Salata SE ip February 20, 1980 SUSQUEHANNA TIMES—Page-11 ‘susquehanna exchange Buy - Sell - Trade - FREE!! Send your classified ads to Susquehanna Times, Box 75A, R.D. 1, Marietta, PA 17547. No charge for individyals. Businesses pay 10° per word, minimum $2.00. FOR SALE 3M Dry Copy Machine. Perfect Condition. $49.00. Spangler Appliance. Phone 426-3122. CHEAP FOR CASH. All steel buildings. Must sell. Arch type. Never erected. Call 717-569-5336. Ice skates, black, size 8-9, like new. $5.00. Phone 367-4686. (220) Girl’s 20-inch, 3-speed bike, cassette tape player- recorder, Hollie Hobbie items. Call 653-5716. Two Prom Gowns, one blue and one red. Size 8/9, Call 653-4161. : (227) Hard top Bethany Camper sleeps S. In good condition. Asking $395. Call 426-2179. One pair Realistic FM wireless intercoms, practic- ally new. Call after 3PM. 653-5102. BUSINESS FOR SALE Coin opetatéd” laundro- mat. Good business, choice location, extra equipment. 426-2225. HOLLINGER OIL SERVICE ARCO HEATING OIL HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING SALES & SERVICE FREE ESTIMATES— CALL 653-4484 807 WEST MAIN STREET, MOUNT JOY, PA NOTICE WELCOME WAGON Have you just moved to our area? Recently engag- ed? Had a baby? Or do you know someone who has? Please call. We will be happy to sop by and give you a Welcome Wagon call. Our basket holds lots of free gifts to welcome the new- comer, new baby, or newly engaged girl. Please call Cherie Dillow 653-1609, or Sue Binkle 653-4895 in the Mount Joy area: or Hazel Baker 420-3643 in Marietta. If you have been thinking about installing a wood heater now is the time to do it while the supply lasts. We have many models and prices to choose from. 426-3286. Hiestand Distri- butors, R.D. #1 Marietta. Wholesale. Columbia To- bacco Company, Inc., 684- 2710 : ~~ Party Supplies, Cigarettes, Tobacco, Candy, Paper Goods. 509 South 16th Street, Columbia, PA. MOUNT JOY CITGO 964 Main St., Mount Joy FULL SERVICE ON ALL MAKES OF FOREIGN & AMERICAN CARS 24 Hour Towing Phone 653-1104 B notice.’ REWARD A $10 reward for informa- tion or the return of a parka jacket owned by Darwin Kolp. The tan ski jacket was removed from his locker at Donegal High School. Call 426-3378 if information is available. CARD OF THANKS We most gratefully ex- press our sincere thanks to our relatives, our neighbors and our friends for their many kindnesses to us and Mrs. Leonard during her illness and for the support, sympathy and understand- ing extended to us at her death along with the thoughts, many deeds and prayers. The Jersey Leonard Family Langenbacks (cont.) [continued from page 2] week and jogs when she can. ‘‘You have to work hard to fit everything into your schedule,” she says. ‘‘But, the kids are a great help around the house and everything seems to work out pretty well.” Ricky told us that he thinks his family is pretty great. ‘‘Both Mom and Tim are easy to talk to. They listen to what I have to say. My parents love me,” he says. With an impish grin he adds, ‘‘That’s the best I could come up with on short ’ ; Ax eve ssw —— — — — — Have something hanging around the house that has outstayed its welcome? Place your ad with the SUSQUEHANNA TIMES today. Classified Ads are free! Send in the coupon printed below, or call the SUSQUEHANNA TIMES at 426-2212 or MESSAGE 00000000000000000000000000000000000000060000vInse0000000000000000000( SEND TO: THE SUSQUEHANNA TIMES, BOX 75A, R.D. 1, MARIETTA, PA 17547. WE WELL PRINT IT NEXT WEEK ABSOLUTELY FREE!! Ee i en si ds) TR A ERTS AAT ANNA