6, 1976 June 16, 1976 To launch his hang glider Pete Osborne gets a running start at the top of a hill. Sixteen mile per hour air speed is necessary for a take-off. ...flying Osbornes {cont.) Pete Osborne(left) adjusts his flying harness while brother Mark(right) adjusts the hang glider. he scorchers are coming. Let us help you make your home a cool little island. Order Rheem* Central Air Conditioning. Then you'll feel like cooking, getting your work done and sleeping. Rheem Air Conditioning can be added to most heating systems. Ask for Rheem... where you have a choice of systems. Your Rheem Reliable Dealer Home cooling & heating systems R.V.Richards &Sons "Call us to do your work" =" ea Fire Co. meets President Doug Estock brought the monthly meet- ing of Friendship Fire Company to order June 3, at 7:30 p.m. Chief Frank Good report- ed 2 fire calls and 4 public service calls for May. A brush fire was extinguished in Mount Joy on May 1 along the R.R. tracks. May 23 the department stood by at an accident in Rapho Twp. The chief also report- ed the delivery of the Hurst Tool is expected soon. The ambulance commit- tee reported the monitor defibrillator will be ordered this week. In new business the de- partment approved money for the men to attend Lancaster County Fire School this year and ap- proved purchase of the monitor defibrillator by the ambulance committee. The bills were paid and the meeting adjourned at 8:45 p.m. (continue from page 1) The feeling of flight in a hang glider was not what the reporter had expected. It wasn’t fast and scary. It was more like floating, like weighlessness. The glider not only acts like a para- chute—it feels like one. Pete explained that hang-gliding is dangerous only if it is done in the wrong place. ‘‘You want to avoid power lines, barbed wire fences, and rocky cliffs,” he said. Mark Osborne hurt his ankle last month when he landed in a treetop on Chiques Rock. Since the glider settles very gently, the actual landing didn’t do any damage. But Mark fell while trying to climb down from the tree. Pete and Mark are plan- ning to buy better gliders, that will allow them to fly longer and higher. They talked about a man and woman in California, who caught a rising thermal air current and rose to a height of 4,000 feet, then soared 1S miles. Mark pointed to a big bird wheeling in the sky. “Look at that buzzard.” Mark said. Without beating its wings even once, the bird circled so high it dis- appeared. Shorthand awards presented The following students were presented certificates of achievement for passing Gregg shorthand tests. Jacqueline Frey and Vir- ginia Bigler, stenography II students, passed the 100 words per minute test for five minutes. Heidi Doer- rer, Jolene Ellis, Andrea Landis, and Sharon Pennell, stenography 1 students, passed the 80 words per minute test for five min- utes. In order to earn this recognition the students are required to take dicta- tion and transcribe the material with at least 95% accuracy. SUSQUEHANNA TIMES - Page 3 Marietta Boro Council orders drainage study at site of development Marietta Borough Council has ordered a study of surface water drainage at the site of a proposed development at Colebrook Road and Essex Street. The borough engineer will conduct the study. Until the study is com- pleted, developer Robert Estell will be allowed to construct only 32 units of his proposed 48 unit development. Council also: —ordered a study of Front Street and the possibility of a resurfacing project. —allocated $74.70 to the Visiting Nurse Association. —granted a request by the Jaycees that part of East Walnut Street to be closed to traffic during the July 4th celebration. —gave permission to the Donegal Braves to practice at War Memorial Park. —agreed to have an emergency phone installed at Memorial Park. —heard a report from Groff & White, Auditors, for the sewer authorities. 3 |’ a ANY rl RN O [> _e fd * IT’S WATERMELON WEEK * at the Fruit Stand OPENING Plantes Cragts North Bank Street Marietta Plants Hangers Hand Made Things ci A = 9 7 QO Coupon Worth S50¢ on purchase of a watermelon at Herr’s Fruit Stand Delicious Fresh Fruit at Deliciously Low Prices CHERRIES—PLUMS—NECTARINES—PEACHES GRAPES—APRICOTS—STRAWBERRIES Drawing July 4 for Freddy the Teddy Bear. Put your name in now! ~Thurs., Fri., Sat., ONLY Baum’s Sweet Bologna reg 1.9 sHARP CHUNK Cheddar Cheese Be HERRD PHONE: 426-1805 only $1.69 Ib. only $1.59 Ib. Interseedon of 441 & 743 Open 6:30 A.M. - 11 P.M. Daily & Sunday