Silly 11.1, star I ini,trnst— r I qrang , ly inottru-tt '-0 1 1. it t tl, 1101 u , fit '—for the 11111,1 •' I. tP•ro, ,po her they trail, ;I in the 11.1.7. 1 oShcd. let:ing ewl. It, r iluint, 1,11 they trallett w the Till tort°, tulle trailell in the dust I Th. b, nutlinightit dreaming. lxtut on by this tremulous light' Let m bathe in flu-- en stollthe L. •1 lariat t , in analog 'A oh llo; a' %nil in Lk:HO to-night tlieker4 rip the .-ky through the night tUtly tru+t to its gleaming, Anal 110 stlft, It %sail lead 11, attgllt -1i( kaiely may trtu-t to a glminung That Callllol but guide us aright, b.nei a flickers up to Heaven through the night ,fled and lir.sed her, And nugned her out of her gloom: And conquered her ...coml., and gloom; pa...ed to the end of the Sista, And ere .topped by the door of a tomh— ea” door in a legend:A TO11.01; A.l 1 , a.ll • What is 55 1 ittc n. SWet3 01• the door of tht. legeuded toad. '• r•Th,d--11.11nme—Clultone— •1, unit of thy 10-t Mahone my heart it grew ashen and 'ober " t'te Irate, that tyre er,ped and ~ r e A ' kti‘e , that were withering and ',ere. A ul I et ted--“ It win: stnel) October 0.1 this very night of 1:1•4 year That I pmrneye,:—.l ed down here— VI.II I bronzht a dread burden donut here— ti i tht- in•zht of all nights tit the year. 1 iii, it hit demon ha. tempted me here? Wt 111 know, now, Mt. Mtn lake of Anber— (a, misty mid region of Weir— know. now. this dank tarn of Auber, I t the ghoul-haunted woodland of f, d r[llo . ll-1110 rn o. then—" Ah, can it like l n •en that the woodland's', ghoulm— Tin. Mityful. the mercuhl ghouls -701,1r up Mir sway and to tau 11 Prom the secret thaviies in these wolds— Vrom the thing that Ilea hidden in these wolds— IL:di:raison up the spectre of a planet From the limbo of !unary souls— nafidly seintillant planet From the Hell of the planetary souls r' =I What's that you say 7' said Mrs. Parting ton, raining her eye.hrows and peering river her Ppect cies, 'sent nothings and Pillows to the Mex icans! Well, now, I declare that's worse than Bending Santy Anna.' Here she went on with her knitting, and continued [sotto wee) 'Sent n Pillow to Mexico 7 Well, now, if that ain't giving 'aid End comfort,' then I don't know: I wonder what kt.Ritehio will say to it 7—Boston Post. THF - -"k; f 4: THE DOUBLE SURPIUBE. Ma. Joscria HILYARD was a rich dyer in one cf our large manufacturing towns, a plodding, hard headed inan of business, who never lost sight of the main chance but once, and that was when he married old Green's daughter, with seven thousand pounds to her fortune, instead of Ellen Stretton, who had nothing. He soon found out his mistake, for his wife was one of those unhappy-tempered women who make everybody miserable about them. Ellen Stretton married also two years at. terwards, not for love, I am sorry to say, and was not more happy than he. tier husband, whose name was Trevisham, was also a dyer, as hard a headed man us Hilyard, but without Ins good quali ties. He was always in law with somebody; he ' had a desperate lawsuit with Hilyard about the fence of their drying grounds, which unfortunately ' adjoined; it was but a small thing to quarrel about, but, like a rolling snowball, it grew at every turn, and, in the end, brought on his ruin. lie lost his lawsuit, and then lie died, leaving his affairs in a very bad state. When all were wound up, the creditors, out of compassion to the widow, Whom everybody respected, gave up sufficient to ensure her and her only child, it daughter, an annuity of seventy pounds for her life. ililyard laud been a fierce adversary to the hus band, and the widow felt a peculiar grief to see herself, in some measure, ruined by his means: still she was nut without comfort, even in her de pressed circumstances; she had goad health, a cheerful disposition,a heart full of love both to God and mum, a beloved daughter, chant 81W herself was able to educate well, and beyond all—now that poor Mr. Trevisham was gone—peace and cambia at her fireside, such as she bud never known in her 111(11e prosperous days. Let nobody CXCIIIIIII rat I ilk, brat it is true that when she read the words "Better is a dinner of herbs with love, than a stalled ox and dissension therewith," she could say "amen" from her entire In art. Iblyard had gained the lawsuit, and his adver. nary aids dead. Titer.: was a triumph for hoot" people said ; but he did not find it exactly so.— When the man wr.s dead and gone, and his drying grounds added to his own, many a reproachful re membrance afire widow and her child came to his mind. His own wife, who had been the thorn 111 his side, and the quill.leatieur in the down pd. low liar so many years, had, III parses online, like poor Mr. Trevisha in, gone to her tong re-4, and then he thought with him-ell whether he should not realize tho dream of his youth, and make atonement for the wrongs or his alter years, by [Decrying the widow Trevisham. He thought it • he had nevnr put_ to for Robert 11111111i1011. holm /I. Falwarti.i. Reuben Nlttlltbott Jame. Pr.. A.Thotna.. John Jordan, George C Iletir Filthier. John Cas.el. Jolt:ph "1)1,0.11 Paul Iltnnt 11. Hunter. Alareh 11. 'IN TM: MATTER of the intended application of RE BECCA EBERI.EIN. to the Court of quarter Se.utiinct. nt the April Term, Pg.., for lieenge to keep n tavern in the Borough of Columbia, it being no old stand. other, the Idea seemed orange ; lie thought peopli would tall; amazingly it lie did. No, hts indrryin . 1 days were over, he decided. r People saw lam buttoned up in his gond broad cloth, going steadily about business, and mak ing his fifteen hundred a year, and never suspected one atom of the romantic winch had taken posses sion of his naturally good heart. One day he took a little drive to the little suburban village in which the widow lived, and, leaving his chaise at the inn, strolled up the lane in wind, her cottage stood.— [)e had no idea of making a call, not the slightest in the world, be only wanted to see the place. It was a very small cottage; two gentlewoman living on seventy pounds a year could not afford a large house. " It cannot be above eight or nine pounds a year," mused he to himselt ; kitchen, a parlor, and two bid-rooms, and a little wash house at the back, that must be all; but it is prodigiously neat, and a :nighty pretty g.rden. Ellen was always fond of flowers ;" and with that the sunny, rose scented days of their youth came to Ins memory bewuch ingly. They keep a girl, no doubt, to do the house work ; they could not afford a servant at full wages," continued his musings; I wonder if any of their relations help them ?—but, poor tiling, she Lad so lbw :elution., rind none of Mein rich, and he was such a spendthrift that he drained his own lb oily--I don't believe there is one that would help her ; the Trevislienis have not a bit of heart among theist " So pondered Mr. Halyard es he WLI ked up the Line; in a while lie in ide a stand, and, tiuniog round, tank ni steady survey off he hack of the cot tage. There was hide to be seen but a thick holly hedge, a green water-butt, the little back kitchen iv widow, the cottage root; rind one etibriney. It was about the moiale of November, in the a fter• noon, mid Mrs. Trevisha m and her sweet daughter Kitty, then just turned fifteen, were sitting at the little parlor fi re, the daughtsr reading, and the nitillier at tier sewing. Kitty had pist put Oil some co•tl,anti the Mile servant.maid in the little kitch en had Just broken up her fire and put the kettle on for tea ; there was only, as I said, one chtinney to the cottage, and these movements at the two fires had sent the smoke curling out of the chimney, which made quite a picturesque effect against the dull gray November sky. And it was at this very smoke which Mr. Joseph Hilyard, with his corn fortable income of filteen hundred a year, now stood looking; he was not, however, noticing the picturesque effect!, but, in Imagination, was pictur ing to himself the little household that was assent• bled beside the fire from which this smoke pro ceeded. You nay take my word for it, that Joseph Hilyatd, middle-aged man and dyer though lie was, had a very vivid imagination, for the picture which lie thus saw warmed his heart to its very core ; the broadcloth in which he was enveloped was nothing to the warmth of his heart. He walk ed back again past the yule green gate which led to the house door; a little girl was cooling up with a milk-can, and, turning in at the green gate, knocked at the door. Ile was a wealthy man, es we know, and a girl tatting milk to his own house would have excited no interest in his mind ; and yet he stopped to sec who would open the door to take this pennyworth of milk. It Was only the little servant girl. At the bottom of the little garden he stopped again and looked at the front or the cot tage; the fire that was burning in the parlor and kitchen cast a glow within, for it was getting dusk, and by the parlor window stood Kitty reading, for she had gone to the window for light. The innline of the bent head, and the youthful bust, sent it still warmer glow to his heart; it reminded him of that Ellen Stretton who had once been all the world to him, With hasty steps he then returned to the inn, ordered out his chaise, drank a glass of negus, and then drove Mune to his large, square house and his many servants. People talk a deal about "the luxury of doing good." Mr. Joseph Hilyard determined that he would enjoy this luxury; but ho did not say a word to any one—not a syllable ! He thought a deal about the cottage fire-side and seventy pounds a year. Christmas day was not far off, and he ro• Select ante. I= COLUMBIA, SATURDAY, MARCH 11, 15.18. membered that people could not have fine Christ mas diuncrs with only seventy pounds a year.— fwo days bef.rc Christmas day, therefore,the car rier's cart stopped at Mrs. Trevishana's cottage, and left, carriage paid, a large hamper. It was carried into the little kitchen, and the little servant .maid summoned her mistress to open it. - " Dear ate! what can it be ?" exclaimed Airs. Trevisham, as the girl hastily cut the strings and opened the creaking lid of the hamper. Kitty, come here!" end Kitty curve instantly out of the parlor with her sewing in her hand, which, how ever, she soon threw down to help in unpacking the his in per :—a turkey, a ham, a dozen mince pies, so beautifully packed that not one was broken, a game-pie, such almonds end rosins, and delicious fruit for dessert, and a dozen of wine! "%Vim can have sent them? What can it. mean?" exclaimed both mother and daughter. It was long since Mrs. Trevishani had had a regular Christmas dinner of her own ; now and then she and her daughter were asked oat, hut not often ; now, however, here was a splendid dinner for them, and who must they invite to partake of it ? Oh, there were plenty 0r poor folks who should hate Caine of it, that was soon decided; and then nothing was thought of for the rest of the eve. ring, But who could hive sent this present ? They could nail imagine; it mioht be this person, and it might lie that ; but they hardly thought it could be! They never guessed the right person—how indeed should they? It is now five years since the first Christmas din• ner was sent; end at the sane time precisely, far the next four years, did the same carrier's cart I bring the same present, or slightly varied, to the widow's house. It was a pleasant mystery ;it was a real comfort to know that there was somebody who eared that mach for them. But the debt:at:ills of that Claristan is provision were net eaten alone by the widow and her daughter; some punt neigh. hair, some Skit Willtilltl or man, or invalid child, wins always a partaker ; and as to the wine, Mrs. Trevi-lia in's little; cellar was now never without a supply. She and her daughter only drank a glass now and then, on very extraordmary occasions; nn Christmas day, for instance, when they drank the health of their unknown benefactor ; but the sick and prior of that populous neighborhood had. many a viral-bottle tilled from her store, which of ten dial inure good than physic. Indeed, deur rea. der, I cannot tell you all the good which these Christmas presents did to Mrs. Trevisliam and her poor neighbors. One day, when it was getting rather dusk, llilyard took anothar walk up that lane. A gen. tleoian overtook 111111 j at w.ts the good ['iris!) doctor —thee walked on together nod tell into discourse. Mr. tidy ard was one of those rich our who had not done much actual goon with their money.— The tact was he had never thought about it; lie sub. scribed to the Bible Society and Foreiem 3lissions, and the Tract Association, and, its lac paid lain work people's wages regularly, lm thought lie did fan that seals required Irosti Mtn. lie was a strain- T i ger,, of course, to the dueler, and they began to talk about the poor, of whom this good man knew oso much. lie said how much ino:e We wealthy !ought to do liar die poor than they coinumnly , do ; that it was often those in straiglih•rwil circum tees, who were their greatest benefactors; and then he proved this by saying how 11111C11 a lady and her daughter who lived in that very lane, and I whose income was under a hundred a year, Mil for 1 that poor twig:A:ors; how the mother visited than and ens a friend under all eireatin•lances ; and when they were all sent them the best of woe, i which was often the means el their recovery,though he questioned if either she or her daughter drank wine themselves, for they had been the means of establishing a TelflpCI.lllCCI Society, whit-1111nd demi ; a de") of good. Ile said that thin Mrs. Trevishain was the haindest and the most Christian woman he ! knew, and that it was a pity that she had lint the means of doing all the good she might ; and her daughter, he said, was a pattern to all young la. dies; he believed that she and lier mother were obliged to make out their income by doing needle. work, but for all dial, the daughter round 1,, teach in the Ragged School, which never would have been established but for ber,and that she her self gave ha Ifs guinea to its tends. Mr. Joseph liilyord pulled out his la rg,e,wellfilled green silk purse, and gave the doctor live pounds liar this school, as limb, lie soul, must he put down as from a frieud ; and then taking lease of the good man, he turned hack and walked slowly down the lane. Again the cott age chimney satiolsed, and again his heart 11MY as warm as if lii had sat by its lire. Ile filled with mill sorts of grand schemes of banefieence; he would do—he dial not know Wl,ll, Mr such exeellent people While he seas thin vaguely thiukia.g, law approaelt ed the curt age ; the door opened, end out came Kitty Ll'revishain, in her dark toormo plaid shawl, and stra w bonnet se:th dark blue ribbon.— She looked at Mr. Ililyard as she cone our, and then walked briskly on as if she lead tiu-ialess in hand. She sea a.a sweet, bright looking ert•ature, with the kindest eyes that %sere ever sal lit a human countenance. When she came in sight of (lie par lor window, she looked towards it, smiled sweetly, and nodded; ~ r. Ifilyarn looked also, and there stood the mother, in her plain cap and Id lel: dress, and nodded affi etionately to her datagliter. 'fins little circumstance expressed a great deal; moth. er and were all the world to each other; ' there was the most perfectly good understanding between them, and the last look, even for an air. senee of an hour or two, was full of alrectionate in. tolligence. Site walked on briskly, and he follinved ; she had such a no it pretty figure. She walked uncominum ly well, and had a remarkably pretty foot and an kle, as he could see when she held up her dross where the mid was wet. "I wish I were a young man ler her sake I" thought Mr. (Itlyard In Immelf; "now I wonder who she will marry 1" and wills that, all at once, a grand idea floated into his mind. Ile would send for his nephew, Edward Grey, and adopt him as his son, aid he should flurry Oita good r.nd pretty daughter of widow Trevisham ! It was a splen did idea. 'Flits nephew was the son of Inc only sister, who had married a poor schoolmaster iii the country. She had often ticked hi a to do smite thing, tor thin, her eldest son ; lie was said to he a fine scholar; a very gentlemanly young man, of excellent prim lidos, and In, MIS MIA: .1C and tin n ty. Ile could nut :Idols hose be had msi r done anything kw him before ; he felt all at mire an if lie had been a It ird-hearted wretch; never, till that day, had he given a penny , even to the hi iggi•il School. Well, he would turn uver a new feat, non; he would send for his nephew, get him married to tins poor, lint good girl, and llun - t he should no lon ger be ashamed of himself. Little did sweet Kitty Trevisham know of the schemes which were working in the head of the respectable gentleman who wan following her.— She was going to the Ragged School for a collate of hours that evening, nd she was thinking ofnoth ing, but her paw. scholars. In a month's time, Edward Grey was at his on- He's, an handsome s - , onntr man an his mother h ul described him. with en open emmtenance, and a great deal of derision in bin manner. He was one of those men who in reality do not need any one to help them on in life ; the elements of enema are in themselves ; and men of this character are not such as can have a path ehalln.d out for them by another Joseph Ilily,,rd I..unti his nephew very different person to what lie expected; be fancied Lind he WCtild be pliable and extremely grateful, and that be should open his - 11! , .V.Pf to bur with respect to Kitty Trevisharti, immediately, but there was an independence about Mtn which it did nut seem safe to inter' - ere with, and almost c n in difference about the large income of which, if he pleased, he ought be the heir; 00 that his uncle felt pretty sure that if he all at once revealed his design., his nephew would turn restive on his hands; and there was at the same (line so much manliness and straightforward honesty of charac ter about him, that he could not help feeling respect for him. " Besides this," as the foreman said, ••he took very' kindly to the business," and seemed at once so thoroughly to understand it, that there W 39 no doubt of his becoming a most salaabhe assistant or partner. They were, in fact, two of the most excellent men that ever met; and yet, in some respects, they were so different in character, that while they re mained in any degree strimgcrs to each other, they worked ill together. Edward Grey was un like any person with whom his uncle had come in contact; as yet he had been sole king and master or his world; he had no idea but of remaining s o , and now here was a young man whom he hid in troduced into it, carrying very thing his own way, and that with the utinost rmietness and apparent sell:complacency. lie never asked his uncle's Icai.e for what lie did, aml yet lin established directly a Ternperanr•e Soviet . ) , among the men, and set about forum,' a Tech inies' Institute fir the uncle town. Mr. lfilmard , as aro s was full of all sorts of grand bet.evolent schemes a short time linfore, and approved Temperance Societies, and -choral•. tor the people, yet how he was ingry with his nephew liirzcalon-ly co-operating in them. Peri' tps he was displeased that men or influence le the place —great phtlaothropists with whom he had never had any thing to do, sh. uld seem to court his ricph. ew's actin iiotanee as they did, stranger though he was to them all; it w sort of tacit reproof to himself and it hnnoyed lion, But let flue fault be where it would, the uncle and the nephew did not get on so comfortably together as they otiu.lit to hive done, when a little eirciunstance seemed, for the moment, to be the one drop to the hail can of the uncle's displeasure, and made it o‘ertiow ahnodantly, Ile.had,imitricrliately on his coming, made his nephew a present of is handsome gold watch and chain; and this tic young man lost one day when he was bathing. It was a most distressing, thing to him, and he could only surmise, that co n C dex terous thief had stolen it from his clothes as• they lay en the river's tumult, lie stud nothing to Ins uncle of his lose, fbr so grieved was he to have fad ed, as he felt he had done, in winning his afrection, that he was unwilling sttli further to displease him by this apparent carelessness. In Ins (mart, Ed ward Grey regirded his turtle us a second lather; he would have died to have served !dun ; lint he as as runt rune of those «•ho could intake professions, and as his uncle seemed cold and distant, he dciermin td quilitly to go nn fulfiling every duty, trusting to t irate and circumstances fur rnakina all straight be tween them. The watch had been lost a week when it came to Ids uncle's knowledge, and that accidently. A person came to the countinghouse where they both %sere, asticif whether Mr. Edwarn Grey had not lost something 1 "My watch 1" said the v man, joyfully ; t'a gold watch and chain ; I fort them a week ago " Ills uncle was astonished and enraged. " Wus the watch then of so little value that he could lose stand say nothing about it 7' In twenty different ways be could look at this affair and be made an gry by It. Ile never bad 10-4 his tuts❑ watch, Mid OW had, he should have been at come trouble to hove found it, et it., etc. Grey thought his uncle Imre isonable in being thus angry without hearing him sly one word in his own deletice. It seenicd to him that there was much more said than the oec isinii warranted, and fir that reaqon lie was iiient, and by this means his uncle did not know how int.elt he sett Bred, nor what pains he had, in truth, taken from the recov ery aids loss. 'Pie uncle was not only very angry, but very much grieved ; in his anger, be declared it was the last present that he ever would fin lte liiin,and yet. the next mimic:it, he threw him len sovereigns, and told hint Jo go and sec if he could get back his wide!' lift that money, which lie did not believe.— Grey took the money dills ua er.ioously given, rind went out with Ilw man, who said he was sent by the person who had found the watch. Mr.J.isirpli 11113 aril would have been no little as tuntslictl, could hi: have seen his nephew conduct «l to Mrs. 'the% isham's cottage. It was a lovely afternoon, towards the close of summer; the little garden was as full of flowers as it coaxial be, anal jessamine and roses peeped in anal chiuceed round die open parlor window, and there sat Mrs. Trevis liana in her mourning, and litty in a wetly pink dress and black silk apron ; her lovely dark brat: n hair, fastened up in its simple knot, and no single ornament about her, excepting tier own dear smiles anal affectirmate eyes, looking ithc a rose, and every bit as sweet, as she told Edward Grey, who from the first moment lie saw her wis quite in a bewilderment or delight, bow she and the servant maid set oil one morning, at five o'clncli, to look fin mushrooms in the meadows, because her moth er was so fond of them, and how she futtitil, under a sod, which seemed to have been cut out for the purpose, a gold watch and chain ; she said she was SO astonished tlmt she did not know 'Altai to do, and as she Ihouglit that 100 , i ithcly some thief had hidden it there, site brought it away; and there was 110 nine in it c'tecpting - the in their's, and Ihat was a Landon name; that she and Tier mother con sidered what had betier be alone; they of advertising, anal then it occurred to them that she Might ingmac Or some of tivi watchmaker-, in the town if the watch had ever been in their hands that she did so, :a nil soon found one who told her 111 at lie h td sold it only a rear WealtS before, to Mr. flily ad. for his nephew, and that to hint it !whing ed; and, in confirmation. he showed her an adver tisement in the piper, nflertiag a reward for this very watch. how here at was, an t it was lan possible for Kitty to tell him the pie 'sure she had ut re.toring it to him. The watch had beironic of ten times its former v iliac as he riweiviid it from her hand. Flow ho Imlged to kiss that hand Ile was the tel man in the world to rax OW flail,, but id. county ii mice caure,aul -noietliour of he ftlt. Amt then Mrs. Trmish on began to say that in firmer i ti me s she had k nn.rn 31 r. Ifilvard; that tinfortu nattily there had been a lawsuit between her late husband and him, but that when she was punt.; she had thought ',cry well ofhim. Grey said that his uneld was the hest man living; that he had given him the watch, but that was nothing to his having taken him into business, which was n great thing for him, who tees poor, and the eldest of a large family. Mrs. Trevisham evident plea- I sure in boning anything to his advantige; and how astonished the uncle would have been coaxial he b ive heard all that his nephew had said 111 his praise! Rills went on whit her sewin,7, and the :nether and he talltclll a great deal. lie !tat tali,' the watch in his hand, and the wonder te, that he did not [81,50, PAYABLE AT SIX MONTHS. conunit.some extravagance or other, he felt so in conceivalily happy. Ile said that the thief who had stolen the watch and hid it there, never him. gined the blessing he was conferring upon him.— Be did not explain his meaning, but lire. 'frmis. liam -kpcw very well what he meant, and perhaps did fu 's iore offered, iri hi u c s cdas lie she went on with her had ad pounds for the recovery of his watch, but he never thought °Coffering it either to the mother or daugh ter ; he would ninch more likely have offered his heart and his life; however, he left a handsome present for the man who had fetched him ; and who w•l3 a poor gardner with a large family, and after he had taken tea with them, and walked in the little garden, and helped Kitty to tic up the carnations, he took his leave, promising to visit them again before long. IC Lie watch had Leen suddenly cnercicil with diamonds, it could not have been Inure precious.— His niche told him angrily that he hoped lie would not 10-c it again. There was nu danger of that. This afrur of the watch did not tend to a better understanding between uncle and nephew, and spite of all Edward Grey's assiduity in the business, he could nut find the way into his uncle's race tions. "Thete is something cold about him," said frilyard to hirnself; "a very good young man he is, there's no doubt of that—hut I hate your good people; he Is not the hu'band for me Kitty—after all I shall be tlorced to have her myself," and with that he laughed amazingly. Ile thought a deal about both Kitty and her mother, and one. day lie W 39 at tht trouble of going to the Ragged School, where be thought that he raitht have SONIC tali with her. Tin re she was, as cheerful as a lark, and as fresh as a flower, among the little rngg,J urehin.,and the very c::pression of tlieir I.:res, and the tones of their voices were, chang-d as they ap proached her. The master of the school had not words enough to praise her, and Kitty had no idea, not the least in the world, that it ta as fir her salie that this good man now visited the school, and lea behind him n second donation. How odd it will be," thought Ilirs.Trevialnn, the day after Edward Grey declared his passion, and had been accepted, "for Kitty to be Mr. Ilrlyard's niece; I wonder what he will say, and tel its hag tdrgonen 01w-re old tunes t Edward thr-rl•u he will he pleased, though he is so rich—but (ben Ed ward is young and in love—and I know that he one,: thruourt a deal about truancy." It was Edward Grey's intention candidly to tell his unde that he had fallen in love u ith a pretty, penniless girl, some dty when he was in a goo ii humor; mid it was his uncle's intention .rho, to tell his nephew rill about sweet Kitty Trevisharn, some day when they wcrc talking about schools for the people, and such thing., for then he thought he should be able to interest him about the voting teacher at the !Zagged School. Ile fancied t b he could draw a %cry pretty picture of her in the midst or her forlorn group, and this he thought, considt r ing his nephew's ph il inthropic propcnsittes, would, very likely, make a deep imp res-ton upon l a m. Summer:lnd autumn wren now over. Chri,t mos was approaching. There had been, as one may say, a cessation of hostilities for some time, be. tween uncle and nephew, they n•ore gradually and silently a pprolching cacti other in the spirit of a linnetl grind faith, till neither of them had found the propitious moment for which they were waiting; and each was beginning to like the other no well, that they alinmd. I•nred to make the moment oils disclosure, lest it should throw them back into Ora slate or„liPnation which had been SO painful to both. Edward was a frequent, though secret, visitor at .'Sirs. Tres i:.harti's, and the long lii,tery of all their lliriner troubles was familiar to idol. Ire kne.v of the arc years' Christina: , pre son!, and of all their frnitloss conjectures as to who their an known blend cooid be. Yon will dine with us, Edward, on Christmas day '" said the another; "I hate 110 doubt lint ire shall have our u-mal dinner, but at all events, you" trill conic 7 " Edward promised, and went home determined that this should be the last visit he would pay to this beloved family without hie out lit's Itnowledgo, for he would in,the an imicirtunity tf he die not jind one, that very evening. 'rile good uncle, too tell attic of hating sent off a still MOM !MUM! thlly supplied hamper than usual, to gether with a letter, of which we shall spa tk ation, sat that evening, in lits easy housc.ccat and slip pers by the parlor fire, the very image of good hu mor, as his nephew entered. The fire burned hrichtly, so did the lamp; tea C./111C in, and the urn bubbled and hissed, and, though there were only two men to partake or this meal, which scan; la) paeulia Hy to require the pre.itcnec of woman, yet, it would have been dalleult to find a better ige of comfort th in it presented. " Now," thought Ilia nephew, "I will tell him." " Now," thon-stit the uncle, "I will make the attack." Nevertheless the tea was drank in silence. " [Jock," at length began the young /0 an. dcnr fidiow," interrupted the uncle; "but go on—what were you going to say 7" "1 beg your p talon, my dear str,aCtor you," said Edward, nith a ccretnuntoun manner verb unusual to him "I'.'t_ll, my Lieu - lad," I.r7,an the itocic in roll earnost, in iy ns Well tell you lir,t as 1.1 , -t —I have oft.m wished to tell you—l want to ace you married." • "Very strong e," said the nephew, joyfelly; "bet I was itist going to tell you that I am %cry touch disposed to get married." o What the deuce; you hat cno girl in your eve, have you I'' asked he, as the id^a struels that pe•liaps his n •plirw eight be eng,aged to some girl at hi', notsve place. "Ye, I have," replied Edward. o What the diekens could iri he /1`: ' : of one!, a thierr 7 How do I know who V.lll li3VC chosen—what right had you to choose for your cell ?" " Nobody had so great a riolit to choose for inn as mvself,' ; said Edward, astonished. Slr," returned his wide, raising himselfin choir, and looking very angry, "I had chosen a wire lii, you befoCU I had seen . V 011; don't mterroot me , aril lie, seeing Iris nephew short to spcik ; "and I should not Ii ice sent for von if had not wonted .s ;11.03 Ind for this gonil rod. It was no ?non' of yours that ,aide me adapt you, hut my eotecin and admiration for her; and I h are mode up my mind, sir, either von shall in irry her, ur .he oh ill be, my heir !" and with this the uncle crossed his I",gs, and threa. himoelf hack in his chair, if, a very drterinined and dogmatic rl manner. V. c•traordin iry," avid tho nephew, in a tone in which hi: wounded lbellog was very cvi. dent "but if that be the c. u', I must do the best Ihr myself that I c in ; at the same time I most say ill it your id,•ots arc arbitrary; I Lnew nothing or these conditions, and I came to you in good faith. I wisher: to love you as a faker, and to servo you as an obedient son ; rind fithers do not commonly impose wives upon their soils; besides," added he checrliilly, as a new idea struck biro; "how doyen know that the ynalig lady you have done me the honor of selecting for mc, would like me?" "She would I" said the uncle; she's n good girl! ono just of your own sort ; fond of Temperance Someties and Ragged Schools, and suet, things. I don't know one like her." o Well, sir," said the nephew, with half s smile on lus lips, "if these be ner reccuntnendations, the [WHOLE IN UMBER, 928. girl that I wish to make my wife loves Temper- ZIIICV Societies cud Ragged Schools also." The deg tl tale her !" said the uncle in great wrath, for all at once he fancied it must be the daughter ct some of those philanthropic people who -11,,u been su as , idoously courting his nephew's ac quaintance, and of whom he knew nothing: and - i:' , 4P6dAitih i s'Ai l effYNt'clit c hir t angt t o l ia l l i artr" I read It. and !snowing seine at the signers to the Certi4- Nate of the euse of Mr:Brooke, and believing from my knowledge of their,charneters. that they would not lend their names for the purpose of palming an imposition an engagement 't o r !mow ume- film on Christmas day, which was on the morrow, and therefoie lie begged that he would be in readiness at the hour which he named. Edward was en gaged already ; he told his uncle so, and that in a WOL , e of as touch conciliation as possible. Another aria dr .p to the full cup of his uncle's displeasure ; oil the cup, as usual, flowed over. We cud theta letter aecompatiiedlbe hamper to Ales. Trevishuni's this 3 ear; it did su; and a let ter w htell occasioned some excitementand anxiety; it said that the friend who had had for some years the idea...ure or sending this small present, proposed to eat the Christmas dinner with diem on this oe. c. ion, and would also take the liberty of bringing d young ft iend with him. The hand-writing was unknown to them ; it was a very different hand to that which had been familiar to Mrs. Trevis ham in fernier days. Of course, they would be very gl id to see their kind, unknown friend, and hitt comp:lnlet:, yet still there was an undeniable au:::, ty in the bottom of their hearts, as to.who it would turn out to ha. It was somebody who wish ed them well, no doubt ; Ihcy only hoped that it would prote to he one from is hoot .I.licy would like to receive a tivor." We always feel anxious when a iny, ,, :ry, however small, is about to he FO4 Cd. At all t %cots they were glad dint Edward Giey ha there ; and, let the unknown friend turn out to he whoever he inigh , , they agreed that I:itty's engagement to Edward Grey should ho made I.nouil to him. The 1.171k110W11 friend, who had sent much more than Iris nslal supply on this occasion, proposed to be with them l'er dinner at five. Edward Grey, Lower, cr, :hem by two ; and great were dm phis v‘ltiels he and Kitty took to maim the little ' purse I prf ., ty as poseible, with its red-ber. xud holly, ivy, and other crergecens Though Mrs. Ts - me-ham had only smenty pounds a year, and the pallor v, as very small, yet this was one of the nitc:-t little Christmas dinners that ever n-a.s. set out or coaled. Mrs. Trcvklians bad got a neighbor who had been cool. is a great family to come la tor the day ; and .1s to the table, it looked beam dully ; there was a fine damask table-cloth on it, u 11:1 mip:.ins as white as snow, and abund ance of ! date, which had belonged to the family in. As better drys, and bright glass aria sparkling- wa t(r, and line!: and claret which bud conic among the good things in the last hamper. Bless me I there was dinner enough fur a dozen people, and yet the unl.nown guest could oi,ly expect four ! Mrs. Tem Leham, however, expected five. It grmw dre , k, and then dark ; the blinds were drawn down ; it was nearly five, and the hearts of Mrs. Trevisham and her daughter beat anxiously ; so, no doubt, would Edward Grey's, had he seen his uncle drnii.g along the road towards the house in a cab, and in a very bad humor, although be meant to make himself very agreetble to the two The cab stopped at the little green gate, and thp house-door opened. It was a very undignified house ; ono was obliged to go through the kitchen into the parlor, but there was no avoiding it ; so that the little uund-servant stood with the door wide open, and Airs. Trevisham saw that there wan only one guest in.b_ad of I,te, and that he was rather a stool gentleman, buttoned tip to the chin in a groat coat, with a shawl round his neck. She had not the least idea at ho he %vas. She felt considerably e' cited, and he, we Inuit confess, was rather ea himsclf, aid yet, as I have said twice before, he bad fifteen hundred a year, and hc had paid for the dinner which he now came to cat. Mrs. Tre% :sham stood at the parlor door to re ceive him; he took off his hat In the kitchen, and stied wi:h his uncovered and bald head h e r o ec her. She 5.1 w at once who it was, her own old friend, the aoveisary of her hu,band—the uncle of her daughter's lever. "i feel mys , ?lf rather in an awkward position, my dear madam," he began; but no sooner hail he uttered tinge worck, than Edward Grey darted Cram the aide of Kitty nt the parlor tire, and seizing Isis hand, exclaimed, "God 1.11C9S you, my dear uu t hr, ii I von ?" '•.lnd thi., you, Edward? Good Mayen Low came you hero?" "1 no.or was Ao glad in all my life," said Ed• ward, helping his wicle off with his coat, for now a great li;;Iit began to dawn in his mind. "1 dn. clam I don't know how to express my pleasure to think of 1.112C;Ilig Jou Linder this TOW; 01 all places 1.1 the woald." " And to thin% or routing you here," returned the !mete. "You must excuse me, toy dear mad am," wild he, turning - to Mrs. Trevisham ; and he then sit down in a large chair by the lire, feeling almost. overcome. :NI re. Tr o crisham was hardly leas " My good 1 idy," at Ici;gl.l, he said, "Thad done very wrong ; I ought not to have been so abrupt.— I have done the whole thing clumsily." Mrs. Trmi,liam >aid truly that it gave her ex !roma I - de:lsom to fled that Mr. Hilyard had been their friend for so many years. It we , nnr ditty's turn to come forward, for stir recognized in lii.n the kind visitor of the Rag• li is eyes glistened as he spoke to her, and then, Ed Ward V. 119 at tier side; an i r, ceistible power coin pt.11,,1 him tri rucls iid he, and as he spoke he tonic Kit. tv's hand; we had incite up our minds to be can. did tonight, let the guest he who lie might; and you, above all, liner a right to know our beeret.--- This is my affimeed wife, let us have your bless ing !" The uncle look the two chsped hands in his, and pressed them warmly, but he said not a word. 1/inner was placed on the table. Ho still sat with their two hands in his; he wiped two great tears frnm his eyes, and then, in the eheeriullest voice possible coil that they would now go todinncr, for that he was desperately hungry, end after din. ner they would talk about these things. ' After dinner, when the dessert was on the table, hew merry the uncle was at the expense of his nephew ; and he told hew he had, "by chance," ' met with the doctor, and heard about Kitty and the flagged Seim:a, and how he thought first of all of making her un ewer himself, and then he thought of eroding for Iris nephew, and then he warned Kit. ty that he was a very obstinate young man, and that he would oat bo guided by his good old oriole; i who meant 1.1 well for him ; and then Edward had to tell him more it was the losing of his watch which had brought him acquainted with Kitty, and how happy they had been ever since, with only one drawback, and that was, that his uncle was such a hasty-tempered positive man, who would not I allow Iris nephew who wished to be so dutiful to , him, the right to choose a wife for himself, and how thi; said wicked uncle had nearly broken his nephew's hearthy quarrelling with him about his intended wife. l There was a deal of laughter and merriment: though it was only a party of four; nor was there
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