SUS Vol 76 No. 14 April 7, 1976 QUEHANNA Overlander discusses Oliver C. Overlander II, Marietta Borough Council President, was interviewed recently by the Susque- hanna Times. The subject of the inter- view was ‘‘the future of Marietta.”’ SUMMARY Oliver Overlander thinks Marietta has reached a turning point in its history; a point at which taxes should go up to protect the high property values in the town. Photo shows Tracie Reichard (left) helping put finishing touches on gown worn by Odessa Mull (right.) Odessa will be wearing her gown to the Bicentennial Ball. To learn what you should wear, see Margaret Landis’ story on the back page. Susquehanna Times & The Mount Joy Buileti MARIETTA & MOUNT JOY, PA. future of Marietta Oliver also endorses a mild form of historical districting in Marietta. The historic district should include only a few blocks, where all the resi- dents approve of the idea, Oliver thinks. The entire town should not be included in the plan, he feels. Some specific improve- ments Oliver would like to see are a paving job for Front Street, and recrea- tional facilities along the river. Oliver points out that Marietta’s tax base includes only the town itself. The commercial district along route 441, and the big Armstrong plant are outside the borough limits. Oliver doesn’t think that rapid industrial growth can take place within the town because there isn’t room. He also doubts that the town can control growth beyond its boundaries, be- cause it can’t afford to buy land beyend the present town limits. What Oliver hopes to see is a steady upgrading of properties within the town. He also hopes more small businesses and stores will move to Marietta. TAXES If home owners want the kinds of improvements that will keep their property values high, they must be prepared to pay higher taxes, Oliver Overlander says. ““Property owners all want good police protection, good streets, and a well maintained, clean town,” Oliver says. For the borough to pro- vide these services, the tax payers have to pay for it.” Voting that local taxes are deductable from federal taxable income, Oliver says “I'd rather give money directly to the town, and see something directly in re- turn, than have money go to the federal government. Once we send that money to the federal government, we see very little of it.” Marietta last year, in response to a [continued on page 5] MJ Merchants Asso. Spring Sales Bonanza The Mount Joy Mer- chants Association will hold its Spring Sales Bonanza on April 8-9-10. There will be free parking for the Bonanza. Meters will be bagged. Sales Days banners will be displayed on Main Street. Shoppers can plan on finding plenty of bargains from Thursday through Sat- urday this week in Mount Joy. Donegal Township JC’s to hold meeting President Jim Libhart has announced that the East Donegal Township Jaycees are holding a general mem- bership meeting on April 18 at 8 p.m. in the Legion Building. The Bicentennial plates being sold by the Jaycees are still available. Call Jim Libhart (426-3452) for in- formation. lowered taxes. La ony Jer rade! R * 0 ' Joy ° : \ 7952 4 FIFTEEN CENTS Mike Carroll Mike Carroll pres. of VICA Eleven hundred members of VICA (Vocational Indus- trial Clubs of America) sat last week in their red blazers bearing their emblem, wait- ing for the last candidate to present himself to be their president. Tall, husky, Mike Carroll strode on the stage. A dignitary handed him a microphone, but Mike po- litely declined it. ‘‘Can you hear me?’’ he shouted to the audience. “Yes!” came back 100 voices. Mike had their votes right then. Unlike the other candi- dates, he spent only a few seconds of his allowed three minutes describing his qualifications for office. He spent most of that three minutes telling the attentive VICA members what he was going to do for them. And they appreciated that—they voted him in as president. He said he wanted the VICA emblem to be as well known as the Boy Scout emblem. He said he wanted the organization to be so well known that employers would go looking for VICA members. Already he is making plans to publicize the fact that floats will be prominent in future parades. Mikes asked the Susque- hanna Times to print the emblem as part of this story. So here it is: The ellipses in the em- blem stands for technology, the bands represent youth, the gear is for industry and the stars and stripes stand for you know what. Mike a wrestler, football tackle, and Varsity Club member at Donegal High, is also a member of the Holy Name Society of Saint Mary’s Catholic Church in Marietta. As a wrestler, Mike came in second in the Christmas tournament. In the Districts he kept on wrestling in a bout even after his ankle was broken. Mike wants to thanks Mr. Zerphey, head of graphic arts at Mount Joy Vo-tech, for designing his campaign poster. He also wants to thank all his advisors fo: their sup- port, which gave him con- fidence: Mr. See, Mr. Votas, Mrs. Drace, and Mr. Fritz. After graduation, Mike wants to attend college and study political science.