» 1977 the ipe. rini- my ced that 4th her say the ns, and ere nost ick- my and irge ard. hier had nts her out hey all ore nas ler- nan and hey pe his er, to see unt sed ce, ns de lor tle DO, to ng ur- my nd to 'W- on wn nd Ne nd Dia od re er ny nd ’ er ch Dressed to kill; Sus Vol. 77 No. 24 June 29, 1977 Sharp dressers a line soldie Jes of the 2nd Company. These gentlemen stood in lines and fired muskets at close range, often to a drum-roll accompaniment. QUEHA Tw — SNYDER ALPIT M R Bn, 2 ROX MOUNT JOY, 1140 PA. FR ——— Susquehanna Times & The Mount Joy Bulletin MARIETTA & MOUNT JOY, PA. Donegal Rangers i practice ‘living history’ at Donegal Mills Plantation “We couldn’t load fast enough to make good line soldiers,” Dean Bechtold was saying. ‘‘Our style was WHOMP! —ahd then vanish into the trees.”’ Dean was dressed for the occasion: breechclouts and leggings, Kentucky rifle, goat-skin knapsack, and a twenty inch Bowie knife whose horn handle was inscribed with the motto, ‘Death to Tyrants.” He was part of a demonstration of ““living history’’ at Donegal Mills Plantation last week- end by the Donegal Rangers, a re-commission- ed Revolutionary War group who whomped and vanished. The Rangers were ‘‘riflemen,’’ back- woods soldiers armed with accurate rifles instead of muskets, who lived in the woods and fought Indian style. In addition to being experts on the history and tactics of their predeces- sors, today’s Rangers do their best to imitate the lifestyle of those times. Almost all of their gear and clothing is home-made from the same materials that were available to frontier Rangers of yester- year. In this modern world, made mostly of plastic, that can take some real digging. “You could spend an entire day in Park City and not find anything suit- able,”” says Ranger Mike Cohan. Mike's shirt is made from pure linen fabric obtained at an art supply house -that’s the only place he could find it. The Rangers’ weapons are mostly hand-made, as are their shoes, pants, tents, and many of their utensils. [ continued on back page] Get a bang! —in Marietta on the 4th The Marietta Jaycees are sponsoring a big three-day weekend of fun and games for the 4th of July this year. Marietta’s War Memorial Park will be the site of the festivities. On Friday, July Ist, the doings will start at 6:00 p.m. with bingo, games, rides, and refresh- ments. Music will be pro- vided by ‘‘High Tide.” The fun will last far into the night. At 1:00 p.m. on Satur- day, when you've recover- ed from Friday night, there will be more of the same. At 8:00 p.m. the ‘‘Susque- hanna River Revue’ will play. Midget baseball All- Stars will play starting at 2:00 p.m. The big day is Sunday. Besides the rides, games, bingo, and refreshments, there will be more music by ‘‘High Tide’ at 7:00 p.m., kiddies’ games at 2:00, and two hours of old-fashioned prices from 1:00 to 3:00. Once it gets dark, the largest fireworks display in Lancaster County will take place over the park. Why drive hundreds of miles and risk your neck? Stay in Marietta and have fun. No Soap? Curtis Palmer of Marietta poses with his creation. What is it? Well, it weighs 220 pounds and goes 40 m.p.h. Story on page 11. EE pod F Rangers exemplifies the A dead-eye drinks red-eye: FIFTEEN CENTS Sharp shooters Ed i Dean Bechtold of the ““rifleman,”’ or backwoods sharpshooter. They did their fighting from behind trees. § Odd, even football will be played — parity game will feature Does Donegal produce better football teams in odd years or in even years? The world will get a chance to learn the answer to that question when Odd Alumni meet the Even Alumni under the lights at Donegal High on August 26 (that’s a Friday) at 8:15 p.m. Anyone who once played football for Donegal is eligible to join one of the two teams. The contest will pit old against young, players of all ages brother against brother, and odd against even. To join a team, former athletes must submit an application form before July 20. To get an application form, contact Gayne Deshler at the high school, Booster Club pres- ident Edgar Jones, or Rick Breault. One of those three men must receive your completed application by July 20, if you want to play. The game will be spon- sored by the Booster Club.