Susquehanna times. (Marietta, Pa.) 1976-1980, May 05, 1976, Image 1
Vol. 76 No. 18 May 5S, 1976 : "76 Sounds & Spirits in Marietta, Saturday J. Edward Gilmartin samples one of Mrs. William Heisey’s cheese- olive canapes. Guests at ‘Sounds and Spirits of '76 will get plenty of canapes. The benefit will be held May 8 from 3-7 p.m. at 111 Fairview Ave., Marietta. [See story on page 2] and support the school. Wearing their ‘‘Maytown Eagles’’ tee-shirts and sweatshirts, teachers and staff at Maytown Elementary School performed a song and dance routine at an assembly last week. The tee-shirts were sold to raise money for the Maytown Parents and Teachers in Partnership organization. Teachers sang a song urging everyone to buy tee-shirts SUSQUEHANN/ T Susquehanna Times & The Mount Joy Buileti MARIETTA & MOUNT JOY, PA. Joycee-ettes honor Mrs. Ethel Foley Mrs. Ethel Foley has been chosen ‘‘Outstanding Wo- man of the Year’ at the annual Club Women’s Tea held Sunday at Hostetters Banquet Hall sponsored by the Mount Joy Joycee- ettes. In addition to honor- ing Mrs. Foley, all women and their organizations were honored for their service to the community. Approxim- ately 100 women attended the event. Mrs. Foley was presented the award by Mrs. Helen Hamilton, last years re- cipient. Helping to establish the Mount Joy Meals-on- Wheels program, Mrs. Foley was also instrumental .in helping to establish the “Norlance Health Center and is a member of the board. Mrs. Foley has been active in girl scouting for years, first as a troop leader, and now serving as Vice President of the Penn Laurel May Day The month of May has been named Bicentennial Month at W. I. Beahm Junior High School. To be- gin their month of activities, Maytown teachers kick up heels * i Ragph M, Snyder Re De 2 Mount Joy, PA 117 552 TRA ATY ) 4 EN CENTS Mrs. Ethel Foley, the 1976 Woman of the Year, (left) and Mrs. Helen Hamilton, last year’s award winner. Girl Scout Council. She also manages the camping pro- gram for the Mount Joy Girl Scouts and conducts semi- nars on primitive camping. Ethel Foley and her hus- band, Pete. reside at 12 West Donegal Street, Mount Joy. When not serving on various boards, Mrs. Foley can be seen helping in the Mount Joy Library. The Joycee-ettes organiz- ing the tea include Sandy Gingrich and Joanne Nolt, chairwomen; Harriet New, Sharon Funk, Sue Thomas, Nancy Kretzing, Jo Anne Aument, Joanne Fry, Crystal Fackler, and Jo Ann Frymoyer. celebration to be held at Beahm the student council will sponsor the annual May Day Celebration to be held Saturday, May 8, at 7 p.m. The decorations will transform the gym into a bicentennial ballroom. In keeping with the Bi- centennial theme, each of the eight candidates for May Queen and last year's May Queen, Miss Diane Hess have made a colonial dress for this event. Each eighth grade section has elected one girl to compete for May Queen. The May Queen will be elected by the entire student body. The candidates are: Miss Sherri Brackbill, daughter .of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Brackbill. Kelly O’Leary, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John O’Leary. Miss Lori Thomas, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. John Thomas, Jr. [Coninued on page 2] Candidates for May Queen: Front Row,left to right:Sherri Brackbill, Kelly O'Leary, Lori Thomas, and Lori Sagerer. Back row, left to right: Robin Snyder, Connie Frey, Sharon Hershey, and Laurie Kling.