)78 © em 0 000 fw ND Dd de — mp uy AN he We —- December 20, 1978 Leisure Club Christmas party Captain Luther Henry's one-man band appears The Mount Joy Leisure Club held their annual Christmas party recently at Hostetter’s and following the invocation by Dr. Ezra Ranck, 160 members and friends enjoyed a very delicious dinner. Following the dinner, president Joe Shaeffer introduced the entertainment for the even- ing, the performing artist being Captain Luther Henry, the one-man band. Captain Henry, who is associated with the Lancas- ter Police Force, presented a very delightful and entertaining program; in fact they didn’t want him to stop playing. Following the entertain- ment, Christmas carols were sung by the group, accompanied by Mildred Way at the piano. The Christmas story as found in the gospel of Luke was read by Mrs. Joseph Shaeffer. The report of the nominating committee” was presented by Jay Sherk, chairman. The following people were nominated for the coming year: President, Joe Shaeffer; Ist vice president, James Schneider; 2nd vice presi- dent, Eva Groff; secretary, Yeressa Heisey; assistant secretary, Nedra Brandt; treasurer, Almeda Hostet- ter; assistant treasurer, John Brown; recording sec- retary, Romaine Good; and assistant recording secre- tary, Ruth Brandt. There being no other nominations, the above were elected to serve next year. The nominating com- mittee were Mr. and Mrs. Jay Sherk and Mr. and Mrs. Warren Bentzel. One couple present, Mr. and Mrs. Ammon Land- vater, were celebrating their S4th wedding anniver- sary. The tables were decorated with 22 fruit baskets, candles and greens by Bertha Foreman and her committee. Follow- ing the meeting the fruit baskets were given to those having lucky numbers. President Shaeffer an- nounced that the next meeting would be on - January 8 and would begin at 1:00 PM. President Shaeffer also announced he would like to meet the officers and Bertha Fore- man and her committee at his home on January 3rd at 1:00 PM to plan for the coming year. Hostesses for the January meeting are Mrs. Earl Simons, Mrs. James Schneider, Mrs. Amos Rutt, Mrs. Jay Sherk, Gertrude Scheffler, Mrs. David Stauffer, Mrs. Joseph Shaeffer, Mary Shaeffer, Mrs. Irving LeVin and Mary Rhinehart. In closing the meeting president Shaeffer thanked the officers and the com- mittees for their fine co- opertion and hard work during this year. At the January meeting Mr. Arthur Brown will install the new officers. The greeters for the January meeting will be Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Brown. —Jos. Shaeffer Last Minute CHANNEL MASTER AM/FM Stereo Cassette Recorder with built-in record changer and speakers °*199% convenient credit available i open evenings ’til Christmas pe WESTERN AUTO / Gift Ideas A CHANGE OF PACE! Are you good at, and do you enjoy solving Packaging Problems? Do you seek a selling environment where you'll receive the strong office and plant support necessary to reach your selling goals? Would you enjoy selling with a comfortable base salary, liberal bonus and a good stock purchase plan? If you’re interested and feel qualified, contact Justus Hoyt, Sales Manager at: Scranton Corrugated Box Corporation 301 Green Ridge Street Scranton, Pennsylvania, 18508 717-342-9183 A Chesapeake Company Contacts will be treated in confidence. SUSQUEHANNA TIMES—Page 7 We wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Peter Paul Cadbury, Inc. Mount Joy Division National Standard Co. Route 230 East, Mount Joy Donegal Mutual Insurance Co. Route 441, Marietta