May 31, 1978 Mr. Forrey, Maytown Elementary teacher, was flabergasted when he walked into his room and found that his kids had a wedding party set up for him. He had settled for his new house a few hours before, which he and his fiancee, Susan Hallowell [pictured above], will live in after the ceremony. The kids gave him the red oak tree in the photo to help him landscape his new home. Mark Bushong promoted Commonwealth National Agri-Loan Corp., a subsid- iary of Commonwealth National Bank, announced the promotion of J. Mark H. Keller Harold Keller recently graduated from a course in ““The Art of Real Estate Counseling” in Bethesda, MD. This course stresses the needs of the client and how to find these out, rather than just selling. Keller was an outstand- ing student,”’ said instruct- or C. Charles Chatham. Bushong of Landisville to assistant secretary of the subsidiary. He joined the bank as an assistant manager of agriculture loans in 1977, after running a 130-acre dairy farm near his native Columbia for 30 years. Bushong is past presi- dent of the Lancaster County Cooperative Agri- cultural Extension Service Board, a director of Lancaster County Council of Churches, Community Action Program, and a deacon of the Mountville Church of the Brethren. He and his wife Martha have five children. Bargains Galore on our Lower Floor Shelly’s Bargain Basement 237 Locust St., Columbia WAITER Te Class trip SUSQUEHANNA TIMES — Page 3 In reading classes taught BA RGAI N CO U N ! 35+ Watch the Susquehanna Times Bargain Counter for special shoppers’ values in your community. by Mrs. Elizabeth Smedley and Mrs. Carol Lambert at Riverview School, students are learning how reading can introduce them to new activities. Some of the activities they read about can be followed during the stu- dents’ summer vacations. They read about different crafts, games, nearby re- creational facilities, new and unusual foods, vacat- ions, fishing, camping, nature, and wrote letters to pen pals to whom they can write over the summer. On a trip to Lancaster County Park on May 26 the students became more aware of sight, hearing, touch, smell, and taste as they went through the Gar- den of the Five Senses. They had a lesson in cooperation by having to find their way out of a maze in blindfolded groups and carrying a bucket full of liquid ‘‘Explosive’ (wa- ter) across a swamp without spilling any. All the students com- pleted the mile-long physi- cal fitness trail. By hiding animals they had made, the students learned about protective coloration. Older students acted as Big Brothers and Big Sisters to younger students on the outing. Some parents also as- sisted. Light bulbs M.I.T. has developed a new kind of light bulb that uses 60% less electricity by coating the inside of the bulb with titanium floride! Births Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Johnston (Judith Wood), Mount Joy RD3, a son at General Hospital Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Wissler (Doris Wenger), Mount Joy RD2, a son at General Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. James Smith (Margie J. Hemper- ly), a daughter at St. Joseph Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Shifflett (Gertrude Nye), RD2 Mount Joy, a son at Columbia Hospital. 1974 Capri *2995 6 cyl., air, radio & 4 speed Donegal Auto Exchange R.D. 2, Rte. 230 W. of Mount Joy 653-4831 Typesetting of all kinds Catalogs, Posters, Brochures Susquehanna Times & Magazine Quality work - low prices 426-2212 or 653-8383 We buy old gold & diamonds Adam H. Greer, Jeweler 87 E. Main St., Mount Joy 653-5705 =o] FAMILY RESTAURANT 454 W. Main St., Mount Joy - 653-2332 BIGT & TASTEE'FREEZ go to the BALL GAME Have you picked up your OFFICIAL SCORE CARD? June 19, 1978 July 17, 1978 June 26, 1978 July 24,1978 July 3,1978 July 31, 1978 (July 11 All Star Game) ABC MONDAY NIGHT <> BASEBALL Cea (Ly Cee txt, Trade mark ®) © Tastee Freez international, Inc. 1978, All Rights Reserved hh