ro The winner of the first $1.00 Susquehanna Times news prize is Martha Epler of RD2 Annville, who con- Ist $1 winner tributed the story about the Rainbolts’ 40th anniversary which appears at the top of page 11. Congratulations! SUSQUEHANNA TIMES Susquehanna Times & The Mount Joy Bulletin MARIETTA & MOUNT JOY, PA. Vol. 78, No. 24, June 14, 1978 FIFTEEN CENTS Barry McFarland, DHS shop teacher, poses with a set 3 SH of hollow, nesting wooden eggs he made on his lathe. ‘People are fascinated by eggs,”” Barry says. He made the table also, from a solid slice of a tree. He’s got the Osage Orange market cornered When Barry McFarland went to Millersville State College in the mid-sixties, he thought he was going to be an historian. Then he took an Industrial Arts class, and it changed the course of his life. Today a visitor to Barry’s home near Manheim can hear the story behind every piece of furniture in it. Almost all of it was made by Barry from wood he cut himself from logs. His kitchen table is a solid hunk of a tree, 24 inches wide and 7 feet long. “‘It would have been 42 inches wide, but I made a mistake,”’ Barry says. The wood stove’s fuel is contained in a wood box which visitors guess to be a hundred years old, but it’s only S five years old, made by Barry. Above the table is a stained-glass lamp he made. Barry teaches woodwork- ing at Donegal High and spends his spare time doing and learning on his own. 90% of his life is wood—cutting it, gluing it, buying it, selling it, and collecting it. Barry’s fascination with wood must be innate, because his family back- ground certainly didn’t prepare him for a life of crafting wood. ‘‘I didn’t take shop in high school ‘because my father didn’t approve of it,”’ Barry re- calls. ‘‘My father was an accountant, and he never had anything fixed, and couldn’t fix anything him- self. We didn’t have any tools in the house. I don’t think we had even a screw- driver.” Barry served in the Navy [continued on page 10] Inside: DHS graduation | Story on page 7 Marietta Fire Co. will conduct fund drive drive The Marietta Volunteer Fire Company will conduct a door-to-door fund raising campaign in the Borough of Marietta from June 13 through 30. The purpose of the drive is to raise enough money to purchase a new 4000 gallon pumper with 4000 gallon booster tank and automatic foam system. According to fire chief Ken Geesey, the present The 3rd annual Miss ‘Mount Joy scholarship pageant will be held on June 24 at 8:00 PM in the Donegal High auditorium. It is sponsored by the truck (a 1947 pumper) needs $8000 worth of repairs. He hopes to replace this vehicle and sets the campaign goal at $51,000. Groups of volunteer fire- men will canvas the borough in the evenings from about 6:30 to 8:00. They will easily identified as each group will be riding a piece of fire fighting equipment. Miss Mount Joy tickets available Mount Joy Jaycees. Tickets can be had by calling Jim McAfee at 653-2713, or Gary Graybill at 653-1642, or Rob Stoner at 653-4395. Supervisors meet The East Donegal Town- ship supervisors met last week. Chairman John H. Brubaker opened the meet- ing with a prayer. Seven permits for new structures were issued. The fire company reported 17 calls, and property damage amounting to $50. The supervisors granted a request by the Maytown Civic Association for the supervised summer play- ground from June 26 through August 4th in the park. Park benches will be repaired, and the basket- ball and tennis courts will be resurfaced. Portable rest rooms will be used this summer. (Permanent ones are planned sometime in the future). The supervisors will investigate the idea of ‘bricking up the front of the fire house. Mount Joy calendar The Mount Joy calendar: June 14: Community Coun- cil meets 7:30 PM. June 20: Mount Joy Joycee -ettes covered dish social: 6:30 Lions meet. VOTE NOW! in the Susquehanna Poll Make your feelings known! The Susquehanna Times is starting a survey of readers’ opinions on local issues. Results will be 0 published the week after each poll. This week, we would like to get your opinion on lowering property taxes. (As you probably know, California voters last week adopted Proposition 13, which cut property taxes, a major source of revenue for local governments.) . Check your answer to the question in the ballot below; you can also make additional comments. If you have a suggestion for a future poll topic, please put it in the space marked **Future topics.”’ Cut this ballot out and mail it to Susquehanna Times, Box 75A, RDI Marietta 17547, cr leave it a Kline's Store in Mount Joy, or at Appley’s News Store in Marietta, or at Herr’s Fruit Market on Routes 441 and 743, or, bring this ballot to the Times office on the May- town-Bainbridge road; near Reich’s Church. Yes..... Comments: Future topics: BALLOT Do you think property taxes should be reduced or eliminated? No..... Donegal School District congratulated The state comptroller has congratulated Donegal School District on the accuracy of the districts account-keeping during 1975 and 1976. The state found no mistakes whatso- ever—a rare occurence in any district, or any year. (The congratulations ar- rived in 1978 because the state, which audits so finely, also grinds ex- ceeding slow.) At the next local board meeting, scheduled for Thursday at 8 PM at the District Office, the board will: —adopt the new budget —set salaries for non- union staff members —consider ratifying an agreement with the custo- dians’ union —set the new school calendar —name next year’s coaches (little change from last year is expected) The board will also consider a new system for hiring substitute teachers, using the Pa. State Employment Service as an intermediary. The new system, a brainchild of superintendent Ragnar Hal- gren, may save the district both time and money. Plans for financing and executing repairs to the school buildings will be carried forward, and bids on new business machines will be awarded.