WL eet a WC wi Negotiations between the Donegal School Board and the teachers’ union took an apparent turn for the worse last week. First, the union called in an “impartial fact finder” from the state government, to review the positions of both sides. Although a union spokesman said that both sides were ‘‘quite close,” fact finders are usually called only when negotiations are stalled. Also, the school board, in an apparent attempt to 80 “‘over the heads’ of the union negotiating team, mailed details of their ‘“final offer’’ to each teacher in the district. Board members had pri- vately discussed the possi- bility of making such a move during negotiations two years ago, feeling that the teachers, if they knew what they were being offered, would tell their leadership to accept the package. Those negotia- tions were settled only after a three-day strike. Union leaders were not happy with the board’s move, but have not pro- tested vigorously, or filed an unfair labor practices suit, as yet. According to the board, teachers are being offered: —an average pay hike of $982 this year and $957 “NEG ri fk SUSQUEHANNA TIMES—Page 7 Trouble brewing in teacher contract talks next year. —diagnostic X-ray and laboratory payments would jump from $75 to $150 and in-hospital medical care from $6 to $8 per treatment —Group term life insur- ance would go from $8,500 to $12,000 over 2 years. —Credit reimbursement would go from $200 to $300 Class of ’28 holds reunion Mount Jo py 2 this year, and to $400 next year. —The early retirement bonus for employee aged SS to 62 would double to $1000. —In the second year of the contract, the income protection plan would re- imburse teachers $25 per actual teaching day. by Jay S. Barnhart Members of the graduat- ing class of Mount Joy High School of 1928 held their held their SO year reunion Saturday evening, August 26th, at 6:00 PM at the Carpenter Inn, Eliza- bethtown, with a delicious dinner being served to 30 members and guests. Of the 19 living graduates, 16 were present. The honored guests were "Mr. and Mrs. William Flaherty of Lancaster. Mr. Flaherty taught science and biology in. the Freshman and Sophomore years. ; The members present and their husbands or wives were: Mr. and Mrs. Jay Barnhart Mr. and Mrs. George F. Broske (Ethel Moore) Mrs. John Kissinger (E. Buller) Mr. and Mrs. Charles Eby (Nora Strickler) Mrs. Alma Engle Mr. and Mrs. Christ Finkbiner (Myra Herr) Mr. and Mrs. Miller M. Hess Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hollinger (Anna Garber) Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hostetter (Edna Charles) Mrs. Samuel F. Ierly (Anna Hinkle) Mr. and Mrs. Marlin F. Kaylor (Rhoda Engle) Mrs. Lester Myers (Mary Diffenderfer) Miss Suie Snyder Mr. and Mrs. C. Donald Haser (Hazel Kaylor) Mr. and Mrs. John K. Wittle (Dora Kraybill) Committee members in charge of the affair were Mrs. Lester Myers, Mrs. Marlin Kaylor, Mrs. Charles Eby, Alma Engle, Mrs. Clarence Hostetter, and Jay S. Barnhart. Walter Barto, who had to leave the area after the junior year, was present to help celebrate the occasion with old classmates. The meeting was opened with the Welcome by Jay S. Barnhart, followed by the singing of the Doxo- logy. Silent observance of the members of the class who passed away since graduation followed. They were: Mrs. Myrtle Hiestand Danner Mrs. Dorothy M. Greisinger Mrs. Ruth Hawthorne _ Kefalianos Mr. Samuel T. Becker Mrs. Mary Jane Krall Mrs. Kathryn Lindemuth Newcomer Mrs. Anna Weber Stokes Mrs. Martha Engle Detwiler Mr. Robert F. Schroll The invocation was given by Miller Hess. During the dinner, Mrs. Hazel Waser read a poem especially for the occasion by Mrs. Mary Myers. Alma Engle read the History of the class from Freshman to Senior years. The secretary report was given by Mrs. Edna Hos- tetter, and the treasurers report by Mrs. Ethel Broske. The class song and High School Alma Mater was sung by the group accompanied by Mrs. Ethel Broske at the piano. Newly elected officers were jay S. Barnhart, President; Mrs. Dorn Wit- tle, Vice President; Mrs. Edna Hostetter, Secretary and Mrs. Ethel Broske, Treasurer. The committee appointed to arrange the next reunion were Mrs. Hazel Waser, Mrs. Myra Finkbiner and Mrs. Suie Snyder. The meeting adjourned with one verse of ‘‘Blest Be the Tie That Binds’’.