Page 6 - SUSQUEHANNA TIMES Farm Women #8 Farm Women’s Society #8 met in the home of Misses Anna Mae and Ruth Eby, Mount Joy, R #1 on February 21. Mrs. Kathryn Heisey, vice-president, pre- sided over the meeting in the absence of the presi- dent, Mrs. Grace Bixler. Miss Anna Mae Eby led the ladies in singing. Miss Ruth Eby presented the main feature on the program as she gave brief histories of dolls from as early as 1790. Dolls were made of many materials and dressed to represent the inhabitants of the immedi- ate area. Individuals of renown having outstanding collections were mentioned. The Eby sisters showed dolls which they have brought from different places—an Eskimo doll from Alaska, a Gaelic doll from Nova Scotia, a Spanish doll from Mexico, a Chinese doll from Trinidad, a Dutch doll from Holland and Hawaiian and Indian dolls.