April 18, 1979 DID YOU HEAR? Last week Herr’s Fruit Stand in Marietta displayed on their signboard: “Through sleet & storm and nuclear fear Herr’s will still be here.” Photos of the sign, flanked by Willis and Jimmy, were shot by Time magazine photographers and a Swedish film crew. Herr’s didn’t make it into Time; they don’t know if they appeared on TV in Sweden. §§§ Retirees of AMP, Inc., met on Wednesday, April 11th, at the Sherwood Knoll Quality Inn. 160 former AMP employ- ees and “their guests attended. Entertainment was provided by students of the Music Department of Hershey High School. Present officers of the retirees’ group are: Harold Schafer, president; Lewis Short, vice president; and Ethel Snavely, secretary- treasurer. The group will again in July. —Harold Schafer meet Guess who just turned sixteen....and was surprised by 27 classmates at a party at her home in Maytown on April 12. Sherry Derr, that’s who! §§§ Melody A. Mumma, of 744 West Main Street, Mount Joy, is one of 47 students at Villanova Uni- versity who will be induct- ed into the school’s chapter of Beta Gamma Sigma, the national honor society for business majors. Students who join must rank in the top fifth of their class. §8§ Dean Bricker, son of Mr. and Mrs. Amos A. Bricker, Mount Joy, RD2, the Grand Champion of the Donegal High School Science Fair was third place winner in Lancaster County’s Science and Engineering Fair. Bricker’s project, ‘‘Tracking the Sun,” took a total of seven additional awards, as follows: second place award presented by the Pa. Society of Professional Engineers; the Junior engineering Tec- hnical Society Award; The Dept of Energy Award; thhe NASA Award; the Andrew Ellicott Chapter, Lewis & Clark Trail Award; the American Society for Metals Award; and the Superior Ward given by the U.S. Navy. Upon receiving this last award Dean qualifies to enter the National Navy Science Awards Program Competition. : The winners of this national competition will be eligible for either a week long trip to Hawaii or to attend the London Inter- national Youth Science Fort- night or the Japanese Student Science Fair in Japan. Surprise anniversary party The children of Mr. and Mrs. Walter R. Gallagher, Jr., of 215 Marietta Avenue, Mount Joy, arranged a drop-in surprise party for their parents’ 25th wedding anniversary, Sunday afternoon. The Gallaghers’ children who arranged the party are Denise [Mrs. Barry Bixler], Gary [also his wife Beth], Jeff [128 E. Main St.], Rory, Greg, Sheree, Lori, and Beth. The Gallaghers have two grandchildren: Scott Bixler and Steve Bixler. Steve was born the day before their anniversary. Egg Hunt winners Adam Weber Jackie Roth An Easter Egg Hunt held on Sunday by the Mount Joy VFW Post 5752 had the following winners. First prize and other prizes are Feff Parmer David Killian Sherry Fackler Dawn Waltz Troy Hostetter Travis Smith Nicole Pennell listed in order: Ages 4-6: Ages 7-9: Ages 1-3: David Killian : 4 E e Edve Robert Wolgemuth Heidi Ellmaker ugen y Tong Maris Dale Good Robert Wolgemuth Larry Bradley’s Arco | ®ve Harvey Stoudt Rte. 441 & 743, Marietta Ages 10-12: AN ; Lester Dimeler : dd isd Toe Waltz so ; = L Karen Killian J Brian Derr We do fire repairs ! Ask arry Gregg Edgell 7-10, Sunday 11-6 Phone 426-2731 Gregg Maurer New Hours: Daily 7 SUSQUEHANNA TIMES—Par- 3 Steve & Brent Hershey CATTLE & GRAIN HAULING Reasonable Rates Phone 653-5808 653-5807 “Stirring Times”’ ‘ / ¢ / / / / / / / / ; / / £ MOUNT JOY LEGION [2 mi. E. of Mt. Joy off Rt. 230 By-Pass] Fedkdeskokokolskokok dk ste sk ok ses sk kof BRATTICE RRR FRERRRRREERERR EER RE Sunday Dinners 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. eservations Ph. 898-8451~¢ | sZTasAZa\NZ"a2a\“a“Za"“Z"\h\hahaaw “ [TRL www NOW RENTING IN HISTORIC MARIETTA TWO - BEDROOM TOWNHOUSES AT : FEATURING : N° SUPER INSULATION {+ EFFICIENT ELECTRIC HEAT « TWO BATHS « LAUNDRY FACILITIES e PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION OFF-STREET PARKING LOVELY PARK-LIKE SETTING $225. Sren month WATER AND SEWER INCLUDED}: .Slaugh-Fagan Associates CALL: 357 3535 or 653-1896 This old postcard was lent us by Mrs. Pearl Valle of 219 Mount Joy Street, Mount Joy. PRESCRIPTIONS OUR MOST IMPORTANT PRODUCT he scorchers " soning \Y IS N “5 LR) = 4 | bX § ) rd a 13 IAIN | 9 Let us help you make your home a cool little island. Order Rireem* Central Air Conditioning. Then you'll feel like cooking, getting your work done and sleeping. Rheem Air Conditioning can be added to most heating systems. Ask for Rheem... where you have a choice of systems. DID YOUKNOW...... With every prescription we fill for you or your family, you receive at no additional cost . . . 1. A comprehensive patient profile card. 2. Continuous check system against possible drug allergies and inter- actions. 3. An up-to-date record for medical insurance purposes. 4. An income tax record of all prescriptions. . Free delivery service. . 24 Hour emergency service. . 10% senior citizen discount on all prescriptions. NON On Your Rheem Reliable Dealer Home cooling & heating systems LET US FILL YOUR NEXT PRESCRIPTION! rei ® R.V. RICHARDS & SONS “Call us to do your work’’ 426-1836 R.D. 1 COLUMBIA VISA Master Charge