Susquehanna times. (Marietta, Pa.) 1976-1980, March 09, 1977, Image 16

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Letters to editor
Yea wrestlers, boo newspaper
Dear Editor:
I thought I'd drop you a
few lines to let you know
what 1 thought of the
article in your paper this
week on the wrestling team
and its victory over Lan-
caster Catholic. Your article
and pictures make it look
as though there’s only 8
boys on the team. My
Dear Editor,
We would like to say a
few things to do with last
weeks article on the wrest-
ling match against Lancas-
ter Catholic. First, the
match was won because of
teamwork. The whole sea-
son had great teamwork. If
it took teamwork, then why
were there just 8 wrestlers
opinion is it took that whole
team together to get to be
number 1 this year. Why,
if your're going to write
anything, can’t anyone give
the. credit to all the boys
instead of only the ones
that win? Through the
years all those boys did
their share of winning to be
#1. We should be very
names mentioned and only
pictures of the winning
wrestlers. How do you
think it makes the 4 wrest-
lers whose names were not
mentioned or even pic-
tured feel?
After all the 4 wrestlers
who lost had real tough
matches. If any of them
The editor replies
Don’t blame me; it’s the photographers’ fault
The editor replies:
This is a bit embaras-
sing, but I guess we might
as well tell the truth.
We intended to put
photos of all the men who
wrestled against Lancaster
Catholic in last week’s
paper, but our feckless
photographers blew the
assignment. We had two
Yes, two!] photographers
at the meet, and neither of
them managed to get a
printable picture of Brent
Rick Bromer made his
usual lame excuses. ‘‘l was
so excited aiter Mike Car-
roll put us over the top, I
must have forgotten to turn
on the flash,”’ he whimper-
ed. “And besides, 1 still
haven’t figured out what all
those little numbers on the,
er... what do you call it?
The lens! Yeah, what do
those numbers on the lens
mean, anyway?’’
Our other ace photo-
grapher, Corky Flick, had
an even worse excuse.
“Those cheerleaders were
jumping around so much, I
forgot to look at the
wrestling match,” he said.
‘“‘Besides, | am an artist
with a camera. 1 can
capture beauty on my film
only when I am inspired.
And Rick kept asking me
what the funny little num-
bers on his camera meant.
He destroyed my ability to
concentrate. By the way,
what do those numbers
mean, anyway?’
The layout editor, a
calm, dignified gentleman,
listened to the photo-
graphers’ explanations.
Then, with a thoughtful
smile, he picked up his
scissors, rose from his
chair, and took a couple of
steps in the photographers’
direction. ‘‘You’re fine
young fellows,”” he said,
“but you could both use a
haircut.’ Rick, who is not
very athletic, locked him-
self in the darkroom.
Corky, a former wrestler, is
in good condition and fears
no man. He easily sprinted
to his car and escaped.
The layout editor re-
turned to his desk and
stared glumly at his scis-
sors. He had a problem.
Spread on his desk were
photos of every wrestler
except Brent Hershey. The
layout editor knew that
Brent deserved as much
credit as anybody on the
team. Brent wrestled in the
unlimited weight class this
season- and he only weighs
180 Ibs.. Unlike the other
Rick (right) and Co
rky (left) check out their photographic equipment
proud of all our boys. Lets
get with it and do our
share. How about a new
article. I'm proud of them,
aren’t you?
A very proud Donega:
wrestling fan
P.S. I bet you tear this
letter up instead of doing
something about it.
would have won it would
have been the biggest
upset of the night. They
should get credit for even
having the guts to go out
and face these guys in
front of 1,200 fans. So give
credit to the whole team
and not just part of it.
Concerned wrestling fans
wrestlers, he takes on
opponents who often have
a weight advantage of 50
Ibs. or more.
Brent’s opponent in the
Lancaster Catholic meet
was big enough to break
the springs in an ordinary
bathroom scale. Brent was
in better condition than the
young Goliath who opposed
him, and he seemed to
have the advantage in skill.
Sheer weight won in the
end, however, and Brent
was finally pinned after 4/2
Dear Editor:
I am an avid wrestling
fan of D.H.S. and 1 read
your article in the paper
and saw the pictures. I
liked both of them except
for one large detail. You
did not include any pictures
or even mention anything
at all about those wrestlers
who lost! You made them
feel as though they were
not even a part of the
team. Each wrestler,
whether he wins, loses, or
ties, serves a large and
very important part of the
team. The error you made
upsets me and I sincerely
hope that you will not make
this same mistake again.
A D.H.S. Indianette
Brent was the only In-
dian who was pinned, and
he was the only wrestler
whose photo we didn’t
have. If we left him out, it
would look like a deliberate
insult to a dedicated
The layout editor decided
to avoid that problem by
leaving out all the wrestlers
who lost. ‘‘That way,” he
thought to himself, ‘‘no-
body will get mad at me.”
March 9, 1977
Science fair
Art and craftsmanship too, at DHS
On March 10, 1977, the
Donegal High School will
feature on Open House
starting at 6:30 p.m. Par-
ents and friends of Donegal
students are encouraged to
In addition to the annual
featured Science Fair, all
teachers, counselors, and
administrators will be
available for consultation.
Along with the Science Fair
projects displayed in the
gymnasium, Donegal citi-
zens will be able to view
the work students are
doing in other areas. Art
displays will be exhibited
throughout the lobby area.
Prize winning work will be
identified by competent
judges in a number of
categories. The home econ-
omics department will ex-
hibit the project efforts of
both male and female
students (Students crea-
tions in crafts will also be
displayed in the home
economics suite). In the
business department
rooms, students exhibits of
compositions at the type-
writer, basic letter styles,
special letter styles, and
displays of reprographic
work will be featured.
In room 209 student
projects on the traditional
and medical, as they relate
to Latin, will be on display.
Also in room 209 American
Culture students from
grade nine will have histor-
ical posters for reveiwers.
English displays will fea-
ture students” designed
book jackets and bulletin
board displays. In English
room 207 there will be a
video-tape of students in-
volved in job interview,
student papers dealing with
minorities and prejudice,
projects on stage design,
projects dealing with in-
come tax, and student’s
projects on their heritage.
Math teachers will fea-
ture string art, student
papers, bulletin board dis-
plays, and computer dem-
onstrations. The string art
will appear in the lobby
and unified arts showcases.
The computer demonstra-
tions will be in room 210.
The industrial arts area
will have student demon-
strations and projects in
graphis arts, wood making
projects, and demonstra-
tions in metal shop. A
special display of student
made colonial lanterns will
be displayed.
Marietta Jaycees
selling apple butter
Donald L. Simmons,
President and publicity
chairman, has announced
that on Saturday, March
12, the Marietta Jaycees
will canvas door-to-door to
collect donations for the aid
of mentally retarded
Mrs. Barnhart
hospital aux.
Mrs. Jay Barnhart of
Mount Joy will demon-
strate the bread dough art
at the March meeting of
the Marietta Auxiliary to
the Columbia Hospital on
through the state-wide pro-
ject of Apple Butter Week.
The jar of apple butter in a
reusable mason 18%0z. jar
or apple sauce in a reuse-
able 16%2 oz. jar is your
The project is chaired by
Don Pickle, Jr.
to address
Monday, March 14 at 1:30
p.m., at the home of Mrs.
George Houseal, 243 West
Market Street, Marietta.
The public is invited.
'E. Donegal Boat Club
plans 1st spring meeting
The East Donegal Boat
Club, Inc., will meet March
31, at 2 pm. inthe
Maytown Fire House. Cur-
rent officers are:
John Gohn, President;
John Leas, Vice-President;
Jim Shank, Secretary; Mel-
vin Welcomer, Treasurer;
and Sylvester Shuman, Bud
The photographers reply to the editor
To whom it may concern;
The layout editor has
been making snooty re-
marks about us phote-
graphers all week. Remarks
like; “‘It just goes to show,
you should never hire a
hippie.”” Also, ‘1 know
why Corky quit wrestling.
He couldn’t remember
which way was up, so he
kept pinning himself.”’
We even overheard him
telling Jody Bass, “‘l wish
Bromer would wash his
beard after he eats soup.”’
In response to these
clumsy attempts at char-
acter assasination, we say-
If the layout editor is so
brilliant, what happened to
the caption that was sup-
posed to be under the
picture of the Marietta
Ambulance Crew last
week? Rick took a perfectly
good photo of Steve Bailey,
David A. Charles, Louise
Brown and Rose Derr. The
layout editor forgot to put
their names under the
R. Bromer & C. Flick
Stoppard, and Paul Sperla,
Dues are payable until
April 30. Work detail is
planned for the weekends
of April 30 and May 7.
Mrs. John Miller, Lumb-
er Street, Mount Joy,
phoned in our “‘first robin’
report this week. Four of
them were cavorting in her
Mrs. Miller’s robins have
expensive tastes. She pro-
vided several kinds of
cheese for them, but they
ate only the high-priced
Swiss cheese. The robins
turned up their beaks at
cheaper cheeses, such as
cottage cheese.