1a 15t by dy nd nd is -a v My lW y LL ges 0 ee SRR ICE ' - - January 28, Frank Smith and the Cessna Model 150 New flight training program at local airport A new Cessna Pilot Cen- ter, has opened at the E-Town/Marietta Airport. Licensee for the new Cessna Pilot Center is Smith Aviation. The Cessna Integrated Flight Training System util- ized by Smith Aviation brings flight training down te its simplest form. Devised by Cessna Air- craft Company after several years of study and extensive testing, the system features a programmed learning concept which combines ground schoel and flight training--taught separately by most flight schools--into an integrated curriculum. “The program is set up,” said Smith Aviation Mana- ger Frank Smith, ‘‘sc the student knows in advance exactly what each flight will consist of, its objectives, what he’s expected to know, and what he is to prepare for. It’s very effective.” MARIETTA DOG LICENSE Paul J. Raber, Animal Control Officer of Marietta, has anncunced that 1976 dog licenses must be carried by all dogs in the boro by February 1S. Dog Law #20 states that the license must be attached to a collar or harness and worn by the dog at all times. Licenses are available at Sell’s Barber Shop. Red Barn Located 4 miles West of Eliza- bethtown on Falmouth Rd. CALL 367-2959 SH He noted that more than 96 per cent of all CPC students who have taken the required written exaniina- tiens te qualify for a private pilet’s license have passed on the first attempt. **Test ‘scores,”’ Smith said, ‘‘generally have been in the 80's and 90's.” A score of 70 or better is required tc make the stu- dent eligible te take the flight check te qualify for licensing. Cessna Pilot Education. For people who need to travel. If you were a businessman with a pilot's certificate you'd have a big jump on your highway traveling competition. Pilot Education program that gets you into the air fast. Ground and flight training are integrated in a single, logical sequence for faster, surer learning. We re ready to take you under our wing right now. And help you get your business off the ground Cessna i= PILOT CENTER Discover Flying py Number one in pilot education for some very down-to-earth reasons. Smith Aviation E-town Marietta Airport Marietta, Pa. Phone 653-8787 Mil ra ly 1 ZH Ay 1 i / PRAY 7 Qur Cessna Pilot Center has the The new Cessna Pilot Center utilizes, as its basic training aircraft, the Cessna Medel 150 in which 4S per cent of all flight training in North America is conducted. by Vickie Brown On January 20 the Joycee- ettes held their first meeting of 1976 at the Borough Hall. Mrs. Donna Wetzel was given a gift for opening her house for the Christmas meeting. Mrs. Vickie Brown report- ed that all the current stationery money has been collected and the project finalized. The Joycee-ette DSA nominees were turned over to the Jaycee’s as reperted by Mrs. Sandy Gingrich. Mrs. Sue Themas, Mrs. Jo Anne Aument and Mrs. JoAnne Frymerer reported that the next hoagie sale will be held on the merning of Wednesday, February 18. Mrs. LaVen Harnish, chairman of the Sweetheart King and Queen Contest, reported that the committee is receiving pictures of children and will be putting them in the stores on January 30. March 1S is the date for NOW THRU FEBRUARY Frigidaire Heavy Duty Washer and matching Dryer wCD/DCD 30-36 W. MARKET ST., MARIETTA Washer features heavy duty components and Knits cycle, Dryer offers big 18-1b load capacity. yal, SPECIAL FINANCING AVAILABLE SUSQUEHANNA TIMES = Page 5 Joycee-ettes plan many activities the Fashion Show Card Party. Mrs. Sharon Funk and Mrs. Donna Wetzel are the co-chairmen of this event. Ce-chairman Mrs. Cheryl Hallgren and Mrs. LaVon Harnish reported that the Bicentennial Ball on Feb- ruary 7 is progressing quite well. The Ball will start at 8:00 PM at the Donegal High Scheel Gym. Tickets can be purchased from any Joycee-ette or at the door. On February 14, a few of the Jeycee-ettes and their husbands will be attending a theater party at the Fulton Theater. Chairman for this preject is Mrs. Kathy Bower. Marietta Jaycees are planning great July 4th program for ’76 by Harry E. Reem This year’s committee for the Fourth of July celebra- tion has started planning for the best celebration ever in the 20-year history of the Jaycees. Under the direct chair- manship of Rick Slead, the committee is planning something for all ages. ani Frigidaire Te cap off this year’s celebration will be the largest ever display of fireworks, presented by the Marietta Jaycees in honor of cur country’s 200th birth- day. The tentative dates are July 1, 2 and 3 with semething for the entire family each day. 100% Frost-Proof Aolrigsraionf reezer APPLIANCE-SOUND TEL. 426-3122 OPEN FRIDAY TIL 8P.M. Model FPI-170T SPANGLER 17.0 cu-ft of refrigerated vol- ume in all, in- cludinga4.75 cu-ft freezer compartment. | SPECIAL {FINANCING { AVAILABLE