Susquehanna times. (Marietta, Pa.) 1976-1980, June 08, 1977, Image 1

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Vol. 77 No. 21 June 8, 1977
Susquehanna Times & The Mount Joy Bulletin
JO A40
Arthur Hemmig addresses Riverview kids.
Arthur and Kona
‘““How many of you boys
and girls own a dog?”
asked Arthur Hemmig.
The children assembled
at Riverview School raised
their hands.
Mr. Hemmig told them,
“Now, you’ll have to say
‘ves’. 1 can’t see your
hands, you know.”
Mr. Hemmig is blind.
Last Wednesday he came
to Riverview to speak about
his blindness, his seeing
eye dog Kona, and to
answer questions.
Speaking to about 100
youngsters, he described
the intensive training
through which not only
Kona, but he himself went,
in the process of becoming
a man/dog team.
The program was intro-
duced by Mrs. Geraldine
Price of the Lancaster
County Association for the
Blind. She spoke briefly
about eye safety rules and
practices, such as wearing
sunglasses and eating well
(Much blindness is caused
by diabetes, which in turn
can often be traced to a
poor diet). She warned the
children about firecrackers,
BB guns, and other dan-
gers to eyesight.
Mr. Hemmig first des-
cribed his loss of sight in
an industrial accident dur-
ing World War Two, then
talked about his decision to
get a guide dog afer six
years of using a cane. “‘A
cane is fine in familiar
territory,”’ he said, ‘But a
dog is much better when
you're off the beaten
track.”” He said that, with
the help of Kona, he has
repeatedly outpaced his
[continued on page 2]
Curry 3rd in Nationals
—he runs 440 in 48.0 in Atlanta, now off to Sacramento;
he could go to Russia later if plane fare is donated
This photo, taken a few months ago at DHS, shows Stan
Curry (left) and coach Rudy Milovanovic (right). As we
were about to go tc press, we learned from Stan’s father
that he
is definitely going to the Golden West
Invitational in Sacramento, CA. The Invitational consists
by Rudy Milovanovic
For the last couple of
months, Stan Curry has
made quite a name for
himself and Donegal High
School in the world of
track. Some of his achieve-
ments have been; Ship-
pensburg Invitational 440
champion, District 440
champion and state 440
champion. His 440 time at
the state meet equals the
best time ever run in
P.I.A.A. competition.
Stan’s efforts at the
Shippensburg Meet earned
him an invitation to the
Athletic Track Classic in
Georgia. Stan competed in
that meet just this past
weekend. From a field of
highly selected athletes
from 35 states, Stan fin-
ished 3d in the 440.
His accomplishments
have recently earned him
an invitation to the highly
prestigious Golden West
Invitational in Sacramento,
California, to be held on
June 11th. Stan is looking
forward to competing in
that meet, however, he
must provide his own
transportation. It is fin-
ancially impossible for him
to provide "all his own
Student organizations are
making efforts in helping
of 15 different events, in each of which 8 top high school
athletes compete on a one-shot, go-for-broke basis.
Contenders are chosen for
‘‘proven competitive
performance.’’ Stan could win a gold, silver, or bronze
medal, as in the Olympics. There is also a ‘Governor’s
Trophy,’’ which goes to the outstanding athlete there.
Stan meet his finances. If
Stan does well at Sacra-
mento and one or two other
meets throughout the
country, he will have a
chance to qualify for the
US Junior Olympic Team
going to Russia in the near
future. Any individual or
business wishing to con-
tribute to Stan's travel
expenses should contact
Rudy Milovanovic or Emil
Swift at the high school.
Bus schedule changes
Mount Joy/E-town routes altered
The Red Rose Transit
Authority announces the
following changes subse-
quent to the schedules
which became effective
May 16, 1977:
Route 18, Elizabethtown/
Mount Joy - Effective
Monday, June 6, 1977, a
new schedule for Route 18
will go into effect. This
schedule will include a 6:40
a.m. and a 7:25 a.m. bus
leaving Elizabethtown for
Lancaster; an 8:20 arrival
in Lancaster from Eliza-
bethtown via Stoney Bat-
tery Road and Rohrers-
town, and continued ser-
vice to the Armstrong
facility on Spooky Nook
Road north of Landisville.
The principal reason for
these changes is that buses
on certain trips were un-
able to maintain the sche-
dule. Concern was express-
ed by the public and by the
operators that running
times were insufficient to
meet the demands of the
schedule. Further informa-
tion on these changes can
be obtained by calling the
Authority's office at 397-
4246. New schedules for
Route 18 (Elizabethtown/
Mount Joy) can be obtain-
ed from Route 18 operators
or by calling the Authority.
RRTA reminds the public
that any route and schedule
requests should be put in
.writing and sent to the
Authority at 825 East
Chestnut Street. All re-
quests will be given con-
sideration for changes oc-
curing in September 1977.