Susquehanna times. (Marietta, Pa.) 1976-1980, October 29, 1980, Image 11

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    October 29, 1980
Buy - Sell - Trade - CHEAP!!
susquehanna exchange
Send your classified ads with $1.00 to Susquehanna Times, Box 75A, R.D.1, Marietta, PA 17547.
25 words per classified ad. Businesses pay 10° per word, minimum $2.00.
Backgammon game for
sale. Asking $4. 426-2101.
Disabled gentelman de-
sires light, regular work in
local area. Can drive. Call
367-4686. (1029)
Coin operated laundro-
mat. Good business, choice
location, extra equipment.
Fabulous Florinel Porch
Sale: Saturday, November
1, 9 am. Kids and
grown-ups clothes; TV,
sewing machine, lots of
good stuff. Route 23/Kames
Hill Road.
The Donegal School Dis-
trict is accepting bids for the
Removal of Refuse from the
7 schools located in the
district. Specifications may
be obtained at the District
Office, 366 So. Market
Avenue, Mount Joy, PA or
by calling 653-1447. Sealed
bids will be received until
4:00 p.m. on November 26,
1980, and awarded at the
School Board Meeting on
December 4, 1980.
[Mrs.] Lillian K. Fry
Secretary of Board
Wholesale. Columbia To-
bacco Company, Inc., 684-
2710 Party Supplies,
Cigarettes, Tobacco, Candy,
Paper Goods. 509 South
16th Street, Columbia, PA.
Auto IgnitionvAuto Extinguish
Glass Chimney
Heat Output: 5700-7700 BTU's per hr.
Dimensions: 15" x 16” x 177;
Cube: 2.39 (ft.)
Weight: 14% Ibs.; Shp. Wt.: 16 Ibs.
Fuel Capacity: Approx. % gal.
Burning Time: 8-14 hrs.
was $1649
Now $1 349°
12 West Market Street,
Marietta Phone 426-1525
Make Sure It's With An Efficient
H.B. Smith Bo
iler/Burner Unit.
If you're moving over to gas — of
replacing an old system with one of
clean, high-efficiency units, make
it an H.B. Smith cast iron boiler/burner
unit. Sizes range from compact residen-
tial units to large commercial installa
tions. And the name H.B. Smith assures
you of reliable performance.
Ask you
r local professional heating
contractor about our newest H.B. Smith
gas units for your home.
| GHE12
R.V. Richards
& Sons, Inc.
Phone 426-1836
Flea Market Finds
A mesh bag
worth $50
By Dan D’Imperio
Q. Can you enlighten me about a pouch-shaped mesh
bag marked “Whiting and Davis?“'—Ellen, Cleveland, Ohio.
A. In an advertisement dated June 6, 1929 the Whiting
and Davis firm of New York and Chicago, announced,
“New Paul Poiret Pouch-Shaped Costume Bags, now avail-
able for delivery.” The company further exclaimed “they
are ready for the trade well in advance of the mode.” Paul
Poiret created the bags which were available in “Armor,
Petite Armor and Dresden Enameled Mesh.” The modest
$18.00 price tag had flappers kicking up their heels over
this latest Whiting and Davis sensation! Value guide: Poiret
costume bag, silver mesh, 5 inches wide, $50.
Q. What is the value of my 4% inch tall Hummel figurine
“Feeding Time” dating from the early 1950s. It depicts a
Ye haired girl feeding chickens.”—Mrs. G. P., Hattiesburg,
A. Hummel figurines dating from the 1950s typically
possess the William Geobel trademark known as the “Full
Bee.” or “Full Blown Bee.” The bee flying in the V has
been used by the company to the present time. Feeding
Time (Hum 199/0) in the 4% inch tall version can be found
with blonde hair and dark hair. The blonde figurine is
regarded as the earliest. Hummel figurines from the early
1950s fetch anything but “ho-hum” prices!” Value guide:
Feeding Time, 4% inches tall, 1952, $220.
Lancaster County chrysanthemum expert Lester
Hostetter, Mount Joy, took 18 of his best blooms to the
Delaware Valley Chrysanthemum Society’s Annual Show
in Bromaal recently and walked away with 15 awards; he
captured three first place honors, eight seconds, and
four third place ribbons.
Lester has been raising mums at his 315 North
Barbara Street residence for the past seven years and
was named 1978 ‘‘Gardener of the Year’ by the
Lancaster Men’s Garden Club. He grows 42 varieties of
mums. Some of the prize flowers were on display in the
lobby of the Union Nation Mount Joy Bank [Lester’s
place of employment] last week.
Q. As a child my hero was Tom Mix. Consequently,
whenever | visit a flea market | usually walk away with
another find in this category. Would a Tom Mix price list
be a possibility?—Harry, Highland, lil.
A. Here's mixed bag of current prices on Tom Mix
mementos: Belt buckle, secret compartment, $30; Com-
pass, 1930s, $25; Identification bracelet, $27; Paint book,
96 pages, 1930s, $45; Pocket knife, $25: Ralston New
Premium Catalog, 1938, $35; Signal Arrowhead, with
Whites and magnifying glass, $70; Spurs, glow in dark type,
Q. When were cloth books introduced for children?—
Mrs. G. P., Vancouver, Wash.
A. When indestructible cloth and linen books were
initially marketed by English publishers in the first quarter
of the 19th century, parents greeted them with plaudits. By
the middle of the century, Dean's of London, Darton’s of
London and Wheeler & Co., of London, were creating cloth
historical, alphabet, steamship, study and pleasure books. A
decade later McLoughlin Bros., of New York, listed cloth
and linen books in oil colors for a mere thirty cents each.
Untearable books of cloth proved popular for the re-
mainder of the century, although their present scarcity
would belie this fact! Value guide: McLoughlin Bros.,
“Little Slovenly Peter,” $30.
Appraise your American country antiques with Dan
D’Imperio’s new book and value guide “The Country
Antiques Companion,” $9.95 including shipping. An auto-
graphed copy may be ordered from the Crown Syndicate,
Inc., No. 5 Crown Road, Weatherford, TX 76086. Please
include a check or money order.
Railroad lantern, red globe, Great Northern
Postcard, Alcatraz Island, 1904 .
Tumbler, Souvenir of St. Louis World's Fair 1904,”
porcelain $50.
Political Campaign Mirror, Jerry Ford $6.
Heisey Glass Compote, Plantation pattern, 12 inches
ROIMEIEY + vo vas vin vn ashe is x mianginiesns $30.
Graniteware Teapot, Iron Range Co., blue and white . $70.
Oak Umbrella stand, Stickley, with copper drip way, 01
“40 "00 ee waa
Ideal doll, Snoozie baby, 1949. . . .............. $65.
Tapestry, Oriental figures at table, Belgium, 37 inches by
FINONES. sc sinensis srsfastesssivanies $80.
Store Tray, Nu Grape Girl, 1920 ............... $50.
Please note: Prices may vary depending on condition and
geographic location.
Dan D'imperlo welcomes your questions about antiques and
collectibles and will answer as many as possible in this column.
However, volume of mall precludes personal reply, and photos
cannot be returned. Write to him In care of this newspaper.
Copyright Crown Syndicate, Inc. 1980