Page SUSQUEHANNA TIMES May 14, 1980 suzuUKi, Letter to the Editor Ayatollah Ruhollah Kho- meini Qum, Iran and flags will fly at half-mast throughout the nation. I am very grateful to you effect in solving our pro- blems with him, or that he even reads them if by some GS-750€T oo. Editor Susquehanna Times Lancaster Triumph and Suzuki Motorcycle & Snowmobile Sales & Service 2981 Hempland Rd., US 30 W. & Centerville Rd. Lancaster, PA 17601 -— ¥ i ————— ET ——— 717/299-6561 I I - Sy ORE) (1 RC SATIS ry Ap : A 2 A es “hi ‘re RON Enclosed is my second letter to Ayatollah Khomeini I'd like to share with your readers. I'm not so naive as to think my letters have any miracle he actually gets them. . .but who knows? Nothing tried, nothing gained. May 8, 1980 Dear Mr. Khomeini, Today we will pay tribute to our brave men who died in your country. Our president will eulogize them Imagine how difficult your life would be without the telephone to run your errands, keep you in OL] with friends and summon help in emergencies. Now United Telephone offers the TeleDialer 32 to FT your telephone even more convenient. The TeleDialer 32 remembers up to 32 numbers you call frequently, and can dial any of them at 14.02 touch of a single button. Four “HELP” numbers (fire, police, ambulance - whatever you select) are identified by brightly colored over-size buttons, so a child, babysitter or elderly person can call for assistance E111 ROC CE EIEN Also, the TeleDialer lets you make all your calls by push-button even if your regular phone has a conven- tional dial. If the number you call is busy, don’t worry about forgetting the number before you call again. Just touch the “last number called” button, and presto - the TeleDialer re-dials for you. Best of all, the TeleDialer 32 costs less than you might believe. For our United Telephone of Penn- sylvania customers, it leases for only $5.75 per month Cy plus applicable service connection charges. You may also choose to buy one for only $219.95. Visit or call your United Telephone Business Office or Phone Shop to learn how easy it is to make your life easier. for returning their bodies for this proper memorial. It is fitting that a nation honor its men and women of courage, even though you and I can dispute their cause, just as we dispute the cause you claim for holding our people hostage. You have now held our people captive for 187 days, Mr. Khomeini. I once spent a year in a prisoner of war camp, so I can speak of their. distress with some degree of empathy. Certainly your own experiences as an exile and as a prisoner enable you to understand also. As I pointed out to you in my previous letter, we Americans are pre-occupied with many things, not the least of which are our people being held prisoner in your country. As you probably know, we are accepting many Cuban nationals into the United States who have- risked their lives just to taste the sweetness of freedom. We have already welcomed many thousands of Veitnamese people to our shores, and even today thousands more or your own people are enjoying our hospitality. The greatness of this country is attributed to the diversity of its people. Just as we welcome all who seek freedom, we cry for those who lose it. Again I beg you Sir, in the name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful, let my people go. Restore their freedom and join us in securing the liberty of all who suffer under tyranny. Salaam Aleichem, Ben Thompson Chiques AAA volleyball groups The Chiques Adult Ath- letic Association is making plans for its third summer co-ed volleyball league sea- son. In order to keep it operating men and women participants are needed. There will be one meeting only on Sunday, May 18, at 1:30 pm in the Marietta Community House, 264 West Market St., for anyone wishing to participate. The league will begin Wednesday, June 4, with 9 matches per team. Matches will be played at the Marietta War Memorial Park. Match time wili be 6:15 and 7:15 pm. Names will be drawn to form the teams, but couples can be drawn as well. Cost to defray operational expenses will be $5.00 per person. Payment in full is expected on May 18. Trophies will be awarded to the league champs.