[continued from front page] the coldest tend to be also the clearest. This week's weather is a good example. The solar rays are strong when they are needed. Marzolf has worked on a number of solar energy projects with CAP over the last five months: a green- house, a solar air panel, and a ‘‘bread box’ solar water heater. He and Shearer rebuilt the roof over the porch and insulat- ed it, build side walls, caulked, painted, and plan- ned. Marzolf believes in his work. He told us that solar heat can not only save Mount Joy Chorus Page 16—SUSQUEHANNA TIMES ...why Harry turned off his furnace (continued from front page) resources and money, but will also have ‘‘a positive impact on your lifestyle,” allowing you to garden in the winter, among other things. (A solar heater not only uses the green- house principal—it is a greenhouse). ‘““It’s hard to put a monetary value on that,” he says. As though to back up his words, the Rileys, who up till now have been avid summertime gardeners (readers may recall the article in the Times about their three-foot stringbeans of last summer), have already bought tomato and cucumber seeds to start in the heater. Last Saturday about 25 visitors from the Mid Atlantic Solar Conference, a group of solar energy enthusiasts, visited the Riley’s and their new heater. They included a solar energy contractor, a girl getting a Master's in solar energy, and do-it-your selfers. The Rileys gave them donuts and coffee while they inspected the plastic, vent holes, and insulated door. The Rileys express great enthusiasm for the addition to their home. And, as Bertha observes, their cat likes it too. to sing Christmas songs The world is filled with the sounds of Christmas and the glow of the Holy Season will be expressed by the Mount Joy Comm- unity Chorus as they present their Sth annual *‘Songs of Christmas’ con- cert on Sunday, December 17 at 3:00 PM at Trinity Lutheran Church, West Main Street, Mount Joy. The chorus, a group of 41 voices, is under the direction of Miss Dorothy E. Schock, well-known for her work with musical organizations and choral groups. Mrs. Caroe Bubacz is the pianist and Miss Beulah Smith, organist, will play ‘“Noel Ecossais’’ by Guil- mant for the offertory. The program will include “Now Is The Carolling Season’’ by priesing, “To The Holy Child” by Max- cine Posegate from text by Martin Luther, ‘‘Christmas Means Love’ by Prager and ‘Sing Of a Merry Christmas’’ by Sahner and Simeone. The special sounds of Christmas by the chorus will also include a choral fantasy on old carols “Christmas Day’’ by Gus- tav Holst, an Ukrainian carol ‘‘Carol Of The Bells’’ by Leontovich, a Puerto Rican carol ‘‘A Christmas Song’’ and a Czech carol ‘““Dance We All To Beth- lehem.”’ The ‘‘Hallelujah Chorus’ by Handel from ‘‘The Messiah’ will conclude the concert. Soloists will be Miss Sandy Heisey, Mrs. Cor- inne Nissley and Mrs. Dorothy Heilig, sopranos; Mrs. Peggy Grissinger, contralto; Mrs. Jackie Rob- erts, tenor; John F. Way, Jr., baritone and Samuel S. Harnish, bass. LeonaFrances Woskow- iak, director of music at Trinity Lutheran Church, Mount Joy, will present a short organ recital prior to the concert by the chorus. A free-will offering will be received. Handel’s Messiah at DHS Lauralee Baker The Donegal High School vocal music department will present a great piece of classical music this Saturday—George Freder- ich Handel's Messiah. This concert will start at 7:30 PM in the auditorium on December 16th. Four Donegal alumni will be featured as soloists: Sharon Green, a DHS teacher, soprano; Lolly Baker, a nurse at Hershey Medical Center, alto; Don Witman, a senior music ed Don Witman major at E-town College, tenor; and Michael Kohler, a junior in music ed at Lebanon Valley College, bass. Sharon Zimmerman, another DHS teacher, will be the accompanist. The high school chorus, directed by RoAnn Lau, will also perform, singing songs such as ‘‘Sleigh Ride’’ and ‘‘Let Us Sing.” The Rhythm Singers will do “Winter Wonderland,"’ “It's a Marshmallow World,’ and a medley. Mike Kohler This year the Rhythm Singers consist of Deb Torres, Becky Zimmerman, Lisa Mummaw, Maxine Maxwell, Desiree Atkins, Kristin Straub, Mark Wag- ner, Bruce Wagner, Donald Kelly, Patrick Kenney, Wayne Mylin, and Jim Landis. Becky Zimmerman and Deb Torres will sing a duet, ‘‘The Birthday of the King.” December 13, 1978 a Marzolf works on the insulated door to the cellar. The 2-foot-thick wall behind him is painted green to absorb more heat. It evens out temperatures by slowly releasing heat it stores at night. Harry and Bertha Riley look down through a hole in the old porch floor, which will soon hold a water heater and patio/garden. .