January 12, 1977 Scientists predict more floods on Susquehanna The following article ap- peared in Pennsylvania Ge- ology Magazine. IS ANYBOBY LISTENING? Several years prior to the disastrous Alasken earth- quake of 1964 the U.S. Geological Survey publish- ed a report which pointed out that the ground con- ditions of the Anchorage area could result in serious earthquake damage. Des- pite the warning, develop- ment continued; no zoning or building restrictions were imposed. The earth- quake came and disaster resulted. For years, the location and implication of the active San Andreas fault of California has been known and publicized by geolo- gists. Yet even as scientists and the public engaged in speculation as to when the ‘‘big quake’’ will hit Cali- fornia, housing develop- ments, schools, and various other structures are being built astride or in close proximity to the fault zone. Coming closer to home, geologists and hydrologists have been pointing up some of Pennsylvania’s ge- ologic problems. In central and eastern Pennsylvania, ‘to supplement the message of Agnes and Eloise, hy- drologists have issued flood-prone area maps and are stressing the point that so-called 10 year floods can occur even two years apart, or less. The geologists, the hy- dologists, and the other earth scientists have a message. Is anybody listen- ing? Oliver LaGrone’s art on display The Community Gallery, behind the Central Market in Lancaster, will be show- ing the works of Oliver LaGrone from January 13 to January 30. LaGrone will be exhibiting realistic sculptures of black person- ‘ages in wood, bronze, and brass. The Gallery is open to the public from 9 to 4 on Tuesdays and Fridays, and noon to 4 on other days. There is no admission charge. The Community Gallery, which is supported by pri- vate and public funding, presents the best available art in an ongoing series of exhibits. Mrs. Henry Libhart of Marietta, is director of the Gallery. WEIS TENDER v CHEK STEAK SALE! BONELESS ROUND STEAK ru $749 TOPROUND 1%, SRLOINTIP 3199, LITTLE BIRD FOR ELEGANT EATING CORNISH HENS LEAN, TENDER . .. SMOKED PICNICS PRICES EFFECTIVE THRU 1% TO 2 LB. ¢ SIZES FOR q 5 T0518. INDIVIDUAL n SERVINGS LB. \ WEIS FRESHLY GROUND PLUMP MEATY TURKEY GROUND BEEF 89°. IN PKGS. OF 3-1BS. OR MORE 2 WEEK OF OUR ANNUAL... % DOLLAR DAY VALUES! WEIS QUALITY...Fine, Medium or Wide Egg Noodles... 2% ALL FLAVORS. . . ROYAL s:$ elatins SAVE VQ wer resrisrions b Phos 1 DRAGO — SAVE 33¢ $ 15 0x. Tomato Sauce... .4:3°1 PILLSBURY (Buttermilk & Country et S 80:2 1 Biscuits saves... Roo MEAT 3 1500 1 Potato Sticks.........3 51 WEIS QUALITY REGULAR OR THIN G S$ aghetts o veweew 3 259 WEIS QUALITY S$ 1b. Sweet Peas... 4 =°1 WEIS QUALITY... ALL FLAVORS S$ Yogurt 4:°1 WEIS QUALITY...ALL FLAVORS Ice Milk 2c... 89c 95¢ SIZE! HUNTS KETCHUP = 67 Dollar gl SAVE 17¢ ON NUSPRED Solids Margarine LER HA et 25% Fewer % 00 Calories than 1 Lb. DRUMSTICKS GOV'T. INSPECT. EVERYBODY LIKES THE DRUMSTICK! 39°. TENDER STORE-SLICED BEEF LIVER WHITE OR PINK GRAPEFRUIT 8 ~ $700 JUICY FLORIDA | ORANGES AAA FOR A CHANGE FROM POTATOES Fresh Yams... 6 -°1 OFFICIAL INAUGURATION TREAT...ROASTED Peanuts iSAVE 10° 3 One Coupon Per Fomily G a Expires 1-19-77 { ‘SAVE 15 =. ON A 5-LB. BAG OF GOLD MEDAL FLOUR One Coupon Per Family Offer Expires 1-19-77 ON A 1/2 GALLON JUG OF FINAL TOUCH F One Coupon Per Fomily OHer Expires 1-19-77 xx iSAVE 25¢ 39°. 59°. WITH c WITH THIS THIS COUPON : : COUPON a5 M9 GD EE EF on ee BH EG WE S05 5 we Jd 65 EO G0 GER OD EP Gh SD ED TD G0 60 oe omg WITH THIS OD: COUPON $ £ £ ABRIC SOFTENER ! : (WEIS, Mi SUSQUEHANNA TIMES - Page 7 SATURDAY, JAN. 15 840 N. HANOVER ST. | 441 WEST MAIN ST, ELIZABETHTOWN MT. JOY LEY SLICED DUTCH VALLEY SLIC 118. $1 19 Bacon... PKG. 118. 1 09 1 AUTY ... weasel CHOPPED 1/42 Pounders... a rozen 5. MAID SANDWICH QUAKER SA WAFER THIN $298 Steaks... 2.5 BO 100% BEEF $1 19 % FROZEN FOOD SALE! x BORDEAUX...BIG 4:2 LB. BAG French Fries................ 99° SAVE 38¢ ON MORTON'S o S 90:2 Honey Bums... 2:1 EMPIRE STATE FRENCH 4 90:2 1 Green Beans..........4 4 MORTON (Turkey, Beef, Salisbury Steak) oS 2: Pkgs. 1 Chicken Dinners... Bright & Early. 3551 Prot Coa oc 3:51 Tiny Taters............3 51 Ramin Bape We 4:1 § * ON TWO 12-0Z. OR 16-0Z. CANS OF 4 ON AN 18-0Z. BOX OF GENERAL MILLS 0! ! WHEATIES CEREAL 11 WEIS QUALITY ‘ '! 'ORANGE JUICE _ | Mw GO Offer Expires 1-19- 77 a a enon Tr wn "SAVE 30: =. : : ON A PKG. OF 30 ' I KOTEX ; : MAXI PADS i bon or T1977 WD! SAVE 10° = 1 ISAVE 10°} g ON A 9-02 BOX OF ? POST HONEY COMB : ! CEREAL ha orien aD