k oo fg Rip a ast ho Bie Sa June 1, 1977 Order of Eastern Star ceremonies The Donegal Chapter, Order of Eastern Star, observed its SOth anniver- sary with a banquet at Historic Strasburg Thurs- day night. Honored guests were Mrs. Joyce Cooper, Grand Worthly Matron; Marshall C. Stevens, Jr., Worthly Grand Patron; Mrs. Jane Dick, Past Mat- ron; and six charter mem- bers. Mrs. Margaret Frank of Maytown, P.M., was chair- lady of arrangements and Mrs. Romaine Slavey of Maytown, P.M., was co- chairlady. Appointments to the Grand Chapter were hon- ored. They are: Mrs. Jane McDowell, ACCM; Mrs. Jane Dick, ACCM; and Mrs. Grace Shireman, Grand Chapter Rep. The Donegal Chapter was constituted by Grand Chapter on May 26, 1927 in Odd Fellows Hall, Mariet- ta. Fifty charter members were initiated and Mrs. Ruth Mayer was installed as Worthly Matron. The local Chapter was originated after Ruth May- er and Frances Miller chatted over a cup of coffee one wintry afternoon. Receiving SO year pins at the celebration were: Mrs. Frances Miller; Mrs. Lucy Zuch, Mrs. Mary Miller, ew books New books at the Mount Joy Library are: Adult Non-Fiction: Carn- ahan-The Early American; Society Guide to Central Penna.; Information Please Almanac; Moody-Life After Life; The Mechanic Illustra- ted How-To-Do-It Encyclo- pedia; The Color Handbook of Houseplants; Jorgensen- Riverboat Maintenance; PA Landmarks; Smith-Weath- er: Lore and Legend. Juvenile Non-Fiction: Bendick - Exploring an Ocean Tide Pool. Juvenile Fiction: Ayles- worth-The Search for Life. 7 Day Books: Hentoff- Does Anybody Give a Damn; Burroway-Raw Silk; Cardock-Shadows Over Castle Rising; Caine-The Cold Room; Ferris-High Places; Bredes-Hard Feel- ings; Patterson-The Valhal- la Exchange; Cookson-The Slow Awakening; Ludlum- The Chancellor Manscript; Brody-You Can Fight Can- cer and Win; Hayward- Haywire; Maccoby-The Games Man; Hill-Secrets’ Folly; Kopay-The David Kopay Story; and Jong- How You Can Save Your Own Life. % Mrs. Rhobie Grove, Mrs. Miriam Brenneman, all Past Matrons; and Mrs. Jane Bryans. Mrs. Romaine Slavey served as Mistress of Ceremonies. Decorations and favors were arranged by Mrs. Sylvia E. Hatt, Christine Truett, Mary L. Miller, Margaret C. Hass, Myrtle Hecht, Elaine Miller and Dorothy Sipling. Patricia Adams, P.M. was in charge of gifts, Ruth Felty, P.M., Edith Wright, P.M., and Jane Dick, P.M., compiled the history. Sue Strickland, P.M., sent the invitations. Mrs. Slav- ey, Mrs. Frank, and Bar- bara Stoner organized the program. Reservations were accepted by Dottie Linard, P.M., and seating was arranged by Grace Shireman, P.M. Entertainment was pre- sented by Zimmy Schmidt’s German Band. Grubers celebrate 40th anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Clarence B. Gruber, 23 Frank St., Mount Joy, were entertain- ed at a dinner given in honor of their 40th Wedding Anniversary Sun- day, May 15 at the Historic Strasburg Restaurant by Mr. Gruber’s brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Paris B. Gruber. The Gruber’s were mar- ried May 27, 1937 by the Rev. Oliver Mease of St. Mark’s United Brethren Church. Mr. Gruber is the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. George P. Gruber and Mrs. Gruber is the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Charles Z. Derr. Also present at the din- ner was the couple’s daugh ters and their husbands: Mr. and Mrs. Fredrick Heagy and daughter Cindy; Mr. and Mrs. John Griest, Lancaster; Mr. and Mrs. Ray Eckroth of Elizabeth- town; and Mrs. Violet Foster, Mount Joy. Kohler farewell party at St. Mark’s ° Church Members and friends of St. Mark’s United Metho- dist Church, Mount Joy, are cordially invited to attend a drop-in farewell party in honor of the Rev. W. Richard Kohler and family, on Sunday, June S, to be held in the Fellow- ship Hall of the church between the hours of 2:00 and 6:00 p.m. The Kohler’'s will be assuming their new assign- ment at First United Methodist Church of Palmyra in July. ‘SUSQUEHANNA TIMES - Page 11 Don't Put it Off PutitOn... 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