Page 4—SUSQUEHANNA TIMES New Address? ; WELCOME WAGON® CAN HELP YOU FEEL AT HOME. The feathered friends on your holiday gift list would like nothing more than to find their favorite foods in your backyard this winter. The secret of attracting wild birds to your feeding stations is to provide the foods they like best and to put them in the right places, says Ranger Rick’s Nature Magazine. Just as some birds would rather eat suet than nuts, many birds prefer to eat on the ground rather than from hanging feeders. The National Wildlife Federation’s monthly pub- lication for children offers these guidelines for provid- ing a variety of wintering birds with right foods in the right places: Greeting new neighbors is a tradition with Welcome Wagon—*‘‘America’s Neighborhood tradition. I’ld like to visit you. To say ‘‘Hi’’ and present gifts and greetings from community-minded businesses. I’ll also present invitations you can redeem for more gifts. And it’s all free. A WELCOME WAGON visit is a special treat to help you get settled and feeling more ‘‘at home.’’ A friendly get-together is easy to arrange. Just Call. My basket holds lots of free gifts to welcome the newcomer, new baby, or newly engaged girl. Please call Cherie Dillow 653-1609, or Sue Binkle 653-2368 in the Mount Joy area; or Hazel Baker 426-3643 in Weme) gon INTERNATIONAL, Ground Feeders include blue jays, sparrows, juncos, quail, mourning doves, pheasants, chickadees, and house finches. Their favorite foods are sunflower seeds, cracked corn (inexpensive, but will also attract starlings, grack- les, and pigeons), wild bird seed mix, and peanuts. EWCOMERS; : CORP coo CO CaCO CoCo] PETROLEUM PRODUCTS eo AIR CONDITIONING HEATING Serving Lancaster County Since 1926 PHILHEAT HEATING OIL HEATING and AIR CONDITIONING PHILLIPS Sales and Service Feeds can be split a FREE ESTIMATES fireplace logs (flatside up), Call 367-1138 or 653-4484 hubeaps. {for . fod and water), garbage can lids, trays, shallow pans, or 101 E. Cherry St., Elizabethtown, PA _. birdbath tops (for water). DE TT -1 i ! | t MESSAGE ....ccoreuennee a HN RII crsiiores I SOON PNR NONIN RNIN NRNNNNNNRRINREINIPOIRIIRRRRIRNRRSIINS BORN P RNIN NNNNIORRRNNRINIS Sos RRRINS Soossene Sense | | | ssssssssssesese E90000000000000000000000000003000000000000008 0000000000000000000080 esessese eeccessssssccscsssses . | | | | sescecesesase 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000030000000000000¢ escsesse eessececcsssssssss sesscssscsne i | i | eesesecesacnannes esssesssessssessenance sessscsscene seesessssssessnancene sescrsessescastecansnes esesseccee wave | | | | eesecccecsccscissncrssancsscsessascanee sesessecsnsnsessrsessennsnsssseserasaanacse eesessessseisnssesssssnsen i | SEND TO: THE SUSQUEHANNA TIMES: ; BOX 75A, R.D.1, MARIETTA, PA 17547 1 | WITH $1.00. WE WILL PRINT IT IN NEXT WEEK'S PAPER. ONLY $1.001! } a eat i wi si a o_o ———————— ———-— a i — Tabletop or Window Feeders include cardinals, goldfinches, grosbeaks, chickadees, house finches, redpolls, purple finches, mockingbirds, and jays. Their favorite foods are sunflower seeds, shelled peanuts, wild bird seed mix, raisins, and currants. Feeders can be trays placed on picnic tables, benches, or stumps, or attached to windowsills. Hanging or High Post Feeders include cardinals, chickadees, goldfinches or other finches, pine siskins, redpolls, titmice, and nut- hatches. Their favorite foods are niger or thistle seeds, sunflower seeds, wild bird seed mix, and peanut hearts or other nutmeats. Feeders can be plastic tube feeders, round or square post feeders (some shaped like little houses), or recycled milk cartons, de- tergent, or bleach bottles, which have been cut open for easy access. Trunk Feeders include chickadees, woodpeckers, nuthatches, and many seed- eating birds. Their favorite foods are suet or suet cakes, which can be mixed with peanut butter, seeds, and other treats. Thank-you firemen! Letter to the Editor, - During this holiday season, we sometimes for- get, yet always take for granted those brave and faithful firemen, saying it can never happen to us. Well it does and did to us, on Thanksgiving Day. While we were enjoying a beautiful day with our family in New Jersey, the firemen of Marietta, Maytown and the Shawnee of Columbia an- swered a fire call and left their holiday festivities to fight the flames at 328 East Market Street, Marietta. Their fast response to the fire alarm saved our house, containing the fire to the attic and second floor. Although there was ex- tensive water damage, they did keep the first floor from fire damage. Our family would like to express our thanks and appreciation to these brave men who came to our aid and extinguished the fire and saved the lives and furnishings of our tenants. Many thanks for a job well done and a Blessed and Happy Holiday Season to all the firemen of our great country. » Sincerely, Bob & Vivian Carroll 72 Fairview Avenue % Marietta, PA Favorite foods in the right places are perfect gifts for winged wildlife Feeders can be wire mesh holds, plastic mesh bags (used for onions, oranges, etc.) or log holders. Don’t be discouraged if the birds don’t come flocking into your yard the first day you put out food. Sometimes it takes a while for the birds in your area to discover your feeders. Once they've found them, they’ll keep coming back so long as there is food for them. Feeders should be kept clean and checked every day. Don’t put out large amounts of food that could spoil or attract rats or mice. And remember that besides food and water, birds need cover. Most birds seem to feel more comfortable eat- ing at feeders near trees or bushes where they can perch and hide from hawks or neighborhood cats. It’s always nice to wake up on a frosty winter morning and see a perky chickadee feeding in your backyard. And it’s a perfect way to wish wildlife a ‘““Happy Holiday.” ply wad 0 te dt =~ 20% OFF | | EVERYTHING ¥ IN OUR STORE } fot a ust SL. Cay 3 December 17, 1980 beauty. By every standard, Pantera separates the Cats from the dogs. This is the Catillac. It invites comparison. But defies competition. And feature-for-feature, Pantera’s price tag is as beautiful as its long exhilarating lines. C'mon in. Let our deals prove to you this is a better year than ever to buy a Cat. Whenyoubuy that nobody asks why. LANCASTER TRIUMPH AND SUZUKI Motorcycle & Snowmobile Sales & Service .2981 Hempland Road US 30W & Centerville Rd Lancaster, PA 17601 Phone 717/299-6561 wr ~ MONDAY —8AM--Fat Hogs 10 AM--Horse Sale 1:30 PM--Fat Steers, Bulls, Cows & Veal WEDNESDAY—12 Noon--Hay & Straw Sale 1:00 PM--Feeder Pigs ; 12:30 PM--Dairy THURSDAY—11 AM--Fat Steers, Bulls & Cows 4:30 PM--Sheep & Veal New Holland Sales Stables, Inc.| New Holland, Penna. i Abram W. Diffenbach, Manager Phone [717] 354-4341 | AUCTIONS ms av atone marketing livestock! NEW HOLLAND difference in auctions! EE Ho Scouse