December 28, 1977 Kraybill kids send tree money to Jordan FER an “Since 1915” MARIETTA, PA. MEL & GERRY HEISTAND, PROPS. Mattress Trade in Sale Use our easy Payment Plan... Trade in your old Bedding regardless of condition today. We will allow you $40.00 on a trade in when buying a new set of Serta Perfect Sleeper We will trade your old set plus tax for a down payment. You don’t pay the first Payment until March 1st. Approved credit only. Shelly’s Furniture 2 37 Locust St., Columbia 684-3780 AUCTIONS make the .tifference in marketing livestock! NEW HOLLAND makes the difference in auctions! MONDAY —8 a.m.--Fat Hogs 10 a.m.--Horse Sale 11 a.m.--Hay & Straw . 1:30 p.m.--Fat Steers, Bulls, Cow & Veal WEDNESDAY —12 Noon--Hay & Straw 12:30 p.m .--D airy Sale 1:00 p.m .--Feeder Pigs THURSDAY —11 a.m.--Fat Steers, Bulls & Cow 4:30 p.m.--Sheep & Veal NewHolland Sales Stables, Inc. New Holland, Penna. + Abram-'W.: Diffenbach; Manager.-Phone.(717) 354-4341 -} Bank Ameéricard «cz vec Kids at the Kraybill Mennonite School donated money to farmers in Jordan for olive trees last week. A total of $325 was sent, enough to buy 650 trees. Olive trees are very useful plants, and mean a lot to poor farmers in the Middle East. The trees will be dis- tributed through the Menonnite Central Committee. The photo above shows the 3rd grade class of Mrs. Hollopeter at the school posing in front of the poster they made as part of the olive tree project. 2) ¥ [STOP Messing Around! give her an N SINK ERATOR and get rid of garbage problems for good! After it's over, all any meal adds up to is garbage . . . leftovers that are a real “schmear™ to, wrap and scrap. Get her out of the garbage "bag" with the world’s No. | stainless steel dis- poser. Gobbles up any kind of food waste. even steak bones and corn cobs. ” And no other dis- poser is so trouble the New Year. We fervently hope it will bring you peace and happiness eight models, priced for every budget. So man, don’t mess around. Head for your In-Sink-Frator ” dealer's soon. (¥) R.V. RICHARDS & SONS, INC. 426-1836 Merchandise club starts Jan. 6 ORANGE OWL 15 Marietta Ave., Mount Joy, PA 653-5512 ells peal welcoming ET RTT FT jg Master Charge L SUSQUEHANNA TIMES—Page 9 John Goodling, Jr. completes course John has completed a total of 240 hours. John has been associated with Penn Realty Inc. as a sales associate for the past six years. He is also serving as elected director of the Marietta Home Building and Loan Associa- - tion, and has been appoint- ed treasurer of the same body. John Goodling, Jr., of 10 No. New Haven Street, Marietta, has been award- ed a certificate of achieve- ment for completing the Real Estate Educational Program offered by the Pennsylvania State Uni- versity. This program requires a minimum of 180 instruc- tional hours for the award. DONEGAL INDUSTRIES, INC. NOW HIRING Sewing Dept. Personnel for Production of Sleepwear. All Daytime Work - Five Day Week Come in to see us - *Let us explain our Wage Scale & Benefit Program. *You will have opportunity to see our Modern Facilities and to inspect our product line. Interviewing Beginning January 3 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Saturday 8:30 to 11:00 a.m. Mount Joy Near Donegal High School | M.., good luck, happiness and prosperity come to your house to stay every moment of the New Year] and TRUCKS” "RK." RU 236 West, Mount Joy, Pa. 17557