September 6, 1978 Oldtimers’ Softball The committee planning the First Annual Oldtimer’s Softball Game and Picnic have announced more at- tractions for the game. The game will be held at 2::00 P.M. Sunday, Sep- tember 10 at Kunkle Field, Mount Joy. The Heritage House softball team and a team of local ‘‘oldtimers’’ will be compefing. Instead of the traditional ‘“‘peanuts and Cracker § Jacks’ popcorn will be § featured - served from a unique vehicle. John Delagrance, Lan- caster, has built a % scale replica of the Concord stage coach. He has in- stalled a popcorn popper in the coach. Ron Chubb, WSBA radio promotion director will be on hand to assist Bob Kunkle with the play by play action during the MARIETTA CITGO : CITGO GAS—GROCERIES game. The game is free to the public. Following the game a picnic will be held at the Mount Joy VFW. The picnic will feature food, prizes and entertainment. Local merchants have donated prizes to be given away throughout the picnic. Entertainment will be provided by the music group OPUS. Transportation from the ball game to the picnic will be provided by Johnson’s Bus. A bus will return to the park hourly. Tickets for the picnic can be purchased at the Heri- tage House, the Mount Joy Legion, HY-Lo and at the Friendship Fire Company. Proceeds of the day will be donated to the Mount Joy Friendship Fire Company building fund. OPEN 5:30 A.M. — 8:30 P.M. DAILY SUNDAY 8:00 A.M.—6:00 P.M. Ed Reeves, Prop. Phone 426-3863 East End—Route 441 Marietta of CONVALESCENT AIDS We Feature a Complete Selection of CONVALESCENT AIDS .« Crutches . Wheel Chairs . Walkers . Splints . Canes — Regular 3-Prong 4-Prong . Toilet Safety Rail . Colostomy Supplies Hiukle's TR TTT Third & Locusts Sts., Columbia i . . Oxygen Supplies . Hospital Bed . Bed Rails . Bed Boards . . Patient Lift . Surgical Garments . Elastic Hosiery . Whirlpoc! Bath EAST DONEGAL BOAT CLUB will hold its annual PIG ROAST Saturday, September 9 12 noon til? Members and their families are urged to attend Please Bring Covered Dish and Eating Utensils BINGO Starting Sunday, September 10 2PM Pioneer Fire Co. neo. 1 Marietta SUSQUEHANNA TIMES—Page 9 MAYTOWN FIRE CO BINGO Starting Sat., Sept. 16th (Every Sat. Night) New Starting Time: 7PM (Early Birds 6:45) Doors Open at 5:00 PM Cash Prizes and Guaranteed Jackpot Each Date Door Prizes U-Pick-Em Game Birthday Bingo Lucky Number Drawing Bingo Wild Number Free Parking Come Enjoy A Evening Of Fun And Excitement Lots of Good Food and Refreshments By Ladies’ Aux. Maytown Fire Co. WF . Silicone Prosthesis . Mattress Riser . Bathtub Safety Rail . Commode Chairs . Traction Equipment . Bath Tub Stools . Trusses . Back Supports . Orthopedic Braces |Z TTT LR FALL SALE throu zh September 16th STOVETOP ALUMINUM COOKWARE REGULAR 27 s9 86 to *4.84 | EACH Super selection now at our super low price! Even-heating aluminum means great cooking. Tea Kettle and Egg Poacher may not be available at all stores. Daily 9:00 - 5:00 Friday 9:00 - 9:00 Closed Sundays G.C. Murphy Co. - 12 - 14 W. Main St., Mount Joy, PA