October 19, 1977 Rusella Markley to wed Eugene R. Hess B. McNece, Mount Joy, announce the engagement of their-daughter, Miss Rusella Markley, Mount Joy, to Eugene R. Hess, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Hess. Miss Markley is a '74 graduate of Donegal High School. Her fiance also is a graduate of Donegal High School. Both are employed by Lancaster Leaf in Mount Miss Rusella Markley Joy. Mr. James R. Markley, A March 25, 1978 Mount Joy, and Mrs. Olive wedding is planned. Susan Gieg to marry W, Birchall Birchall. The bride-elect gradu- ated from Donegal High School. She is employed by the County of Lancaster as a keypunch operator and tor. Mr. Birchall is the son of Mrs. Ruth M. Birchall and the late Charles F. Birchall Jr., 320 - Ruby Street, : Lancaster. He attended Miss Susan Gieg J.P. McCaskey High Mr. and Mrs. James School. He is employed by Gieg, 160 W. High Street, Lancaster Newspapers, Maytown, announce the Inc., as an assistant engagement of their foreman. daughter, Miss Susan Jean A December 10, wedding Gieg, to William C. is planned. AUCTIONS make the .iitfference in marketing livestock! NEW HOLLAN D makes the difference in auctions! MONDAY —8 a.m.--Fat Hags 10 a.m.--Horse Sale 11 a.m.--Hay & Straw 1:30 p.m.--Fat Steers, Bulls, Cow & Veal WEDNESDAY —12 Noon--Hay & Straw 12:30 p.m.--Dairy Sale 1:00 p.m .--Feeder Pigs THURSDAY—11 a.m.--Fat Steers, Bulls & Cow 4:30 p.m .--Sheep & Veal NewHolland Sales Stables, Inc. New Holland, Penna. Abram W. Diffenbach: Manager Phone (717) 354-4341 Do you know that . - ." *. 0 Ak Sufficient Heat To - Warm Your Home? A Rheemnt heat pump can use this heat to warm your home. for complete details and free estimate. PHONE 000-0000 All-season (> » COMFORT ompany. *Pheem is the registered trademark of the Rheem Manufacturing c R.V. RICHARDS & SONS 45-153 ssa coLuMBiA R.D. 1 BANKAMERICARD CE Call us 10 do your work” assistant computer opera- SUSQUEHANNA TIMES - Page 5 Cable TV employees honored Three empoyees at Warner Cable were honor- ed at a luncheon on Thurs., Oct 6, for their five years of service. From left to right in the photo are; installer Thomas Spicer, office manager Mary Jane Mathias and chief techician Ron Mountain. The trio re- ceived letters of congratula- tions and gifts of jewelry at the dinner. tod Hunters Please, URT ohn Calibrateqy 70 ARGETS INSTEL are Vallala Public tory have been "Ndividyays an ons limiteq Targets Contacting dg SPortsme basis 4, Busi Your loca) : n groups Ness Office. Uniteq Tele Bb) e One stray bullet can knock a phone cable or other telephone equipment out of commission. Disrupt telephone service for a whole community. Cut off vital Civil Defense or Police communications. Damage radio or TV transmission. PENNSYLVANIA CRIME CODE SECTION 3304 Malicious injury to telegraph, telephone, radio or television lines. b. Grading.--Criminal mischief is a felony of the third degree if the actor interitionally causes pecuniary loss in excess of $5,000, or a substantial interruption or impairment of public communication, transportation, supply of water, gas or power, or other public service. It is a misdemeanor of the second degree if the actor intentionally causes pecunicary loss in excess of $1,000, or a misdemeanor of the third degree if he intentionally or recklessly causes pecuniary loss in excess of $500. Otherwise criminal mischief is a summary offense. So hunters, please--AIM WITH CARE. Please Mr Hunte, THE UNITED TELEPHONE COMPANY OF PENNSYLVANIA A Compery of United Ti nc.